Last Place

Story by RolandD on SoFurry

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This is the first story I've written in a while and my first time publishing it on

here for others to read as well. Hopefully you like it!

Constructive criticism is always appreciated!

Thanks to Tenpenny for proofreading.

Standing outside of the club shivering despite having my winter coat, I listened to the snippets of music blaring inside as people entered and exited. Seeing how the crush of the line was anxious to get in, it was the last place I want to be. I had planned for a quiet night at home reading after a long day at work when my friend Leo called and said that I was to meet him at the curb in five minutes, he had said it in a friendly tone that implied that I had little choice in the matter. I've worked with Leo for years now but only in the last few months have I gotten to know him better, I still remembered that one day he sat down across from me at lunch with a friendly smile and started talking up a storm. It took me a while to get used to his enthusiasm; and at times it can be overwhelming. Spending time with him has made me think about that old phrase "Opposites attract" since he is everything that I am not.

I've caught myself staring at him a couple of times over the last few months wishing that I could be a bit more like him. He's pretty tall for a Lupine almost six feet (not including his ears) with sleek jet black fur and bright blue eyes. His muzzle and paws are pure white, and he maintains a lean athletic build. A couple of times he has invited me to go jogging with him and I've been tempted to go if I were in a bit better shape. As for me, I'm short even for a Vulpine (my ears barely reach five feet), with green eyes hidden behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses. My only good feature in my opinion is my glossy red fur; I work hard to keep it well groomed.

I feel someone grab my arm and glance up to see that Leo is looking at me expectantly.

"What?" I say.

"Where were you at?" he quips. "I said that we can head in now."

"Oh sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I reply.

As we enter the club the first thing that I notice is the warmth, it's a nice change from the chill outside. The music is deafening, and I can feel the base line reverberating in my chest. There is a mix of scents in the air: sweat, arousal, excitement, alcohol and a few others I can't seem to place. Leo is guiding us through the crowds of people and I am careful not to step on anyone's tail, while keeping my own wrapped around my leg. I look past him and see that he is leading us to the bar. There's a sunken dance floor to our left with glass panels that light up and change color in time to the music filled with gyrating furs. To our right is a wall of dimly lit booths with furs oblivious to what's going on around them.

As we approach the bar I notice a Coyote sitting at the end his fur looks almost to be silver as I stare he looks up and makes eye contact with me, I can't quite make out his eye color from this distance but there is something about his gaze that hold my attention. Leo turns around and sees me staring at the Coyote and raises his eyebrow at me.

"See something you like?"

I blush under my fur, hoping he doesn't notice. "N .. No, not really" I mumble still staring that the coyote.

Leo smirks and asks "What do you want to drink?"

"Cranberry juice" I reply. I finally look away from the Coyote and Leo just stares at me, waiting.

"Fine, an Old-Fashioned" I grumble. He grins and turns around to order. "One Old-Fashioned and one Margarita" he says to the bartender. We find an open pair of bar stools and sit down while waiting for our drinks.

Leo leans over and quietly says "You know that we're here to have fun right? You need to relax, you look like your about to sprain something."

"Sorry, I'm just not used to places like this, you know that I don't get out much" I reply.

Before Leo can respond our drinks arrive and I take a sip enjoying the taste of bitters, nodding my approval to the bartender. "Well we are going to have to do something about that my friend" says Leo.

I glance over to where the coyote was sitting to find him missing, I look around and see Foxes, Tigers, Horses, Lions, Wolves even a Polar Bear but I don't see the Coyote. When I look back at Leo I see that he has struck up a conversation with the Vixen next to him. To my left is a couple of Labradors in a heated discussion about the chances of the Firebirds going to the playoffs this season. Uninterested in their conversation and not wanting to interrupt Leo I sip my drink quietly.

Feeling somewhat bored and wishing I was still at home something slams into me and I am knocked off my stool, my head slamming into the counter and at the same time dropping my glass as I fall to the ground only to hear it shatter. I groan as I sit up, feeling my head and hissing when I find a sore spot; when I open my eyes everything is a blur. At first I think I'm just dizzy from hitting my head but I soon realize my glasses fell off. As I fumble around the floor trying to find them I feel a sharp pain on my paw and bring it up to my eyes to see that it is bleeding badly. Someone pulls me up, and I feel them hand me something, soon realizing that they were my glasses. As I put them on, my vision clears and my breath catches in my throat; it's the Coyote I had noticed before. Up close I see that his fur really does have silver in it and his eyes are the color of liquid gold, warm and inviting.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I wrap my bleeding hand in my shirt only to find that it is soaked from my spilled drink. I nod. "What happened?"

"That fool of an Otter tripped and grabbed you on his way down"

I look around and see that Leo is holding an Otter that clearly has had too much to drink by his collar nearly a foot off the floor. "Put meh down!" he growls, taking a swipe at Leo; He dodges the swing and drops the Otter to land on his ass.

Leo walks over to me he unwraps my hand from my shirt and looks at it. "It doesn't look to bad, the cut looks pretty shallow" he tells me.

As I wrap my hand back in my shirt, I see that a few Bulldogs in black shirts pick up the Otter and start walking towards the exit. "Let me go, I didn't do nuthin!" He complains struggling to break free from their grip. As the Bulldogs drag him off, a Stoat in an ill-fitting suit approaches warily "I'm the manager here, is everyone all right?"

By then a small crowd had gathered around us, and I stammer "Y.. Y.. Yeah I'm fine".

Leo turns and glares at me "No you're not! You cut your hand, and bled all over your shirt"

The Coyote speaks up "He also hit his head pretty hard on the way down".

The Stoat turns to him and spits out "And just who are you?"

"Just a bystander, I helped him up off the floor after he was knocked off the stool" He replies.

The stoat turns back to me "We are not responsible for injuries in our club by other patrons, don't think that you are going to get a payday out of this." He says icily.

"That's bullshit, his shirt is ruined and he may have a concussion." Leo angrily retorts. I reach up and put my hand on Leo's shoulder looking at him "I'm okay I didn't hit my head hard enough to black out so I doubt I have a concussion; and it's just a small cut on my hand from the broken glass." I can tell he wants to keep defending me so I turn back to the stoat. "I'm not looking for any compensation from you or your club it wasn't your fault."

The stoat stares at me for a few seconds "Well it's good to see someone have some common sense" he says snidely before turning to walk to his office. Before he is out of earshot I sarcastically quip "I also greatly appreciate the concern you have for your clientele when they are injured." He either didn't hear me or didn't care since he continues to walk away activating his Comm.

Leo turns back and says "Sorry man, this isn't how I wanted the night to go."

I look up and see concern on his face like somehow it was his fault this happened "Hey it's not your fault, shit happens you know?"

"Yeah but I brought you here and should have been paying attention. I just wanted you to have some fun let's get you home so you can get cleaned up."

"No" I say, "There's no need for both of our nights to be ruined. Stay here and enjoy yourself, I'll take a cab home."

"I'm not going to stay here while you take a cab home, what kind of friend would I be if I did that?" He says angrily.

"The kind of friend who listens" I say sarcastically "Besides if you took me home you wouldn't get a chance to keep talking to that Vixen. She has been watching you this whole time. I think you really impressed her dealing with the Otter."

He glances over at the Vixen and grins "Well as long as you're okay. I guess I can stick around for a little while. I'll give you a call tomorrow"

As I watch him walk back to the bar the crowd around us starts to break up, and I realize the Coyote is still there watching me. I start to panic, what do I say? Look at me I'm a disaster, my shirt is bloody, I reek of alcohol and my fur is a mess. As if sensing my anxiety he reaches out a paw with a smile warm enough to melt butter "I'm Ken"

I reach out with the paw not wrapped up in my shirt "Roland, thanks for your help I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem; I was coming over to talk to you anyway."

I look at him incredulously "Re .. Rea .. Really?" I stammer. Shit! Of all times do I have to start stammering now? I fume to myself.

"Yeah" Ken chuckles, "I saw you staring at me pretty intently, and thought you might want to chat."

I'm still holding his paw feeling the warmth not wanting to let go. I reluctantly release his hand and glance up at him not sure what to say. "Listen I know you're probably a little freaked out and more than anything just want to get out of here and head home. But I was hoping you might want to go somewhere a little quieter?" he asks.

I stare at Ken dumbfounded. He's seriously asking me out while I look like hell? I glance down at my shirt then back up at him. "Sure" I say, "But I really do need to go home and change into new clothes and have a look at my hand."

"Yeah I figured you would. Listen I drove here so if you want I can take you home, you wouldn't have to take a cab."

I stare at him for a few seconds debating on if I should take him up on his offer. "Umm . . . sure I guess. I mean you're not like going to murder me or anything in my weakened state are you?"

Ken chuckles, "No I don't do that until after the third date."

"Well I guess that's alright it that gives me time to prepare. Let me tell Leo that I'm leaving." I say smiling.

Ken watches me as I walk over to Leo and tell him that I'm leaving. Leo gives me a knowing smile and tells me to have a good time. I roll my eyes and gesture to my hand rolled up in my shirt and he laughs and waves as I follow Ken out of the club.

Ken's car is parked about a block away from the club and by the time that we reach it I'm shivering and my teeth are chattering. After we get in he turns on the heat and I hold my paws in front of the vent to warm them up. Once I've warmed up a bit I notice his scent for the first time. It's the smell of hard work and damp earth mixed in with rain and musk, and it's intoxicating.

"So where do I go?" He asks bringing me back into reality.

I give him directions to my apartment and he pulls out of the parking lot. I find myself staring at him as the lights from the dash illuminate his face. From here I can see that the silver in his fur isn't uniform it runs in thin streaks across his muzzle. He glances over and notices me staring at him, and I quickly glance away.

"The answer to your question is no." He chuckles.

"How do you know what I wanted to ask?"

"Do you dye your fur is the first question everyone asks, after what is your name." He replies.

I sheepishly look at him and laugh. "Yeah, that was going to be my question."

"So who was your friend back there?" He asks.

"Oh that's Leo I work with him over at GlobaComm."

Ken waits few seconds thinking before he asks quietly "Are you two . . . together?"

I chuckle, "No nothing like that, I've worked with him for a few years but have only really gotten to know him in the last couple of months. I never really got to know anyone from work, so I think he's taken me under his wing to help me open up a bit more. He dragged me out to the club tonight telling me I needed to relax and have some fun." I say with obvious sarcasm.

Ken laughs, "Well if his idea of fun is a paw wound and a knock to the head, I don't want to know what a bad time is to him."

I relax a little at the joke. "Yeah, I know he meant well." I wait a few seconds before I ask hesitantly "Are you seeing anyone?"

I see his paws tighten on the steering wheel "No, not for a while."

I don't know how to step around the land mine I exposed with his reaction, so we ride in awkward silence for a little while until we pull into my parking lot.

"I'm sorry if I asked something inappropriate I don't spend a lot of time getting to know people, so when I try more often than not I end up with my foot in my mouth." I say quietly.

Ken turns and looks at me "No, it's alright I asked you first didn't I? It's just something I'm going to have to get used to again is all."

I think about his response for a few seconds wanting to ask what happened but decide that it's best not to pry. "It's going to take me a little while to get cleaned up, do you want to come up and wait in my apartment?"

Ken grins "Are you sure you want to invite me up? What if I am some psychopath waiting for an opportune moment to strike?"

"I'm not worried, you may be a psychopath but you don't strike me as a liar. You promised me you wouldn't kill me until after our third date; remember?"

I stare at Ken waiting for his response and we both break into laughter the previous tension forgotten. He follows me up the stairs and waits patiently as I dig out my keys and unlock my door. The house lights automatically turn on and we walk into the living room.

"I'd offer to get you something to drink but I need to take care of this first." gesturing to my hand "Feel free to get something out of the icebox if you want. The glasses are in the cupboard above the sink."

He nods and heads into the kitchen while I walk to my bedroom. I glance at the Holo-display on the wall and see that It's only been about an hour since Leo picked me up, it feels like a lot more time has passed than that. I enter the bathroom and grab the first aid kit from under the sink and unwrap my hand from my shirt wincing as it pulls away from the matted blood, then I threw it into the trash. I finally get a good look at my hand, the bleeding has stopped and I think it just looks worse than it actually is. I turn on the water and start to rinse the blood out of my fur hissing from the pain. When the water starts to run clear I turn it off and grab a towel pressing it gently to the wound to dry the fur.

The cut is only about an inch long and not very deep it has already scabbed over but just in case I spray some antiseptic on it and gently wrap the paw in gauze. I smell around my chest and gladly find that the alcohol didn't soak into my fur so I just spray on some scent masker and walk back to my bedroom to get a clean shirt. After changing I walk back out to the living room and see him over by the book cases reading the titles.

"See anything you like?" I ask.

He jumps a little at the sound of my voice and looks at me a little sheepishly, "I didn't touch any of them."

"I wouldn't have minded if you did, books are meant to be read." I reach up and pull down a book by one of my favorite authors. I open it up and smell the printers ink and paper, feel the odd juxtaposition of the smoothness of the pages crispness of the edges and hand it to Ken, "I know these days that paper books are out of fashion, why waste precious space and resources, when there are millions of books available on the net that you can read on your Comm. But I have always thought that there was something magical about holding a book in your hand, something makes it real and adds to the experience of reading it." I say surprised at my outburst.

Ken nods as he flips through the pages before closing the book and places it back on the shelf running his hands over the spines. "I know what you mean; my grandparents had entire walls filled with books. It was one of my favorite things to do when we would visit." He says quietly. I watch him as he reads over the titles his tail wagging and occasionally his ears would twitch when he finds a familiar one.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask

He looks over and I wave my bandaged paw.

"What about your head?" He asks.

I reach up and feel between my ears and find the bump. I wince a little but it doesn't really hurt anymore. "It's okay, it doesn't really hurt, I may take something for it later but I'm fine for now."

He nods "Are you hungry?"

"I'm starving, what are you in the mood for?" I ask.

"Anything is fine, so long as it has meat in it." He replies.

I think for a couple of seconds about what's open and nearby "What about Gyros? There is a great Mediterranean place down the street."

"That sounds good!" I can see behind him that his tail wagging even faster than before.

As we leave my apartment I grab a jacket out of the hallway closet and lock my door. I trail behind him down my stairs and out to his car all the while talking about what our favorite books and authors are, discovering quite a few matches talking the whole way to the restaurant. We pull up and I see the familiar bright neon green and blue sign reading "Zana's Mediterranean". He follows the signs and parks around back. We get out of the car and I trail behind Ken; before we reach the front of the store he stops and turns to face me.

I can tell something is wrong because he is holding himself perfectly still. "Are you afraid of me?" he asks.

I shake my head "No, why would I be afraid of you."

"Well it just seems to me that your always following behind far enough to keep me in your sight and your constantly looking around like your afraid someone is going to ambush you; and I can't figure out why."

My tail curls up behind me and I shuffle a little uncomfortably I reach up and tap my glasses "Even with these I'm partially blind it's something I was born with and is only going to get worse; whenever I leave my house I constantly watch my environment to make sure I don't walk into anything and I tend to walk behind people for the same reason."

Ken's posture softens "I'm sorry" He murmurs "I just thought you were scared and it kind of pissed me off now I feel like a jackass."

"Don't be." I say "How would you have known? It's not something that I advertise and I do a pretty good job compensating for it. Hell I've worked with Leo for years and he never noticed; I'm surprised you did."

He looks at me and his tail starts to swish a little as he reaches over and takes my paw in his. "Well I'd rather have you walk besides me so I'll have to do some of the watching as well." We start walking again holding hands and I blush at the contact hoping he can't see. As we walk into the restaurant a familiar elderly Doe approaches.

"Hi Roland finally brought someone else huh? Where do you want to sit?" She asks smiling.

"Hey Gail, yeah I figured I would bring you some business finally." I look at Ken and he shrugs "Anywhere should be fine."

As Ken and I follow her I glance around and see that there only a few other diners here surprised that it's this slow on a Friday night. She leads us to a dimly lit booth in the corner and after we sit down hands us our menus. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Iced tea" I say.

She looks over at Ken. "Same"

She asks Ken "Do you need time to look at the menu?"

He shakes his head "No I'll have the same as Roland."

"I'll have the usual." I say.

Gail gives me a wink and walks away to put in our order.

"What did I just order?" Ken asks me.

"A gyro with extra lamb and a side of Zana fries." I say.

He grins "What are Zana fries?"

I pause thinking for a moment "Well they take a potato and cut it in half then thinly slice it into wedges and fry them. Once they are crispy they dash lemon juice and I think malt vinegar, and then season them with a blend of spices. I could make an entire meal out of just the fries."

Gail returns with our drinks and places a basket of warm breadsticks on our table. After she leaves Ken pulls out a breadstick and asks "So what do you do at GlobaComm?"

"I work with product testing. I try to think like a consumer and find new and inventive ways to break the Comm units so that we can fix any problems ahead of time. It always amazes me that somehow people still find new and unique ways to break we work really hard to make unbreakable."

I reach over and grab a breadstick and munch on the end "What do you do for a living?"

As Ken finishes chewing he replies "I'm a landscape architect."

"Is there is much work for that? I thought they design parks and stuff like that, isn't most of the city developed?" I ask

"There is more work out there than most people think. There are a lot of old buildings in the city and as each one upgrades their utilities to the smaller and more efficient units a lot of rooftop is exposed. If you don't do anything to it there's a lot of heat that buildings absorb as well as wasted space, so that's where I come in. For the most part we put some kind of rooftop garden in to reclaim rain water and some photovoltaics, that sort of thing. After I finish the designs I pass the job along to my brother who does the construction."

"My apartments did that a few years ago; I don't go up very often but it turned out pretty nice." I say.

"Yup I recognized your building when we were there earlier."

"How did you end up working with your brother?" I ask.

"The first time I got involved doing a rooftop conversion was when I was still in college and my apartments upgraded their utility boxes. For a few months the rooftop just sat there. I got to talking to the manager and convinced her to allocate some funds to fix the roof up a little bit. At first it was just some grass and a few plants, though over the years we added other things that residents requested. At the time my brother needed work so it was just us two doing the modifications. By the time I graduated we had just about ironed out all the problems with the process; and had the data showing the reduction in used resources and what not so we went around to other places with our plans and data and convinced a few to do the conversion. Once we got our reputation built up I didn't really have time to help with the construction; so my brother took over that aspect of the business and has about twenty guys working for him full time now. Now I mainly handle the new client meetings and project designs."

I finish chewing on my breadstick. "Do you get along well with your brother?"

"Oh yeah" Ken replies "I've got a pretty big family; three brothers and two sisters and we all get along great. They all live in the area so every month or so we get together for a big family dinner at my parents' house."

I smile "That sounds nice."

Ken nods "How about you? Do you have a big family?"

"I used too but not anymore, my mom passed away when I was young and I never really got along with my dad. When I started High School I moved in with my grandparents who were great." I take a drink and continue "My sister stayed with my dad. She used to live here but my brother in law was offered a position at Mars Colony so they packed up their house and took off. They had a kit just after arriving so she's about two I think. I've never met her but from the Holo-vids they send me she's adorable. But even working at GlobaComm, off planet Comm-calls are expensive so we only talk every few months. I've got a few aunts, uncles and cousins spread across the country but we only really talk at holidays. For the most part everyone is wrapped up with living their own lives."

Ken swipes at the condensation on his glass "That sounds a little lonely."

"I've never really felt that way, for as long as I can remember I always enjoyed the solitude; that's been changing a little thanks to Leo but I still feel like my social skills are at the level of banging two rocks together for heat."

Ken laughs "You're not that bad. You came out with me didn't you?"

Before I can respond Gail approaches with our food on a tray and places our plates in front of us.

"Can I get you anything else?" she asks.

I look at Ken and he shakes his head "I don't think so, but if we need anything I'll let you know."

As Gail walks away to check on her other tables I look back at Ken to see him take a good sniff of the food in front of him and I swear I can hear a little moan escape him. I reach down and pick up my gyro and take a bite; the warm pita bread, lightly seasoned lamb and refreshing tzatziki sauce on top are delicious. Thankfully we eat our dinner in a comfortable silence so I don't make a fool of myself trying to eat and talk at the same time. I catch myself humming a few times and quickly stop a little embarrassed, hopefully Ken didn't notice.

As we finish eating Ken stretches and give out low moan "That was delicious, what do they put on those fries?"

"I don't know." I say "I've tried for years to get Gail to tell me the spices but she never cracks."

Gail hears me as she approaches to clear away our dishes "If I told you what the spices were you would never come back."

She asks us if we want anything else, Ken and I both shake our heads. I hand her my Credchip to pay the bill and she walks away.

"You don't have to pay for my meal." Ken says

"I know I don't, but I want to. You did more than enough for me tonight so I can cover the cost of dinner." I reply

"I didn't really do anything." He grumbles

I grin while ticking off on my fingers "Let's see; kept my glasses from getting broken, helped me off the floor, drove me home, kept me company and improved my mood."

I can see his tail swishing lightly behind him "Well when you put it like that, I guess it's alright then."

Gail drops off my Credchip and tells us to have a good night. As we get up from the table to leave Ken reaches over and takes a hold of my paw. I wave to Gail as we exit the restaurant and she waves in return. Once we are back outside Ken pulls me closer and I smile up at him grateful for the extra warmth.

When we pull into my parking lot Ken turns to me "I'm glad that Leo dragged you out tonight, I had a lot of fun."

"Yeah despite everything that happened I'm glad that I went." I say quietly.

His face is still illuminated by the dash lights and I want nothing more than to reach over and run my paws through his fur, before I can decide what to do next he leans over and kisses me. At first it's a soft gentle kiss, as I stare into his eyes I feel his tongue probing and I open my muzzle his tongue tangling with mine. I reach up and stroke his ear with my paw and feel him moan at the stimulation. By now our tongues are dancing and I have to pull back to catch my breath.

I ask hesitantly "Do you want to come up?"

Ken nods and we quickly make our way up to my apartment. As we enter my bedroom he dims the lights but doesn't turn them off I guess I wasn't hiding my anxiety very well because he walks over and quietly says "I've never been a fan of sex in the dark, I like to see who and what I'm doing." He reaches around me and pulls me into a warm hug and kisses me again with more passion. As our tongues intertwine I reach behind him and run my paws over his back feeling the muscles beneath the fur. I look into his eyes again and notice that he's about a head taller than I am.

He breaks the kiss and reaches up to pull his shirt off, and then helps me pull mine off as well, I'm a bit self-conscious about my little belly but soon forget all about it. The silver in his fur seems to follow some form of geometric pattern whirling in different directions; I reach up and trace a few lines.

Looking at him I ask "Are you sure you don't dye your fur? These patterns look far to perfect to be natural."

Ken chuckles "I don't know why but the silver didn't start showing up in my fur until I entered puberty."

"Whatever the reason is, the result is beautiful" I say.

He pulls me back to him and rubs his muzzle against mine, he starts to massage me down my spine when he reaches my tail a low moan escapes from me and I press into him. I can feel him hard under his jeans; I reach around and massage him in the same place and he grinds into me moaning as well. I kiss him this time full of passion and lust our tongues writhing against one another and hear him growl lightly. I feel him fumbling at the top of my pants trying to get them open; I take a step back to give him room and reach to do the same to him.

We finally get each other's pants undone and let them fall to the floor. I look down and see a nice bulge framed in black boxers; of course his underwear would be black. He reaches behind me and starts to massage my ass and I moan into his chest; I reach down and gently rub him through the thin layer of cloth and he groans in pleasure. I look up at him and see his eyes are full of lust and feel him start to pull my tail out of my underwear not to be out done I excitedly follow. Still staring into each other's eyes we pull our underwear down at the same time; I'm pressed into his leg and I can feel him pressing into my stomach fur.

As I start to head for the bed he pulls me back "There's one other thing I need to take off of you" he murmurs. I look at him quizzically were both standing here full fur, he reaches up and starts to take my glasses off and I try to protest. He puts a finger to my lips "I want to see you not your glasses. Do you trust me?" I nod. He leads me over to the bed and pulls me on top of him; I press my nose into his chest fur and inhale deeply. His scent is stronger than it was in the car and it is still just as intoxicating; there are times I'm glad to be a fox.

I nuzzle around his chest until I find a nipple and gently suckle on it; I find the other one with my paw and tweak it gently and hear him gasp in pleasure. I gently nip my way down his chest and stomach eliciting little whines from him the whole way down. For now I avoid his cock and work my way down to his testicles; sniffing around them his musk is even stronger here and it makes me light headed. I stick out my tongue and lightly lick them repeatedly; I can hear him panting lightly. I look up and see him watching me with a grin on his face and his tongue hanging out the side. Finally I can't help myself and reach up and grasp his cock with my paw; the tip is poking about in inch out of his sheath and is shiny with his pre.

I gently lick the tip causing him to grasp the sheets and moan loudly; I delight in the taste and slowly skin his sheath back with my paw and lick my way down stopping at his knot. Working my way back up I slowly take him into my muzzle sucking gently; he reaches down and gently massages the inside of my ears and I moan in appreciation. I take more of him into my muzzle and lightly bob up and down stopping just above where his knot is starting to swell; I can hear him panting a bit harder and he starts to lift his hips up on my downward bob. Eventually he pulls me off and guides me up next to him and he kisses me and whispers "My turn".

He gently nips my muzzle while his hands roam my chest finding my nipples rubbing on them gently causing me to moan; working his way down he laps at the fur covered in my pre. He lightly licks at the tip of my cock cleaning the pre off but continues south gently lifting my legs and places a pillow under me. I gasp as I feel his tongue lick my tailstar he gently applies pressure until I feel it slip inside; he slows his advance and reaches up and grasps my forming knot causing me to groan loudly. After I've relaxed a little his tongue continues its exploration finding my prostate. He repeatedly assaults it with is tongue causing me to writhe in ecstasy; eventually he withdraws his tongue and shuffles up to me.

He looks down at me "Are you ready?"

I nod whispering "Yes"

He looks back down and I can feel him rubbing his tip up and down but not attempting to penetrate yet; I let out a pitiful whine and he looks back at me grinning. He leans down and kisses me while applying a small amount of pressure and I feel his tip enter; he pauses to let me adjust watching me for any sign of discomfort. I wrap my legs around his waist and try to pull him closer but he just chuckles and doesn't move so I think of another tactic and try wriggling down; but he anticipates me and grasps my hips firmly preventing any further progress.

He breaks the kiss and looks at me "What's the rush?" Instead of answering him I make the saddest most pitiful face I can manage. Chuckling he asks "You really want it that badly?"

I look up at him and the only thing I can see clearly are his eyes which look like pools of molten gold in the dim light and hiss through clenched teeth "Yes"

He leans back down and kisses me again while sliding himself slowly into me at an agonizing pace; I reach down to grasp my cock and he pulls my paw away. I finally feel his progress halted by knot on the outside and groan wanting more; after pausing for a few seconds he starts to pull back his cock rubs lightly across my prostate. He slowly increases his tempo panting heavily while I moan almost continuously; he is still holding my paw so the only stimulation my cock receives is the light brushing of his stomach fur which is now soaked in my pre.

I feel him pull out completely and I feel empty, when look up at him and he growls "Turn over" I eagerly comply. He pushes my tail off to the side and slides himself back into me until I can feel his knot again; he reaches an arm under me and pulls me tight against him. He starts thrusting again with more force as he pulls me back to him; I can feel his knot hammering at my entrance starting to stretch me. He leans down and starts to lick the back of my neck; I yelp as I feel his knot finally push its way inside of me and he pauses panting heavily.

I moan pushing back slightly to rub his knot over my prostate I can feel it start to swell; Ken growls low and leans down gently biting the back of my neck. I freeze for a moment but relax when he reaches around and finally grasps my cock causing me to spurt a large stream of pre; he starts humping against me his progress minimal with his swollen knot. I can feel the pressure in my balls building begging for release and I whine loudly; sensing that I am close he grasps my knot and I come hard howling with pleasure soaking the pillow beneath me.

The contraction of my muscles behind his knot causes him to bite down hard on my neck drawing a small amount of blood; the pain only increasing my pleasure. He slams hard against me a final time and he howls into my back; I can feel warmth spreading inside me as he comes. He collapses on top of me his weight pressing me into the mattress; his quivering arms unable to support him anymore. After a minute or two his orgasmic bliss fades slowly and I can feel him start to gently lap at the blood where he bit my neck.

I pull the come soaked pillow out from underneath me and push it out of the way before I pull us onto our sides; I turn as much as I can while still being tied to look at Ken and all I can see are his eyes filled with warmth.

"Sorry about biting you at the end, I couldn't help myself" he says quietly.

"Don't be, I'm sure it will be sore tomorrow but it was really hot." I wiggle my ass a little causing him to moan "Granted that's not the only place that will be a little sore." I whisper

He kisses me again gently and I snuggle in close to him; I pull the blanket over us and he wraps his arms around my chest and nuzzles into my head fur. We lay that way for a little while and I hear him fall asleep his breath gentle on my fur. More relaxed than I have been in a long time I start to drift to sleep and remind myself to thank Leo for dragging me out to the last place I wanted to be.