Ch3 Inmate

Story by Zarvaun on SoFurry

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Koyu stepped past the sleeping lupine and headed outside, being met with one of his favorite smells, the salty ocean air. He padded down the wooden steps and made his way over the sand to a small set of wooden chairs surrounding a table. Figuring he'd just wait here for awhile, and even take a short nap, he'd fallen into one of the chairs, and not soon after dozed off.A few hours passed before he'd awoken, his eyes still closed. He'd felt as though something was off, but it didn't really matter to him right now. He'd eventually have to go check on the wolf, but he supposed that could wait. Just as he'd thought that, the husky felt a rough shove on his shoulder, with an even rougher voice following shortly after."Wake up, mutt." A large rottweiler said above him. Koyu opened his eyes fully now, seeing a rather well-built canine standing over him in a black tuxedo, a shorter, thinner fox beside him in the same attire. "Hm.. They look official." Koyu thought to himself before the canine continued."We've recently had a jail break nearby, and we're asking the area if anyone's seen the suspect. Obviously, any information would be very helpful, and will be met with a reward." The Rottweiler said. Koyu attempted to shrug as best he could."Haven't seen anyone suspisious around here. Besides, you really think anyone from the local jailhouse would get this far already?" Koyu muttered before sighing, as he relaxed back into his chair. "Tell you what, you can tell me what he looks like, and I'll keep my eyes open, deal?""Never said he escaped from the local prison... Just that he escaped, and frankly, thats all you need to know, pup." The fox spoke up, almost spitting out the words. "The suspect's a jet black lupine. If you see him, or hear any information, be sure to report it. Or else.""Yeah, whatever." Koyu said under his breath as the two officials took their leave. "Hmm... That can't be good. I'd better go check on my little convict friend." He thought. "Normally, harboring a fugative from the law wouldn't be something I would do, but something didn't feel good about those guys in suits. Besides, that wolf coulden't even remember his own name. Doesn't seem right to turn him in."Koyu got up from the chair, and padded back up the wooden steps, just barely grabbing the handle of the door to his cabin before a voice was heard off to his right."Hey there, neighbor!" Koyu's temporary neighbor, a bear, unnecessarily yelled at him. The condo had a wall blocking the two decks, but the bear had apparently found something to stand on, so he could speak over the wall. "Those government guys giving you a hard time, eh?""Uhh... I guess." Koyu responded, wondering what had suddenly encouraged the bear striking up conversation. He tried to twist the doorknob in an attempt to get away from the awkwardness, only to find it was locked. "Damn it... The door's locked." Koyu said

softly, realizing he haden't grabbed his key before he left, but apparently it wasen't soft enough for the bear to not hear him."Uhoh, thats not good." The bear said before continuing, "Tell you what, I'll let you in on alittle secret. You know, sand and saltwater builds up in those old doorknobs and makes them, well... Useless. Here, you can use my key. I bet it works." He said, tossing his own condo key over the wall to the husky."Thanks, I guess?" Koyu said as he slid the key into the opening, and turned it, having to put in a bit more force than normal. As the lock opened, Koyu tossed the key back to the bear. "Hmm.. so much for security. Wait, why was this locked in the first place? Sure, I didn't grab the key, but I definently didn't lock the door." The husky thought to himself before opening the door."Oh," The bear said, grabbing Koyu's attention once more. "And don't worry, I didn't tell those guys about your little friend in there. You two have fun together.""Uhh.. Thanks.. Wait what!? No, we're not-" Koyu attempted before being cut off."Uh huh, suuure." The bear said, disapeering back behind the wall. Koyu figured it would just be better to not say anything at this point, but he didn't like what that guy was implying. The husky padded inside the condo, and immidiatley looked to the couch, which the lupine wasen't on anymore. Searching the house a bit, he padded to the bathroom area, and noticed that door was also closed and locked. He put his ear to the door, and heard a soft sobbing noise. It had to be the wolf, he figured."Hey, are you okay?" Koyu called through the door, trying to figure out what was wrong. Had he remembered something?"Leave me-" The wolf said back, through his sobbing. "I.. I don't want to hurt anyone. Not anymore, please!""Hey, look. You don't have to hurt anyone, and no ones gonna hurt you here. If you'd just open the door-" Koyu said, trying to reassure the wolf."No- you don't understand! I can't help it." The wolf answered back before choking on his own tears again. "I won't open it, don't make me- Leave!" He cried.Koyu huffed. There was a renter's penalty for damages done to the condo, but he needed to talk to the wolf face to face. He backed up to the wall behind him, and put his full force into kicking down the door, which, in hindsight wasen't the best idea, because instead of popping the lock, the whole door fell down off its hinges. Koyu tried to grab it, to keep it from falling on the wolf, but he was too late. Just as the door was about to hit the wolf, however, the entire door was instantly covered in some sort of shadowy residue, and disapeered completley. Koyu could do nothing but utter a "Woah" under his breath."I.. I told you to leave." The wolf said, looking up at koyu with bloodshot eyes. Koyu walked into the small room, and calmly sat next to the wolf, as a moment of silence passed between them both.

Vol2 Ch4 Capture

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Zarvaun made his way back to the beach, hoping he'd done right by the fox, allowing him to go back to his mother. He figured he wouldn't be seeing him again. This was obviously some sort of scientific experiment gone horribly wrong, and besides,...


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Koyu sighed. The display of power the wolf showed was definitely not normal, but it didn't scare him. If anything, it just peaked his interest."Start at the beginning, tell me everything." The husky said passively. The wolf took a moment to collect...

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