Absolute Pleasure (part 4)

Story by petorawolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Absolute Pleasure

He lead me down the path until we came to a service road, a trail wide enough to be traversed by a fire truck in the event there was a forest fire. I found my mind reeling with too much excitement and desire than I was comfortable with.

"Mmmm, my puppy is wet just thinking about the abuse she's going to take, huh?" His voice was painfully loud. Even though we were definitely in quite a remote part of the forest, part of me knew there had to be hikers or the like somewhere within earshot.

I blushed and looked up at him curiously, "Ummm, sure?" He gestured to my jeans and I followed his gaze. To my absolute horror, he was entirely correct. It looked like I practically wet myself. I had no idea I was even capable of producing so much precum. "Augh!"

He just laughed with a bit of a toothy grin. "You'll be dying for release by tomorrow."

"Wait, tomorrow?"

He just smiled and nodded his head at a cabin up ahead, still heavily obstructed from the thick pine forest. "There we are, home sweet home."

As we walked the last few hundred yards, I got a chance to see most of it. It looked like a traditional log cabin with large pine trees with the bark stripped off, making it rather light in color. It was two stories with the first floor having only a few windows on each side, but the second floor was almost entire glass. The front of the cabin had a nice sized deck and a couple of wooden rocking chairs. All in all, a very nice place. But that's when I saw the final piece... and his wicked grin.

"I think you like what you see?" He purred at me, his hand going up to get a grip on my scruff.

On the side, now visible as we began approaching the front door, was an outdoor kennel. There was a rather sizable dog house that had been constructed to look like a miniature version of the cabin itself. "Oh, don't worry, you'll get a very good tour of that space yet today."

We reached the front door. It had no place for a key but instead had an electronic combination lock. He punched in a rather long code and I heard a muffled 'clunk' as a deadbolt opened. But he didn't open the door yet, just stood in the way with that toothy grin and a growing purr. "You're my bitch. You will never wear clothes in my home. Take them off."

I whined and stared at him with wide eyes. I looked around behind me expecting to see a crowd of tourists, but there was no one. Just a gravel path leading from the garage to the fire road a few hundred yards away. The only sounds were of birds and a light breeze pushing through the forest.

I groaned as I slipped the shirt off over my head. His purring grew louder as he stared at me as if I might be a meal. I trembled as I fumbled with the button of my jeans. My fingers were shaking so bad that it became an impossible challenge.

"That's ok. You won't get to use your fingers much soon anyways," His low growly voice was flooded with desire. His paws pushed mine away and he managed to have them unbuttoned, unzipped and down to my ankles in a single second. My paws did the best they could to hide my intense erection and the fact my underwear was completely drenched. He batted my paws away. "Beg pretty, girl..."

That horrible grin. I slowly drew my hands up as commanded and knew there was no way I could blush any further. Well, until I felt my underwear brought down and him purring even louder. THEN I was blushing the most my body could. "Good girl, down on all fours and then we can go inside. Unless you want to stay out here?"

I was down on all fours quickly, stepping out of my clothes. But he wasn't quick with opening the door.

"Such a good girl, aren't you?" He said as he leaned down and began petting over my muzzle and ears. Was I supposed to answer? "Well, a rather wet bitch, but good otherwise. Does my bitch want in?"

I whined and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"Stayyyy," He commanded as he set his pack down and produced the collar again. I held still as he put it on my neck. It was quickly followed with a pink leather leash that he connected to the ring on the collar. "OK, good girl, let's get you inside." He purred.

As he pushed the door open, I was rather shocked to see it was quite empty inside. It was obviously still very much under construction. There was a floor, also made of pine, but there were no walls, no TV, no kitchen... nothing. There was another door that lead to the side yard and a dog door (which I assumed went to the kennel) just a few feet from it. There was a stairway, which was nearly in the dead center of the place, but had no walls on either side.

"Finding you was convenient timing. I just completed the outside last month. Roofing in the dead of winter, alone, was something I'm grateful I survived. Nonetheless, this will obviously be a quick tour." He tugged on the leash and I followed after him as best as I could.

He lead me up the stairs to an area that was a bit more complete than the first floor. The studs were in place to frame out two bedrooms and a bathroom as well as a master bedroom with its own bathroom. There was a bed that had sheets and a comforter as well as a rather large dresser, but that was about it.

The master bathroom actually had completed walls and a door, affording some privacy. It also had a large tub, toilet and sink at least. This pretty much concluded the tour of the upstairs so he started leading me back downstairs.

He spelled out that eventually he wanted to have the laundry on this floor and rattled off details about the insulation and a lot of other details that made little to no sense to me. "But now, what with having a bitch in heat and all, I might want to completely rethink some of this space." He gave me a lustful look that made me shiver with a mixture of fear but also desire.

He lead me around the stairs and pointed to another set of stairs that lead down. "We have a basement, equally unfinished. Currently nothing to see except poured concrete. NOW, time for my pretty puppy to see her kennel."

I hated the fact my tail wagged at being called 'pretty' and the idea that being shown to a kennel was something I liked. Why did I love this so much?!

He lead me to the dog door and pushed my nose to it as he unclasped the leash from my collar. "Go through here, I'll see you on the other side."

He wandered out the door so I obediently followed. I was surprised it was dark on the other side but it soon made sense; it opened into the dog house itself, not to the grass. The dog house was actually very sizable and I could see I'd be able to lay down flat and still be hidden within it. There were 4 shelves set within it, providing evidence that this was actually meant to house a small group of dogs. I looked out the entrance to find that he was right there with the leash which he clasped to my collar. "Good girl! You can speak. What do you think?"

I was blushing so much I thought I could die. Having to tell him what I was thinking made it so much worse. "It's.. " my voice cracked. "Ahem. It's very nice. A bit barren, but I look forward to seeing what you do with it."

He laughed and knelt down to pet my head, ears and neck some more. "I meant your kennel."

Could one break their neck from swallowing too hard too often? "I ummmm, really like it." I looked at the solid concrete floor, "Well, it could be a bit softer..."

He leaned down and looked in. "Hmmm, that's true. They actually even have the exact kennel pads for this configuration, but it'll take a couple of weeks to get them in. And don't worry, you'll be sleeping inside most of the time. Tonight I actually will let you sleep in the bed with me. What else do you think?"

I shivered at the idea of sleeping with him. My brain derailed for a bit and my words came out jumbled for a bit before he interrupted me. "Puppy, you're enjoying yourself too much and making a mess of your kennel. Lick that up, bitch." He pointed to the small puddle of pre I had unconsciously been forming.

My ears pinned back against my head as I looked down at the puddle, then looked back up at him. Was he serious? He tapped a paw and began to look as though he might actually punish me so I scooted back a bit, lowered my head and gave a small lick. It really didn't taste like anything, to my relief. I gave another lick, then another. I got as much as I could without having to lick the floor.

"ALL of it, puppy," Came the growl when I figured I was done. I winced but did as commanded and gave one final lick to remove the rest, leaving just a wet streak on the concrete. "Good girl. Now that you're here, I will need to have a roof installed on this kennel so you can't jump over it, huh? OK, go back in the house, I'll see you there." I nodded and pushed my way through the door.

He didn't return immediately, so not being sure where he went, I took a moment to look around the inside a bit more closely. I saw that there was chalk lines on the floor in what was obviously the kitchen area along with a rather sizable camping crate on which sat a single burning stove that looked like it was meant for the serious hiker.

The windows had dark wood blinds installed. Currently they were all drawn shut, thankfully. The front door had a manual latch for the deadbolt. I was grateful to see that.

The side door opened and I saw Rick return with a few more dog dishes, causing yet another blush to escape me. He set them down on the camping crate before approaching me with the leash. "OK, girl, time for us to make this little arrangement a bit more... real. Come on..."

His deep growly voice sent shivers down my spine. My heart pounded as he lead me up the stairs. I struggled to keep on all fours but he went slow and was patient. He pushed a button that was held to the wall with a couple of temporary screws, causing all glass to begin to grow opaque and dark. The few lights that sat in their exposed fixtures slowly turned up to offer some illumination. He tugged on the leash, pulling me to the bedroom.

"I'm going to take it slow with you, but eventually you will be begging for more, won't you, bitch?" He growled down at me with a devious grin.

I shivered and was unable to say anything at this point. How did I even end up in this situation?! But I felt myself nod ever so slightly.

"Good girl... Come here," He unclasped the leash and set it on the dresser before pulling open a bottom drawer. I obeyed and was shown the contents.

Before me was an abundance of leather and rods and various animal-shaped dildos. A loud swallow echoed throughout the bedroom. Was that me? "I have so much more in this dresser," He purred as he reached down and pulled out two small balls of leather. "But you'll have to earn your way through the drawers, little puppy, won't you? Hold your hand out..."

My ears pinned back again and I even felt my tail suddenly touch my erection. Ugh, I was STILL hard? I held out my hand and he calmly slid the leather over it. This forced my fingers to curl into a tight fist and he pulled at a zipper on the back until it firmly trapped my hand. He then buckled it for apparently added measure. "Other hand, bitch," He purred at me.

There was no going back if I let him put this on me, obviously. This was a serious decision. Was I really going to do this?! I have never been with a guy and now I was out in the middle of a forest freely letting him have complete control over me? And this was after he spent the entire time we've known each other humiliating me. No, hang on, maybe this wasn't a good idea.

"Good girl, that feels nice, doesn't it? You're now my helpless little puppy..." He had never purred so loudly. I looked up at him confusedly.

I snapped out of it and realized I had already held my hand up. "What... the..." I stared up at him, muzzle agape.

He opened a top drawer, above my head, and pulled out a length of satin ribbon. "Sit up, pretty puppy, and beg."

I had feared far worse. In the couple of second it took for him to retrieve it, all manner of horrible things came to mind. I relaxed a small amount but didn't do as he commanded. I was still too shocked and confused how he had put this leather paw over my hand. "Come on, girl, this will be fun, I promise... You know I won't hurt you. You know you want this..."

His crystal blue eyes seemed to sparkle with an energy all their own. I whined and sat back on my heals and drew the leather paws up to my chest. He smiles and stroked my head, ears and neck some more. "Gooood girl. That feels good, doesn't it? Being good? Being obedient makes you feel good. You want to make your Owner happy, don't you?"

I whined and nodded. At this, he set about looping the satin ribbon through rings in the wrists of the paws and then drew it up to my collar, trapping me in the begging posture. He tied a large bow to complete it. "Tell me what you are, puppy..."

I groaned, staring up at him. I wished I had ANY clothing at all at this point. I felt the dribble of pre run down my length. "I'm your puppy, Master"

I was rewarded with more petting and my tail wagged. He kept praising me as he stroked down from my nose tip to my shoulders. "Good puppy, good girl. You like making your Master happy, don't you? Yes, very good."

I let my eyes close and I relaxed noticeably, but that was about when he finally tugged on the collar to bring me out of my serene bliss. "It's finally time... I'm going to give you a treat, puppy." I swallowed hard as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zipper down. He stepped out of them and moved towards the bed. Along the way, he lost the rest of his clothing, then sat down on the end of it facing me.

I'd never seen a cat naked before. Much less a penis. It made me shudder rather intensely. Like him, it was rather large. It lacked a knot despite how aroused he was. I knew that would be the case, but it also had something far too close to spines for my comfort. He pat his inner thigh, "Come here, puppy, earn your place."

I whined and tried to beg him to delay this... but I felt myself moving forward ever so slowly on my knees. Soon my muzzle was opening and I felt his length begin to slide in. My eyes flashed open as I tasted his pre immediately. It was sweet, but viscous, and it coated my tongue much more than my own had. I then felt a paw at the back of my neck and against the collar. "Goooood girl. Stay right there and just get used to having me in your muzzle. That's right, good girl. Now lick. Ahhhh!" His entire frame tensed as I obeyed the command. "Stop stop! Oh my..."

I felt his other paw pet the top of my head and sweep down my neck while his other took a grip of my scruff. "I'm afraid I'm very pent up, little bitch. Ahhhh! C-careful... don't lick. Just hold yourself there."

I whined as I felt a small spasm within his cock then a bit of the viscous goo coat the back of my tongue. I needed to swallow so badly. He kept praising me though and I struggled very hard.

"You like being a good girl for your Master, don't you? You want to have his cum in you, don't you?"

I blushed so much I swear I could see my muzzle turn pink against the backdrop of his abdomen. I was suddenly fed another round of the goo. It was getting hard to breathe.

"OK, girl, swallow ONE time..."

I swallowed and his legs tensed against my leather-bound hands while his grip on my scruff tightened. I felt his pre slowly coat my throat. Now it was even worse.

"GOOD girl. Such a good bitch. Do you know how much I adore you, puppy?"

He went silent then, just stroking my head while keeping me pinned down on his cock, coating the inside of my maw. Did he want me to try to answer? I blushed as I felt my drool run out of my muzzle where I couldn't keep it contained.

"OK, bitch, swallow again..."

I'd have thanked him profusely if I could. I swallowed again, but once again it only made it coat my throat worse.

"OK, bitch, time for you to pleasure your Master completely..." He purred deeply and pulled back on my scruff. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but when I felt him push me back down, I understood immediately. I swallowed again and his cock pulsed and forcefed me a rather prolific amount of pre. So much that I thought he may have came. This caused me to swallow again but now he pulled my head back up. "Wow, my bitch is HUNGRY for her Master's seed, aren't you?" He tugged me back far enough to free his cock from my muzzle and then stared at me intensely with those wonderful blue eyes. My whine of response was apparently inadequate, "No no, girl, you need to say it out loud."

I groaned, fists clenching in the confining leather. "I ..." I grit my teeth. I was actually somehow angry, fearful, yet also so aroused by this. "I want your seed."

His grip on my scruff tightened and he brought the other paw around to little tap my nose. I shuddered at the punishment. "You will need to do far better than that..."

I whined loudly without warning and hushed myself quickly. I also felt another dribble of pre run down my length. "I am hungry for your seed, Master."

He used his free hand to get some of his own pre on a digit, then slowly put it on the bridge of my nose. I whined horribly as my eyes crossed to look at the blot of matted fur. He then leaned forward, slipping me off of his lap, and down to the puddle that formed under me. "Clean that up, then I'll let you wash it down, girl."

He let me set the leather paws down on either side. I couldn't believe how much I had let loose. I licked at it, but now I REALLY wanted his seed. I lapped it all up in a solid slurp. He slowly lifted me by my scruff again.

"GOOD girl. What's your name, girl?" He planted another glob of his pre on my muzzle before petting it in, up between my eyes.

"Ala.... uhhh, Bitch?"

He moaned and reached his paw down to his shaft again, squeezed it to get another glob, which he unceremoniously stroked into my head fur. "Does Bitch want her Master's cum?"

I moaned, oh did I ever. Now I was starving for it! "Yes, Master!"

"NOW you will beg for it..." He purred throatily, spilling out more pre which he gathered up and let into my cheek.

My head swam with intense desire, "Oh, PLEASE, Master! Bitch NEEDS to have your cum. PLEASE, Master!"

He just stroked my head some more before pushing my head down to just a tiny distance from his pointed tip. I stuck my tongue out, licking at it as best as I could. He kept me there for what felt like an hour, feeding me tiny bits of his pre but never letting me get his length in my muzzle again. Just as I thought I'd never get to have it, he pushed my head down without any warning. I only got the chance to swallow once before I felt the massive wave flood straight down my throat. I gagged but he kept me pinned there as I felt a second wave slide down as I swallowed again.

Then he pulled my head back half way while screaming out in bliss. I felt the third wave fill my maw and now tasted him completely. I swallowed hard to make way for the next round. "D-don't swallow, bitch!" He commanded before another wave flooded my maw. It immediately dribbled down his length as it coated my teeth and tongue. And another wave, and another. He finally let go of my scruff and laid back on the bed gasping for breath. "Don't swallow, bitch! Stay, girl, stay!"

I whined as my own shaft pounded with need and I hungrily awaited the command to clear my palate. My leather-clad paws waited on his thighs as I stared down his creamy coat, waiting for him to release me from this horribly pent-up situation. Finally he sat back up and stroked my fur. "OK, girl, clean me and the bed up. You can swallow now."

As if it was the finest food I'd ever had, I was quick with my tongue to gather every drop. I left him spotless, except for my own saliva.

He laughed and winced as I finished the job. "OK ok ok. Good girl. Do you like being my puppy?"

I was so very eager to admit it. My tail whipped about, "Yes, Master!"

"Good girl. Clean up your puddle, then I will give you a bath." He untied the satin ribbon and tried to undo the leather paws but I needed release so badly that I dove down and licked up the little bit extra I had produced in the time that passed. I heard him laugh as he slowly walked over me and then to the dresser. I turned and looked at him expectantly.

When he turned back around, my heart and brain froze. He was holding what was quite obviously a thick silicone chastity device. I slowly shook my head.

"Come on, girl, come to the bathroom with me..." He smiled evilly. I was so powerless to resist. I feared he was going to put it on me, but I needed release so bad. I stayed on all fours, leather paws making it a bit more difficult but I managed. He let me go in first before joining me.

He directed me to the tub and I hopped in. "Roll over, girl..." I did as instructed, showing him the pulsing red shaft and engorged knot. I panted openly now.

He pulled a tube of something out of a drawer and coated his paw in it. "YES! I'll take being masturbated, sure!" I thought internally. My tail beat both sides of the tub. But when his hand touched my length, it was anything but lube. It caused an incredibly cool sensation, bordering on ice. I gave him a confused look, but he just continued to massage it in. I whined but didn't protest.

He reached back behind him and grabbed the chastity device. I must have looked horrified as he simply stated, "You're my bitch, not my dog, puppy. Don't worry, you'll likely get off yet tonight. You'll see..."

I whined so pitifully, but sure enough, my erection was fading. It was hard to keep erect despite my psychological starvation. The sensation, or perhaps even the cream itself, just made it impossible. Within a minute, I was back in my sheath which he stuffed into the silicone and affixed another band of silicone about the base against my abdomen and about my balls. He then used a small lock to keep it in place.

"Will you be a good obedient bitch for your Master tonight?"

I nodded ever so enthusiastically, I thought I'd break my neck.

"Now you understand why you need to be trained to be a better bitch and locked away, don't you? It keeps you more motivated to be a good girl, doesn't it?" He reached forward and began removing one of the leather paws.

I groaned, ears and whiskers drooping. But after a bit, I feebly nodded.

"Speak, girl," He commanded without looking at me, though I could see him grinning.

I sighed and said with a strong whine, "I am better at being obedient if Master keeps me pent up."

He laughed and set about removing the other paw. "Well, that's paraphrasing and correct, so ok." He set the paws outside of the tub. "Now, while we have you so pliable and needy, it's time to do something a little intense. Are you ready, girl?"

Ack, wait, what? "Uhhh..."

"Stay still, girl. You will remain laying in the tub until we're done with your bath. Understood?" He growled down at me with those deadly blue eyes.

I finally nodded but whined a bit.

He slowly slipped his cock from his sheath and leaned over the edge of the tub. "Oh wait..." I gasped, but it was too late. He began to pee right on me. First it hit my stomach and it took all of my effort to not cry out. But then he slowly began turning the stream upwards...

"M-master... p-please..." I started, but he ignored it as his stream continued to ascend my body.

"Open up, girl... You WILL obey your Master..." That growly tone made me cringe under him. I opened my maw and he wasted no time.

I openly winced, eyes clenching shut as he filled my muzzle with his pee. It thankfully barely had any flavor or scent, but the stream just kept coming. I finally swallowed, but he wasn't done. I then felt the stream slip up between my eyes and over my head. Finally the stream stopped.

I only whined as I laid in the tub with my eyes shut tight, laying in a puddle of my Owner's urine. I wanted that bath so badly now. My entire frame trembled.

"Such a good girl, staying as commanded... just a bit more, then we will wash you up," Came his voice from far above. I felt his stream resume on my stomach before it began splattering against the silicone chamber locking me away. He held it there a while before dousing my legs with what little he had left.

"OK, girl. You know the drill. Clean up the mess, then you can have your bath."

I gasped. He couldn't possibly mean what I thought he meant. I felt a soft towel press against my eyes as he wiped them clean. "Go on, girl, hurry up. I want to start cooking but you obviously need a bath." He pointed at the bottom of the tub.

My usual whine escaped me, but I did as commanded. I rolled over, more than half of it soaked into my fur. I set about lapping at the puddle near the closed drain before licking up the small puddles throughout the tub.

"Such a good girl, I'm so happy with you, Bitch. OK, bathtime.

He turned the water on and held a paw under it until it was the right temperature and produced some shampoo. He waited until the tub was half full before slowly gathering some of the water in a vessel and pouring it over my head. He repeated this again and again, then began sweeping his paws down my head, chest, back and stomach before rubbing in the shampoo carefully. He didn't let me do anything, just set about washing my fur as if I were an actual feral dog.

It felt awkward at first, but then I grew to enjoy it. He was smiling the whole time. Eventually, he needed to lean forward to get at my other side and I took the opportunity to lick his muzzle. His smile widened and he leaned down to give me a brief kiss. In his nakedness, I saw this got him excited rather quickly, but he also didn't keep it going for very long. "OK, up on all fours."

I complied, my tail looking anemic when soaked. He poured the shampoo over my back and began massaging it in. If I could purr, I would have been at this point. I stayed still on hands and knees as he worked down my body.

Then he did my tail, and I started to get excited again. There wasn't much left of my body to go. He must have been able to sense my anxiety.

"OK, girl, just stay still. I know you're excited to be Master's full bitch, but that's for later."

His paws sweeped over my rump and massaged the thick silicone trap (which felt incredible and if he kept it up long enough I could imagine it possibly managing to get me to climax! Might it be possible?!).

Once my legs were done, he laid out a towel and pointed to it. "Out, stay on all fours." I did as commanded and soon he had me completely dry.

"Hands." He commanded and once again I had the leather paws applied. This time, however, no tying them to my collar.

"There. Is my bitch in heat? Huh, girl, are you in heat?!" He cooed at me.

I moaned and whined as I looked at him but nodded.

"GOOD girl. Let's keep you that way for some time. For now, it's dinner time." He clasped the leash to my collar and with an intense longing for release, I followed after him.