Absolute Pleasure (part 6)

Story by petorawolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Absolute Pleasure

I have no idea how I fell asleep. Despite having replicas of this snow leopard buried tightly in my muzzle and up my ass, wrists bound to the dog collar around my neck and my legs forced spread apart, I somehow was able to find slumber.

But even my dreams didn't let me escape. I didn't remember them very well but I could vaguely recall being praised and pet for having done something right. In fact, it felt like I dreamt it all night long.

I awoke to my feline captor crawling over me, his form somewhat obscured as the sun hadn't quite risen. This was definitely not something one wants to wake up to! I tried to let out a squeel but the toy he had trapped in my maw kept me nearly entirely silent. He slowly settled his weight down as he sat on my abdoment, the silicone chastity device compressing just a bit and giving me a rush of pleasure. Whatever moan was possible to escape me managed to ooze out.

However, he didn't look all that thrilled suddenly. His whiskers drooped and he looked backwards before tossing the covers off. He let out a laugh before staring down at me with wide eyes, "Wow, girl, you are really loving being a good pet for your Master, aren't you? You've soaked the sheets. For your sake, that better be nothing but pre. Well, nevermind that." He reached behind my head and removed the fabric muzzle, then slipped the cat cock out of my maw. He did this horribly slowly, grinning toothily down at me all the while. My ears pinned back against my head.

"Does my bitch want to cum?" He asked as he set the toy down beside my head.

I nodded vigorously!

"Awwww, my puppy forgot how to bark her answers. That earns a punishment. We'll get to that later today. For now, she doesn't get any reward, that's for sure. What does my pretty puppy think about that?" He grinned down, lowering his muzzle to hover just above mine.

I wanted to whine but knew better. I also couldn't help it, I NEEDED to cum! My own shaft pounded as it sat trapped in the tiny ball of silicone. I licked at his muzzle like an actual puppy begging for food. He opened his maw and closed his eyes as a soft purr escaped him.

He let me do that for a minute before settling himself back up and crawling off of the bed. He stared down at my prone, naked body and started growing erect. I couldn't help but whine.

"Tsk tsk, little puppy. You know you're not supposed to whine. I might need to gag you again, huh? You're just racking up the punishments at this point! And what a mess..." He looked down at the bed. I was trapped on my back and really couldn't feel anything. He reached for the bar between my ankles and unfastened the cuffs on either end. "OK, girl, time for you to show me how badly you want your Master."

I gasped and squirmed around on the bed, my leather-paw clad hands still bound to my neck. I managed to safely roll off the side. I winced as the massive toy under my tail writhed about and was shoved just a bit further in as I sat on the edge of the bed. I controlled the whine, however, and was in front him in just a few seconds. I inwardly groaned as I somehow knew I didn't want to do this, but the need to get off was all I could think of right now. I was down on my knees and had his length inside of my muzzle in an instant.

He let out a moan of satisfaction, one hand taking a grip on my collar while the other one slipped over my muzzle and down over my ears. "Good puppy. Such a good puppy, aren't you? Stay, girl... Good girl. Such a good girl. This is better, isn't it? Being good and getting praise. You like being a good puppy, don't you?"

He continued to stroke my head as I kept slowly sucking on his shaft. His words made me blush, but they also made me relax. The edge of anxiety I felt from my own throbbing, neglected shaft didn't matter so much. My body relaxed while the praise kept humming in the air around me.

He pulled out just a bit and I felt a glob of his rather viscous pre land on my tongue. He then pushed forward and coated his own cock with it. The praise continued. He told me I was a good puppy. And I was. I was his good puppy, right? Wasn't I? It sure seemed good. He moved himself in deeper before pulling out and depositing another glob.

"OK, girl. Unless instructed otherwise, this is how you will either greet me or wake me every morning, understood?" He didn't pull out of my mouth. I looked up at his toothy grin and tried to bark once. He stroked my ears before shoving my nose down to his abdomen. "GOOD girl! Such a good puppy!"

He seemed to be in no hurry, but eventually he stopped stroking over my head and ears and instead firmly gripped my scruff and started thrusting rapidly. I tried to pull away but he was so much stronger than I. It wasn't long before he forced the first wave straight down my throat, but pulled back enough to make sure I had to taste and swallow the rest. Wave after wave filled my maw. Eventually he let go of my head and I slipped off his length.

"Another lesson, girl, is that you will clean your Master afterwards." He kept his still-hard shaft close to my muzzle. I obeyed, licking all over his length, but not seeing what I may have missed. Regardless, I left him nearly dry.

"Such a good girl. OK, I think you've earned some time off. I need help anyways. We need to wash your clothes and the sheets, obviously." He scrounged about in the dresser and produced a small ring of keys, a bag and picked up the leash. "First, walkies."

I shook my head. The sun was now bright enough to easily see by. But the leash was on my collar and he dragged me down the stairs and out the front door before I could protest. I blushed as my head whipped about in all directions, certain some campers would happen to be walking around.

Once we were outside, he untied the satin ribbon from my collar, letting the leather paws free. "OK, return to all fours."

I went down quickly and looked back up at him expectantly. He stood there in front of me, naked. Didn't HE worry about someone seeing him? He reached down and pet my head and neck. "Good girl. OK, find a tree."

I blushed but did as commanded. I crawled over to a random tree and was about to try to relax when he told me to wait. He fumbled with one of the locks about my sack and I felt the tension between my legs relax. I let out a sigh of relief as the dildo under my tail began to slip out. He took the bag and grabbed the toy with it. He slowly pulled it out of me. I moaned with relief as the last inch fell away. "OK, girl, do your business."

He stepped back and stared at me. I looked up at him pleadingly but he paid no attention to it. "Hurry up, we're going to be late as it is."

I groaned and did as best as I could to relax. Eventually I managed. Peeing out of the device wasn't difficult at all, fortunately. He thankfully left all the rest of what I left behind and tugged the leash. "GOOD girl! Come on, let's get the day started."

I followed on all fours, thrilled to get back inside where I could hide to some degree. Once inside, he turned around and said, "Beg pretty, girl."

I gulped as I obeyed, drawing my wrists back up to my collar. Instead of tying me back up, he undid the paws. My hands felt so weird that I actually stared at them, trying to figure them out for a moment. "OK, go upstairs and grab the bedding you soaked. You'll find your clothes on the first step to the basement. Grab those and go downstairs. There's a light switch at the very bottom. And yes, I plan on installing another at the top but there are obviously other priorities. Then you will see two reasons I haven't gone insane living out here; a washer and dryer. You can figure it out from there while I make breakfast."

With that, he set off for the kitchen.

I was left to myself. I eyed the front door, then my wrists, then my ankles, then the door again. I could get away! My heart raced. I looked over at the kitchen to see his back turned to me, his long spotty tail swaying slowly behind him. He looked back over his shoulder and smiled at me. Those blue eyes definitely sparkled as he smiled. I felt myself smile back at him and blush a little.

I afforded myself a little whine. I knew I wouldn't run. Defeated, I went upstairs.

I couldn't believe I didn't die of dehydration at seeing just how much pre I had spilled into the sheets. After getting them off, I saw that it had even spilled into the mattress a tiny bit. I shook my head and felt bad about it.

I grabbed my clothes on my way downstairs. They felt odd, somehow. I could barely recognize them. Putting them over my body seemed a bit strange. I was letting all of this go to my head way too much!

The basement was incredibly unimpressive. Again, zero walls and just one giant open space with a couple of metal pillars running down the center, supporting the floor above it. A few small windows sat in the far wall near the ceiling, along with a rather unremarkable door. The laundry, which thankfully didn't look odd to me, sat against the wall half way down. A few bottles sat next to the washer. I had the wash going relatively quickly.

I was about to head back upstairs, but then quickly realized the noise of the laundry would cover the sound of me trying to get this torturous device off. My hands raced down and I tried to twist and turn it, or tug it off, or anything! The damn thing was filled entirely with my cock and balls. How did he manage to even squeeze them in there. I fumbled with trembling hands now, dying to get this thing off! Or hell...

I squeezed and felt that delicious rush of pleasure. I squeeze again and moaned quietly. Squeeze squeeze squeeze. I panted openly, barely containing my moans now. Squeeze squeeze squeeze! I was so close! So close! But, what the hell!? It didn't matter how much I did, I couldn't get off. I whined loudly at this realization, now horrified again. Was he EVER going to let me orgasm again!?

I eyed the door, heart pounding again. I thought about running, naked through the woods, a chastity device locked on me, and then being found by strangers. Somehow the idea made me feel a bit sick and outright guilty.

"Everything ok, puppy?" His voice echoed down the stairs.

I was nearly in tears with need. "Y-yes, er, bark!"

I heard him chuckle as he wandered away. I gripped the cursed silicone and tried one last time. Nothing. My shoulders slumped. I knew I was defeated so I returned to the kitchen. As if to rub salt in the wound, I saw the familiar setting; a bowl filled with milk and another with kibble on top of what looked like scrambled eggs. He settled down right next to them and patted the floor. I got down on all fours and lowered my head to begin eating.

He pet and stroked me as we had breakfast. Again, constant praise filled my ears. On occasion, I'd look over at him and he'd be smiling with those wide, bright eyes, looking thrilled and content at the same time. I still felt like I should have ran for it as I ate the last of the dog food and washed it down with the milk. But then I felt him lean over and hug me tightly to him. "Such a good puppy. Master loves having such a good girl with him."

He kissed me then. Or I kissed him. I'm not sure which but everything felt so right. It was as if a movie had the audio half a second off and now it went back into sync. My kiss grew more passionate. In fact, my arousal returned in full force and now I could practically fuck him regardless of being trapped! I crawled over him and pinned him down, forcing my tongue in his muzzle as the kiss grew more and more intense.

He laughed and I suddenly felt myself being lifted up. I blinked and looked down. It was like a parent and their child. My toes were on either side of his legs but otherwise he held me suspended in the air with a grip on either side of my chest. "My puppy is getting FAR too playful. I think she might break if she doesn't get off soon, huh!?"

I barked LOUD. Who the hell cares if they hear me!

"OK, girl. After work today we will get some shopping done and if you've been a REALLY good girl, you'll get your reward."

UGH! I let me head drop. He laughed and brought me back down to him, kissing the top of my muzzle. "Go rotate the laundry. I need to get dressed."

I'd have to go all day?! I thought I might die. I went downstairs and tossed the clothing and bedding into the dryer. I eyed the door again and laughed inwardly. An hour ago I was ready to run away screaming. Now I was dying from the idea we had to leave. I eyed the timer, the digital display reading '24'. Bleh, nearly half an hour before we could even leave...

I went back upstairs and found him fully clothed, repacking the large sack with various supplies. He looked over his shoulder and smiled that wonderful smile. "You're on hind legs, puppy. I'll let it slide this time, since we're leaving soon. Go shower."

I obeyed, but once again I found myself struggling to figure out how I could get the device off or get myself off while wearing the device. No luck at all. I was at least glad to finally clean out my fur. I half-groaned, half-moaned at seeing what was obviously dried snow leopard semen in the fur of my thighs.

"Such a good puppy, aren't you?" He was at the bottom of the stairs holding the leash. "Fetch your clothes and bag. We need to get going."

I eyed the leash nervously as I walked by him and around to the stairs down. He made no movement to clasp it on me. I actually felt a little bit of disappointment and blushed at it. I opened the dryer and was confused for a second. I saw jeans and a shirt, but these weren't the same. "Hurry up, puppy! We need to go NOW!"

I pulled them out and watched as a pair of satin panties tumbled out of the mass. Where the hell did MY clothes go?

"Hurry, puppy, or you will get a punishment..."

His tone made my back tense. I quickly stepped into the panties and drew them up. The fit adequately, though the giant bulge in the front made them look strange. I then stepped into the jeans which felt two sizes too small. I struggled to pull them up and barely managed to pull the zipper up. The inseam rode rather firmly between my rump. Then I saw that the button was on the 'wrong' side. Girls jeans.

"Do I need to come down there?!" Oh, wow, his tone made my heart pound. I grabbed the rest of the clothing and jogged up the stairs.

He grinned at me with that evil grin. "Good girl, let's get going. We have a 3 mile hike to even get to the start of the trail. Put your shirt and jacket on, you might get cold otherwise."

I doubted that. While his kind was legendary for enduring the cold, I had rather long fur myself and endured a lot. Nonetheless, I did as told and untangled the ball. There was a white shirt with 'Princess' in Disney font across the front and a stuffed pink vinyl jacket. I groaned and stared at him fearfully. No way would I actually have to go out in front of the crew dressed like this!

He pushed at my back, leading me to the front door. "You better be dressed before we leave. Grab your stuff, girl..."

I couldn't help it, I whined as I pulled the shirt over my head. Again, it was at least two sizes too small. It was now obvious these weren't clothes for adults even. I was rather small, especially for a male, but here it was clinging to my chest like syran wrap and my thin waist entirely exposed. I then slipped the jacket on, which at least fit well enough. The tag and bell on my collar jangled as he clasped the leash on. Well, it's not like this could get MORE embarrassing. I grabbed my pack that he set next to the door and we were off.

As we walked, he kept one hand on my neck, the other one held the leash. He occasionally stroked along the back of my head and neck. My heart started pounding as I thought about what I was going to endure. "C-can we just... Ummm," I whispered, the anxiety obvious in my trembling voice.

"You can speak. You've been such a good puppy so far," He smiled down at me. My tail wagged a bit.

"This... you really can't do this to me," My quiet voice was half-hiss, half panicked pleading.

He laughed and stroked my head, petting over my ears. His eyes sparkled as he replied, "Of course I can. You're my pretty puppy! You like being a good puppy, don't you?"

I cowered a bit, whining openly. Why did it feel so bad when I thought about saying 'no' to that. Then again, why did it feel so calming when I thought about saying 'yes'? "Y-yes..."

He stroked over my head and down my neck, making the collar jangle. "You're a very good girl, aren't you? You're making your Owner very happy. That's what you want, don't you? You want to make your Owner happy..."

Again, it definitely felt good to think that that's what I wanted. And it was. My tail wagged as I nodded. "Good, now tell me what you want..."

I groaned at the command but replied, "I want to make you happy, Master."

He stopped walking and lowered his head down and kissed me rather deeply. My tail whipped about, entirely out of my control. "Good. Now just obey me today and you'll get your reward."

My heart pounded in my chest and now I wanted to run to the work site. I felt my cock struggle against the confines of the silicone as it dribbled a bit.

We were there all too quickly. It was likely already 10AM by the time we made it. The bus was there with the driver reading his book, but no one else was anywhere to be seen.

"Hey Carl. Good, Mivesh covered for me?" The driver put a digit in the book before closing it and looked over at my Master.

"Ha! Wow. You're a freak, Rick. You get talked into this sort of thing often, kid?" The badger was obviously on the edge of laughing as he took in my clothes and the fact I was on a leash. I could only shake my head as I felt a bit dizzy. Could a person blush into unconsciousness? "Huh. You're ok though, right?" I nodded and now he finally laughed.

"Huh, ok. Yeah, he was out here when we pulled up. We got a late start too. Made it here 'bout an hour and a half ago. Teams likely just now getting to the final site. They're moving right slow today."

"Typical. OK, thaks much. Everyone was accounted for though?"


"Good. Hopefully we'll be seeing you before 6 regardless. OK, let's go, puppy."

The badger gave me a knowing grin before returning to his book.

It was interesting how Rick's tone was entirely different to the bus driver than to the rest of the crew. Then again, the rest of the crew were 'doing time'. He needed to keep an air of authority over them. Still, the exchange seemed to imply the two knew one another for quite some time.

"See? That wasn't so bad, was it?" The question brought me back to reality. I shook my head, though it felt like heat was rising up from my face.

"You're being a very good puppy, aren't you?"

I nodded quietly as we began the trek up the mountain.

We came across the first team in just about 15 minutes. This time, things didn't go so quietly. One guy upon seeing me was so shocked he actually slipped off the path and fell into the bushes. This brough a riotous burst of laughter. Even my Owner couldn't contain the grin, but he got right back to business.

"Sure, laugh all your want. If ANY of you doesn't manage to finish your work, this is what you get! You all have the EASY section and all I see is half a mile of nothing done. Randy, do think your team will look cute in skirts?!"

The coyote he was speaking too had definitely lost the wide smile that had been there a second ago. He shook his head, "Hey, wait. Hang on there. I'd really like to point out that all of us were on the bus waiting for ev..."

"I don't need excuses, I need ACTION! Now get TO it or you'll all be in frocks before sun down! I'm taking this sissy to the TOP of the peak to do some REAL work. You better get done before we do... Come on..."

With that, we continued the hike up the hill. We left a very motivated team in our wake. I could hear the banging of hatches and humming of saws even when they were far out of sight.

We repeated this three more times as we made our way to our own section. Each time there'd be initial laughter, then the stunned silence followed by the sound of panicked work. When we found the fourth group, the other Ranger was with them.

"Mivesh, how are these girls holding up?" He called out. Interestingly, none of these laughed, but their eyes shot open wide as they took in the scene.

The other Ranger, like the badger, barely even flinched. He did a double-take, but barely even glanced at me. "I actually think we're making good progress. The Garriss bend seems to have fared well through the winter and we should be able to skip right past it. I'm going to take the guys back down to sections 1 and 2, however. It seems we had a bit of a slough incident and the entire trail is buried."

This Ranger, Mivesh, seemed like a very calm version of Rick; A leopard, so soft tan instead of white, but almost the exact same build and demeaner (well, the same demeaner as when we're being 'normal' and he's not rallying the troops or humiliating me). I'd guess him to be about 30 and obviously spent a lot of his time doing hard physical work, based on his muscular frame.

"Damn. OK, we'll get through our section as fast as possible and join you down there when we can. Sound good?" My Owner grumbled.

Mivesh just nodded and said out loud, "What's wrong? Get back to work!"

As we ascended the rest of the way, I heard a growl. "I was hoping we'd actually have some time to... relax out here. We need to actually WORK today or else this entire trail won't be open for the weekend and that could hurt the entire park's visitor count for the year. I'll let you change into your normal clothes once we reach the starting point."

I don't know why, but I blushed worse at that point then when I had to stand in front of the gang.

I felt his hand on my scruff, "Oh! Unless my little girl likes her new clothes?"

I had zero choice in the matter this time, I whined loudly. I couldn't manage to think of a single word.

The grip tighten and he brought his head down to an inch from mine and gave a throaty purr. "You DO, don't you?"

I loved his blue eyes. I whimpered as they bore into me. All I could do was give a little nod.

The grip tightened further, now a tiny bit painful. Yet somehow I even liked THAT too. My whimpering grew louder as I shivered in his hold.

"I want to take you so bad, it hurts..." His eyes definitely sparkled and I felt myself grow weak before him. I moaned openly as he just kept me trapped like that for a moment. We were both panting openly. Finally he let go. "I can't. I didn't bring anything to make it easy on you. You're so lucky..."

I whined, ears and whiskers drooping. His eyes widened a bit more. "Unless puppy WANTS it..."

I had to think very hard. And it was very hard to think. Finally I slowly shook my head, "It'd... hurt..."

He nodded and let out another throaty purr. "Fine, we'll wait til we're home. For now, you get to stay dressed up. Hopefully you don't tear them. I actually didn't plan on keeping you in them all day. Your clothes are in my pack if you change your mind. Though... I'm tempted to burn them." He grinned toothily at me.

My back tensed and I whined, not making any movements or saying a word.

"Oh, you LIKE that idea, don't you?" He growled through his toothy grin. "Oh, looks like you DO like this!" He was staring down.

I let out a bark of surprise. My jeans were wet in front. Sure, the satin panties weren't going to do any good at keeping my pre from showing. "Augh! OK, I guess I need to change after all."

The cruel laughter that escaped him made me know for certain I had sealed my fate. "OH, thats not going to happen now. But I'll let you know that despite you being stuck in heat for the entire day, I'm doubly so. Seeing you wet from taking my abuse couldn't get any more delicious." He massaged my scruff and then pushed forward, kissing me deeply.

I moaned into his muzzle. Then I felt his other hand grip the front of my jeans. UGH I needed to get off.

The rest of the day was torturous. My jeans were soaked through by lunchtime (which was served to me in my bowl and was mainly comprised of Kibble N Bits but also some vegetables). By the time I was done eating, my jeans were soaked to the knees.

Thankfully, we focused solely on work after that. The warm, dry air removed the evidence of my shame before we were done for the day. As we packed up our supplies, I finally begged, "Can I change now?"

He laughed. "You just love to hear me say 'no', don't you?"

I blushed profusely and didn't say a word. He clasped the leash on and we treked back to the bus. Thankfully everyone was not only there, but most were on the bus already. A few were sitting around on their packs or the ground as well. They'd obviously been here a while.

"Oh, look at you all, enjoying a nice day in the park! Sorry we took so long. Some of us had REAL work to do. Thanks for helping out!"

Ranger Mivesh laughed and shook his head. "Thank you for your drama. I had all of the teams head down to open the pathway up, so hiking back up would have taken a lot of that precious time. Your little display there has motivated the team, however. You'll need to do that again."

By the sound in Mivesh's voice, and the small wink he gave my Owner, I could tell he'd seen similar before. Was part of me actually jealous this time??

"Oh, surrrrre. Take it easy doing a little digging, huh? Well, gents, you've earned yourself a fantastic little game for tomorrow! We're tackling the Exfurd hike. Today was too easy, huh?! Well, this will wear you out. I want to see you all here ON TIME this time. Now go!"

Everyone had already stood up and the few that hadn't already gotten on the bus were quick to flee the scene. The badger gave that knowing grin before pulling away. I was left with the two Rangers, no one seeming to expect anything else.

Mivesh waited until the bus was out of site, then turned to look me over. "Wow."

I wondered what that even meant. I stared back, though blushing. I slowly clasped my hands in front of my jeans as I started to fear they'd get wet again.

Master slipped up behind me and leaned down to give the side of my muzzle a slow, long lick. "Yeah, I think I found the special puppy I've always wanted."

The leopard laughed and nodded. "Apparently! This was... day 3?"

I felt arms wrap around me. A lick went up the back of my head. "Yeah... she's wonderful, isn't she?"

I felt that dizziness settle back in as I heard his throaty purr.

"Heh, I'll leave you two be then. Thanks for taking Exfurd tomorrow. It'll be nice for the team to have an easy break. Maybe some of them will even come back as normal volunteers. Well, so long as they aren't scared away by a mean snow leopard," Mivesh chuckled as he shouldered his pack and hiked off to the edge of the parking lot and dipping his head to gain entrance to a small trail.

"I want to screw you so bad, it hurts," came the whisper in my ear. "But we need to pick up a whole mess of supplies and the pet store closes at 8. Let's get back home quickly. The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can earn that wonderful reward."

The mention of a pet store had me anxious, but the wetness forming in the front of my jeans again made it obvious I wasn't exactly hating it. With my Master having a firm grip on my collar, we started the trek back home.