Stuck in Orbit: Family Reunion Chapter 2

Story by BAYOKKO on SoFurry

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#31 of Stuck in Orbit

Story Title: Stuck in Orbit: Family Reunion

By: J.D. Barwick

Rating: MA

Fandom: Original

Warnings: cursing, sexual situations, family drama.

Just a small follow up to the Stuck in Orbit story about Barnabus having to visit his Family with Miktes in tow.

[Barnabus: You know folks, sometimes I get to asking myself what the heck happened that made me go and decide to get hitched to Miktes. Now before you all go and bite my head off I'm not talking about actually walking down the aisle with him. Naw, that's something I don't regret for a single moment. But what really makes me think is how a single man's man like Barnabus comet ended up falling for a grouchy green alien primitive who was only wearing a loincloth.

And it's not like he's charming or anything to explain how it happened. I mean, he's grumpy most of the time, rude beyond all belief, snores like a buzz saw, and the less said about the damage he causes on a regular bases the better. But just as I really start to think about what happened, he goes and does something that makes me completely understand why I choose to stick with his brooding backside.

In case you all are wondering what I'm bending your ear about let me tell you. After dragging Miktes through the streets of Paris, him trying to not act impressed by all the sights and smells around us, the two of us eventually made it to the Global Central Station. A place where you can catch a ride on a train to anywhere on earth for a low, low price. Or at least that's their slogan. It was when we stepped into the station that the thing that made me remember why I'm in love with Miktes happened.

The very second that big tough goon caught sight of the trains his eyes lit up and his grinned like a little kid at Christmas time. It got even worse when I informed him that we were going for a ride on one of the big metal snakes to get to my family's home in Sweden. He nearly pulled my arm off dragging me over to the ticket stand so we could get ourselves a ride. Things keep getting better from there too. I mean look at him right now, kneeling in his seat, face pressed up against the window while he looks out at the scenery passing us by. Real cute if you ask me. Not that I'd say that to him out loud. But with the way he's acting I just want to get him alone and yank down his-- Um... sorry about that, got carried away I guess.]

"So how fast is this thing going?" Miktes asked.

Humoring the overexcited man Barnabus put away the magazine he had been reading on his P.A.D. and chuckled at him. That had to be the hundredth question he had asked a question since they had boarded the train over an hour ago. "Um... I really can't say Mickey." He answered. "Bullet trains aren't really my forte."

Plopping down in his seat Miktes pursed his lips in concentration and gave Barnabus a questioning look. "What does a fort have to do about knowing anything?"

"Mick, forte doesn't mean..." Barnabus halted midway in his explication realizing he didn't completely understand the definition himself. "Well forget what forte means. What I was really saying was I don't know. Forgot that the translator doesn't translate some things sometimes."

"Wouldn't have to translate at all if you learned to speak Verdomian like me." Miktes harrumphed.

"Hey I tried to learn remember?" Barnabus pointed out. "Got your dad to sit me down and give me lessons. Not my fault I'm not a good study."

Looking smug all of the sudden, Miktes reached into his back pocket and produced the P.A.D. that he had been given months ago. A simple children's model but good enough for his first one. "Well that'd make one of us." The warrior announced. "I've been learning to speak human behind you back."

"Wait, you have?" Barnabus said honestly surprised. He hadn't even considered that Miktes would be interested in learning his language.

Wanting to see if what Miktes was saying was true, Barnabus put his own P.A.D. down and stuck his index finger into each of his ears, shutting off his translators. "Come on Mick; let's see how well you did learning then." He encouraged. "Just say it slow so I can understand you best I can."

"Garna shutti!" Miktes said in his native tongue. Clearing his throat the Verdomian held up his P.A.D. and began reciting what was written on the screen with only slight difficulty. "Wenn wir ein Schlafzimmer finden werde ich erhalten Sie nackt und ficken Sie bis Sie um Gnade menschlichen betteln."

For several moments after Miktes finished his sentence, the enforcer grinning proudly at the shock on Barnabus face, the Jack found himself at a loss for words. But finally he realized he better tell the redhead and quickly turned his translators back on. "Um..." He really hated to disappoint him. "That wasn't... what I mean to say is I couldn't understand a word of that."

Miktes smile instantly disappeared at that, his eyes snapping back to the screen of his device. "Did I say it wrong or something?"

"You probably said it right but that sounded like you were speaking German." Barnabus explained. "I speak Swedish so you missed the mark by a couple of countries."

"But it the thing on the magic tablet said that what I said was in human talk!" Miktes said with disappointment. He had been studying the thing he had "downed-load" none stop since he had asked Alfred how to use his P.A.D.'s shop.

Barnabus nodded and placed his hand over Miktes'. "German is "human talk", but earth has hundreds of different languages." He said. "Still, I still really dig it that you went and tried to learn for me. And you know if you really wanna learn maybe I can teach you some Swedish sometime."

Pretending not to not notice himself taking Barnabus hand Miktes gave a grunt which the human interpreted as a yes. "I guess I'll let you." He mumbled. "But you better teach me all the dirty words first. I want to be able to make fun of everyone back on the flying house without them knowing."

"Every single one." Barnabus agreed solemnly.

Breaking the duo out of their conversation, the PA system onboard the train suddenly came to life, a female voice calmly making an announcement over it. "Attention passengers, attention passengers! We'll be approaching our next stop Stockholm in precisely twenty minutes. All those who are getting off at the next stop please prepare to disembark."

"That's us Miktes." Barnabus said with a deep sigh. "Let's get ready." Getting out of his seat the Jack reached up and began removing their luggage from the overheard compartment and handed it to Miktes who grumpily took it. "I really hope you're ready for your first meeting with a member of the Anderson brood."

Almost dropping the suitcase sitting on his lap Miktes looked up at his mate with alarm. "What do you mean am I ready?" He asked. "I thought you said we still had a transport ride before we got to your family's house."

"We are. My older brother Frank is going to pick us up and drive us the rest of the way to Olerud." Barnabus explained casually as he returned to his seat, the rest of their possessions in hand. "Jalapeño, I hope he still doesn't have that beat up old pick-up style transport."

Barnabus' voice becoming nothing but white noise in his mind, Miktes began to go over the few plans he had thought up to deal with the upcoming shovel talk with Barnabus' brother. He supposed with being ambushed like this he didn't have time to fashion a weapon to take out the human with. That only left his hands. But... with the way Barnabus had beaten him the first time they had met maybe that wasn't a good idea either. Guess he'd just have to rely on his dominate aggression to save the day. One good growl and a nasty look would send his mate's sibling runnin without so much as a single punch having to be thrown.

'No way any human can stand up to the old Miktes enforcer of the Wild Comet Crew glare.' Miktes thought to himself smugly.

"What are you smiling about?" Barnabus suddenly said, Miktes starting at his voice. "You better not thinking of something dirty for us to do later. I don't want my dad throwing us out of the house cause your hot to trot."

"If I was I'd just do it here on the train." Miktes responded thinking quickly. "Those bathrooms in the back are large enough to bend you over."

"Try it kid and you'll get a kick in your big green caboose." Barnabus remarked with faux haughtiness. "Ha! Caboose... train humor!"

Not completely understanding the joke Miktes snorted at the attempt at humor and went back to looking outside. They were about to leave so he wanted to get his fill before they left. Quietly the Verdomian watched as the countryside that they had been passing through gave way to a city much like the one back on Aquarii, gleaming skyscrapers and stone buildings rising higher and higher the deeper the train went into the urban environment.

Pretty soon the twenty minutes the announcer had told the passengers about earlier was up and with a gentle lurch the entire train came to slow stop within a high-tech looking stationhouse, steam rising from sides of the metal tube as the PA turned on once again announcing their arrival.

"Attention Passengers the two-thirty from Berlin to Stockholm has arrived at its destination." It said. "Everyone disembarking please exit the train in an orderly fashion and thank you once again for choosing Global Bullet Rail for your travel needs."

With a reluctant grunt Barnabus stood up from his seat and stretched. "Finally." He muttered. "Come on Mickey wouldn't want to keep my brother waiting. Much as I want to."

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming." Standing with his mate, Miktes quickly fell into line behind the human as the older man led the two of them silently down the aisle and out of the train through a side door.

Coming out onto the platform outside and back into the chilled mid-winter air Miktes suddenly found himself giving a shiver because of the weather again. His body still not used to the weather on earth. He just didn't know why it had to be so damned cold on Barnabus stupid planet. However when the Jack turned to him having seen his involuntary movement the Verdomian put on his usual sneer and tried to act as if he weren't cold. No need to let anyone, let alone his mate think he couldn't take it.

Ignoring the attempt to save face in front of him Barnabus decided to hurry the two of them along and picked up the pace, moving on and walking through the train station so that they would stay warm through exercise. It was as they strolled towards the front of the entrance that Barnabus took a quick look around at their surroundings.

Like the Paris and Berlin train depots the Stockholm one was specially designed to be a tourist attraction in of itself not just a simple station. As him and Miktes walked through the front of the building the two of them found themselves in a very lavish looking courtyard, a huge fountain at its center which was surrounded by small restaurants and other tourists all enjoying themselves as the station's clocks rang the twelfth hour of the day overhead.

Smiling at the pleasant sight Barnabus reasoned that maybe they shouldn't worry about keeping Frank waiting. After all a nice lunch watching Miktes terrify whichever waiter attended to them was a whole lot better than standing around doing nothing.

However just as the Jack was about to suggest that they go and do just that he suddenly found himself in an unexpected predicament that efficiently ruined any plans he had just come up with. About to turn to Miktes to tell him his idea Barnabus found himself grabbed from behind and pulled backwards, his large body getting swung from side to side as someone held him close and started talking in an all too familiar voice which had the bearded man growling in frustration.

"Bout time you got your sorry ass back home Barn!" Whoever it was crushing cried out with a joyous shout. "I was beginning to think I'd never see you again in person again!!"

Watching in shock as Barnabus was assaulted from behind by some strange human Miktes found himself unable to react to what was happing for several long moments. But then suddenly his entire being reacted without thought, his Verdomian dominate personality reacting to the perceived threat to what was his. No one touched his mate, no one! Body shifting into a pouncing position and a mean looking snarl appearing on his green face the warrior readied himself to strike back at this man attacking his mate, ready to rip him to pieces.

Thankfully though before Miktes' murderous rage could be unleashed Barnabus did something which completely defused it. Frown dissolving the middle-aged human broke out into his own guffaw, a smile crossing his own features as he began speaking with a grunt. "Francis!" He grunted out as he was hugged with strength that rivaled Moah's. "Let go of me you big kook! You're going to make me throw up if you keep it up!"

Instantly doing as he had been asked, the man holding Barnabus in a death grip let the Jack Captain down, a humble sounding, "Sorry about that.", slipping into the air as he dipped his head.

Stumbling as he was freed Barnabus turned around to face his attacker but instead of chewing him out the bearded man reached forward and drew him into a much gentler hug, both men patting each other on the backs as they embraced. "It's fine I guess you big idiot." He said. "Just don't let it happen again alright?"

Seeing all this Miktes was now truly confused. First this person attacks his mate then the next thing he knows they're hugging? The warrior had to get to the bottom of this immediately. Taking a close look Miktes let his vision go over this new man. He was a human that was obvious, his frame and height similar to Barnabus'. The Verdomian also took notice that the stranger also shared the same colored eyes as Barnabus did which meant only one thing. This must be the older brother Barnabus had been talking about.

Like with Issy seeing the same shade in someone else's eyes was truly unnerving for the redhead but luckily that was where the similarities ended between the two. Instead of the brunette widow's peak that graced Barnabus' head Francis' hair was jet black or at least what was left of it on top his head was. Otherwise the man was bald save for a bad horseshoe style haircut wrapping around the back of his head. The older man did rival his brother when it came to facial hair though, a mustache and full beard obscuring the lower half that made Miktes wonder what Barnabus would look with more facial hair.

Miktes had been so caught up in the idea of full beards that he failed to notice Francis shifting his focus off of his brother and onto him, the human staring over Barnabus' shoulder with a confused expression on his face.

Seeing the rough looking alien staring him down Francis let his brother go and stepped between him and the stranger. "Um, Can we help you sir?" He asked. "If you're looking for directions or something to a hotel I think there's a help desk inside of the station that will help you."

Realizing that he had forgotten Miktes in the excitement Barnabus quickly stepped out from behind Frank and tried his best to introduce everyone before Miktes became insulted. "Actually Frank this big guy came with me to visit." The Jack explained with a sheepish look. "Miktes this is Francis, Frank... this here is Miktes."

The tension leaving his shoulders at hearing that they weren't about to be attacked Frank raised an eyebrow at his brother. "You brought someone home to meet the family?" He asked, a grin appearing on his face. "Geeze Barnabus what's the special occasion? You haven't brought anyone around since you were in high school. "

Barnabus scratched an imaginary itch on the back of his neck remembering the event his brother was referring too. It had been his first official boyfriend and he remembered being just as nervous back then as he was right now. To say that the night ended well back then would be deluding himself now.

Knowing that he had to answer Barnabus readied himself and quickly tried to explain exactly who Miktes was. "There's no special reason why I brought him Frank." He began unsteadily. "I just sort of thought it was high time you and everyone back home meet Miktes here. Because he's my... well he's my... uh..."

"--I'm his husband." Miktes interrupted impatiently. Usually the redhead didn't like using that particular word for his mate, the Verdomian phrases being more natural to him, but he had grown tired of waiting for the human to spit it out. As if it was so hard to admit being with a dominate as wonderful as he was.

Wincing at Miktes' bluntness Barnabus slowly peered over to where his brother was standing to see how he had taken the big reveal. As expected the older man had gone still at the word "Husband" and hadn't moved since, his mouth hanging open and his eyes as wide as saucers as he no doubt tried his hardest to process what had just been said.

After what felt like an eternity of dreadful silence Barnabus reasoned that he better say something again before a fly flew into Frank's gaping mouth. But he quickly found out he didn't need to though as Frank suddenly began doing something that he hadn't expected.

Doubling over the large man began to shake, his head at first then his whole being. The suddenly Frank stood up straight again and let loose what had to be the loudest bark of laughter that either Barnabus or Miktes had ever heard, the sound quickly delving into uproarious and boisterous cackle that had such volume it disturbed everyone within earshot as it echoed off of the walls of the courtyard and into the sky.

"You got married?!" Frank exclaimed in-between hearty guffaws as if it was the funniest thing ever. "Holy shit I can't believe it! Barnabus, I'm going to stay single and play the field forever, Anderson actually let someone get their hooks in him! A-And it's an alien no less. Dad is going to go nuts when he finds out!!!"

Barnabus groaned into his hands at being reminded of his own stupid words from long, long ago. He just hoped Miktes would understand his brother's sense of humor at the situation. The enforcer really didn't take kindly to someone questioning them being together. Last time he had punched the guy out and thrown him into a wooden table

"Barnabus..." Miktes growled darkly. "Why's he laughing at us."

Quickly getting between Miktes and his brother before bloodshed the Jack placed both hands on the alien's chest to stop him from attacking. "Calm down Miktes. He's not insulting that we're together, Frank's a good guy trust me." Barnabus explained slowly. "He just thinks it's funny that I went and got with someone after I told him I'd stay single and play the field for the rest of my life."

Miktes animalistic growl turned into a soft exhale of breath, his mate's words calming him down instantly. "Fine but he better shut up soon." He huffed. Suddenly something terrible came to his Verdomian m making him frown angrily. "Wait, you wanted to stay mateless for the rest of your life? You don't regret that you met me do you?"

"What! Of course not!" Barnabus quickly said waving his hands wildly. "Mickey baby... That was just something I said when I was really young and stupid. I love you and I know I don't say it but you're the best thing that's..."

As he had begun assuring Miktes of his commitment to him Barnabus had let his vision drift back over to Frank to give the man a dirty look for putting him in this mess. Upon doing so though he found his brother watching them with a look that one made right before they cooed the words "Awe" in response to a cute situation.

Seeing that face Barnabus sobered up instantly and scowled at his sibling. "I swear if you say one thing I'm going to bump you off Frankie and bury you where no one will ever find you."

"What I didn't say anything." Frank replied back dumbfounded. "I was just watching you two talk is all. Heh, you know Barnabus I never though you could be such a sweet caring-- humph."

Not giving Frank a chance to finish what he was going to say Barnabus launched forward and tried to cover the other man's mouth to keep him silent. But all this attempt to silence his brother caused was to make the two of them quickly descend into a half playful, half serious wrestling match that Miktes stood there watching with no small amount of pride in his scrappy mate. Looks like he wouldn't have to fight Francis at all if Barnabus was going to do it for him now.

[Barnabus: Well, this trip certainly is off to a real keen beginning. I hope Rana and the fellas are having more fun back on Aquarii then I am here on earth.]


(Rana: I hope Barnabus and Miktes are having fun.)

Walking out of the cockpit of the Wild Comet Two Rana took out her P.A.D. and brought up the list she had made to keep track of her responsibilities as acting captain. Ticking off each of the things written on it as she came to them the pilot she increasingly proud of how much of a handle she had on this being temporary captain. Stupid Barnabus and his trying to get out of vacation by doubting her skills. Rana knew she could pull this off without breaking a sweat.

The trip back home to Aquarii had been a relatively uneventful one. Sure Moah had accidentally caused a small power surge and Alfred had tried to convince her to make a stop off at some planet but she had handled both problems and got them home faster than they had ever before. Now all there was left for the three of them to do was pull up a couple of chairs, sit back, and wait for the cargo they would be delivering to be dropped off. And that would be--

"Miss Najjar!" Alfred called out as he raced into the common room. "There are two men outside who want you to sign for something."

Looking up from her checklist Rana gave the blond a curt nod. "Thanks Porter I'll be right there." She told him professionally. Placing her P.A.D. away the Jack pilot quickly made her way past the doctor and made her way through the ship and out of the open cargo bay door.

As she went down the ramp Rana once again thought back to Barnabus attempts to get out of his vacation by saying that the three of them couldn't handle the job alone. Imagine the nerve of the older man. It wasn't like what their captain did was very hard when you thought about it. He just secured the jobs, made sure the cargo got to them, and talked to the client. Rana was more than sure that given the chance she could do the same thing. Maybe even improve on Barnabus' techniques

Coming to the bottom of the ramp Rana searched around the dock they had landed at and spotted the two men Alfred had been speaking about. Standing a few feet away from her was a short Corcalva and a tall Beestje both of them dressed in some sort of uniform and standing in front of several very, very large boxes which sat behind the duo.

Neck craning upward as she approached the colossal items Rana felt a twinge of worry at their sheer size but quickly did her best to suppress it. "Um... hello?" She said to the delivery men. "Are these the packages form Ra-know industries?"

"Sure thing Ma'am." The Beestje deliveryman confirmed. Holding up an electronic clipboard and a stylus he motioned for Rana to take them. "Please sign here if you will."

Vision not once leaving the crates blocking out the artificial sunlight, Rana clumsily scribbled her name and Jack Id number onto the screen of the device and handed it back. "Is... is there a lift or something that comes with these boxes." She asked the two men hopefully.

The Corcalva shook his horned head no making an impatient sound. "Sorry but the only thing we were told to do was drop the boxes off and leave. The client said that you all knew how to load it onto you ship." Lumbering away after saying that the stout man waved over his shoulder for his workmate to follow. "Come on bug we got lunch to get to."

"Oh yes, of course." The Beestje agreed. Bowing to Rana he quickly said, "Thank you for using I.U.G. delivery services", and raced after his shorter friend the two of them talking as they got into a large transport.

Now alone Rana managed to shake herself out of the daze she had been in and slowly circled the three boxes she was now tasked with delivering. How were they supposed to get these things into the Wild Comet Two? Yes, they might be able to fit if they moved most of what they had in the cargo bay, but how could they get them inside in the first place.

"Miss Najjar?" Alfred's voice suddenly sounded. "Do you need some help?"

Looking past the boxes Rana saw that both Alfred and Moah had come outside while she was talking to the deliverymen and were standing there waiting for her orders. "You're just in time boys." She said trying her best to remain chipper. "It seems that our captain said we could get these things onto the ship. Ah... anyone know how exactly."

Walking over to join their friend Alfred and Moah let their vision travel up and down the crates in front of them. "Well... I suppose we could use one of the lift devices they have at the..." Alfred began, but halfway through his suggestion he noticed that the bottom of the boxes were strange metal platforms with no visible place for the prongs of a fork lift to fit under.

It was as Alfred grew quiet in thought that Moah spoke up for the first time, the large hairy alien bouncing on his feet as he grinned. "Ji kokoju! Gu unew ojil gi tinoi tendo Juuyol fa yettu utto uggh eona-o!" He exclaimed. "Yaggho ol dog ir pok ir-ri ragi Moah had ol frutoz-o foba."

"Moah said he might have something that might work." Alfred explained for Rana with a troubled look on his bespectacled face. "But I don't think it's really a good idea."

Rana peered over to their mechanic. With the way he was smiling that manic mad scientist grin of his the dark haired woman was very close to agreeing with Alfred. But then she thought about the alternatives to not using whatever he had cooked up. They'd either have to tell the client that they couldn't deliver the crates or she'd have to call Barnabus, give him the reason he wanted to come back, and admit she couldn't handle this.

'Like hell.' Making her decision Rana pointed over to Moah with a determined look on her face. "Zash go and get whatever you think will help, we're taking your advice."

Moah seemed to be very pleased with Rana's order and gave a loud whoop, hurrying off into the ship as quickly as he could to retrieve his new invention. As he disappeared Rana just hoped that she wouldn't regret agreeing to what was going to happen later.