Urges Under Trust

Story by Javelin Chimera on SoFurry

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A male fox finds the appreciation of his sister too much to resist.

I hope you enjoy this one-off. This one is a little more on the extreme end of my taboo side. As always, feel free to message me with any errors that you find and I will correct asap.

Alex cursed, leaning back against the couch cushions. The controller creaked in his tense hands. He forced himself to breathe while he waited to respawn, telling himself to not let the silly game get him upset. He tapped his paw, claws clicking softly on the floor, his fluffy fox tail twitching with irritation.

Suki, Alex's younger sister, padded up to him, briefly blocking his view. She was wearing an overly large white shirt, the neck hole showing most of one of her shoulders. Her coloring was almost exactly like his; amber, black, and white fur covering her body. She ducked down, slipping her head under his arms and crawling up into his lap, straddling him on the couch. She white-tipped tail swished back and forth.

Alex moved his head back and forth, trying to see the screen around his sister's ears. "What are you doing? I can't see-"

"Thank you for sticking up for me today," she said, giggling. She lifted her muzzle, giving his nose a quick lick.

"Uh, of course," he said, not looking at her. "I'm your brother, after all."

"My big brother! So..."


"So, pay attention to me, big brother!"

Slowly, Alex sat the controller down and looked into Suki's bright green eyes. Her entire rear end shook with the force of her tail wagging. "You want attention?"

Suki gave one, sharp nod.

"How's this for attention?" With that, Alex's hands struck under the little fox's arms, wiggling and tickling her. She squealed, writhing uncontrollably against him, trying in vain to pry his hands away. Suki let out a small yelp as Alex rolled her onto the couch. He found her laughter contagious, chuckling as his fingertips danced over her tummy. She rolled back and forth under his ministrations, tears streaming from her eyes.

Suddenly, Alex stopped. During the playful attack, the bottom edge of the shirt had slipped up around Suki's waist.

"Uhh... Sook? Why aren't you wearing any underwear?"

She looked up at him, gently nibbling on her bottom lip and breathing heavily. Her ears lay flat against her head. She was clearly aroused, white fur around her engorged pussy damp. The scent of her arousal pulled at Alex's nose, and he found it incredibly hard to look away from her.

"And you are in heat? What the hell are you thinking, Sook?"

She shrugged, whining softly. "I trust you big brother."

"Suki, you don't seem to understand... This is not... I can't-" He shuddered, his muzzle drawing closer to her sex against his will.

Suki let out a soft moan, spreading her legs in front of him.

Alex buried his nose into her wet lips, causing her to gasp. He inhaled deeply, drinking in the vixen's pheromone filled scent. He slid his arms under her knees, hands gripping at her thighs. He rubbed the end of his muzzle along her slit, covering it in her juices before flicking his tongue out to lap them off of her body. His soft canine muscle slid along her lips and around her clit, desperately searching for her intoxicating moisture.

Suki groaned happily, body bending sensuously from the stimulation. She gasped as her muscles spasmed, orgasm washing over her body. She could feel herself squirting, her brother's tongue lapping enthusiastically as she soaked his muzzle.

Alex abruptly moved up his sister's body, causing her to let out a yip. His muzzle rubbed against hers, his bulging crotch pressed against her sex. She wrapped her arms around him, licking at his nose.

"Big brother~!"

After a moment's pause, Alex shook his head as if clearing away a fog on his mind. He sat up, peering at his sister's soaked crotch and bare stomach, shirt bunched up just below her nearly flat breasts. He let out a huff of a breath. Alex looked away, ears flat against his head.

"I can't believe I just did that." He grasped his head with his hands. "I've taken advantage of you..."

Suki sat up, pressing against him and nuzzling his neck. "Don't say that, Alex. It was wonderful. Please don't feel bad." She licked his cheek, murring audibly.

Alex stood, awkwardly covering his bulge. "Okay, Sook," he said, patting her on the head. "I think I'm just going to go to bed. Don't stay up too late just because dad is out of town, all right?"

Suki nodded as Alex left to his room.

Hours later, Suki slowly cracked open the door to her brother's room and peered inside. Usually she was not allowed into the room, but she found that she couldn't sleep or stand to be alone right then. Plus, the thought of not having properly thanked her brother had her mind distracted.

She spotted her brother sprawled on his bed. Apparently he typically slept in the nude, and this night he had managed to kick his blankets off. Suki's ears perked when she saw that even in his deep sleep, he was fully erect. For a brief moment she considered that perhaps she had something to do with that.

Suki licked her lips, silently padding into the bedroom. She had never seen a penis before in real life, only in pictures and videos. With the internet, it was almost impossible not to see them in some form of media.

Very carefully, she crawled onto her brother's bed and over his body. Paws near his head, her groin rested on his chest as she slowly settled on him, careful not wake him suddenly. Her nose drew close to his twitching cock, tip shiny with pre. The smell of it caused her thoughts to grow heavy and clouded. Her tongue flicked out, brushing the tip and pulling the pre into her maw. The taste was fleshy and a tiny bit salty. Experiencing it seemed to amplify the muddled feeling constricting her thoughts.

Suki wrapped her fingers around the base of the cock, very gently stroking it. Her tongue slid along its length, slathering her saliva over the tip as she lapped up the pre. The member throbbed against her lips and nose, making her giggle. Her stroking moved further up its length.

Her brother stirred beneath her, groaning softly. She yipped at his hands firmly gripped her ass and forcibly spread her. Suki exhaled a hot breath onto the cock as a clawed finger slid along her taint and probed gently between her pussy lips. Her hips shifted as the finger gently massaged over her clit, making her entire body shudder.

The vixen took a deep breath before slipping her muzzle over her brother's member. Her tongue slid around the length of the shaft. She suckled the cock, swallowing down the increasing amount of pre dribbling from the tip. Her hand gripped firmly as her brother's knot grew against her fingers. Suki gasped and pulled her maw off the tod's penis with a yelp when he playfully pinched her clit. She growled, turning her head to the side and wrapping her tongue around the circumference of the shaft.

"Sook-!" Alex grunted, hips bucking up against her.

Suki watched through half-closed eyes, whining happily when milky-white cum fountained from the tip of her brother's cock. The thick cream dribbled down onto the side of her muzzle and her tongue. She covered the tip with her muzzle again, drinking down the rest of the seed that shot forth. She felt something small push ever so slightly into her pussy and came, moaning around Alex's tip and squirting onto his chest.

Licking her lips, Suki spun herself around and lay next to Alex, her muscles trembling. Eyes mostly closed, he groomed her muzzle with his tongue, cleaning away his seed. Suki pressed close against his body, wrapping her tail around his. She quickly fell asleep as she nuzzled into his neck.

Alex awoke to the feeling of a soft warm tongue gliding through the fur on his throat and muzzle. Suki's bright green eyes were watching him intently, and her grooming licks stopped when she saw that he was finally awake.

"Good morning," he said, his hand brushing against her cheek.

Without a word, Suki got up and stood next to the bed. She slipped the too-large shirt over her head and let it fall to the ground. Her ears folded back, standing completely naked in front of her brother. Pink nipples poked through the white fur of her small breasts. She turned, placing her hands against the wall and sticking out her ass, tail moved to the side. Standing there flagging, Suki whined loudly, looking at her brother. Alex could see her vagina practically dripping with her natural lubrication.

"Please," she said softly.

Alex let out a low growl and stood, moving behind Suki. Her legs trembled in anticipation as he approached. Instead, he took her by the shoulders and spun her, placing her back against the wall.

"Suki, we can't do this. Think about it-" He cut off as she wrapped one hand around his cock, her other hand grasping the fur on his chest.

"Please," she repeated breathily, still whining.

"Sook, I... I don't want to hurt you."

"I trust you, big brother," she said, lifting her muzzle and licking his lips. "More than anyone else possible. Please-"

Alex could not control himself any longer. He took her tongue into his maw, using their teeth to lock their muzzles together and kissing her deeply. She murred into his mouth, entire body trembling as he pressed against her. He grabbed behind her knees, lifting her up against the wall until he could easily plunge his thick cock completely into her tight, wet pussy.

Suki's loud yelp was muffled by their kiss. Her claws dug into her brother's fur, muscles contracting from the pain of being penetrated for the first time. She jerked each time the cock twitched deep inside of her. Slowly, she began to moan and murr loudly at the heat inside of her as the pain became pleasure.

Alex broke the kiss, moving his muzzle to her throat. She cried out as he started to fuck her against the wall, fox cock pulling out to the tip before slamming back in to the hilt. She wrapped her arms around his head, leaning her own back against the wall.

"Oh gods!" she yelled. "Brother, it's so deep... So hot!"

Suki's back arched, pussy muscles constricting around the tod's penis attempting to milk it dry. She yipped loudly with each thrust during her orgasm, the pleasure quickly approaching pain just before her climax subsided. Both brother and sister murred in unison as his knot started to grow. Suki yelped as the thick bulb plunged in and out of her vaginal opening.

"Ahhh~! Please, I want your kits inside of me!"

Alex growled loudly and barked, thrusting deep to bury his knot inside of his sister's vagina. His thick cock throbbed and sprayed cum straight into her womb. She came once more at the feeling of the hot jizz pouring into her, pussy clutching at the knot and tying them together hard.

The siblings stood there together, panting and licking at each other's tongue.

"I love you, big brother," Suki managed between deep breaths.

"I love you too, Sook," Alex breathed in response. "Now and forever."
