Workouts and workarounds: (CV, CumTF)

Story by Wisty on SoFurry

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This was a fun commission to write for my friend montiga montiga detailing his exploits at the gym. Normally he's pretty laid back (being a naga, he's almost always -technically- lying down), but he does sometimes rise to the occasion when taunted. Though unfortunately, it's quite a workout to get him to be sated, which Wisty learns the hard way. Or the slippery way. or the musky way. Whichever way you see it as, the dragon really won't find him coming out anytime soon. unless the snake is hornier than usual, in which case he will be cumming out very soon.

Additional puns go here.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this delicious little quick cockvore story! it's quite a bit of fun to write and I hope you like to read it as well! Be sure to leave your comments as those are what I live off of. That and ramen. comments and ramen.

"Skipping leg day again, Montiga?"

The dragon smirked, standing over the weight bench where his friend was currently pressing without a spotter. He made his way behind the bench, giving a soft snicker before curling his hands under the bar to help rack it. The scraping of scales against the bench's soft leather surface filled the air before the dragon could see his friend from under the weights.

"You know, tomorrow is leg day. It's just that tomorrow never comessss." he hissed, in his typical greeting, bright yellow eyes glittering under the blinding fluorescent lights. The soft clatter of workouts in the background dominated the conversation for a moment before the dragon nodded once more and gave a soft snicker, his tail flicking from side to side. As the naga worked his way from under the bar, the dragon could only chuckle.

"You could at least do some tail curls or something. Don't want the ladies to find out that you can't constrict them because you you worked on your pickup more!" He teased once more, delighted to see the wry grin as his only response. "Of course, with nearly what, three hundred pounds and fifteen feet of coils, I'd dare say you could probably make quite a comforting cocoon for a couple of minutes before they start to feel it, eh?"

The snake nodded quietly, pulling himself completely free from the bench now and pulling himself up to about eye height with the drake, his tongue flicking out in both a teasing gesture and as a greeting - more to tell where the dragon was along in his workout than anything really. It was always disconcerting the first time he'd do it, but after a while it became standard and expected. Of course, the dragon knew well enough anyways than to approach the snake near the end of his workout, but it never really stopped him. "I'm supposing that you're done for the day as well? The air isss... thick." He hissed quietly, looking the dragon over, his slitted pupils flicking along the dragon's frame.

That was the problem with scaled creatures - they never really showed any physical signs of exertion like most of the skinned creatures did. Even felines and wolves had a larger tell - their noses would be quite wet, and whatever part they trained for the day would usually be pulsing from the exertion, provided they went to the full duration of their workout. Dragons? They didn't show anything, and most of the time their scents were overpowering to one as sensitive as a snake, that it often required inquiry to even guess at what they'd wanted. But this was Wisty. There was no question what he wanted, though the warm scent was quite reassuring.

"Only if you're done." The dragon said with a snicker, shaking his head a little. His tail flicked from side to side, while the drake flashed a knowing wink. Of course.

Shifting to the side, Montiga looked around, trying to get a gauge for how full the gym was, though at nearly eleven at night, it was pretty empty. The joys of a twenty-four hour gym in the middle of nowhere. Nodding softly, he slithered from between the machine, as if making his way to the leg press. "Well, it's almost tomorrow, so..." he began with a soft hiss, his smile growing wider as the dragon snorted and shook his head. "Perhaps I should finally do my legs?"

"Yeah, and then I'll land myself a girl. C'mon, I'm almost ready to go anyways. If you're not, I'll just find some other cute stud."

Blinking a few times at the deadpan, almost serious utterance, the snake simply snorted, his nostrils flaring as best they could. "Right. Well, I suppose." He said with a long draw, trying his best to tease the dragon; of course, it might have been more effective had the dragon not already grabbed his hand and started to pull him to the locker room. Another flick of his tongue made the snake flush just a little with anticipation.

Wisty had waited for this, it seemed.

They made their way through the gym, having idle conversation so that anyone overhearing or even watching the pair couldn't discern intentions or even associations beyond good friends who'd gone to the gym together. Though, as they reached the locker room, the dragon paused and gave a small knock, glad to hear that there was no response and only one entrance.

"Alright, I'm ready whenever you are." He said with a smirk, pulling out a small silver key attached to one of the gym's official lanyards.

Montiga gasped in surprise, his smile growing wider as the dragon gave a devious growl. "Where did you get that?" he said, reaching for it. Wisty simply played keep away, inserting the key into the lock of the locker rooms' door, hissing as a soft click rewarded a gentle turn.

"One of the trainers I worked with today had to leave to take care of another member, so I just took the opportunity to... secure us a spot. I hope you don't mind?" The dragon growled quietly, his paw wrapping around the snakes hips as he pushed his way into the locker room. The nice thing about these doors was that they prevented entry from the outside, but permitted exit due to a one-way locking mechanism. More of a fire safety mechanism than anything, though it was always useful for when the dragon needed to exploit a private training room. As he pushed his way in, he could hear the water running faintly in the background, a soft growl echoing. "Mmph, we're not alone... ah well, not that it'll be a problem."

As he pushed his way in, he made sure to check that the door was completely locked before letting it close - the last thing they'd want would be any unexpected guests! As the door closed with a click, the dragon slunk his way around the locker room to ensure that there really were no other people with them before making his way to the shower. He peeked in, delighted to see that a slender, red panda was in there, completely oblivious to the pair in the locker rooms. The dragon smiled before making his way back to the bench, delighted to find that Montiga had already made himself comfortable.

The problem with being an naga, at least when it came to the gym, was proper attire. So the snake had to have a form-fitting suit custom tailored to fill around the upper portion of his coils to prevent any sort of contamination from the gym's machinery. The issue with this, however, was that it was often non-porous and didn't leave much room for air to circulate, so t hat when it came time to get a shower, the snake's scent usually wasn't too bad upward, but positively overwhelmed those nearby before he'd actually had the chance to shower.

For Wisty, this wasn't too much of a problem. As the scent reached his nostrils, he practically began to salivate, the thick scent of snake filling the air, thick from his exertions and workout, all of which teased the dragon toward arousal. He shifted and slowly undressed, giving the snake a small strip tease - also to be gentle on his shorts, because too quick of a disrobing would cause the dragon's clothing to shred, mostly because of his sharp claws. He gave a soft groan as that fabric slipped along his form while the snake's coils slowly curled around his lower half and pulled him closer. "N-not even letting me undress?" "Don't think you'll need to." Montiga hissed before he snickered, his tail tip snaking up between the dragon's legs to heft at those full, musky orbs. He hissed once more, flicking his tongue out to taste the air, quite pleased at the dragon's reactions. He shifted his hips a little closer before draping his upper body along most of bench while the dragon was fully snared, albeit lightly in his coils. "Now, don't be shy since you... wanted thisss."

Nodding quietly, Wisty put his hands on the snake's "hips," a soft gasp escaping as the motions rewarded him with a soft squeeze of those coils. A few shifts here and there and he could feel his shaft slipping free from that mass, curled quite nicely between two undulating, smooth segments, tortuously ground against with even the slightest motion of that snake's body around him, forcing him to give a soft gasp and jerk of his own hips in reaction.

He leaned forward, pressing his snout gently against that warm musky slit, gently using his snout to push the soft folds of flesh aside while completely drowning himself in that hot, thick scent of masculinity. A rumble escaped his lips, emanating form his very core as his tongue slipped into that slit, a soft growl growing louder and louder as he positively drank in that thick musk, it being a matter of moments before his tongue pressed against the hardening flesh of the snake's hemipenes.

Montiga continued to shift and squirm around the dragon, his coils an ever-moving mass of pleasure that ground and teased at the dragon's shaft. Each shift brought more and more of his mass against that throbbing shaft, spreading the drake's own scent along the lower portions of his body while coaxing out the first few splatters of thick precum. They'd played before, so Montiga was quite certain that the dragon adored these sensation, though he always made it a point to tease. As the dragon pushed his snout in, he gave a hard squeeze to make the dragon squeal while a soft buck of his midriff brought his slit upward so that it almost completely engulfed the drake's snout, forcing the swelling tips of his cocks to press in against the dragon's lips.

With another hiss, Montiga repositioned his coils, giving a small squirm so that the dragon couldn't pull his head back without inconveniencing himself, the soft croon that vibrated his entire lower section more than enough to let the snake know of his submissive's pleasure Delightedly, he pushed his midriff forward once more, feeling those hardening shafts begin to make their way into the dragon's maw, loved and adored by that slick, slender draconic tongue.

Wisty was in heaven. Immobilized by the snake and forced to give oral - two things he never really objected to to begin with - he only growled in delight while his tongue worked along those hardening shafts. Rolling them between his lips and tongue, he trailed his raspy appendage along each of them, tickling along each vein and ridge before reaching the musky, flared tips near the middle of his maw. Of course, he could only get a few slurps off before they'd grown far too hard and thick, limiting his motions to just along the cock-bellies while the twin tips teased as his throat. Swallowing hard, he shifted slightly, his lungs burning so very slightly as he was forced to inhale nothing but that thick, pungent musk, the dragon's own dick positively drooling in eager arousal.

As his squirming became more desperate the more air he consumed, Montiga placed a paw on the back of the dragon's head and slowly pulled back. With a small slurp, he felt that warm muzzle slipping free from his musky slit, the dragon's nostrils rippling as he gasped for air around those thick cocks buried quite firmly against his throat. His coils shifted once more, drawing another growl from the dragon as he began to pump his hips forward and back, the very tip of his tail trailing along the bulges the dragon's throat possessed. "Such an eager drake. You like this snake's cocks, don't you?" He hissed, his voice no longer soft, but rather heated and heavy, a sure sign of his own delight.

The dragon could only nod a little, his scales glimmering in the light as Montiga gave another squeeze, forcing him to jerk his hips forward and splatter those coils in another thicker, muskier load of precum. Montiga simply continued applying pressure, quite pleased to hear the dragon's breaths coming in shorter gasps with higher-pitched rumbles emanating from him until finally he felt the dragon go stiff. When he did so, the naga simply tightened his coils further, shifting them slightly back and forth at a very quick pace to smear that precum into the dragon's fleshy shaft and continue the torment while a heavy growl escaped the dragon.

Soon, Montiga felt those scales being coated in thick, fiery globs of dragon seed while that cock throbbed and twitched between his muscular coils. Each pulse brought another load of seed, which the snake simply smeared around as if to tease the dragon, letting all that warm, virile spooge go to waste. With a small shift, he pumped his hips a little harder, forcing the dragon to deep throat him once more, his twin shafts throbbing eagerly for his own release.

It wasn't really a challenge to get the snake to release, either. In fact, it had taken quite a bit of restraint for the moment to not completely encase the dragon in the rest of his body and just force him to guzzle down every single throbbing inch of his members. But he preferred to take it slower, relax after a long workout and let the dragon revel in his scent. Payback, it could be considered. Though as he worked his hips forward, it was becoming a lot harder to resist his own primal desires; his golden eyes flashed as he let out a soft hiss.


The dragon didn't respond - and probably wouldn't have, even if he could. The only sort of acknowledgment he received was a long, arduous swallow. Placing his hands on the dragons horns, he worked his shafts deeper and deeper, his tail still tickling at those well defined bulges in the soft, fleshy underside of the dragon's throat, feeling their pulses and ripples through the lightly scaled flesh. He hissed once more, louder now as his hands gripped those smooth horns tightly. "Mmmm, Wisty..."

With a final jerk of his hips, coupled with a swallow from the eager drake, the snake was pushed over the edge. His cocks twitched and throbbed asynchronously, as warm ropes of fertile seed spilled into the dragon's maw. With his tail still pressed against that throat, he could feel the bulges traveling into the dragon's gut as what seemed like gallon after gallon of seed was pumped into the dragon's maw. He hissed, his tongue lolling from the side of his mouth while his hips rocked gently against those lips, his musky slit slipping over the dragon's snout every so often.

Wisty's throat worked along him quite pleasurably, each ripple of that tight fleshy passage enough to make the naga squirm and writhe just a little, his hands gripping those horns so very firmly that they might break - or at least they would if they weren't made of stuff stronger than steel! Or whatever, he wasn't sure, he just was glad they held up beneath hisdelighted thrusts.

After a few moments, his breath came in heavy gasps, his chest rising and falling as he uncurled his coils from around the dragon, allowing him a little wiggle room - though not nearly enough to escape. He hissed, flicking his tongue out with a delighted tease, his blue scales shimmering from the dragon's exertions and seed. "Mmph, yesssss. That was nice. Now be a good drake and clean up the mess you made." He said with small tickle to the dragon's chin. He could only chuckle as he watched the dragon's scales tinge slightly pink as he gave a soft nod and pulled off with a wet pop, leaving those twin shafts to throb, glistening with his saliva and seed. His tongue continued to lap at the tip, while Montiga's hand still held his horn firmly, forcing his snout to press against one of those thick tips, as if insisting that it be given special attention. The Wisty was too happy to oblige, which only made the snake shiver a little more.

With a smirk, he arched his hips once more, forcing the dragon's slender snout to press against that thick cocktip, the slit opening just a little to accommodate the drake's form, much to Wisty's surprise. He ground his hips forward, slowly but surely while his hand held his lover's horns, forcing him deeper by the second, the scent of his thick musk washing over the dragon quite fully now.

Not that Wisty minded, it seemed. He gave a soft groan, the sensations causing those cocks to vibrate with the heavy baritone sound, sending waves of pleasure throughout the snakes form. A few more squirms and struggles - all playful, of course, would find the dragon practically devoured up to his horns, which forced the snake to finally let go. His body was lifted upward, raised toward that greedily slurping shaft with each undulation of the naga's coils, his head slowly but surely being fed to that flared tip, making the fleshy shaft bulge quite nicely with the well-outlined form of the dragon's head and neck. "Yess, Wisty~ Get in there nice and deep and make yourself more musk for me." Montiga teased, his unfilled cock leaking once more from the tortuously extended arousal.

He closed his eyes and reclined fully against the lockers now, his body utterly relaxed as he felt the dragon's squirming struggles vanishing slowly but surely into that fleshy mass of cock flesh. His slit already began to bulge from the dragon being forced inside, the scent of his musk utterly filling the entire room now. His tailtip flicked idly beneath him while his coils continued to shift and squeeze, lifting and supporting the dragon so that that slowly rippling cock could swallow around more and more of the dragon, eventually pulling in the widest part of his body - his shoulders - with a greedy, lewd "schlurk!" His tongue lolled out once more, flicking from side to side as he enjoyed the sensations of an after workout feast... though as he pulled it back in, he could taste something different in the air. Eyes flashing open, he gave a small hiss of surprise as he saw a red panda standing in front of him, clad in nothing but a towel, which was quite clearly bulging with the male's own arousal.

"S-sorry, y-you're... that's my... locker..." he stammered quietly, his eyes intently fixed upon that cock as it bulged and schlurked around the dragon's form, the bulge in his towel pulsing a little. Montiga shifted to the side slightly, a grin growing across his lips.

"My apologiesssss." He said with a snicker, watching the male's eyes sway back and forth as his midriff did so, quite delighted to see that awkward swallow marking the creature's interest. "I... could use some help." He crooned quietly, his bright yellow eyes glittering playfully as the panda shuffled closer, his wet black hair clinging to the top of his head.

"O-of course... Should..." "You could help stroke, or you could help him in~ Or... maybe even just reach in and rub the bulges he's making in my sssssack." The snake muttered, his voice thick and syrupy, flowing into the smaller creature's ears with little resistance. Of course, from the scent of the male's arousal, Montiga was sure that he didn't need to ask; the male would have offered himself soon enough anyways. This way was just more convenient.

Without a word, the creature nodded and tied his towel around himself, his large, fluffy tail poofing a little as it flicked from side to side, the fur matted from the water still trapped in it. He gingerly reached forward with slender delicate fingers and gripped the shaft that contained the drake - or at least the best he could, and began to stroke it slowly, his white-tufted cheeks turning pink with a blush. "M-my gods..."

"Mmph, it's lovely isn't it? Rub... a little further down.. further... mmph, if you can fit in, you can feel him entering my sack to be digested into cum~" The snake hissed teasingly, to which the panda almost too eagerly responded by plunging his paws into that musky slit, groping along that throbbing cock to the very base. With the size difference between the two creatures - the panda being nearly a meter and a half at best - it was quite easy for him to fit nearly his entire arm in that slit and still barely be able to feel the base of those greedy shafts.

Montiga shifted slowly, his scaled form scraping softly against the ground as he curled his tail around the creature to help lift him up a little more, making it much more convenient for him to bestow worship upon those cocks. As he continued to shift, he smirked as he felt the dragon's bulges beginning to push the red panda's paws free from his slit. "Mmph, he's almost in~ soon he'll begin digesting into spunk. You'll have to go deeper if you want to feel him though..." the naga hissed, feeling the creature's efforts redouble to push more of his paws in... but it wasn't any use - that rippling cock-belly bulged too much to keep him sitting upright while delving deeper into the snake's musky slit. Though Montiga wasn't quite expecting to feel his slit being bulged out even more than it already was!

He grunted, shifting a little and actually sitting upright to glance down between his legs, seeing his second, massive shaft pushed aside as most of the panda's head had vanished into that slit as well. He could see the creature's tail swishing from side to side in eagerness, that tail slipping free to reveal his own throbbing erection.

Growling a little in delight, the snake curled his tail up under the creature, forcing his legs apart and lifting him up so that he was just above parallel to those cocks, letting him shift and wriggle his way deeper until he could finally feel those warm paws brushing against his heavy, slightly bulging nuts. He growled, trying his best not to thrash his tail as those sensitive orbs were rubbed and squeezed, though the twitching of his tail-tip against the smaller creature's cock was surely quite an indication of his pleasure.

The dragon, now mostly swallowed up to his hips, continued his vain struggles, even more so as he felt a warm pair of paws pressing the warm, musky flesh against his body in adoration. He flushed quite brightly, his struggles becoming more animated as he did so, a soft whimper escaping his lips as he could faintly hear the whispering of the snake and his companion. Though, probably even more of a surprise was the fact that he could soon feel that warm sack being squished against him as a pair of paws made counter bulges against his prison. The heat rose in his cheeks, higher and higher as he felt his knees and soon feet slipping in, leaving only his tail to be slurped in completely within that thick, musky shaft.

From the outside, the bulges began to grow smoother and more streamlined as the snake finished devouring his first meal, his second wiggling about up to his hips. He slithered around and coiled upon himself, using those warm coils to constrict around his midriff, his body forcing that smaller creature to delve deeper and deeper, whether he wanted to or not. Of course, as he felt something warm pressing against one of his orbs, and dragon along it, he was sure that the panda was more than happy to be in this position. Not that Montiga would complain.

As the last of the dragon settled in, he could feel his nuts beginning to gurgle and churn softly around their meal. He licked his lips, his tongue flicking in and out with eagerness. He gave the panda a few more small pushes with his tail before he too succumbed to gravity and slipped within that thickly scented slit. Admiring the bulges that the pair made, he couldn't help but hiss and slither around, testing what the new weight of his "companion" would do to him, though he was quite pleased to find his motion was relatively unimpaired. Or it would have been, had he not had to worry about hitting his cocks against the lockers or benches.

He shivered and shifted a little more as his muscles worked the rest of the panda in, feeling that nice wiggly creature tucked away quite nicely in his slit, the bulges animated through his scaled underbelly, but barely. He chuckled a little more, lazily sprawling out along the benches, unfurling his entire length as he gripped one of his twin cocks in his paw and began to stroke, trying to keep himself fully aroused for once his dragon-snack had been fully churned. Of course, with the feelings of the struggling dying down from within his sack, left only to the soft humping and grinding of the panda, he knew it wouldn't be too long at all before he could finish up.

Much to his surprise though, he felt the panda growing more animated. He blinked a few times in curiosity before smirking a little as the first few droplets of something hot and sticky splattered against his sack. He smirked, reaching a paw down to grope those bulges through his underbelly, another soft hiss escaping. Not wanting to waste too much time - ell over two hours had already passed since they'd started and the gym would become "busy" soon, he leaned down and curled his tongue around one of his cocktips. As the bulges soon softened completely while the gurgles also died down, he could only snicker and hiss in anticipation. His tail flicked from side to side as he carefully worked one of his cocktips into his maw, delighting in the thick, musky scent that emanated from his spread slit, the scent of the panda and dragon mingling with his own scent to create quite the carnal concoction. He shuddered and pushed down a little further.

His throat spread quite wide, nicely accommodating that thick, throbbing shaft. He groaned and growled, as his tongue gently traced along every sensitive nub and bulge of that thick member, the snake doing his best to prolong his enjoyment. He could taste the after-taste of the dragon's struggles and orgasm on his cock, the flared head coated in saliva and that slick mess from the dragon's descent. His mouth watered, forcing him to swallow a few more times as the exhausted panda struggled against his balls, the soft, uncertain motions only pleasuring him more.

He pushed that shaft deeper, letting his tongue snake along every single inch while a soft thrum echoed from his very core. The musk washed over his taste buds, enticing him to drink deeper of his own thick scent. Head bobbing, he reached his hands into his slit to stroke at the very base of his shaft while giving the panda A small grope on the back of the head, rubbing him against those heavy, now plush orbs with delight.

After a few moments, he finally pushed that tip into the very back of his throat, giving a soft hiss of utter delight as he felt his cock swelling in anticipation. A few heavy swallows later and he began gulping down the hot torrents of slightly minty seed that spilled from his sack, each ripple of his cock sending another thick,hot musky spurt of cum up past his lips and into his eager maw. He gulped and guzzled, ravenously devouring every single drop the dragon had given him, a thick croon of delight emanating from his very core as he feasted on the sexual delight of his prey. Gulp after gulp, he could feel his stomach swelling a little, the bulge growing quite noticeable even against his somewhat slender frame, a trophy of his conquests. As he reached down with his free paw, he gave that deliciously swelling bulge a few slow rubs, his fingers teasing along the distended plate-like scales while his cock's pulsing and throbbing slowed considerably.

He groaned, leaving himself locked firmly on that cock for a few moments longer, his tongue dancing along every ridge and vein, helping to tease out the last few moments of sensual pleasure. From within his slit he could still feel his newest captive struggling and squirming to and fro, mostly from the jostling those nuts gave him as they clenched from his orgasm than anything, simply smearing the snake's own musky scent into his fur, a stench that was likely to stay for ages.

Once he'd finally finished, Montiga pulled his maw back with a wet, happy pop, his gut nicely rounded from the entirety of that dragon-turned-spunk tucked away within his slender form. He groaned and shifted, lazily regaining control of his uncoiled form while he shifted around for his gym back. He supposed that perhaps if anything he should take shower to wash up after this devilishly delicious workout... though...

He snickered and hissed to himself, slipping the dragon's shorts on over himself - one half comically bulging around the panda-prey still stuffed within him while his gut bulged. He stuffed the rest of their clothing into his gym back before slinging it over his shoulder, slinking his way to the door without any effort. As he undid the lock, he could feel someone pushing against the door.

Shifting aside, he let whoever it was enter, quite delighted to see the pair of creatures - one a young studly otter, and the other a lithe horse - make their way into the locker room before stopping dead in their tracks, the sound of sniffing filling the air as they bathed in his pungent aroma. Montiga simply looked back to them, giving a soft hiss and a flick of his tongue as he watched their eyes dance across his stomach bulges and his sack bulges, pleased to see the blushes rising on their faces as they made the connection concerning the pungent aroma and his physical shape.

Of course, it got even brighter as he gave them an inviting wave with his tail before slithering out the door; as soon as it closed, he could hear a faint scuffling of paws and hooves behind him, rushing for the door. Of course, that was the benefits of working out and getting a body like this - there were always more willing to help it get better and bulgier.

And that was fine by him.