Convention Day 1

Story by Silent Feline on SoFurry

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#1 of A Convention Experience

It was crowded in the hotel lobby. Milling furs waited for the elevator, stood in line to pick up their room reservation, or greeted each other with everything from pawshakes to deep kisses. Amidst the bustle, a rather overwhelmed looking leopard goggled at the general chaos, clutching his bag as all manner of creatures brushed by him. After a few dazed minutes all the activity was too much to bear, and he maneuvered himself to a relatively empty corner to take a breather. He closed his eyes, and allowed his thoughts to drift, remembering exactly how he'd managed to end up here, his first furry convention.

He'd only learned about the furry conventions a few months previous, but he'd immediately been hooked on the idea of coming together to discuss the culture, habits, and lifestyles of the world's furries. He had to admit to himself though that the driving force in bringing him here had been his interest in the sexual side of the event. He'd read many lurid tales on the internet about random occurences of mating, exhaustive, pleasure-filled orgies, and more kinks than could be remembered. He wasn't the richest cat in the world though, and the prohibitive cost of the airfare, the hotel and food were a big obstacle.

His burgeoning lusts combined with this lack of funds resulted in what he considered a novel approach. He'd posted something on one of the more popular furry message boards he frequented, one of the adult-themed ones. In it, he'd explained his situation, including his desire to attend a convention, and why. The very last line of his message was bolted, and in large font. It read, "Willing to do anything in return for someone generous enough to pay my way to the convention." The innuendo was clear, but just in case he attached a couple nude body shots, the cat not necessarily being one for the subtle approach. He received many mocking replies to his post, making fun of his appearance, or the idea. After weeks of this abuse, just when he was about to give up all hope, he received a private message. The message stated it was from an interested party, and if the cat would simply provide his address, everything else would be taken care of. He only hesitated a moment before replying in the affirmative. A few days later plane tickets showed up, along with instructions to head up to room 513 once he'd arrived.

And now he had, the cat straightening from his respite, and after seeing the lineup for the elevator, heading for the stairs. Five floors wasn't that far to climb, but he wheezed a bit as he opened the door to the proper floor, the chubbiness around his middle indicative of his fitness level. He paused a moment at a mirror along the hallway, regaining his breath and smoothing down a few ruffled bits of fur, blue eyes looking back at him briefly before he turned and continued toward the room. His heart began to beat faster as he neared 513, thoughts crashing through his head as he drew nearer and nearer. Who was behind the door? Were they old? Ugly? Fat? He'd tried to ask for more information from his benefactor prior to arriving, but it had been made clear that he was not going to receive any. He was already preparing for the worst case as he reached out towards the door, images of ugly, fat, old furries flooding his mind.

The sharp rapping noise his paw made against the wood snapped him from his musing, a heavy pause hanging in the air before a muffled male voice inquired from within, "Who is it?" The cat swallowed on a dry mouth before replying in a shaky voice, "This..uh..this is Gary from the...from the message board..?" Another long wait with no reply until suddenly the lock turned and the door was tugged open, revealing a lithely muscled wolf. Gary was struck speechless, for if nothing else, this specimen of a canine male was opposite to everything he'd feared. Forgetting himself he openly stared, his gaze moving up and down the wolf's body, taking in the green eyes and defined muzzle before sliding downwards. Though the wolf was clothed, his muscles were quite apparent through the tight top he wore, and his other endowments were showcased by an equally tight pair of shorts. The wolf was giving the leopard the same treatment, although a good deal more subtly. Gary was broken from his reverie by the wolf's paw extending outwards, and he automatically met it with his own, their size difference apparently as the canine's paw engulfed his own in a firm pawshake. He smiled upwards at his benefactor, the smile being returned as the fur in the doorway spoke. "It's nice to finally meet you Gary. My name is Sirius, won't you please come in?"

The wolf tugged on the cat's paw and Gary stepped forward with a grin on his muzzle, brushing up against the wolf as he moved into the room, hardly able to believe his luck in partners. He was in fact so wrapped up in this daze of happines he failed to notice the two others in the room ahead of him until he'd nearly tripped over a bag by the foot of the bed, blinking in surprise. A skunk and a dragon regarded him from their respective seats on a chair and the bed, both of them breaking into a grin as they caught each other's eye. Gary opened his mouth to ask who they were, and that's when something large, hard and heavy smashed into the back of the leoapard's head. A flash of pain and then a dead nothing followed as the hit knocked the feline out cold.

Gary awoke face down and naked some indeterminate time later with a start and then a groan as the damage to the back of his skull made itself known with a dull throbbing, and what felt like a hell of a bump to boot. He attempted to feel over the damage, only to find his movements restricted by something, keeping his paws bound behind his back. His first instinctive attempt to struggle to his feet only made him feel nauseous, as well as indicating his feet were bound in a similar fashion. It was then he remembered where he was, looking around as much as he was able, but didn't see any sign of the wolf, skunk or dragon. With no immediate threat to his safety, he decided he'd make an attempt to crawl towards the doorway. Perhaps with some luck he could use a wall to push himself standing and then find a way into the hallway. Being found by some random convention attendee naked and bound would be embarassing, but at this point he'd take that over whatever dangers awaited him if he stayed. He awkwardly started to push himself across the carpet of the room, inches of progress taking minutes of effort, but he was making headway. He'd almost reached the hallway leading to the door to the hallway when he felt a sudden tug around his neck that made him wheeze. A glance back over his shoulder showed a chain tethered to the bed, and leading to what he supposed was a collar of some kind around his neck. His eyes welled with tears and he let his head lay down on the floor, sobbing and hiccuping in desperation. No matter how he struggled against his bonds, he remained bound, and after several hours of terrified waiting, Gary sank into an exhausted sleep.

The sound of the lock on the door disengaging awoke him, and he stared upwards at it as it swung open, the harsh light from the hallway forcing him to blink blearily, his eyes having grown accustomed to the dark room. His vision swam for a few moments before he was able to make out that the fur entering the room was the skunk who he'd seen previously before...well, before whatever had happened to him. Blinking again, he was able to examine the mephit, even as the door was closed and the fur now in the room strode toward him. He wasn't the nicest looking skunk Gary had ever seen, the normally black and white colouring more of two shades of grey, indicating the advanced age of the fur. The skunk was chubby too, with a rotund belly that wobbled as the mephit moved, finally stopping just in front of the prone leopard, looking down with a malicious grin, brown eyes twinkling.

"Well, well, it seems that our young guest has decided to make a break for it," said the skunk, chuckling before continuing, "It's a terribly good thing that he didn't leave though. There's so much fun ahead that he would have missed." Gary stared up at the skunk with a mixture of fear and confusion, stuttering out, "W-W-Who the hell are y-you, and w-what is going on?" The skunk tsked, lifting a footpaw and tapping it lightly against the leopard's nose as he replied, "My name, if you must know, is Lucas, not that you're to be allowed to use it in any instance. Please refer to me as 'sir' or 'master' if you must, although really I can't see the use in you actually talking. Perhaps we'll correct that with a gag. As to what's going on, well, you're going to earn your keep, by satisfying all three of us in whatever ways we deem fit. And consider, we've actually gone to the trouble of procuring an unwilling slave to sate our particular tastes. Given that we're at a furry con, they must be unusual indeed for us to take such measures, no?" The skunks voice had a clipped sound to it, the enunciation very precise, and Gary's ears twitched as things were explained. He opened his mouth to protest, only to find the front few toes of the skunks foot pushed into his muzzle, the digits wiggling against his tongue as nothing but muffled noises game out around them. The skunk kept his foot in place, using his weight to pin the leopard's muzzle against the floor. "I see we'll need that gag sooner than I thought," said Lucas, chuckling once again as he sank his toes deeper into Gary's mouth, "but for now, this will suffice. And don't dare think about biting down, I won't hesitate to break your jaw if I have to. Just be a good kitten and lick master's foot."

Gary's eyes shimmered with tears again, and a whimper of pain came from his muzzle as the skunk pushed his hind paw deeper in his mouth, the cat aqueiscing to the demand, his tongue pushing up against the rough skin of Lucas' footpad, smearing it with his saliva. The skunk above him churred in contentment as he felt the slippery muscle in the leopard's muzzle push along the underside of his foot, shuddering every so often in pleasure as it slid up between his toes, squirming before being withdrawn to lick along the bottoms again. Gary stole glances upwards at the skunk when he could, unable to miss the growing bulge as the mephit grew more and more aroused by the feline lapping across his hind paw. Lucas started to slide his paw back and forth in the cat's mouth, pulling outwards until only his toes remained against Gary's lips before pushing back forward until he could hear the cat gag as the digits brushed against the opening to his throat. Minutes stretched out to an eternity for the leopard as the bigger fur muzzle-fucked him with his hind paw, the skunk finally withdrawing and wiping his toes off on the cat's cheekfur with another purr of pleasure.

" you've properly aroused your master, we're going to play a little game. For the sake of the others, it's a game that we'll play in the bathtub. I have a certain appetite for marking my partners before I take them, and that's what we're going to indulge in. I only tell you because I know the thought of it is disgusting to you, which only turns me on all the more." The skunk could see that his words had the intended effect on Gary, the leopard wrinkling his nose and wincing in response. Lucas grinned to himself and tore off his clothing in a hurry, revealing a prominent hard on bobbing lewdly beneath his belly, the skunks member dripping, the sheath pulled up around the base of his cock. "I'm going to untie your feet now, and lead you into the bathroom. When I do, don't try anything, or I'll do something far nastier than what I'm planning, and I guarantee you'll regret it." Having said that, the skunk moved out of Gary's field of view, and after a clink and some ratcheting noises, Gary found that he was able to move his feet. The skunk then moved over to the bed, unlocking something there as well and taking the chain leash into his paws. Gary took this exact moment to attempt to spring to his feet, focused on nothing but getting away from the pervert in the room. He hadn't banked on his head still being woozy though, not making it more than halfway up before sprawling forward with a retching noise. The skunk tugged fiercely on the leash in response, half-choking the feline and growling in anger as he strode towards the bathroom, yanking hard on the leash to drag Gary behind him, the cat hardly able to get to his knees before being pulled off them again.

"Oh you're going to get it now, you stupid slut," Lucas said with another growl, kicking open the door to the bathroom before tossing the leopard with surprising strength into the bathtub. Gary let out a yelp of pain as he landed against the unforgiving porcelain, momentarily dazed by the impact, and completely oblivious. The mephit wasn't waiting for anything though, and already had one paw wrapped around his cock, letting out a slight sigh as he relaxed and let an acrid stream of urine splash out into the tub, squarely hitting the feline in the face. Gary spluttered as the taste and smell of the yellow liquid filled his senses, the skunk aiming his cock back and forth, coating the younger leopard with piss. Gary finally got his mouth and eyes properly closed against the stream, though both still burned, and the skunk continued to mark him, far longer than he thought possible. Finally the stream tapered off to a few drops which the skunk shook off onto his form before climbing atop him in the tub, the mephit panting in arousal as his nostrils flared, inhaling his own scent.

Gary found himself roughly flipped onto his stomach, letting out a hiss of pain as the skunk brushed against the bump on the back of his head. Lucas wasn't concerned with that at the moment though, his only interest being in sheathing his throbbing shaft in the male below him. The skunk reached down and gripped Gary's tail around the base, roughly yanking upwards to expose the cat's tailhole before wiggling into position and jabbing firmly against the tight opening. The feline whined as he felt the pressure building on his private entrance, trying to shift out from under the skunk but to no avail, his whines turning to sobs with each thrust by the horny fur atop him, the skunk's large, tapered rod battering its way into the cat's body. "Oh gods, yes, that's it, my pretty toy, my slutty whore, you're all mine!" crowed Lucas as he pushed past the cat's initial resistance, immediately giving a firm thrust with his hips to hilt his flesh pole in the cat's rear, moaning at the tightness gripping his shaft. Gary could only lie below the skunk, shuddering in pain at every thrust and pull, biting into his lower lip in an effort to suppress the cries of pain that he knew the skunk would so enjoy. After awhile it proved impossible, the burning in his ass reaching an unbearable level as Lucas pounded away at his rear, the air of the room filling with the lewd noise of two males copulating. Each minute that ticked by for the cat was an eternity as the skunk humped against his ass, feeling something spattering across his neck, and realizing moments later that the older fur was drooling through his pleasure. The skunk's climax came a few minutes later, preceded by a few rapid hard thrusts and an exultant cry from Lucas as his cock throbbed inside Gary's rump, depositing a full load of sticky, skunkcum into his rear, the mephit pulling out halfway through to let the last of it spatter across the captive leopard's rear.

Silence overtook the bathroom except for the occasional whimper from the feline, and satisfied panting from Lucas, the skunk eventually shifting backwards and rolling Gary over face up again. He leaned forward, a small, mean grin on his muzzle as he reached down to fondle over Gary's smallish sheath, still soft and non-aroused. "Aww, he's got such a little cock on him. Who would ever want that, hmm? No wonder you were out looking for someone to fill that tight little ass of yours. Good thing we found you. Still, the little pussy should get his fill, hmm? If only to get him used to liking this sort of thing. Mmm, yeah." With each sentence, the skunk continued to fondle the cat's sheath, the member inside slowly hardening from simple stimulation, and certainly not due to Gary's own mental state. Slowly and surely his member emerged, and the skunk continued to masturbate the kitten's rod, manipulating the errect shaft until with a shudder and a groan from Gary, the feline released several gouts of spunk across his belly, aimed there deliberately by Lucas.

With that, the skunk stood up, grinning down at the dazed, abused, and now physically pleasured cat. "And now, your punishment for disobeying earlier my poor, slutty pet." The skunk turned in place and squatted, leaning forward onto his paws and lifting his tail up over his back. Gary managed to look just in time to see the skunks scent glands extrude slightly from the mephit's anus, closing his eyes as the first of the skunk spray washed over him. He gagged and wretched as the stink immediately permeated his sense of smell, the cat writhing in the tub as Lucas made sure to coat him thorougly in the foul scent. That being finished he stood, turned, and tied the cat's leash tightly round the toilet after stepping out of the tub, the skunk taking a moment to glance back at the captive leopard on his way out the door. Gary was still coughing, sneezing and wretching in the haze of the spray cloud, the sight enough to bring one last smile to the mephit's muzzle. "We'll see how you like stewing in the filth of your disobedience overnight. Perhaps tomorrow you'll be more pliant, if not any more pleasant smelling. I'm sure the others will take care of the cleanup. They'll have your own uses for you, and I'm not sure they share my taste in..marking. Good night, little slut kitten. There's only more for you tomorrow." With that the skunk gave Gary a coy wink and stepped out of the bathroom, locking the door from the outside and padding off.

Lying in the tub, the reek of skunk surrounding him, Gary started to sob quietly once again, unable to forget the sensation of his cock spurting across his belly, the wet, warm feeling of Lucas' jizz dripping from his rear, and the now subtle scent of mephit piss coating his body. The feline cried himself to sleep, dreading what the next day would bring.