Absolute Pleasure (part 3)

Story by petorawolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Absolute Pleasure

I woke with a start. Everyone was already dressed and fed, heading off to the bus. It was still dark, but that was expected. The plan called for us to work from sun rise to 6, leaving us a couple hours of daylight once done to spend by ourselves.

"Wait!" I called out as I tossed on some jeans, grabbed a new shirt and my pack before racing to the bus.

"Alan?" The driver asked. I nodded and he closed the door. I took one of the few empty spots and we were on our way.

Now that I knew a bit more about what was going on, I listened to those around me. Most of them had far more community service to do than myself. We all had something in common, however, none of us had actually done anything all that agregious. I hadn't really felt unsafe at any point as it was, but that made me feel better about the entire scenario.

The bus ride was longer this time. The sun cast a pale grey color when we left base camp, but was already peeking up over the horizon by the time we made it to the next parking lot. There he was, the massive snow leopard waiting for us. Half of me smiled, half of me groaned. He had said 'we' at the end of the previous day, but I hadn't really known what he may have meant.

"Wellll, look at you all! Did you enjoy your trip to the spa? Good! You know the drill. You've got your sections, your maps and your supplies. Bathrooms are up here at section 6. brew Crew, you've got some help today. Ranger Mivesh is up there already. You're obviously at the top of the hill. This wasn't taken care of in the fall so is completely out of shape. I know you can do it. I'm taking section 1. Do I have a volunteer to join me?" He stared around at the quiet group. No one moved a muscle.

Why was my heart racing? Crap, I didn't even HAVE a team lead. Was I supposed to talk to these guys and sort that out last night? Oh no, that means...

"Looks like I get my puppy again! C'mere, puppy, Imma take good care of YOU today. We're going to have so much fun. Yes we are!" He smiled at me and actually looked sincerely happy. I laughed and rolled my eyes as I shouldered my pack and supplies and walked over to him. "Alright, get to it, the rest of you! 6PM, right here!"

When I reached Laven, he once again put his massive paw on my back and called out loudly enough for everyone to hear, "Why YES, little puppy, we CAN go for walkies! We're going all the way down to the river, in fact. A REAL hike while the rest of this pansy lot get a nice easy stroll around the woods!"

I blushed and laughed, cowering in embarrassment and shaking my head. He patted my back and went to a normal voice, "So, yes, I figure since you seem to be in the best shape we're taking the farthest section again. I want to focus on the uphill slope more than the downhill. When the downhill overgrows, it doesn't affect traffic. Uphill? Then it's growing right across the path. Sound good?"

I tried to turn to look at him, but he was nearly directly behind me. "Uh, yeah, makes sense."

He kept patting my back while we walked. I thought it odd but mostly ignored it. The trail was indeed narrow so would be difficult to walk two across until we cleaned it up. The trek downhill was actually fairly hard to traverse. The winter hadn't been kind, leaving a wealth of branches down that we either had to carve up ourselves or outright climb over. Apparently the other ranger had a chainsaw and would take care of those the next day.

"Your tail is likely to fall off if you keep wagging it so much," Came a purring voice.

"What?" I asked, confusedly, looking back over my shoulder. I saw his paw on my back and my tail, yes, wagging. What did he mean? Oh. Ohhhh. I consciously stilled it.

"Awww, doesn't my puppy like being pet?"

I blushed so much I could see the white fur on my muzzle turn pink. One of those echoing swallows again. He was going to torture me again, wasn't he? "Oh no!" I stopped abruptly, but he nimbly halted before running into me. My shoulder slumped and hung my head.

A throaty purr wrapped around me and filled my ears. "You forgot your water again, didn't you?"

I didn't even HAVE any. I'd need to buy some at the canteen back at the base camp. I just nodded feebly. "Oh, puppy, I'm going to have so much fun with you today." I felt a pressure at my back as he lead me further into the forest. I started to shiver.

We walked another 15 minutes. He said nothing more. He kept that paw on my back, but at least this time I had enough anxiety to keep me from accidentally wagging my tail at the sensation of the occasional petting. Why isn't he saying anything?! What did he mean!?

Another 15 minutes passed by. I could see the stream below in the occasional breaks between the trees though couldn't hear it yet. Still, not a word. However, when it was quiet enough, I could swear I heard a quiet purr coming from him. I kept nervously gulping.

Over the next half hour, I'd proceed to slip and almost fall multiple times. The winter rains had washed away a lot of the dirt and made some spots slick or missing entirely. He kept catching me and I would whine a 'thank you' to which he would just pat me on the back. When we got to the river, he set his pack down and pulled out a bottle of water, then gave me that toothy grin. "OK, puppy, beg for your water."

His tone was surprisingly friendly. Warm even. I gulped, got down on my knees, pulled my hands to my chest and whimpered. I had less fear this time so managed to actually make a solid noise.

"Goooood girl! You can have it when you need it. Just let me know when." He set the bottle down right next to the pack. I was a bit confused but accepted this. I slowly got back up, giving him a mildly confused look but he was already pulling out all of his tools.

I followed suit. I at least had the time and common sense to grab everything else I needed. I turned to him to ask where we should start only to find him inches away again. I let out a squeel.

"I don't want to lose my puppy, so she gets a nice new collar," He purred as he reached for my neck. I stood there in shock as I saw a band of pink nylon for a moment before I felt it wrap about me. There was a painfully loud 'click' as he secured it. He then turned it a bit and I felt a tag dangle down along with a small bell. "There. It has your name and my contact information. And it makes you look adorable..." His purr turned throaty and his grin turned toothy.

I slowly reached up and felt it without taking my eyes off of him. Those blue eyes followed my own digits as they touched the tag, then the bell, as I tried to figure out the clasping mechanism. His smile only widened as he saw me struggle. I could feel something, but obviously couldn't see it. No matter of squeezing or twisting was undoing it. "W-what..."

"OK, Bitch, let's get to work. We'll start by clearing the landing against the river of any growth. We'll then trim all of the vines back from the edges at least 3 feet here. They grow like a weed. Sound good?"

Again, it was like nothing was unusual to him. He just put a feral's collar on me! I just stared up at him with my muzzle hanging open.

"Awww, puppies can't talk? Do you want to play that game? That can be fun..." His purr deepened and he closed the distance between us a bit further. Now his muzzle was only an inch from mine.

My back tensed and I tried to say ANYthing, but found I couldn't.

"Does my puppy want something? Does she want a kiss?" His frame now touched mine and I felt his paws on my back again, stroking down from shoulder to tail. To wagging tail. My tail wag wagging? Wait, what?! Did I REALLY want...

It was too late. He didn't give me a choice. I remember seeing him lean forward, my eyes closing.... the feel of his tongue.... surprisingly smooth for a cat... it felt like it went on forever.

"Seems like my puppy loves her new collar, huh?"

My head swam. Did he just say something? Words. He said words. What had he said?? I stared up into his blue eyes and just whimpered.

"Awww, does puppy want more?" He asked as he reached up and stroked my head, petting back over my ears and down my (now collared) neck. Apparently I did because now my paws were clinging to his back.

I honestly lost track of time. By the time we were done making out, the sun was rather high in the sky. He slowly pulled back and tapped me on the nose lightly. "OK, it's time for us to get to work, Bitch. You be good and silent and I'll reward you later. You can whimper when you need some water. Otherwise, you start on the South end and I'll take North. Go on..."

I was blushing so much that I felt like my brain was leaking out of my ears. Had I just made out with a male snow leopard? After he treated me like a feral dog?! I could think of little else than trying to determine if that really happened or if I imagined it. The occasional jingle of the bell reminded me that, no, it happened. And it reminded me of him. I kept looking back over at him wondering how he had tricked me, but every time I looked back and saw him, I also felt a compulsion to race over and kiss him yet again so I'd shoot my eyes back to the brambles and vines.

A couple of hours went by and I felt thirsty. I went to get the water and then remembered his instructions. I swallowed hard and blushed profusely. I trembled and stumbled as I walked up behind him. He seemed oblivious to my approach but he spoke before I even made it within a dozen meters. "Puppy needs some water?"

I swallowed hard before I whimpered. He didn't stop his work so I whimpered louder while slowly approaching him. And louder still. Finally he turned around with a growing smile. He set the small hatchet down and patted his leg as he walked to the pack. He pulled out a stainless steel dish, set it on the ground and poured the water into it carefully.

He gave me that terrifying toothy grin which only made me tremble more. He walked up to me and hugged me to his body and left his muzzle just an inch away from mine, blue eyes staring into mine.

I don't even know what came over me, but I had NEVER kissed anyone so passionately before! I thought I might kill him with my tongue I was so eager to entwine myself with him. He tensed at first, but then soon he dragged me to the ground. We made out for another small eternity before I couldn't take it any longer and tried to grind against him.

"Ok ok ok, we had our fun. Whew," It was his turn to swallow hard. "But we need to keep working. If my puppy gets too playful, I'll have to punish her. She doesn't want that, does she?"

I whined horribly as I started to stand up. He casually reached forward and gripped my collar, then pointed to the bowl. "Doesn't puppy need her bowl of water?"

I looked confusedly at him before nodding?

"Then go on," He said with a downward tug, "Go drink your water."

I whined as understanding hit me. I needed to stay down here, on all fours, like a feral. His feral. I wanted to kiss him yet again. Why did that turn me on so badly? I moaned as I obeyed, crawling over and lowering my muzzle down. The tag jingled against the side which caused me to shiver from nose to tail tip. I licklapped at the water until I drained the entire bowl. I then turned to look at him.

He had settled down next to me. He slowly stroked my muzzle, across my cheek, down my neck. Again and again. Slowly. Kindly. His blue eyes sparkled even more than usual. "I have a very wonderful puppy, it seems. OK, playtime is over again, though." And with that, he stood up and went back to pick up the tools. "We need to start working up the trail. It'll be noon soon."

I shivered and whined, but stood. I put the bowl back into his pack and gathered my belongings.

The next hour and a half was almost normal. The only thing that made it any less so was the occasional jingle from the collar around my neck. Each time I heard it, I'd look over at him. Once in a while, I found him watching me with a smile. I had this odd sensation in my chest. Almost a pain. Was I falling in love?! This was absurd!

"OK, lunch time, puppy... let's see what you brought," He approached my pack and glanced at me for permission to search it. I just offered a nod, enjoying not speaking even.

He let out a bit of a laugh and gave me a confused look. "Sushi?"

I looked back at him with an equally quizzacal look. How was I supposed to answer if he'd not let me speak? And was it that odd?

"A dog that eats sushi. Are you sure you're a puppy?" He teased. I thought about speaking but decided to just walk over and sit on my ankles and hold my hands up to chest. This got quite a reaction out of him. This time it was HIS turn to swallow hard.

"Uhhh..." He had a shaking smile, looking back and forth between my lunch and me. He shuddered before continuing, "You're making today incredibly difficult to be productive, I hope you realize." He opened the tray and plucked one of the pieces out. "Beg, Bitch."

I whimpered so loudly, accidentally, that I feared someone might hear us. He squirmed as he slowly pushed it into my maw. I very carefully closed down and licked along his fingers before he pulled them out. "You're killing me," He whined as he plucked a second one and repeated the process. I closed my eyes this time and noticed he kept hold of this one a considerably long time.

"I am so sorry, as wonderful as this is, you're going to have to feed your... oh wait..." He flashed me that toothy grin as he re-produced the water bowl. He set it down in front of me and put the sushi down into it, arranging it so my muzzle could get at each piece. It was my turn to moan.

He was about to stand up but I held up a digit and he gave me a curious look. I picked one up and held it out to him. He moved slow, eyes narrowing with a lustful look, maw slowly capturing my digits. His tongue, this time, was definitely raspier. He dragged it with a patience I'd never be able to have. Eventually, he had the piece and my fingers were free. We both shivered before I lowered my head to the bowl.

He had brought a simple sandwich which he set about eating while stroking down my neck and back. Unfortunately, it only took us a few minutes to complete the meal. When I was done, he leaned down and kissed me some more while I stayed on all fours which was a bit of heaven again.

"Unfortunately we have to head up further. It's time to take of the collar, girl, sorry," He reached forward and in a moment it was off my neck and tucked back into the pack. I didn't get a chance to see the latching mechanism. I groaned. "And you can speak again, now," He said with a wink.

"Darn," I whined and dropped my head to stare at my hands on the ground.

He took my chin in his light grip to get me to see his evil toothy grin, "Oh, don't worry. I'm far from done with you, Bitch. In getting to speak, you get to do fun things like call me by my proper name for you; Master. And you also get to tell me you love being my puppy. Or else you won't get playtime again."

My eyes widened and I trembled on the ground in front of him. What a horrible threat, yet what a horrible thing to demand! Once again, was my brain leaking out of my head? It sure felt like it! "I uhhh..."

"Better hurry up, puppy," He commanded, "Or no playtime ever again."

I was immediate. I clenched my eyes shut tight and quickly blurted out, "I love being your puppy, Master!"

His grip tightened and he used his other paw to pet over my muzzle and ears again. "Again..."

"I love being your puppy... Master..." I looked up at him. Why did I feel like I was going to cry?

The petting continue as he leaned down and kissed me a brief moment. "Again..."

"I love being your puppy, Master..." And then we set a new record for how passionately I had ever kissed someone. Or BEEN kissed. Both, really.

Unfortunately for us, later that afternoon, but before we could have another 'playtime', the section 3 team arrived noting they were already done and offered their assistance. Master offered them praise along with the usual witty banter, then sent them off up the hill.

"That means the other teams are likely nearly done too. Darn," He looked very frustrated and heaved a sigh. "One last kiss, then we're done playing for the day."

He was right. We were getting a team every 15 minutes now. On the plus side, having more hands available meant we also made quick work of our section. For once, and apparently it was unheard of, Master needed other teams to help meet his own self-imposed goal. The gang had far too much respect, or fear, of him to dare chide him or question why the delay. We were back at the bus before 5, far before the sun was going to set.

"Alright, I see all the Team Leads. Anyone have any problems? No? Good! Congrats to you all, this puts me in a good mood! You all will qualify for either an extra half day's credit for volunteer time or $100 if you've already reached your goal. You've made sure countless families this summer get to enjoy it safely. OK, ok, quiet down. Sheesh. You all be back here at the usual time. We're going down the Santa Corita fork and repeating today essentially. Get your rest because tomorrow is thicker forest and we won't get it as easy as we did today. But before you go, you can all thank my puppy here who has volunteered to help me with my home tonight. If this little princess can do good work, you'll all earn another half day of credit, or, yes Jason, $100. Now get lost!" He dismissed them with a jerk of a paw and put his paw on my back and started ushering me off to another path.

"Ack, what, wait?!" I asked in a hushed whisper. "All my stuff is back at base camp!"

He purred gently and grinned. "I have laundry at my place and everything else a good puppy needs."

I swallowed hard, glancing over my shoulder at the bus. A few folks saw me look and they gave excited thumbs up to me or waved their gratitude. They seemed oblivious that there could be anything deviant going on.

"Don't you want to be good, Bitch? A good little puppy for her Master?" His paw stroked my back, but he hid it from everyone's sight by standing directly behind me.

I whined, really not knowing if this was a good idea. Then again, if he wanted to kill me, he could have done that a hundred times today. I felt my body surrender before my brain caught up, shoulders slumping. "OK..."

His paw slipped up to my neck and gripped my scruff. Firmly, but not painfully. He also kept me walking forward. "What was that, my little puppy?"

"Yes... Master..."

"Yes, what?"

I blushed to the ends of my nose as I suddenly caught the trap he lead me into. My heart raced and my breath came in gasps. "I w-want to... be... a good... bitch for my Master."

NOW the grip bordered on painful, but quickly let up. His purr was loud enough where even the folks back on the bus could have heard it. "I ... didn't expect THAT so fast. I won't argue it, however. I want you so badly it hurts."

I panted openly now. The forest path looked to continue on forever. I wasn't sure I was going to make it!