Sneak steal and Run

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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#1 of I've Had Enough

The crowd cheered as the executioner brought forward an elderly fox. A black satchel was placed over her head as she was bent forward, her head locked in a wooden collar, already soaked with the blood of countless furs. The guillotines blade was risen and the audience quieted for a brief moment. The executioner snarled and released the blade, severing the foxes head in one quick motion. The crowd roared its approval as the corpse was hauled off. Halen growled as he watched from a high castle window that overlooked the town square. ''Father! It's not fair!'' He snarled and turned around, glaring at his father. The elder wolf looked up from his game of chess with his wife and raised his eyebrows. ''I'm sorry?'' Halen rolled his eyes and pointed out the window. ''You're decapitating innocent civilians wh-'' ''They're not innocent, their King sought war with us, so we heartily decided to fight back. Seeing as how these peasants were part of that so-called kingdom, they will be executed with little mercy.'' The king moved a piece on the board. ''Check.'' ''Do you think they wanted to go to war?'' Halen growled, moving over to his father's side. ''Do you think it was their idea?'' There was a rapturous roar from the town, signaling another decapitation. ''Doesn't matter Halen... Go read a book and forget about this.'' The queen said calmly. She moved a piece and grinned, leaning back in her armchair. ''Checkmate.'' Halen growled and knocked the chess table several feet away, pieces flying across the floor. ''I HATE YOU!'' He turned around and stormed out of the room. The king sighed. ''What am I going to do about him Bea?'' She shook her head. ''He'll get over it Adrius, don't worry too much. One day he'll understand.'' ''When though? I don't like seeing him so angry at me like this. I can't bear it.'' Adrius stood up and walked over to the window, his long lupine tail hanging low and wagging slightly. Beatrice got up and followed him, putting an arm around his shoulder. ''How many are left?'' Adrius looked down at the town square. The crowd was leaving slowly and their voices were unheard. ''They're finished for today, which means we have about...fifteen left. We would have done them today, but tonight's the big festival so it had to be cut short.'' Beatrice smiled and moved in front of her husband, leaning back against his chest. ''I love the Festival of Dreams. It's my favorite one of the year.'' She sighed happily and pulled her husbands arm around her body, his black furred arms contrasting with her white fur. ''Yes dear, I know...'' He kissed her on the top of the head softly. ''And for the occasion I found you a great performance. The playwright is said to be most talented.'' ''Oh Adrius!'' She practically squeaked. ''I love plays! What's it called?'' ''A Midsummer Night's Dream.'' He replied, nibbling on the tip of her ear. ''Sounds romantic.'' She cooed back at him. ''I can't wait.''

Halen sighed as he took his seat next to his father at a huge oak table that was elevated so that the nobles and peasants could see them from where they ate. Adrius, being the king, sat in the middle with his wife to his right and Halen to his left. Halen always despised these public appearances. Not because the so-called 'commoners' could see them, but because of all the fuss his parents made of it. They were just the same as he was in his mind. He didn't see why it could be like that. Feudalism was always something that irked him. Halen sighed and looked over at his father. ''May I be excused?'' ''But son you'll miss my big speech!'' Adrius replied looking rather hurt. ''I don't feel too good, I drank a lot of wine and I really need to go sleep...'' Halen whined a little to emphasize his point. Adrius sighed. ''I told you not to drink so much... alright, you go back and get some sleep.'' Halen nodded and got up and left the platform, returning to the castle. Adrius stood up and raised his paws, in an instant the entire town was quiet. Adrius smiled. ''My good furs, we have won the war with Verona just in time for the Festival of Dreams!'' He paused for a moment while the town cheered and shouted their approval before starting up again. ''I led our troops into battle and had the personal pleasure of defeating King Montaigne.'' There was another loud eruption of cheers. Adrius raised his paw to silence them. ''I watched as he fell to the tip of my sword, drenched in his own blood. I watched as we burned their city to the ground. And you watch as it's pathetic inhabitants perish one by one. Tomorrow the rest will be executed! Verona will be no more!'' The town broke into ear-splitting cheers and applause. Amongst the crowd was a shout of. ''Kilzta!'' The surrounding furs began chanting the word 'kilzta' and soon the entire town was chanting it. A grin appeared on Adrius's muzzle and he raised his paws, effectively silencing the crowd. ''Alright, you shall have a kilzta! As a token of my jubilation!'' The town burst into applause and cheers so loud that the ground itself seemed to shake.

Halen groaned and rubbed his forehead. The festival had lasted for what seemed like an eternity and he was worn out. Collapsing onto his bed and rolling over, he arched his back to remove his pants. He then removed his shirt and climbed under the covers, falling asleep quickly.

    • * Halen moaned as the fox gripped both of their cocks in his paw and began stroking them slowly and firmly. He watched as the foxes shaft dripped pre onto his own cock. He just leaned back into the bed covers and moaned out as his knot began to grow quickly. He could feel his climax rising and wanted it so bad. The fox removed his paw and Halen looked down just in time to see the foxes muzzle engulf his cock, he moaned out again and his cock shot a stream of pre into the other male's throat. He began to thrust into the foxes muzzle, his now fully engorged knot pressing against the foxes lips. Just a bit more and he'd come. Just a few more thrusts... Halen sat bolt upright with a loud pleasurable gasp. His cock throbbed under the sheets and began spurting cum all over his crotch, staining the covers. Halen just laid back as he came, moaning loudly. Once he had finished he lifted the covers and looked down to find his red cock covered in sticky white cum. He shook his head and sighed. He rolled onto his side, images of his fantasy lover popping into his mind. ''wait till my parents find out... it'll kill them...'' He giggled to himself. Halen had known he was gay since he was at least fourteen. Nobody else knew, and he knew it would kill his parents to find out that their only child was gay, but he didn't care. It hadn't bothered him when he caught himself watching one of the younger servants. He just shrugged it off and went about his life. He was fairly easy-going, and didn't worry too much about it. Being a wolf, one of the more dominant figures in the world, he supposed he wouldn't get harassed for it, especially since he wasn't one of the more flamey types. He enjoyed doing more physical things like horseback riding, archery, and sword training (though he wasn't very good). He figured that if a person is happy with their life then who cares what others think. He closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep, dreaming of his fantasy lover, in more romantic ways this time.
    • * ''Halen! Halen get up!'' Beatrice pounded on the door, growling slightly. Halen groaned and sat up in bed. ''I'M UP!'' He yelled back, rubbing his aching forehead, he had a slight hangover from the copious amounts of wine from the festival. There was an exasperated sigh. ''Good, now get dressed, your father wants to see you.'' Halen rolled his eyes and got out of bed, grabbing some clothes he had set out the night earlier. ''I'll be down in a moment...'' He pulled on his clothes and headed out into the corridor, walking down to his parents little 'family room'. His father was sitting in an armchair reading a book. ''You wanted me?'' Adrius looked up from his book. ''Good morning Halen. Yes, well... you've been eighteen for nearly three months and we, that is your mother and I, have decided to throw a ball to find you a wife.'' He beamed at Halen. Halen's mouth hang open slightly as he stared back at his father. ''You want to what?'' Adrius's smile vanished slowly. ''We want to fi-'' ''WHY! Did you ever think that maybe I would want to find someone on my own?'' Halen's paws became fists at his sides. ''Now you listen here. I've had enough of your attitude. The fact is we're having a ball, and you will be going, and you WILL find someone.'' Adrius was now at his feet and was towering over Halen. Halen's ears laid back against his head and he bared his teeth. ''I'll refuse to find someone.'' Adrius grabbed Halen by the front of his shirt and lifted his up, pulling him to his chest. ''You'll cooperate or I'll find someone for you, after having beat the full moon out of you.'' Beatrice was standing at her husbands side. ''Dear calm down...'' Her voice was barely heard by Adrius, much less Halen. ''Y-yes father...'' Halen whimpered, his tail tucked between his legs. ''Good'' Adrius dropped him to the floor where he got up and ran from the room. He ran back to his room and collapsed onto his bed, crying onto his arms. His sobs were interrupted by a boisterous cheer from outside. He sat up, wiping his tears away, and looked out his window. ''The executions...'' He grinned and got up, changing into some plain black clothes he bought in secret once from a local tailor. His mother would have killed him if she found out he had bought 'commoners clothes'. He proceeded down into the dungeons, sneaking past a guard who had fallen asleep. He took the guards keys and walked down the damp corridor. 'Am I too late?' He thought to himself. All the cells appeared to be empty. He stopped at the last cell and peered into it. His eyes caught sight of a small fox asleep in the shadowy corner. He unlocked the cell carefully and walked inside, kneeling down and placing a paw on the foxes shoulder. The fox jumped awake with a gasp and tried to scramble to his feet to escape but Halen caught him by the arms and pulled him back down. The fox yelped slightly and began to shake and cry. ''Please don't kill me... please... I'll do anything... just... please don't... don't kill me... please...'' ''Whoa! Wait! Stop!'' Halen clamped a paw onto the fox's muzzle, making him whimper and shake more. ''I'm going to help you escape, please just... shut up okay?'' The fox nodded slowly as Halen removed his paw. ''You're... going to get me out of here?'' The fox asked quietly, still crying somewhat, but soon stopped. Halen stood up stretched. ''Yeah... I would have helped the others... but I don't see them here...'' His ears lowered slightly. ''They... they were executed already...'' The fox's eyes watered up and he whimpered softly. ''Then how come you're still down here?'' Halen asked, his head tilted slightly to one side. The fox whined and tears streamed from his eyes. ''The crowd shouted for a Kilzta... and they chose me...'' He was now sobbing hard and was trying to muffle the sounds by burying his head on his propped up knees. Halen's mouth hung open slightly in shock. A Kilzta was the worst possible way you could be killed. Instead of just killing you right away, they'd see how long a prisoner could be tortured before his body died from he amounts of pain. If you were lucky you'd die quickly, but some would last for hours, enduring everything from stoning to whipping to scrapping (have patches of fur, and most times parts of your skin, ripped off). ''When...'' Halen cleared his throat. ''When are they going to do this?'' The fox sobbed onto his knees. ''To..tomorrow...'' Halen bent down. ''Well I'm going to get you out of here. Now come on, stop crying. '' He held out his paw. The fox looked up at him, tears still lingering in his eyes. ''Okay....'' He gingerly took Halen's paw. Halen stood up, pulling the fox to his feet. ''Come on, we're going to go to the stables to get a ride out of here.'' ''I... I can't ride...'' The fox whispered as they snuck out of the dungeon. ''You'll be riding behind me. Don't worry.''

''What if we get caught?'' The fox asked quietly as they snuck into the stables. The place was littered in hay and smelt like manure. ''We won't get caught, trust me.'' ''Alright...'' The fox replied timidly. ''Here, we'll take this one...'' Halen pointed to a small black horse. ''Will it be able to carry us both?'' The fox watched as Halen adorned the horse with a saddle and reigns. ''He might be small, but he's quick, strong, and best of all quiet. I've never heard him whinny once.'' Halen replied as he mounted the horse. ''Now come here.'' He held out his paw for the smaller vulpine. He took Halen's paw and climbed up behind him. ''C... can I wrap my arms around you?'' He asked timidly, turning red. The question took Halen completely off guard. ''Wh-what?'' Halen's mind raced. 'Is he gay also? Does he like me?' The fox blushed deeper. ''I'm terrified of riding and I have nothing to hold onto...'' He stated truthfully. Halen sighed inwardly. ''Oh, okay...'' 'Dammit Halen, cut it out...' He thought to himself. The fox slowly wrapped his arms around Halen's waist. ''Thanks...'' Halen nodded and he snapped the reigns lightly, making the horse exit the stables. They had soon left the castle walls and were heading off the road and into a nearby forest. Halen looked over his shoulder and sighed. ''Good bye father... goodbye mother...'' He turned back around and entered into the forest. ''...forever...''