Love and Lycanthropy - Chapter 15

Story by JakeXtraTall on SoFurry

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We made our way slowly along the highway leading into town,

weaving through the unusually large amount of traffic heading in the

same direction.  It was just nearing the end of the lunch hour and

we were hoping to go inside and eat in a restaurant somewhere.

 There wasn't much of anything left in the fridge and the wolves

hadn't had a chance to hunt for a while now so we were all getting


were heading into the city of Nazas, Durango.  The entire

municipality had a population of over 12,000 people, but it seemed like

at least that many more people had come from all around to visit the

city and more were still heading in off the highway, including us.

 There were a lot more people on the road than we'd seen before

out here and the closer we got to the town, the more

people we ran into.  There were campers and RVs and tents strewn

around in open fields outside

the town and as we went in, we saw crowds of people milling

around who seemed to be preparing for some sort of event.

 There must be a major festival happening today.  If it seemed like it

might be fun we may choose to stay and enjoy it.Elias,

Cole and Grace had been in wolf form for only a very short ten

minutes or so this morning just before the sunrise.  It had been

two weeks since our hunting adventure under the full moon in Nevada and

now it was the first of

the three night period centered around the new moon, when my three

werewolves would be stuck in human form even through the night.

 Since they wouldn't be changing into

wolves at all for the next few nights, it would be safe for us to camp

right among all of the other people crowded around the town so we could

stay and enjoy the festivities, whatever they were all about.The

trip from Nevada through Arizona and into Mexico had been absolutely

fantastic so far,

and from a trouble point of view it was blessedly uneventful.

 We stayed in Nevada a few more days to enjoy the magnificent Spring

Mountains range before hitting the road again.  We stopped briefly

on the outskirts of Las Vegas to refill the propane tank and to flush out

the waste of the RV and top up its water tank, and to stock up the fridge again with food.

 We then hit the highway heading into Arizona.  It would normally take

us only seven or eight hours of driving to reach Tucson, but we were in

no hurry.  We'd enjoyed the camping in Nevada so much that we

decided to look for camping spots in Arizona to check out along the way.

 We found a couple and stayed the night, and by the time we reached Tucson we'd blown

another few days enjoying our leisurely camping vacation.When

we'd finally arrived in Tucson my first stop was the post office box

rental location.  I showed the man at the counter the electronic

receipt I had for the rental and gave him the pass code and he turned

over the key.  I nervously opened the box and inside I found a

sealed manila envelope stuffed with documents.  Our new identities

had been delivered on time and were waiting for us as promised. 

 Also as promised, I was not disappointed in any

way.  Quite the opposite.  I was completely thrilled.  I

had no idea how amazingly

advanced these criminals had become and I understood completely now why

the cost had been so astronomically high.Grace and I each had


official driver's license from New Mexico now.  There were social

security cards and birth certificates.  We all had passports

that not only didn't look suspiciously new, they looked like we'd had

them for years.  Inside they even had stamps from various family

trips we'd taken up into Canada and down into Mexico.  My passport

and Grace's also had a couple of extra stamps from when I must have

taken the 'wife' on romantic trips to London and Paris.  We must

have left the brats behind because Elias and Cole's passports didn't

have those stamps.  It all looked amazingly convincing as though

we'd been just a regular American family for many years.  The


of the documentation was absolutely perfect.  I briefly wondered

how the hell they were able to achieve all of this.  Perhaps they

somehow resurrected a dead family or something.  That way the only

real hack they'd need to do is wipe out the 'death', and they could

leverage the family's existing birth certificates and social security


surprise was a

credit card with my new name on it.  There was also a passbook and

a debit card from an account at a bank located in Las Cruces, New

Mexico, where our family apparently lived.  There was a note

included that apologized for the delay and explained that an extra

bonus had been added by way of a partial refund to make up for it, but

that I was still expected to forward the final third of the money I

owed them or my new identity might suddenly pop up on the FBI most

wanted list.  I flipped the envelope over and looked closely at

the post mark and saw that it had just been processed the day before

yesterday.  It had taken them a a few extra days to get it ready,

but it was certainly no issue for us since we were late getting here

anyhow.  The note also had the

pin codes so that I could access the accounts online or by telephone.

 It was all real.  I contacted the bank and verified the

account and had them change my passcode.  They told me my balance

was currently one thousand dollars.  That must be the partial

refund they'd referred to.  I also called the 800 number

on the credit card to check my balance and there was no money owed and

I had a twenty thousand dollar limit on the card.I was

absolutely blown away.  The ridiculously high price I'd paid for

the service was clearly well worth it.  These people were

consummate professionals.  I wasted no time

forwarding the rest of the money I owed for the identification and sent

an email to the anonymous person I'd dealt with to let them know I


thrilled with the result and any further business I might need in

future would go straight to them.I

was so pleased with the new identification that I decided to put it to

the test right away and splurge a bit.  We

shopped around at a few RV lots and got ourselves a brand new, top of

the line, forty-two foot Fleetwood Providence motorhome that ran on an

efficient and powerful diesel engine.  It was incredibly big and

comfortable.  Grace tried to convince me that it was way too

expensive but I argued that it would likely be our home from now on and

it might need to be able to take us all the way up to Alaska and then

back down to Mexico again.  We needed something

really comfortable that would provide us with a movable home that

would allow us to relocate anywhere and then set ourselves up in a

space big enough that we wouldn't go crazy.  Besides, we would be

living extremely cheaply from now on with our only real costs being

fuel and food, and if I became a werewolf and we hunted for our food as

much as possible even the food part of the equation wouldn't amount to

much.  I had enough money to likely last us

decades even if we weren't very careful with it.  If we were

careful, after the splurge on the RV that is, our costs would be so low

that we could likely live off the interest of the remaining money

indefinitely, once I get around to reinvesting it all under my new

name.  I might never even have to take on any coding work or

anything if I didn't want to, but it was always an option if money ever

became an issue.I

headed back out onto the highway driving the new RV with Cole in the

passenger seat, and Grace and Elias followed

me in the old one.  We drove until we found a sufficiently remote

location to dump

it.  It was still unregistered and I had no title for it so there

was no way to dispose of it properly.  I was afraid that even a

wrecking yard would need to check the registration and have me turn

over the title before destroying the vehicle.

 We simply drove it far off road into the desert and parked it

behind a large rocky crag surrounded by big saguaro cacti and thick

shrubs.  I covered it in gasoline inside and out and lit it on

fire for good measure after removing the stolen plates from it.  I

laughed as Elias started making fake trumpet sounds through his lips

and played 'Taps' while he and Cole solemnly saluted the death of our

temporary home, then I hustled them off around the crag back to our new

RV so we could get the hell out before the fire reached the propane

tank.  I

disposed of the stolen plates in a dumpster back in the city and then

we restocked

and headed back out onto the highway to find our next camping location

so we could spend a few nights getting used to the new home before we

crossed the border into Mexico.Compared to

our crappy old '79 Diplomat we were now living in the lap of luxury.

 The Fleetwood was so huge there was plenty of room for the wolves

to lay around on the floor if they wanted to, but we also had lots of comfortable seating and bed space too,

so we'd no longer need to spend the night on the floor.  Multiple

sections on both sides of the massive vehicle expanded out while parked to create a

space the size of a small house, so we would never feel crowded.  It had cost as much as a small

house, too.  I'd converted all the bitcoins I would need to pay for

the vehicle into cash in my

bank account and then did a wire transfer to the dealer so it was paid

in full.

 I had no problem getting registration or insurance so our

documentation passed the test.  We were now so far removed from

our old identities that there was absolutely no way the spooks would

ever be able to track us down again.  We were driving in a

completely legit vehicle with our completely legit licenses and insurance so we

didn't even need to stress about the possibility of being stopped for any reason.We

were now Alexandros and Margo Christopoulos with our two boys Stephanos

and Nicholas.  Apparently I must have come from Greek ancestry.

 Cole thought it was a hoot and he kept calling us by our full

names every chance he got for the first while.  Even while we were

simply eating at the table he'd say things like, "Pass the salt,

Alexandros Christopoulos" or "Could I get the peas, Stephanos

Christopoulos?"  We all laughed and indulged him for a while by

calling each other by our full names too, but eventually we tired of

the game and settled into calling ourselves Alex, Margo, Steve and Nick.

 It was just easier.  Really, for the most part we stuck to

our real names when we were not in public.  It didn't feel right

calling each other anything else and it would only ever really matter

if we were talking to an official who was checking our identification.Our

new documentation meant we didn't need to try to sneak across the

border or anything.  We could just drive on through like anyone

else.  With our previous few years of stamps in our passports

showing prior visits to Mexico, the border official didn't even bat

an eye when we said we were taking our annual family vacation.  We

purchased our tourist cards and passed on through without incident.

 From that point forward we'd made our way slowly through Mexico,

exploring a bit as we went and stopping wherever was convenient for the

night to sleep in comfort in our new motorhome.By

now we were not quite

half way along our trip through Mexico to reach the Yucatan peninsula,

but we were still in no real rush.  We'd made our escape cleanly

and it would be completely smooth sailing from here on out.

 We were just a regular American family on vacation and we


to play the part to the fullest by taking our time and enjoying

ourselves along the way.Grace and the boys would have three full nights through the new moon phase without

changing into wolves, so there was no way we could get into any trouble from the change

now and we didn't need to hide ourselves away.  We could stick around and be among people for a few days

without any concern.  If the festival continued for a while we

might just stick around for all of it.The

streets of the town were quite crowded with foot traffic, so after

carefully trying to thread through it all with the massive RV and

becoming more and more frustrated, I

decided to let the others off and head back out of town to find a place

to park it nearby.  Grace said she would take the boys to get

something to eat and we could meet around the town square later on.

 I told her I would park the RV, then I'd get my own lunch and

maybe do some grocery shopping to

reload the motorhome before I made my way back to them.  They

should have

plenty of time to look around and check out the sights of the old town

and I'd meet

up with them later in the afternoon.  They dressed as lightly as

they could since they'd be wandering in the heat all day and they got

out and

headed in towards the center of town while I drove back out to see if

there were any spaces still available in the field full of campers we'd

passed on the way in.A

local farmer had been

renting out space on his land for the influx of people to use.

 Most of them looked liked they'd camped overnight already and I

was the only new arrival pulling in.  All the other traffic we'd

seen on the way in had been mostly cars, trucks and mini-vans.  We

must have arrived late for whatever

was going on and it must be happening today.The farmer didn't

speak English and I have no real

grasp of Spanish and I didn't have anyone around to translate, which

was normally Grace's job, but I managed to work out that I could have a

spot for the night for three hundred and fifty pesos.  The price

seemed a bit high for a patch of dirt with no utilities but I wasn't

about to try to argue with someone I couldn't communicate with

properly.  Everyone needs to earn a living and I couldn't begrudge

him the chance to make a quick buck off a gringo.  It wasn't much

more than twenty bucks so it was no big deal.  I paid him and

parked the

RV, and then I got dressed in the lightest shorts and shirt I had along

with my comfortable hiking boots and

I walked back into town.I

was fairly hungry so the first thing I

attended to was eating.  I love Mexican food so I'd been quite

enjoying any chance we had to stop and eat authentic meals along the

way.  I found a table outside at a small restaurant and

ordered enchiladas and a cerveza.  There were patchy clouds in the

sky that occasionally blocked the sun so it was not overly hot for a

change and I was comfortable on the veranda.  I looked around at

the crowds of people milling around and over at another small

restaurant down the street and an open market on the other side, but I

saw no sign of Grace or

the boys.  They'd probably eaten already and had gone off to check

out the rest of the town. It was a fairly large place and extremely

crowded right now so I probably wouldn't see them until I located the

town square where we'd agreed to meet up later.After enjoying

my meal I

walked past the open market until I

found a small grocery store and I stocked up on the things we would

need to replenish the RV.  I ended up with several bags full of

food and I

regretted not waiting until I had Grace and the boys with me to help

carry it all, but I made it back to the motorhome and stowed it all

away.I headed back into town on foot again with the intent of

tracking down the family.  The sky seemed to be darkening a fair bit

and I looked up to see a fair few clouds scudding around.  A large

one was blocking the sun and it looked fairly dark grey.  If the

clouds continued to organize it might end up raining on whatever parade

was being planned.  I realized I still didn't know what festival

was being celebrated and thought I'd snoop around in the shops in town

and hopefully find someone who could speak English who could tell me about it.I

went into a few shops that sold curios and locally made crafts and

such, browsing at what was on hand.  In the last shop I entered I

noticed a few people purchasing what looked like empty cardboard

shoeboxes and then hustling outside.  I realized I'd seen a few

other people out in the street who'd had something similar.  I

wondered if it had something to do with the festival.

 After a moment I realized the shop had nearly cleared out.

 The proprietor kept looking over at me anxiously almost as if he

was hoping I'd be gone soon too.  I figured I may as well get going and try to find Grace and the boys.I

glanced out the shop window and saw that the sky was darkening more and

more outside and I realized it must be getting ready to unleash a

deluge out there.  There might be a severe storm brewing and I

should probably get to the town square to find the others so

we could run back to the RV to get inside before it hits.  Nobody

seemed to be rushing around or anything and there didn't appear to be a

wind building yet so there should still be a bit of time.  I was

curious to find out what exactly this festival was all about, so before

leaving I decided I should at least talk to the shop owner to see if he

spoke English.I walked over to him and he smiled as I approached and I said,

"Looks like there's gonna be a real bad storm out there.  I hope

it doesn't ruin your festival.  Was there gonna be a parade or something?"He suddenly looked a bit puzzled and simply asked, "Qué?"I realized he must not understand me and I just smiled and said, "Sorry, I was hoping you spoke English."I turned to leave the shop and he said, "Will you not buy one, señor?"I turned back to face him and he was holding up one of the cardboard boxes some of the other people had bought."I thought you didn't speak English," I said while I walked back to the counter."I

do, señor, some.  There is no festival.  El pueblo está

aquí..." he shook his head, "The people are here, umm, para verelek

lips."He kept reverting to Spanish and it sounded like he was talking about verelek lips, whatever the hell those were.

 If it wasn't a festival then why were so many people gathering

here?  He was still holding up the cardboard box and looking at me

expectantly so I asked, "What is that?  What's it for?""To see safe," he said as he held the box down near his waist and bent over to look into it."To see safe?  What's in it?  What do you see?" I asked, puzzled.He shook his head, "Not in it, señor.  Up there.  El sol."He

pointed up at the ceiling and then held the box out in front of himself

again, but made a point of angling it up towards the ceiling.  He

pointed at the end of the box where there was a tiny hole and sort of

drew a line up towards the ceiling and then mimed looking into the box

again and enjoying whatever he was seeing.  I realized he was

talking about looking through the

box at the sun."It will be fantástico, señor, espléndido.

 You do not want to miss it.  It will be over six

minutes long!  You cannot look safely without this, señor.

 Only two hundred pesos!"I suddenly understood what he must

be trying to tell me and a bad feeling came over me.  Was that why so many

people were out and about?"Are you saying there's going to be an eclipse?" I asked, starting to feel fear rising as I wondered about the implications."Si, señor, many come to see the eclipse, ver el eclipse, like I say before.  Our town is at

the center of it," he continued, "It will be one of the longest in a century and you can only see all of it right here!"That was why so many

people had gathered here!  We'd been on the road for so long, we

hadn't been paying attention to anything that was going on in the

outside world for weeks.  I had no idea it was coming.  What the fuck

would happen to Grace and the boys?  Would it affect them?

 Could it?  Maybe it was only a partial eclipse."Will it be a partial eclipse or total?""Total,

señor," the man said excitedly, "Think of it, the sun is high in the

sky but suddenly for six minutes there will be nothing in the sky but

the moon!  It

will be as dark as night time in the middle of the day!"My heart nearly stopped as I thought of what it might mean."Please, señor, it is almost time.  See how dark it is already?  In

minutes the sun will disappear completely.  I must close the shop

so I can see it for myself.  It is a once in a lifetime chance and

I do not wish to miss it."He held the box out to me to try to

make one last sale of his overpriced cardboard viewer, but I simply

turned and ran out onto the street.As

soon as I got outside I looked up at the sky.  I'd been wrong, it

wasn't getting cloudier at all.  The clouds had mostly burned off

so the people could finally get a good view of the event.  The

darkness was simply due to the moon nearing perfect alignment in front

of the sun.Panic rose in me as I saw the

throngs of people in front of me, most holding cardboard boxes up and

peering into them as they tracked the progress of the moon slowly

eating away at the sun.  I wasn't completely sure which way the

town square was, but it was not going to be easy to muscle my way

through this many people.  I wasn't sure if Grace and the boys

were there, either.  I hoped to God they weren't.  Hopefully

they'd also found out what was about to happen and they'd found a place

to hide away from everyone else.  I wasn't sure about Grace and

Cole, but Elias was sure to realize the possible implications of a

total eclipse and would know he needed to get them someplace safe just

in case, but only if he knew it was coming.  It had been cloudy

and people wouldn't have been looking into their boxes yet until the

clouds finally parted, so there was a chance they had no clue what was

going on yet.  Even if they did find

out, if they'd done it as late as I did, they might still be trying to

force their way through the huge crowds of people who'd gathered in the

streets to observe the event.I began to try to make my way

towards what

I figured might be the center of town as I thought about it more.

 With any luck it would all amount to nothing.  Even though

it was an eclipse, the sun and moon were sort of both still in the sky

at the same time.  It was still really just a new moon, so they

probably wouldn't change.  Elias had

once told me that the change had nothing to do with actual moonlight.

 If it did he wouldn't change if he simply stayed indoors with the

curtains drawn.

 Clouds had no effect either.  The light wouldn't matter in

this case anyhow since moonlight is simply the reflection of the light

from the sun coming from the opposite side of the Earth at night.

 In this case the sun would tuck itself behind the moon so here

would be no moonlight whatsoever.  In fact, thinking of it that

way, there was really no such thing as 'moonlight'.  It was simply

sunlight that happened to be reflected off the surface of the moon.

 There had to be something else at play.I'd never really

tried to reason out what the catalyst for the change would be exactly,

but I thought hard about it now as I continued to try to pry my way through

the crowds of people.  It was obvious that the sun and the moon

were both actively involved and it seemed as if the sun was the

overriding factor.  As long as the sun was up, even if the moon

was too, like today, there was no change.  If the moon was not up

and the sun went down, there would be no change.  Only if the moon

was up and the sun was down would they change into wolves.  That

meant the moon caused the change, but the sun shut it down.  The

fact that it depended on the rise and set of both over the horizon meant that the Earth

was a factor too.  It must somehow block the effects of both the

moon and the sun if it came between them and the werewolves.  Elias had said he'd

even gone deep into a storm sewer one time and yet he'd still changed.

 He would have been underground then, so the moonlight couldn't

possibly reach him.  It didn't really make sense to him that he

still changed under those conditions.The only way I could reason it was to imagine some

sort of unknown 'field' of force that emanated from both the sun and the

moon like negative and positive charges or opposite poles of a magnet.

 The Earth must act like an insulator to both of them.

 Maybe going into the sewer did not give sufficient insulation

from the moon's field to prevent the change.  That's how electric

and magnetic fields work, so why not these other fields?  Even an effective

insulator had to be a certain thickness before it could fully block an

electric field.  It might take miles of earth to block the moon's field

completely.  If that was the case, if it was some sort of unknown

field, then it followed that when the sun tucked in behind the moon and was obliterated by it,

the moon would completely absorb and block the sun's field, but

continue to project its own field down to us.  The moon would

really be the only thing in the sky!  They would change into

wolves!  They might not even know it was about to happen!Panic

began to truly set in and I started to push harder against the mob to

try to get through as I hopped up and down to try to see over their heads and desperately began to shout at the top of my

lungs, "Grace!  Elias!  Cole!  Run!  You're gonna

change!  You have to get out of town!"My mind reeled as I

thought of what might be about to happen.  They could be right in

the middle of this huge crowd of people!  They would start to

change and in just shy of a couple of minutes they would be at the

final stage of rage and confusion and they would be surrounded by a throng of

strangers crowding in on them.  There was no doubt the raging

wolves would attack.  Christ!"Grace!  Elias!

 Cole!  Can you hear me?!  Run!  The sun's about to

disappear!  It will only be the moon!"The

eclipse would

last six whole minutes according to the shop keeper.  If that

was the case, any who were bitten by my family and survived would begin

to turn, and

in less than a couple of minutes they'd be up and biting others!  There were

so many people out here!  There had to be tens of thousands

crowding the streets and all around the town center!  The whole

cycle could repeat up to three more

times at least!  I did some quick math and realized if my three

wolves bit only one other person each, and each of them bit one other,

by the last cycle there would be

nearly a hundred people turning and each of them might bite another to

create more!  There might be hundreds of werewolves produced!  Holy Jesus!  I had to find them!I

suddenly heard my name somewhere off to my right.  "Jake!"

 It sounded like Elias.  He sounded far away but at least I

had a bearing to follow now.  I turned and began to push harder."Jake!"  That was Grace.  "They have Cole!  They're here!  They took him!  Where are you?  Help!"What

the hell?  What was she talking about?  Who took him?

 Could it be the spooks?  How the hell could they find us?My

heart was hammering against the walls of my chest and just

as I was about to shout their names again, the whole crowd around me

gasped.  The darkness was almost complete but there was a strange

flash and I looked up at the sun.  It was an inky black circle

with a

brilliant ring of light surrounding it and there was an intensely

bright flash of light at one end.  I quickly looked down again to

prevent any possible damage to my eyes.  I knew what it was I'd

seen.  It was the diamond ring effect that occurs a second or two

before totality.  We were out of time. Suddenly

the world was plunged into total darkness.  It was pitch black

night, though

streetlights had already begun to light all around us.  There were

"oohs" and "aahs" all around me as I desperately tried to force my

way through the throng.  It was too late though.  If anything


going to happen it had already started.Suddenly I heard the

sound of laughter off in the

distance in the direction that Grace and Elias's voices had come from.

 People started cheering and shouting and whistling and hooting.

 Every once in a while I heard the words "desnudo" and "loco", but

I realized what they were laughing about when I heard an English

speaking person shout, "Holy shit!  They're naked!  Check out

that woman!  Fuckin' hot!"Shit!  I knew what it must

mean.  They must have been hit by the first spasm from the change

and they knew it was too late to get away from the crowd.  They

were peeling their clothes off to protect themselves!"Grace, Elias, I'm coming!" I shouted as I began to push at the people in earnest.What

a fucking shit show!  Grace and Elias were going to be in a rage

in moments in the middle of a crowd of people.  Where the hell was

Cole?  Who had him?  I needed to get to them!I pushed really hard now and knocked a couple of people over in my desperate rush to get to my family.  The

crowd was becoming angry at me and several began to push back.

 One irate man punched me in the face and another pushed at my

chest hard and I stumbled back and fell on my ass.As I struggled to get back up I

heard a loud scream, then another.  Somewhere in the direction the

laughter had come from earlier it sounded like there were now a number of people

yelling and panicking.  They must be trying to push against the crushing

crowd to get away from the horrific transformation that was happening

right at their feet!My heart wanted to burst from my chest as

I finally managed to get up and I began to try even more desperately to make my way

in the direction of the commotion, but now the crowd further in near the transforming werewolves was

pushing hard against the rest, and a lot of the people between us were pushing back in

anger again like they'd done to me earlier, not understanding that they

were keeping those people from escaping the danger.I

wished I

could speak Spanish to try to get these people to start running, but

there were so many of them, and nobody seemed to realize yet just how


danger they were in.  I couldn't fight the crowd so I did the only

thing I could, I jumped up and climbed onto the top of them like a mosh

pit.  There were shouts of anger as my

hiking boots came down on people's heads and shoulders as I tried to

get further in.  Someone grabbed at my ankle to pull me down so I

grabbed on to the large branch of a tree just over my head and managed

to wrap my arms around it and pull myself up before the people I was

using as stepping stones could knock me

back to the ground again.  From the tree I swung over and put my

feet on a low metal railing surrounding an outdoor veranda, and I


on it and then grabbed onto an awning that hung over the veranda to

stop from

falling off the railing.  Now I could follow the railing and make

my way through the crowd more quickly.I

heard snarls of rage and screams of both pain and abject terror coming

from up ahead and

then all hell broke loose and I could hear shouts of warning and alarm,

and I could see heads popping up out of the crowd ahead as other people

tried to do just as I had and climb on top of the crowd that was

blocking their way in a desperate attempt to get away from the vicious

beasts that were suddenly among them.My worst fears were being realized.  The wolves were near the end of the change and they were in

a rage at the crowd of strangers surrounding them.  There was truly nothing I could do to stop it now.The

people around me started looking around in confusion and shouting

things at each other in Spanish that must amount to "what the hell is going on?"They

still weren't trying to get away, but they needed to start moving, now!

 I heard more screams of pain and panic and suddenly, far up

ahead, I thought I caught a flash of white fur briefly, but then it

went around the corner behind a building.  If the wolves were in a

true rage they wouldn't even think to stick together.  They

wouldn't think at all.  They'd be

panicked and fighting their way through to try to get away from the

strangers, biting and clawing all the way, off in two different

directions, spreading the infection far and wide.  Fuck!  I


realized my estimate of each wolf infecting one other person was more

than a little optimistic.  There might be thousands of wolves when

this was all over if this crowd didn't disperse in a hurry."Run,

you idiots!  Get out of here!" I shouted down at the throng while

waving my arms to try to direct them away from where the wolves were.

 A few of them must understand English because here and there

people looked up at me, tried to look back to where the commotion had

been happening, then turned and began to push hard in the direction I'd

indicated to try to get to safety.  More people started to catch

on that something was seriously wrong and there was a more organized

effort as the crowd started to move away from the shouting, but still

far too slowly.I tried to walk carefully along the railing while using the

awning off to the side to keep myself upright and I managed to get a lot closer to the

source of the commotion.  It had quieted down considerably, then I

heard more shouts from a few different locations further away.

 The wolves must have made their way further out in the crowd, but

they definitely weren't together anymore.  How the fuck would I

find them when all of this was over?Suddenly I heard several new

screams back near the center where it had all began.  Shortly

afterward there were more growls and snarls of rage and many more

people started yelling.  Now there was a concerted push and I

could see the crowd of people starting to force their way outward against the bigger crowd at the fringes in an

effort to get away from the mayhem.  This must be round two!  Those who'd

been bitten but had survived started to change, and now they'd reached

the raging almost-wolf stage.  I suddenly realized I was in just

as much danger as the rest of these people if I didn't get the hell

out.  None of these new wolves knew me and they wouldn't hesitate

to tear into me if I got in their way.Finally the crowd this far

back began to realize they were truly in danger.  There was a

constant tumult of screams and snarls and people yelling for help and

shouting warnings, all coming from the direction of the center of town.

 The crowd started to all turn and push to get further away and

there was complete and utter panic as a stampede began to build.  I saw

older people and children begin to fall over from the crush of people

pushing to try to run to safety.  Others stopped to try to help

them and were knocked over themselves and trampled as more and more

people began to desperately scramble and fight their way in the same direction, running for their lives.Suddenly

a couple of

massive wolves appeared amidst the crush of people, biting and snarling

and slashing at anyone in their way as they forced their way into the

crowd.  I could see them tearing at people and grabbing them and

flinging them aside as they fought to get through the mass of people.

 The crowd screamed as they realized what was happening and that the

threat was now right here among them, and they desperately tried to get

away from the immediate threat as the wolves continued their rampage

into the heart of the throng, and then through it, to disappear

into the night.There


wounded people everywhere and suddenly the stampede began to break down

and people slowed to a stop and began milling about as they realized the

threat was gone.

 It was like they thought it was all over, now that the gigantic

wolves had passed through.  They had survived.  They weren't

about to keep going in the direction the gigantic beasts had gone, so

they didn't seem to know what to do next.  Families grabbed each

other and held on.  People were shouting the names of loved ones

they couldn't locate.  Many wept while others tried to console


heart sank as I saw dozens of

wounded people who'd been bitten by the rampaging wolves begin to

squirm and spasm on the ground.  Many of the people still down

there began to rush towards the wounded people to try to help them.

 More and more crowded in to see what they could do."Get away from

them!" I shouted, "Leave them alone!  Get out!  Run!"Most

of them ignored me as they continued to try to help the injured, who

were now beginning to thrash around hard.  Others heard my shouts

but simply looked around to see if I'd spotted the wolves making a

comeback or something, but when they saw no immediate threat they did

nothing.  Before long several of

those crowded around the convulsing people began to gasp and yell out in shock, then they

began to back away as they looked on in horror at what was

happening to those who were writhing on the ground.In

moments we

were into round three.  My stomach dropped away as I looked around

at how many of them there were.  There must be close to twenty

going through the change in the streets right near me, and there must

be that

many more on every side all around the epicenter.  Some were

wearing clothes that would not split apart easily and I nearly felt

sick as

I saw their bodies begin to expand inside them.  They were

changing into gigantic wolves, but the leather boots and heavy chain

necklaces and steel-banded watches and thick leather belts

were not all giving way, and the results were horrific in some cases.

 I tried not

to look.  The problems the unyielding clothes created were at

their extremities so they wouldn't die, but the pain would be

unbearable when they came back to themselves inside the wolf bodies.

 Luckily they would only have to endure it until the end of the

eclipse, and we had to be no more than a minute or to away by now.

 They should be

completely healed when they changed back to human form when the sun

came back out.  There might not even be any time for this last

batch to become themselves inside the wolves before the sun emerged and

triggered the change in the opposite direction, so they would be spared

ever being conscious of the pain.Those who were changing around me were near the

final stage and I suddenly realized I was still just standing here, perched on the railing and

watching it all.  I'd forgotten to run.  There were still too

many people around and I was afraid of getting caught in

another stampede, so I made my way back along the railing and jumped

back onto the large tree and climbed as high as I could go to put myself out of

sight of the new set of wolves who were just now starting to snap and

snarl and chase after the remainder of the crowd that had started screaming in stark terror and was trying to get

away.I just had to wait out the last minute or so of the total eclipse and then I could safely come back down.Now

it was total pandemonium.  Massive near-wolves were

running this way and that, attacking anything that moved.  People

were screaming even far away out past the edges of town by the sound of

it.  My heart was racing and my thoughts turned back to Elias and


 Where were they now?  Hopefully they hadn't gone far before

they stopped to hide.  They should have no problem making their

way back to town.  I should be able to find them no problem once

the tumult died down.

 I just needed to survive the next couple of minutes until the

eclipse ended, then I could get back together with them and we could get

started trying to figure out where Cole was and how to get him back.I

looked up to try to see the sun.  It should

be over very soon.  I couldn't quite spot it through the trees and

as I leaned out to try to get a look at it one of the massive wolves

that had leaped at its next victim smashed into the tree and my foot

suddenly slipped forward off

the branch I was standing on and I found myself falling.  I

flailed my arms as the branch raked up my back and then struck the back

of my head hard.  I heard a crunch and felt a blast of pain and my

vision began to darken, but I was still going down.  I quickly

reached out to try to grab onto the awning over the veranda just to my

right in order to slow my fall, but all that did was cause me to spin

slightly and suddenly I slammed backwards onto the metal railing I'd

been standing on earlier.  Blinding pain lanced through me,

shooting outward from my lower back to every corner of my body as I

finally came to an abrupt stop.I

was folded nearly in half, backwards,

balanced on top of the metal railing.  The crack to my head

must have been bad because I could feel myself fading fast.

 Thankfully, the pain was fading away just as fast as the world

was.The last thing I saw as I hung backwards helplessly on the

railing was a massive, slathering, upside down

near-wolf coming right at me, then there was a brief flash of sunlight

just before the

world went black....When I came around I was in a haze


pain.  I was staring up at a plain, off-white ceiling.  I

tried to sit up, but even just the tiniest bit of effort sent bright

lances of pain shooting through my body.  As I tried to focus and

remember what had happened to me, I was at a loss at first, but as I

struggled more I began to remember some of it.  I'd fallen.

 One of the last batch of people who'd been changing was charging

me.  Did they bite me?  They obviously hadn't killed me.

 I thought harder.  No, they couldn't have bitten me or I

wouldn't be in all this pain.  I would have changed and would be

completely healed now that I'm human again.  I

suddenly remembered the flash of light I saw just before I blacked out.

 It must have been the sun emerging from behind the moon that had

kept the wolf from changing me.  It was yet another piece of bad

fucking luck.I groaned from the throbbing pain that was wracking

my body, wishing the wolf had succeeded so I could be right as rain

instead of feeling like this.I tried to

turn my head to look around to see where I was, but it seemed to be

locked in place and any effort to move it simply ramped up the pain in

my forehead and neck to unbearable levels, so I stopped trying.  I

moved my eyes as far as possible to the right and left and saw what

looked like steel rods on either side of my head.  I suddenly

remembered the blow to the back of my head and the cracking sound I'd

heard.  I must have hurt my neck.  I was in a brace of some


groaned and closed my eyes and went still and waited until the waves of

pain began

to slow down a bit, then I tried to assess what might actually still be

functioning correctly.  Every inch of me seemed to throb and pulse

with pain.  I knew I couldn't sit up and I knew I

couldn't turn my head so I wasn't about to try that again.  I

tried bending my knees and wiggling my feet and toes, but nothing

happened.  There was no pain at all, but I couldn't feel anything

moving down there.  Then I suddenly realized I couldn't feel my

legs at all.

 Panic started to set in and I tried to sit up again while

reaching down with both hands to grab at my legs.  My left arm did

not move but my right arm did.  Like before though, the pain that

suddenly shot through me as I attempted to sit up made me yell and

nearly caused me to

black out.I fought a powerful wave of nausea that nearly made


vomit as I gritted my teeth and waited for the pain to begin to go down

again.  When it finally did I much more cautiously tried to lift

my right arm.  That was the only thing that seemed to be moving

freely right now.  My right shoulder ached but it felt like

nothing more than a bad bruise.  My right arm hurt a bit but it

felt like it was more at the surface and not internal.  I was able

to lift it up into my line of sight

and I saw my forearm had been bandaged and my hand looked scraped and

bruised, but other than that the arm

seemed OK.  There was an IV line attached to it.  I reached

up towards my face and found, as I'd

suspected, there was a complex metal brace constructed around my head

with a wide band that was pinned to my skull and attached to rods that

went down to my shoulders and were anchored there.  I must have

broken my neck.  Thankfully, it hadn't resulted in total

paralysis, or I wouldn't be able to move my arm.I felt around a

bit more with my right hand and I realized I had a large cast that

seemed to go around my neck and completely covered my left shoulder,

extending down over my left arm and covering it all the way to the

wrist.  That

was why I couldn't move it.  I must have broken the clavicle on my

left side and probably a bone or two in my left

arm also, judging by the amount of pain emanating from there.  I

carefully wiggled my fingers on my left hand and I could feel them

moving around


kept exploring some more with my right hand and I found a very heavy

cast that started at my rib cage and went down to completely cover my hips and continued

on down my legs for

as far as I could reach.  Had I broken my back?  Was that why

I couldn't feel my legs?  I remembered the final position I'd been in,

hung backwards over the railing, and my heart sank.  That had to be it.Then

I remembered my family and

panic set in as the entire events of the eclipse replayed in my head in

fast motion.  Where did I end up?  Where were Grace and

Elias?  Where was Cole?  They'd shouted something about him

being taken!"Grace?

Are you there?  Elias?  Anyone?  Help!" I shouted.

 The effort of shouting simply brought a fresh blast of pain that

ricocheted around to every corner of my body.  I felt bruised all

over and my back was on fire.  My skull hurt from the pins of the

neck brace, and my midsection felt like I'd been stabbed in the gut

several times.There was movement to my right and someone said, "Please, señor, cálmate.  Calm down.  You are badly hurt."A

dark haired, concerned-looking woman moved into my sight.  She was

wearing a white nurse's blouse and she began to fuss at the blankets on

the bed around me and then checked to ensure I hadn't knocked out the

IV line."You must keep still, señor.  Do not move.  I will get el médico.  The doctor.  Please wait."She

vanished and I heard the rapidly repeating squeaks of her shoes on the

floor begin to fade as she rushed off out of the room and down the hall.I

waited as my head began to clear a bit more and the pain started to

increase.  Whatever drugs they'd been giving me for the pain must

be wearing off.  I hoped they'd have another dose ready soon.

 It was all I could do to keep from throwing up the pain was so


a few minutes I heard the sound of several feet coming down the hall

towards the room and shortly a dark haired man with a neatly

trimmed goatee and a friendly looking face came into view."I am doctor Castillo.  How do you feel, señor?"I cleared my throat and spoke quietly this time, "You

tell me.  I can only feel about half of me, and that half feels

like shit run through a shit grinder, with more shit spread onto it,

and the whole thing thrown at a shit-covered wall."The man chuckled but the laugh did not extend into his eyes.  He seemed concerned and serious."Please, tell me how bad it is," I said, wincing from the pain of speaking."It

is not good, señor.  You live, that is the important thing, and

you are strong.

 Many did not survive the horror at Nazas.  There are

hundreds of injured at hospitals all over Durango, but many did not

make it.

 As for you, your left arm is broken in several places.  It

looks as though one of those things had you by the arm and dragged you,

perhaps threw you.  Your left shoulder was dislocated from the

dragging and your clavicle bone on the left side was fractured.

 You suffered a cervical fracture too, but it did not sever the

spinal cord in your neck, thank God, or you would be paralyzed from the

neck down.""I can't feel my legs," I said.The


looked more serious and he nodded and said, "Yes, I'm afraid you also

suffered an injury to your lower back.  It looks as though you

fell from a high place and landed on your back and there was a shearing

force just above the L4 vertebra in your spine.  You must have hit

at a slight angle as your right hip was also broken.  I'm afraid


injury to your spine was very severe.  The cord was not completely

severed but

it was badly lacerated and partially crushed.  The damage is

enough that I'm afraid you may never walk again.

 There is a chance that it might heal sufficiently enough that you


regain some feeling again, but I would say the chances are very slim.

 There is a great deal of swelling in the spinal column and we

will have to wait until it reduces somewhat before we can begin to

determine if necrosis has set in in from the lack of sufficient blood

flow to the nerve bundles.

 You went into surgery as quickly as you could be transported to


hospital.  We were the nearest with the necessary specialist, but

the surgeon did not

like what he saw.  He did his best, but he told me to warn you

that you must brace yourself for the likelihood that your legs will

never work again."I groaned as the full impact of how badly I'd been hurt began to set in.The

doctor continued, "You suffered a ruptured spleen and there was a large

bite on your left side that punctured your skin and muscle at the back

and did tremendous damage to your left kidney.  We had to remove

it, but the one on the right is undamaged and functioning normally and

one is all you really need.  You also suffered other internal

injuries, but mostly blunt force so there is swelling and bruising, but

no permanent damage.  You have a neck brace designed to keep your

head completely immobilized.  The injury should not take more than


weeks to heal and we can then remove the brace.  It will

take more time to heal the broken clavicle.  Twelve weeks at

least.  We will be leaving the full lower body cast on for at

least that long as well.  You should get used to this bed, señor.

 You will be in it for quite some time.""I have a family,"

I said, gasping for breath between fresh waves of pain, "How can I find

them?  Has anyone come to see me?  How long have I been out?""It's

been two days, señor.  Nobody has come looking for you yet, but

I'm sure they will in time.  No one was with you when you were found so

it was assumed you were alone, or they were injured or killed.  It was

chaos for some time after the

event and it took some time for our government to organize.  You

had identification on you.  Your name has been checked against the

names of all of the other injured who have been treated at various

hospitals around the state, but no match was found.  Happily, I

can also say no match was found to any of those who were dead that have

been identified.  Only a few were not identified yet, but they are

all Mexicans as far as I know."I

hadn't really expected Elias and Grace to be injured.  They had

likely managed to get out through

the crowd and out of the town before the first wave of the ones they'd

changed in their rage progressed through their change enough to start

doing damage.  Even if they had been injured, it would

have healed completely as soon as the sun emerged and they changed

back to human form.  They must be looking for me.  The doctor

indicated that the injured were distributed to multiple hospitals

throughout the state of Durango, probably to spread out the load.

 It might take them some time to find me, but they would

eventually show up."Where am I?""You are in Hospital Mexico Americano, señor, in Guadalajara.""What? You mean I'm not even in Durango anymore?"He

shook his head and said, "You are in the state of Jalisco.  We

were the best hospital available to deal with the severity of your

injuries, señor.  You were transported here by helicopter."I

sighed.  There would be no reason for Grace and Elias to check

hospitals in Jalisco.  I suppose once they'd checked all of the

ones in Durango and I failed to turn up they'd start to check

elsewhere, but there were many states in Mexico and it would take time for them to track me down.  Even

once they found me they would have to drive here to get me and that

would take more time.  I might be suffering alone for quite a while yet."Please, do not worry, your family will

find you.  I will ensure that your name is sent to all of the

hospitals in Durango so if anyone asks for you, they will know you are

here.  You will see them soon, señor, I promise." "Thank you, doctor," I said hoarsely, "I appreciate all you're doing for me."A fresh wave of pain came over me and I winced and groaned."You

have been kept heavily sedated.  We reduced it so you could regain

consciousness.  We did not wish to keep you out too long.

 Soon you will need to try to eat, but for now you need rest.

 I will increase the morphine drip just a bit to ease your pain

and help you to sleep.  You must rest some more.  It is all

that is important for now.  Give your body time to heal."Time

to heal.  If Elias and Grace would hurry up and get here it would

take all of two minutes to heal every bit of the damage to my body.

 I would only have to hold out until the next change happened and

Elias could finally turn me.  If it had been two days since the

event, then tonight would be the last night without a change.

 Tomorrow night the werewolves would change for ten minutes or so

right at sunset and the next cycle would begin with the changes lasting

longer and longer again until the next full moon.  With any luck

Grace and Elias would get here before tomorrow night and my hospital

stay would be over.I didn't even know for sure that they were

actually looking for me right now.  Grace had shouted that Cole

had been taken.  What if the spooks had caught up to them, too?

 Maybe Grace and Elias had gone after Cole.  I half hoped

that was the case even if it would mean I wouldn't see them for a

while.  If there was any chance to get him back, it would likely

have to happen right away before he could be taken far.  Maybe

they'd gone after him.  I could only pray that they'd succeed and

that they wouldn't get hurt in the process.  I wish there was some

way I could help.What a mess we'd made.  So many people were bitten.  What

happened to all of the other werewolves that were produced during the

eclipse?  It suddenly occurred to me that they might not even know

that their nightmare was not yet over.  They would have been

wolves so briefly that many wouldn't even remember what had happened to

them when they suddenly regained consciousness out there somewhere in a

field, naked, feeling better than they'd ever felt in their lives.

 They would have still been in the process of changing when the

sun came out from behind the moon forcing them to suddenly change right

back to humans so they'd have no clue what had happened.  Since it

was a new moon they would have been fine for the last couple of days

and they wouldn't change again until tomorrow night.Oh my God.

 What if there are dozens of people at home with their families

now, happy that they had survived the ordeal of the eclipse, thinking

it was all over?  They would have no idea while they're sitting

among friends or family, or in a restaurant or a movie theater, that

they're ticking time bombs that would explode into a murderous rage the

next time the sun goes down and the moon comes up.  They won't be

ready for what's going to happen to them tomorrow night.I sighed

heavily.  There was no point dwelling on it.  There was

nothing I could do.  There was really nothing I could have done

then, either.  We had no way of knowing the mess we would create.

 We didn't know about the eclipse at all.  We didn't know to

watch out for that sort of problem.I felt guilty for what we'd

caused.  So many people hurt.  Many even died.  It

wasn't even over yet.  How many dozens, or even hundreds of werewolves might there be out there who don't yet fully understand what's happened to them?  It's been days and most of them would have traveled into Nazas from all over, and by now would have headed back home.  Tomorrow night when the next change hits there could be raging wolves attacking everyone around them in multiple locations far and wide.  Possibly even in different countries.  There's no telling how far some might be willing to travel for the once in a lifetime chance to view a total eclipse.  They would have all caught their flights home by now.  The nightmare we'd precipitated could go on for quite some time yet.I couldn't really blame myself or my family

though.  We just didn't know.  It was an accident.

 Still, we would have to live with the knowledge of the grief we

caused forever.I felt helpless lying in this bed not able to do

anything and not knowing the state of my family.  Now I truly

regretted not becoming a werewolf sooner.  I'd been holding off so

that I could better handle any sort of contingency that might come up

that would need a human touch, but it hadn't occurred to me that there

might be complications that would require the ability to self regenerate.

 There was something to be said for going through a complete

regrowth twice a day for most days of the month.  Once I was a

werewolf all of this pain would be over.I needed to get better

fast so we could get started trying to track down Cole.  There had

to be some way we could find him.  That was my biggest concern

right now.  If I ever got my hands on whoever was responsible for my losing him, they would deeply regret it.  That goes double if I'm in wolf form when it happens.The doctor had moved out of my vision to my right and

I heard some beeping as he adjusted the automated drip, and then

suddenly the pain seemed to rush away from me backwards along with all

of my worries, while a warm and wonderful wave of ecstasy swept in to

replace it.  I moaned with pleasure and the doctor came back into

view, smiling."Try not to get used to that feeling, señor.  Morphine is powerful stuff.  Rest.  I will return to check on you later."I

simply moaned again in response as I rode the wonderful cloud I was

suddenly floating on.  The lights in the room began to take on a

kaleidescope pattern of amazing colors and shapes that were spinning

around me.  I began to rotate with the shapes as I smiled and

closed my eyes and let them carry me away.Within moments I was

once again completely oblivious to all my pain and troubles.