Transformation Stream Story 20: Were-Girl Webcams

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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From the mind of FA: Rayoelgatubelo sprung forth this idea of two were friends enjoying a naughty webcam chat with each other. It got a little...hairy.

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Were-Girl Webcams for Reyo by Draconicon

Finally managing to shut the door on her mother (and more importantly, bar it up enough to keep the bitch from slamming it down without wrecking the wall as well), Zoe Chanteloup slumped forward as she shuffled towards her computer. Her bookbag from college landed on the floor with a clunk, and the weary college student grumbled as she woke her computer back up. Clicking past the logo that her father insisted be plastered everywhere in the house, she brought up the first program she could to cover up the face of the smiling metaphorical snake.

"As if anybody who comes here won't already know he's a fucking state senator."

Zoe continued to growl under her breath, feeling the mouse strain beneath her fingers as a bit of change tried to force itself upon her. She resisted the urge to just throw the mouse across the room, carefully taking her hand off of it and slumping back in her chair. She took a deep breath -

"Honey, you have a call from Ambulia."

The only thing that kept her chair from having a new, intimate relationship with her wall was the fact that she'd bought the thing herself, and she'd have to fix it or replace it if she broke it. Zoe flipped the bird at her closed door, turning back to the computer. However, her father was relentless.

"She's on the phone right now, Zoe. It would be good of you to open the door and take the phone."

"Not happening, dad."

"Zoe Chanteloup. Open this door right now."

Two names...not really in trouble until it gets to three.

"Not happening, old man. Why don't you go downstairs and work on a campaign speech or something? I'm busy."

"But it's Ambulia. She's waiting to -"

"I have my fucking clothes off and I'm in the middle of getting off, dad! Do you really want me to talk to my 'fiance' with my fingers dripping right now?!"

"...I'll have her call back later."

Zoe slumped forward against her computer desk, grumbling under her breath. She swore that she'd need a new pair of pants now; these ones were half ruined now that the tail was starting to come out. The fact that she hadn't grown her muzzle just yet was a miracle, really.

After taking a couple of deep breaths, Zoe slowly brought herself back to full human form. It wasn't entirely her parents' fault, she supposed. Not entirely. They were just following traditions, and tradition demanded that she get mated to someone before too much longer. She was honestly surprised that it was taking them this long, and that they'd let her go through some college years without getting attached to someone.

But after having so much freedom, the traditions that had been almost cool when she was growing up were nothing but stifling to her. She needed the freedom of space, thought, and body that she had back at the Grant State University, and there was no way she was getting that at home.

At least, not by herself.


She opened one eye, looking at the messaging service that was on the screen. A small blue dot next to one of her friends - SexySandCat - showed that there was a waiting message. Smiling, she clicked it and opened the chat page.

_Good to see you, Sand Queen. Got your little 'desert' taken care of up in New York?

Only for now. Got something on your mind, Moon Chaser?

Come on, I thought you weren't going to call me that anymore.

And I thought you weren't going to go chasing and pantsing them for a full moon chase, but you don't see me complaining._

Zoe chuckled, remembering that night. It had been the full moon, and it had been one of their little pranks on the campus. Nobody believed that a lion and wolf had been chasing some of the new girls around the University, particularly not after ripping the new girls pants off. There had been a lot of full moons that night.

But that wasn't what they were online for that night.

_Anyway, the family's putting me under a lot of pressure tonight. Do you got some time to let me vent it?

Of course. Turn on that camera and let me see those sweet tits of yours._

That was all Zoe needed to hear. With a smile, she turned on the camera and backed her chair up, leaving her centered in the camera's view. She reached up to her breasts, squeezing them through her shirt, and chuckled as her old friend started leaving her encouragement in the chat.

Mmmm, I've missed playing with those sweet things. Gonna let 'em burst free?

"Might as well. I already ruined the back of my shorts with my damn tail."

Very nice. Turn around and show me.

She chuckled, getting up and turning around. Almost immediately, she felt a draft running down her back, running over her ass as well. As she leaned over, she felt her shorts slide down, something that actually managed to get her to blush. She turned around again quickly, but it was clear that SexySandCat had already seen it.

HAHAHA! You should be shaking that in the sorority house.

"I would, if I wasn't stuck here."

Right. Sorry.

"It's okay. Should I start?"

Yeah. Just lay back and let it happen...

Zoe nodded, laying back in her chair and letting her legs spread as far as she could. It wasn't the most comfortable, but she wasn't going for comfortable. She was going for sexy.

As she slid her fingers into her shorts - a feat all the easier with her pants stretched out by the partial tail growth - she pressed them to her pussy. Her panties were already wet around it, just from the anticipation of the relief she was going to get, and she pushed her fingers inwards, gently pushing her panties inside of her as well as her fingers.

"Ooooh, fuck..."

The feeling of her fingers was more than welcome, though she wanted something more than that. Something from someone else, someone that knew her well.

"Mmmmm, Mughriya..."

Mmm, miss me that much, pup?

"You have no idea..."

Go on, then. I know you can take more than two fingers. Go for four...

"Four? I'll go for that..."

Zoe grinned, unbuttoning her shorts so that her friend could see her better. Already, the downy feeling of the first bits of her fur was coming in, but this time she didn't do anything to stop the growth. The feeling of it sprouting against her wrist, of it coming out and rubbing against her hips as well, made her grin all the more.

As her third finger slid in, spreading her pussy out more, she felt her legs stretching, the fur spreading further down them, getting longer, thicker. Her toes fattened as her ankle lifted off of the ground, almost all of the meat of her foot remaining on the ground. Claws sprouted from her toes, and she groaned as her upper legs both grew more muscular and more slender at the same time.

"Ooooh fuck...I good..."

That's it...change...change for your kitty.

She could just imagine Mughriya doing the same on the other end of the camera. She was tempted to ask her friend to turn the camera on, but there was no way that she could do that now. After the build-up, she needed this release.

Her tail started sliding out again, soon stretching her shorts tighter and tighter. Zoe gasped, feeling her hand get stuck against her pussy from all the pressure her pants were under. Her fourth finger lingered around the edge of her pussy, so close to sliding in, the pressure on her clit making her pant hard as her muzzle started to grow in, pushing out of her face. She growled, her eyes clenching shut as her teeth sharpened, her face stretching as it pushed further and further out.

As her hips swelled, her shorts finally gave up the ghost, ripping down the sides as the rest of her fur and muscle came in. Her panties followed suit, leaving her sitting in a wet pink mess. Four fingers rammed in and out of her sex, sending her juices sopping to the chair. Her room was stinking of her lust, but she couldn't stop.

Her other hand went to her breasts as her chest heaved, squeezing one breast, then the other as they grew. Fur covered already, they pushed out against her hands, growing one size, then another. Bigger, wider, rounder, heavier against her fingers, they grew, and she squeezed them hard even as her fingers were tipped with claws. Even the raking of her fingers against her breasts felt good at this point.

Fur covered and almost entirely canine, the werewolf leaned her head back, panting hard. Her mouth slowly opened, her panting slowly growing faster, her lungs filling and making her breasts bounce more.

That's it, baby...howl...howl and cum!

As the last of her extra muscle came in, as her breasts poomfed into their final, new cup size, Zoe did just that. Throwing her head back hard, she howled, her sex tightening around her fingers, her pussy squirting towards the computer. She heard a thump but barely cared, her body shaking and quivering on top of her chair as her climax rocked her to the core, her tail wagging constantly through it as she swayed so violently she almost fell off of the damn chair.

Slowly, she came back down. Realizing that she'd managed to 'knot' her fist into her pussy at the point of orgasm, Zoe slowly wiggled herself off of her new paw, and gasped as it popped out of her. She brought it to her mouth, cleaning some of her juices off of it so it wasn't completely soaked.

Be-ding be-ding.

She glanced up at the computer, and blushed.

_Wow, didn't think I'd get that big an eye-full. Still a gusher.

Whoa, you really needed that, you sent me flying.

Uh, hon?

Seriously, I can't see a thing. Can you fix the webcam?_

Blushing heavily, Zoe got off her chair and started rooting around behind her computer desk. After a few fumbling grabs, she found something appropriately spherical and slimy, and pulled it out from behind the desk. Brushing the webcam lens with a cloth she kept around for just that purpose, she set it back on top of the computer.

"Sorry about that, Mughriya. I, uh -"

Don't worry. Damn, wish I'd seen the whole thing, though. Did you knot your hand again?


FUUUUUUUCK! Girl, I wanted to see that!

"Get me out of here, and you'll see all that and more."

Don't tempt me...

"And if I did?"


What are you offering?_

The End