Dark Heart Chapter Three

Story by Ishymata on SoFurry

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Oof... how long has it been? Three months!? Jesus... Well what can I do? It's not like I have the will to write all the time. I sure wish I did, trust me, but sometimes things go to shit and I don't wanna do anything. Well here it is at last... The third goddamned chapter. Also felt the need to point out that I'm writing this while sick so I feel like shit. Woo...The next week of spanned time was... nothing to get excited about. Go to work, get yelled at by boss for something someone else did, go home, feed Pokemon, pass out on couch, rinse and repeat. And to think he thought he was going to get somewhere with art. Yeah right. Maybe when the Glameow sized hole in his bathroom wall began to fix itself automatically. As much as Jonathon despised that cat-like creature he had to admit she had forcefully clawed her way into his heart. The good part was that he had gotten paid again and it was the weekend. Time to spend some time with his new feline pal. Atop his dresser was where she had laid her head, sleeping and purring softly as if she was getting belly pets with a full stomach. He stroked her head and rubbed over her ears, causing her to wake from her deep slumber, she didn't seem to happy about it either. The first resistance she threw at him was rapidly batting his face with sheathed paws, causing the poor man to gasp in shock and fall over onto his rear. The second resistance was a small and harmless jolt of electricity! Wasn't Glameow a normal type? Electricity was odd... The third and final bout of resistance came when she jumped on him and lied on his head. Every time he went to go pick her up she'd meow in protest and tighten up into a ball. "Aww cummmon. You ghhtta get uppth."Jonathon struggled to speak from under the large ball of fluff on his face. She was gonna kill him if he let this continue so he quickly shot up, grabbed her and hugged her to his chest. He had her now! She struggled and mewled fearfully and looked up at his smiling face. This human had one-upped her!? Impossible!"Gotcha, you little shit. Come on... We need to go for a walk or something. It's the weekend so I'm here for two days before I need to go back to work. Let's spend it getting to know one another, eh? I think that's a good idea. We really need to know everything about each other to bond a little better."The Glameow didn't seem at all enthusiastic with the idea but she figured she had no choice. Who knows? Maybe she'd get treats or something? She could certainly milk some treats from this doofus. She nodded slowly and clawed her way up onto his shoulder, meowing to him in a commanding way as if to say "Forward, human transportation machine!"At the meow, Jonathon sprang up with a grunt, walking out the door with the heavy cat Pokemon perched on his shoulder like a hungry vulture, scouting out prey and keeping her human moving with a poke of her claws. That shit hurt but at least

she was outside and getting fresh air. He became aware that this was the first time in forever that she had been out, the last being when she was still dirty and grimy. Dirt and grime must be why she's on his shoulder.After a bit of time passed he found himself standing in a slightly clean looking park. Trash sat on the ground here and there but there wasn't much anyone could do seeing as the more people picked it up the more trash was there the next day. Pokemon darted from tree to tree , bush to bush as they played with random Pokemon or their siblings old and young. The skies were gray with smoke but this park seemed to be in a bubble of time, the inhabitants unaware of the pollution and corruption in the air, allowed to roam and putz about carefree. "Isn't this great, Glameow? This place is so pretty and carefree all the time, even with whatever's going on outside the park. I come here to think an- Huhh?" She was gone. Just gone. Wherever she had gone he didn't know but somehow he hadn't noticed the absence of her weight on his shoulder. He began to look around for her, calling her name. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Yes this bullshit again)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 The human was nice and all but he was really damned boring sometimes. Glameow had jumped from his shoulder to dart into the nearest bush to go do some exploring. The Pokemon in the area were nice enough, some giving her smiles and even waves of hospitality as they offered her somewhere to rest but she declined with a polite and respectful meow. She couldn't afford to waste any of her exploring time if she wanted her human to eventually find her instead of leaving her here.Her nose poked into the hole of a tree as her nose picked up a distinct scent. There were berries in this tree somewhere and she wanted them. Soon she was nothing more than a curly tail sticking from the hole of the tree as she reached up the trunk to try and grab one of the sweet smelling fruits. She had finally stabbed her claws into a fruit when she felt a tug on her ass. Something was pulling her tail!The tail pulling turned from curious and soft to aggressive and hard as the thing pulled her tumbling form from the trunk, the Glameow sprawled out on the ground from the shock of impact. She glanced back to see nothing more than a human child. The girl couldn't be more than eight years old by the looks of it and was dressed in a tiny purple dress that covered her from her shoulders to just below her knees. A tiny plastic crown rest atop her head. "Kitty!"Oh gods... no. She didn't like that... Glameow's paws seemed to reach up just to cover her ears at that awful nickname. Some Glameow's liked to be called kitty but this one certainly didn't. It was so demeaning. The girl in the dress scooped Glameow up and began to cradle her, petting her in a surprisingly nice way. Most children pet against the grain of fur but this girl seemed to know

what she was doing so she allowed it to continue, purring softly as she scratched behind her ears.

 After a bit of petting the girl set her down and got down on her knees, hands on the ground. "Wow... you're so nice! Could I... have you as my own Pokemon?" She asked, plying out one of those terrifying orbs of steel. She actually didn't throw it at her, merely putting the ball down in front of Glameow and watching as the cat Pokemon scooted away and shook her head. She had a human and while he wasn't as good at petting her as the little girl he was still useful and in a way she kinda maybe cared for him? Meh, sure. The little girl looked disappointed but she picked the ball up and pocketed it."That's okay! I can find another Pokemon. You probably have someone who cares a whole lot about you, too. My mommy does that too. I guess in a way I'm like a Pokemon for my mommy, huh?" She asked.What an odd way to look at things. The little girl made a damned good point. In a way a parent did care for their children like a Pokemon... minus the beating them against each other but they did get into conflicts, she'd heard. Something called a war? But parents cared for their children, feeding them, taking them somewhere when they get wounded or sick. It was a pretty good analogy coming from a little girl. Glameow nodded softly and the two of them suddenly heard two separate voices. "Sophie!""Glameow!"The two humans came bursting through the foliage at the same time, one being Jonathon and the other being what Glameow could assume was the little girl, Sophie's mother. The mother was tall and slim with small chest lumps and weak looking arms. She could be seen as desirable by human males... at least Glameow thought so. Must be why she has a little one, obviously. Glameow watched as the two bigger humans stopped at looked at each other for a second, then back down at the two of them.

 Glameow tuned them out, preferring to talk to the child whilst the grown humans conversed. The little girl spent her time laughing and petting the Glameow as her mommy talked to the big man.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(These aren't just for time passages, you know?) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jonathon had finally found her! Damned cat had scared the shit out of him, making him thing she'd been eaten or killed by something only for her to be sitting near a small child. He was actually worried for the child until he saw the kid talking and petting Glameow. Who knew she could be slightly decent?Apparently the child's mother had come for her too, the two of them exchanging a look and a nervous wave before looking back down at their respective "children". "Er... hi. The name's Jonathon. I just came to pick up my Pokemon. Heh.""Oh? My name's Cathy. My daughter was by my side one minute and gone the next. I swear, kids are so energetic nowadays... Sophie, honey. It's time to go home. We don't want to miss

lunch."Jonathon saw both Sophie and his Pokemon glance up at them, Sophie going to her mother's side and Glameow clawing her way up his back once more. Before they left Sophie walked to Jonathon and poked his leg shyly."Erm... mister? Can I come and visit your Pokemon sometime? I had a lot of fun today and I wanna have fun again. Please, mister?"Jonathon looked from Glameow to Sophie's mother, waiting for an answer from the both of them. If Glameow had fun he didn't mind the two of them coming for a bit every once in a while. Glameow gave a slow nod and a mew of approval while Sophie pulled out her phone, asking for Jonathon's number, giving him hers in exchange. "Okay, Jonathon. It was a pleasure to meet you and your Glameow. My daughter just loves cute things and she loves feline Pokemon the most it seems. Your Glameow is also just the cutest thing next to my daughter." Cathy giggled and extended a hand to pet the cat, cooing as Glameow purred under her touch. "Alright. This Thursday should be alright for us so meet us in the park, okay?"Jonathon nodded to the attractive woman and said that thursday around six-thirty would be perfect seeing as that was about when his shift ended. They both parted ways afterward, Glameow turning back to watch the girl and her mother as they went on. It was kinda nice to see Glameow taking a liking to someone who didn't give her things. It was even cuter that this someone happened to be a little girl who loved kittens and cute things. "Did you have fun, Glameow? Was this a good idea or what?"To his surprise the Glameow on his shoulder nodded and meowed in appreciation, giving him a nuzzle and a small lick on the cheek. He was going to tease her but he figure that it would ruin that exact moment so he just pet her head and walked the path back to his home, laughing happily. He had a meeting with this woman on Thursday with Glameow in tow. This was going to be the highlight of his week."Alright Glameow. We need to eat lunch ourselves. C'mon. You don't have to go outside for a while if you don't want. You've earned it."At this his Glameow meowed in triumph, purring at the promise of not having to move for hours on end. Who needed to move anyway? Moving was for squares...Ha, ha, ha. That chapter was adorable in the purest sense. Oh! And for the two or three people who are like "... where the fuck is the sex!?" gimme a sec. It'll be coming up either next chapter or the one after that so no worries. I've also come up with a few strange and hilarious ideas for the future so look out for those, too. Until next time, my friends!

Dark heart (The better remake) part 2

Waking up was never a thing Jonathon wanted to do. Waking up meant he had to move and when he had to move he had to go to work, when work was involved stupid people crashed into his life like a wave and wherever there were stupid people there was...

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Dark Heart (The Better Remake)

Dark HeartAnother shitty day at work. Geez, you'd think I'd be able to get a better job than a burger flipper. I have a degree in art, dammit! Why am I not making masterpieces!? Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. I'm a terrible artist. I can't even do anything...

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