
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Beth wants to be in pictures, so her father hires a photographer.

Again, Labeled 'Extreme' due to Beth's age.

Bethany - May 13, 2015 Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

M/f (teen), Oral/Tits/Incest/Seduction, Bear/Human, Filming

Ben came home from working in the mines and found his daughter, sitting on the floor, crying.

"What's wrong, Beth?"

"Daddy, I wanna be in the pictures..."

Ben knew he had spoiled the girl - First a tv, then one of those boxes that plays movies. And who was it that climbed on the roof whenever the wind moved the antenna... Well, she was his only daughter. Besides, she was the best cock-sucker in the entire county, verified by a 5-judge panel at the County Fair. He and her mother were barely a fling - She stayed long enough to have the cub and was off again.

"Alrighty... I be findin out what y'all needs ta be in pictures..."

The big city wasn't that far away and the phone book had several photographers listed - But none knew how to work a video camera. However one looked like he might do... The bear smiled as he read the ad. Oh, yes. This one would do just fine.

* * * *

Todd sighed. He thought when he bought the high-def camera offers would be pouring in, and they had... At first. But there are only so many weddings and birthday parties, and once those dried up, he was hurting for a job. Being the only human for miles around didn't help much either. So when the phone rang, he jumped on it like a starving lion on a steak.

"Hello... Yes I do. Yes, I can. Tomorrow morning soon enough? No, Thank You."

Work! That meant he could pay his rent. He got his best (and only) suit out and dusted it off, making sure his shoes were polished.

* * * *

It was a couple of hours driving dusty roads to the house, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. They had electricity, but the battery was only good for 4 hours - Plenty long enough. The good thing was all his equipment now fit fit in a single case, so he grabbed it and a tripod and closing the trunk, went up to knock on the door. After a short wait, a big bear in worn overalls opened the door and helped him in.

"This is my daughter Bethany, and she wants ta be in pictures."

Simple enough. Todd set up his equipment, eying the teen bruin every chance he got. She may only be 15, but she was 'of consent' age in many parts of the country... Besides, she had filled out very nicely already. And that dress hid nothing - Not the round, firm butt, nor the nipples that pushed the fabric out and made his crotch kinda tight.

"Ok... I am ready when you are." The man expected the bear to recite something from school or lip-sync to a favorite song. Instead she called to her father - Did she just lick her lips?

"Yes, Beth?"

Bethany smiled and went down on her knees, undoing the big male's britches. She helped them over the strong, firm ass, and down to puddle at his feet. The teen reached between her father's legs and cupped his ball-sack, nuzzling his sheath. All the male did was grunt and spread his legs as his cock slid free of it's holder. Todd's eyes bugged out and he jerked his head up from the camera's screen - Damn! The thing was as long as his forearm and as thick as his wrist! The teen bent her head so she could slide her long pink tongue along the length of the massive bear-cock until she got to the blunt tip. She kissed it, nuzzled it, making it flex. Then she opened her muzzle and engulfed it.

"Mmmmmmm..." the female hummed, making her father groan and clench his fists as she fondled his nuts, her other paw sliding around to grip his butt. Todd was glued to the screen as inch by inch, the tent-pole disappeared past the thin lips, until they were pressed against the furry dick-holder.

Ben's hips bucked. He couldn't help it when his daughter worked her throat muscles on his shaft, stroking the base with her soft, warm tongue. Bethany slid her head back, sucking noisily on her father's cock, bobbing her head up and down before she swallowed him completely. The bear moaned, then grunted and roared as he blew several days worth of desire down his daughter's clinging throat. And she didn't relent until the sack her paw caressed was thoroughly emptied, and the big male somehow got untangled, making his way back to his chair, gasping for breath. It didn't matter how many times she sucked him off, it still made his nuts ache.

The teen grinned as she saw the wet spot on the human's crotch. "Your turn next." When all the man did was stare at her she licked her lips seductively. "Don't y'all worry about not being as big as Daddy... Few people are. Now com'ere..."

When the human still didn't move, she grinned. A shy one? Well, we'll take care of that. The bear pulled her dress over her head, revealing she had nothing on underneath.

Monkey-brain saw only one thing - 'Tits!' The teen lifted her breasts, rubbing them together. 'Tits! Tits! Tits! Move your damn ass!' They were furry and brown and perfectly sized for her frame, with pink nipples that begged to be teased. And if she so much as hinted she was going to slide her long tongue over one of those bumps, he was going to cum in his pants!

Todd found himself moving out from behind the camera and walking over to the bear. She quickly undid his damp shorts, cupping his balls and squeezing a cheek as she completely engulfed his 7 inches. After several long, slow sucks she ground her nose in his thatch of hair, inhaling his scent and trying her best to pull his cock out by the roots and swallow it, her throat muscles tugging and pulling and milking the throbbing length. The camera recorded every shudder, every gasp and moan and slick slurp when Bethany pulled back to torture his cock-tip with hard licks and soft nibbles on the spongy plum before squeezing his ass and slipping the fleshy pole as deep as it would go in her maw again.

"Mmmmmmm...." the bruin growled with delight as she felt his balls swell, before they started to throb, shifting in her hands as she caressing the cords that sent the hot, sticky globs of cum she so loved up to the pulsating cock in her muzzle, long ropy jets of jizz shot down her gullet and she swallowed, making the human arch and go blind, trying to keep up with the hungry teen's demands. Beth had to grab the man's butt with both paws as he fell like a tree, continuing to nurse on his semi-hardon until she couldn't even get a dribble of pre. She let him lay on the floor, kissing his cock-tip before getting up again.

Ben watched his naked daughter pad over to him, kneeling to cup his balls in one paw, nuzzling and kissing the flesh-covered orbs.

"Where should I put him next, Daddy?"

The bear gasped as she ran her tongue over his nuts, before shoving the whole sack into her muzzle.

"Anywhere you want, Beth. He caint get ya with cubs, ya know."

She nodded, still sucking on the muzzle-full of balls

Ben groaned... He knew that look - When the human woke up again, Beth was going to be in the middle. Ever since she had found one of his old 'girly' magazines, her favorite new position was 'In The Ass'. There were plenty of times he wished he hadn't weaned her on his dick, but when she was still in diapers, she had grabbed it and stuck it in her muzzle. From then on, it was her favorite 'pacifier'. She didn't even have to throw a fit - All she had to do was bat her cute brown eyes and say, "Pweese?" and he would sigh and drop his pants for her - She was his only daughter.

Somehow, the bear got his hungry daughter's head away from his crotch. "It's getting late, and we have to make supper. So get dressed and fetch us some water. I will put the poor guy back in his car, and we can see about doing this again sometime."

Beth reluctantly nodded, and kissed her father's nuts one more time, before grabbing her dress and heading out back to the well. Sure, they had indoor plumbing - Which they trusted about as far as they could toss a pail of water. Besides, well water tasted better.

Ben grunted and stuffed his junk into his pants, getting zipped up before he tackled the camera. Well how about that now - A little switch said, 'On/Off'. So, he turned it 'off', put it away in it's case and carried the equipment out to the car, the out-cold human slung over one shoulder. Putting everything in, he put the money in the guy's shirt pocket, and closed the car door. The he went back into the house to help his daughter peel potatoes - Beth loved fried taters.

* * * *

Todd came to with a start - Oh Gods! He shook his head, rubbed his aching nuts and got the hell out of there. He slept in late, then paid a visit to the landlord. He took care of a few odds and ends, not wanting to tackle the monster he had captured on hi-def film. Finally he got around to the tape in his camera. He labeled it 'Beth' and dated it, then slid it into the dvd burner. He didn't even bother with the usual effects, leaving it 'raw'. His eyes bugged out again as he watched the teen bear swallow that mule-dick, the sounds making him hard in seconds. Worse was the impossible sight of her throat moving, gulping her father's cum.

"Your turn next."

Oh crap! It wasn't some erotic dream them. Off came the dress, the tits just as perky and firm and round on 'tape' as in real life. Of course the hi-def digital made her nipples pop all that much more. He bit his lip as he appeared in front of the camera, his pants puddling at his feet, the naked bruin cupping his balls, as she took him to the hair in that hot muzzle. He jerked, he screeched, he passed out, knees buckling, being held by the female. Slowly, she let his dick slip from her mouth, kissing the tip, flicking her tongue across it. The teen stood and his eyes glued themselves to the big, round butt as the bruin padded over to her father and kneeling, slid his balls into her mouth.

"Where should I put him next, Daddy?"


He cut it there, double-checked the copy, and made sure to put that tape someplace very safe. Todd groaned again - He still had to return and give the bears the dvd. He shivered, thinking of sliding his cock between those furry tits, humping her muzzle until he shot his wad down her throat. But that ass... To feel those mounds wriggle and grind against him as he butt-fucked the teen - He had to run to the kitchen and toss a handful of ice into a towel, and place it on his aching nuts. Oh Gods... Both places, one after the other? After a few minutes, Todd went back into the main room, and carefully put the dvd in a holder, printed out a label (Bethany's recital), and put it in his sack as if it were a live bomb instead of a circle of plastic. Tomorrow would be soon enough to worry about it, right now, he was going to put the towel back on his crotch, sit and watch tv in the hopes that it would be enough to distract him from what had happened.

Fat chance when all the females seemed determined to out-do each other with the amount of cleavage they flashed at the camera, and it only got worse when a bruin in shorts bent over to get something off the floor... He tried hid damnedest to hit the 'off' button, but it was like a car-wreck, he couldn't look away as the big butt strained the fabric, wriggling a little as she seemed to have a hard time grabbing whatever it was. Todd's zipper gave up the fight to the pole that smashed it open, while the ice in the towel evaporated.

And for the second time that day, the human passed out.

The End