Dragon's Scent

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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#9 of Chapter 1:Happy Days

Dragon Scent

Veemon Guilmon

Veemon woke up he looked up and started to wonder out load, "I wonder why I feel the need to sleep even if I'm already in this coma thing. This is so weird."

Veemon started to head out there seemed to be a lot less creatures covering his path. He said, "This is so different. It's like the dream wants me to get out." Agumon came up and said, "You're not even real." Veemon took a step back and fell into water. He didn't remember there being water behind him. Soon he was deep in the water, sinking further and further. The thought of not existing costumed him, wanting to give in. His back hit a tuft of sand. His eyes his opened and he asked, "Is this real? Am I real?" He stood up, looking around. He looked up to see the water coming down. What he wasn't aware of is that he was gone for three years. Two more years then Monodramon had promised. Gatomon had found the device and when she couldn't open it, she tossed a hacking device on it. Veemon started to walk to a broken ruins building. He came around one of the broken pillar. He saw a big red flag. In the center it was white with a black design. Veemon said, "That looks familiar." Another creature spoke, "It should." He saw Guilmon come out. He held a long spear and had a hawk helmet. He also had a brown tarp over his crouch. Veemon knelt down and thought, 'Oh god, I can't even control myself. I desire it so badly I didn't second think it.' He leaned and moved the small tarp to see Guilmon's large white cock. Veemon said out load, "It's glorious." Veemon moved his hand on Guilmon's hip and leaned in further, opened his mouth and took in the white cock. It tasted to real and very good. Veemon felt more then honored to bob his head taking in this massive cock. Guilmon looked down and moaned, "Ohhh, man you've got it bad..." Veemon bobbed quicker then he had done so prior times. Guilmon held his head and moaned, "I can't hold it!" He had an orgasm. Veemon felt a rough tug away, Agumon said, "You don't belong here." Veemon pulled back swallowing some of the semen. Veemon got up and asked, "What's your problem?" Agumon explained, "Monodramon lied to you. You've been here for three years. It's time to wake up."

Veemon stood up, "Three years! It can't be. It's only felt like a few days." Agumon pulled Veemon away from Guilmon. Agumon said, "This bot here was planted here to get you stuck here. Fact is you've been having sex with this distraction for the past three years. His made you forget each day because that's how he's programmed. It's time to reach Gatomon and end this loop once and for all." Veemon asked, "How do you know this?" Agumon said, "I'm a special hack. I'll bring you to Gatomon."

As they started walking the sky got darker. Veemon looked up, "What's going on?" Agumon said, "It must be a response to get you to go back. We can't delay much more; you've already wasted enough time." Agumon took Veemon's hand and pulled him along. It started to rain, Veemon said, "He's trying to submerge me under the water again. I remember now." Agumon brought Veemon into a building. They entered a small room and Agumon sat down. He said, "You should explain it to me. I've been programmed to give this information to the real Gatomon." Veemon sat down as well and explained, "It started six years ago. Monodramon came up to me and he told me that I was needed for something bigger. Now I realize it was to make this thing called the darkness fall asleep. Before he put me under he took a sample of my blood. That's where Reemon came in. He went to a special building much like this one and created Reemon. This thing had some darkness in it. Monodramon put in the capsule and told me he'd be back in a year. I've been stuck here for an addition three years. That's everything I know." Agumon stood up, "Ok, I got it. Now let's get out of here once and for all." They left the building and got to the sea and got on a boat. Agumon lead them to an island. They got to a mansion. Veemon said, "Monodramon programmed this to look like the place I'm really held." They both heard clapping. Monodramon stepped out from the other side of the gate. Veemon growled, "You son of bitch! You lied to me, why am I still here?" Monodramon explained, "The darkness is more complicated then I first thought." Veemon yelled, "Then why did you put some of it in Reemon?" Monodramon looked down, "He was dying. He needed something to sustain him. He like you reacted to the darkness. You wouldn't understand but he sort of became like a son. I had to look after him." Veemon swiped his hand, "You're not trying to stop the darkness. You're trying to make it grow through him. I'm done hearing your lies. I'm sick of this dream world." Monodramon moved his hands up in a calming motion; "Don't do anything irrational. The real world is much darker than you think. You think that you'd earn the love of Gatomon? Look at what you've done while you were here. You had sex with males Veemon. You're a slut Veemon. She'll never love you! No one will ever love you. You will break every heart you encounter. That's why the darkness must have chosen you. You will break hearts and feed the darkness." Veemon yelled, "I'm not about to let Reemon do that either. He must been doing the same if were connected." Monodramon slammed his wrapped fist against the cage, "You fool; that would mean there would be two carriers of darkness in this world. Don't you see; this is the only world you can live in now. Going back would spell disaster for the real world." Veemon cried, "I can't...I can't stay here. This place is falling apart..." Monodramon pointed at himself, "I can fix this world Veemon. I can make this world better. Here you live out every fantasy." Veemon said, "All expect one." Monodramon growled, "Don't be selfish, she's barely any different from anyone else. She is just one normal Digimon. Here you can meet numerous different Digimon, all with different personalities, traits and sexual drives." Veemon still wanted out he felt like Monodramon's words were fake.

Veemon said, "Fine...I want you then." Monodramon stepped back, "What? I've tapped my mind into this system, if you touch me; everything that you have including the darkness will be put in me." Veemon started to climb over the gate. He said, "Too bad, you're close and cute. I'm feeling the urge coming back too. I need to feel the sensation soon." Monodramon stepped back. Veemon ran down the road and toward the mansion. Monodramon yelled, "Get back here you piece of shit!" Veemon slammed open the door. It was a large mansion with two doors on the first floor. There was stairs in the center and he ran upstairs to see two paths. He felt this sort of vibe come over. He went to the right. Monodramon entered into the mansion. Veemon went down a flight of stairs into a computer room. He went down a long corridor and entered a white room. He stopped seeing this huge white pod in the center of the room. Monodramon caught up and yelled, "Stop!" Veemon turned, "I'm done, staying here..." Monodramon yelled, "You don't get it do you? You want to throw away all of this and for what!? The likeliness that you get a go a Gatomon just to tear her heart out! If you loved her as much as you say then you'd stay here. I can fix you Veemon! You have no idea that you could be the destruction of the world. You'll damn us all." Veemon asked, "How do you know? How much longer do I have to stay here!?" Monodramon said, "Give me three more years." Veemon broke down in years, "I can't wait...I can't wait that long. It's not just Gatomon...I need to breathe real air...I need to see my friends...my tamer...everyone needs to know I'm ok." Monodramon held up his hands, "I have those things covered. Don't do anything you'll regret." Veemon said, "I don't need more lies." He touched the device and vanished.

In the real world the capsule opened up. A top metallic dome rose up from Veemon's head. Several arm and leg restrains were removed. He was lowered in a white chair. Veemon's eyes opened up. He stood up and stretched out. He let out a prolonged yawn and took a few steps. He saw the white room. He looked around to see the door in front was burnt down. He walked up and touched it the door fell over. He walked further to the stairs. Everything else was far burnt. As he walked up most of the walls were removed. He slipped out where a window used to be. He made his way around the front. He walked to the gate and opened it up. He started to walk down the path. He led into a small forest and past that was a beach. He looked around and saw a boat. Veemon said, "I'm coming Gatomon." He got in the boat and turned it on. He started to head away from the island. Veemon sat down for a while and said, "I remember none of what happened since I got there, why is that?"

Veemon ended up in Maine. He made his way to a park. He saw a group of humans. He hid; he quickly remembered other humans would most likely freak out. There was a heave since of police activity as well. Veemon made sure to move around in the woods moving further south. As soon as he found a man hole he made his way into sewers and continued onward. Veemon stopped seeing Agumon in rags prepping up a dinner for a group of several Digimon. Veemon gasped out, "...Agumon." Agumon looked back and pushed Veemon down. Agumon growled, "You've broken my partner's heart." Veemon asked, "What are you talking about, I woke up from some weird capsule thing, the last thing I remember was talking with Monodramon." A voice from aside said, "Agumon he's not the one you're angry with." Veemon and Agumon turned to see Gatomon. Veemon gasped, "...Gatomon." She said, "You made the right move to take my hack to its fullest advantage. I can track and hunt down Monodramon for his actions and then, I tackled the creature that has been living your life for the past three years" Agumon said, "Wait, are you telling me the creature that has been here wasn't Veemon." Gatomon explained, "An exact clone." Veemon got up, "Gatomon can it talk to you?" She said, "I should get going. I have a job to do." Veemon took a step forward, gulped then said, "I love you!"