One thing ends, another begins

Story by HeavyMetall on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dream come True

Now, after things had settled, I feel my stomach rumbling. "Good thing you brought some snacks. I feel like starving." This added another smile on his face. Actually his face almost didn't change. He did not show any teeth or something. He just lifted his mouth angles a little, but my brain told me that he was smiling brightly. No... no, there is more... His eyes... the way he breaths... There are so many small details I would have never looked at before. But my brain added all together until each single of those details made him smile bright. He moves his head until our eyes are on the same height. A single last tear rolls out of his emerald eyes. My lips start to feel... different... amazing... making me want to close my eyes to enjoy this feel even more. "What are-" I jump up, shocked by the fact that he just gave me a kiss on my lips.

He grabs my hand and holds it tight. "I know... you said you need more time. And I want to give you that. But the last ten years I have been looking for you. Since then I had been dreaming of you, knowing that you are waiting to come back to us. Now that I have finally found you... All the emotions... Are a little overwhelming me." Ten years? He has been waiting ten years to finally meet me? Ten years... only for me? "But why? Why did you wait for me? Please don't get me wrong, I am grateful for this, even if I am still confused, but why didn't you... look for someone else?" "We don't choose our partners. When we grow up, there is a time where you begin to dream of each other. Two dragons that might have never met before, that are destined to be together for their entire life."

Destiny? Why did this sound oh-so familiar? He laughs a little. "No no, don't worry. We won't have to rescue the world." "And..." I would be blushing if I was still human right now. "... does 'that' happen often?" "What?" "Well... you know... a male... with... another male?" "Oh right, I forgot you don't know much about us... So much I have to tell you, so much I want to show you... Let's begin with that... I told you that we were nearly extinct a few hundred years ago, right?" I nod silently while chewing on one of the cutlets he brought as 'snacks'... Damn, I would have called this a rich meal back then, and now it's just 'snacks'.

"Human began to find our caves, hunted for treasures they hoped to find... and found what was the most valuable to us... our offspring. In fear we might overrun them, unknowing that we had been existing perfectly along the last few thousand years, they started slaughtering us down. The females that protected our homes while the males hunted had no chances of defeating such large armies. No matter how many they killed... For each dead human there were two new. Soon they had killed almost each female dragon. We had to fight fiercely to rescue the few ones that are left... I also told you that there are only a handful of dragons born each year, right?" Again I nod. Yes, this perfectly matches my picture of humans. What they don't know, they fight. Why get to know something if you can kill or conquer it? Not each human was like that, but only such assholes seemed to become leaders of a nation.

"If I were to tell you that of all the millions of eggs that the queen lays during her reign, not more then ten hold a female... and remember that a few dragons die during the soul-infusion... you can figure it yourself, right?" "Less than-... wow..." I did not know that. Of course not. But instead of being sad for the race of dragons, my brain started working. Haven't I heard something about... reptiles... where the gender of the hatchlings depends on the temperature their egg was kept at? "Oh, believe me. We have tried that... and so much more. Nothing seemed to change anything." He finally longs for a snack, too. "I'm sorry for telling you those sad facts... it's jus-" "No no, I asked you to do so... Although you didn't really answer my question... you know... that... ehem... two males..."

"Oh that... Yeah, that's totally normal. Just because there are not enough females for every male doesn't mean we can't have some fun, too, right? There are only a very few dragons allowed to mate with the queen anyway. A few she selects by herself." I feet a little disgusted, thinking back, imagining that fat dragon queen. "And what about the other female dragons?" "They are not allowed to mate. Only the queen herself may procreate. The first daughter becomes the princess, every other becomes a priestess, doomed to stay alone so that if the princess should ever die, one of them might take her place." Wow... That ugly piece of... egoistic and stupid to the brim.

"I know... But we have no other choice. Every attempt of violating those rules is punished..." "That leads me right to another question... How can you read my thoughts? And why can't I read yours?" "Reading minds is absolutely normal between us. Don't worry, others can't hear them. That's because we are soul-mates." His eyes shined happily, as if he had been waiting forever to get this word off his lips. "You will soon be able to hear me, too. And trust me, there is a lot more I want to share with you than just my thoughts." Immediately pictures form in my head, speeding up my heart to a dangerously fast speed. Drake giggles as he sees what I think, giving me a warm smile that only confirms what I think. "You will... start slow... right? I... I never... I am still a virgin, you know?" Why was I even telling him such private details?

He comes closer with his head. This time I will let it happen. This time I am prepared. Am I? He hugs me loosely, pulling me a little closer, giving me a wide smile before he closes his eyes. My heart feels like popping out of my chest, my head is on fire. What am I supposed to do? I never kissed before, not to mention with tongue. How do you even- Oh fuck... oh fuck... fuck fuck fuu-

A warm feeling lies on my lips, gently trying to open them. I stop struggling against it and open up. A thick and warm thing slipped through, softly stroking over my tongue, inviting it to join the dance. Slowly I follow his movements while he presses his lips stronger onto mine and begins to suck gently. I let myself go and moan, releasing all the tension that had build up. I move my arms around his body and begin stroking his back while my tongue is sucked into his muzzle. A faint and indescribable taste lays down on my tongue while I dive through his saliva. I begin to explore his muzzle, letting my tongue slide over his teeth. I feel all the sharp tips but somehow don't cut myself, even when I try to press a little harder.

Drake finally separates our lips again, gasping for breath. "So am I, but I'll try to contain myself as long as you need." He says in a seducing voice. He is real, not just something I made up. He's the real deal. I just don't know if I am ready yet... No... no, I don't think I am ready, but I also did not want to make him wait. "We should get a little rest before tonight. I'll show you the bedroom. I'll sleep on the couch so you have the bed for yourself." "Oh come on. You're not going to rape just because you lie next to me, right? It's your house, your bed. If you are not going to sleep in it, I won't do it neither." "I just don't want you to do anything you don't want."

I smile at him. "Think we both are a little unsure how to handle our relationship, hm?" Drake laughs at me. "Maybe a little. But I'm glad that you start... liking your new life... with me..." He is so cute when he feels unsure... I wonder if he thinks the same about me. I never had a relationship like that before. Friends, yes. Good friends, friends I can do stupid stuff together with, but never a real relationship.

He opens the door into a large room. It's dark inside as the curtains are closed, but my eyes adapt quickly. That was cool. Not only didn't I need my glasses, I also would never again need a flashlight. Drake giggles while listening to my thoughts. It was a little embarrassing, but everything was so new, so different. Drake hops onto the bed and lies down near the middle of the bed. For a short moment I catch myself trying to unzip my non-existing pants before I follow his example. First I tried to lie on my back, but my wings were in the way, hurting my back a bit, so I roll to the side, facing him. He breaths slow, his eyes are closed. Probably fell asleep as soon as I lied down.

Seeing him sleep next to me made me remember my cat that died a few years ago when I still lived with my mom. A slender black cutie with white socks on her hind legs and white toes on her front legs... a big white spot at her neck. She spent most of her time in my room. Sleeping, cuddling, watching me playing games. It had always been hard to resist cuddling her when she was asleep. Too hard in most cases. It was exactly the same with Drake. I know he needs to rest as I still don't know how to move my wings... but he's so... I think I'm in love with him.

I snuggle closer to him, placing my head next to his chest. Again I catch myself looking further down. I wonder how it will feel... and taste... But should we really...? Would I... Are we really...

"...ake up, come on. It's time to go."

I slowly open my eyes. Everything around me is dark. I slowly begin to recognize shapes. Who... Drake... It hasn't been a dream. It is real. I have become a dragon. "Still worried about that? Don't worry, this is real. Now come on. We have to hurry, I overslept..." he shouts quickly before stopping and grinning at me. "Someone was comforting me too much." His hand drives through my hair. "I could get used to that fluffy fur on your head." He giggles.

Hastily we leave the house. The clock showed 4 AM. Drake begins to take his feral form right outside of the house. "Hurry" I am still a little sleepy and seem to take more time than he liked. One moment I saw his long feral muzzle appear between my legs, the next moment I find myself hugging him while he ascends into the air. I wonder how it feels to fly... I never even flew by plane. "We will try that later." "Why are we in such a hurry? Is it so important for you to delete my past?" It would hurt me to hear him say that to me. "No, that's not it. I do this just for you. But this has to be done in your first night after being accepted as a dragon. Another one of our strict rules. And nighttime is almost over. We are not allowed to be there when the sun rises."

We dive through the sea of clouds. I managed to somehow close my nostrils so I wouldn't inhale the water that condensed on our bodies. Just a blink of the eyes later I see a town below us. Wait, I know that building... and that. We have already arrived? "Do you know any good place for landing? Last time I landed I seem to have caused a lot of trouble." "Phew... never had to care for that..." Let me think... a wide open spot, close to my apartment... if there weren't those overhead contact lines for the trams... there is a little park nearby... mainly for dog-owners... "Sounds good. Where is it?"

I try to orient myself. If that is there... and that there... north should be... around... there... then my apartment... there is the main station... then over there... There it is. And over there is the park. "More to the right. You see those huge buildings over there? Just a little to the left from them." "Yes, I see it. Careful now, I'm going down." Drake shoots down until he hovers above the park. I hear a few dogs bark. Apparently there were a few people in the park, taking their dogs for an early walk. "Careful, I'll transform right away." And he immediately begins to shrink while landing. His neck shortens rapidly. We're about ten meters above ground when I let go. My claws dig deep into the moist dirt. A thump next to me, Drake had landed as well.

"Okay... my town, I lead." I begin running towards my old apartment. I knew this park well, used it as a shortcut when driving to work. "Usually I had to take the underpass of the railroad, but it's shorter if we run across the rails." Luckily we had no further encounters. We stand at the road where Drake had landed two days ago. The overhead lines have been fixed, any signs of the fight had been erased. 'Creepy' I think to myself.

I walk over to my old house. All lights were off. I try to reach for my keys. "Shit, my keys!" "Damn, haven't thought about that. Can't you just... break in or something?" "What if someone sees me?" "Doubt anyone will recognize you." he laughs. He is right... I do not look like I did before. I'm not even human anymore. I look up to the window in the second floor. Too high for me... if Drake would... no, still too high, but... if he was in feral form I could easily climb in there. "Good idea. Okay, step aside." He walks to the middle of the small street in front of the house. Then he makes the same noises as before... like a humming or something. Shortly after his transformation begins anew. I really don't know which form of him I like better... The anthro form looks more normal to me, but the feral one looks so strong, so... beasty.

"Hurry, would you?" Right, right... I can dream of him later, there are other important things to do right now. I climb onto his back and can now easily reach my apartment. My heart becomes a little heavy. My old life... So many memories... Am I doing the right thing? What am I thinking, I can't return. I'm no longer human. Society would not accept me. No... fear me... imprison me... and probably even experiment on me until I die. There is no way back. Only forward.

I can see everything through the window. My laptop-bag, my computer, my small couch that barely fit into the small room, my bed... "What's taking you so long?" "Sorry, this is not easy for me." I ram my elbow against the window. A dull noise, pain goes through the bones. Damn it. Again. Another dull noise. I switch to the other elbow, try again. This time the glass shatters loud. Now I had to hurry before anyone notices us. "Transform back and hide. I'll need five minutes." "Five minutes, okay"

He already begins to shrink again so I jump through the window. There is my desk, my pc next to it. I didn't want to destroy it. My parents might want to sell it to cover the window I broke. I only wanted the hard drives. But now it gets difficult. The case is easy to open, even with my now bigger fingers, but handling a screwdriver to unscrew the hard drives was more difficult than I anticipated. But maybe three minutes later I had them all. Now my bag. I grab it and try to put the shoulder strap on, but my wings are in the way. I open the hook on one side of the strap and now manage to put it on. Anything else? Kitchen? No... bathroom? No... Bed, cupboards, desk... No... YES, one more thing. A picture of the cat I grew up with... She had been like a little sister to me. I have loved her with all my heart until she died at the age of twelve... way too young... And I actually still love her...

I put the picture in one of the pockets of my laptop-bag and grab the hard drives. I look out of the window. There are a few people, wondering where the noise came from. Fuck. What now? Drake, now would be a great time to come back on stage. And luckily he heard my thoughts. Just a few seconds later he made a roaring noise that let the blood in my veins freeze. The people below run away screaming. I throw the drives out of the window. One of them already breaks from the impact. "Drake, stomp them to dust." He makes two steps forward. A few silent crunching noises tell me that no one would get to see my secrets. It's done.

Grabbing my bag tightly I open the window to have a little more space, them jump on his back. "I think I can take off from over there." He points his head to a small crossing, where there was hopefully enough space for him to freely spread his wings. Just as blue flashing lights come around the corner of the main street, he lifts off. With one hand I cling to his neck, my other hand holds on to my bag. Soon the city below us disappeared, changed into open fields, small forests, a river. "Hope you got everything?" "Think so." "Okay, let's head on home."

Home... huh? "Yeah, let's go home."