Chapter 27: The Mating Season

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#27 of The Mating Season 2:

Chapter 27: The Mating Season

A year had finally passed and it was summer again. It was time for the mating season! Kel stood sadly beside the fire in his gloomy hut, reflecting that tonight his son would become an adult, tonight his son would leave him. And not only his son but his daughter as well: though Zalia was only fifteen, she wanted very badly to be the wife of Keeno, and Kel and Aliona, seeing the young lovers' firm resolve, had finally asked the village council if Zalia could have her first mating season early. The council said yes, and so tonight, Zalia would be preparing for her first mating season as well. Kel squatted beside the fire and buried his face in his paws. Both his children -- gone just like that. Zalia would not leave until nine months later when she had her first pup and would then marry the father, but Kilyan was moving into his own hut tonight, a hut Kel himself had built for his son as tradition decreed.

Kel stared into the flames, knowing that Aliona was in the other room helping their daughter get ready, talking to her, brushing her mane, and that Kilyan was probably in his room getting ready as well. Tonight, after his first mating season, Kilyan would come back, pack all his possessions, and move into his new hut. Kel bowed his head just at the thought. His children gone -- gone out into the world where his loving arms could no longer shield them. The thought terrified him, but he swallowed his feelings. He had to let to go. He knew this day had been coming . . . just as every father knows.

Kel stood when he heard his family enter the room. Aliona came in with Zalia wrapped in her arm, and Kilyan went in deep thought toward the fire, where he stood with his back to everyone. Kel smiled to see his Zalia so pretty, her black mane silky and shining with perfumed oils. And she was so happy. She beamed at her father and came to him. Kel embraced her tightly. Zalia laughed.

"Oh, Dad, I'm coming right back!" Zalia cried, when her father pulled back and gave her a trembling kiss on the forehead. "You act as if I'm already married to Keeno!"

Kel smiled to see his daughter's slanted sapphire eyes smiling up at him. He smoothed her glossy mane back over her shoulder. "Why couldn't you just stay my little pup? I wouldn't be half as terrified if you had."

"Oh, Dad!" Zalia laughed at her father's emotional green eyes, bounced up on tip-toe, and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh!" she cried at the sound of drums pounding outside. "They're calling the females to gather!" She grinned, kissed her mother as well, and hurried from the hut with her black tail swishing behind her.

Kel and Aliona looked at Kilyan, who was standing awkwardly beside the fire, his back to them. He was seventeen now and much taller than the year before, more toned and muscular from his dedication to his warrior training, but the green eyes that were so like his father's were still as gentle, still as sweet. His long black mane was thick and wild behind his shoulders, and his tail smoothed low over his muscular buttocks. They saw him sigh and shift from foot to foot nervously, bending his bulging arms to rub his paws idly together. The green eyes were troubled. Kel and Aliona exchanged glances, then Kel went to Kilyan's side, reflecting with a rush of pride that young Kilyan was now as tall as his father, if not taller.

"You have everything you need over at your new hut," Kel said, not really knowing what he was saying. He really just wanted to pull Kilyan into his arms but checked himself.

Kilyan looked up at his father from under a sweep of black mane and nodded. "Yes, Father," he said respectfully.

Kel smiled. His Kilyan had grown so big and strong. He felt a rush of pride. Kilyan no longer needed his father, but Kel realized for the first time how much he needed his son.

"And your mother has a basket of food to send you on your way with when you return," Kel said.

"Yes, Father," repeated Kilyan. He kept gazing at the fire, kept rubbing his paws anxiously, and Kel knew what he was feeling: he had been just as terrified seventeen years ago of not being able to claim Aliona.

Kel clapped a paw on Kilyan's shoulder and Kilyan looked up at him again, the green eyes inquisitive.

"You will do just fine, my son," Kel said, and he would have let go, but he broke down and pulled Kilyan into his arms.

Kilyan was startled at first: he had grown too big for his father's hugs several years ago. But he hugged his father back, and he could not help but smile when his father whispered to him, "My Kilyan."

The father and son broke apart when the second drums sounded, and Kilyan knew they were calling the males. He went to his mother and kissed and hugged her, then went to the curtain. Kel put his arm around Aliona as they watched their son pull back the curtain. He looked back and smiled at them, then disappeared into the night.

Kel went to the door and peered forlornly out when Kilyan had gone. After a moment of smiling sadly at the throng of young males crowding down the street, he felt his wife's paw rubbing his shoulder. Kel looked around. Aliona was smiling at him with her bright sapphire eyes.

"Come," she whispered, "let's have our own mating season."

Kel watched, growing very still as Aliona dropped her shawl from her breasts and backed several feet away. Standing in the firelight, Aliona turned on the spot, swinging her hips and her tail, tossing her mane, thrusting out her breasts and smiling at the quiet hunger building in her husband's eyes. Kel fairly pounced on her. She laughed and squirmed to feel his kisses in her neck, to feel his frantic paws clutching her breasts and buttocks, and then he had lifted her clear off her feet and dashed behind the curtain with her.

In the gloom of their bedroom, they touched each other in a frenzy, groaning and moaning as they kissed, gasping and whispering to each other of love. Aliona knelt on her paws and knees and spread her legs wide, smiling back over her shoulder at her husband. Kel entered her at once, hunching over her, driving himself wildly inside, and loving when her head fell back, loving when she started gasping shrilly: "Ah - ah - ah - ah - ah!"

Kel drove himself deeply, biting her neck, working himself deeper inside of Aliona's gushing walls with all the vigor of a male half his age, and Aliona could barely hold herself up the wilder her husband's thrusts became. Then Kel fingered Aliona as he slammed himself deeper inside. He reached around and stroked with quick skill at the little swelling knot of pleasure between her thighs, a knot that was pulsing and bulging against her husband's pumping organ. His other paw cupped her breast, squeezing it tightly as he hunched over her, panting in her ear, groaning his satisfaction when her pussy walls squeezed tight around him, gushing out her juices yet again and admitting him deeper. Then Aliona screamed and Kel felt her juices wash over him again. He released inside of her with a moaning cry, and they collapsed together, happily spent.

"I've wanted to do that to you all day," Kel confessed breathlessly. "With all these horny teenagers running around, going on and on about sex, sex, sex . . ."

Aliona laughed and snuggled against her husband. Kel put his arm around her and kissed her head.

"And now our pups are grown up," Kel whispered sadly. "They're leaving us . . ."

"Oh, Kel! You knew one day they would have to grow up! And Zalia's coming back tonight. She'll be living with us for a while yet."

They snuggled closer, and Kel buried his nose in Aliona's mane and whispered, "I wish we could have another."

Aliona laughed again. "Only if you carry it!"

"I would if I could," Kel answered, smoothing his paw over the curve of her buttocks. He smoothed it all the way down her tail, then lifted her leg by the back of the thigh and placed it over his own. He liked the feel of her hot sex when her legs were open against him, liked the heat that radiated from it.

Aliona gave a small, content sigh when her husband kept running his paw down her back, over her buttocks, and then to that hot nest between her thighs.

"I wonder what it would look like, our third pup," Aliona said. "Maybe we'd finally have one that looked like me!"

Kel laughed. "Oh, Aliona! At least Zalia has your eyes -- your big, beautiful, blue eyes. I was never so happy when she first opened them and looked at me."

"I guess it's a blessing they both look so much like you. We might not have been allowed to marry if Kilyan came out looking like Yzlo."

"If Kilyan came out looking like Yzlo, I'd probably be one best friend short," Kel returned, laughter in his voice. "No, Yzlo and Loryn knew that I wanted you at the mating season. They weren't supposed to come inside of you. They knew that."

"Why didn't you ever approach me, Kel? Before the mating season?"

"I had a very strict father. I was so frightened of ever displeasing him. But don't worry: I stalked you plenty enough. You just didn't know it."

Aliona grinned. "But you did approach me once. It was that time at the well when you were getting my scent so you could find me at the mating season. I had never been so close to a young male. I was frightened at first. But you were so big and strong -- you were beautiful. I couldn't stop thinking about you. I remembered you even before you asked. How could I forget you? And when you came after me out in the forest, you were so big, so fierce looking -- but then you looked at me with those gentle green eyes --"

"But then I looked at you with my gentle green eyes, and I knew you were the female I wanted to spend my life with."

Kel took Aliona's paw and kissed it. They smiled at each other, warmly and contently.

Aliona pressed her forehead to Kel's and whispered, "Quick! Let's have another mating season before they come back!"

She laughed when Kel rolled on top of her with a mock growl, and her moans of ecstasy filled the hut.


Next: The Mating Season 3: Wolves Still Run Wild