Chapter 15: His Biggest Organ

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#15 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 15: His Biggest Organ

The bluish-silver pup was wide-eyed and frightened, and when she only babbled at them in a foreign tongue, Zaldon knew at once that she was a moon wolf. Zaldon himself spoke the moon village's tongue: he had traveled to the villages across the sea with his mother when he was a pup. He was thus able to communicate to the pup that they weren't going to hurt her, that they were going to take care of her now.

"But where is Ma-ma?" asked the child with large sable eyes. She was sitting on Zaldon's knee in his brown brick hut in the sun village. Beyond the window, the sea was rolling softly with foam, and banana trees pressed in, blocking out the streams of gray cloud that drifted across the wintry sky.

Zaldon looked down at the little girl, who had told him her name was Yuri. She was looking up at him with large, sad eyes and he bit his lip, not knowing how in the world he was supposed to tell her that her mother had drowned to get her here. Her mother had died to get to freedom, for it was obvious to Zaldon that the two had been runaway slaves. No one braved a storm like that in a little dory unless the outcome was worth facing even death. And the outcome? This child was now free. Yes, free but miserable and alone and confused. Zaldon felt a pang of guilt just looking at her, as if her mother's death was somehow his own fault.

Taking a deep breath, Zaldon stroked this tiny, innocent creature's mane back from her eyes and said to her with a sad smile, "There are three kinds of wolves in the world. The ones that haven't been born, the ones that you see walking around. And then . . . there are the ones that you don't see anymore. They go to sleep and they never wake. But they are still alive . . . in here." Zaldon placed a large finger gently on the pup's flat little chest.

Yuri was startled. "Ma-ma's in here?" she said, looking down at her own chest.

"That's right," Zaldon whispered. "She'll always be in your heart."

Zaldon was saddened to see Yuri's face cloud over.

"So . . . so I'll never see Ma-ma again?"

"No, little one. But if you close your eyes, maybe you'll dream of her."

Yuri crushed herself to Zaldon, and feeling his heart warm to this small thing, Zaldon held her close and rocked her in his big arms until her sobs had quieted to sniffles.

"Zaldon will love and protect you, little one," Zaldon told Yuri as he carried her across the room to her bed. He laid her down and tucked her in. She blinked up at him miserably but smiled when he wiped gently at her tears.

"And Arorta and Nisma and Nasma will love and protect you," whispered Zaldon. "And Julyan will love and protect you too. We all love you. You aren't alone."

Zaldon leaned down and kissed Yuri on the head, and he was happy when she smiled up at him. She snuggled down in the pillows and closed her eyes, clutching to a little doll Arorta had sewn for her. And as dusk was rolling in pink and golden hues against the wintry gray horizon, Zaldon sang her a soft lullaby. When the child had fallen asleep, Zaldon looked up to find Julyan standing in the doorway, the lavender eyes smiling at him. Julyan came to Zaldon's side and they sat together beside Yuri's bed, smiling at this small blue thing curled so peacefully in the sheets.

"That was beautiful," Julyan whispered after a pause.

"It is a very old lullaby, one only the moon wolves sing."

Julyan laughed softly. "No, no, I mean the way you comforted her. You were speaking another language -- I couldn't understand a word. But I could tell you really made her feel safe and loved. You and your big warm heart. It was a beautiful thing to see."

Zaldon was so embarrassed he didn't know what to say.

"Come," Julyan whispered, "let's let the little angel rest."

Julyan led Zaldon from the room by the paw. They passed up the shadowy hall to their own room. With the newest member of the family in the hut, the hut was very quiet, and Zaldon knew his three wives were in their own room sewing little things for Yuri or out in the yard washing old sleeping furs together.

Zaldon and Julyan reclined on their bed, relaxing in the pillows, Zaldon's arm around Julyan. And they listened, happy and content, to the birds singing outside, to the wind rustling the palm trees, to the distant crashing of the ocean.

"What is it, Zaldon?" Julyan whispered when he noticed his lover was frowning.

Zaldon heaved a sigh. "It's just . . . I don't know how to be a father!"

"Well, it's not like she's still in swaddling cloths," said Julyan, laughter in his voice. "And besides, you aren't doing so bad so far, Daddy."

They smiled at each other, and Zaldon pulled Julyan tight in his arm, nuzzling his face in his silvery mane.

"It's just . . . I wish I knew what the hell I was doing," Zaldon went on anxiously.

"I have to admit I'm a little nervous too. What the hell do I know about pups? I never dreamed for a second that I'd ever be a father. I mean, I'm a tail chaser. I've always kind of known I was. But now here we are . . . parents."

They looked wearily at each other, then back at the opposite wall.

"When I first held that little thing in my arms," Zaldon whispered, "I had never been so scared in my life. And for the first time, I really understood what Kel was talking about when he said he was afraid for Kilyan. I'd put Yuri in a bubble, if I could. Just lock her away. Anything to protect her. But I guess . . . I guess she'd be pretty weak if I didn't let her bump her head every now and then. I want her to be strong, like Kilyan. I wish . . ." Zaldon sighed. "I wish I could talk to Kel about this. He would know what to do with Yuri."

"Why don't you go visit Kel? You should have gone a long time before now," Julyan scolded, rubbing Zaldon's white chest.

Zaldon shook his head miserably. "You know why, Julyan. Kel and I . . . whatever we had was over when he left here seven years ago. That was our understanding. He has a wife and children -- probably grandchildren now. I, an ex-lover, do not have the right to go knocking on his hut, disturbing his life. He has a family. He probably doesn't even think of me anymore."

Julyan heard the bitter note in Zaldon's voice and his ears pricked forward. He stared up at Zaldon sadly, and seeing the misery in his dark eyes, he kissed him warmly on the cheek.

"I'm sure he thinks of you all the time, Zaldon. When you love someone that much, you don't just forget them. And Kel loves you very deeply. I could see it in his eyes. He was so jealous when you wanted me."

"Yes," chuckled Zaldon, "I think he might've killed us both if we hadn't fucked him."

"And who could resist making love to that?" said Julyan dreamily. "Kel and even his son Kilyan have a certain beauty that I've never seen in another male and will probably never see again. They are both very masculine and even fierce looking, but they still have this beauty . . ."

"All right, stop drooling all over me," Zaldon teased.

But they looked at each other and realized they'd both gotten hard just thinking of Kel. Julyan blushed and Zaldon closed his eyes in his embarrassment.

"And it seems we're both still under his spell," Julyan said, giving a weary laugh.

"Yes, I wish Kel was here between us," Zaldon whispered, pulling Julyan close and kissing his cheek, his neck. "I'd give my left nut to have the two of you in my bed again."

Julyan laughed softly, shivering under Zaldon's kisses. "I still remember the way he kisses. Kind of soft and yet hungry, like that look in his eyes when he used to watch you and you didn't know."

"I miss the way he smells," Zaldon moaned, rolling over on top of Julyan, and he did not stop his advances. Pinning Julyan down, he kissed him deeply, his big paws roaming all over, reaching under to squeeze Julyan's buttocks, dragging his paws down Julyan's thighs.

"I miss the way he moans . . ." Julyan whispered, groaning when Zaldon started massaging his cock.

"Mmm, I miss the way he tastes . . ." Zaldon whispered and closed his mouth over Julyan's.

They clung to each other, kissing, caressing, their hard dicks brushing, their moans filling the room. But as Zaldon was whipping Julyan's legs in breathless haste over his shoulders, Julyan stopped him.

"W-Wait a minute," Julyan panted. "Who are we thinking of here? Each other or Kel?"

They looked at each other and each smiled slowly as they said in unison, "Kel."

And closing their eyes, dreaming of that beautiful black wolf who was so far from their reach, they fucked wildly now. Zaldon banged into Julyan vigorously, loving it when Julyan's rigid cock flapped everywhere, and Julyan's loud cries filled the room until they both had come. They sagged into the sheets together, breathless and flushed, lazily kissing each other's cheeks and eyes. Julyan snuggled into Zaldon's big arms, and they lay there with their chest heaving against each other, they lay there panting and soaked in their own sweat. Julyan closed his eyes happily when Zaldon's big paw smoothed up and down his back.

"God, I'm so sorry, Julyan," Zaldon panted. "For thinking of Kel. I shouldn't have even mentioned him . . ."

"It's not like I wasn't thinking of him too," Julyan answered, running his paw over Zaldon's chest. "And you love Kel, Zaldon. I understand that. But, god, if you used to fuck Kel the way you just fucked me, I think I'm starting to get jealous."

Zaldon chuckled and smiled down at Julyan. "Julyan! You know I love you. I'd do anything for you, anything at all," he whispered, and lifting Julyan's face by the chin, he kissed him on the lips.

"You know, after being fucked by you like that and knowing that you were thinking of Kel, I think you should visit him --"

"Julyan!" Zaldon closed his eyes and groaned.

"Seven years is a long time to wait, Zaldon."

"To wait for what!" Zaldon cried, shooting upright. He turned and sat with his broad white back to Julyan. "Julyan, we've been through this. Kel and I, we're over. Kel doesn't need me. He's never needed me! And there's no reason to keep intruding on his life --"

"How the hell would you be intruding? You love each other! You're friends, lovers!" Julyan sat beside Zaldon and touched his chin, forcing him to look at him. He was saddened to see tears in Zaldon's black eyes. "Oh, Zaldon," he whispered lovingly, "when you love someone so deeply, visiting is never an intrusion. Especially after seven years."

Zaldon sniffed, his ears flat on his head. He closed his eyes and bowed his head, whispering, "I just . . . can't. You don't know how difficult it was letting him go, knowing that it was over, that we'd never see each other again. And then to go back and start all of this all over again? To have him only to let him go again? My heart couldn't take anymore. It just couldn't!"

Julyan saw Zaldon's eyes squeeze shut tight, saw him grimacing as if in pain, and he wrapped his arm around Zaldon, pulling him close. Zaldon rested his head against him.

"You poor thing, you," Julyan whispered, stroking Zaldon's mane and kissing his cheek. "You've got too much heart. And don't take this the wrong way, but it's your biggest organ. That's your burden. But if you visited Kel every now and then, I think you'd both be a lot happier. You say Kel has probably forgotten you, but I can't see Kel forgetting you any time soon. Not even after seven years. You've known each other all your lives. Love like that, it doesn't just go away. And I'm sure that Kel misses you and thinks of you as much as you miss and think of him."

"Oh, Julyan," Zaldon whispered, happy to feel Julyan's comforting arms around him. "God, what would I do without you? Without your understanding?"

Julyan was startled. Zaldon pulled back to look at him with helpless black eyes.

"Oh, Julyan, please don't ever leave me! If I had to lose both you and Kel --" Zaldon broke off and suddenly gave Julyan a trembling kiss on the mouth.

Julyan melted into the kiss as Zaldon's big arms closed around him. They sank into the sheets together still kissing, then Zaldon pulled Julyan to his chest with trembling arms and held him tightly, kissing his mane.

"Don't leave me," Zaldon whispered between kisses. "What would I do without my Lavender Eyes!"

Julyan closed his eyes as his face was showered with Zaldon's fierce, urgent kisses. "I won't! I won't! You couldn't scrape me off anyway. I'm hooked."

They looked at each other and laughed.

"Oh, I love you, Julyan," Zaldon said with a happy sigh.

Julyan gazed up at him with glowing lavender eyes. "I love you too. And so does someone else."

Zaldon sighed miserably.

"Will you think about going?" Julyan insisted.

Zaldon closed his eyes. "I'll -- I'll think about it . . . if you'll stop pestering me!" Zaldon cried, playfully shaking Julyan in his big arms.

Julyan laughed, and kissing Zaldon on the lips, he whispered, "Good."