Chapter 1: Prologue

Story by Keith Redfield on SoFurry

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#1 of Road Rover's Degeneration

This is a Resident Evil/Road Rovers crossover involving one of my original characters. All things are co to their respective creators, although Exile's past is completely my idea, along with Keith, his sub, the rover's plane and the village involved in this story. This is also a bridge to Resident Evil 5 in some cases as it does involve some characters from the the series as well. I know there are no anthros in RE, but there is also enough backstory here to overlook that! Enjoy! Note to the editor/approver:There is is yiff in this story (M/M), it's just a few chapters in and occurs sporadically throughout the story.

"In other news biological attacks have been reported throughout the US."

I know you don't have to keep reminding me, jeez you're worse than my master.

Keith Redfield was just getting out of the shower when he heard the news. He knew about the string of attacks far long before the media ever knew they existed. He should know, because he was a survivor of Raccoon city. He was more than a survivor though....he was also the last few remaining S.T.A.R.S. members still alive. What's more....he was Chris Redfield's partner, rather his K9 counterpart. Keith however wasn't just some ordinary dog......he was a canine sapien, meaning a dog with human characteristics. He was infected with the T-Virus back in Raccoon and instead of becoming one of those creatures, the virus did something to his DNA thus creating well....a human dog. Keith was a german shepherd, well built and muscular. He had the typical military look, white t-shirt, camo pants and combat boots. He would often wear his silver police pendant around his neck, along with a black ring engraved with some lion type creature Chris gave him a few years back. Although Keith was no longer a true dog, he remained loyal to his master over the years, investigating and trying to bring down Umbrella once and for all. He now lived with Chris in a condo in Europe, and they were inseparable partners. Right now his master was investigating some Umbrella hideout in Russia, and Keith was ordered to recruit some group called the Road Rovers to assist in bringing down Umbrella.

While he's out saving the world, I get stuck with recruiting....some partner you are.

Apparently they were a group of dogs just like him, except with superpowers.

Heh, sounds like something out of a comic book. Keith chuckled to himself.

However they were the real deal. He read the classified file lying on his kitchen counter. Hunter the leader golden retriever with super speed, Colleen the rough collie with her super martial arts skills, Blitz the Doberman with his strong teeth and claws, but one that caught Keith's eye was Exile. Exile was Siberian husky with a deep Russian accent who had super strength and certain types of super vision. He was argurably the best looking out of the group and Keith had a light crush on him. Did I forget to mention? Keith is bisexual. Throughout the years he has been searching for someone, anyone, but to no avail. Being a canine sapien didn't help at all! Keith was willing to try anything.....but we're getting of topic here.

I need to recruit these guys not date them!

He continued to get dressed as he listened to the news, reports of creatures and the such, and a possibility of Raccoon City happening again. I will not let this happen again...I swear. Keith finished suiting up and then went to his gun closet to load up on his weaponry. Man quite a selection here. He got his two hip holsters along with his magazine carriers and attached them to his belt. He entered his safe and got his two signature USP Match 45's and holstered them, along with all the mags and ammo he could carry.

I feel just like Lara croft.

Keith chuckled. Talking to himself seems to be the only way he was staying sane nowa days. He snagged his AR-15 and stocked up on ammo to go with it. He shut off the lights and set the alarm. As soon as he walked out his phone rang, it was Chris!

"Hello? Keith said.

"Hey partner. You getting ready to go?"

"Yeah, where are the destination coordinates again?" Keith asked.

"Enroute to your GPS as we speak" Chris replied.

"Thanks. How's the lead in Russia?" Keith questioned.

"They're there all right, we just need clearance from Russia's president to infiltrate"

"Oh" Keith muttered. "You all right?" Chris asked.

"I don't know it's just......don't get yourself killed Chris. You and the team are the only family I have left. Sorry if I'm being overemotional but it's just....." Keith replied with a sad tone.

"Keith you are such a good of the best I've ever had. You have been loyal through and through.....but you know we've been through much worse! I'm not gonna die so easily buddy! " Chris said trying to sound happy.

"It's never know." Keith replied. "Be careful"

"I will. Good luck to your recruiting"

Click. Keith let out a rough sigh and finished getting ready. Even though you're my still don't know the first thing about me. Forget it.....I have a mission to complete. He turned out the lights and stepped outside into the night. He hoped this trip would be worth it. This maybe the world's last last last....escape.

Chapter 2:Introductions

"Attention Rovers, report to the main lobby immediately! It's an emergency!" "Ugh, what is wrong now?" Exile said outloud. "I don't know, but he sounds pretty panicked" Hunter said with a hint of worry in his voice. "What are we waiting...

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