Masked Lust

Story by maskedpup on SoFurry

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A Masked Lust (Part I)

The fox just giggled as he looked into the bathroom mirror. The bunny was asleep in the attached bedroom; he could clearly hear the snoring. It was just warming up outside and the vague hint of sunshine was making its way through the window coverings in his room. It had been a late night, but definitely a good one.

As the red and white fox grinned at his reflection, almost admiring his look - he couldn't help but feel excited and very aroused. He loved being a fox; he loved the feeling that the freedom being someone else provided. As the fox, he knew a far greater openness and had a much stronger inclination to try new things and expand outside the bounds of his personality.

He leaned his arms across the bathroom vanity, and closed the door behind him with his foot paw. Staring deep into the mirror he reached up and pinched his cheeks with his black fingers. He winced a little as his face held on tight, but didn't stop pinching until he could feel some movement in his flesh. He relaxed his grip, and allowed his cheeks to slowly stretch back into position and craned his head back, picking away at the nape of his neck.

He grunted softly as he felt around his neck. Gently his clawed fingers slipped up and into the seam of furry flesh around his neck - his neck and jaw-line expanding in the shape of his paws underneath. The fox looked down again and focused on his reflection in the mirror; he was getting great pleasure watching as his face stretched and wriggled out of place, almost drooping downwards - his muzzle beginning to sag at its tip.

The fox slipped his paws out from under his face and gently grasped at either side of his head onto a flap of rubber around his neck. There was a loud sucking sound as he gave a brisk tug downwards; his jaw contorting into a most horrified, yet silent expression of agony. As his face became taught, the foxes eyes slowly sank back into his head and he began peeling the latex mask upward, inverting it. The latex made wet, snapping noises as he peeled the mask upwards, revealing much darker, and sweatier black fur underneath.

With one final 'POP', the floppy mask slipped off the dripping black wolf, ears and released his real head. Aeros immediately adjusted the disguise back into shape within his paws and looked down into its dark eyeholes. The fox head gazed up at him, though its face showed no expression; no life. The wolf quickly turned his attention back to the mirror and the image of his real self. He forced a grin and wiped the sweat from his brow - a dark black head perched atop a red and white furry body. Giving his large tail a playful 'swish', he creaked the bathroom door back open to visit his sleeping partner.

The room was better lit now, and the rabbit wasn't snoring anymore - though he still lay quite motionless on the bed. Aeros sat down next to him, and looked out the window of the room, he was sporting a full erection that poked out from his foxish crotch and still clutched his dripping mask in his paw.

"I knew it was you" a lazy voice came from the curled up pile of rabbit on the bed. The wolf froze and began to get a little nervous, almost excited.

"Oh ... and uh ... how did you know that?" Aeros retorted, playing along.

"It was your scent. You smelled like rubber, and when we were fooling around last night, I tried pinching and pulling at your skin when you were otherwise.... busy ... and you didn't even budge"

The wolf turned around and leaned down to face his mate. Billy was wide awake now and focused his bright blue eyes happily upwards at him. Aeros slowly pulled the blankets back from the rabbit, who was lying on his back, noting as he was uncovered that his pink cock was also very much erect. The wolf gave the rabbit a sly look and gently leaned down to lick the tip of his bunny cock. "Oh, really now?"

The rabbit shivered, "...besides... it takes one to know one" he was beaming quite happily and was reaching up with his paws, clasping them around the base of his ears.

"I was just thinking that too - you must be getting a little tired of that head" the wolf giggled playfully and looked caringly down at his rabbit. The two had had the fantastic fortune of sharing a great deal of similar interests in their lives, including, and perhaps almost importantly, their love of role-play and of masks.

"Yeah, maybe just a little - actually I can't believe... ", the rabbits words became muffled and distorted as he gripped his ears tightly and began pulling upwards. The rabbits face viciously contorted into a hideous looking grin, his mouth stretching into an awkward smile and his cheeks collapsing inwards. Soon there was a wet slurping sound as the rabbit's eyes became vacant and the entire rubber mask snapped off a very sweaty grey and white husky head. The husky was panting as he forced a shy smile, looking up at the wolf.

".. I can't believe we actually slept in these suits", Billy continued.

The wolf was now extremely horny and his member definitely showed it. He pounced up on the bed and straddled over the top of his husky's bunny mid-section and leaned down over him

He held up the fox mask "Hmmmm... I think puppy needs to wear MY face", he gripped the bottom of the fox mask and spread it open wide as he quickly pulled it over the husky's sweaty head. The mask made snapping and rubbing noises as it slipped over his mate and soon, with only a couple of adjustments, the wolf looked down upon a white rabbit body, with a red fox head atop. Billy, still lying on his back, giggled and started pawing at his cock.

"Now... since you don't need THIS sweaty old thing" Aeros began as he snatched the rabbit head from the bed, "I think I might be able to find a home for it".

He whimpered and closed his eyes, as he ducked his muzzle only partially into the bottom of the bunny mask. He breathed in deep and immediately became lost in the scent of warm latex and perspiration. He readjusted his grip on the mask and worked his new head over his own. When he again opened his eyes, he was peering through the rabbit's eyeholes. He stretched his new muzzle around a bit to better position it and flexed his jaw. Moaning gently, Aeros leaned down over the fox underneath him and kissed him. The pair was very well able to articulate their new faces as their lips pressed against each other, their tongues caressing.

Aeros stopped and slowly sat back up. "So puppy, how do you like your face?"

The fox just whimpered softly and smiled up at the rabbit.

"Good boy" Aeros grunted lightly as he wiggled his body down over the fox-headed critter, and knelt between Billy's legs which he had gently spread apart. He lifted his mate's body up and slipped his knees up underneath the bunny body, raising him off the bed, and supporting him on top of his thighs.

The wolf made a playful, barking sound from within his bunny mask and began to slide his cock into Billy's ass. Slowly he pressed himself partially inside, the fox made only slight moaning noises, and the rabbit-headed 'wuff' paused to allow his partners tight ass to relax. The 'fox', on his back, was still busy pawing at his own cock - slowly feeling around the base of it with one paw and gently caressing the tip with his other. With a loud moan the black wolf pushed the rest of his cock inside his partner and began to gently rock his mid section. He craned his head back as the warmth encased his member, the waves of pleasure flowing over his entire body. Billy was making loud whimpering noises, and was pawing at his cock faster and harder.

He had cupped a single paw around his shaft and was pumping it fiercely up and down. Aeros breathed in deeply with each thrust, the scent of his latex mask only adding to his state of arousal. He also began to rock himself faster giving way to louder, more guttural grunting. He could already feel himself getting ready to cum.

As the moments slipped by, the excitement making any concept of time irrelevant, pre-cum began to dribble out from the fox's cock " ... my mask..." he begged. The bunny-wolf smiled and nodded, knowing exactly what to do.

"Oh? ... Puppy wants his face pulled off? Well ...", he whispered playfully, "...puppy'll have to spoo first". His husky whimpered loudly; he was pumping his cock quite feverishly and in tandem, the black wolf continued to thrust his cock deep inside his body.

The fox-mask just grinned as he tilted his head backwards, the wolf gently grabbing onto a tuft of fur on the top of the fox's head with both paws. Billy's body went rigid and he held his breath as the first warm shots of cum spurted out, landing on Aeros' chest. At the exact moment he felt cum against his body, the black wolf began tugging on his partners head. The sweat had lubricated his mask enough that as he felt the last spurt of cum against him, Aeros yanked hard and his mates mask SLURPED off into his paws.

The husky, exhausted, flopped back on the bed, just as the wolf was clenching his teeth and exploded deep inside his 'beheaded' pup. He whimpered as he shot every last drop of cum into his partner's ass and slowly began to relax. Panting, the bunny reached his paws up under his chin and started peeling the flabby latex mask off his own head.

He tossed his mask onto the bed next to the fox head and collapsed next to Billy, nuzzling deep against his side. Billy wrapped his arms around him, holding his wolf close; the two murring softly in each other's embrace.

To be continued...