Chapter 13: Because You Taste Good

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#13 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 13: Because You Taste Good

The next day, Kilyan awoke starving, but no one fed him. He looked quickly around his arm to realize that Keeno was gone. He strained to lift his head. The gray wolves tethered to the ceiling were gone too! He was alone in the gloomy hut as birds sang outside, as white sunlight filtered in. Wait, no he wasn't. Aren was throwing dirt on the fire, putting it out. And then Aren was coming toward him and untying him from the bed. Kilyan couldn't believe it when his wrists weren't bound again. Aren only smiled at him and threw him over his shoulder.

Kilyan's mind was frantic as Aren carried him through the streets. What was happening? Where was Keeno? Where was Tyne and where were those other love slaves? And there were wolves crowding the streets everywhere, wolves emerging from huts laughing and chattering and grinning to see him being carried by. What was happening here? Kilyan had never heard so much noise and laughter. He wanted to ask Aren but remembered what Tyne had told him about speaking his tongue in public. It was forbidden. And even though Kilyan had no fear of a whipping, he still had no desire to be whipped publicly for the amusement of these jeering crowds.

As Kilyan hung there, lifting his head to look around, his arms swinging free for the first time since he'd come to the moon village, he realized they were drawing near to a walled garden. It was beautiful and wondrously huge. Great trees towered everywhere, reaching spidery fingers to the gray sky. Despite the sprinkling of snow on the stone pillars, despite the snow sprinkled on the ground, there were flowers everywhere! Big flowers, little flowers -- and all glowing, all blue. They curled around the stone pillars, crept up the walls like vines, little white leaves hanging off them like offered paws. And their aroma! Kilyan breathed it in and felt himself relax heavily against Aren, to which Aren chuckled. The smell of those flowers was deliciously dizzying. He felt at once at ease, he felt light-headed.

They passed into this walled world of stone pillars, flowers, and benches, and Kilyan realized there were wolves sitting on these benches, sitting at stone tables, laughing over meals, talking. Then he saw the chieftess and her husband sitting at a grand table. It was a stone table on a raised dais and the chief and chieftess were taking a meal with more wolves. Probably members of the village council, Kilyan thought.

Kilyan was set on his feet, and he felt a twinge of self-loathing when he squatted at once and crawled on paws and knees to kiss the chieftess' offered little foot. God, must he constantly kiss that foot, constantly remind himself of his own wretched submission? But the chieftess seemed pleased by Kilyan's eagerness to obey. She patted him on the head, and he squatted back and watched in silent amazement as Aren put another of his passionate kisses on the chieftess' foot, cradling it in his paw and rolling his tongue against it. God, maybe Aren really did like being here! But Kilyan could not subject himself to this humiliation everyday. He could not. And he missed his family so deeply. . . .

Squatting there between Aren and the chieftess as the moon wolves held their luncheon in the garden, Kilyan's eyes darted everywhere, drinking everything in. This garden was walled off against the rest of the village, and Kilyan could see that Aren had carried him through the open gates, atop which was the symbol of the horned moon, split in halves where the gates parted. Little stone tables were everywhere, and wolves were sitting at them under the trees, beside the stone pillars. There was a stone path winding through the garden and these tables, and the ground in-between was covered with a frosty, dead grass and thick beds of those same blue flowers and their frosty white leaves. Kilyan drank in their scent again and felt his head get even lighter. Damn. What were those flowers? And then his eyes traveled over the stone pillars lining the walk, and Kilyan realized there were slaves tied to the pillars!

Kilyan grew very still and held back a gasp. Tyne was tied to a stone pillar very near the chief, his arms above his head, his legs pulled around the pillar below him so that his rigid cock was all but thrust forward. His back was arched against the smooth curve of the pillar so that his chest was thrust forward as well. Tyne's body was still so stocky and thick, his bulging arms hanging in the ropes that bound him. Kilyan could see that a vine bursting with flowers had been wound around his hard cock and he was holding a flower in his teeth. Kilyan got the feeling that Tyne knew he was watching him, but he kept his blue eyes fixed on the sky, and Kilyan remembered the chief's terrible rage the other night. Tyne was in disgrace because he loved Kilyan, and just looking at Kilyan would probably get him in a lot of trouble.

So Kilyan looked away from Tyne, and he saw that the other two love slaves who'd been tethered to the ceiling in the slave hut were in the same predicament: they were bound to stone pillars, their bulging arms above their heads, their legs wrapped behind, and their chests and their hard cocks thrust forward by the curve of the stone. They, too, were holding flowers in their teeth, flowers were wound around their erections. Kilyan looked at them bound there looking lighted-head and weak and realized again that it was the flowers. What was that drugging aroma they carried? Then he noticed with a skip of his heart -- Keeno!

Kilyan almost made a sudden move forward and had to stop himself. Keeno's display was probably the very worst of all. Keeno was bound to a statue of a hulking wolf in the center of the garden. The statue was a squatting male with its paws behind its neck and its dick rigid between its open thighs. Keeno's arms were bound above him around this great statue's neck. His legs were held wide open, wound around the statue's open thighs as if he was sitting in it's lap, and Kilyan could tell by the way Keeno's chest was thrust forward that the statue's rigid stone cock was in his anus. Oh, god. But Keeno looked as dazed as the other slaves, for he was holding a flower in his teeth and flowers were wound around his cock, which Kilyan saw with amazement was painfully hard.

Oh, god, he would never forgive himself for letting these things happen to Keeno! But why weren't they happening to him and Aren? Why were he and Aren free to squat near the high table of the chieftess and her husband while these other slaves were bound, tortured with drugging flowers and humiliation? Kilyan could see a servant even now walking up and down the path, stopping and every now and then to give a slave's cock a taunting lick that would keep it erect. God, what was this place?

But Kilyan took another deep breath and suddenly felt too light-headed to care. He heard a jibbered command from the chieftess and her wooden scepter rapped him lightly on his buttocks. Kilyan snapped out of his haze and looked around.

"She wants you to run now," Aren whispered to him. "And I am to chase you. If you're smart, you'll let me catch you."

What! Kilyan was alert and alarmed now, but the chieftess rapped his buttocks again and he started off. He ran up the stone path, hearing the laughter of the wolves at their tables and knowing with a blush that his stiff penis was just flapping against his stomach. And then he heard Aren running behind him. For such a tall, broadly-shouldered thing, Aren ran very lightly, and Kilyan realized he was letting him get ahead on purpose. This was a show. If Aren captured him right away, there wouldn't be much for these jeering wolves to see! Kilyan ground his teeth.

He ducked around a stone pillar, winding in-between them now, and he felt Aren playfully snatch at his tail. Oh, god. He could only just imagine what would happen when Aren captured him! He went around another stone pillar only to find Aren peering mischievously at him around the other side. Aren made a sudden snatch and almost caught Kilyan's arm, but Kilyan was quick. He ducked around the other side, but Aren was there again, grinning at him. The crowds laughed at this.

Kilyan looked around, not knowing what to do. Aren was there everywhere he turned, grinning at him with those brown eyes! A sudden idea hitting him, he ducked around the other side of the pillar. Aren was there again, of course, and when Aren made another snatch, Kilyan ducked under his arm and ran. The crowds laughed and clapped their paws. Well, at least they were having fun! Kilyan thought angrily.

Kilyan left the stone path now and dashed through a long stretch of the blue flowers. They brushed around his ankles as if they were kissing him, and he realized as he kept running that this open field was stretched bare to the eyes of everyone in the garden, especially the chieftess and her husband on the raised dais. Oh, no, why had he chosen to run this way? Now he was in the open and there was no way to cover his shame! But he ran on, thinking to himself that he would duck around that tree in the distance until he could plan his next move. Aren had told Kilyan to let him catch him, but he had no intention of being dragged down and fucked in front of all these laughing wolves!

And yet, even as Kilyan was dashing breathlessly for the tree, he heard Aren give a mock growl, and he was being tackled to the flowers! Kilyan moaned angrily as Aren crashed heavily on top of him, but Kilyan could tell he was holding back his weight, letting his head fall forward and his mane drape around Kilyan as he kissed his cheek. The crowds laughed again and clapped as Aren showered Kilyan's neck with kisses, his hot hard body pressed on top of his, and Kilyan shuddered to feel Aren's big cock nudging him. Oh, no, not this! Maybe he could have borne being fucked in the privacy of the chieftess' bed chamber, but not here before this laughter, this jibbering of the moon tongue! Not like this! But as Aren's kisses on Kilyan's neck became more fervent, Kilyan wondered why he wasn't used to this treatment by now, why he hadn't surrendered. He only knew he didn't want Aren's cock in his ass. He had to hold back tears just thinking of the pain the sailors had given him.

"Please don't make it hurt," Kilyan whispered into the flowers and hated himself when his cock grew even harder from Aren's paw slowly and deliberately massaging his shoulder. Aren was trying to make him relax! Or maybe Aren just liked touching him. He flexed his shoulder against this massaging and moaned when he was kissed there. Oh, god, why did Aren's paws have to feel so good? He wanted to die. He wanted to sink into these flowers and disappear.

"Just relax," Aren whispered in Kilyan's ear, and he kissed him on the cheek, on the neck. "I'm not going to hurt you, stop being so afraid. Breathe in the flowers. It will help."

Kilyan kept his mouth hidden in the flowers as he whispered back, "But what are they that they grow winter?"

"Moon flowers," Aren whispered between kisses. He was kissing the back of Kilyan's neck now, stroking aside his mane to do it, and Kilyan realized Aren was whispering to him between kisses so that the watching crowds would not notice he was talking. His lips were barely moving against Kilyan's fur as he spoke, and his voice was intimate, kind. Kilyan felt himself sink in the flowers. He felt Aren slide slowly into him and tensed, gasping. Aren was large and intruding, holding Kilyan wide open. His buttocks clenched up at once.

"Relax," Aren whispered again, kissing Kilyan's neck. Delicious, hot kisses, and he pressed his tongue to Kilyan's fur the way he pressed his tongue to the chieftess' little foot. Kilyan shivered, cursing that tongue's skill. He felt Aren moving inside of him now, and remembering what Tyne had told him about relaxing his anus to take a cock, he did. Aren moaned in appreciation and fucked Kilyan more deeply, whispering in his ear that he was so tight.

Kilyan hated himself for it, but he felt so close to Aren in that moment, so loved. It was like being with his wives. Damn it. What were these things he was being forced to feel? He felt himself color up in shame, and he closed his eyes and thought of Lea's breasts, and as he drank in the scent of the moon flowers, he felt that delicious dizziness again. And suddenly, everything seemed so far away: Aren's cock feeding between his ass cheeks, the chattering approval of the crowds, the delighted laughter of the chieftess -- everything was so far away. And he was at home again with his wives, his children.

But suddenly, Aren came, and Kilyan was dragged sharply back to earth by the sound of that gasping cry. The laughing approval of the crowds was a dull roar in Kilyan's ears as he was hoisted up, slung over Aren's shoulder, and carried back to the chieftess. He felt so muddled and confused as he was set on his feet again that it was all he could do to crawl toward her offered foot, to kiss it and receive a rewarding kiss on his cheek. Kilyan was exceedingly glad that all he had to do for the rest of the luncheon was squat between the chieftess' chair and Aren. Occasionally, Aren would serve beverages on a tray to the crowds at the tables, but more often than not, he remained squatting at Kilyan's side, smiling at him from those mischievous brown eyes every now and then.

Kilyan liked Aren. He had to admit that to himself. Aren could have been so cruel to him, could have probably raped him violently and the chieftess would have been pleased either way. But Aren had been gentle, Aren had been careful and kind -- even loving. And Kilyan silently thanked god for him. What if the chieftess' personal slave had been a real brute? A real sex-crazed monster that just held Kilyan down in the flowers by the neck and banged away at him? But Aren had been so nice to him about all this humiliation, whispering words of comfort and advice, taking him slowly. And because of this, Kilyan warmed to him all the more. Yes, he liked Aren -- just not Aren's cock in his ass. He wanted to die just thinking of that.

When the luncheon was over, Kilyan held back a miserable sigh when his wrists were bound in front of him again, but he was happy when he was carried over Aren's shoulder not to the chieftess' hut but to the slave hut instead. Aren set Kilyan near the barren fire pit and didn't have to tell him to squat. Aren built up the fire, and Kilyan was confused when the tall bluish-silver wolf then squatted beside him and waited. A moment later and servants entered the hut, driving two dark gray love slaves before them with thin little switches. The slaves scurried in on paws and knees, their hard dicks wobbling, looking angrily at the floor. Kilyan recognized them at once as the slaves who'd been tethered to the ceiling and later bound to the pillars in the garden. These two dark gray wolves squatted grumpily beside Kilyan and Aren, and Kilyan watched with a gurgling stomach as the servants set trays before each of them. Thank god! He was starving! There was a wooden cup of water on his tray, but Kilyan knew once again not to use his paws. He leaned down and ate greedily with his mouth, wondering all the while where Keeno was. Shouldn't Keeno have been there eating with them?

When Kilyan had finished, a servant knelt in front of him and tipped the wooden cup to his lips. He drank gratefully, never realizing until now how thirsty he'd been after all that running in the garden. Then the trays were taken away, and Kilyan watched in disbelief as the two gray love slaves were tethered to the ceiling again, their mouths bound. Hadn't they been punished enough? Apparently not, for the servants started whipping their cocks lightly, whipping their thighs and their chest, licking the tip of their hard dicks. The slaves growled angrily behind their gags, the servants laughed and withdrew.

Kilyan let Aren push him down on his sleeping furs and tie him in. It was almost dusk now. They had spent the entire day in the garden. Kilyan winced just thinking of poor Keeno still bound to that statue with that great stone dick inside of him. God, what torture! Why did they do these things?

"But where's Keeno?" Kilyan asked desperately when he realized Aren was turning away.

Aren paused, his ears pricking forward. Then his pretty lips spread in a slow smile, and rubbing Kilyan's chest, he whispered, "It will cost you."

Kilyan groaned angrily. "Why must you always kiss me!"

Kilyan squeezed his eyes shut as Aren started showering his chest with those slow, hungry kisses, pressing his tongue against Kilyan's fur. "Because your eyes fire beautifully when I do it," Aren whispered between kisses. "Because you're cute when you're embarrassed. Because I like the way you taste." He paused and looked up at Kilyan, and Kilyan knew he was blushing.

"May I taste those lips again?" Aren whispered.

Kilyan just lay there, not wanting to consent to this but still wanting to know where Keeno was, if he was all right. But he didn't even have time to answer. He suddenly felt Aren's lips against his, gently caressing, gently tasting, and then his mouth was pushed open wide to receive that ever-intruding tongue. Kilyan groaned as a thrill of pleasure surged through him. He relaxed and closed his eyes and Aren kissed him more deeply now.

As if Kilyan's groaning had given him permission, Aren closed his paw around Kilyan's cock and stroked it. Kilyan shuddered. Yes, if only that craving would go down -- that craving that he was being forced so mercilessly to feel without release. He shivered in his ropes and couldn't believe that he was enjoying this -- this deep kissing, this caressing, even Aren's moans as he became excited. And Kilyan knew that Aren would stop if he asked him to, but he didn't ask. Why didn't he ask! Because that paw felt so good massaging his cock, damn him. And the kiss was so deep and so wet and so slow . . . Kilyan felt himself melting. And then it happened: he erupted. His cry was muffled behind Aren's hot mouth, but Aren kept kissing him, kept stroking him, and soon he was hard all over again. God, no. This was torture! Utter torture! He thought Aren was going to give him some relief, not just fondle him! But Kilyan realized that the chieftess would have been very displeased to find Kilyan crawling toward her without a hard-on. He groaned miserably as Aren pulled back and smiled down at him, and he saw that Aren's monstrous cock was throbbing very hard now.

"Yes, it's hard to bear, I know," Aren whispered, stroking Kilyan's mane back from his eyes. "But you'll get used to being hard all the time."

"No, I won't!" Kilyan snapped, his chest heaving in his breathlessness. "I'm not staying here, Aren! I have to go home!"

Aren just looked down at Kilyan sympathetically.

"I have to!" Kilyan repeated angrily, his eyes flashing. "Now tell me where Keeno is!"

"He should be entertaining my lady. Probably the chief too. He's been paired with Tyne, of course."

Kilyan's head fell back. "Great."

As Kilyan lay there in misery, he felt a jolt when he realized Aren was licking his cum from his stomach with long, hot, loving laps. He shivered in his ropes, imagining that this was Ohana doing this, Ohana who had always liked so much to do it.

"What's your name?" Aren moaned, pulling back to lick his lips.


"Kilyan. Hmm. I'm gonna miss you, Kilyan."

Kilyan's brows shot up. "Why?" he demanded angrily. "I'm not going anywhere, am I?"

"Well . . ." Aren started smoothing his paw in circles over Kilyan's stomach and chest, his eyes cast down in thought. "Most slaves who are very determined to escape usually do. Like Yana. And you're so determined to get back to wherever you came from that when you finally do . . . I'll miss you."

"You don't even know me!" Kilyan cried incredulously.

Aren smiled. "I know how you smell when I hold you," he whispered. "I know how you taste when I kiss you. I know what sounds you make when I'm inside you . . ."

"Please don't go on with this," Kilyan begged. He squeezed his eyes shut and knew that he was blushing again. Damn his burning cheeks! For Aren laughed at him.

"It's a damn shame you're not a tail chaser. Maybe then you'd stay. Maybe then I could keep you. I can see now why Tyne would fall in love with you. At first I thought you were just stiff and proud -- but that's only a part of your charm. You're really sweet under all that anger. I can tell. And I know that you like me now. I know."

Kilyan frowned resolutely in the opposite direction and heard Aren laugh softly.

"Why are you so afraid to admit that you like me? Why can't we be friends? I can take care of you, Kilyan, until you escape. I've been charged to care for you anyway. And if you wanted . . . I could let you out of these ropes. I only tied you in because I thought you wanted to sleep."

Kilyan looked at Aren quickly.

"Do you want me to let you out?" The brown eyes twinkled.

"Yes!" Kilyan choked, more desperately than he meant to. He wanted so badly to be free of ropes for one second. Being free in the garden had been nothing to him: with so many wolves around, he might as well have been bound.

Kilyan was never so glad when Aren untied his wrists and ankles. He just laid there for a moment, happy to have that nagging pressure off of him now. His eyes darted to Aren to see what the big wolf would do, but Aren just squatted there, watching Kilyan intently and smiling. Kilyan realized Aren's brown eyes were tracing up and down his body with a quiet hunger that frightened him suddenly. But somehow, he knew Aren would not take him. Aren just seemed to enjoy looking at him.

Kilyan sat back against his pillows, against the wall, massaging his aching wrists with a sigh of relief. He heard Aren moving and looked up quickly, but Aren just sat very close to Kilyan, in front of him, leaning his weight on one arm and peering with a smile into Kilyan's face. Aren was so close he might have kissed Kilyan, and Kilyan couldn't help but smile fondly to himself that Aren seemed to have no regard for personal boundaries. At least not where Kilyan was concerned. Aren seemed fascinated by him, if anything.

Kilyan kept massaging his wrists and smiled when Aren pinched a lock of his black mane, lifted it, and let it fall. "Am I really so beautiful to you?" he asked in wonder.

"Not just to me," Aren answered with a smile. "Or else you wouldn't be here."

Kilyan laughed and nodded. "Right. So . . . why do you like it here?" He made a face, and Aren laughed.

"Of course, I was angry at first, like you," Aren answered, still leaning in very close. Kilyan could see a hint of sadness in the depths of those dark brown eyes. "I mean, I was taken from my family. My mother, my father. My younger brother. But as time passed, I started to like my life here. I'm taken care of, I'm pampered and spoiled. I have a beautiful chieftess to suck my cock when I'm a god boy and I get to fuck fine studs like you all the time. It was then that I realized I really like cock and that the mating season, taking a wife and all that . . . it wasn't really for me. So I never went back home. And besides, my family knows exactly where I am: if they wanted me, they could come and get me."

Kilyan heard the bitter note in Aren's voice and realized that things probably weren't so great between Aren and his family even before he was captured.

"My father cast me out in disgrace for being a tail chaser," Aren explained when he saw the look in Kilyan's eyes. "It's not allowed in the autumn village. It simply isn't. And Dad suspected me long before I suspected me." He laughed. "But my mother loved me. And my brother too. He even tried to rescue me once, but I just sent him home, told him I was happy here."

Kilyan gazed at Aren sympathetically. He couldn't imagine what it would feel like to be hated by Kel. He didn't want to.

"So what about you?" Aren whispered, watching Kilyan fondly. "Who is waiting for you back home? A wife? A pup?"

"Two wives, two pups," said Kilyan, grinning.

Aren laughed. "Makes sense. I don't know why you don't have five wives, looking the way you do. If only I could be one of them."

"Well, if you were a female, I might just say yes!"

They laughed, and Kilyan liked the sound of Aren's laughter. It was deep but soft.

Aren shook his head in wonder, gazing down at Kilyan. "Your wives must be missing you! Hell, they've probably already sent out your entire village to look for you."

Kilyan shook his head darkly. "No. They think I've gone on a trip. That's how I was captured: Keeno and I were traveling to the sun village to meet with a sorcerer who could heal my father. He's sick."

Aren's brows rushed together in sympathy.

"He's so s-sick . . ." Kilyan whispered, bowing his head. His ears went back flat at just the thought of his father lying in bed at this very moment, coughing, shaking, pretending everything was all right.

Kilyan was warmed when he felt Aren's big paw close on his shoulder. He looked up into those brown eyes and his heart fluttered to see them so in earnest.

"I'll get you back home, Kilyan," Aren whispered. "I swear it."

Kilyan felt a wave of fondness for Aren. He wanted to tell Aren how grateful he was, how he would be indebted to him for the rest of his life if he helped him escape, but as usual, words failed Kilyan, so before he even realized what he was doing, he leaned forward and startled Aren when he kissed him warmly on the mouth.