The Arroway Tales - A Clash of Cultures

Story by cillerion on SoFurry

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Meet Tania Arroway: a merchant by trade, a loner by nature, and fiercely independent. She was born different; not quite a boy, not at completely a girl, she is the exact opposite of normal. Consumed by her secret shame, she desperately tries to fit in while unable to make close friends or experience a meaningful relationship. This is a story of her redemption, her self-discovery, her rebirth.

The Arroway Tales are a series of interconnected stories about Tania's travels around the world. My intent is that they can be read in any order, however this story will serve as her definitive background. Stay tuned for more of her adventures!

It wasn't supposed to rain. As a member of the merchant's guild, tradition compelled her to seek guidance from the sky-sages prior to heading out on the road. She paid handsomely for their services, albeit begrudgingly, and received their blessing and vague promises of clear weather along the northern trade route. They couldn't have been more wrong. Dark rainclouds shadowed her every step since leaving the port city of Amora showering her with every type of rain imaginable from a fine drizzle to fat droplets that left her cold and miserable.

"Fucking great," she said sarcastically, fed up with the constant rain. "I would give anything to see the sun."

Tania Arroway, the last of the Ridgewood Arroways, glared at the heavy clouds as if her gaze alone had the power to stop the downpour. The weather gods did not take kindly to her sarcastic tone and whipped up a surprise for the drenched mustang in the form of a biting breeze and more rain. She grimaced in frustration then carried on, head bowed to deflect the wind while she adjusted her backpack for what felt like the hundredth time.

The lone mustang was a curious sight to behold on the notoriously difficult northern trade route. The road connected the port city of Amora to the vast farmlands of the inner plains and was also an ideal target for local bandits seeking to pillage caravan trains. In that respect, Tania felt somewhat safe from attack. Her simple farmhand's attire and plain woolen cloak acted like camouflage; she looked like a poor refugee, not worth the effort of stealing from regardless of how desperate the bandits may be at this time of year. But under her unflattering clothes was a striking white furred mustang who turned heads whenever she entered a room. Perhaps her most alluring feature was her crimson red hair, cropped short just above her shoulders. Not that her appearance mattered now. Her hair and fur were matted down from the rain and putting her in a foul mood.

"Where are the fucking trees?" Tania asked aloud taking stock of her surroundings. Miles and miles of flat, grassy plains dominated the landscape with nary a tree nor tall bush in sight. Endure it, she told herself, keep walking. Stopping in the middle of an autumn rain storm was a sure way to get sick. That and any delay meant losing her usual merchant's table in the capital to one of her competitors, not to mention making a healthy profit during the busy fall festival.

Tania traded in precious gems and ores she obtained by sifting through rocks along an old riverbed. Monks and scribes valued certain ores that could be ground up to make colored inks while rich nobles bought gemstones to be cut, polished and set into extravagant jewelry. It had taken her a month of prospecting at the river's edge to find several ounces of gold; four leather pouches containing sapphires, rubies, topaz and opals; and two 20 pound canvas sacks filled with tin, iron and sulphur ores.

But carrying a literal pack of rocks caused Tania's back to ache and her hooves to grow numb testing her resilience and stamina. She did not deserve special treatment from the weather gods. She wasn't special... far from it. She knew what she was - a freak. How many times had her father said those exact words? At least a hundred to her face, countless more behind her back. She was the sole child to parents who had prayed for a son. What they got was her. The final insult was that her mother died giving birth. Tania was cursed. That much was certain. She was half daughter, part son, and, in her father's eyes, a freak.

I am not a freak, she'd tell herself every night before bed until it became her personal mantra. Otherwise she may have begun to believe her father's accusatory remarks. If he didn't sell his goods for a decent profit, it was Tania's fault. If the rainy season dragged on and led to a poor harvest, it was Tania's fault. As she matured into a young adult, she could feel his hate filled eyes boring holes in the back of her head. Months went by without a word being said between them. The reason for his hate was obvious whenever she looked into a mirror. She reminded him of her mother and every day he felt the loss of his wife even more.

So it came as a kind of relief to both father and daughter when he fell ill and succumbed to pneumonia. Tania was 15 at the time and mourned his passing for less than day then set out to amass her fortune as a traveling merchant. Family honor meant nothing to her, nor did she wish to uphold his contracts with the local farmers. No, she wanted to show him how wrong he was to ignore his daughter by deeming her unworthy of his knowledge.

The rain, though, didn't care about her past or her grand plans or her secret shame. Countless sharp, wind-propelled droplets had her shivering as she walked through the mud. Strands of her flaming red hair fell into her eyes which she'd brush away only to have it fall back every other step. On occasion she'd glance up to scan the horizon hoping to spot the tell-tale lines of smoke rising up from a nearby village, but instead of smoke or the tops of trees, what greeted her each time she peered through the rain were endless fields of hip-tall grass and an icy breeze.

Tania, momentarily distracted by the empty plains around her, failed to spot a large puddle in her path and she stepped into it sinking up to her knee in bone-chilling water. She cursed loudly and tried to pull herself out to no avail. After threading her arms through the loops of her pack and placing it on a firm patch of grass, she began to wriggle her hoof out of the murky hole until it emerged coated with sticky, cold mud.

"Fuck! Shit! Fuck you rain!"

Cursing did not improve her situation one bit. Her words echoed across the rolling plains straight into the ear of a Lai'ki colt on his 'Semba itti' or 'wisdom walk'. The Lai'ki were isolated, nature-loving tribes of equines that were scattered across the world and preferred to avoid contact with outsiders. Their bloodline traced back to an ancient and noble breed of Percheron horses capable of performing mysterious forms of magic. The colt, named Saani, ducked low amid the tall grass and sniffed the air trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. The rain had masked Tania's scent from him until her loud cursing made it easy for the black furred equine to follow her unseen.

On the road, Tania had given up on trying to keep clean and simply dragged herself onto the relatively mud free grass. Her pants and traveler's cloak were caked with heavy mud leaving her no choice but to undress and scrape off the excess filth before it dried and made her clothes feel like a coat of stiff armor. Tania soon squirmed out of her sodden clothes until she was down to a pair of underwear and a thin top. Oddly enough, she felt warmer out of her clothes than in them and fell back onto the grass with a smile across her muzzle for the first time in days.

Saani remained crouched on the opposite side of the trail trying to decide what to do. The purpose of his semba itti was to experience life outside the tribe so his chance encounter with the lone mare seemed like a great opportunity to learn about a different culture. In the end his curiosity won out over his discretion up so he stood up and introduced himself.

"A-ho!" Saani saluted her in his native tongue presenting his open palms to Tania so that she could tell he carried no weapons and meant no harm.

Tania let out a shrill scream of surprise and scrambled to her hooves holding her fists up in self-defence. She stood defiant in the rain, ready for a fight but ashamed to be caught in such a compromising position. Thankfully, the colt showed no sign of being a threat - he simply stared at her as if she was a puzzle for him to solve. His gaze soon descended to her semi-clothed body and stopped when he saw the tell-tale bulge at her groin.

"No harm," Saani said in broken common. Although the Lai'ki preferred their solitude, they did trade with certain trusted merchants who supplied goods they could not otherwise acquire. Every Lai'ki learned common and they spoke it, albeit rarely, to stay informed of the surrounding areas. "Please. Be calm. Want to speak. To talk and learn."

"You scared the shit out of me!" Charm was not a quality Tania held in high regard. She wasted little effort on good manners, particularly when confronted in the wild by a strange male. "What do you want?"

"Name is Saani. From Lai'ki tribe. Why here? Danger to be on the path. Not safe. Not safe for special... um... jinqu'a mirh. Do not know common word."

Saani, not able to translate the Lai'ki word to common, pointed at the decidedly non-feminine mass at her groin. The colt's genuine interest conflicted with Tania's preconceived notion that her secret would provoke fear or outright disgust in others. Many of her life's choices, such as her stubborn refusal to establish close relationships, were made to hide what set her apart from 'normal' mares. If she let down her guard for a moment and permitted rumors to circulate that she was part male, her business would suffer for it. As a result, she seldom stayed for more than two or three days in any city and never bathed in public places.

In one fell swoop, the inquisitive colt had removed Tania's need for discretion. He had no ties to cities or commerce, no affiliation with any merchant, and absolutely no impact on her reputation as an honest trader. Any attempt to cover herself would be pointless. Furthermore, Saani's native tongue had a name for what she was and perhaps he knew more about her kind than she did herself.

Tania opened her mouth as if to respond but the words stuck in her throat. Aside from a brief conversation with her late father when she matured into a mare, she hadn't spoken to anyone about her body in close to a decade. She did not know where, or how, to begin. But, as she stared into Saani's bright and intelligent eyes, a new found confidence began to grow inside her that allowed her to say the things she previously thought were impossible to speak aloud.

"I-I don't know what I am. My father told me I was different. Not a boy or a girl." Tania spoke slowly, her voice trembling with emotion, but she continued nonetheless. "You called me something earlier. A jinki mire?. What does it mean?"

"Jinqu'a mirh. Means two in one." Saani explained. "Very special when born in tribe. A sign of strength and intelligence. Jinqu'a mirh have power of males and wisdom of females. None born in tribe for long time. Three generations." The colt paused and grew concerned when he noticed how Tania shivered in the frigid rain. "Cold? Saani can make fire. Am Dospo'alman for Lai'ki. Fire-maker. Look."

Saani gathered a couple handfuls of wet grass and twigs then piled them up to form a crude fire pit. The rain should have snuffed out any spark before it had a chance to catch, but to Tania's amazement the colt conjured flames in his bare hands and set the pit ablaze. The fire burned brightly and released a pleasant heat with no smoke or acrid odor. She knew magic existed in isolated pockets around the world however she had not encountered anything resembling what Saani could do during her travels.

"Incredible!" Tania sat mesmerised by the fire's glow, her eyes shifting rapidly between the dancing flames to Saani who looked confused by her reaction. To him, the creation of fire was a basic demonstration of what he could do. There were even more powerful practitioners of elemental magic among his tribe and fire mastery was a common trait in his family.

"Saani tell you already. Am Dospo'alman. Fire-maker. Many can do it."

"Maybe this is common for you," Tania said. "Not for us. Magic is quite rare. I've heard of mages living in the capital far to the west who perform illusions... tricks to fool the eye. I don't know if they are capable of making fire appear out of nothing like you."

"Ah, lopam." The detached tone of Saani's voice provided her with an instant translation. Talk of cities and mages were about as exciting to him as discussing the weather. "Saani care not for cities. Want t. meet others, not it Saani on Semba itti - wisdom walk. Purpose is to learn things away from family. Become adult in tribe. Find mate. Good that Saani find you. Can learn much about jinqu'a mirh. What is name?"

"My name is Tania Arroway. I am a merchant, a trader." She opened her pack and pulled out a glass vial filled with gold flakes and a large chunk of quartz to show Saani. "I trade this for food and shelter."

"Good work. Very good for jinqu'a mirh. Takes strength to dig for stones. Takes wisdom to find stones." The colt nodded his approval of her choice of occupation. "Tania happy to be jinqu'a mirh? Popular in cities too?"

"No, not especially. In fact, I try to hide what I am. If anyone in the cities found out about me they would probably chase me away." Tania had seen how so-called 'civilized society' treated their sick and deformed to know what would happen if her secret was discovered. "Not much is known about jinqu'a mirh except they are rare and strange. I don't really know much either."

"Much apology. Everyone in cities are stupid." Saani's vehemence on Tania's behalf toward city folk was shocking considering he barely knew her. "Jinqu'a mirh are special. It is much honor to meet Tania."

"It is an honor to meet you too. And thank you for saying such kind things. I guess the thought of being special hadn't occurred to me."

They remained silent for a time warming their hands by the fire while Tania mulled over what Saani had said. Special? Her? Not likely. Not in the minds of the nobles who bought her goods or the farmers who often opened their houses or barns offering her a bed or hayloft to rest for the night. They would sooner invite a known criminal to eat at their tables than her if they knew the truth. The Lai'ki, on the other hand, saw qualities in her which made her special.

"Wait," Tania said in realization. "If no jinqu'a mirh have been born in your tribe for three generations, how do you know so much about them?"

"None born in Saani's tribe." Saani reminded her. "Two born in Mik Thu'un tribe this generation. One is old, seen more than 800 moons. One born twenty moons ago, still a baby. When father was on semba itti, he took long walk to see elder jinqu'a mirh of Mik Thu'un and ask many questions. Now Saani find you. Can learn much "

"Oh, what do you want to know?"

Saani's face lit up upon hearing her invitation to ask questions. His first was as bold as his decision to approach her. "Can Saani see?"

"Umm..." Tania blushed a deep shade of red that rivaled the color of her hair and looked away. "No one has ever asked. We keep our bodies covered in public. For modesty's sake."

"Mo-des-ty?" Saani tested the word and inferred its meaning soon after. "Why? Body is life, is beauty. Saani wear this," he pointed at the thin loincloth at his waist. "To keep tools." The colt showed how the loops that made up his belt each held a tool; a sheathed knife in one, small game snares in another. "Only use is for hunting. Body is not covered back at home, with own family and tribe. Not polite to wear anything unless it is for ceremony. Saani not hide anything from Tania, see?"

The colt leapt to his hooves demonstrating a level of agility that took Tania by surprise. A few deft tugs at his loincloth later and Saani was down to his bare fur, standing proud with his hands at his waist. The fine black fur growing on his body continued to his sheath and balls, broken only by the exposed crown of his black equine member. Tania was enthralled by the image of masculinity on display before her eyes. Perhaps her fascination was due to the ease at which he let her eyes drink in his naked body or the fact that what lay between his legs was quite similar to her own. In any event, Saani stood unmoving as she stared at him as if she was judging the value of one of her precious gems.

"Nothing special with Saani. Just a colt. Not a stallion - adult - until Saani come back from semba itti."

"It's special to me," Tania said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've only seen wild animals as a comparison. You are... beautiful."

"Kind words," Saani said, bowing at the waist. "Now Tania?"

Before she could answer, a loud clap of thunder made them flinch and look up into the sky in alarm. They hadn't noticed the darkening clouds overhead nor the stiffening breeze during their conversation but now they couldn't ignore the imminent thunderstorm. Saani extinguished the fire by waving his hand over it then helped Tania get to her hooves.

"Come Tania. Not much time. Have to find cover."

"What about my pack? And my clothes?"

"Saani can carry pack. Tania carry clothes. Ready?"

Tania threw on her cloak to shield herself from the wind and gathered her mud caked pants in one arm and Saani's loincloth in the other. She nodded to the colt indicating her readiness then they headed southeast at a light jog. Their easy pace was Saani's attempt to see if she was able to keep up. She did better than merely keeping up. The mustang matched Saani stride for stride, pumping her finely toned legs as they increased their pace from a jog to a trot to a ground eating run. She relished the opportunity to run unburdened despite the severity of the rain and biting wind. The handsome, and very naked, colt at her side improved her mood so much she lost track of where they were going.

"There." Saani pointed to a dip in the horizon after they had run for a quarter of an hour. "Good cover."

"I see it. Let's hurry."

They sprinted the last 300 yards, ears pinned back to their heads and lungs taking in great gulps of air for their burning muscles. They descended into a mostly dry riverbed and ran along the sandy floor searching for a suitable place to wait out the storm. The steep dirt walls provided relief from the wind however it wasn't until they found a rocky overhang when they found shelter from the driving rain.

Saani quickly went to work building a fire much like he had on the plains while Tania placed her pants, cloak and the stallion's loincloth on a smooth rock to dry. He shaped and tended the fire for a few minutes; wood, it seemed, was unnecessary to fuel his magical fire. Once they caught their breath and were enjoying the warmth of the fire, Saani returned to the topic they had been discussing prior to being interrupted by the thunderstorm.

"Is Tania ready to show Saani what jinqu'a mirh look like?"

"Ah, um, well," Tania hesitated. "I'm not sure... how to do this."

"A-cha, Saani know," the colt turned his back to Tania. "Helps?"

"I-I suppose."

A wave of conflicting thoughts battered her mind in that moment. Shame begged her to flee and not let this mysterious horse coax her into revealing long-held secrets. Fear wanted her to curl up in a fetal position until Saani had no choice but to leave. Tania, however, did not give in to her childhood fears and instead tightened her fists as a way to boost her resolve for what she was about to do. Nervously, the mustang crooked her thumbs under the band at her waist and slipped out of her small clothes, depositing the sodden garment on the nearby rock. Tania began to pull her knees up then stopped as she remembered the purpose for her nudity.

"You can... turn around now."

Tania visibly flinched when Saani faced her and waited for the inevitable gasp or cry of disgust at her deformity. After a brief silence, she opened her eyes to see the colt with a wide grin plastered across his muzzle. Clearly, Saani was fascinated by her body and quite happy with what he found. The similarities between their male anatomies were uncanny; the main differences being the colour of her fur - her white to his black - and the size of their balls - his were much larger. The pouch that held her equine cock was just slightly smaller than Saani's and their exposed crowns both shared the same pinkish hue.

"Beautiful..." Saani whispered. "Healthy too! Big for jinqu'a mirh. Good omen."

"I-if you say so," Tania tried her best not to sound too embarrassed, but failed. A clap of thunder jolted the pair out of their mutual examination and caused the mustang to realize how much time she'd lost to this diversion. She had to get to the capital during the fall harvest when nobles and merchants alike gathered to buy and sell their goods. "Listen Saani," she said while gathering her clothes, "I have to get to the capital soon. Otherwise I won't be able to sell my wares. Do you understand?"

"Tania go to big city?" The perplexed tone that Saani used made his question seem like she was crazy to go near such a place. "Why not come to Lai'ki village? Lai'ki pay much for hard to find stones."

"Pay with what?" Tania asked, starting to pull on her pants. "My people use money to buy things. What do you have."

Saani rummaged through the folds of his loincloth and pulled out two gold coins printed with the king's seal. "Traders come to Lai'ki village too. Buy potions and plants from healers. Give us these. We use them to buy things from traders when colts go on semba itti."

"Do you have more?"

"Elders have lots." Saani stoked the fire making it burn hotter to ward off the biting cold. "Lai'ki have no use for round gold things. Looks pretty is all."

Tania stifled a small gasp upon realizing she had stumbled onto an untapped market with absolutely no competition. The coins Saani showed her appeared to be freshly minted which meant they hadn't been in circulation for several years, possibly decades. Gold was a valuable resource and some less scrupulous folk were known to shave coins down below their legal weight. Coin tampering was so common that she kept scales to ensure her dues were paid in full.

"Yes, yes... those will do nicely." Tania hugged her knees for warmth as the storm picked up strength and sweeping rain threatened to find its way to their hideaway at the ravine's edge. If not for Saani's mystical power to keep a fire burning in the damp conditions, she would have certainly come down ill. The colt idly poked at the flames looking unphased by the weather despite his wet fur and lack of clothes.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked.

"Saani can make body warm. Light little fires in blood. Here, feel hand." Saani's large hands were indeed pleasantly warm to the touch as if an invisible shield protected him from the weather.

"Remarkable," Tania whispered, "does it take a lot of focus to do that?"

"Some, not much," he said, gently stroking her hand. "Like lifting a log. Does not take much effort." Saani opened his legs and motioned for her to sit between them. "Much warmer if Tania is closer. Come, Saani not bite."

The cold was getting to Tania - she couldn't hide her chattering teeth and shaking hands - however the thought of being so close to Saani, a naked Saani no less, was daunting to her. Eventually, after much silent debate, she cast aside her modesty and joined the stallion by the fire. She leaned against his broad chest and felt... nothing. No heat, just the cool dampness of her clothes. Saani apologized and explained that her wet clothes were interfering with his ability to provide warmth and suggested that she at least take off her sodden woolen shirt and pants. She saw the logic in his reasoning and quickly stripped down to her undershirt which left her lower half completely bare. His casual approach to nudity put her at ease and once she felt a pleasant heat radiating from Saani's body into her own, Tania forgot all about their lack of clothes.

They soon drifted off to sleep, safe in each other's arms, as gale force winds whistled past their shelter. The fire burned low and would have gone out if not for Saani's subtle influence. Even while sleeping his power worked on an instinctual level keeping his body warm and nearby fires burning. It had taken the colt years of meditation and training to subconsciously control his ability as one may learn to control their breathing or heart rate at rest. Tania, being the main beneficiary of his talent, fell into a deeper sleep and snuggled on his chest feeling like she was home in her own bed.

Hours later she woke feeling refreshed and, more importantly, dry for the first time in a week. Stretching her arms, Tania was about to get up when she sensed a different, yet also familiar, kind of heat pressing into her lower back. She peered back at Saani to confirm that, yes, it could only be one thing. His firm, equine member had emerged from his pouch sometime during their sleep. Should she wake him up? Or ignore it and hope, like hers, that it would go away? Tania dared not move and risk further embarrassment. Judging by its presence on her back, she guessed its length at an impressive 12 inches, perhaps longer if he wasn't yet fully hard. Driven by her innate curiosity, she craned her neck around to get a better view at what a male truly looked like.

Tania eked out a started yip as she laid eyes upon the spire of flesh jutting up from Saani's groin. In many ways it was similar to her own but also different in several key aspects, the most obvious being its colour. Hers was light pink compared to his mottled pink and black. Her shaft was smooth and narrowed near the crown whereas prominent veins lined his shaft and it remained thick from base to tip. They did, however, share matching wide flares, his wider by some margin, and medial ridges halfway down their shafts.

Just then Saani groaned in his sleep and hugged Tania closer to his body leaving no doubt in her mind that he had not yet finished growing. The heat and scent of the colt's arousal rubbing against her spine coaxed her own member to come out of hiding inch by agonizing inch. Agonizing to her because no one had ever seen her so exposed and vulnerable. Standing a shade under 10 inches in length, she prayed to the gods for her member to soften before Saani noticed.

"Tania..." Shit, no such luck, Tania thought silently. "Tania? What is... ohh..."

"I-I'm so s-sorry! I d-didn't mean..."

"Why sorry?" Saani asked, perplexed by her reaction. "Males wake up hard often. Not a problem. See?" He gripped his firm length and stroked it a few times as if it was the most natural thing to do. Within moments a bead of clear pre emerged from the tip which he lapped up as casually as one may sip water from a canteen. "Feels good. Tastes good too."

The stallion's overtly erotic display being performed with no sense of humility had Tania at a loss for how to proceed. The sense of inadequacy and self-doubt implanted by her father clashed with Saani's openness and made her question what she truly believed about herself. Her suppressed desires, every long night spent willing her cock to deflate, the lustful glances she received from males and females both felt like missed opportunities to discover her sexuality. She was still young and her desires were still bubbling in the recesses of her mind; why not use this time to experience her sexuality with someone who accepted her and considered her unique? Yet making a decision and carrying it out were two separate matters entirely.

"T-this might be normal for you." She said, unable to meet Saani's gaze. "But f-for me... I haven't... y-you know... touched myself in that way. Not my male side at least."

"Why not? You do not look sick. Maybe... does it hurt?"

"No. It's a long story." Slowly at first, then with growing confidence, Tania told her tale in excruciating detail. About her father, about how she was treated as a child, about the fear and distrust she felt every day of her life. Revealing her inner thoughts and emotions had a therapeutic effect on her self-esteem as fear melted away and was replaced by a cold anger toward her father. By the end of her tale, the rain had miraculously ceased and the sun peeked through breaks in the clouds to shed light on the dripping landscape.

"So that's who I am." Tania concluded. "I've kept this secret," she pointed to her now flaccid member, "my whole life. You're the first... to see me. All of me."

"Saani is honored. But sad. Tania spent so long afraid because of evil father. Nothing is wrong with Tania. Nothing." The sincerity behind Saani's words evoked a seldom seen smile across Tania's muzzle. He reached out and placed his hand upon hers as a way of saying thanks for sharing her story. "Saani... I..." he stumbled over the use of pronouns which weren't part of his native language. "I... can help Ta... you. Lai'ki tribe can help Tania too. Will you come with Saani? Come back to tribe and let elders teach you about jinqu'a mirh?"

Thoughts of her business, or making a profit from her hard earned wares, were the furthest things from her mind as she mulled over her choices. Either live in fear or learn more about herself. In the end, it wasn't much of a choice. "Yes, I will come back with you. Uh, how far is it?"

"Many days and days. I walked far to get here." Saani poked his head out of their shelter and scanned the sky. "Best to start fresh tomorrow. More rain coming. Wait here, I will get food."

Not bothering with his loincloth, Saani leapt to his hooves and raced up the ravine without a backwards glance. The reason for his hasty departure was to clear his nose of Tania's alluring scent. Having a keen sense of smell meant the Lai'ki split into two separate communities, one male and the other female, to maintain civil order. A female's hormonal aura, notably during the mating season, had the power to send males into a breeding frenzy which greatly increased their libidos. However, since breeding was strictly regulated by the elder council, Lai'ki sexuality evolved so that stallions found comfort and relief in one another rather than risking a potential unwanted pregnancy with a mare.

For Saani, away from his village for the first time, he was left to his own devices when his youthful libido struck. Days and weeks of fending for himself and digging roots for food had taken its toll, not physically, but mentally. He was homesick. He missed his parents. And he longed for his friends; sharing food with them, telling stories, going on adventures in the forest, exploring their sexuality together. Those had been the best times of his life so far. Without his family and friends, he felt lost. Yet the semba itti - the wisdom walk - was a core part of his coming of age. Now that he found Tania, a jinqu'a mirh no less, he could return to his village worthy of being inducted as an adult member of the tribe.

Though his rite of passage may be nearing an end, Saani still had to deal with the issue of traveling with Tania. To his finely tuned nose, her unique blend of feminine and masculine scents kicked his sexual instincts into overdrive. Even as he picked various nuts, berries and dug roots for them to eat, Tania's scent lingered in his head like the unforgettable perfume of a rare flower. By the time he'd gathered an armful of food, his equine member had finally retreated back into its sheath save for his slightly engorged crown. Hopefully Tania would overlook his mild arousal when he returned with their meal.

"Ah! You're back!" Tania smiled at Saani as he rounded the corner of their shelter. "The fire went out while you were gone. Everything's too wet to burn."

Saani caught himself staring at the partially clothed mustang, her lower half still bare and her top covered by a thin shirt, but had the presence of mind to turn away before she noticed. "Saani will get fire going again. Here, take what you like." He piled the nuts, berries and roots on a flat rock then stoked the fire to life by channeling his power into the cold embers.

They ate in silence; Tania too busy satisfying her hunger and Saani too busy trying to focus on anything other than the enticing spice radiating from between Tania's legs. Neither the earthy scent of their shelter nor the smoke from the fire was enough to cloud Saani's nose and it was only a matter of time until his member dropped out of its sheath and began to grow. He hid it for a while, longer than he expected in fact since Tania was preoccupied with the food. However, hiding his foot long cock for any amount of time was an exercise in futility, especially when a steady flow of pre drooled out of its tip.

"Umm, is that... is that normal?" Tania pointed to the colt's crotch.

"Much apology." Saani said formally. "Saani... I have hard time keeping it soft around you."

"Around me?" Her eyes widened in shock thinking she may have an adverse effect on her new companion. "Is there something wrong with me?"

"No, no. Nothing wrong with Tania. Is me. Saani been away from home for weeks. Miss my family and friends." He told Tania about Lai'ki culture, about how the males and females lived separately to reduce aggression among the stallions. And how males found pleasure with other males outside of the mating season. The more he explained about the openness of Lai'ki social customs, the more Tania grew intrigued by their honest approach to sex.

"So, you're telling me I smell good?" Tania asked once he was finished.

"More than good. Cannot find words to say what I feel." Saani said.

"I, uh, I guess... thanks?" She was briefly distracted as another large drop of fluid emerged from the tip of his crown and fell to the ground. It's heady aroma stirred her dormant arousal and she fidgeted nervously unsure of what Saani planned to do. "Are you going to be ok? How do... you manage that thing?"

"Better to show." The black furred colt leaned against the earthen wall of their shelter and spread his legs wide to give Tania an unrestricted view of his nethers. He wrapped both hands around his shaft then bent forward to take the crown into his muzzle. He could only get 2 inches inside, but those were enough for his tongue to tickle his most sensitive part - the wide hole in his flare. Lewd slurping noises filled their shelter as Saani attacked his cock with reckless abandon. His hands flew up and down his mottled shaft, occasionally proceeding lower to cup and fondle his swollen balls, full to the brim after weeks of built-up seed.

Tania looked on in awe at Saani's erotic display. His large, furry orbs jumped and bounced with every stroke; his shaft glistened with a mix of saliva and pre; and the expression on his face was one of utter bliss. Every minute or so he'd release his cock from his muzzle and clench hard, and she'd gasp upon seeing a clear line of pre shoot out of his flare. She was unaware that these rhythmic, repeated clenches were his method of delaying his orgasm for maximum pleasure.

A quarter hour later, Saani was on the verge of a powerful, and messy, climax, yet he continued to push his stamina to the limit for Tania's benefit. In truth, he wanted to show off a little after several weeks of celibacy. A familiar tingle roiled deep in his balls signaling the start of his orgasm, but he resisted the pressure once again so he could unleash his favourite technique. Saani took two of his lubricated fingers and delved under his balls to his experienced tailhole, then pushed inside. He probed his anal walls for a few seconds until he brushed against his inner button and groaned loudly, spitting out his cock for the last time.

"A'chaaa!" Saani shouted in his native language as his climax took hold. His flare suddenly bloomed, growing three times as wide in a matter of seconds while his balls tightened, then visibly deflated as their contents rocketed up his engorged member. Thick seed exploded from his cock in a solid stream and lined his face, chest and legs with streaks of white. Just as the first surge of creamy fluid began to wane, another jet took its place, then another. More than a dozen lines of cum rained down onto his body before his cock fell limp and spewed the last of his seed onto his belly. Satisfied yet exhausted, he flopped back against the dirt wall and smiled contentedly at Tania.

"Feel much better!" He said between gulps of air.

Tania was just as breathless as Saani following his impressive display. "Wow. Was that... normal too?"

"Yes and no. Manys days go by since last time I feel good. Not always like this." Saani pulled the fingers from his tailhole and sat up straight, careful not to further stimulate his spent member. An irresistible bouquet of sweat and cum and male musk called to Tania's repressed sexuality causing her girl cock to rise from its sheath. The Lai'ki colt watched in utter fascination as her length slowly emerged and he took this opportunity to see if she was willing to indulge his curiosity. "Does Tania want to try?"

"I'm not sure... I haven't done that, ever."

"Never? Why not? Is fun and sign of good health. All males do it. Very often."

"As you've pointed out, I'm not a male. I'm a... jinqu'a mirh." Tania found it increasingly difficult to keep her hands away from her groin, not because she wanted to touch her penis, but due to the dull ache that attacked her feminine slit. Mercifully, her low hanging orbs hid her womanly parts from Saani, however she could tell by the way his nose and cock twitched that he was getting a heavy dose of her scent. "It's not... dirty is it?" She asked referring to the white mess that adorned his ebony coat.

"This?" Saani traced a finger through the seed on his chest and brought it to his lips. "No. Very tasty. Very good."

"If you say so." Tania said dubiously. "Do I just... ohhh!" She was wholly unprepared for the myriad of sensations she felt by gripping the crown of her cock. Holding it while she urinated was a chore at the best of times, however she'd never held it like this when fully hard. The swell of pleasure resonated down her shaft and up her spine made the nagging tingle in her pussy all but disappear. And, just like Saani's virile cock, Tania's equine member began to drool a fine tendril of clear pre onto the bare earth between her legs.

"Tania can move hand too." Saani instructed. "Be gentle. But firm."

The mustang nodded then loosened the stranglehold grip on her cock in an attempt to replicate Saani's deft strokes. Though he made it look easy, Tania soon discovered that she lacked the finesse required to take her arousal to the next level. Her uneven, untrained style prompted Saani to step in and lend her a guiding hand.

"I can help," he offered. "Only if Tania is comfortable."

"I suppose so."

The large equine moved closer to Tania and knelt in front of her, wary of not going too fast and asked permission to touch her. She nodded again, uncertain of what to expect from him, and pulled her hands away from her penis so Saani could take over. The thrill of the colt's adept hands on her male parts transcended the meager stimulation she managed by herself and had her heart pounding in anticipation of his intimate lesson. She moaned aloud giving Saani the confidence to speed up the pace of his strokes which in turn reignited his temporarily sated lust. Still slick with saliva and cum, the Lai'ki's girthy cock hardened, looking like a big brother compared to her slimmer, throbbing spire of equine flesh.

"Saani want to try something. More fun." Tania agreed without hesitation wondering what could feel better than the sublime pressure he applied with each stroke. In response to her unspoken question, Saani carefully intertwined their legs until cocks met in the middle then joined them together by wrapping his hands around their shafts. The heat and abundant supply of natural lubricant shared between the pair of linked members brought Tania to the brink of her first male orgasm, however Saani recognized her frenzied state and ceased his dual strokes giving her time to come down from the edge.

The colt continued to tease Tania, bringing her to the heights of passion again and again, then stopped just long enough to leave her breathless and wanting more. Their legs, and the bottom of her thin shirt, were coated in their mixed fluids, a fair portion of it hers as she appeared to produce unending volumes of the salty stuff. She was vaguely aware of what was coming based on Saani's earlier demonstration, but had no clue about how it would feel. What she did feel was an unbearable pressure in her balls and maddening tickle at the tip of her flare.

"Some... something's happening!" She shouted wildly when Saani pushed their members beyond the point of no return. The tickle in her crown intensified tenfold and she watched in startled disbelief as it expanded outward growing wider than she thought possible. The size of Saani's crown quickly surpassed hers then he shifted their stimulation to their engorged flares, squeezing hard to elicit a most spectacular display of potency.

Tania saw stars, a dazzling array of light more beautiful than the clearest, cloudless night. Joy filled her mind, the purest sort that defied explanation or purpose. She experienced a lifetime of happiness concentrated into an instant, the depth of it powerful enough to cause her eyes to water. She clung to this feeling, worshipped it as a priest would pray to a god and, as fleeting as one may behold the moment of enlightenment, she came crashing down to the reality of her climax.

A second later her eyes snapped to focus on the broad, inflamed heads of their cocks as dense equine cum erupted and flew in two perfect arcs onto their bodies. The brief, overwhelming joy Tania felt was replaced by a profound satisfaction that had her aching for more. More did come in the form of a veritable fountain of seed, a half dozen shots, a dozen, then only a trickle as her balls emptied completely. Saani outperformed her by some margin continuing to spurt milky fluid while he massaged and fondled their flares. His final jet struck her in the muzzle and she licked it on reflex discovering that it was indeed tasty as he'd professed.

Too weak to move, too happy to speak, Tania and Saani simply grinned at one another, their faces and bodies dripping with creamy seed. Where their legs crossed received the worst of their combined ejaculate. Saani's once pristine black fur was stained white and they sat in a puddle almost an inch deep of their own making. Like lovers, their fatigued cocks lay atop each other, hers nestled between his shaft and balls while his broad flare pressed into her belly, marking her with its heady brew.

"How does Tania feel?" Saani asked.

"Too good," she dragged a finger along his length and savoured their mixed essence. "You were right. This stuff is tasty."

"Much more for Tania to learn. Must meet elder Lai'ki. And meet my family and friends."

"One thing at a time Saani," she said while licking her finger clean. "How far is it to your village? Days you said?"

"Longer. Many days."

"We can leave tomorrow then. Tonight I just want to sleep in your arms again."

Saani brightened at her request and made room for her to lie against his chest. "A'cha!"

They slept soundly, oblivious of the mess around them, looking forward to the days ahead.