Vol2 Ch2 Distraction

Story by Zarvaun on SoFurry

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Zarvaun made his way back to the beach, hoping he'd done right by the fox, allowing him to go back to his mother. He figured he wouldn't be seeing him again. This was obviously some sort of scientific experiment gone horribly wrong, and besides, whoever was behind this all had his goons looking for a black wolf, and that surely wouldn't be a problem for Jade anymore. It never occurred to him quite how much trouble the fox was in.The sergal remembered back to his encounter with the two men in suits. The red fox was something to worry about, as he seemed more intelligent on the whole thing, so Zar would have to find some way of distracting him. "If I could speak to the rottweiler, maybe I can get some answers without raising too much suspicion." He thought to himself, looking around for the duo, with no luck. "They can't have gone far, its only been like half an hour."He figured he'd have to ask around, and see if anyone knew where they went. Zar walked over to a female otter, who was laying peacefully on a beach towel, with some form of magazine over her face."Excuse me, miss?" Zar said, crouching down to her level, as she took a paw to the magazine, and snapped it off with a bit of anger."Jeez, can't a girl get some peace and quiet today? Geez, I swear its like every ten-" She continued rambling before looking up at the sergal finally, going quiet rather quickly. "Oh, hello." She said finally, obviously expecting someone less qualified for her time. Zar smiled at her sudden pause, apparently the transformation hadn't weakened his first impressions."I was just wondering if you'd seen some guys in suits come through here, actually. Didn't mean to bother you." Zar said, as pathetically as possible. One thing the sergal still had going for him, was his personality. It was rather easy to manipulate people, especially if they found you even the slightest bit attractive."Oh, no, don't worry about it, I was just..." She tried to say, fumbling over her words. "Yeah, they were talking to everyone, asking about some wolf. I think they headed off towards the docks, but I really wasn't paying attention. You know, trying to soak up the sun." She added, obviously distracted."Thanks, a lot." Zar said finally, getting up, and walking away, towards the docks."Hey, you know, if you ever wanna go for a swim or something, I'll be here!" The otter yelled back at him. Zar couldn't help but giggle a little, before yelling back."Yeah, I'll keep that in mind!"A few minutes of walking later, he'd reached the docks. It'd been very few times he came down the beach this far. It was full of novelty shops, kiddie rides, and the like, and of people, none of which Zar found terribly interesting. He'd approached the nearest

person, who happened to be a brown fox, and asked again about the men in suits."Ugh. Don't even get me started on those two." The fox responded. "Walking around like they own the place or something. Look, If you really want to seek those jerks out, they're over in that shop right there." He said, pointing at one of the novelty shops, labeled as "Seaside Hares".As Zar walked in, he saw the two apparent shop owners being verbally molested by the fox, as the rottweiler was just leaning up against the wall, waiting to leave. The whole ordeal reminded him of a  mother and her child that had just gotten ripped off on a purchase. Zar made his way back out of the store, to the fox he'd talked to earlier."Hey bud. Tell you what, I'll give you twenty bucks to distract the red fox, for me." He said, handing the bill to the fox."Sheesh, dude. I'd of done it for free." the fox responded, taking the money. The fox quickly ran to the shop and yelled as loudly as he could. "Hey man, that black wolf you were looking for just ran towards town, you'd better hurry if you wanna get him!" At the sound of this, the suited fox cursed and yelled at the rottweiler to stay and watch the rabbit store owners, he noted as being possible suspects.Figuring this would be a good chance to get some answers, he casually strolled into the shop, and went strait to the counter, were the rabbit brothers were speaking lightly to each other, after what had happened."You guys might not wanna be here by the time he gets back." Zar whispered to them both, silently enough for the rottweiler not to overhear. "I've got the guard dog over there." He continued, heading over to a rack of fridge magnets, passing directly in front of the rottweiler, whose eyes were now clearly trained on him."Hey, buddy. This is a restricted area, find your souvenirs elsewhere." The rottweiler said, obviously trying to sound intimidating. Zar spun around, playing with a magnet in his paws."Actually, I didn't come in here for a souvenir. I was more curious about that wolf everyone's talking about." the sergal said, looking up at the rottweiler, just barely seeing the two rabbits slip out a back door.

Vol2 Ch1 Reunion

Jade ran as fast as he possibly could. He wasn't sure what he'd find when he got home. Would his mother even remember? Did she even know he was gone? The fox quickly dismissed these thoughts. "Have to keep going. Have to see her again!" he thought,...



Gone is the daylight, that never should stay,Gone is the path, that once showed us the way.Delivered unto us, has thy burden been,And still we obey, thy consious within.Gone now, is the evil, that plauges us with dread,But with thy remorse, shall...


Ch8 Omega

"I.." Jade started, "..don't remember anything like that happening to me. The transformation was nearly instant, then came the anger... Hatred. Thrown off the ship in a fiery blast, and woke up here. Never any confrontation with.. A head you said?"The...

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