Furside - Chapter 10, Internet Infamy

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#10 of Furside

Internet Infamy

The mall was her favorite place to be honestly, and it wasn't just because she liked shopping it was because she could see so many different types of people from all walks of life all gathered in one place for one reason. That reason was spending money for most, but for her just getting coffee and a book and watching everyone pass her by. Occasionally she'd lift her head to inspect the unfolding drama between a boy who was walking with one girl when his supposed girlfriend saw him. Other times it was someone who had run into another person and not said sorry. Rarely she'd catch a glimpse of someone running from mall security.

Shaking her head at the antics and stage shows that were free entertainment she sipped her latte and bent herself back into her book. She was a short girl, barely standing over five feet tall with long dirty blonde hair that had a natural bounce and spring to it. Her most unusual feature were the black vertical stripes that streaked through her hair. She usually just let it go free as it hung about her neck in long spirals. She had dark eyes; they were a really deep green color so dark that she often looked as if her pupils were dilated. She was seventeen but she had a young-looking body with smallish breasts and a slight figure. She didn't tan; it was bad for her skin so she had a slightly pale complexion. Her selection of clothes was modest to say the least consisting of jean shorts with frayed edges and an orange t-shirt. Her trip to the mall today had a purpose, to spend her birthday money. She'd hit eighteen at midnight tonight.

Honestly Jamie didn't feel any different, she was still the same person just one year older and she could legally smoke now. Not like she would though her looks were more important to her than that. Her mother had been a smoker and a drinker, that's how she had been conceived. She'd slept with some random fur and gotten pregnant. She was fairly certain that her father had a tiger's stripes from the odd coloring of her hair. It was almost time for her to show up at home so her mother could yell and scream and make insinuations about her daughter being a slut.

It was funny how displacement worked, Jamie was still a virgin. She'd never been penetrated before and as far as she cared it would be a while before she experienced that part of sex anyway. Jamie knew that if her mother found out she'd never live it down. She'd had a girlfriend before but she had never gone any further than kissing or heavy petting. Her frustrated partner had left her after a year of what she considered celibacy. She got her kicks posting pictures of herself online; her favorite message board was an anonymous image repository. She'd been posting pictures of herself in lewd ways for a few years now; she had a large following that eagerly awaited her next picture. Jamie had exposed and photographed herself in every possible way on that board. Again, she thought it was funny how things like that worked when she was reluctant to wear a bikini or take her shirt off in the girls locker room when other girls were around.

Something about internet anonymity was appealing and not just to her several people did it online as well. There were countless girls sexting pictures of themselves to their boyfriends and posting things on the internet. The problem with sending things to people you know was that if you broke up with them they'd spread everything they have on you all over the place to get back at you. She had nude and worse pictures of several girls and guys in her school as a result. The message boards were different, the chances of someone you know finding the pictures were slim and on top of that she didn't care what happened anyway, she was graduating and getting out in a short time.

It wasn't like she was that popular anyway, she was part of the outcast crowd and they protected their own usually so she felt safe enough to go about her business most days. After gathering up her book and disposing of the coffee ground sludge that was at the bottom of her refillable cup she packed it all into her backpack and blew a kiss to the kid behind the counter, he was her best friend if she had any friends. She found him moderately cute but she didn't really go for furs usually. He had the look of a grey and black furred feline and he had a little bit of weight on him. He wasn't unpleasant to look at since he had lost most of his weight. She'd helped him stick with a diet of salads and other healthy things that he despised. Jamie giggled as he pretended to catch the kiss and hold it across his heart.

Almost as an afterthought he looked around the store before rubbing the fake kiss across his crotch and making a face with his tongue hanging out. Afterward he pushed his glasses up his nose and grinned wickedly. Blushing she rushed toward the door of the store and smiled at him, he knew how to make her laugh above all else because he understood her sense of humor. Josh knew more about her than anyone else on the earth, even her own mother.

As she stepped into the walkway leaving the bookstore she caught sight of a tall boy eyeing her while leaning against the door. He smiled broadly and looked her up and down. "You look so different with your clothes on."

"I don't know what you mean. Move." She ordered, walking toward him. When he barred her way and went as far as to grab her shoulder she pulled herself away from him and backed up. "Don't put your hands on me."

"Aw come on, I've already seen you naked. I didn't think it was you at first but your hair gave it away. You're a half-breed aren't you?" The tall male hyena had dark red fur with black spots, he was big but he wasn't built like a football player thankfully for her but he was definitely bigger than she was. His perpetual grin was disturbing.

"You've got the wrong person, seriously." She shook her head and attempted to get past him again but he grabbed her boob and squeezed a little. In response she tried to kick him in the balls but he caught it by deflecting her away with his knee.

"You're a feisty one. Come with me baby, we can have a good time. If you do what I say I won't spread the pictures around. Just one blowjob that's all I want." He smiled broadly, showing a row of gleaming teeth that told her she'd never be rid of this guy if she let him have his way even once.

"Everything alright Jamie?" Josh inquired as he stepped around the corner, eyeballing the larger man.

"We're fine four-eyes." He replied before Jamie could say anything.

Josh shook his head and smiled up, because the other male was taller than him. "Terrance I think we should let the lady decide that."

"Really? What you are you gonna do about it?"


Smiling triumphantly Terrance put his hand on Jamie's shoulder much to her discomfort. "That's what I thought."

"However." Josh said before Terrance could drag her off anywhere, pointing behind Terrance he shrugged. "They'll definitely do something about it."

Jamie turned around to find two of her fellow outcasts standing behind them. They were the football player sized guys with just enough brain power to get them through high school. Dave and Darin were nice guys but they weren't the brightest crayons. They were the dull colors that had been discarded and left in the sun too long. When she noted that Terrance was backing down she breathed sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, we'll talk. If we don't then your secret's out." Terrance replied angrily as he stalked out of the bookstore pushing between the two men.

She let out an audible breath and put a hand over her eyes, leaning against one of the displays in the hallway. After a moment she moved her hand again and smiled at the three of them. "Thanks guys."

"No problem." Dave shrugged and gave her a light punch on the shoulder, a symbol of his affection. "Darry and I came to get some comic books. Glad we did."

"Me too." Jamie replied as they walked past her, leaving her standing next to a perplexed Josh. After a moment of contemplation on what to do she turned to him and wondered just how much she could trust him. She'd never opened up to anyone before because she'd never had a friend like him. It was hard for her, most of her young life she had been moved around from place to place because her mother was military. "Josh when do you go on break?"

"I'm off for the day in about five why?" He arched an eyebrow and looked on as Terrance diminished in a crowd of people.

"Are your parents still on vacation?" Jamie had to talk to someone about the problem and Josh was the closest thing she had to a best friend.

"Yeah, need a place to hang for a while?"

"Definitely." Jamie followed him back inside. He had a car and though it was shitty it was more than she had. A poor ride was much better than a proud walk in her opinion. "If you don't mind."

"Not at all, if I tell my dad I had a girl in the house he might finally stop accusing me of being gay." Josh laughed loudly at his own joke and stepped back behind the counter, putting the apron they were all forced to wear down under the register he used most.

Jamie followed him out of the store as he clocked out and into the crowded mall. They dodged and walked around the crowds of people feeling like football players in a game with an all-too-long field. Exiting and getting to the car was much easier. As they rode she was quiet, thinking about what she was going to do.

"So what happened there?" Josh asked as they were turning into their neighborhood. Jamie had never realized how close together they lived.

"It's a long story and in order to tell it I'm going to need a soda and maybe some ice cream."

"I think I can manage those." He agreed with a slight nod. "Come on in, mi casa su casa."

"Thanks J." Entering the house she had expected to see computers and other technological devices in every room but the place was rather plain and drab. There were pictures on the walls and other decorations but it didn't look anything like what she had expected. "Nice place."

"Nah not really but it's a warm place to put your ass when you're tired." Josh led the way into the kitchen and produced both a cold bottle of soda and an ice cream sandwich. He presented both to her and motioned toward the table. Using his best fake Austrian ‘Sigmund Freud' accent he sat down and patted the chair next to him. "Why don't you sit down here and tell me about your mother."

"Funny boy, har, har." Jamie munched the offered treat and gathered her thoughts together while simultaneously wanting to kick herself for even revealing her predicament to anyone. "I sort of post pictures of myself on the internet, there's this teens board I've been visiting for years. I post, the guys there save my pictures and then the moderator deletes them because I was underage until I hit sixteen of whatever the age is. I don't know. Anyway apparently Terrance found them, and unless I do what he says he's going to post them all over school."

"I have a confession to make." Josh looked down at the floor and twiddled his thumbs a bit. "I've seen them. But don't worry I won't tell anyone I promise!"

"You've seen them? Why didn't you tell me?" She said softly, looking into his eyes as he looked back up at her.

"I was embarrassed and you're a good friend of mine so I kept it quiet. I didn't want to ruin anything we had by telling you but I also didn't want you to freak if you found out." He shrugged a little and cleared his throat. "Remember when you posted and said you lost a bunch of your old pictures?"

"Yeah." She said lightly, knowing where this was going.

Josh cleared his throat again and smiled awkwardly. "I have them backed up if you want them."

"Show me?" She asked in a soft voice, taking his embarrassment and discomfort as a good sign.

Jamie once again followed him downstairs to the basement of the house. Down there she found a typical teenager's room. There were posters on the wall, clothes spilling out of the hamper. The walls were white and the floor was hardwood, a light oak color. The room was huge, it had a large table filled with books and dice and other implements of the role playing sort. On the far wall was a series of desks and computers each looking quite a bit more impressive than her little setup. "Wow your room is big."

"Yeah it was my dad's computer room but he consolidated and started using the office he built in the back yard. So I got the basement." Josh motioned around him. "Excuse the mess but I don't usually get visitors other than my gaming group."

"Gaming group?" She echoed inquisitively.

"Yeah there's a group of guys from school that come over on the weekends. We play pen and paper games or sometimes lan party, stuff like that." He laughed a little at the look on her face. "Geeks, what can you say?"

She shrugged a little as she read the spines of the books stacked on the table. She had heard of Dungeons and Dragons from when she was a girl. Her mother had a box of books that she said was trash but she never pulled them out, Jamie was convinced her mother was keeping them for sentimental reasons but she couldn't identify why. "So the pictures?"

"Oh yeah." Josh said, as if he had forgotten. "Now please don't be mad."

"Why would I..." Jamie let the sentence drop as he moved his mouse cursor and logged into the desktop computer. Her face was staring back at her, it was one of the first images she had posted. She was wearing the same outfit she was wearing now and she was looking directly at the camera. At first she didn't know what to think but she noted that it was one of her clothed pictures at least. "I'm not mad J."

"Good, I was hoping you wouldn't be mad." He smiled sheepishly and fiddled with something on the desktop of the computer. She noted that his desktop was pristine unlike his room. There was only the normal icons and folder for shortcuts then on the bottom a folder labeled ‘raw beauty'. After a few seconds he handed her a CD and shrugged a little. "There we go, all your pictures."

"Open the folder." She said softly, looking over his shoulder.

When he opened it she noted that all of her pictures were organized into folders depending on what they were. Among the various labels were words like ‘tame' and ‘toys'. Jamie looked over at him and then back at the screen. "How long have you been following my threads?"

"Ever since they started, it was before I knew you so well." He looked down at his mouse hand and licked his suddenly dry lips.

"Is this why you wanted to be my friend so badly?" She asked, feeling a little hurt.

"No, honestly it's not." He looked up at her and shrugged a little. "I don't know if you'll believe me but you posted one time that your internet persona was nothing like you in real life. That no one got to see the girl that you really were."

"I got flamed pretty hard for that one." She said with a nod.

"One day I hope I can see first hand just how beautiful you are." He replied quietly.

"JiggaloJ?" She smiled suddenly, realizing who he was. Of all things he was one of the few guys that sounded sincere and sweet on the boards. "I can't believe that's you."

"One in the same." He looked up at her and turned around, gazing into her eyes. "Your eyes are so much prettier in real life, but they're so sad."

"No one knows me." She said with a shrug.

"I want to know you." Josh put a hand out and took her by the fingers, holding them in his palm for a moment before bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing them fleetingly. "I love you Jamie, I always have. Even before I knew it was you."

"I remember the night we entered that private chat room and talked for hours. You listened to all of my stupid problems and didn't do anything but listen. You didn't try to give me any advice; you just took everything I had to throw at you and told me everything would work out." Jamie felt a little tear escaping her eye and wiped it clear before it happened. "Did you mean that?"

"I'll make it right just give me time." Josh said, a look of determination crossed his face and he didn't look away from her eyes. "I promise I'll make this right."

Jamie looked down at him for a moment. She felt in her heart that she could trust him, that he was the one friend she had been looking for this entire time. Even more than that she felt a connection to him that she had never felt with anyone before, the beautiful words he had offered her when they had chatted into the night. Unable to contain herself she fell down to her knees and unbuttoned his jeans. Jamie reached into them and rummaged through his boxers, pulling his semi-hard cock out of the hole in the front. Her hand shifted back and forth slowly and she looked up at him, smiling.

"Jamie wait you don't have to..." He closed his eyes and let out a groan.

Hearing his protesting stop she giggled a little and stroked him until he was rock solid. His manhood wasn't huge but it wasn't small either. It looked to be just the right size, she couldn't get her fingers around the entire base of it he was definitely thick. With a little grin she stuck her tongue out and licked the head of his penis and giggled when his body jumped. She did it again to hear him moan and wrapped her other hand around the head, using both hands to stroke him quickly.

She watched his legs spread open a little more and his arms went limp. As he leaned his head back she put the head of his cock into her mouth and bobbed her head up and down quickly just across that little space. Her lips caressed the sensitive area so quickly that she wasn't surprised when he erupted into her mouth. A huge spray of his man juices filled her mouth so much that she had to close her mouth around the head of his cock just to suck it all out and swallow.

When she was done she pulled her head off of his twitching little clone and rested her head against his thigh, gazing into his two blue loving eyes. She could see it there, something more than just a sexual infatuation. "I can see it."

"What?" He asked as a goofy look came across his face.

"The love in your eyes, I can see it there." Jamie sat there for a moment watching his reaction. "You really do love me don't you?"

"With every beat of my geeky little heart." He said with a light nod. "I'd do anything for you, I'll prove it to you just watch me."

Jamie believed him, she didn't know why but she believed him. She stood up and helped him put his pants back together then sat down on his lap, staring into his eyes lovingly. It was nice to see that kind of love in someone's face though she wondered if she had the capacity to love back.