Absolute Pleasure (part 5)

Story by petorawolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Absolute Pleasure

I was grateful when I was allowed to walk instead of being kept on all fours for the trek to the kitchen. Taking stairs with no experience in being limited like this would have been nearly impossible.

He pointed to the floor and I returned to all fours before he re-clasped the leash to my collar. I don't know why, but I smiled just a bit as the bell and tag jangled. Him petting over my head and neck sent shivers through my entire frame as well.

"OK, bitch, time to give you something more to eat and drink than what comes out of me, huh?" He said with a wink. I only managed to blush more in response.

He tied the end of the leash to the camping crate, but that left me with about 6' of room to move. He fished about in it and produced two of the dog dishes, a bottle of water and to my dismay a bag of Kibbles and Bits. I winced noticeably but he didn't even glance back in my direction. He put one bowl down on the floor in front of me and filled it from the bottle. "The sink can't be installed until after the cabinets are in, which is still a week out. For now you'll be spoiled with bottled water. Although..." He gave a devious sounding chuckle.

I controlled myself as he set the second bowl down, but this took all of my willpower to not protest. I saw it was empty, for now, but waited for the inevitable dog food to fill it. Instead, he began pulling out more supplies; Fresh vegetables that had already been cut up, olive oil and some spices. Then he pulled out a pot that already had a bag of rice in it and another bottle of water.

He seemed incredibly skilled at using a single burner stove. Soon the entire place smelled quite delicious. It took half an hour, but soon he had quite a wealth of rice and sauteed vegetables. It was brave to cook without clothes on! During the entire time he cooked, my eyes kept wandering to the bag. Was this just a test? I wanted to ask but somehow knew there was a continued expectation that I'd not speak.

As it neared completion, he produced a place setting for himself which he also set on the floor, to my surprise. Then again, there was no table, so it made sense. He dished up about 3/4 of it onto his plate before addressing my food bowl. First he put in the rice, then the vegetables. My tail wagged as it looked like I was being spared the dry kibble.

"Ha, don't get your hopes up, girl... we need you to have a completely balanced diet for a dog," He was already pouring the dry chunks out right over the vegetables. Now there was no way to get to them without having to eat the actual dog food. He put the kibble bag away before reaching over and petting my pinned-back ears.

He sat down cross-legged on the floor facing me and picked up his plate and fork, diving right into it. I whined a bit but he seemed to not even hear it, just smiled at me and glanced down at my bowl.

"Ugh," I quietly protested before dipping my nose down to it. Thankfully it smelled of vegetables and rice and very little else. The round lumps of kibble seemed to be too dry to have a smell of their own. I sighed and took a small, tentative nibble, capturing very little beyond one chunk of celery and 2 pieces of the dog food. I chewed as best as I could without letting it hit my tongue. Surprisingly it held little, if any, flavor. I relaxed notic


ably and dared take a normal bite. It really wasn't all that bad so I set about eating with no protest. "Does my girl like eating like a proper puppy? Being kept down on all fours and fed dog food?" His voice had that purring edge to it. I glanced over at his and saw his sheath was no longer hiding him very well. I swallowed hard as I blushed and put my nose back in the bowl.

"You like having your hands all bound up, giving you useless paws and making you helpless to my whims, don't you?" He was making it very difficult to focus and I struggled to control my breathing and remain calm. His words were digging into my psyche somehow. I felt my own shaft press against the torturous device disallowing it from growing to full length.

He finished his plate just as I was nearly done with mine. He set it down next to my bowl. "Guess what you're to do with this?" He then walked out of the room and headed upstairs, leaving me tethered to the cargo box. I knew what he meant, so when I finished the bowl of food, I set to licking his plate clean as if I were a starved dog. I then did the same to my bowl realizing he'd command me to do it regardless. I was now actually rather full despite the vegetarian meal.

I then waited. And waited. I heard nothing except the occasional jingle from my own collar. I had too much time to start thinking about his 'threat' of making me his 'full bitch' as I eyed the stairway, waiting for his return. It felt like forever.

He came down the stairs fully aroused. I whined a bit as all of the fantasy was suddenly a little more exciting than the reality. He looked so big, and those barbs did not look like they'd be kind to me. My ears pinned back a bit and I whined openly.

"Awww, what's the matter, bitch? Aren't you in heat? Of COURSE you are, look at how wet you are!" He strode over and took a grip on my scruff, nicely, but then guided me backwards and downward until my nose was against the soaking wet floor. "Bad girl, did you go poddy indoors or is this ALL from your being in heat?"

I whined loudly as he kept my nose pinned. It only took a second or two before I started licking it up and then he released my scruff. "Such a good girl. Look at how quickly you're becoming my perfectly obedient bitch? And you cleaned our dishes up perfectly too. GOOD girl!" I felt his hands stroking down my sides and back.

He untied the leash when I had gotten the last of the small puddle licked up and gave it a tug. "FINALLY I get to fuck you. Come on, bitch, you're going to love this. Well, maybe not right away, but eventually you'll be begging for it."

I struggled to keep up with him. He kept me on all fours going up the stairs and certainly wasn't being casual in his pace. Back to the bedroom we went where I saw a half dozen of various dildos laid out, a couple looking like a replica of his own shaft. He also had a wide array of leather straps in a jumble along with what looked like a large chew toy. He lead me to the base of his bed before commanding me to roll over.

"First, to make sure you know your place as a nice, quiet bitch." He pushed the loud, squeak bone-shaped chew toy into my paw, wedging it quite a ways back. Once it felt bit-like, he threaded a band of leather through a channel that ran down its center and buckled it behind my head.

"Speak, girl! Tell me you're in heat and want release!" Ack, being reminded of getting release made my body burn. I tried to say anything but my tongue was pinned so it all came out garbled.

"GOOD girl! You can still bark though, can't you?" He gripped his own shaft as he said this. I swallowed and tried, succeeding.

"Louder, bitch. Tell me how bad you want it."

I wanted to groan, but the thought of getting off made me bark as loudly as I could (which actually still remained muffled). My eyes stayed on his cock the entire time, fearing it despite my lustful state of being. Then again, I didn't ever want to be taken by a male, and it was unfortunate that this was going to be the only way he'd let me off. Why was I even letting him do this?

"Goooood girl," He moaned as he stroked himself a few times before returning to the bed and picking up a pair of cuffs. These he wrapped about my ankles, small locks affixing them in place. "I love just how in heat you are, Bitch. Look at your tummy. So soaked..."

I lifted my head as he returned to the bed. I groaned around the toy as I saw he wasn't wrong. I never produced this much before, what the hell!? I let my head drop back down to the ground as he returned with a rod about 3' long. I felt him play with one of the cuffs around my ankle before spreading my legs apart and affixing the other. The bar kept me unable from pulling my legs together.

"Such a slut, look at that, keeping yourself open for any stud that would have you, huh?" His tone grew growly again, no longer just purring. "Now, how do you want to be taken? Should I turn you into a begging animal or like a toy for my use? Bark once for animal and twice for toy."

Wait, what? Toy? What did that even mean? Out of fear I quickly barked one time.

"Mmmm, hungry for my cock, girl? Good..." He returned to the bed and produced the familiar pink satin ribbon and latched my wrists to my collar. He stepped back and looked at me as I laid there, unable to even roll myself over. He stroked himself slowly, his viscous pre now coating his shaft. I swallowed hard as I looked up at him, my gaze alternating between his erection and his eyes. I felt a surge of desire every time I saw those blue eyes, but absolute fear at seeing what he planned to put in me.

He stared at me for a minute before making the next move. He leaned down and picked me up, turning me over as he set my chest on the bed. My paw'd hands tucked under my gagged muzzle. My nose was filled with the scent of leather as he moved the rest of the supplies away from me. Soon I felt something wrap about the mid-point of my tail and tug it up. My collar jingled as he played with it, somehow attaching my tail to it, keeping it up and exposing my hole. I whined loudly.

"Shush, girl. The only noise you're allowed to make now are moans of pleasure and barks. You're my animal now, and you WILL be my obedient, desirous animal. Understood?" His voice was all growl now. I felt my exposed pucker touched by something. It could have been his cocktip or his finger, I wasn't sure which. Unable to moan due to the fear and trepidation, I just fell as quiet as possible.

Then I felt him stroking my back, and then over my ears and muzzle. I wanted to whine so badly. "OK, girl, you're being very good for your Master, aren't you? You want to be a good puppy, right?"

I felt my muscles relax a bit, but then I felt a cool ooze dribble into me. "We need to make you slick. I don't want to ruin my bitch on the first taking, do I?" Another wave of cool goo entered me. My legs, and my hands. twitched as I uncontrollably fought against the bindings. "Hang on, girl, you're doing very good. A very good, obedient girl. So obedient and happy. A horny little bitch that wants to server her Master. Aren't you? You want to make your Master happy, don't you?"

He stroked my back and sides as he spoke. I felt my body relax again as I listened to him speak. He leaned off to the side and I could see him put down some kind of large tube, almost like a turkey baster, except it had a plunger that was now fully pushed down. A thick string dangled from the end of it, slowly drooping down to a blanket he had laid on the bed.

Then I felt that now-freed paw slowly slide under my abdomen and grab the silicone chastity device. I moaned out loud, and loudly, the second he touched me. "You're so wet, girl..." He said as he slowly came down over me, his chest landing on my back gently. My moaning stopped, but his squeezing didn't. He squeezed, relaxed. Squeezed and relaxed. Soon I was moaning again as I felt myself finally growing more and more excited. Sure, it was hard to really feel much of anything, but when it was squeezed it at least came through!

"Goooood girl. Bark for me..." I was quick with that bark! "Again, slut." I didn't care at all what he called me at this point, I barked! "Such a good girl... A good girl for her Master. You like pleasing your Master, don't you?" I barked loudly again.

He shifted a bit and then pulled his hand away from teasing me. I almost whined but stopped myself. I was rewarded by his other hand taking a grip from the other side. Oh, how I moaned. I had thought he'd stop and leave me needing release. His other paw slowly wrapped around the top of my muzzle. My own pre dribbling into my fur. "Look how horny you are, girl..." He wiped some of it on my jaw before sliding a few of his digits across my tongue. "So hungry for being taken, aren't you?"

I finally couldn't take it any longer. I blushed hard at the sound of my own moaning, but I moaned in response whether I wanted to or not.

That's when I felt it. I knew where both of his hands were so that only left one thing now spreading my ass open. My moaning stopped and he stopped. Well, stopped pushing into me but kept toying with my muzzle and my trapped cock. "Moan for me when you want more, bitch."

I winced. What a trap! I waited a few seconds before tentatively moaning and he started sliding in deeper. Now at least a full inch in. I could feel what was obviously the barbs. My ring hurt a little, but they really didn't add any pain. I hadn't realized my moan had halted so I offered another. Another inch into me.

"You're getting fucked like any other bitch in heat... Do you like that?" He asked as he massaged my trapped member. I couldn't even keep quiet if I wanted to. Those words turned me on to a new level and I moaned openly. I was 'rewarded' with another inch. "Keep moaning, slut, I want to hear how much you love your Master screwing you."

Inch after inch slid into me as I kept up the moaning. Soon he was in entirely, all 8". He stopped massaging me at that point and put both of his hands on either side of my neck. "Keep moaning, girl. Be a good girl for your Master."

I wanted to whine so badly but I felt compelled to do as he commanded so I did the best I could at faking a moan. He started to slide out.

I had THOUGHT the barbs were nothing, but as he retreated from my body they were FAR more obvious. My moan halted instantly, but he didn't. He pulled out at least half of the way before stopping. "You're being such a good girl. A VERY good puppy. Keep it up, girl... Moan for me..." His voice was filled with lust, desire and a throaty purr. He let one hand slowly pet over my muzzle, up between my eyes and down the back of my head.

I started moaning again and this time managed to keep doing it as he retreated entirely. My hole burned, but not too terribly. The barbs felt more like bumps than anything sharp. He wasn't going to make me bleed, which made me relax considerably.

His hand was back to my trapped member as he pushed in. I moaned sincerely again that time! Even as he pulled out, he kept the grip going. Soon he was going in and out of me at a slow pace.

"You like being my bitch, don't you?" He purred down at me as he gave an extra firm squeeze. I moaned my acknowledgement. "No no, girl, you bark to say 'yes', remember." I barked. Another firm squeeze. Ugh, I could actually FEEL my body finally getting close. My brain was already far gone down the path to needing orgasmic bliss.

Now he sped up the pace and removed his paw, placing the pre-coated digits around my muzzle again. "You're my bitch, aren't you? Master wants his bitch to be happy..." I barked! Oh YES I wanted to be happy. He bucked hard at my bark and slowly took a grip on my scruff instead this time. "Keep moaning, bitch, I'm going to cum in you. Think of your reward, girl..."

Oh how I needed to cum! I moaned as loud as the gag would let me. Soon he was thrusting hard enough and heavily enough that each time he shoved down, it pressed the silcone trap against the bed hard enough where I could feel it. This only caused me to moan louder! So close!!

"MOAN, bitch!" He commanded and I moaned as loud as I could. He then shoved in again and I felt the first spill of semen enter my body as he joined me in the moaning. His grip on my scruff got a bit painful as I felt the second wave. Then a third wave. And it kept going and going. My moans grew quieter, as did his, until he finally grew quiet before lowering his head down next to mine.

"Such a good girl," He whispered into my ear before giving it a gentle lick. I felt dizzy and... good. It felt so good to hear him praise me. He licked my ear a couple of more times before dipping his head down further and began licking around the gag, to some degree french kissing me. I closed my eyes and tried to return the kiss.

He shifted around a bit, his cock spilling a little more as I felt the large member keeping me spread open. He undid the bindings of the chew toy and let it drop out of my muzzle. I wanted to thank him but he was burying his tongue into my maw. This time my moan was definitely sincere as I kissed him back.

He let me enjoy that for a while before standing back up. I felt him grip my sides and then ever so slowly begin to pull out. Just before I felt the last of him escape me he said, "OK, girl, I need you to clench really tightly. Trap all of my semen inside of you.."

I did as I was told and then felt his pointy tip slowly slip out of me. Even though I clenched, I could feel some of it dribble down my inner thigh. I thought we were done but then I felt him poking at me again, then forcing his way in despite my clenching. Inch after inch until he was buried. I stopped trying to clench as it felt like he had grown. "GOOD girl... such a good girl, accepting her Master's cock so easily. You like that, don't you girl? It feels good to obey your Owner, doesn't it?"

His words swam around in my head and I nodded feebly. But then I felt him play with the very base of my tail. This snapped me back to sanity again. Then his grip went up between my legs and he rolled me onto my back. I was shocked as I now wondered what was in me if not him. However, this also exposed my (soaked) trapped member and my ears perked up in hope of FINALLY getting the release I needed!

Instead, he was finishing essentially trapping whatever was in me in place. He wrapped it about the base of my cock and behind my balls, joining the chastity device. Again, a small lock joined the one trapping my shaft.

"Since you loved my cock so much, you get to have one up under your tail a lot of the time now. Does that make my pretty puppy happy?" He looked as though he had just told me I had won the lottery. I gave him a pleading look, praying he would just squeeze me a few more times. I gave a tiny questioning bark. Just one, so it was still a yes, relatively.

He stroked my muzzle and cheeks before leaning back down and kissing me some more. "GOOD girl. Now, you've earned a second one even." He didn't even give me time to open my eyes before I felt a rubber rod pushing into my maw, spreading it open. I looked down and saw one of his own replicas being pushed in. I wanted to protest but knew better. Once it was fully in, I could barely breathe as it poked so deep. He leaned over and grabbed a normal fabric dog muzzle and slid it over my own. It only fit after he tugged and struggled with it, finally clasping it behind my head.

"Whew... ok, girl, you can say anything you like..." His toothy grin unnerved me.

"PLEASE let me cum," I tried to beg but I wasn't even able to make a noise beyond a quiet hum. "Uhhhh," is all I managed.

"What's that, girl? You're tired?" He teased. I shook my head violently. No WAY was he going to leave me this pent up! I'd never sleep!

"Awwww, ok, I guess I'll play with my princess some more in the morning then," He got off the bed and cleared away the rest of the devices. I tugged hard at the satin ribbon trying frantically to get a leather-clad paw free, but the damn stuff was way too strong and I couldn't get leverage. I struggled to slip a hind paw free but he had them secured too well. Soon he was tugging the covers out from under me.

"OK, girl. Well, I hope you sleep well. When we get up in the morning, you'll get to learn how to please your Master first thing. Then we'll take you for walkies. Then we will figure out how we'll bring you to work. Doesn't that sounds like fun?!" His tone was as if he were literally speaking to a dumb animal. He pulled the covers up to my neck. I shook my head, practically crying now as I felt my pulse pounding in my trapped shaft as well as my full anus. He then crawled into the bed with me and licked my ear as he gave the silicone a firm rubbing. I moaned as loud as the gag allowed but it was barely audible.

"Good night, Bitch," he purred before turning out the single light.