Chapter 4: Chaos in the Sky

Story by SF3P0X1 on SoFurry

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#4 of In Chaos

Shadow had to contend with fending off a very angry Rodriguez. Not that it took much to avoid the big croc's swings. Rod would throw a punch, and Shadow would dodge it, kicking or punching on the croc as the bully struggled to regain his balance. The fight went on for a good ten or fifteen minutes before it stalled, the croc running out of breath. Shadow's retaliatory attacks hadn't done much damage, as the croc had been in a blind rage while attacking, but now that he stopped to take a breather, the effects of the constant kicking or punching was starting to take its toll.

(Where was the teacher in all of this? Apparently, she had taken a few minutes to run to the restroom just before Rod had gotten into the room, and, being pregnant as well, her water had broken unexpectedly.)

Shadow was out of breath, too. He hadn't had time enough to call upon a Chaos Control to get him out of this situation while the croc had been attacking. But now that the pace had slowed, he pulled out the Emerald he had found earlier and was in the process of muttering the words when Rod's hands interrupted him. One hand snatched the Emerald away, the other closed around the hedgehog's throat and lifted him up. While Shadow had been distracted, Rod had got him with a speedy sneak attack! The breather had been a ploy!

"You're quick, but not quick enough," remarked Rod, as he eyed the gem in his other hand carefully while holding Shadow against the wall.

Shadow couldn't do much but choke as the croc's hand pressed against his windpipe, blocking off his airway. He was quickly losing consciousness, and didn't even have voice enough to mutter a Chaos Control to get himself out of this mess.

Just as Shadow seemed to be on the verge of passing out, Rod seemed to have a change of heart. He released his hold on the hedgehog, instead concentrating on the gem in his hands.

"Just what is this thing? It feels so warm. And I love the color... red. Red, like blood." He grinned, looking towards where Shadow had fallen to the floor. But Shadow wasn't there.

A slight movement out of the corner of his eye, Rod saw Shadow place a single hand atop the Emerald and saw his lips move. The world became a blur as the two were transported to someplace that seemed to be filled with a ton of wind... until Rod looked down and saw that the school was directly below them, and they were falling. Fast.

Shadow had, in his mind, concocted this plan to pay the croc back for almost making him pass out. What he expected was that Rod would freak out, dropping his hold on the Emerald, and instead resort to screaming his fool head off as they fell. Instead, the croc grabbed the hedgehog by the throat again.

"PUT ME ON THE GROUND!" The words were full of fear, but menacing at the same time. Shadow could barely breathe, but he was able to mutter the words before losing all breath, and not a moment too soon. A couple more seconds, and the two of them would have been blood splatters on the flag post.

Another Chaos Control, and this time the two of them were lying on the grass in front of the school, Rod's hand still weakly around the black hedgehog's neck. But as soon as the croc confirmed that he was again on solid ground, he released Shadow and rolled over, emptying the contents of his stomach onto the ground.

Shadow rose and moved, readying himself in case the croc decided to try to attack him again. But it was in vain; Rod had learned his lesson when it came to the black hedgehog. The blue one he had seen earlier, maybe he could break him, but the black one brought more danger than he cared to be put in.

As Shadow watched the boy vomit, he reviewed the events of the past twenty minutes in his mind. The fight, though drawn out and virtually pointless, had shown that the croc could probably help Shadow, particularly in keeping Sonic occupied while he searched for the other six remaining Chaos Emeralds.

The boy's reflexes were sharp, and though he suffered from a jock's perspective when it came to fighting (in that brute strength comes first and that logic and reasoning are last resorts), he still used enough of his head to catch Shadow off guard the one time. And he never let his fear get in the way of his rage, something that many fighters still can't control.

Shadow made a decision right there. This boy had been a worthy adversary, and perhaps they could team up. So while the croc recovered, Shadow approached him with a deal of sorts.

"I don't care who you are, I don't care what you do. You're a bully, and a good one at that, from what I have seen. You have some talents that could be of use to me. I say we team up in terrorizing this school... what do you say?" Shadow offered his hand to the boy.

Rod looked up at the hedgehog. "And what do you say to me punching your lights out right now? You could have killed me! Could have killed us!

"Besides, I don't need any help in maintaining my hold on this school." Rod rose from his place on the grass, keeping his eyes on Shadow. His mind was in two conflicting states. On the one hand, he didn't want his victims to see him as a weakling, needing help all of a sudden, and from a new guy, no less. But on the other hand, he really didn't want to piss the ‘hog off, because it was fairly obvious that the boy would have no remorse in killing him.

Shadow's gaze remained unwavering. His face remained expressionless. "I'm sure you don't need any help... with the regulars. But the blue hedgehog that started here today could be a problem for you. And you probably don't want to be on my bad side, now do you?" The stare that Shadow was giving Rod was quite unnerving.

Rod thought for a moment, then reluctantly nodded his head and agreed. "I don't need another experience like today... and perhaps you could do something about that showboating Principal that tackled me earlier, too." The croc offered his hand to Shadow. "I'm Rodriguez, or Rod. And it looks like this is going to be a very profitable experience, indeed."

Shadow held up a hand, refusing to shake. "I'm Shadow."

Back at Edward's place, Sonic spent the next couple hours entertaining Edward and Edna's family about his origins, and some of the more exciting battles he had with Eggman, which the rest of the family wrote off as the product of a hyperactive imagination. The time passed quicker than Sonic could have imagined, and before he knew it, it was time for Edward and Edna to retire to bed, and for him to find a place for himself to stay. But before he could leave, Edward spoke to his parents and invited the blue blur to stay at his house for the night. Sonic agreed.

He followed Edward upstairs to the boy's room, noticing that his sister seemed to be eyeing him with a gaze not unlike that of Amy back on Mobius. He shook the thought from his head and as he entered the boy's room, gazed around.

The room held a set of bunk beds, telling Sonic that Edward would have friends over often. There seemed to be model airplanes hanging from the ceiling on strings. A couple posters on the walls showed pictures of videogame and anime vixens with large breasts, a taste that Sonic himself did not share. Their faces were nice, though.

"You can take the top bunk, if you like, Sonic." The voice made Sonic jump, but he turned and saw that it was Edward talking. "I usually sleep up top, but I like to give my guests first choice."

Sonic shrugged. "Actually, I'd rather take the bottom. You know... strange house, strange bed... I tend to roll around when I sleep, and it would be a bit less noisy if I roll outta bed from the bottom bunk rather then from the top. And since I'm not used to the bed, it's more likely that I'll roll outta the bed."

Edward seemed to be going over that in his head. "I see... okay. I'll take the top bunk. Now... I need to go jump in the shower, so you can do whatever you need to do to prepare yourself for bed while I'm gone."

Sonic nodded, studying the fox's face. The swelling had gone down, though his eyes was plenty black from being punched earlier. Edward reminded Sonic so much of Tails back home, he found himself struggling to keep back tears. There was a lot of courage behind the fox's eyes, but obviously Edward didn't know how to fight back. Sonic made a decision to teach the fox how to do just that.

Edward, however, was trying to decide whether or not to warn Sonic about his horny sister. He decided against it in the end, content to think that Edna was still enraptured with himself and wouldn't pay Sonic any heed. Besides, he still had that dream book to pay Edna back, if she decided to tease OR torture their guest that night.

Gathering up his clothes, Edward headed for the bathroom. Edna's room door was closed as he passed it, and he thought he heard faint moaning sounds. Not all that odd, he thought to himself, except that she usually didn't masturbate when company was over.

Sonic wasn't really all that ready for bed. He rarely slept now-a-days anyway, since Eggman's attacks on Mobius seemed to be more and more frequent, especially during the wee hours of the morning. Sonic wasn't completely sure that ‘ole Eggy hadn't somehow followed him and Shadow into this world.

'Oh shit! I completely forgot about Shadow! Plus I know I spotted a Chaos Emerald in the Principal's office today. He probably already grabbed it... sneaky bastard.' With these thoughts running through his head, he began trying to get himself to relax, stretching out his body in an effort to get ready for bed. Once satisfied with his stretching, he sat on the bed to wait for Edward to finish in the bathroom, so that he could relieve himself before hitting the sack. He was more tired than he had thought, though, for as soon as his quills hit the bed, he sank into the covers and passed out.

A few minutes after Sonic passed out, Edna finally came down from one of the most massive orgasms she had ever received from a masturbatory session. The glass-like toy she had used seemed to glow with an inner silver-colored radiance, and was warm to the touch, even after having been in her bag all day.

See, she had found this large silver gem in the gym, and had taken it with her to a friend during lunch who had access to gem-smithing machines. She asked the friend to shape the gem into a toy...