KS: National Service

Story by Zwoosh on SoFurry

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#10 of Kaiser Studios: Presents

Our boys on the front line can often spend a fair deal of time away from their loved ones - and lovers. It's only natural then they find ways of relieving themselves to ease off tension and riled up testosterone. But even then, maybe a paw just doesn't match the same feel of something warm and wet wrapped around your meat. Maybe trying to spice things up for yourself isn't cutting it. Maybe you turn to the very men you call brothers and ask them for a helping paw that you'd offer to return in kind. Whether you just love a man in uniform, or you like the idea of getting reamed by an authority figure in all the right ways, or maybe even you just want to see some massive weapons shoot, unload, and spray all over the place. Come visit the barracks where everyone's enlisted to a bit of 'national service'...

Commission for MichaelBD

Characters belong to their respective owners

"Why did we agree to do this?"

Michael looked across at his husband, who sat somewhat stiffly in the chair he'd been given since they'd arrived on set. The Alsatian himself leaned against one of the tables, perched upon its edge, with his arms folded. It felt silly really, being back in a military environment, as inaccurate as it was, crudely fashioned from the bowels of woodland camp. When this place wasn't being rented out by Kaiser Studios, he knew it was a family holiday resort for intrepid wilderness aficionados. Goodness knows what they'd do once they realised that men were about to rut and breed each other where they and their camping buddies all gathered round to sing songs and build lasting memories.

"Because it's a change of pace," He informed the equine, dismissing the question weakly. They'd already discussed this. John was merely getting cold hooves - that was all.

"Is that a good reason to be filmed - for random strangers to see?"

"You said you wanted to see what we looked like." John snorted.

"I was thinking more of a mirror."

"This is cheaper, technically - a_nd_ more fun."

The stallion rolled his eyes, and returned to silent brooding. It had taken much persuasion on the dog's behalf to get his partner to agree to the shoot. It had been an odd turn of events. Whilst retired from service, they ran a construction company which worked on plenty of sites across the country. However, rumours had spread amongst some of the workers that one of the men on site moonlighted as a porn star. Naturally, this had the whole project buzzing with behind the scenes gossip when backs were turned and people thought nobody was looking or listening in, but it spread like wildfire. It wasn't until Michael himself had been contacted by a man calling himself Kaiser asking to meet privately. The rumours had turned out to be true; a pig who would remain nameless did indeed perform some part-time work for his adult studios when not working his day job. The dog saw nothing wrong with the male running two jobs - the economy had been rough on everyone and if he had mouths to feed, then who could blame him - but it had sparked his interest. Whilst agreeing to have the other builders stop harassing the swine whilst he worked, the Alsatian had become transfixed. Never before had he had dealings with anything as lewd as pornography. Sure, he, like many men, had seen it all before, and time away had honed that need for release to the point where he'd reached out to John for mutual relief. He wasn't prude like that, but here was an opportunity to poke his head inside the factory and look at its inner workings.

As the Kaiser had left his office that day on site, the Alsatian had rallied his husband, proposing to him the same offer the red dragon had left him with. A series of new films were being brought out, and their backgrounds could provide some very helpful and convenient realism to the final product.

John had, of course, been a little apprehensive. They weren't an entirely closed couple, but they had rarely strayed from the norm. Sex for them was still romantic and intimate, but it never bordered past the vanilla. Filming themselves doing it, let alone with an added third in the mix, presented too shady a dynamic and went into too much kinkiness for the horse. It had taken some bargaining for him to come around, but even then he wasn't truly committed to the idea. As he sat brooding across from the Alsatian, he wondered whether or not he'd have the determination to even follow through with the deal. They had signed however. What could they do though, if he walked out? Sue him for wasted time? He couldn't have cared less.

A commotion from the far end of the set roused their attention, and both looked up in unison to see somebody new enter the room. Unlike everyone else who scurried about like frantic bugs, this new arrival carried himself with a swagger of assertion. It was difficult to ignore him. If it weren't for his loud personality or exuding charm as he shamelessly flirted with crew members as he sauntered on set, then his appearance was just as striking. A large silver ring was pierced through his nose, with stretched lobes for his ears; even as a bull, with the decorated horns, he made a very impressive image. What tied it together though was the form-fitting uniform - or at least the semblance of one, though it didn't look authentically traditional - which wrapped up the 'bad boy' arrogance he commanded. It might have been cheesy and cringe-worthy, he had their attention; though neither of them looked shocked, Michael and John didn't turn their heads away as the bull walked up to them, already extending his paw in their direction,

"Sorry I'm late, I'm making a real bad habit of it these days," he laughed off, first going for the dog, then the stallion, "You two must be those cute army dudes I've been hearing about; I'm Roy."

"You heard about us?" John snorted blankly, returning to folding his arms. The bull didn't miss a beat, casually pushing aside the horse's indifference,

"The damn mutt ain't shut up about you two. I can't blame him really. It's much better to work with the real deal than try to imitate it all. I got massive respect for you two." Roy put his paw to his chest, over where his heart would be, "Seriously, a real honour." John softened, if only imperceptibly to all but his partner, but Michael picked up the conversation,

"That's good to hear," he replied in a levelled tone, shooting the stallion and warning glance, "We've been having doubts over this ever since it was arranged. Some of us feel it's a bit too... well, much."

"Sweetie, all porn is too much," Roy chuckled, becoming remarkably coy and frank, particularly for someone built and decorated like he was, looking as though he'd walked out of a tattoo parlour, "That's why it sells. But trust me; you don't want to do something? We don't do it. It's one thing to fake it, it's another to endure."

"See? We can always back out." John chimed in, but the bull shushed him quickly,

"However..." he added with just a drawl to his voice, "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Some people think it's creepy and sleazy, which maybe it is, but think about it. You're gonna be making plenty of men and maybe the odd girl jealous on screen. They're gonna want to be you, to meet you, to wish they were there right there and then, and you can sit back knowing that you're desired, even as a couple, and from then on, who gives a fuck what people think? We all do things we're not proud of, but only if we let ourselves feel that way. I'm sure as veterans you know that feeling. It doesn't have to be pride, but it can be closure."

John and Michael shared a knowing glance. The bull might have skirted round the point, but he was striking home in some respects. They had both seen a fair amount, endured the remnants of those memories, and then beyond; it did chalk up to the same principle that why couldn't they do something for once that was just for them? It would satisfy an itch, prove to them that it was either a good or bad thing, but that it doesn't have to go any further than just the one time. John didn't say anything, but the stallion was fighting some inner confliction, something which didn't go amiss with the canine. He waited for the horse to come to a decision, smiling apologetically to Roy as John made up his mind. Normally the Alsatian would have just taken charge and dragged John along with him, but this was tricky. Michael would lead outside the bedroom, but inside... that was John's domain. This was a blurring of the two, which complicated things...

"Alright!" He blurted abruptly, sparking both Roy's and Michael's attention, "Fine, let's just... try, okay? If I don't like it though..."

"We'll stop, it's fine."


Roy clapped his paws together, beaming a wolfish grin,

"So... you guys want to put something on? Take stuff off? I mean, Martin is willing to let you do what you want pretty much so long as you stick to the plot."

"And what is the plot?" Michael asked, shrugging off his jacket and draping it across the table he'd been sitting against. The bull gave a large roll of his shoulders, expression blank,

"All he's told me so far is that you two are sneaking off to fuck each other behind the barracks whilst I interrupt and things get raunchy from there." Without more to say, he turned on a hoof, and stride off to the set before any more questions could be made. Michael glanced across to his slightly peeved mate, only able to offer him his own shrug as he began to shed any excess clothing. The set they were in was well heated, not to the point that it made it unbearable for everyone else, but it didn't leave the actors in the cold. Goosebumps were not a very attractive feature, especially on film. The Alsatian had half expected to be rigged up with mock uniforms, a make-up artist to come over and do their fur, to address their appearance, but no such thing happened. As he undid his belt to his pants, kicking off his boots, and stripped down to just his underwear, barely anyone seemed to react, aside from the odd look of curiosity. Michael was the first to get down to the near buff, whilst John followed reluctantly behind until he too was left in nothing but a jockstrap. It earned him a bemused raise of an eyebrow from his husband,

"What?" he said, returning the blank shrug which seemed to be contagious, "I didn't know if I'd be filming or not. I wanted to make sure I'd look good if I was..." Michael had to laugh, if only to himself. Part of him suspected that John maybe wanted this just as much as he did, if only in some deep corner of the horse's self.

As they wandered onto the set, the horse hovering just behind and over the shoulder of his lover, they were given a first look at where they'd be taking off their jocks and baring it all for a camera. It was a relatively decent reconstruction to what they might have been used to whilst serving. A little dissimilar to the actual stuff since where they were now was much larger, cleaner, and less cramped, but it chalked up pretty well to their memory. It had been designed to mimic some empty bunkers, with bunk beds lined up along the furthest wall. Naturally one side was missing the cots, but that was because it had been excised already to give the crew freedom to move about, to alter the shots they were taking, and to let light flood in which would stop the recording from looking too dark or grainy. It shouldn't turn out that way anyway; Michael had caught glimpses of the equipment they were using. Top of the range gear like that can't have come cheap. It made him feel like he and John would have to deliver an exceptional performance, to go above and beyond what they might have done in the bedroom and really impress people. It was hard to try and quantify their skill in the bedroom. They could be vicious fuckers when they wanted to be, often getting rough enough to probably wake up the neighbourhood - though thankfully since moving out to the country that was no longer an issue. But it still begged the question as to whether their romps were quality material.

"You ready?" Roy said aloud as the rest of the crew who hadn't already scarpered made themselves scarce, clearing the set off none essential members aside from the guys lifting immense looking boom mics and the cameramen as well. Michael smiled but it was John who cut to the answer first,

"As we'll ever be."

"Best get out of those things then, and just warm up however you feel like it - I'll be through that door." He pointed to the far side, to where the supposed entrance might be. The bull looked through the bright lights and listened to someone speaking off set, the accent British and rambling on about some kind of script, but it mattered little to the couple. They merely stood there, regarding one another through fleeting looks in the periphery as the gravity was beginning to dawn on them. How exactly would they warm up? John would take charge, surely, but then what would be deemed suitable enough content that warmed them up, and what would be considered downright lame for the shoot? Kissing, for example, was a normal enough way to get the flame lit, but then where to go from there? Michael was debating whether to go for the lewd open grope of the horse or to try and play it more subtly, like grinding up against the male.

As Roy disappeared off, shutting the door behind him gently, he left the dog and the horse on the stage alone, standing there somewhat gormlessly. Michael half-expected to be shouted at or scalded for not acting sooner, but no such insult came. The air was knocked from his lungs when he suddenly felt John lurch at him, pinning him against one of the walls, lips locking with his own forcefully. He barely had a moment to adjust before he felt the familiar thick muscle pushing at his muzzle and demanding entrance. Moaning with genuine pleasure, Michael parted his mouth and was invaded by his husband's intrusive tongue, feeling it explore and conquer what it had already met before. Sharp tastes of his lover's regular flavours bled across his buds and reminded him of whom he truly committed to. It was impossible not to blush, backed up against a wall with his mate's weight and size pressing up against him, looming over him like something possessed, hungry muzzles working together and greedily taking the others tongue as they made out. The Alsatian had no idea how it might have looked on camera, but really it was no different to how any smutty night started. One devilish kiss and he was putty in the horse's paws.

He decided it might be best to go for the open grope. It'd look much better on camera than if he were to hump away at the horse - it wouldn't send the right message either. His paws ran up along the frame of his lover, fingers tracing along the solid curve of his waist, cupping the muscles of his chest before snaking around his arms. Michael groaned into the horse's mouth, feeling the weight push further onto him, as he rubbed paws along the straining back. It was clear John was into it just as much as the Alsatian was, if not more so, as the dog soon felt a tell-tale bulge pressing at his stomach. He let it go ignored for now as John would make sure the canine knew when it needed attention, and instead focused in the sweaty, heavy scents that engulfed him. His husband was by no means unhygienic, but he had that aroma... the sticky, musky smell that screamed of manliness. Forget cologne and shampoos; whenever Michael got the chance to just bask in his lover's stench, it was paradise. The heat of the lights and close quarters action left them both warmed up, impossible to neglect the other's hotness, and so the smell grew stronger with each passing moment. The dog was almost sad that such a thing couldn't be caught on camera or captured on film. It was simply divine, which was the viewer's loss.

The stallion changed moods quickly though. From passionate kisses, he turned to sneaky, dominant nips along the dog's neck. It was a subtle way of making sure Michael knew his place in all this, one paw eventually being put against shoulder and forcing him to kneel as it pushed down. John took a step back, his free paw going to his crotch to grope at his restrained meat whilst he watched his mate bend down, crouching low to the ground until his knees were pressing against the floor. Their heights worked out perfectly, so that when the horse stood up, his junk was positioned like a ripe fruit, ready for the dog to reach forward and pick from his supple groin with his lips. The outline of his cock and his fat nuts filled out the already scantily clad crotch, perfect for the camera which didn't waste time in getting to Michael's level, peering over his shoulder with a glassy lens pointed right at the horse's endowment. As John hooked his thumb over the waistband, yanking it down and pulling the whole thing behind his balls to keep everything out in the open, the heavy dick sprung forward. Somewhere between rock hard and firming up, it still retained its fleshy feel as it slapped against the dog's cheek. Michael couldn't help but blush. Even as much as the man he liked to be and feel, it brought him great pleasure when he knew his lover could see him like this, on his knees and ready with a waiting mouth to please him. The monster bobbed a little at the stallion's slight movements, but eventually the canine found the bloated head, dribbling already, and gave it a sultry kiss, lapping up the errant drop of his lover's seed. The flavour, something he'd grown quite accustomed to, was mildly bitter, with a very potent aftertaste that wasn't unpleasant, but very strong on his tongue. For Michael, it was just a sign he was doing well, and he opened his mouth fully to let the first inch slide in. Years of taking his husband had trained him well through repetition, allowing him to slide further down the shaft with such ease. When they'd first met, it had barely been half the cock before he'd end up gagging and choking, sputtering off the member just to take a breath, but here it slipped up to half of John's length into his maw without even batting an eye. The leathered texture pushed against his cheeks, stretching his jaw as wide as it could go until the blunt head tapped at the back of his throat. It was here that he might have choked were he younger, less experienced, but levering his body forwards, angling his neck to line up with his head, he pushed further onto John's shaft. The fattening head plunged deeper into the dog's throat, a small, unmistakable bulge pressing against the gullet where the flare was too large. Michael might have reached up to stroke his nape, just to feel where his lover was, but the camera was already taking care of that, documenting the fact that he was deep-throating a horse with an impressive member.

He didn't stop until the balls had tapped his chin. It was customary to either go all out or to not bother at all, Michael had found. The euphoria it brought him from successfully taking his husband in one gulp was unmatched, even though every muscle in his face would ache the day after - the price to pay for quality treatment. The musky taste of his mate's cock did not go amiss, the delicious flesh providing him with a potent sample of the flavours that had been smeared all along the shaft, trapped within its sheath as arousal had grew. Michael would have licked his lips to savour the taste were his mouth not full of the cock responsible, sucking along every inch as he pulled his head back. John kept an encouraging paw on the side of his husband's head, neither pushing nor pulling the dog away from him, but content to hold the side of his face and skull, letting Michael do his work. The warm mouth wrapped around his dick brought a smile too his lips, his eyes closed and head leant back enjoying the sensation of that welcoming tongue sliding along his shaft. Soon it would have been impossible to ignore the sounds of his wet lips slurping across the thick cock, the member now throbbing at an almost painful hardness within his lover's maw. But above these sounds, was the obnoxious, obvious sound of hoofsteps clomping against the ground; purposefully so, as though the owner of such hooves was dumb and lumbering along with heavy weight. Without warning, the door burst open, rattling upon its hinges.

Roy stood there, his fist enclosed around the handle and tightening until his knuckles were white. Michael glanced out of the corner of his eye to look at the bull, the camera following his gaze to the man who hung at the threshold, jaw dropped and eyes wide. For a porn-star, he was certainly a good actor, because the look of shock and rage on his expression seemed genuine enough to the point that it might have actually been real were it not for the absurdity of the scenario. Still, the man's presence didn't stop the dog from continuing to blow the stallion. Michael did have a fleeting moment of sudden panic, a natural reaction to have when put into a vulnerable position sucking off another guy, more so when it's in a supposed military environment - something he'd dealt with for many years - but the fear was quickly dismissed as John's paw tightened at his head, forcing him to carry on swallowing the length without pause.

"What the... what the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Roy's anger was evident in his tone, voice raised, already getting his heckles up and buffing himself to be bigger in size. He rivalled the horse, but John didn't back down, acting casually as he let his husband guzzle his member,

"Getting a blowjob, what else does it look like?"

"You can't fucking do that!" The bull was stepping up to John; Michael had a brief thought that Roy might even try to take a swing at the horse, though it wouldn't be with any conviction, not unless he'd been told to hold nothing back.

"Why not?" John's tone was plain and unimpressed at face value, but cold and cutting against the tension.

"Because... it's fucking gross! Don't ask, don't tell, you faggot piece o' shit!" Roy was right in John's face, the veins upon his neck bulging as fury burnt through his blood, "I ain't serving with some fairy homos!"

"Says the guy who I saw bending over backwards for the sergeant not two days ago?" Roy's face faltered. Michael was confused. He didn't realise how well his husband could improvise under pressure, "Don't think I didn't hear you moo like a little bitch when I was passing by his window." A furious, embarrassed blush seeped across the bull's face. It was pretty damn good acting, something which the Alsatian would have to watch later as his kneeling perspective didn't put him in an ideal place to see John bat the man down - the camera however was soaking up the scene.

"You lying fucker..."

"I could be lying, but then again I could just make a passing remark to a fellow officer, and then he goes and tells his friends, then he goes and tells his friends, and then the whole battalion knows that we should grab the bull by the ass and not his horns..." Michael's ears pinned back. He'd seen the stallion's ruthlessness time and time before when they'd first met out in service. It was no surprise to him to see John defuse a situation with such callous brutality that the victim had no choice but to back down and let it slide. He could hear the quivering uncertainty and hesitation in Roy's voice - another testament to his skills as an actor and not just a cock and ass to fuck - when he spoke again, meek and quiet,

"What do you want?"

"If you keep your trap shut, then I'll keep mine shut too, and we won't have any problems with each other." The dog looked up, his nose pushing into his lover's fur, balls swaying at his chin and spittle dribbling at the edge of his lips. He could just about see the bull's face, a look of wavering indecision on his snout,

"I want more though..." John scoffed, but he was cut off, "Or else I can just as easily go round spreading your little secret too just as well..." Silenced by the stalemate, the horse was silent, and all that filled the air were the sounds of Michael's mouth slurping against leathered meat. The stench of musk was heavy in the air, the bull's nostrils flaring as he took a few deep breaths of the stuff. His crotch had already been bulging before, but now it twitched, the member lying beneath wishing to be free to join the party. Roy didn't waste time in proposing a counter offer, "Let me have fun with your friend down there... and we'll call it a deal."

John looked down at the dog suckling on his cock, then back up to the bull, as if weighing up the options he had. The Alsatian knew, in a small part of himself, that the decision wouldn't be up to him. His husband would have to give the green light.

Pulling back his member, the stallion took a small step back until the bloated head popped free from the dog's lips. Michael blushed, watching as a thin line of dribble dangled from the blunt tip between them. He could feel the heat radiating off of the member, taunting him to lick and lap at the leaking head; Roy wasted no time in beginning to strip down to just his underwear like the other men, sporting himself a near identical jockstrap that was a size too small. He gave himself an open healthy grope, his other paw brushing over the taut flesh of his stomach. Michael caught a glimpse of the bull's personal decorations, seeing inked lines and patterns run all across his front. It was a little alternative to his tastes, but it mattered little - so long as he had a cock and was willing to improvise between the couple, he couldn't have cared less.

John moved to one side to let the bull have better access to his mate's open and waiting mouth. Watching with hazy eyes, Michael looked up as Roy approached him, his fingers picking at his waistband and levering down his jock. Much like his husband, the bull's member was already firm, slapping out to bounce in the air. Whilst perhaps not as large as the stallion's, suffering through natural genetics, it was the intimidating silver ring that was slipped through the head that caught the dog's attention most. Having little experience with piercings, it was somewhat of a shock to the Alsatian as he saw that glinting metal winking at him with a glimmer, shining with pre, and weighing down the engorged head of the cock. A small ball bearing was trapped within the ring, tying off the piercing and leaving the bull with a very unreal look. Michael leant his head forward, opening his muzzle wider as Roy fed him his dick. The metal touched his tongue first; the heat was a remarkable surprise. He had almost expected it to be cold, much like a doctor's tools, but instead Michael was greeted with body-temperate warmth. Its rigidness though was not lost on him. Unlike the meat that followed after it, the ring was hard and he couldn't just forget about it. It slid along his throat, jangling against his cheeks and teeth. Whilst it might not be uncomfortable, it was an unusual feeling, but it didn't deter the canine from treating the bull to just as good a blow job as he'd given John. He put his mind to trying not to fixate too much upon the Prince Albert that tickled his throat and did his best to slather every inch he could with his rasping tongue. He could hear Roy let out a soft grunt each time Michael downed the bull in one flourish. With every swirl of his tongue, he slurped at the fleshy member, a sweeter taste flashing across his buds each time he did, the hints of lube tainting the flavour. Roy was growling in lust, a paw stroking at the side of the dog's head in what might have been affectionate, were it not for the peeling iron fingers that dug through the fur. A second paw clamped upon the other side of the Alsatian's head, making Michael glance over to the other side of him - perhaps Roy was about to fuck his face?

He followed the arm up to the horse, the sight surprising him slightly. As he carried on sucking on the bull's length, the thick organ throbbing in his muzzle, he watched his husband lean across and muffled Roy's moans with a deep kiss, his tongue diving into the fellow male's muzzle. They made out hungrily as the dog was occupied with blowing the male, his tongue sliding across every pulsing inch. He could feel tiny humps being made by the bull who was getting lost in the moment, a camera not failing to swing around them all, making sure to put every detail down on film.

It was John though who took yet more initiative. As he broke away from Roy's mouth, he looked down, both men staring with lusty eyes at the kneeling dog. The stallion was still nursing his member, its drooling head begging for more attention. Michael expected to alternate between the two and that the bull would just have to go without having his dick lathered with a needy tongue, but his husband had other intentions. With his maw stretched wide and already stuff with half of Roy's cock, the horse pushed his blunt tip at the overworked lips. His eyes widened, the dog not quite believing what was happening, but as John pressed his meat into his muzzle, he had to go with the flow; it was some strain, but nothing that was totally uncomfortable. As the two dicks slid into his stretched maw, Michael reached down with his paws to grope his swollen crotch, moaning softly as both men pushed into him. As the bull pulled his cock back, the ring dragging against his throat, he felt his mate push in, his fat dick replacing the empty space soon after. It would get to the point where Michael would be nearly choking, bile threatening to gurgle up, but he wasn't given much choice as the two studs fucked his mouth. The urge was quelled with dribbling cock, the thick flavour of male juices coating every inch of his maw until it was impossible to taste anything else. With both the canine's cheeks bulging, throat filling with meat that fought for the victory of stuffing his neck full of its shaft, it was hard not to blush out of horny embarrassment as a lens circled to Michael's face. It stayed there, watching as his face was used like a teenager's favourite fuck toy on a dull evening. Even as both men grunted and growled, leaving the dog to helpless stroke himself inside his jockstrap and whine with an overfilled maw, it kept its fixed gaze upon him, recording every cum-inducing second.

Michael was given a moment to breathe as both men pulled out, their cocks making a satisfying slurp, spit dripping from their fat inches. The dog panted slightly, gaining back working function of his lungs as both guys started to absently glide their paws along their soaked lengths, leering down at him with unspoken intentions. There was nothing to be done except wait for either one of them to decide what to do next with their little dog; remarkably again it was John who spoke up, once more surprising the canine for his husband's sudden shift to dominating instigator after all his reluctance,

"Want a go at his ass?" He addressed the bull, "I bet that ring of yours will make him squeal in ways I've never even heard."

"You're gonna give me a free pass?" Roy quipped back, his dick throbbing unmistakably at the thought of pounding the poor Alsatian into submission across one of the cots. But the stern and powerful stare from the horse had him falter,

"'Course not. It comes with its price... depends if you want to pay up." The bull's expression said it all, something the camera sought fit to capture. He was weighing up his options, looking down at the willing and wanting dog at their hooves, then back to the stallion whose stormy face hid the questionable cost of fucking his mate's ass. As if the internal conflict was difficult to decide, Roy kept up the act for several seconds more until he took a sharp breath,

"Alright, fine." He looked to Michael, "You better be the best lay of my life."

"Trust me; he is," John smirked, stepping back and helping his lover to his footpaws. Unsteadily Michael rose up, and then walked over to the nearest bed. As he walked, he sashayed his way out of his underwear, letting them drop to the floor before he kicked them off and away with a small flick. He stood proudly nude, his shaft slipping free from his sheath, already half exposed and bearing soft pink flesh to the cool air. It glistened with the wetness of pre, his arousal clear to all who would be watching, and more of his cock pushed itself out into the open, his knot swelling inside its fuzzy confines. Raising his tail, he tried to be as enticing as possible to both men, giving them a glimpse of his gently curved cheeks with the promise of plundering what lay beneath the soft fur. Behind him came a low groan of appreciation, though which man that was, he didn't know. Part of him liked not knowing.

Roy followed him over, letting the canine bend himself over the bed and plant his paws and elbows against the fake sheets - the material was cheap and thin underneath his fingers, but he clung onto it all the same, balling it up in his fists as though preparing for his hole to be split open. Biting his bottom lip as the camera swung about them, he feigned hesitant innocence as heavy paws clamped down upon either cheek, kneading the tender flesh beneath the palms and massaging them until he had the dog arching his back. Michael moaned quietly as he felt hot breath wash over his cleft, then a wet tongue dive in between the cheeks' crevice, writhing towards the hole. A slathered tongue, studded with yet another piercing, wormed its way past his rim and flexed with ease inside the dog's tight rear. Expertly it licked and lapped at the enveloping hole, Roy dove in deep with no holding back, sampling the dog's ass, its scents and tastes bleeding across his senses. Occasionally he'd moan with his snout stuffed into the Alsatian's crack, letting everyone know just how much he was enjoying making Michael squirm upon the bed until his hole was loosened up and ready for fucking.

Pulling his mouth free from the canine's ass, breathing a heavy gulp of fresh air, Roy shuffled up to the edge of the bed. He held the dog's rear in one paw, prising apart the buttocks to reveal the wet, open hole that was ripe for ploughing. Michael was fidgeting in nervous anticipation, waiting for the moment where the bull would begin to shove in his long hard inches. His breathing hitched when the solid metal of the Prince Albert gently scraped along his pink rim; he shivered, knowing that Roy's member would inevitably follow. The alien sensation of having that piercing slip around his hole was nothing matched to what soon followed, as the bull began to push in his cock. The Prince Albert was first engulfed by his flesh, sucking it in with ease, but the shape threw him off. It had him genuinely clumping the sheets, as he wondered how it feel sliding deeper, pushing apart his walls, catching upon his prostate...

Roy grunted hard as his head poked against the hole, applying more pressure until he felt resistance give way. The dog shuddered as his body was penetrated, spread open wide as the fat bull cock began to push into him. His walls were forced wide, the member sliding deep into him with one single push. Michael whimpered at the slight discomfort, gritting his teeth together until Roy had pushed himself fully into him. He let out a low hiss when the bull's fat orbs knocked against his own; the piercing sat deep within him, not quite reaching the depths that John could, but enough to make sure he knew it was there. Whilst warm, it touched every wrinkle inside him and waited, as Roy pushed himself deep against the dog's backside, growling out in lust,

"Fuck..." he drawled, paws grabbing at Michael's waist to pull the canine onto him. His lap was flush with the dog's rump, cock buried deep into the warm hole that hugged his meat with a firm grip. Leaning himself forward, he let his member lie and bask in the hot guts that wrapped around his shaft, feeling every inch caressed by Michael's rear.

He pulled back, sliding back his length from the dog, eliciting a drawn out grunt as thick meat pulled against the dog's innards. Michael gasped as the Prince Albert tapped against his prostate, jabbing it with a bizarre touch that had a fast jolt of pleasure and discomfort shoot up along his spine. It had his fur and tail standing on end, his nerves zapped with the fleeting touch of the modification. It was somewhat intoxicating, as he could feel the metal slide along his walls until it was nestled with the drooling head just at the inside of his entrance. The soft pulse in Michael's rim matched up nicely to the thumping throbs of Roy's cock, each surge hardening the flesh momentarily, enough to leave the dog with the sensation of being stretched beyond belief. Perhaps the bull made up for girth than he did for length, having just a touch of thickness than his mate.

The push in was easier, though by no means subdued in its effects; Michael let out a silent gasp, mouth open but the noise failing to come from his throat. The wind was pressed out of his lungs as the fat bull cock slid into him, ring scraping through his insides until it ground against his prostate. His cock twitched and dribbled between his thighs, untouched as Roy took a hold of his waist and pulled Michael back onto him. The Alsatian bucked his hips as he felt his ass fill up with swollen dick, grunting as he felt the male bottom out. Heavy orbs batted against his cheeks, the nuts almost certainly swirling with cum that begged to be unleashed, flooded into the waiting rump that was now impaled upon the member. As Roy began to pull out, the familiar heat of every inch tugged at the walls, drawing the ass back out with it. The dog shuddered, pushing his head against the sheets with a grimace on his face - for as euphoric as it was the initial few strokes would always be the worst, particularly for someone as large as the man behind him. But it was temporary, something he was thankful for, and as the camera took a shot of his face, his expression slowly melted from enduring tolerable pain into orgasmic bliss. Roy set up a rhythm fairly quickly once it had been asserted that he was all clear to pummel the dog's ass. A few minutes must have gone by, though it felt like an age, with each push and pull that boring through the Alsatian's insides and coating them in a film of pre.

It wasn't long though until Roy's thrusts faltered. It was almost unnoticeable, at least to Michael, but the smallest of pauses made him glance back over his shoulder, a hot flush spread across his cheeks as he looked at the groaning bull who was working up drippings of sweat from riding the canine's tight hole. He saw the form of his husband looming over behind the man, a greyed expression on the stallion's muzzle. Though from his position he couldn't see, he could almost feel the bull's struggle as his mate entered him. For a porn star, he had no doubt that the male could take it with ease once warmed up, but much like himself Roy whimpered as that shaft the dog had doted over for many years now slid into its new home away from home. The bull shuddered, leaning forwards over the dog, the cock inside him pressing in even further than before, the Prince Albert digging against tender guts with its weight. It was as if John's weight was pushing them together, crushing the bull between them as he pushed his length into Roy's hole. A low moan sounded in Michael's ears as surely the horse was hilting the poor bull, taking away every defence until both men were squirming from the intense pressure. Roy simply held his position, neither pulling out of the dog's rear nor pushing any deeper, as the soft and dull thuds of John's crotch as it slapped against the bull's buttocks. Every thrust forward rattled the bed, shaking the two males and in turn making Roy's cock throb inside the warm hole it sat in. Probably John was grinding and jabbing against the bull's prostate, submitting the male to unmeasurable pleasure. Michael knew all too well how it must have felt, envisioning memories of long, sweaty nights filled with grunting like feral beasts in the dark, pheromones thick in the air as two men couldn't get enough of one another, hungry for flesh. Much like now, whilst they waited for Roy to adjust, the stench of musk in the air was potent, positively sweltering as it settled in the surroundings.

As if the heady aroma dulled the pain, it took Roy far less time to cope and begin to regain his momentum. Slowly it started up again, tiny movements to and fro deep in his guts, but Michael felt the bull rebuild in confidence and stamina. Small pulls backwards with tentative pushes in moved up into longer strokes, and then into harder pounds, until the strength of both the bull and the horse were fucking him at the same time, combined into one monstrous force. Behind him, Michael could hear the grunting whinnies and growls of his husband as he rode Roy into the dog, determined to bust through the man's guts into the ones he had committed to. Roy himself was struggling between menacing snarls as he hammered against the canine's rear, but ultimately his voice was lost to quivering pleasure, both ends of himself receiving equal bliss as his cock was enveloped by warm, tight innards and his own hole was being spread wide by a stallion dick. Wet slaps and lewd slurps churned up a chorus that belonged to a dirty melody, accompanied by the choir of manly grunts mixed with just a hint of quiet whimpers, with bodies subjected to their limits. John had taken a firm grasp of Roy's shoulders, slamming in his cock from head to base with sharp thrusts that had his whole body jarring with the sudden force. The bull in kind could only repeat the action, burying his ass back on the cock only to shove himself forwards into the abused canine's hole, acting as a cradle for John to breed them all. It didn't go missed though that a camera was capturing the scene from every angle, one hovering at Michael's face whilst a second hung below them all, underneath their legs recording the sight of members being pushed deep into asses. A third must have been shifting over to John's face as he nibbled at the bull's neck, as Michael soon heard the sounds of dirty talk being grunted between the two. He couldn't quite make them out though; he was much too busy moaning aloud from the friction burning in his gut, sending electrifying bolts of pleasure all throughout his body. He gripped the bed for dear life, his cock spurting pre all over the sheets whilst two other monsters were rutting behind him.

In his mind, he wondered how long they would last, who would be the first to blow their load. He suspected it might be himself, though he wished it wasn't. Whether or not he could ride out John's fucking was one thing, but Roy was a trained professional. He wouldn't at all be surprised if the bull could hold his orgasm back for a couple more hours, regardless if he was ready or not. It was disconcerting, but there was no other way out of the position now other than to let loose. Michael's only reprieve was that he could allow his load to be fucked out of him, leaving his member to twitch, dangling between his legs and throbbing painfully hard. He left it there, untouched, and waited as pleasure rose in his gut. But the sounds from behind him were reassuring. John's snorts were becoming deeper, louder, and more careless. A sign that led the dog to believe that his mate was nearing a peak, though how close he was to that brink was indeterminable. His thrusts into Roy were becoming hasty, straining for some release, but the stallion had acted like that before and still lasted for several more minutes, prolonged to a quarter of an hour before he let loose the torrent of his seed. Roy gave little away, his groans becoming meaningless as they were both needy as well as dominant. It was difficult to gauge where he lay on the spectrum, but the result shocked the couple.

Roy let out a loud bellow, his whole body quivering with a feverish shiver until he bucked hard into Michael's ass. The dog braced himself with the few seconds he knew he had until the familiar shots of warm seed rushed into his gut, adding inches to the depth. The ring pushed against him, the cock filling him deeply with cum surging forward in a flood. The bull was shuddering with the force as he held himself as closely as possible to the canine, refusing to let a drop escape those tight insides, moaning to the ceiling and peeling his lips back, pushing against Michael's rear. He could do nothing but writhe as he was washed in bull cum, his guts splattered white with creamy goo that found its way deeper and deeper inside him. John let out a low neigh, grunting from what Michael assumed to be the male's contracting hole squeezing down on his shaft with the force of an orgasm. However powerful that feeling must have been, the dog didn't doubt for a minute that it sent his lover over the edge, hearing Roy let out even louder, more seductive groans as his own bowels must have been flooded with equal intensity, buckets of horse cream spurting into him. There was a soft patter of droplets as male seed dribbled to the floor, falling into pools on the set as their juices became too much to keep in. Michael could feel the bull's cock still throbbing within him, leaking the last dregs of spooge into his worked over hole. Reaching down, he stroked his own cock for a brief moment, perhaps just a touch, but the sensation rocketed across his body, sending a fiery tingle all throughout his loins. He let out a grating whimper until his body gave in, basking in the heat that seeped through his guts as he emptied his balls all across the bed, his dick flailing with each spurt. Jets of dog cum joined the already forming splodges of horse and bull on both the cot and floor, until all three men were spent.

Collapsing into the bed, Roy shortly followed by falling to one side and then John to the other, Michael lay down panting, taking a breather from the staggering fucking they'd all just received. He had to laugh, if only to himself, with a tired chuckle, as a camera watched them from a short distance away, filming the three males as they recuperated. The canine kissed his mate on the nose, before turning to Roy, the bull taking Michael's lips against his own and pushing his tongue into his muzzle. They shared that momentary connection before he broke off, leaning to whisper quietly into the dog's ear,

"We've still got another hour of footage to collect..."

Michael rolled his eyes into his head, wondering how sore and raw he'd actually be by the end of today, though he was sure John wouldn't mind.

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