Jungle Bangle

Story by ShiroUzumaki on SoFurry

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It was another day on the wolf village of Gatsuki, in the deep part of the jungle. The sun was rising from the east with a flash. Shu, a young male wolf with black long hair, woke up from his hammock by the first sun beams coming thru a window. He yawned and dried his eyes, brushing his grey fur and white belly, looking at the sun. He stood up from the hammock and dressed his loincloth, looking to the window and screaming "Good morning!"


Shu lived on a hut made of canes he did by himself, to show he was ready to live stand alone. He loved to gather food and hunting, so he was good using the spear and the bow. Shu took some fruit from the coconut leaf he used as a plate, having a nice breakfast. During breakfast, Shu heard someone calling him, so he looked out the window. Shu saw it was one of his friends, Taya, a ginger-hair white furred female wolf who knows since they were born. Taya was applying for being a priestess of the temple of the wolves, and so she was taking the tasks for being a servant of the temple.


Shu blushed as she looked and smiled, saying "Hey, Shu, you forget what happens today?"


Shu stopped blushing and started to think, humming "I don't know, Taya" he replied annoying.


She giggled and said "We have to gather fruit, you silly, you promised me we would go together!"

Shu gasped and hit his head as a sign of remembering "Oh, yeah... I forgot that! Uhm... I'm coming right now!"


Shu turned around blushed and felt really attracted to Taya. The truth is Shu loved Taya with all his heart but she didn't know. Shu remembered the day he asked Taya to gather fruit as a date and declare to her and that was what he was decided to do. He trembled as he walked to the door of his hut and looked to Taya smiling, saying "So, shall we go?"

Taya nodded with a grin, Shu took his spear with him and got close to Taya, so they walked outside the village. Shu and Taya went alone through the village entrance while they found the boys gang, coming from hunting between tells and laughs. One of them, Paiku, black furred and red-eyed, was Shu's friend, so he raised his hand at the couple, saying "Hey, Shu, Taya, how are ya?"


Shu was looking shocked to Paiku, who was a casual joker.


Paiku giggled and said "Hey, Shu, get here" moving his hand as an order to get close.


Shu blushed looking Taya and sighed, coming next to Paiku, babbling "What is it, Paiku?"


Paiku giggled with an evil grin "So... you are Taya's boyfriend, eh?"


Shu gasped screaming, with a pinky glee of blush behind his eyes "Shut up! We are gathering fruit, that's all!"


Paiku smiled grinning like a sly fox "Oh really? I'll say you one thing..." The young wolf put his right thumb up, mixed with a convincing expression and saying "Go for her! She's nice and she might show you what's inside her cloth"


Shu blushed and looked down, punching Paiku on the face "Shut up, I told you!" making Paiku fall on the floor in a funny way. Paiku stood up with a rain of tears and a sad puppy face, but still looking funny.


Shu went next to Taya saying "Let's go, Taya" as he trembled with his face red as a strawberry.


After walking some time, Shu and Taya found trees with tasty mangoes, peaches and bananas clinging with the wind, and a nice variety of berries on the bushes nearby. They picked up all the fruit they could, but somehow, due to the last rains, the land behind them turned muddy and the happy couple got dirty picking the fruit which was for the people from the village. They filled the two baskets they took at the start with fruit, so they were ready to go. Shu, carrying his spear on his back and a basket on his hands, looked to the lake near them, looking their dirty clothes, saying "Taya, I'm going to clean myself, would you wait here?" as Shu started to feel weird looking Taya's cuteness.


Taya nodded as Shu grabbed some herbs for the cleaning, soaking his hands on the shore and cleaning his fur and cloth with the herbs. Suddenly, he heard Taya singing and coming to the lake, making him blush. She jumped into the water, cleaning her whole body and clothes with the clean jungle water. Shu gasped as she was having fun in the water, rubbing her body and removing the mud from her, shaking her beauty on the glass-like clear waters. Shu got shocked and he felt something growing on his loincloth. He looked down, opened his eyes astonished as he realized that it was his own cock getting hard.


Shu tried to hide his erection with his hands, pressing his paws on it and trying to improvise it. Taya cleaned herself relaxed, so she removed her cream colored bra and loincloth, showing her naked torso to Shu's eyes without noticing she exposing her beautiful body. Shu was so horny, he couldn't control his erection. He pressed all he could so while panting he turned around avoiding Taya's sight, hoping she wouldn't see that and run off with fear. Taya walked slowly out of the water, humming a nice song happily until she saw Shu's body backwards and worried.


She asked herself "What's wrong with Shu? Maybe he doesn't feel good...Fruits can have surprises inside" so Taya went next to Shu with a warm smile, setting one of her hands on Shu's right shoulder and asked him "Hey, Shu, I'm back..."


Shu gasped and turned his head slowly, looking Taya's whole naked body. He saw Taya's well-sized round breasts making his boner uncontrollable, he panted and grinded his teeth each other and turn his head whispering "Please... put your clothes on, Taya..." finishing Taya


Taya felt annoyed and asked "Why? Is that something I should..."

Shu sighed blushing and turned his body before she could finish her question, showing his erection to Taya under the loincloth. Shu looked down, shaking his body like if he was cold, even the truth is he was worried. The white wolfess was shocked looking at Shu's dick, big, throbbing, attractive and the best of all, willing of her. She gasped looking at it and then he looked Shu's face, with a sad and scared face. Shu closed his eyes in blame for showing her his heated up crotch and giving her ideas that he was a pervert, but, somehow, she smiled and giggled, making Shu change his guilty expression to a confused one.


Taya blushed grabbing his cock, saying "So... you couldn't hold my beauty, right, Shu?"


Shu nodded with a serious face, saying "The truth is... Taya, I always loved you, but all the times I've been next to you there was someone next to us and I thought it would be unpleasant, so I waited the day we could be alone to say this to you."


Taya smiled and sit next to Shu, touching his crotch "Well... I always thought of that too, but I didn't plan the right moment" checking how hard and willing he was.


She lightly stroke Shu's dick, blushing "And I see both body and mind of you want me... with heart and soul" as she felt the wetness coming deep inside her, feeling her body was calling to her mind that she was in heat, ready to mate the male who liked, or better, loved from the pack that was her village.


Shu blushed more, his face turned red and closed his eyes feeling Taya frolicking his tool, asking "Taya... are you sure you want..."


Taya nodded saying "Mate with you? Yes... I would be proud. You are a warrior, strong, proud and protective... and I know you will protect me forever, even if I'm a priestess or a mother with your cubs" and she kissed Shu's mouth, tangling their tongues into a swift but sweet first kiss. Shu felt how she ate some of the fruits while they were gathering, specially berries, so he closed his eyes feeling that sweetness please his senses.


Shu panted as Taya rubbed his extension with desire, so he took off his loincloth and started rubbing each Taya's body part, starting with the cheeks, then the breasts, pinching her small but sensitive nipples and licking them after they got red by his finger's accuracy. Taya gave small moans as Shu started to bit them after the pinches, then he slowly went down, licking her plain belly, panting at the same time with her, Taya rubbed Shu's hair, and then Shu found her most sensitive part. Shu blushed because, as Taya, it was his first time, so he passed a claw between her labia. Taya moaned a bit more as Shu started to lick them and opening them, plugging a finger inside and licking her clit with smoothness and warmth. The pleasure inside Taya was so intense, that she closed her eyes, panting nervously. After some serious stimulation on Taya's flower, Shu stood up, with his lips stained with Taya's fluids as a sign of fertility.

Taya looked at him, looking blushed to Shu's cock afterwards, so she kneeled down and started to lick Shu's 6-inch long and pointy desiring wolf cock, making the cute before chaste wolf pant and hum. Shu closed his eyes and trembled with nerves, but he felt relaxed as Taya's licks were sweet and slow, like if she knew how to stimulate males, while the truth is that one of Taya's studies was pleasing a man in mind and body, and that included sex and mating. Taya looked up to his eyes and started to suck deeper on Shu's wood. Shu moaned as Taya sucked and licked more, until she felt it had the perfect size, 9-inches, bigger than any young wolf of the village. Shu was panting after the preparation blowjob, as Taya sit on the floor, opened her legs and said between pants and moans "Do me, Shu... I want you... make me feel a real female, become a real male with me"

Shu gulped and nodded, grabbing his own bigness. The young male didn't expect to be that big, even on his private touchings at night, thinking on Taya at dreams, but on that moment, he saw she was more beautiful than in his wet dreams.


Shu placed his body over Taya, making their chests rub each other, then he grabbed his dick and set it between Taya's wet flower lips. Shu felt her wet but warm and soft insides of her covering his tip, so he pushed his own body slowly, so his wood went inside her, closing his eyes and making force on his hips, for getting in. Taya was nervous, so her walls were tighter than usual, so much she couldn't let Shu in, but after some calm and happy feelings, she started to loose a bit her walls for him, giving the enough tightness level. Shu drilled inside Taya with softness, chuckling for the effort he was making while Taya moaned loudly due to the penetration, bathing Shu's tool with her virginity's blood. Taya whined as she felt the wound, saying "It... hurts a bit..."

Shu kissed her lips to feel her moan and kill the pain that was drilling her,stopping for a second and saying "A warrior knows to deal with it... I love you, Taya... I won't let you feel pain for my own fault" as he heard Taya's hard painful panting, he tangled his tongue with hers together.

Taya felt Shu's tongue tickling her mouth, and she tangled her tongue with Shu's, then she moaned harder, because Shu started to rock his hips inside her as they separated roughly for Shu's sudden moves, making both lovers gasp. Taya closed her eyes and teeth to relief the pain, until she felt his dick touching her cervix, so she started to move her hips back and forth. Taya felt Shu's pumps like rams of pure pleasure, saying "Feels... good... I feel like the gods are helping us". Shu panted and moaned at the same time with her, until he felt his cock released his knot, so he closed his eyes, howled strongly and gave a last powerful pump inside her, clutching the incredible swollen part of him locked up inside her. Taya felt that pump so hardly, she opened her eyes, moaned screaming "I'm about to" and suddenly, her walls started to flow with her cum, followed by a sudden sweet moan. Shu felt his dick shooting seed inside her, mixing his fluids with her blood and wetness. Shu howled at the same time with Taya, making both tired after that and hugging close each other due to the lock that were sticking them each other.


Shu recovered his strength after breathing and sleeping and saw Taya, also awake, so he said "I'm glad we are made for each other..." hugging Taya tighter with tenderness and rubbing her soft creamy fur.

The knot was acting inside her, making the seed go straight to his objective as the couple knew they were on mating season. Taya felt the heat and bigness that was inside her, filling her up with Shu's goodwill, proud but strong genes, making her body feel happy and completed as she found the perfect male for her purposes. A few minutes later, Shu felt how his cock stopped spewing seed, so he licked Taya's forehead and asked her "Shall I pull off now, Taya?"

The young female nodded as she was curled on Shu's flat strong chest, with her eyes closed and her lips showing she was happy with that intimate moment, saying "Yes... I want to complete our ritual as mated beings".

Shu pulled his hips, making his big fleshy spear got out from Taya. Soon, Taya's pussy began to pour their fluids, mixed with a reddish tone due to the blood inside her, all with the squishing pouring sounds of her insides.


Shu moaned after the pull off and said ,after a sad sigh "I wish this never ended..." Taya giggled nodding and licking Shu's cheek "Yes, I know... but we should get back the fruit to the village"


Shu thought for a second and remembered the baskets they needed to carry to the village, screaming "Ah! We forgot to deliver the fruit!"


Shu stood up and set his loincloth blushed and worried, while Taya giggled and kissed his cheek "Not so fast, hot shot, we still have plenty of time" then Shu kissed Taya smoothly.


Shu blushed and looked Taya's blue shiny eyes, smiling and nodding, then they took their hands together and carried the fruit baskets to the village. During the way back home, Shu looked at Taya and said "Shall we go back here tomorrow..." with a slight blush turning out his face "...alone?"

Taya winked her eye happily "Sure, my big male" Shu reacted confused, but a second later he smiled as he proved in an intimate way he was an adult male in the eyes of the gods and the village.