
Story by czy hyena on SoFurry

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(First attempt at writing a story. There is probably a large amount of grammatical errors.)



Jamie opens his eyes to the sound of an alarm clock hating the sound it gives. "Damn just when it gets good" he thinks. He smashes the alarm clock as always and takes off his blanket exposing his bare body.

Jamie was different from the others. He was made different. He was gay and he was a different species from the other furs.He looked in the mirror to see his body. He sees the white and the green line below his waist. He looked down further to see his cock fully erect.

His brother bashes into the room and does what he always does every morning. Give him a good wake up beating. His brother knew he was gay and would tease him about it numerous times. He call him every name in the book: faggot, homo, whatever popped into his head he called it.

Jamie didn't mind though cause he just grab his brothers nuts and squeezed them hard enough. His brother and him were close. His brother was older and completely straight. Jamie liked to think inappropriate thoughts about his brother though and one time his brother caught him moaning out his name.

His older brother though it was hilarious though and just slapped him over his head.

 Both Jamie and his brother were special furs. They were cigarette furs. Some kind of horrible lab experiment Jamie always thought. His mom never liked when he asked questions about it

They had white fur and brown hair. Jamie's brother though it was funny how his little brother was both a cig and gay. He loved to call him faggot.

"Bro why do we always do this EVERY SINGLE morning." said Jamie.

"Cuz your gay and I'm older". "You gay ass fagot" said his brother.

 Jamie annoyed just hugged his brother and said "Well good morning to you too ASSHOLE".

Jamie realizing that he was naked pulled away and blushed. He opened up one of his drawers and got some clothes out. His brother left the room and went downstairs to get something to eat. Jamie wished that he didn't have to wear clothes. He liked being nude.

Jamie got dressed and went downstairs looking for something to eat just as his brother did. He saw his mom who didn't quite know her son was gay. Jamie was afraid to tell her. His mom just greeting him with a hug and a kiss.

 After both Jamie and his brother finished eating they went outside to the car and got in. His brother drove him to school since he had his driver's license. On the way His brother asked if anyone was picking on him. Picking on his little brother was his job and he would be damned if someone else beat him to it.

 Jamie of course was a bit of an oddball and enjoyed physical pain.His best friend every day had a new move he learned from his classes he attended that he want to show Jamie. They made Jamie scream.His best friend was also his first kiss. He spent a good bit of his lunch just staring at him. Looking straight into his eyes with an undying love.

Jamie's school day was rather boring as it was every other school day. Jamie went to his first period class which was the hardest out of all his classes. He hated yet loved Physics. He loved to hate physics and wondered how it was relevant since he existed. He spent Spanish almost falling asleep and math class bored out of his mind.

He hated gym class. Getting undressed and dressed for gym was hell for him. A bunch of boys in a room and his class unfortunately was full of all the kids that did extracurricular activities like football, basketball, or some other sport he didn't play. He tried not to stare just get it over with and not stare at their hot bodies, fine abs, and cute asses.

He spent the last bit of his school after lunch stressed. The last few classes where either boring or just repetitive. Jamie got home sometime after three. His brother had some things to do so he let Jamie out of the car.

He did his homework and called his friend that he hanged out with a lot. He called Sarah. The one girl who didn't act stuck up. She didn't act like other girls he knew. She liked things most other girls didn't. She liked the things boys liked, well most of the things boys liked. Jamie knew that she liked him. He knew she liked him more than he could ever like her. She also didn't know he was gay.

Jamie picked up the phone and laughed. She knew that he would call her he always did. She gave him a response of "What do you want?" She hoped one day he would ask her out and they could go on a date. She knew he would never ask her he just seemed happy the way things were. She was tired of the way things were.

Sarah arrived at his house and Jamie got in her car. Jamie felt something different about her today. She just smiled at him. They arrived at the mall and talked for quite a while. Then she asked him a question the question he didn't want to hear.

"Hey we've been friends for a long time and well I thought maybe we could become something more". Jamie almost freaked out. He then looked down to the floor and then looked at her. He wanted to tell her, but he was afraid of how she reacted. Sarah looked at him and noticed him a sadness in his eyes.

"Hey what's wrong? Don't you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend? You always hanging out with me."Jamie gulps hard and postulates his words.

 "Well you see I would if..." Jamie pauses frighten to say the next few words. " Sarah I like you, but I don't like like you. I can't as much I was I wish I could. I'm... GAY"Jamie is about to lose it as he says the words. He trembles saying them.

 "Oh..." said Sarah. " You couldn't have told me earlier. You were leading me on" said Sarah.

 "Please don't tell anyone" said Jamie.

"I won't so long as you do two things for me. Two favors alright" says Sarah.

"Okay I guess" said Jamie.

"So Sarah what is it that you want me to do for you? What favors do you have planned for me? asks Jamie.

 "Oh I'm not telling, not yet anyhow. So you're really gay. Like Elton John gay or this homework is gay?". Says Sarah.

"I'm like Elton John gay." Says Jamie.

 "So you have no problem going down on a guy? Asks Sarah.

 "I really don't have a problem going down on a guy.

"So why didn't you tell me before? You know I had a gay brother? He's in college now along with the other two." Sarah asks

"I don't really know. I just was a little afraid." Says Jamie.

 "Afraid of what?" asked Sarah.

"I just liked being friends and well being gay is a bit of a touchy subject, even if it is getting better." Said Jamie.

"We're best friends dumbass, you can tell me anything. You're important to me you know that!" says Sarah. "You know just because you didn't tell me before I'm going to make one of those favors difficult for you". Says Sarah.

"You're evil you know that" Jamie says with a playful tone.

 "Yeah I know. What are you going to do about it? Well Mr. Fag?" asked Sarah.

"Nothing cuz I like you too much and I don't hurt girls. If your even one that is?" says Jamie

"Keep talking like that I let the kids at school know you're gay and that you want to ass ram each and every one of them. How's that?" Sarah says with a smirk.

"Fine, but do I really have do the favors?" asks Jamie.

 "Sure you do if you're my best bud anyways." Says Sarah.

The two spent the rest of the night just give each other goofy stares and trying on clothes. "Hey how does this look on me?" asks Sarah.

"It makes you ass look fat." Said Jamie.

"ha ha real funny" says Sarah.

"How does this look on me" ask Jamie.

 "It makes you look gay... oh wait." Says Sarah.

 "Hey that's pretty low, you're a real bitch you know that" said Jamie.

"Says the bitch" remarked Sarah.


Two weeks latter Sarah calls Jamie.

"Hey fag boy you ready to make good on one of those favors?".

 "Can I say no and ask for a rain check?" asks Jamie.

"Nope you're gonna do me one tiny little favor" says Sarah.

 "I hope it isn't what I think it is?" asks Jamie.

 "You bet it is" says Sarah.

"What no other guy wants you" says Jamie.

"Oh shut up and besides the same holds true for you" says Sarah.

"I'm hating you right now" says Jamie.

"Yeah yeah so which one of us is going to be the bitch?" asks Sarah.

"Heck if I know you're forcing me into it remember" says Jamie.

"Fine see you soon" says Sarah.

"Yeah see you soon hun" says Jamie.


A little while latter Jamie and Sarah meet up.

"It's been a while since I've been at your house Sarah" says Jamie.

"Yeah mom and dad aren't home so we've got about a few hours" says Sarah.

"Oh great" say Jamie with sarcasm.

"So big boy what should we do first?" ask Sarah.

 "You got rubbers" ask Jamie.

 "Got em" says Sarah. "So do you want to it on or do you need help?" ask Sarah.

 "You're going to touch it anyhow so go for it" says Jamie. Jamie unzips his pants and lets Sarah play with his cock. He didn't find her sexually attractive, but somehow he might enjoy this even if just a little bit. After playing with it for a while Jamie's cock is as hard as steel.

"Not a bad size, too bad you're gay" says Sarah. Sarah smirks looking at Jamie's rather large dick.

"Well maybe if you had a sex change I'll hit on you" jokingly replies Jamie. Sarah kisses Jamie and grabs the condom. After a small struggle she finally manages to get the condom on the Jamie's cock. Jamie grunting while she does this.

 "Fuck, why can't you be a guy?" moans Jamie. Sarah smiling takes off her clothes and beckons Jamie to come over to her bed. Jamie does so still able to keep his erection. Jamie takes off the rest of his clothes and gets on the bed. Sarah spreads her legs and continues to smile. Jamie slowly slides his cock into her and hears her gasp.

"Sarah?" asks Jamie.

 "Don't stop Jamie" says Sarah. Jamie continues to slide his cock in and out of her increasing his pace. Eventually he starts to pound on her beating her up with his cock.

 "Sarah you know tomorrow I'm going to make it so you can't walk" says Jamie.

"You wouldn't you're gay" says Sarah". Jamie laughs and continues to rough her up with his cock. Forcing his length in and out of her hearing her moan in pleasure. After what seems like hours Jamie reaches his climax and blast his load into the rubber.

"There happy now?" asks Jamie.

"Yeah" says Sarah half dazed. "You know you have one more favor for me" says Sarah.