Summoning Demons is Either a Really Good or Bad Idea

Story by coolboyyo on SoFurry

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Lord help me I wrote gay furry smut

I don't know why I was doing it. I've always had a bit of a skeptical interest in the supernatural. The aesthetic was neat - skulls, tarot, candles - even if most of the rituals and such seemed bogus. This is what led to my current predicament. I was on Amazon when I saw it. $20, hardcover, and no reviews. The title was hokey as they come 'The Art of Summoning the Demonic'. After some careful deliberation (and funds checking) I took a shot in the dark and bought it. It would look good on my bookshelf if nothing else.

About a week later, it arrived. I tear the package open to reveal the musty tome. It didn't look that special, just looked like and old book. I couldn't tell if it was actually old or just made to look that way. Anyhow, I take it over to my typical reading couch and crack it open. The first page was a warning.

"Don't mess with forces beyond your control, eternal suffering, possession, and whatnot" I read, not even really reading it. "I can say one thing, whoever wrote this knows something about building atmosphere." I was actually getting a bit creeped out.

"Okay, next page" I said flipping to the next part, the table of contents. It consisted of a list of various demons. I could recognize a few from other things, but one caught my eye.

"Lucifer" I read, a grin creeping on my face. I was already planning on doing one of them for shits and giggles. 'Go big or go home' I think, turning to the designated page.

Rituals are hard work. I had to draw the sigils, being careful not to fuck up and summon Santa instead of Satan. I had to dig into my black candle supply for this. I hope it's worth it, those costed quite a bit. Then I had to recite the verse. It's not anything different from what you'd expect. Latin sounding shit, lots of -usis and shit. When I finished, it was dead silent.

"Of course it doesn't wor-"

The candles blew out.

'Must be a breeze' I thought

But then I realized.

There were no windows.

The chalk markings began to glow as a plume of smoke roses from the center, slowly solidifying into a towering figure.

I stumbled back, falling on my ass in the process.

The figure was large. I couldn't make much out from the dark, but what I could see was a pair - no 2 pairs of horns. The ones on the side were curled like a ram, the others were on top, long and pointed like a goat. It's face was goat-like, with long ears and a short beard. It's chest was massive with defined muscles. The legs were built like furry trees, that ended in cloven hooves. I look up slowly and notice that holy god it's naked.

I think it saw me looking because it's expression changed to almost a smug grin, revealing sharp pointed teeth - nothing like the animal it resembles. It walks slowly toward me with a gait that suggests regality, if not godhood. Before I can back out the door, it - no, he - quickly puts a hoof on my chest, pinning me down.

"Why have you summoned me?" He asked, adding pressure to my chest.

I panic. "I didn't mean to! I-I didn't think it would work!" I answered, trying-and failing - to avoid looking at his dick.

He grins. "Well now" he said, removing his hoof and picking me up to eye level, "Maybe I should show you how well it worked". He waved his hand and the candles lit, illuminating the room with a soft glow.

Once the room was lit he unceremoniously dropped me. Attempting to use my only chance, I sprint to the door, only to find it locked. This is odd for many reasons, first of which is that the door doesn't have a lock. I didn't have time to ponder it though as the demon threw me down again.

"You will not leave that easy. You're in my power now." He said "Now, show your love. Worship me."

I'm nervous. Both out of fear and because I don't know what to do. I hesitantly crawl to his hooves and bow. "Oh g-great Lucifer. P-please give mercy to a humble mortal such as I!" I bullshit, hoping it would suffice. For good measure I bend down and kiss his hooves.

"I do not know if I believe you" he ponders, in mock thought. "You must show your love. Pleasure me."

In shock, something slips out. "What?"

He lifts me so my eyes are level with his cock. Fuck must be 6 or 7 inches long. "Pleasure your lord." He growls, shoving me closer.

Hesitantly I stick my tongue out and give it a nervous lick. The demon's cock slowly rises, 8 inches at full mast. My only thought: 'Holy fuck'.

I slowly give it a lick before I lean down and start to suckle the tip. Before I have any time to react, he grabs my head and slams it down, causing me to gag. "Yesss" he moans. Taking grip of my hair he starts dragging my head up and down my length. His cock slides in and out of my throat, gagging me. This goes on at an okay pace, until he suddenly starts to speed up. The speed doesn't last too long as he then slams my head down one last time, groaning in pleasure as he finally cums, filling my mouth with an almost overwhelming amount of his seed. "Swallow it" he order. Wordlessly I comply, his warm, almost hot cum travels down my throat almost done lands in my stomach, filling it with a warm sensation. It felt, dare I say it, good.

"Did my child enjoy it's gift?" He asks

"Yes" I respond. You know, he's not that bad...

"Well I'm not finished with you yet..."

Suddenly he lifts me up - wow he is strong - and holds me against his chest - God I want to just snuggle against it - and without warning tears off my clothing, exposing myself to Him. I don't feel embarrassed, I actually feel quite good about it. Like it's the right thing for me. He he uses one arm to hold me and rubs his cock with the other, lubricating it with, something. I can't tell what, but I don't care. I need it. He lowers me down, touching my hole with the tip of his magnificent length.

"Are you prepared?" He whispers lustfully into my ear.

"Yes! Please!" I beg, "I need it!"

He grins, and then slowly lowers me down onto him. I gasp, not used to the feeling. It burns. "Aaahh! It hurts!" I start. He leans his forehead to mine.

"Calm yourself. The pain will pass." He comforts, stroking my hair with his free hand. Even through the tears pricking at my eyes, I believe him. I nuzzle into his neck as he lowers me more. Slowly the pain begins to fade, until he hits something. I gasp before moaning in pleasure. He grins before slowly sliding out, then slamming back in. He leans me against a wall, pulling out slowly then thrusting back in, upping the pace. This goes on until he slams in one last time, moaning in passion as he finally cums. The feeling of his warm seed filling me is what finally pushes me over the edge too. I shoot my load onto his massive chest, coating bits of his fur with a white sheen.

"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He says, setting me down. Without his cock plugging me up, his cum flows out of me, pooling on the floor.

"N-no. It wasn't" I say. I can't believe I was afraid of him. I can't see myself without him now. I need him. I need his love.

"If that is all I have been summoned for, then I shall go" he says, stepping back into the markings he arrived in.

"Wait!" I plead, "Take me with you!" He grins.

"And why should I do that?" He questions

"Be-because I need you" I plead, harder than before, "My life is empty without you! I'll do anything you want of me just please don't leave me here!"

"Well I have been in need of a new slave.." He contemplates

"Yes! I'll do it! I'll do your every whim!"

"Alright then, come along." He says, stepping a bit to the side. I rush into his arms, holding myself close as we both fade away into smoke.

Since then I haven't been happier. Every day I get to serve My Lord. I clean for him, feed him, serve him, and of course pleasure him. In exchange, he protects me from those who would harm me. I don't remember too well how this whole thing started, but I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.