Total Party Defeat

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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The commissioner of this piece requested that s/he remain anonymous, so that's just the way it'll be. This is a possible alternate ending to the series that starts here. The "bad end," if you will. Rufus, a tough alpha wolfen, and his best friend and beta, Urtan, a broad-shouldered gnoll, are taken prisoner by the treacherous minotaur, Skaeth, and slowly turned into obedient sex slaves.

Total Party Defeat

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

Commissioned by A. Nonnie Mouse

Author's Note: This is an alternate, pre-emptive ending to the story series starting at - the following events are non-canonical, and assume that Rufus and Urtan never had any carnal relations before this moment.

Rufus smirked down at the many fires that filled up the whole valley. The battle against the Warlord might be over, but after all the work he and others had put into raising an army to overthrow the would-be dictator , it was going to be some time before the many peoples of the North went their separate ways. For now, and for days to come, there would be feasting and celebration. Not just because of the great victory over a threat to the peace of the land, but also because of the opportunity for peace between the different races in that army. Bears lying down with elves, elves with wolves, wolves with deer, the all-female Valkyries lying down with just about everyone...and all of it thanks to Rufus.

All told, Rufus felt pretty good about himself. Good enough, in fact, that he felt it was high time he had a reward.

Separated from the whole rest of the armies below him, far from the many prying eyes that might have demanded his attention, Rufus entered the dark copse of trees, his ears cocked as he looked around for the one he'd intended to meet. Then the grey wolf's yellow eyes met the muddy brown eyes of a broad-shouldered hyenaman - a gnoll - and one of Rufus' most trusted companions through all his adventures in putting an end to the threat of the Warlord.

"Urtan," said Rufus, approaching his brother-in-arms, strangely hesitant at first. Urtan, however, didn't hesitate. Instead, the well-muscled gnoll rushed swiftly forward, wrapping his arms around the other powerful male, pulling Rufus into a brutal, passionate kiss that knocked the wind from both of them.

"Wow," panted Rufus as the kiss ended. "You gotta wonder why we never did this before."

Urtan, his throat injured in a prior battle, just grinned, then kissed Rufus again. The muscular grey wolf returned the kiss, and this time it was gentler, more soft and tender as their hands began to explore each others' bodies, stroking over chests and sides. Fingers found the knots of loincloths, and soon both males were standing naked in the dimly moonlit woods, strong digits digging into each others' solidly-rounded rumps.

Wrapping one powerful fist around both their hardened shafts, Rufus grit his teeth, his muzzle tilted forward until it was almost touching Urtan's as he began stroking both their thick cocks together, Urtan's smooth brown-skinned length contrasting with the more grayish tint of Rufus' uncut cock. The hyenaman took their closeness to the next level, his forehead pressing against Rufus', and both males felt themselves just losing it all, giving themselves up to pure, passion-filled pleasure.

"Ah," Rufus gasped out, his muscled rump tensing, and though he couldn't give an answering cry of peaked pleasure, Urtan's strong hand closed on Rufus' shoulder, squeezing him to let the wolf know they were feeling the same things together. With a final arch of their hips, both powerfully-built males came, the muscles of their bodies standing out clearly through their fur, veins on the sides of their necks showing their inner tension even as the strong jets of milky cum that splattered against their chins showed the act of their release.

"Good," growled Rufus, giving Urtan a lick on the cheek, his hand now stroking his friend's shaft alone, getting the virile gnoll warrior hard again in almost no time. "Guess I know what you want, huh?"

Urtan grinned at this, nodding eagerly as he reached out, and grabbed Rufus' rump, squeezing it firmly, fingers teasing beneath the wolf's fluffy tail.

"Lucky for you I bathed this morning," Rufus teased, then started to turn around. "Looks like you finally get what...huh?"

The faces of both males registered a moment of total shock as they saw a towering, horned figure standing there, just within the shadows of the trees. It was Skaeth! All this time, the brown-furred minotaur warrior had also travelled with Rufus, having joined Rufus' party after Rufus defeated the more muscular male's former crew - a band of slavers. Then, Rufus had needed additional help, and Skaeth, a seasoned veteran of many mercenary campaigns, had been a perfectly willing addition to the band of adventurers that had finally helped organize the peoples of the North to battle the Warlord. Of course, Rufus had suspicions about Skaeth's loyalty, that perhaps he'd been stirring up trouble with some of the other less-savory folk that had also joined with Rufus' companions, but until this moment, he'd never had any proof.

Proof slowly revealed itself to Rufus in the form of a slowly spreading, razor-glinting grin in the darkness, followed soon after by a pair of unnaturally luminous green eyes.


Praxis Venator, the leader of the slavers for whom Skaeth had worked, stepped with sinuous grace from the darkness. A black panther himself, of course, it looked more as though a piece of that darkness had simply taken on a feline shape, and risen from the night itself to act upon mortals.

"But you died!"

This was very true: Praxis Venator, the most skilled and dangerous slaver on four continents, had indeed been killed during the skirmish that had ended the lives of some of his slavers, and ended his band for good. At least, that was what Rufus had thought at the time.

"That is not dead, which can eternal lie," said Praxis in his voice of silken menace, the flash of his too-sharp teeth the only sign that his mouth was moving at all. Then he made a slight gesture, and both Rufus and Urtan went down under a horde of close-pressed, dark and heavily-muscled bodies, rough hands dragging them down, pulling them under. A strange-smelling flower with broad white petals was shoved tightly against his nose, and suddenly Rufus knew no more.


Gasping for breath, Rufus came back to himself, his body tense, as though still fighting the battle he'd been waging before losing consciousness. He soon discovered, however, that all his struggles were now completely in vain: he was bound, his muzzle encased in a sturdy leather muzzle, a black ball gag at the front plugging his lips, keeping him from any sort of coherent speech. He was lying on the carpeted floor of a natural cavern, its rough stone walls making it clear that he was somewhere underground now. The only light was from a flickering iron lantern set into the wall with a sturdy steel screw.

Swiftly taking stock of his situation, and realizing that he couldn't do anything right then to free his arms, bound behind his back at the wrists and just above the elbows, or his legs, bound together at the ankles and just above the knees, Rufus cast his eyes around for some other means of escape...only to jerk his head suddenly to the side on hearing thick, wet slurping sounds from right behind him.

In his dazed state, Rufus had completely missed the large bed that dominated a good part of the room. The huge four-poster number looked as though it could house an orgy without trouble! On that bed, Urtan squirmed, the muscular, powerfully-built hyenaman squirming as best as he could against bonds similar to those that held Rufus, except that Urtan's legs were frog-tied, ankles to thighs. This arrangement, it seemed, was done so that Skaeth, kneeling, naked, on the bed, could more easily hold the helpless hyena's legs apart, his muzzle working busily at the juncture of Urtan's perineum and tailhole. The slurping sounds Rufus had heard were those of Skaeth rimming Urtan.

"Awake, huh?" said Skaeth with a smirk as he lifted his head, before the smirk spread into a sharp-toothed grin (like most minotaurs, Skaeth had a carnivore's teeth). "Good, it's right that you get to watch this." He chuckled as he made the wide-eyed hyena arch his back when Skaeth slowly worked a finger into the prone male's tailhole. "Too bad you two never got it on before - bet you're wishing you'd made time for it now, huh?" His expression was smug as he stared down Rufus' glare. "That's 'cause right now, I'm gonna be the one to pop both your tailcherries. And there's nothin' either of you can do about it."

Toes curling, the ever-silent Urtan tensed up even more as Skaeth slowly worked a second finger alongside the first.

"Guess you got a lot of questions, don't you, Rufus?" continued Skaeth, the immense minotaur's tone casual, as though preparing to rape someone were the most normal thing in the world. "Why this, why that...yeah, I know. Well, I'll answer a few. First, Praxis is back; that sawtoothed panther's really hard to kill. Something about deals with...things I don't wanna know about. You hurt his operation, though, bad, and he needed some help to get himself started up again." Skaeth spread one hand wide, while making Urtan's legs twitch in his bonds with the other - he'd obviously found the gnoll's prostate, from the way Urtan's cock was giving off lots of little spurts of precum all over the hyena's firmly-muscled, spotty belly. "Enter me. Praxis came to see me, got me on board again. Believe me, he's got more money to offer'n you ever did, Ruf. More steady work, and good business besides. So I got him in touch with some of my minotaur cousins who live in the depths, give good ol' Praxis some manpower to get his operation started again.

"Of course," continued Skaeth, making Urtan's brown-skinned cock throb so hard it nearly bobbed all the way up to his thighs before it dropped back down against his belly, "Praxis wanted some revenge first. He told me some of the stuff he planned for you, 'n I think you'll agree that you got really lucky that I was able to talk him out of it. Naw, I'd always had the hots for you, Rufus, and that's why I let you talk me into joining up with your team for a while. But you never took any hints, never gave me a chance to get you alone. Instead, you were always messing around with hyenaboy here," and as he said this, Skaeth gave his fingers an especially hard twist, making Urtan arch his back until he was almost bent double, a hard jet of precum forced from his cock so hard, it splattered onto his forehead several moments after he'd gushed it out. "Now, I think that's really unfair of you, Rufus, hogging that hot tail of yours all for yourself, or maybe saving it up for this spotty butt-sniffer. Can't blame me for deciding to just take it for my own, now can you?" His sharp-toothed grin was chilling. "Forever."

No! Rufus fought desperately against his bonds, his muffled snarls and cries of defiance at Skaeth's words surely enough to make anyone quaver in their boots...if only the words could have been heard. As it was, however, with Rufus muzzled and gagged, Skaeth just laughed, then reached down with one immense hand, large enough to engulf nearly all of Rufus' shoulder, and easily hoisted the alpha male up onto the bed alongside where Urtan was squirming in helpless, unwanted arousal.

"I want you nice and close for this part," Skaeth taunted the squirming wolf, one hand deftly cupping Rufus' balls, making the muscular grey-furred male freeze instantly, his expression slowly turning from blind fury to confusion as his shaft started to fill out with Skaeth's amazingly skilled handling. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

Grabbing Urtan's ankles with both massive hands, the hugely-muscled minotaur easily spread the frogtied legs apart, then pressed the gnoll's knees back onto the bed on either side. Grinning fiercely, Skaeth met Urtan's eyes, even as he began to thrust his hips, letting his huge slab of pure bull beef slap down heavily against Urtan's own brown-skinned shaft, and then rubbing it against the smaller penis beneath him. Urtan's head began to shake from side to side, silently begging Skaeth for mercy even as Skaeth's thrusting grew faster, and then angled more downward, so that the underside of the minotaur's shaft pressed into the crease of Urtan's rump. Seeing Urtan's shaking head, Skaeth answered with an eager nod of his own...right before his heavily dripping glans caught against the tense red pucker of Urtan's tailhole.

Seeing as well as feeling the bull's impossibly massive blunt organ nudging against his tailhole, Urtan started to struggle desperately, his face a mask of panic as he silently fought to somehow escape the massive male's grip, or at least to throw off his aim. It was no use, however, as Skaeth gave a soft_grunt_ of exertion, making Urtan go rigid as a good half of the head of the minotaur's fat, precum-slick cock squeezed its way into the gnoll's hind end, just starting to stretch open the helpless, squirming male's tailhole.

Suddenly, Rufus lunged forward, snarling as best as he could through the muzzle and gag, slamming with all his might into Skaeth's side! But instead of throwing the male off-balance, or, well, seeming to do _anything_at all to Skaeth, the big minotaur just turned and laughed at Rufus! Before the look of total despair even had a chance to fully spread over Rufus' face, one of Skaeth's massive hands grabbed the helpless wolf by the scruff of his neck, and shoved him down to the bed, right next to where Skaeth's cock was just starting to penetrate poor Urtan.

"Lucky pup," chortled the bull cruelly, forcing Rufus' face down, almost grinding him into the bed with his much greater strength. "You get a ringside seat. Heh, while your buddy Urtan, here, doesn't get to sit at all, for a very, very long time."

Turning slightly, so that he could keep Rufus pinned to the bed with one strong foot, Skaeth held Urtan's legs firmly down on the bed, his muscular rump tensing, readying for the deflowering thrust. Utterly helpless now, Rufus could only watch, his expression begging Urtan to forgive him for not being able to save his friend. Urtan's expression, meanwhile, made it very clear that, if he'd been able to vocalize, he'd probably have whimpered like a cub as he was forced to await Skaeth's pleasures.

Then, his hips working forward slowly, steadily, Skaeth started to thrust downward and in. From so close, Rufus could see clearly as Urtan's tailhole began to stretch, spreading open around the irresistible force of Skaeth's impossibly massive penis. It couldn't be possible - surely Skaeth would kill poor Urtan before he got that monster cock inside him!

Suddenly, it happened: Skaeth's cockhead popped inside Urtan's tailhole. The gnoll's whole body arched upward, his face a mask of confusion and despair, and he seemed to go through spasms as Skaeth continued to sink himself into the helpless gnoll by fingerspans.

"That's it," Skaeth got out through pleasureclenched teeth. "Pop goes your tailcherry. And here's all the rest of it!"

Giving Urtan only the most scant fraction of time needed to adjust somewhat, Skaeth started to move his hips, working them deeper on each thrust, slowly filling Urtan up right to the brim. Just watching his friend's violation was almost enough to cause Rufus to sink into despair himself, driven home just that much more savagely with each heavy slap of the minotaur's massive, sperm-bloated balls against Urtan's defenseless rump. Urtan's cheeks and the insides of his ears were flushed, his whiskers fanned out as he shook his head, as though desperate to deny the feelings that were washing through his body - despite everything, he was actually...enjoying this!

"You love it, don't you, spotty slut?" laughed Skaeth, lifting his foot off of Rufus' head and reaching down to yank the gag from the wolf's mouth, though he left the muzzle in place, ensuring his prisoner wouldn't be able to get enough partition of his jaws to manage a proper bite. "Here's something you'll love even more: open up, fluffy - it's time for a treat."

Laughing at Rufus' feeble resistance, Skaeth forced the grey-furred male's head up to Urtan's groin, and then cruelly shoved the wolf's head downward. At the angle Skaeth had chosen, Rufus had the choice of either keeping his mouth closed, and possible badly injuring Urtan's penis in the process, or opening up, and taking that hyenacock into his mouth.

Rufus opened his muzzle.

"Good puppy," chuckled Skaeth, rubbing the back of Rufus' head, ensuring he didn't pull back. Rufus looked up into Urtan's eyes, his expression one of apology: he didn't mean to help make his friend enjoy being raped. Urtan's eyes answered with forgiveness, but only for a moment - a moment later, they squeezed shut as Urtan's body arched back and up with Skaeth's next, powerful thrust.

"Ngh, nice 'n tight!" snarled the minotaur as he started thrusting harder now, faster, setting up a good, steady rhythm of hip-slapping pumping. "Nothing like breaking in a virgin."

For Urtan's part, he kept his eyes squeezed tightly shut, lines of tension on his face, his lips curled back as best as he could manage in the muzzle as he clenched his teeth tightly. Rufus tasted many heavy spurts of thick precum on his muzzle as he bobbed his head, his lips forming a tight seal around his friend's thick, meaty cock. He didn't realize it just then, but he was fellating Urtan without any urging from Skaeth any more - the minotaur's hands were both gripping Urtan's hips instead, letting him pound the hyenaman relentlessly.

"Yeah, clench down, spotslut!" taunted Skaeth, his voice tense as he started to really open up, his heavy balls slapping loudly against Urtan's muscular rump. "Gonna blow my wad in you - gonna make you my slut forever!"

Eyes opening suddenly as he lost control of himself, Urtan's head jerked upward, his inner thighs convulsing within the confines of the ropes holding them tightly in place. Rufus' eyes suddenly opened wide as well as he got a hefty muzzlefull of thick, potent-tasting hyenacream. Without many other options, the muzzle around his mouth making it almost impossible to spit anything out, the wolf slowly closed his eyes, his throat working hard as he gulped down jet after jet of his best friend's juices. The hoary-furred wolf felt a strange warmth spreading from his belly at the thought, and knew that his ears were burning with a heavy blush. The hyenaman's face had an anguished expression, his mouth open wide, the look of a male whose will has just been battered into final submission on his features, while Skaeth's expression was one of jaw-clenched triumph and pleasure as Urtan's tailhole clenched down in convulsive spasms on his immense shaft.

"Just like I thought," laughed Skaeth, breathing hard after his recent orgasm, before pulling his still-throbbing cock out of Urtan's well-stretched pucker with a soft 'pop' and a gush of minotaur cum, before he began to squeeze and grope the helpless gnoll's bare bottom, admiring his handiwork on the poor male's thoroughly destroyed tailhole as Urtan tumbled forward, his cheek pressing against the stony floor of the cave, his ravaged rump lifted high. "A natural-born slut. You're not even gonna fight it next time, are you?" He slapped Urtan's rump hard, making Urtan's muscular butt bounce.

Pushed past the limits of humiliation and despair, Urtan a short, desperate little coughing sound, his brown eyes filled with tears. Rufus looked into his best friend's broken expression, and bent to nuzzle the violated, muscular male, knowing with gradually-increasing horror that it was only a matter of time before he'd end up like Urtan - a brutally-raped minotaur's cockslave. All the fight raped out of him, Urtan just lay there, tears leaking from his eyes, cum leaking from his cruelly-abused tailhole.

"Heh, liked that taste of hyenacum, huh, puppy?" Laughed the wicked minotaur as he turned his attention to where Rufus was bent over by his best friend's side, trying to comfort the freshly-deflowered former virgin. "Well, you'll like this even better. Open wide."

Before Rufus had a chance to even think about resisting, and still coughing a little from having guzzled down what felt like a pint of gnollcum, Skaeth jerked Rufus' head up, and then shoved the smaller male's muzzle roughly down on his almost grotesquely huge shaft.

"Do a good job, puppy," threatened Skaeth with a light curl of his lip. "Any fang from you, and I'll castrate your friend there, and make you watch."

What else could Rufus do? Giving Urtan an apologetic look, sorry for helping in his friend's defilement, Rufus turned his eyes downward, not wanting to look into the minotaur's grinning face. Instead, he focused on the well-muscled stomach before him, and the heavy sac that touched his chin every few strokes of the blowjob as he forced himself to relax, taking Skaeth into his throat. When his black nose pressed into the short, curly fur of the minotaur's groin, Rufus did his best to hold his breath, and not just because of the throbbing length of pure beef down his throat - the scent of dominant, powerful male minotaur was overwhelming, filling the strong former alpha wolf with strange emotions unlike anything he'd ever felt before. He didn't dare breathe in too much of it, for fear of what those emotions might lead him to do.

"You're a natural, puppy," said Skaeth, one big hand fondling Rufus' ears affectionately, as though he were just some dog doing a favored trick for his master. "Keep it up, and you'll get a nice, big treat."

Cheeks and the insides of his ears burning, Rufus squeezed his eyes shut, unable to stand it any longer, not wanting to even think about what he was doing, about the feel of those blood-rich veins he was running his tongue over, about the way Skaeth's penis tasted like finely-cured old leather and potent male musk. And that was nothing compared to the protein-rich precum seeping out onto Rufus' tongue every time the minotaur pulled his hips back, making sure to tilt his hips up slightly, which pushed the fat, leaking head of his cock down, rubbing it all along the length of Rufus' tastebuds, making sure he got a good, heaping helping of mino-pre.

"You're bein' lazy, spot-slut," growled Skaeth as he shifted his gaze over to Urtan once more, reaching out a large, powerful hand to grab the gnoll by one broad shoulder, pulling him forward onto all-fours, then putting pressure on the back of the other male's head, forcing his muzzle where he wanted it to go. "C'mon, I'm gonna use your friend's butt like I used yours, and I think you know how that can feel if you're not lubed up enough. So get to it!"

Giving a startled gasp, Rufus' eyes snapped open, unwittingly looking right up into Skaeth's mocking red eyes, as he felt a broad, smooth tongue on his tailhole. It was Urtan, his muzzle being forced into service, much like Rufus' own muzzle had been forced to abuse his own friend with pleasure. And it did feel pleasurable, forcing a soft moan from Rufus despite all his efforts not to give Skaeth any satisfaction as Urtan's tongue worked against his tailhole, teasing and prodding and gently pressing inward, carefully but thoroughly stretching him open, preparing him for the further, more brutal stretching that he and Urtan both knew would be coming in the too-near future. Unconsciously, Rufus' head started to bob faster, his muzzle forming a tighter seal on Skaeth's pulsing shaft as he sucked the minotaur's cock, almost as though he were imagining that it were Urtan's cock he were still sucking, rather than the brutal master who had made him and Urtan his slaves. What was worse, however, was the throbbing erection that now bobbed between Rufus' legs, which only grew worse when Urtan occasionally bent his head downward to lick along the very short, very soft fur of Rufus' perineum, and then along the underside of his full, heavy balls. Those balls had been used for breeding females many times in the past. Now, however, they were unlikely to ever empty in another female, for now they, like their owner, was owned in turn by the cruel and dominant minotaur who held Rufus and Urtan in his clutches.

"You're doin' good, puppy," said Skaeth, his voice strained as he grinned lustfully down into Rufus' upturned eyes. "Ngh, maybe too good. Yeah, keep it up...that's it. Harder now. Faster. Mmm," he gripped Rufus' head right between his ears. "That's a good pupslut. Now, get ready: your master's gonna give you a big, juicy treat."

Rufus' eyes grew wide in shock, then, as Skaeth slammed his cock into the wolf's mouth, choking the poor male and forcing tears to the corners of his eyes as he was force-fed more smooth beefcock than he'd ever tasted in his life, right down his throat. Skaeth didn't let up for a moment, his hips pumping harder now, faster, both his hands closing on Rufus' head, holding the helpless wolf firmly in place. Even as he started to see spots of red and black in front of his eyes, his whole world swimming, Rufus didn't dare to bite down, didn't dare to endanger his friend. He just had to hold on, just had to endure a little...gulp!

"GRAH!" bellowed Skaeth loudly as his balls, now mashed tightly up against Rufus' chin, tensed, then emptied their copious contents almost straight down Rufus' throat. "Yeah, drink my cum, popslut! Drink it all!"

It wasn't like Rufus had a choice! Whining now as he felt like he was almost drowning, Rufus' neck worked constantly, visibly pulsing with each heavy burst of thick bullcum being pumped into his stomach. His whole body tingled with the feel of it, strangely aroused and energized at being forced to submit like this to another male, forced to be someone else's weak little bitch. It was humiliating! Degrading! Disgusting! It was also unbearably embarrassing...and made even worse by the fact that Rufus was sporting an erection that just wouldn't quit.

"Ahhh," sighed Skaeth in satisfaction as he pulled his cock free of Rufus' muzzle, giving his shaft another hard pump with one meaty fist, making sure to squirt the last jet over the helpless wolf's nose, marking his property. "You did a good job, puppy. Keep serving me like that, and I might even keep you and your boyfriend there." He winked at the pair with a wicked grin. "Believe me, you'll prefer that to what Praxis'd do to you, if I don't."

Humiliated, feeling his face burn with shame at being treated some pet, Rufus bared his teeth as best as he could through the muzzle, growling at Skaeth. The muscled mino-male just smacked Rufus' head lightly at this, though, like a dog owner chastising a mildly rebellious animal.

"None of that, puppy," chided Skaeth, before his grip went to the scruff of Rufus' neck, and the grey-furred wolf gave a startled yelp! as he was forcibly turned, then bent over on the bed, facing away from Skaeth. "Now, let's get to popping that tailcherry."

Already thoroughly prepped by Urtan's careful oral attention to his tense pink tailhole, Rufus couldn't clench hard enough to stop Skaeth as the hulking minotaur pressed his spit-slick glans against the wolf's helplessly-presented rump, stroking it over the tender length of his perineum before squeezing it, slowly but firmly, against Rufus' tense pink tailhole. Bound as he was, Rufus couldn't do anything but squirm ineffectually as he was tilted forward still more, his rump tilted up, making an easy, inviting target. Skaeth started to increase the pressure, grinning confidently as his rump and stomach tensed, letting him bring the full weight and strength of his body to bear. Rufus, on the other hand, positioned like a bitch in heat, had no way to escape forward, and pushing back just let Skaeth stretch him open even more. Trying to jerk to the sides was impossible, as Skaeth's powerful hands gripped Rufus' muscled butt tightly, keeping him properly in place as the mighty male took his time, making sure Rufus knew exactly how helpless he really was. That left Rufus with only one option: clenching down.

Gritting his teeth, breathing hard in panic, his chest heaving, Rufus fought as hard as he could, whining in desperation as Skaeth just added more pressure, more force and power. No! This couldn't be happening! No! NOOOOOOO!

Wailing loudly, more in despair than in pain, the sound more of a squeal than a proper lupine howl through the muzzle holding his mouth shut, Rufus' eyes opened wide as he felt the impossibly huge minotaur member pushing its way into him, fingerspan by meaty fingerspan. This couldn't be happening! He was an alpha male! This couldn't...couldn't...couldn't feel so good!


"Mmm, nothing like raping a virgin muscleboy," taunted Skaeth as his immense balls slapped against Rufus' own dangling sac, his powerful hips smacking the wolf's muscular, upturned buns. Then he started to grind against poor Rufus, making the helpless male's eyes roll back into his head. "Yeah, that's it - clench down on me! Fight me! Struggle all you want! It doesn't matter, though - it's all over for you now."

Each of Skaeth's short, staccato sentences was matched by a rough, ragged thrust, and a meaty thump against Rufus' rump. And Rufus _did_struggle, did fight! He'd had plenty of females, and a few males, wriggling on his shaft. To be in that same position himself, utterly under the power of this brutal, cruel male, it was humiliating, degrading, disgusting...


"Here," growled Skaeth as he started to pick up his pace, grabbing Rufus' head, turning it to where Urtan lay, still leaking cum from his violated tailhole, before jerking off the muzzle that had been holding Rufus silent. "What you need is something to suck on. It'll get your mind off your troubles."

"What are you...mmm!"


Roughly, Skaeth crammed Rufus down on Urtan's erect brown cock, nearly choking him with the brutality of the thrust. Words cut off, Rufus couldn't resist the power of Skaeth's massive hand as he was forcefed so much thick, juicy hyenameat - Urtan had gotten hard again watching Rufus being raped. But Rufus couldn't feel any resentment toward his friend for that. He was too busy sucking on Urtan's cock. tasted so good...

"Oh yeah!" crowed Skaeth in ecstasy as Rufus started clenching his rump down with each forced bob of his head, the big minotaur's hips smacking the other male's firm rump with each rapid thrust. "Squeeze it down, slut-pup! Thrust back at me!"

And Rufus _was_thrusting back at Skaeth, while the minotaur gripped his buns tightly in both hands, thick fingers digging into muscular flesh-beneath-fur. With a horrible, sinking realization, Rufus knew that he wasn't being forced to suck on Urtan's penis any more - he was doing it entirely on his own. He looked up at Urtan with a pitiful expression, and the handsome hyenaman bent his head to lick Rufus' forehead in sympathy. It was all over for them both now, and they both knew it. Skaeth had won, and they...they were now his doomed slave boys.

Wailing as orgasm overtook him, the sound muffled around his mouthful of hyenacock, Rufus couldn't hold back any more, the orgasm washing over him in the crash of a tidal wave. Skaeth hadn't even touched Rufus' cock - he'd cum just from anal stimulation. He felt Urtan's body tense, and was ready when his best friend started to cum as well, his muscular, shaggy-furred throat working hard to swallow down every last gulp. Every time he swallowed, it was like he was swallowing a little more of his pride at the same time, a soothing warmth spreading in his belly that just made it that much easier to let it all go, to let his will die a sweet, pleasure-filled death.

"Gonna cum!" warned Skaeth, before he slammed his cock home, making Rufus yelp! as another orgasm was squeezed out of him on the tail of the first, rocking his entire world, making flashes of red and black dance across his vision. His stomach was bloating! He could feel the minotaur's cum splashing inside of him, _gushing_inside of him, filling him right up to the brim!

"There's so much of it..." Rufus murmured, Urtan's still-leaking cock popping free of his muzzle as he shuddered, broken, dominated, utterly enslaved in mind as well as body. Vaguely, he felt as well as heard the loud, slurping pop of Skaeth's heavy shaft as the brutal male worked it free, Rufus' entire body going limp the moment that dominating organ was removed. It was over for him now. There was nothing left for him to do but serve his master.

"That's it...that's _it..._say you loved it, pupslut," ordered Skaeth, a powerful hand grabbing Rufus' headfur, pulling him up, forcing him to look the minotaur in the eyes.

"I...I loved it," Rufus mumbled, his expression almost completely slack from the emotional overload he'd just experienced. He yelped like a spanked puppy when Skaeth slapped his sore, heavily-stretched butt.

"Say it," growled Skaeth threateningly, "and mean it."

"I loved it!" exclaimed Rufus loudly, wailing again as Skaeth smacked his bottom a second time. "Master!"

"Good pupslut," chuckled Skaeth, slowly letting Rufus settle onto the bed, then lying himself back between his two new slaveboys, heaving a long, satisfied sigh, his heavy organ draped over his thigh, still semi-erect from the huge amount of blood required to bring it to full erection. "Ah, nothing like two fresh-raped virgins. And now," he chuckled, rubbing the backs of both males' heads like he might two well-trained dogs, "you'll be spending the rest of your lives as my slaves. You'll never be free again, slave-sluts, and you'll soon learn how to please me best. After all, that's all your life consists of now: pleasing me, any way you can. But," he seemed almost reluctant, even as each of his prior words sank like a coffin nail into Rufus' heart, breaking down what little remained of his will, "you can rest up for now. Only 'cause you've both got a long and busy day ahead of you tomorrow, though."

"Yes master," said the new slave, letting his eyes flutter closed, utterly spent from the torments of the day.


Kneeling on the right side of the stone throne, Rufus looked out at the array of supplicants with glazed eyes. Skaeth, as it turned out, was an important person in the economy of the Underdark, and he regularly took visitors to his dark domain. Rufus and Urtan were now more than simple work or pleasure slaves: they were status symbols, examples of what happened to anyone who dared to resist the mighty minotaur's power, or who thought they were smarter or stronger than Skaeth. Both slaves were obviously powerful and charismatic creatures, and the very thought that they could be tamed was ludicrous. Yet there they were, ears down, muzzles turned submissively to the floor, ready to serve in any way desired at a moment's notice.

Rufus risked a quick glance at Urtan as the broad-shouldered hyenaman turned his way, daring the same shared look. Urtan was busily sucking on the thick-scaled, foul-smelling cock of a troglodyte visitor, the primitive subterranean reptile hissing in delight at the expert attentions the mute gnoll gave to his throbbing shaft. Then Urtan's eyes closed submissively as the troglodyte snarled in orgasm, his mouth parting to reveal its razor-sharp needleteeth.

"Eyes front, pupslut," growled Skaeth as he roughly jerked on the chain holding Rufus bound to the throne. Rufus whimpered pitifully at his master's words, knowing that he'd be punished for what he'd done: even looking at Urtan was forbidden without his master's permission, for Skaeth had decided neither of his slaves should be allowed to enjoy any pleasure without his express permission - especially not with each other. All day long they'd been throwing each other covert glances, no matter whether they were cleaning the cavern or setting out furniture or bringing out drinks for dignitaries of the deep earth. All day long, they'd been feeling the slow burn of desire and desperate ache of longing.

Rufus couldn't avoid appreciating the irony of the situation: he'd only just barely discovered how much he craved the pleasure he could find only from his best friend, but in the process of discovering it, through the force of their new master, he'd also lost the right to enjoy it.

"Idle mouths are a demon's playground," snorted Skaeth in amusement as he watched Rufus' flow of expressions, and then roughly jerked Rufus around, shoving his own cock into the smaller male's mouth. "Do you find our trade agreement acceptable?" he asked the troglodyte chieftain.

"Terms...gooood," came the response in that smooth, oily, sibilant voice. "Skaeth have good slaves, make good bargain. Trogs, accept."

Wobbly-legged, the humanoid reptile staggered from the room, his internal testicles thoroughly drained by the ever-talented Urtan. Skaeth chuckled as he watched Urtan gasp for breath, one of the few sounds the mute hyenaman could make, and then reached over, tugging Urtan around as well.

"Both of you, together," he ordered, leaning back, looping his fingers behind his back. "I need some relaxation after a hard day." Then, after a few moments, watching the two handsome, muscular males who had already helped him to get ahead in Underdark politics by their attractiveness and sexual skills licking up and down on either side of his cock, he felt himself soften, but only just a little. "You can touch each other...but only while you're bringing me pleasure."

"Thank you, master," exclaimed Rufus, both he and Urtan looking up, eyes shining with gratitude.

Smirking to himself, Skaeth grit his teeth, drawing in a sharp breath as the pair of slaves got to work with even more eagerness, their fluffy tails wagging as they licked and slurped and sucked on Skaeth's rigid shaft and low-hanging balls.

"Ah," sighed Skaeth, smiling in contentment. "This is the life."