Hero, part one, 'sleeping on the job'

Story by Yhin Yang on SoFurry

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Fiona walked quickly and with the utmost poise down the hallway of the building where she worked, she had just finished a very long shift from four in the mourning, and it was now ten in the afternoon, she reached the elevator and hurriedly jams in the first floor button with her index claw. She felt gravity give way slightly as the elevator fell down the shaft; she turned her head to face the tall mirror installed into the elevators wall, she was dressed to please, her large D size breasts pressed hard against the small silk shirt under her black denim jacket, her tight skirt danced along her hips as she walked, and her fur was perfectly combed and trimmed, the fox licked her muzzle a little bit and smiled as she placed her hands on her hips and shook her chest, "Damn I look good in uniform!" she mused to herself as the elevator came to a stop with a dull clicking sound, the doors slid open and she stepped out into the front lounge, her heels made sharp 'tak, tak, tak' noises as her long and slender legs forced her high heels down onto the tile.

Fiona walked down the dark city block, turning this way and that, until she reached the end of Main Street, she turned into an ally-way, and amidst the rusted doors and old garbage cans a wolf lurked, and his hungry eyes focused in on the ample chest and backside of his next victim. He leaped silently from the shadows and traced the fox's path footstep for footstep, until he was right behind her; he rose, and pulled a sap from his back pocket. Fiona's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she passed from the world of consciousness, the wolf caught her as she fell, and ducked quickly into one of the ally doors. But from above, someone was watching, crouched on top of a high building a young man watched, a mask covered the lower half of his face, and he wore dark, torn and ragged clothing, including a black hood, coat, and sunglasses. And strapped to his back was a long, slender, and lethally sharp sword.

The young man jumped from his perch, and felt the wind rushing past his face, he flipped forward and drew his sword from its sheath, the blade was chard from years of honing and reforming, but as he thrust it forward it still sang like a thin razor in the wind. The young mans sword met the cold cement floor of the ally, and he arched his back to let his feet meet the ground, he wrenched his sword out of the ground and back into its scabbard with one smooth motion, and rushed for the door which the wolf had taken the woman. The wolf had bound Fiona's wrists, and removed her jacket, and now began to unbutton her soft shirt just as the door flew open and slammed against the wall with a savage crash, the young man charged in and drew his sword, in a panicked rush he tore the majority of Fiona's blouse away, and now an extremely tight black bra that barely canceled her breasts was all that remained of her upper garments. "W-wait! Please don't kill me!" the wolf groveled, but the young man was not listening, "You have no honor, you would take a woman by force! You will suffer for this!"

The young man slashed madly at the wolf, then stopped almost as quickly as he had started, as his sword was sliding back into its scabbard the wolf looked at his limbs and torso, nothing was harmed but his clothing. "T-thank you! I swear I'll never do something like this again!" the young man sighed as the wolf spoke, and said only six words; "I wish I could believe that." His sword clicked back into place, and the wolf's limbs fell away like meat cutlets, making disgusting flapping noises as they hit the floor, he screamed in agony as he fell to the ground, blood gushed from the severed stumps that were once the wolfs arms and legs. The young man reached into the fox's purse and removed a woman's wallet, he opened it and found her name and address printed on a laminated card in one of the slots, he placed the wallet back into Fiona's purse without so much as touching one of the many credit cards or bills inside it, he removed his coat and covered Fiona's chest with it, then picked her up sliding his arms under her legs and neck, and walked calmly out the door, leaving the wolf to writhe in pain, and out into the ally as if nothing had ever happened within the room.

Soon he was back onto a busy side-walk, people starred questioningly at the young man carrying the woman, but none said a word, until he met a policeman, a Doberman with a stern face and powerfully built body, "What's the meaning of this, boy?" he said looking the woman over, the young man's mind quickly invented a story to tell him, "My mother passed out at the bar, the bartender and her are good friends, so he knew our number, and asked me to come and take her home." The Doberman huffed a little, and asked another question, "And where is home, boy?" for this the young man responded quickly and truthfully, "two thirty eight west avenue officer." The officer quirked an eyebrow, he thought the situation was rather sad... "Alright, carry on, boy." The young man continued walking down the street, only then did the officer notice the sword strapped to the young man's back, "Wait! Boy come back here!" but it was too late, he had already slipped into the sea of people along the side-walk.

The young man pushed open the back door of Fiona's extremely large house, and stepped inside quickly, not wanting to draw attention from the other people who lived along the street, he sniffed the air inside the house, it was completely clean, 'this woman must have maids that do her housework for her' he thought to himself, he moved quickly, ducking in and out of small rooms, still sniffing the air, trying to pick out which rooms were the most lived-in. finally, he entered a strange room, one with a fireplace that had not been lit, but that still was lain with fresh wood, it front of it was a very fine looking bed that was surrounded by translucent blue curtains, he pushed aside one of these curtains and laid Fiona down to the soft mattress, he reclaimed his coat from her and put it back on, but she shivered without the added warmth, he removed her shoes and the purse from around her arm, he placed them by the bed, then folded the heavy down comforter over her, and a smile graced her lips. The young man moved to the fireplace and took up a box of matches and some crumpled newspaper from a small wastebasket.

He had a crackling fire within a few minutes, and soon turned to examine the rest of the room, there a walk in closet on the western wall, a large bathroom to the south, on the eastern wall lay the door where he had entered, he locked this, not wanting anyone to walk in un-announced and see him, the dead bolt slid into place with an audible click, he turned and headed into the bathroom, he slid his mask down around his neck to reveal not a muzzle, but a flat mouth, he was a rare form of primate known as a 'human', his skin was smooth and pale, his eyes were a vibrant green like two inlayed emralds in an anchient mask, his stark black hair was slightly matted and shinned a little from the oil that stuck to it, but it did not seem filthy for some reason, just... unkempt, his teeth however were strange, perfectly straight, but long and sharp like tiny daggers stuck in bone. He turned on the faucet and took long drinks from it, allowing the water to cleanse his body of the sins he had committed. He went back to the fire and removed his sword, hood, mask, and sunglasses; he piled them next to the fire and sat against the wall and stared on at Fiona, he wanted to be there when she woke, he did not want to just leave her to wonder why she was half naked in her own bed with no memory of how she got there. He closed his eyes and began to think of the nights events...

No sooner did he shut his eyes then Fiona stirred, she moaned and clenched her head, "Uhh... my head hurts, where am I?" The young man stood up and spoke softly, "Miss Fiona, you were attacked, a man knocked you out and dragged you into a building, I was sure his intention was to rape you... so I-" All at once Fiona shot up and looked over at the young man, she pushed away the blanket, but then pulled it back over herself realizing her shirt was gone. "Who are you?! And what the hell happened to my shirt?!" the young man spoke quickly now, "Please don't shout! My name is Ghost; I brought you back here, your home, your safe, ok?" Fiona relaxed a little, and slumped onto the head board of the bed. Ghost collected his things, and went to the door, he turned the lock but heard Fiona, "Wait... please don't go..." she stood and wrapped herself in the blanket, she walked to the door and stood behind Ghost, she whispered into his ear, "I'm sorry I yelled, I'm grateful that you were there to save me, and I think you need some kind of reward..." her hand slipped past his waist and she turned the latch back into its lock....

She took Ghost by the hand, and led him back to the bed, she pulled a drawstring and the curtain slid away, she dropped the blanket and let her breasts bounce on her chest as she climbed onto the bed, Ghost dropped his things next to her purse and shoes, and followed her. Fiona threw some of the pillows against the head board and laid back on them, she flicked the drawstring and the curtain fell back to enclose the bed. The firelight reflected back from Fiona's eyes, making them look even more passionate and tantalizing then the rest of her body, "So what are you anyway?" she asked looking him over as she laid back, "I'm a human, there aren't many of my kind anymore, not since the war..." her eyes flew open a little wider, but she said no more, instead she unbuttoned her skirt and began to wiggle free from it, Ghost removed his shirt and threw it onto a corner of the bed, and his pants soon followed it, along with Fiona's skirt. Now they were both dressed only in their underwear, Ghost's finely honed muscles showed sharply on his smooth skin, Fiona's ample and curvaceous body waited in silent anticipation, Fiona was beginning to feel a heat rise from her loins, spreading to her thighs, her belly, her breasts... Ghost hooked his middle fingers under the waistband of her panties, and slid them slowly along her slender legs; Fiona reached behind her back and undid the strap of her bra, soon the black panties and bra mingled on the corner of the bed with the rest of their cloths.

Fiona grasped Ghost by the small of the back and pulled him close to her, she pulled his boxers down and Ghost's cock hung before her, it was much larger than she had expected from someone so young, even limp it must have measured eight inches long. Fiona licked her lips and pulled Ghost closer, "Big for your age... hmm?" She grasped his cock firmly in one hand, and began to lick and massage it at the same time, soon she felt him grow longer, harder, and thicker in her hand, Ghost moaned in pleasure as she took him into her mouth, she sucked hard as she still massaged his shaft. Ghost began to instinctively thrust into her mouth as she sucked; she stopped massaging his shaft and instead allowed him to thrust deep into her throat, she grasped his thighs, pulling him in even deeper than he dared go, she matched her breathing to his thrusts. He panted hard now, he was about to come, but just before he did Fiona pulled him out of her mouth.

"We can't have you spending your load so soon, now can we Ghost?" she pushed him back a little and got to her knees, she turned around and fell onto her hands, she spread her legs wide, and presented her vagina to him. Ghost put the head of his cock to her pussy, but she reached back and grasped it, she moved it to her ass hole instead, Fiona knew how to work a male half to death, and she wanted Ghost to have her completely. Ghost thrust slowly into her, Fiona arched her back and let out a hiss of air as she relaxed her rectum, she felt Ghost grow even larger as he pulled out, and thrust back in a little faster this time, he kept the rhythm, each time he thrusted into her he gained speed, until she was wailing in pleasure, her breasts bobbed back and forth as her body was forced forward, and she cried out to him; "Oh god yes! Harder! Do it harder!" Ghost drew almost completely out, then thrust back in with savage force; Fiona fell to the bed and buried her face in a pillow, gripping the edges of the pillow she screamed into it as Ghost continued to drill her over and over again, then suddenly she picked herself back up and stopped Ghost as he thrusted in by putting one of her powerful legs up and putting her heel to his back.

They stayed that way for a moment, panting for breath in the heat of love with Ghost's cock still deep in Fiona's ass. Fiona drew away from Ghost and winced as her muscles tightened back together again, she fell onto her back still panting and looked up at Ghost's cock; it was over a foot long now, and as thick as the trunk of a young tree. She lifted her legs and put her feet down in front of her ass, so they were bent slightly at the knee, she spread them out wide and beckoned Ghost to enter her vagina. He bent down over her and popped the head of his cock into her moist depths; he bent even lower and kissed her deeply, their tongues looping around each other as he grasped one of her breasts. She moaned as they kissed, she felt his cock slide into her with urgency until he was hilted, she felt him grow even larger now, he stretched her as far as her body would allow and started to thrust hard. She moaned louder and louder as they kissed, she rolled him over onto his back and broke the kiss; she grasped the head board and pounded down on him hard while he in turn thrust in again and again. Ghost grasped both of her breasts now, and massaged them in firm but gentle circles. Fiona gasped for breath as she felt her heat rise to the point of no return, "Oh god! Oh god! I'm coming!" she panted as she let Ghost thrust into her harder than ever, "So am I!" he thrusted harder still, and felt Fiona tighten around his cock, he thrusted one last time and hilted himself, he shot his load deep into Fiona's waiting body, and as she climaxed she wailed in spectacular pleasure as her pussy milked every last drop of cum from Ghost's cock.

Fiona fell to the side hoisting Ghost onto his side, she hugged him, pressing her breasts against his chest, his cock still erect and pumping within her. Ghost reached over and pulled the blanket from the floor, he covered them both under it and let Fiona lay her head against his chest, "Thank you Ghost... For everything..." just as she was about to drift off to sleep, she asked one thing "Ghost?" "Yes Fiona?" "Tell me what the... war was like?..." she said, but she fell asleep before he could answer, Ghost smiled and kissed her forehead, "Maybe another time Fiona... goodnight..." he hugged her a little tighter, and went to sleep as well, warm, and happy, they slept soundly, locked in the embrace of each others arms.