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Story by HeavyMetall on SoFurry

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#11 of A Dream come True

Assuming from the light that comes through the window on the far side of the bedroom, it is probably around noon as I wake up. Drake still lies there, breathing slowly through his muzzle. Arguing with myself, whether to stand up and make some food or staying in the bed with him, my stomach gets the upper hand. Carefully I stand up and head for the kitchen.

Damn... I totally forgot... I haven't been making any food since I had become a dragon. What do dragons eat for breakfast? What if he doesn't like it? What if I totally fail it? Okay... calm down Chris... Calm... down... Breakfast... Drake said we have about the same eating habits as humans. I could absolutely live with that.

I open the big fridge. Loads of meat... How can it still be so fresh? It must have been in here for quite some days already, but my dragonic nose tells me that this meat is still fresh... Maybe... We live in quite some altitude... the oxygen level is rather low... but then, how can I breathe? Are dragon lungs that much more efficient? Why am I worrying about this? Shit... I am so nervous... Breakfast... not too much meat... something lighter... bread, vegetables, some meat... Right, there was another fridge right there. I open the smaller fridge. That one looked almost like my own one... back when I lived in my small apartment. Some cheese here, some butter there... eggs... I close the fridge again. Let's see what else we got here... Dishes... and this here... smells like... tea. And up there... seasonings... and oh... chillies. So he likes it hot, too, huh? Glasses and cups... pots and pans... over there are some knifes... and there is the bread. Plain white bread.

I have absolutely no clue what I am doing here. A week ago, I would have grabbed some slices of bread, put some cheese or sliced meat on it, or put some chocolate cream or similar on it. But I was alone, didn't care for anything... now I want to surprise my partner with something nice. Oh god, I feel so helpless! Knocking at the front door. Should I open? But whoever it is, he won't know me. It knocks again.

I walk towards the door, open it. "Oh, hi Chris." A yellow, almost white dragon reaches his hand for me. I had seen those beard-like horns on the lower edge of his muzzle already. "Hey, Az. How are you?" "Great, how about you? We wanted to visit you yesterday, but you weren't there." "Wanna come in? Drake's still asleep from our adventurous trip." "Oh, you have to tell me." I let him walk in and close the door again. "Mike is not with you?"

We enter the living room. I close the door to the hallway so Drake doesn't wake up from us. "He's busy." "Work?" "Not his job, no. It's Sunday, silly." It is? I totally lost my sense of time since I was here. "He's making lunch, and too much of it, so we wanted to ask you two if you wanted to come over." "Az... you are a life-saver." "I am?"

I get a bit closer, start to whisper. "I wanted to make some breakfast for us. You know? As a surprise for when he wakes up. But I have no idea of what he likes... or what dragons eat at all." Az starts to smile. "What would you have done a week ago?" "You mean when I was still human? I was alone, I didn't care much. I usually skipped meals and only ate when I'm hungry." "Hmmm... difficult. What would you have done if you had a friend?" "I probably had put some bread and cheese and stuff on a plate... I don't know..." "Sounds like a breakfast to me. So why don't you do it?" "Because... It feels so... insufficient."

"Wow, that trip must have been quite something that a classic breakfast in the bed with your love does not suffice. You have to tell me." "He gave me a crash course in flying, then took me to Tyrel's island." "Oh, so... he already... how did you like it?" "It was indescribable. We played a bit, then he showed me the most awesome sunset I have ever seen. After that we had some grilled boar and then... well... Things happened." "Things?" "Well..." I can feel the blood rushing through my head. Az, don't be stupid. You know exactly what 'things' I mean. "Oooohhh... 'things', sorry Chris. Us dragons, we don't make a big fuzz about keeping it secret. We talk rather openly about mating. So... have you already tried different 'things'? What did you like most?" "Az, I... I may have a dragon body now, but my mind is still human and..."

The door opens, a bright smiling Drake enters the room. "He's a monster. A crazy monster." My heart stopped for a second. DRAKE, WHY? "Lucky you. Mike was too scared the first month or so." "No... Chris just played shy, but as soon as he started, there was no stopping him." "I did not play. I just... Drake... Do we have to have this talk right now?" Az puts his arm on my shoulders. "Don't be shy. Sex is a wonderful thing. And if you enjoyed it, there is no need to hide it. Come on, tell me. What did you like most?" My heart beats so hard, I can feel it in my whole body, including my head. Can't we just stop this topic, please?

"What brings you here, Az?" "Mike is cooking too much again. Want to come over? You look like you are hungry." "Great. When should we come over?" "Should be done in half an hour. So why don't you just follow me right now?" Thanks Drake for the change of topic. I really... don't feel comfortable talking about such intimate things like our sex with others. Drake gives me a wink. He got my message. He squeezes himself between me and Az.

"So Az, how's it going?" "Meh... my job is killing me. Always have to check the machines and run around like an idiot." Machines? This makes me curious. "Where do you work?" "A power plant in the south. My team checks the machines all the time... maintenance troop." "Wasn't it a quiet job when you started?" Drake asks him. "It was, but after a big system failure a few weeks ago our warning system has stopped working." "The computer system that broke a few weeks ago? Hasn't anyone fixed that by now?" "Our software engineers say they can't find anything. Now we have to check the machines manually." "Chris did some programming before. Maybe he can take a look at it? He still needs a job, that would be the perfect chance." Az thinks for a short moment. "I can talk to my boss and ask if he might be interested. That is if you are interested Chris." "I'm not sure if I can help. I did some programming, but probably not the kind of programming you are using." Az starts smiling at me. "What's the worst that could happen? It's already broken, can't get much worse."

Drake puts his hand on my shoulder. "That'd be your chance, right?" I think for a second. I need a job, that's obvious. And it's something I might be able to do, even though I don't calculate my chances that big. But it's worth a try. "I can at least try, right?" "I'll ask my boss." Az stands up and stretches. "Wanna come over now? Don't want my mate to feel lonely." Drake gives me an asking look, I nod. "Let's go."

We leave our house and walk the few steps over to Azuriel's and Mike's house. It's about the same size as our house, or every other house nearby. The hedge is nicely trimmed to about hip-height, the grass in the garden looks rather wild... more natural. A few random flowers here and there. A small path from round stones leads towards the yellow painted house. A massive wooden door in the middle of the front marks the entry. In the window on the right I see a light blue dragon waving at us.

Az opens the door and asks us in. The floor is made out of light wood, the wallpapers have a slightly hypnotic pattern from pale green and yellow swirls. Pictures at the wall show Az and Mike. Sometimes alone, sometimes together... and one picture a bit further in the back shows them 'in action', Az on his back with Mike riding his mate. Why are they taking photos of it, and why the hell do they hang them up in their house where everyone can see them?

"That's because we are proud of our soulmates. Humans do take pictures too, right? When they are having fun?" Drakes voice came from behind. "Sure, they do... but in the middle of... fucking?" "Don't tell me you did not have fun on Ty-land." "It was more than just fun. It was unbelievable in every respect. But taking a picture? It feels wrong to me." "You'll get used to it. You haven't seen parties yet." Foreboding words... I'm not sure if I wanted to see those 'parties'. "Give it a year or two and you will like them, trust me."

"Did I hear party? So you two are going to the winter festival next weekend? Didn't expect Chris to participate that quickly in that kind of things." Mike stands in the door to the kitchen, eyeing me curiously. "What kind of things are we talking about?" I gulp. I might have a clue what they were talking about... not sure if I'd like it. "Okay Chris... you know... dragons are... Damn... how am I supposed to tell you? We love our soulmates over all. But on those festivals... err..." Az comes out of a room, apparently the living room where we were going to eat in. "You'll join the winter orgy?"

So it was an orgy... I knew it... kind of... "I didn't think you'd go there, after hearing how private mating is for you." Az continued. Mike gives him an angry look. "Thanks hun... just tried to explain him dragon festivals in a slightly less direct way." Drake walks in front of me, spreading his arms in a protective manner. "Chris does not want to. At least not yet. And I am perfectly fine with that. And it would be nice if we could talk about something different."

I did not know this side of him yet. "Drake, it's okay. It might be an... interesting experience." "Chris... you don't have to do it. You want our sex to be something just between the two of us and I respect that. And I like that thought. We still have so much more too share just between the two of us." "Sorry Drake. I just thought you'd like to go there... cause..." "Yes I know. I have been thinking about going there with you... but now that we have finally met, I want to give you all the time you need to adapt."

Mike takes the word again. "Might be better to wait a bit longer... Can be quite rough there when it gets started. Almost lost my left leg when that one guy suddenly went into feral form." "You think that was dangerous?" Az asks his mate. "You remember whom he wanted to bend over afterwards?"

I start laughing. Pictures of a bunch of dragons, playing around, sucking and fucking, and then one of them suddenly grows and gnarls 'bend over'... this was too much for me. I remember the short moment where I had Drake's feral dick right at my tailhole. For a moment I really wished he'd thrust it into me and fuck me like there is no tomorrow. Well... there would have been no tomorrow for me if I had tried taking it.

"Huh, would you look at that... Seems like Chris wants to start the party right here." Az grins, pointing at my crotch. A pink tip was showing from the arousal of that memory. I quickly hide it with my hands, ashamed about my lack of control. Mike ignores it and instead tries to warn me. "Trust me Chris... a feral cock is not a thing to joke about. It's enormous. You can't even imagine how big such a cock is." "Actually... well..." I stutter. "Drake??" Mike shouts out. "Chris basically asked me for it." "CAN WE PLEASE CHANGE THE TOPIC GUYS?" I shout out loud. The load of pictures filling my head was making me harder and harder, and now I really started to feel embarrassed about it.

"The food!" Mike jumps back into the kitchen, Az follows him. "You can sit down in the living room already. We'll be there is a minute or two." Then he disappears through the door.

"Sorry Chris. I should have known that. Sure... dragons do have a strong sex drive, but these two... cut the cake." "Don't be sorry about them. They are funny. And I am probably a bit narrow-minded."

We enter the living room. A huge pile of big pillows in the far right corner catches my attention first, but after Drake sends me pictures of what that place is used for, I quickly look around in the rest of the room. A triangular shaped table with two couches on its shorter sides, the long side pointing towards a giant TV screen. At the left wall there was a CD rack, probably music for the stereo right next to it. The walls had the same wallpapers to it as the rest of the house. Similar pictures decorated this room. Some were even taken in this room I guess. Drake sits down on one of the couches and pats a few times onto the empty space next to him, telling me to join him.

A minute later Az enters the room, mustering me and Drake. He carries a large plate with a ton of meat on it. Mike follows with a basket full of bottles. As Az lowers the plate onto the table, I can see various kinds of meat, from a light golden brown as I know it from chicken to the dark brown I know from beef, there was almost each shade of brown on the table. He then helps his mate Mike to place the bottles around the plate. Barbeque sauces, ketchup, chili sauce... some bottles were missing their labels. I eyed especially the tiny bottle with the purple sauce... It felt like it was emitting a slight glow.

"Careful Chris." Drake warns me. "Wyvernberry sauce. Azuriel's special stuff. You think you have eaten spicy stuff? That stuff kills you." His voice had a serious tone, so I better take his advice serious, even though it seems over-exaggerated to me. I already had some devilish spicy stuff and easily survived. But this glow... irritated me.

"What do you suggest me to try first?" I ask into the round. Drake and Mike both suggest some of the pork with mild sauces, while Az insists on me trying the beef with his selfmade 'green fire' sauce, telling me it is a 'beginner-friendly' one. I give Drake a sorry look. I just love spicy food. The more it burns, the better. I take one of the dark beef slices while Az pours very little of the sauce onto my plate. "Try!" I cut off a piece and dip it into the small green puddle. I turn it in the sauce so it gets completely covered. I'm not afraid of a little burn on my tongue. Here goes nothing.

The moment the piece of meat made contact with my tongue, a jolt of pain struck through my head. It felt as it something had just cut off my tongue and was now putting glowing nails into the stump. Mike hands me a piece of bread from the basket. I spit the meat onto the table and put the whole slice of bread onto my tongue. A minute later the burning had gone to a bearable level.

"Shit. What the fuck is in that stuff?" "You were supposed to just dip it in for a tiny bit, not to cover it completely." Az laughs. "Are you okay?" Drake holds me in his arms, worrying about me as I almost passed out from the pain. "Yeah... it... wow... that stuff... and you make it yourself?" I direct my question towards Azuriel. "I can show you my garden later, in the backyard. That's where I grow all of my ingredients. There is a ton of stuff you never have seen before." "Cool. I'd like to see them." I answer.

I cut off another piece of meat, this time dipping just a small corner of it into the sauce, then guiding it into my mouth. The pain is strong on my sore tongue, but it is okay. I won't fade away this time.

"Beginner's level you say? Down on earth, you could use that stuff for biological warfare." Az starts to laugh. "Mike said something similar when he tried it first. 'Dangerous bio-weapon of mass destruction', that's what he called it while hitting me."

He takes a piece of poultry and drips a single drop of this glowing purple sauce onto it, then spread it all over the meat. He cuts off a big piece and eats it. He rapidly closes his eyes and takes a deep breath through his nostrils, then releasing his breath through the muzzle. Small tears run down his cheeks as he takes another breath. If the sauce I had trouble with was a beginner's level... and this stuff was his special... I actually think Drake might have been right. That stuff would have killed me for good.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuck that stuff burns." Az sniffs, his eyes still produce more tears. "If that stuff is so deadly, doesn't it kill your taste buds?" I ask him. Mike answers instead. "I think it actually does, but our dragon body comes with quite some regenerative power. Wounds heal way quicker, poison usually just gives you the shits... and burnt taste buds grow back after a few hours or days." I don't want to know where he knows about the consequences of poison, but it was good to know about my regeneration powers. For the rest of the meal I stuck to the normal sauces. A nice dark and thick barbeque sauce with strong smoke-flavor, and a simple but fruity tomato ketchup were my favorites for today.

As we were done - we barely managed to empty the meat plate - Mike and Az brought the plates into the kitchen and sat back to us. "Mike," I start "this was really delicious. And Az: some day I will try your wyvern sauce." "Thanks Chris, it was fun serving you two." Mike responds. "Hey Drake..." Az starts "...wanna come outside with me? Want to show you something." Drake stands up, but not without giving me a kiss on my right cheek and driving his hand through my hair, then follows Az outside. "Will be right back."

"Mike?" I begin the conversation. "Hm?" "How long has it been? How long are you already a dragon?" "About... four and a half years." "Do you really get used to it at some point?" "Missing your old life?" "Missing it enough to make me read my emails yesterday, and answer a few of them." "You've been a dragon for just a week now. Don't expect yourself to change so fast. It will take time. But other than me, you seem to have accepted Drake quite fast." "You mean because he's a dragon? I always dreamed of dragons... and secretly have been into them for maybe two years." "No... I mean having gay sex." "I actually accepted being gay a few years ago. I never cared for girls anyways. Then I discovered zoo sex... sex with animals... then furries." "Oh... but did you have a boyfriend?"

"No. I once tried having a girlfriend though... because it is normal... but she betrayed me. Or actually she probably betrayed with me... She already had a fiance and was apparently already pregnant." "Shit..." "Yeah... it was a painful experience..." "And after that?" "Alone..." "And now you have Drake." "And I am glad about it. The first days... I actually am sorry for them. I made it hard for him, tried to keep him away from me." "And now you already had sex..." "Yeah."

"Like to talk about it? I know it's a bit difficult to talk politely about that topic with Az around." "Yeah, he is a little possessed by it, isn't he?" "He, I'll exorcise him later. He'll be a lot more peaceful after that." "Pent-up pressure?" I ask jokingly. "You bet on it." Mike seems dead serious about it. "You think Drake is the same?"

"I don't think so. I sometimes think Az changed his personality after he lost a friend in his childhood." "Tyrel?" "You already know about him?" "Little. Drake and I were on his island the last two days." "So that's where you had your honeymoon?" "There he showed me a lot. Not just the beautiful sunset that seemed to engulf the lake into flames... but also that I can completely trust him... and how much he wanted to be with me, how much he cares for me... and finally, how he wants to grant every of my wishes." "Come on, give me some details." "I don't know... I feel... weird... talking about it." "I won't force you if you don't want to."

"It's just... did you ever have a ridiculous dream? I had one... as I said, I was into animals and furries... and gay... And on the internet, you find all kind of strange kinks. Licking giant feet, role-play, SM, ... not a single exception. And that's how I found one of my favorite pictures." "Yeah? Come on, tell me." His tail makes thumping noises on the couch. "A giant dragon lying on its back, his giant dick fully exposed and hard as rock, and a smaller dragon, around the size of the cock, hugging and kissing this dripping erection..." "Shit, that's hot..." "... licking the cum right from the tip, rubbing his own dick in the trail of cum that..." "Chris, you can stop now." "...and humping this massive beauty of a pen-" "CHRIS, it's okay, you can stop now." I swallow the drool that had gathered in my mouth. "Sorry..."

I look at him as he tries to hide his throbbing member. I can feel that my cock is also completely hard. What if Drake and Az would come back now? What would they think? "I... er... I need to go to the bathroom." He stands up and leaves the room quickly, missing to close the door behind him... both of them, as I quickly hear moaning sounds from his direction. My cock starts pumping harder, it almost hurts. Nah... not just almost... it does hurt. But I can't just jerk of in the living room of my friends. Should I run to my house and get off there? But what if Az and Drake see me with a hard-on? No, I don't want them to get any ideas. And waiting till he is done? No, it hurts too much not to do anything right now. But why was I so horny? Was there something in the food? But Drake and Az would be horny as fuck, too. And Drake would not have sex with Az, no, never.

Maybe real dragons are immune to it? Or is it this hypnotic pattern on the wallpaper? This orange... no... red and green... red? Wasn't it yellow? And hasn't the green been pale before? Why are the colors so... drugs? Have they put me... on drugs? I TRUSTED THEM! DRAKE! HOW COULD YOU LET THEM DO THIS?

I have to get out of here. Away. Must run away. Away from those who betrayed me.

I try to stand up but hit my leg on the table, stumble... hit the floor with a loud thump, clamping my dick between my body and the floor. A wave of unbelievable pain runs through my body, I scream.