Here Be Dragons

Story by Named2 on SoFurry

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A request from a friend- the risks of exploration made manifest to a team of explorers via a dragon.

To say that the expedition was going tremendously would have been an understatement. No one had contracted some incurable disease, or wandered into some poisonous plants, or even gotten stung by some unidentified insect- in fact the only setback was that one of the party members got a serious case of the nerves and bolted for known territory. Of course, when the party only consisted with three adventurers to begin with, one would expect such to have quite a bit of impact.

Jake and Donna however barely even noted it in their journals- if someone couldn't handle it, it was for the best they got out before there was an actual crisis. Jake Monroe prided himself on having nerves of steel ever since the War of Verian Aggression- being on the frontlines meant if you panicked you ended up with your throat torn out- and being a wolf he always ended up on the frontlines. His service earned him a petty medal, some free education, an admirable physique, and the wanderlust that had driven him to pursue this journey into Terra Incognita.

Donna Sinclair however came from a different sort- her indifference came from her endless adaptability rather than any form of stoicism. Being born and raised in the Eastern Frontiers meant she had seen more hardships by age eighteen than most of the Civilized would for their entire existence. Not that she was resentful- she found that she enjoyed the naive world of civilization more than the rough world of the East where casual speciesism was still common and she could end up shot just because a dog wanted to show off to his pals. She preferred the stereotypes of cats being bookish to the stereotype of cats being weak anyway. However, she couldn't help but find civility rather boring- and she would be fine with wild living if it wasn't for other people- so when she heard some damn fool wolf was trying to go off on an expedition of only three she jumped on immediately.

They were about two weeks beyond the map, heading towards a great peak that- if nothing else, they could name and leave a mark on history. The promise of having some cooler temperatures was quite the motivator too- the stifling jungle heat has made the decision between staying cool and staying protected from pests for the two. Jake kept his shirts tucked into his backpack rather than panting all over them, and Donna had made some field alterations to some of her clothing so they only covered what she deemed essential. The fact they were both eye-candy to the other wasn't lost as catching the other staring had become a game for the two- but anything beyond that remained unsaid.

This made it somewhat tense considering they shared a rather snug tent together. The fact that Jake only got rare opportunities to "take care of himself" added to the situation since almost every morning he would wake up hard with a sizable tent on display. Still, some vestiges of professional remained intact between the two- so the obvious went unremarked on. It being unremarked on didn't prevent Jake from, when he did have some time alone, fantasize about feeling every inch of Donna's soft tan fur, testing just how flexible cats can be while screwing her in every position he can think, making her moan his name before he finishes inside her (or on her face depending on how he was feeling).

There were, however, some other fantasies that crept into his thoughts- fantasies even Jake found weird. Sometimes his train of thought went beyond just him finishing- sometimes it continued with him looking over her exhausted satisfied form, Donna smiling up at him- right before Jake begins to slowly bring her lithe form into his mouth, stretching his throat around the feline and feeling her curl up inside his belly. Imagining his every swallow squeezing her perfect body down drove him absolutely wild. It was something instinctual- predatory- something about feeling her disappear inside him and feeling her tiny movements within his body drove him wild. This would cause him to cum quickly, but always left him confused and a bit concerned- a trip to the stomach doesn't tend to end well. Still, it wasn't like he was going to actually do it, so he didn't overthink it.

Jake wasn't the only one to have fantasies though- he was too handsome for Donna to not have some dirty thoughts herself. Her personally favorite, ever since she noticed one night that Jake's grey fur took on an almost silver glow under moonlight, involved playing off lupine stereotypes by riding his cock under the full moon and seeing if she could make him howl. She also had a curiosity about trying out a special feature of canine anatomy she had heard about.

A lack of communication damns many things, and so those fantasies remained just that- fantasies, as the two trekked further and further away from all that was known. In the shadow of the mountain however, things would change. The day began fairly standardly, they got up, got dressed, ate, marked the days in their journals, took advantage of the river they had camped by to cool off one last time, packed up, and began once again on their journey.

Donna always took the lead- she was the more careful of the two and avoiding danger altogether is better than having to endure it. For the most part they travelled in silence- speaking being at best a distraction and at worst a danger- and generally the jungle gave them both an earful anyway. Come late afternoon however, they noticed it was starting to get a little quieter- not enough to draw concern, but enough to be noticeable- and when they stumbled onto a clearing it seemed the answer was obvious. Of course it would be quieter- less trees to hide in means less creatures around to make noise.

Looking around the clearing they saw a few peculiar things- fallen trees near the edges, patches of bare earth, even what looked like to be small ditches- but the clearing being fifteen degrees cooler than the jungle made them forego caution in entering the clearing. Donna hopped over the tree trunks and miniature ravines with ease, smirking at Jake's basic climbing technique of getting along.

"Need a hand?" she inquired teasingly, sitting down a distance away and watching him.

"Pff, like you'd be able to help with those twigs you call arms." Jake smiled right back at her, banter being one of those few things they could continue to communicate about- since all other topics had ran their course weeks ago.

"Well hope you don't end up off the edge of a cliff then, poor weak me would be absolutely helpless and I guess you'd just die." The feline shrugs good-naturedly, still smiling, feeling she had gotten the upper hand in the exchange. Jake stumbling a little seemed to serve as an exclamation point on her victory.

"Let's just set up camp here- if I'm stumbling here then it's only going to get worse in the dark." He swung his pack around, setting it on the ground- evidently not entertaining much debate- either out of frustration at his clumsiness or just the assumption that Donna would agree that wandering through the jungle in the dark is a bad idea.

She set her pack down in response, "Sure, you do fire, I do tent?" she said, already getting the tent out.

"Of course, as always." Donna and Jake used to switch duties every other night, up until Donna teased Jake's masculinity and made him feel obligated to do the dangerous work of gathering firewood. Well that and up until Jake realized gathering firewood was a good excuse to find the privacy to jack off. Today however he didn't get the luxury- a clearing doesn't offer much privacy. Not taking the time to do that though meant camp was set up faster than usual, and it wasn't long until there was a roaring fire and they were both recording what few new observations had taken place during their day's trek.

While writing both of them missed the quiet suddenly turn silent- only for it to be replaced by a distant thumping. It wasn't unnoticed for long though, as it continued to get louder and louder- taking the character of a great low-pitched steam hammer. They looked at each other, neither of them sure what the sound was or what necessarily to do- something big was coming, but they couldn't even be sure whether they should snuff out the fire or not- whether whatever it was would fear it or only zero in on it.

Their confusion was a fleeting thing- as over the trees came a beast at least five times the size of either of them- with an emerald scaly hide and glowing green eyes, carried on vast wings. Donna couldn't help but exclaim "Is that a fucking dragon!?" while Jake was quicker on the draw, diving at Donna and bringing her to the ground as the creature swooped in- barely missing them- and landed on top of their tent. The beast roared at them loudly, spit splattering onto the two, before in rough voice speaking "Why are you here weaklings? So far you are from your cushy habitats..." Both Jake and Donna were dumbfounded, not even remembering to run as the dragon circled around them.

Donna was the first to regain her composure, trying to say in the calmest voice possible, "We are the explorers from the University of Zerias, I'm Donna Sinclair and he's Jake Monroe." The dragon responded by hissing at her, "I did not ask you that! I asked why are you here?" She gulps, Jake's eyes wildly looking for a quick escape, "We want to know more about this place-" "Then know you are deep within my feeding groups weaklings!" the dragon bore his teeth, his body making sure that if they ran they had only one direction to go- and it was the direction he could easily pounce towards.

When one has no other choice though, one will grasp at even the most desperate of opportunities. With only one course of action, Jake grabbed Donna's paw and whispered "Run", suddenly yanking her away from the dragon and running with her, only letting go when she got her footing enough to run on her own. The beast immediately lunged at them, only for Donna to roll quickly out from under him and Jake to dive to all fours, running as a feral in a barely controlled panic.

Donna's one mistake was trying to stand up after rolling, as with Jake outdistancing her the dragon had an obvious target- her, and it only took a quick turn and a blunt strike with his front claw to knock her to the ground. Hearing her feline yowl did something to Jake- he stopped dead in his tracks and looked back, and suddenly with fire in his eyes he charged at the dragon, teeth bared in a demonstration of pure bestial anger. He jumped with jaw open at the dragon's throat... only to meet hard scale.

Falling to the ground, and shaking his head trying to clear it, Jake heard a low guttural noise... almost like laughing. "You surprise me weakling... you could've kept running... and yet you came back to try and defend your... mate I suppose." Jake noticed one of the dragon's claws pinning Donna to the ground, her wriggling in an attempt to escape. "Your bravery gets you one thing my delicious looking morsel- you both get to go down my throat together!"

Jake barely had time to look up before the wet maw of the dragon descended on him, him suddenly noticing that the dragon's inside had a sort of greenish glow to them- which allowed him to look right down the creature's throat. The beast seemed to intentionally manipulate his tongue so that the wolf wouldn't get nicked on any of the sharp teeth- as if the dragon enjoyed swallowing his prey whole and feeling them squirm all the way down. If that was the case, Jake was happy to oblige, him struggling even as the dragon's esophagus pinned his arms to his sides and ensured he couldn't use his paws for harm.

With his body halfway down the dragon's throat, the wolf began to feel an odd texture on his feet- it felt like fur! He could feel pointed ears between his toes- and then he realized it was Donna! The dragon hadn't been kidding about eating them together, he was literally devouring them one after the other. He could feel her head trying to move, with it stopping once he felt both his feet and her head enter the tight constriction of the dragon's swallowing.

The feeling on Jake's chest was crushing, but it didn't take long for him to get some measure of relief as he popped into the dragon's stomach. The smell was terrible and he had to curl up a little but at least he no longer felt squished. What he did feel though is wet, and the splash as Donna fell on top of him didn't help the matter. The belly expanded a little at her entrance but they were still in very close quarters, fur against fur as they gazed defeated at the glowing green chamber.

Jake pushed his paws against the top and sides, looking for any give but, despite the stretchiness, finding none. "This... I'm not sure how to get out of this..." he admits, resigned. Donna does exactly what he did, double checking in the search for some shred of hope, and finding none. They could hear the dragon's heart beating rhythmically around them, and could feel a gentle swaying as the beast moved to parts unknown.

Jake wrapped an arm gently around Donna, and she snuggled up to him in return. "Donna, I don't think it really matters anymore, but I just want to say you're the most sexy feline I've ever seen..." Donna turned to him, flicking an ear and smirking, "And you're the sexiest wolf I've ever seen- want to do something about it while we still can?" Donna had sworn she was never going to leave the world quietly- and since she can't really fight her fate, she can at least fuck in it. She gave a mischievous grope between the wolf's legs, placing her breasts against his chest and looking into his eyes mischievously.

That was all it took for him to agree with the sentiment, him growling and nibbling at her neck, using his paws to strip her dirty top off. The kitty eagerly lifted her arms, manipulating them so even in the cramped space her breasts could be freed. The wolf's tongue moved downwards as they both worked at each other's pants, wanting to see what they've been wanting for far too long.

As soon as Jake's zipper was down Donna could feel his canid shaft throb in her soft hands- and using her flexibility she leaned over, slowly taking the tip into her mouth, letting the tip enter her muzzle as the wolf gasped, automatically grabbing her to keep steady. Seeing Donna's head between his legs was a realization of Jake's fantasies, and it took all his willpower to not thrust into her mouth out of pure lust. His cock tasted somewhat salty to Donna- but considering the circumstances it could taste worse, and horniness can make all the right things taste wonderful. She bobbed her head up and down, her icy blue eyes looking upward at Jake's face, it dopey with pleasure.

Jake moved his hands to her back, rubbing it, greatly enjoying the oral attention- but they didn't have a lot of time and he wanted more. Running over her fur, he eventually brought a paw under her chin, and said, grinning, "Let's not spend our last hour on foreplay- I've wanted to fuck you for too long for that." Still sucking his cock, Donna drew her hands to the sides of her pants and began to remove them, slowly moving her head back while cradling Jake's dick with her tongue. The cock popping out of her mouth and wetly slapping against her muzzle was timed perfectly with her removal of the last of her clothing- leaving her completely naked for Jake to look over. It was even better than his fantasies- even though he never imagined he'd be seeing it under a green glow.

Donna turned around, adjusting her knees to get her butt up in the air, lifting her tail up and giving Jake a coy smile. "If you've wanted me so much wolfy... how about you show me?" she says playfully, wiggling just the slightest- just enough for Jake's cock to throb from noticing the movement. The added encouragement was overkill, Jack was practically drooling already and now he was downright bestial- growling as he popped up, lining his cock up with the cat's cunt.

Hearing the wolf made the feline tremble with anticipation- anticipation rewarded when she felt Jake's shaft get forced into her waiting pussy. The sudden penetration made her moan- and she could hear Jake's panting mix with the beating of the dragon's heart as he started thrusting into her- grabbing her shoulders roughly in a bid to get as deep into her as possible. Maybe it was the heat or the danger but something felt particularly incredible- better than sex she'd had before- and this time even though his cock was completely bare she didn't have to worry about any kittens. She couldn't tell if it was bits of saliva from Jake or drops of the dragon's stomach juice dripping on the back of her neck, but for some reason it just heightened the whole experience.

Jake felt his cock get squeezed every time he pumped into the cat- each one encouraging him to continue on even as it got harder to keep up his stamina in the thinning air of the belly. He couldn't tell if his mind was hazy because of that, or because the beast inside of him just so desperately wanted to fuck her, cum in her, eat her.... eat her? Jake was just barely lucid enough to realize how weird that was- but he couldn't deny a primal urge to plow her and devour her. He wasn't even sure if he should even bother to fight it now... it's not like it matters since they were both eaten anyway. No use thinking about that now though- fuck first- cum first- he grabbed the back of her neck, the cat's natural scruff giving him a perfect handle to pound her. His knot was growing- popping in and out of her- and almost every instinct told him to knot her- all except the instinct that told him to get her inside his stomach. The constant entrance and exit of Jake's tie was too much for Donna- the whole thing culminating in her mrowling as she came on Jake's lupine shaft, starting him on his inevitable slide towards his own orgasm.

Jake had to make a choice as he felt himself getting close- there wasn't time to both knot her and eat her- and so as much as it pained him he resisted tying her roughly- instead letting it inflate out of her as he felt his balls tighten. He couldn't help but howl as he filled her cunt with his sticky cum, a copious amount of it pouring into her in exchange for every lustful thought she ever gave him. Donna moaned as she felt him fill her up, still coming down from her climax- but she was confused... aren't canines supposed to tie their partners? She had felt it inside her... but Jake came and it wasn't in now... she was unable overthink it however given the circumstances.

Jake had a temptation to collapse now that he had been sexually satisfied- but there was still that urge- that need- and it was that which motivated him to speak. "Hey... since we're not getting out of this... I want to try something weird while I still can..."

Donna, who had half her face half in the surprisingly slow-acting stomach juice, lifted her head and softly said, "Well better do it quick wolfy, I'm starting to get drowsy... so what is it?" Her assumption was that he wanted to try anal- which she had no problems with being on the wilder side herself.

Jake found tackling the subject difficult, "Well... I've had this urge... this fascination... look the predator in me wants to eat you OK?" He gave up on dancing around the topic or putting it delicately- there really wasn't a way to.

Donna turned around a bit, looking Jake in the eyes, and then began quietly laughing. "I guess it doesn't really matter now does it? If you want me, might as well have me." Looking at the wolf's toned belly, she casually remarked "Looks like it's going to be a tight fit though."

Jake could hardly believe it, she was okay with it? It was going to actually happen? He felt his previously softening cock become rock hard in anticipation. "Thank you! I never thought it'd happen..." Donna giggled at his excitement.

"Sooo... I suppose I should go in arms first then?" she inquired, turning around to fully face Jake, casually placing a finger on the tip of his dick. Jake gave a small mmf at the feeling, his shafting throbbing in response as he silently nodded and opened his mouth, stretching out his tongue. As Donna looked in she couldn't help but notice that Jake's maw was absolutely dripping- he wasn't kidding about wanting this to happen- and so she put her hands together and gingerly pushed them in- enjoying the surprising softness of Jake's maw. As soon as she did the canine tongue licked around her wrists, Jake reached his own hands to Donna's sides in preparation for supporting her as she makes her way down. He began swallowing- and found his throat stretched surprisingly easily. It still squeezed her but it wasn't painful by any means.

Donna stared into the wolf's dark maw- comparing it to the dragon's glowing one, and mused on the irony- she couldn't choose being eaten by the dragon, so instead she chose to be eaten by the wolf- but she had always tried to take fate into her own hands. As her faced approached Jake's muzzle she whispered "See you on the other side." and managed to give a cocky smile before slipping in.

The feline found that the journey down would put her flexibility to the test- and although the wolf's body wasn't crushing her, it was still somewhat uncomfortable. It felt like she was completely encased by slick flesh, and more and more of her body was going that was by the second. She felt Jake's tongue slide over her tits and she shivered, getting a brief respite as it worked it ways down her belly only to moan when it got to her slit. By this time her head had made it to Jake's stomach and she immediately had to start curling up into a ball- even as her tail darted from the sensations of her sex.

Jake for his part tried to linger- licking and swirling while listening to the muted sounds of pleasure coming from within him- but once you start swallowing it's very hard to stop- and so it was onto her legs and tail. The three appendages together were about the size of Donna's skinny body, and by that time his throat had gotten used to being stretch to accommodate, so they went down easily even as his belly bulged to give space to the cat inside him.

Donna barely noticed a change when her entire form was engulfed- other than the darkness and tightness one stomach felt about the same as another. One thing though is that the wolf's heart sounded different, closer, almost comforting- and being all curled up and warm made her feel safe... it almost reminded her of when she was young... she just wanted to relax and sleep... and with a close of her eyes she drifted off for the last time.

Jake felt incredibly full- and incredibly accomplished- it was almost a euphoria- a completeness of being- and all of it was combined with extreme arousal. He reached a paw past his extended belly and began to paw off- his shaft slick with precum as he panted, his leg twitching, and it barely took a minute for him to blow a load onto the dragon's stomach lining. As the tightness of his climax slipped away- he was suddenly exhausted- he had done so much- he had lived a dream- things weren't so bad... perhaps this was a dream, and he would wake next to Donna and he would be more assertive with his feelings... but for now he just needed to sleep... and so he lied back, embraced the softness of the dragon's stomach, and passed into eternity.