Lament of the Wild

Story by ShagsterP on SoFurry

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Lament of the Wild

Almost completely veiled by the cover of night, hints of blue streaked along the forest ground, between the trees, and amongst the light foliage. What seemed to be a speedy entity wafting casually on a midnight stroll was actually in pursuit of a long-coated man running fearfully through the ominous woods.

"Leave me the hell alone!" The thin-bearded man yelled out in desperation. His brown overcoat flailed in the wind behind as he tried his utmost to make an escape.

"Leave you alone? Why should I?" The forest itself seemed to answer him in a growling tone from all around. "You who hunts me without any trace of comprehension or understanding. Did you expect this situation now? Did you foresee your loss to me?"

As the man detoured around a large tree, he heard a sound whipping through the air beside him and then felt the pain of sudden impact. It felt as though he had slammed into a brick wall. With loss of breath and his own momentum carrying him off his feet and hurtling forward down a small knoll, he knew his chances of escape had been eliminated. Before he could come to a complete stop, the beast was already upon him, having dropped from above. "Talbain?"

Snarling with bared fangs and standing over its prey on two double-jointed legs, the rabid wolf's steel gaze held him in place, although the addition of one white-furred hand around the man's neck did the same trick in a physical manner. "Do none of you understand? I can't even fathom my own existence let alone the reasons you hunters conjure up to try and take my life. And for what? Because I am a Darkstalker? You would toss me into the same category as them?!" His speech fueled by rage, a thin stream of blood coursed through the lupine's blue and white fur, originating from his right shoulder. "I am treated as one of the Dark as if I have committed some great sin! You people?why do you judge us all with the same crime?" His free hand was raised, murderous yellow claws trembling in anticipation to strike. "I?" For all the events in his past, the act of killing a human was something that had been long withheld. It was a decision he would have hoped to never make, seeking only tolerance and a forced balance with his animalistic nature. However, he found himself shakily trying to determine exactly how far his lenience could be stretched, and at the current moment it felt as if he was mentally about to be broken in two. "I should kill you!!!"

The decision was made. Talbain's claws dropped, and then he was propelled away, thwarted by another furred creature as he struggled wildly with it. Trained to react, he shoved the mysterious newcomer away with both of his powerful legs and quickly jumped to his feet to catch view of his earlier prey retreating.

"Stop, Jon!" The interloper called the now-furious lupine's attention away and to himself. He was a werewolf as well, grey and white in color, and wearing only torn jeans. "Listen, my name is Lucien. I know you. You can't cross that line. I won't let you!" Talbain was quick to answer, initiating the battle by leaping forward with extended claws. "Damn it, he's gone berserk," the gray wolf muttered to himself as he moved into an evasive defense. "Looks like I've got no choice now." He threw himself at Talbain in the middle of his attacks, using the unexpected lunge to open up an opportunity for his own attacks. The two wolves clashed savagely back and forth until Lucien allowed damage to his own being in order to nail a pinpoint blow just below the side of Talbain's neck where the wound resulting from the previous hunter skirmish resided. The hit brought immense pain to the bluish lupine and gave the other the chance for a finishing punch to the head, which he wasted no time in acting upon. The attack was blatant, but it managed to end Talbain's rampage and forced him into a state of unconsciousness.

Lucien rolled off his opponent and collapsed onto his back, breathing heavily from the fight. "I thought I was dead," he panted.

* * * *

Pure ebony was pierced by a thin horizon of yellow and orange that grew in intensity as Jon's vision began to focus and he shifted into the realm of the conscious. "Where?"

"?Are you?"

Lying on his back, covered halfway by a blanket, Jon turned his head to the side, expecting answers without tossing out any follow-up questions. His body and mind ached as if someone had recently banged on a drum set within his head and used his body as the principal instrument.

"The easy answer is your location," Lucien began, seated in front of a wooden desk and still in his were form, a candle burning behind him. "You're here, resting in my little safe haven. It's just a shack a few miles from where you last remember, but I call it home. And trust me, it wasn't easy carrying you all the way here." He shuffled in his seat, resting a leg over a knee and turning in his seat to fully face the resting lupine. "Now the difficult answer is about where you are in your life, mentally speaking. Notice something?"

"I'm still in my werewolf form," Talbain responded, trying not to let his lack of understanding permeate his usual stern attitude.

"Exactly. When our blood is stimulated to such a high degree, our lycanthropic side can last for days following the incident. You've never taken a human life, I hear. That must have been quite a moment for someone fighting against the odds of overwhelming prejudice like you do. To hold that hunter's life by a thread and dangle your own fate at the same time, approaching the point of no return. It must have--"

"You hear a lot," Jon interrupted as he brought himself up and turned to sit on the edge of the small cot made for him, the blanket gathering about his lap. He noticed then that most of his wounds had been tended to.

"Sorry, sorry. Don't get me wrong. I'm not your enemy," he assured with raised hands. "You should be able to sense that. You probably can't recall my name due to the state you were in, but it's Lucien, and I happen to live a similar lifestyle to yours. I can understand the kind of mental anguish you've been put through. It can be torturous, I know. There are so many of our kind belonging to the Dark that it saddens me. I only wish to seek out and help those of us willing to retain our humanity while accepting the good that can come from our own nature. And in truth, I struggle daily with it myself?" Lucien grew slightly hesitant in his words, but steadily found comfort in the topic. "Like I said, I've heard things about you and the goals you're trying to accomplish. In all honesty, I became fascinated with you and your ability of self-control. When I saw that starting to slip tonight, I just knew I couldn't allow it to happen."

Without openly admitting or showing it, Jon felt somewhat intrigued and flattered at the same time. He was entirely sure that what he was hearing was the truth; the steadiness of Lucien's heartbeat, his uninhibited breath, and the stable temperature of his body heat confirmed it. "No offense, but it's hard to believe you even managed to defeat me."

"I wouldn't necessarily call it a defeat," Lucien confessed. "You're very much stronger than me, than any lycanthrope I've ever encountered. If you hadn't already been injured and worn out, I wouldn't have stood a chance. Besides, you hurt me plenty. That's the first and last time I'll ever do that again."

"Yes, well?" The awkwardness of the situation was getting to Jon and he suddenly stood to leave. "Thanks for everything," he bluntly declared and started for the front door.

The abrupt turnaround in their conversation made Lucien put both feet on the ground and hold up his clawed hand. "Hey, wait! Shouldn't you rest here for the night? I mean, you're pretty beat up and this is the safest place you can possibly come across," he informed, trying his best to keep the fellow wolf around. Then, in a quieter tone, he added, "Besides, I'm enjoying talking to you like this?"

Jonathan stopped a few feet from the door and sighed. He had always been one to avoid situations like these, preferring to rely solely on his own for survival, but it was undeniable that he owed Lucien a debt of gratitude. "You do seem to know a lot about me," he mentioned, speaking with his back still turned to the younger lycanthrope. "Again, I appreciate all you've done, but staying in one place is something I don't do for long. I hope you understand." Finished, he began another step forward in the way of the exit.

"But with the two of us here, we'll be perfectly safe," Lucien tried to guarantee. "Would you still leave even if I told you I knew the secret of controlling our berserk tendencies?"

Before he could continue his footstep, Jon halted, his eyes widening in surprise as he looked back over his shoulder. He displayed an eager expression that finally broke through his usual serious countenance. "You would know something like that?"

Lucien nodded and stood to his padded feet. "I would, and I'm willing to teach the technique under two conditions; one, that you stay here longer, if only to allow your wounds to completely heal."

"Agreed. And the other?"

"That you allow yourself to accept the technique for what it is."

"I will," Jon stated without fully understanding what was being implied.

"Great, then. I'll start right away." The grayish lupine slowly approached his friend as he spoke. "Remember that this is only temporary, although it can be done as many times as needed. Go ahead and face forward for me," he delicately commanded.

As Lucien moved behind him, Jon did as he was told and tried to relax. He had no idea what he was about to be put through, but he honestly felt trustful in the other's care. Without warning, a tingling sensation ran through his spine as he felt two hands pressed against his shoulder blades and claws gently raking through the blue fur of his back in massaging motions. He lifted his head and sighed pleasantly, not fighting against the other's touch. "What are you doing?"

Lucien leaned his grayish-white muzzle slightly in over Jon's right shoulder and spoke into his upright ear. "Don't worry. This is for preparation. I want you absolutely relaxed." His claws ventured lower, moving down Talbain's spine and lower back, gracefully scratching the skin beneath his soft blue and white fur before traveling back up and to the tops of his shoulders, careful of the wound around that certain area. He kneaded the tightness of his muscles there with his fingers and inhaled the blue lupine's rich scent.

Jonathan was finding all of this peculiar, but he would go along with any sort of behavior if it meant curing his violent tendencies. However, the fact remained that he was enjoying the intimate affection being offered, even if it was by a male and one of his own kind. His body felt like it was melting with relief, although his heartbeat had steadily increased as his arms were rubbed down from shoulder to wrist and back while feeling the breath from Lucien's nostrils waft just below his ear. When those delicate hands shifted around to massage through the billowy mass of fur on his chest, he inhaled sharply and gently grasped Lucien's forearms after his fingers had ventured across his hidden nipples. "Is this really the technique?"

"Remember," Lucien reminded in a light tone so as not to break the mood. "You promised to accept it. I wish to help you as much as I can."

Pausing for a moment, Jon loosened his grip and allowed the gray wolf to continue his ministrations. He sighed as the exploring hands freely trailed down the blue row of fur that lined vertically down his chest and stomach, allowing himself to delight in the sensation of those claws caressing around his stomach and naval. They delved lower still and he gasped as they slipped beneath the waist belt and his thin lavender karate pants, rubbing seductively close between his legs and along the front of his thighs. Feeling as though he were made of rubber, Jon leaned some of his weight back onto his companion, his own clawed hands reaching back to grasp Lucien's waist on each side. Astounded, his paws felt fur rather than denim, and he realized that the jeans must have been discarded in that instant he was told to look away. "So you really plan to?ooohhh."

"I do," Lucien acknowledged, his hands sliding to Jon's inner thighs beneath the clothing, rubbing upward between his legs and briefly patting the bottom of his furred balls. Simultaneously, he extended his tongue and began to groom Jon's neck with a series of sensual licks.

On the receiving end of emotions and indulgences he had never previously experienced, the blue werewolf felt the need to succumb to Lucien's wonderful gentleness; and so he did as the cloth belt around his waist was tugged on and released by his new friend, the violet pants dropping immediately to the wood floor. Jon stood bare, his back resting against the chest of his admirer as he allowed him to take charge of the situation.

Lucien, satisfied with his friend's trust, began to act. The row of blue fur that flowed down Jon's chest and stomach also passed over his groin and finished at his balls, which the gray wolf took hold of with his right paw, groping and fondling them endlessly, eliciting quiet moans from the stronger lupine. His other paw rubbed over Jon's sheath and he scratched cautiously with his index finger claw at the bit of light reddish mushroom tip poking out. As the length slowly became exposed, Lucien cupped his paw around the hardened pink shaft and began to stroke, causing Jon to moan louder and grip at the fur of his legs. Having coaxed the cock to full erection, his stroking motions became longer with each pass, jerking lightly from the head to the very base and up again, fully enjoying holding the hot member in his white-furred paw and the reactions he received in return.

Jonathan was ultimately under his friend's control and enjoying every moment of it. His legs were beginning to buckle, his hips were thrusting mildly into the stroking activities, and he was groaning out his pleasure in a lustful tone he never knew he could accomplish. "I never, ahhh?never thought it would feel this, unhh?"

"Feels nice, doesn't it?" Lucien's grip came to a stop and he released his hold on the lupine's cock, glancing down from over his shoulder and grinning as he watched it sway. "It gets better." He turned Jon around, who stared at him dreamy-eyed, and with their hands clutched together, leaned in and gave him an alluring lick across the end of his lips. Pulling back and wearing a musing grin, Lucien guided the sweetly dazed Talbain to his original resting spot and helped him sit down on the bedside. The gray wolf swiftly lowered himself to his knees, placed his paws on his partner's knees, and spread his legs nicely apart. Still wearing a whimsical grin, he licked his lips in anticipation while staring at the pulsing wolf dick inches from his muzzle. It pointed straight out like a precum-dribbling flagpole.

"Mmm, Lucien?please," Jonathan anxiously begged, his hands pressed against the bed behind to keep himself propped slightly up. He slid his groin closer and Lucien chuckled as the head of his cock tapped his nose, a small stream of precum oozing onto it.

His maw was already in perfect position, and so he slipped his tongue out to play with his balls first, tasting the texture of the slight coating of erotic sweat absorbed in the fur. From there, he brought Jon into ecstasy once again as his flat tongue made its way up the underside of the shaft and then slipped around the sensitive head as his entire muzzle easily engulfed his full length. From the exact measurements of his heartbeat, he could tell that his friend was well on his way to the grand climax, and so he moved directly into sucking him off wildly. His tongue darted all around the expanse of his cock, smearing the sweet precum. At the same time, the blue lycanthrope dug his claws into the blanket behind him, spread his legs as far as they could go, and thrust his groin regularly with Lucien's bobbing motions. The passionate buildup of sexual energy caused him to moan out loud, his tongue hanging a bit out to the side.

And all at once it hit him. He pushed his cock forward and his hips upward as he went to the balls of his feet. His stomach muscles tightened. His heavy testicles churned in warning. His blue tail swished violently. All of this took place seconds before throwing his head back into a short howl that fell into a series of feral moans and grunts of pure pleasure as streams of lupine cum erupted from his pulsing cock. Lucien grasped at Jon's waist as he continued to bathe it with his tongue while swallowing all that he could of the wolf juice. He could feel the orgasm flowing through his lower half and adored the sights and sounds as Jon twitched and convulsed in absolute bliss.

However, it had ended all too soon. The blue wolf fell back ragged, his top half reclining on the bed while his legs hung over the side. Splotches of his own essence mixed with the white fur of his thighs as Lucien released his softening cock from his muzzle and climbed up beside him to lay his head against his chest.

"And that's the technique," the gray wolf softly mentioned, bringing an arm around Jonathan's abdomen. "Keeping each other satisfied in this way dissolves our urge to go berserk. I have no problem with this method, so I'll gladly do it for you whenever you want. And you can do the same for me?if you want."

Jon's paw reached down and squeezed the younger wolf's shoulder caringly. "In the morning you can teach me how to give as well as you have."

Lucien lifted his head with an ecstatic smile. "So you're really going to stay? I would love it if you could even simply stay around the area. You'll always be welcome to me."

"I won't be going anywhere soon. Maybe you're right. This could be a great step in taming the call of the Dark. For both of us." His paw shifted to caress under the young one's ear.

Lucien, happy beyond words, lowered his head to Jonathan's chest once again and closed his eyes. Together, the two of them experienced the first peaceful night's sleep in years.