Farm Duties

Story by SamGamgee on SoFurry

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A simple story about a young man's debt to society and the greater things that can come..

David slumped into his seat as the bus finally meandered into the station. He looked out warily, peering at the long forgotten benches covered by tattered overhangs. A sign hung from above, letters fading into obscurity with an ancient coat of paint.

'Bakersfield!' hollered the driver, 'This stop is Bakersfield!'

David rose, shouldered his bag and walked to the front. He was the only one disembarking here, eyes squinting as he stepped out into the summer's heat. The bus waited for a moment for him to clear away before its doors ratcheted shut with a clunk. A cloud of dust kicked up to envelop him as it drove off, leaving him coughing as he found a place to sit and wait. He sighed and checked his watch, pulling out a book to pass the time as he began to wait.

After what felt like an eternity an old truck rolled to a stop in front of him. The engine idled coolly. The driver turned her gaze at him, reaching over and popping the passenger seat open.

'David?' She questioned, her voice ringing out like a smooth southern silk.

He stared, surprised for a moment. Before him was an older cow, about mid 30's he had guessed. Her long brown hair curved around soft green ears before cascading down her back. Her face was round, her eyes soft and her lips tucked into a half-smirk. Her supple frame filled out the driver's seat, a little ring of pudge slipping over the top of her worn jeans. One flannel covered elbow rested on her windowsill, allowing room for her more than ample bosom to almost reach the steering wheel.

'David?' She asked again, a hint of irritation crossing into her voice.

'Ahh, yes!' He stammered out bluntly, 'Yes that's me.'

'I'm Sandy. In ya get then.' She said, turning her eyes back to the road.

Tossing his bag into the back, he climbed up into the seat.

'Is it far?' He asked.

'It will be a while.' She said quietly.

They sat in silence for almost an hour before he broke it.

'So I have to check in.. once a month, they said. It would normally be once a week but..' said Daniel.

'Rural circumstances.' She nodded, finishing for him. 'I know the system. You're not the first one I've been assigned for community service. I'll be honest, the work is hard, the hours are long and you may struggle a bit with your.. ' She paused for a moment to glance at his frame, 'With your body type. But that will pass.'

He cringed at the last bit. Late nights and a hacker's diet had left him a pudgy stallion. His frame still was solid but he had been in a steady decline since college.

'Here we are', she noted as they approached a solitary turnoff marked by a simple signpost. The drive up to the house was another 10 minutes of dips and bumps and they finally settled at the front of a well kept if not simple ranch house.

He stepped out onto the dry earth and hauled his bag from the back. Making his way to the front steps of the porch and lifting one foot to ascend the stairs.

'Nope.' Came an abrupt scolding from Sandy. 'You're in the barn. Round back.'

He stopped, caught off the guard and turning to face her.

'Really?' He questioned.

'Really.' She responded, her arms crossing under the strained confines of her breasts, her tail softly swishing.

He grunted and shouldered his bag, crossing around the back of the house to the adjacent barn. It rose tall, well maintained and a bright red with white trim. He found his quarters within, a small room off towards the front with the bare necessities.

... 3 months later ...

David stretched in what little space provided by the room in the barn would allow. Summer had finally taken to the plains and he had fallen asleep early in the day only to snap awake halfway through a particularly nice dream of.. her? A soft patter of a footstep echoed through the room. There was a gentle breeze stirring as if someone had opened the barn door, tweaking his equine ears as it stirred through.

She appeared in the door frame, the pale moonlight cascading around her and outlining the curves of her body through the silk negligee. He stared in awe as he felt his loins stir. His cock lengthened, thickening with a twitch as he gazed upon her beauty. She closed the gap to him, her breasts pressing hard against him as she leaned in. Her soft lips met his as they embraced, eyes closed as she felt his warmth against her. She could feel his girth stirring against her leg. His arms pulled her in tighter, clenching against the small of her back as he inhaled her scent. With a soft grunt he lifted her curvy body and with a pivot he pushed her back against the wall, tongues darting out to entwine as each became brave enough.

He reached down and grazed his fingers softly against her the lips of her cunt, lifting upwards in a gentle stroking motion. She felt a tingle run up her spine as he stroked through her dampness. Every few strokes he would linger against her hood and circle gently, each stroke afterwards mingling with the additional juices released by such tender grazing of her clit.

He broke from their lingering kiss to step back for a moment, admiring her perfect body. He lifted the negligee above her head, curls of brown falling from her face as it was removed, tossed to a corner of the room. He reached up to cup her bountiful tits, hands gently squeezing their massive bulk. She pushed further into his grasp as he brought two fingers against each nipple, squeezing and pulling gently on the the soft pink nubs as they hardened. Raising one soft brown tit to his mouth he reached out with his tongue, lapping around the edges of her aerola before fully engulfing it with his mouth. He gently suckled on her teats, alternating between a soft pressure and dragging the nub upwards with his tongue.

As he lapped lovingly at her bosom he could feel her heat growing and pushing out into her body. Every little while a soft moo would escape her lips as he continued, straining herself to push harder against his working tongue and fingers. She reached her hands up to grasp the back of his neck, stroking upwards to tussle his hair. With a soft tug she pulled his head downwards, gasping as her suckled nipple pulled free from his grasp. He kissed her curves as he was guided down, the scent of her depths rising to meet his flaring nostrils. As he arrived he took a moment to pull her scent deeply in, his now fully engorged cock twitching as it touched some animal instinct deep within him.

With a long, pulling motion he cupped his long flat tongue at the bottom of her pussy. He pulled up, dragging her sopping juices up and into his mouth. Her taste was sweet and rich and repeated the motion, each broad stroke of his tongue parting her lips further and further apart. She tapped him gently, rocking him slightly backwards as she motioned for him to move to the bed. He gave another lap at her sweetness and complied, his stiff member bobbing with incredible weight as he moved to the bed and lay down. She soon followed, crawling over his massive staff, dragging her body along the shaft teasingly as she moved her body up to his face.

With a gentle grace Sandy lowered her pussy to his muzzle, grinding her lips against his face. His tongue darted out as she dragged along him, teasing her opening as it came close, ever gently probing against its soft entrance. His face covered in her juices, he lapped ever quicker, bringing his arms up to play along her back as she rode. Hearing her breath shorten he redoubled his efforts against her, alternating between teasing her cunt and flicking up against her clit. His hands reached out to her ass, gripping the flesh in his hands and kneading it. He let one digit slip down to her wetness for a moment before sliding up and encircling her tail hole. She let out a gasp of pleasure at the surprising tease and he took it as a sign to let his finger press deeper in, pressing in and out up to his knuckle.

He could feel her climax then, like a tide had suddenly been unleashed. Her back arched up and she pressed her asshole back against his digit. He lavished her clit with a flurry of licks, feeling her slight flinch with each touch and pressing her further against his hand. His cock twitched and yearned with each gasp she let out, a dribble of hopeful pre-cum leaking out from the bulbous tip. Finally her motions stilled and she lowered her self down to lay flat atop him, trapping his tender member between them as she sighed contently. He pulled her tightly in her afterglow, praising her with supple kisses on the lips as she grinned contently.

With a soft snort he took hold of her, rolling with her to put her onto her back.

She mooed softly in his ear. 'Fuck me.' She instructed.

He reached down and grabbed hold of his cock, lifting the heavy head to her entrance. He raked his bulbous equine head gently up and down, covering himself in her juices. He adjusted his angle and pressed against her hole, his massive girth straining to press her open. He looked up into her eyes, raising a brow to question her willingness for the next part. She nodded slowly, breathing deep as she relaxes to accommodate him. He pressed again up against her with more force, her mouth agape as she felt her nether stretched outward.

With a sudden gasp his tip was inside her, her pink walls flush and distorted around the massive intruder. He gave her a minute to adjust before pressing forwards again. He could see her expression, a mix of surprise such a thing could fit and an overwhelming awe of the sensation of being filled. A quarter of the way in he paused again, this time waiting again so she could adjust and then pulling back outwards. His tip pushed out against her walls, tightly contracting against him as it dragged back. Reaching the entrance he then pushed his cock back in, the tightness still present but ever falling to his efforts.

He pushed and pulled against her, each time slowly gaining ground within her. He paused again when his medial ring pressed against her entrance. Sandy took another deep breath before nodding again. As his ring slowly pushed in his animal instincts began to bubble up from within and his gentle thrust began to grow quicker and less forgiving. As he reached the end mark he felt the resistance of her cervix as he prodded forth. Taking note of his limits he began to thrust in solid strokes, each back and forth becoming slicker and slicker with her juices, each plunging depth causing her to lose her timidness in an ever growing series of louder moans.

Her breasts began to rock with the movement of his fucking, pale tips rolling back and forth in a tide of flesh. Her moans became yells as he continued plunging into her, yells becoming screams as he felt the heat within her building up again. As he could see her nearing climax again he leaned forwards, his unbroken thrusting assisted as he took one of her rocking teats into her mouth and suckling hard. Her eyes shot open with the sudden extra attention and her screams of pleasure became simple begging of whispers. He felt her pulls of climax against his cock and with roar he felt himself explode deep within her, ropes of seed onslaught against her womb, sputtering out as it filled her and his pounding continued.

With a content sigh he slowed his pumping to a stop and let himself collapse on top of her. She reached up, coddling his head deep into her bosom and he slowly began to soften and slide from her depths. He reached up and placed a kiss on her lips.

'Your service ends tomorrow.' She quietly mentioned.

'I'm pretty sure it just began.' He chuckled and took her hand in his.