Chapter 22: Never So Happy

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#22 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 22: Never So Happy

After resting a few hours only to find Zaldon still had not returned, Kilyan and Keeno decided they felt well enough to go down to market before it closed. Julyan naturally protested, but seeing their determination to get out and about -- and wanting to know that Zaldon was safe too -- Julyan gave them a few little items and knickknacks that they could trade for mane brushes, telling them to hurry back before dinner was cold. Keeno teasingly called Julyan such a "housewife" and received a fond but rather hard ruffle on his mane for it.

So it was that Kilyan and Keeno found themselves wandering the markets together, their purchased mane brushes already in little velvet pouches in their paws. Dusk was rolling pink and purple across the sky, and the crowds were dispersing. Mothers, grandmothers, and even some males were walking away with tails swishing and bouncing pups clinging to their paws. Shopkeepers packed their goods in boxes, pulled down their shades, and prepared to head home. Lovers lounged together on the many shaded benches and picnic tables Kilyan remembered so well, kissing, whispering, holding paws.

"This place is really beautiful," Keeno said, his dark eyes tracing over the flowers and banana trees. "I wish I could've brought Enya to see all of this. Flowers everywhere -- my little Enya loves flowers. I'd bring her one but it's so cold back home. She'd cry when it died after five seconds."

Kilyan laughed.

"Hey, look what I got her," Keeno said, and Kilyan looked around to see Keeno pulling out a little doll. It was a tan female wolf with a white stripe cutting down its belly. It looked just like Enya: it even had blue buttons for her sapphire blue eyes.

"Hey, where'd you get that?" Kilyan asked in wonder.

Keeno grinned. "I had a guy make it especially. I asked him to while you were over at another stall. We walked around a little, then you went to take a piss and I went to pick it up. Cost me ten of Julyan's glass beads."

Kilyan gave a low whistle. That was expensive.

"Think she'll like it?" Keeno asked anxiously, and Kilyan saw him tuck the doll carefully in its velvet bag. "I mean, I know she loves dolls but. . . ."

"She'll love it," Kilyan assured him. "I got my boys some little slingshots. I've been promising them for a while now anyway."

"Oh, lord," said Keeno. "Let the mayhem begin."

They laughed, remembering the damage they'd done when their fathers first gave them slingshots.

"The wives will be pleased," went on Keeno. "Make no mistake. Gold mane brushes? Zalia's gonna fuck me like there's no tomorrow." Keeno grinned dreamily into space.

Kilyan made a face. "Shut up, Keeno. Yuck."

"Oh, right, sorry," said Keeno with a laugh, realizing that he'd just forced Kilyan to think of his sister having sex.

They walked on through the streets of the market place, which were steadily becoming empty and deserted as they went along, but they both halted when Keeno said, "Hey! Isn't that Zaldon?"

Kilyan followed Keeno's gaze. Sure enough, sitting on a low wall in the distance was a hulking, white wolf. His broad back was to them, and the low wall was like a balcony on the hill: it overlooked the rest of the village as it spread away down the great hill that the village was built on: little brown huts of clay rolling away to the sky among green palm trees, bright yellow bananas, and white and pink flowers turning again to buds as the first chill breath of the night swept down. Stars were starting to appear above the horizon, winking tiny and white. Zaldon was sitting hunched over, his ears flat on his head, and he looked so . . . sad. One of his big arms was bent, the paw lifted as if he was looking at something in his palm. They saw him heave a deep sigh and then look at the stars. His tail swung low behind him, the white end twitching thoughtfully.

Kilyan and Keeno exchanged glances.

"I'll talk to him," Kilyan said heavily.

Keeno nodded and sat on a bench to wait.

Kilyan approached Zaldon, not knowing what he was going to say. He could guess what Zaldon was probably doing: Zaldon was steeling himself to hurt his father! He didn't understand it. Why couldn't they just let themselves be in love? Why did Zaldon have to be his father's husband? Why wasn't just being in love enough? Maybe these were stupid questions. Or maybe he was just angry. Kilyan didn't know.

Kilyan sat on the wall beside Zaldon and didn't have to look at him to know he was startled. He saw out of the corner of his eye that Zaldon had snapped his paw shut on whatever he was holding, that he was tucking it away in one of the many pouches on his belt.

"Why can't you just love my father?" Kilyan asked miserably. "Pushing him away isn't going to work: we came all the way to the winter village to see you after you tried that the first time."

Zaldon laughed sadly. "I know. I just . . . you don't understand, Kilyan. It's not that I don't want your father -- your father doesn't want me!"

Kilyan's eyes snapped on Zaldon. "That's not true! No one risks getting captured by lone wolves to see someone they don't want!"

Zaldon shook his head. How could he make Kilyan understand?

"Kilyan, that was seven years ago," Zaldon said gently, and Kilyan felt like a pup when Zaldon stroked his ears, which were flat on his head. He felt acutely again how small he was beside Zaldon, and when Zaldon rested that big paw on his head and smiled down at him with those sad black eyes, he felt as if he could have been sitting here with his father, as if Zaldon might have pulled him under his arm at any second and told him how much he'd grown. He looked angrily away and heard Zaldon sigh.

"You know," said Kilyan, shaking his head, "the two of you will never be happy until you just give in to your feelings. You keep pushing each other away, and you have all these excuses for it!" Suddenly angry, Kilyan shot up from the wall and marched past Keeno, who hurried after him in confusion.

Zaldon returned to the hut later that night after everyone had already eaten only to announce that he was ready to go. Everyone was sitting in the front room around the fire. Arorta, Nisma, and Nasma were washing dishes over a little basin and darting happy glances at little Yuri, who was playing with a doll that Keeno had had custom-made for her too. Yuri's doll looked exactly like her as well: the same bluish-silver fur, the same large sable eyes.

Julyan sat beside the fire in a chair, his big arms behind his head as he gazed dreamily and sometimes worriedly out the window. Sitting with Keeno in chairs nearby, Kilyan knew Julyan had been worried about Zaldon. But now Zaldon stood in the doorway and they all looked up. He gave his short announcement, then turned abruptly from the hut.

"We'll look after him," Kilyan assured Julyan as he pulled the big silver wolf into a hug.

"No, I'm sure Kel will do that!" Julyan whispered back with a laugh. "And send Lea my love."

"I will," Kilyan promised.

Kilyan and Keeno said their other farewells, then followed Zaldon outside. They were surprised when something flew by them in a blue flash, and when they looked up, it was to find that Yuri had burst out the curtain, and with her new doll in one paw, she was clinging desperately to Zaldon's big leg. Zaldon blinked his surprise, but looking down to see Yuri clinging to him, his black eyes softened and he lifted her onto his hip. Kilyan and Keeno stood on the steps, watching as Zaldon and Yuri spoke in the moon tongue. Zaldon said something gently to Yuri, who shook her head vigorously and buried her face in his neck. Kilyan knew that Yuri was begging to come, and when he saw the weary smile on Zaldon's face, he knew the white wolf had relented.

Zaldon held Yuri tight in one arm, then beckoned for the young males to come to him.

"Each of you stand very close to me and close your eyes," Zaldon instructed. "You might want to hold your breath too. The smoke gets pretty bad depending on how far I go."

Kilyan and Keeno did as they were told and felt the heat of the smoke as it engulfed them. Seconds later, they knew before they even opened their eyes that they were back in the summer village, directly outside of Kel's hut.

Kilyan jolted when he heard a scream. He saw his sister come hurtling at them, her breasts bouncing under her shawl, and she fairly tackled Keeno to the ground. Keeno was laughing as he embraced his wife, and they kissed each other all over their faces. Then little Enya came racing out and Keeno scooped her into his arms, looking as relieved as if he really thought he'd never see her again.

"What did you do to him!" Zalia shrieked at Kilyan when she saw the angry scar on the back of Keeno's shoulder. She jerked her laughing husband's shoulder around, examining him with narrowed eyes in the torchlight.

"Hey, take it easy, Zalia!" Keeno protested. He made a face at his daughter, and Enya happily made one back. With their noses pressed close, the father and daughter laughed together, then Keeno produced the doll. Enya beamed and snatched it to her chest, kissing her father all over his face.

"But what has he done to you!" Zalia insisted and glowered at Kilyan.

Kilyan moaned and rolled his eyes. God, did females have to notice everything? But he didn't have time to answer: his own family came bursting out of the hut at him. He saw white and silver breasts flapping in flashes under shawls, then he was being crushed on both sides by the soft downy fur of his wives, kissed all over his face, hugged tight about the neck by Lea and around the waist by Ohana. Kilyan could not stop laughing. His kissed his wives back, each of them on their mouths, and struggled to keep his passion quiet as their hot sexes and their soft breasts brushed him in their bouncing excitement to hold him tight and kiss his cheeks. Then he saw his boys: Roan and Zane came flying from the hut too. Kilyan squatted down and embraced them, and Zane was so bulking that he accidentally tackled his father to the ground.

The dark torchlit street echoed with laughter as the two families rejoiced, and Zaldon stood quietly nearby holding little Yuri to his chest and watching the scene with a misty smile. Yuri hid her face shyly behind her mane when Ohana turned to her uncle, bounced up on tip-toe to kiss and embrace him, and asked who the little pup was.

"It seems I'm a father now," chuckled Zaldon, hefting little Yuri on his hip. "This is Yuri. She is a moon wolf. I've been teaching her a little of our tongue." He looked at the little bluish-silver pup, who was cringing even more behind her mane to suddenly find the other three pups staring wide-eyed at her. Yuri glanced at Enya and did a double-take. The two stared a long time at each other, lost in each other's eyes, before Zaldon spoke to Yuri, breaking the spell.

"Yuri stay with Ohana?" Zaldon said gently.

Yuri shook her head vigorously.

"Come now," said Ohana sweetly, offering her paws, "it's only for a little while and then you'll go home with Zaldon again."

Ohana seemed so nice and smelled so good, and her silver fur reminded Yuri of her mother. Yuri relented with a little nod and allowed Ohana to take her from Zaldon's big arms.

"Let's take the pups home," Ohana said, turning to her husband. "Now that Zaldon is here, Kel will be just fine. And we can visit him in the morning, hmm?"

Kilyan nodded, so happy and relieved to see Zaldon ducking inside his father's hut. He lifted silver Zane in his arms, and as he set Zane on his hip and squeezed him tight, the father and son cried out in unison, "Don't hug me!"

"Seriously, Dad!" Zane complained. "I'm too old for that stuff -- and I can walk!"

Lea laughed, lifting Roan on her hip. "It's dark, boys. And it's cold, so we'll carry you. Your father's paws are so empty anyway except for that little sack. Where are your spears?" Lea wondered as her dark eyes traced over her husband and his friend.

"And they don't have their traveling packs either," said Zalia, eying Keeno.

Kilyan and Keeno exchanged weary glances.

"What happened?" Ohana demanded. Her dark gray eyes fixed on Kilyan's face, and he had to struggle to hold down a guilty blush.

"I'll tell you as soon as we get home," Kilyan promised, jerking his head up the street.

Ohana watched him closely, as did Lea, and looking over at Zalia, Kilyan saw his sister doing the same to Keeno. Oh, boy.

"Come on, Zalia, let's go home too. And I swear I'll tell you, okay!" Keeno said.

Keeno lifted his eyebrows miserably at Kilyan, as if to say they would commiserate in the morning. Kilyan raised his eyebrows back and watched as Keeno put his arm around Zalia and walked away, still holding little Enya on his hip. He could see Zalia rest her head on Keeno's shoulder, little Enya snuggling close to her father, and he was very happy suddenly that Keeno had fallen in love with his little sister: Kilyan wouldn't trust her to any other male.

When Kilyan arrived at his hut with his family, he stroked up the fire and watched out of the corner of his eye as his wives settled on the sitting furs nearby, curiously eying the sack their husband had brought back with him. Yuri was sitting frightened in Ohana's lap, and Roan and Zane were kneeling nearby, staring at her in awe. Kilyan was not surprised: as was the custom in the summer village, the boys were not allowed alone around female pups unless they were related to them, and Roan and Zane had therefore only ever been around Enya. They knelt there with their mouths open as if they were fascinated by Yuri: her bluish-silver fur, her large sable eyes. She was a moon wolf, after all. That bluish color was only common across the sea.

Yuri clutched her doll tight to her chest and peeked over its head at the boys, giggling when Zane elbowed his brother aside to get closer to her. Roan shoved Zane right back, crying out his indignation, and the boys were soon wrestling across the floor.

Kilyan sat with a sigh between his wives and pulled each under his arms in a quick hug, kissing their cheeks. He never thought he'd been so happy to hear his boys growling and screaming at each other as they rolled across the floor, never thought he'd been so happy to have Lea and Ohana looking at him with such suspicion, but he was, and he couldn't stop grinning. The sack was in his lap, but he wouldn't open it or even acknowledge it, and he could tell that Lea and Ohana were just itching to know what was inside.

"Boys! Enough!" Kilyan barked.

Zane paused and climbed off his brother, who he'd been holding to the floor by the neck and preparing to bite. They sat up and looked sheepishly at their father, who beckoned them. When they had come forward, Kilyan pulled out the slingshots and grinned when his sons cried in unison, "Whoa!"

"Thanks, Dad!"


"And never use them indoors!" Kilyan warned.

"Yes, Father!" came the usual chorus.

Roan and Zane took the slingshots and started bouncing around the room with them, pretending to shoot different objects or each other's rumps. Yuri watched them from behind her doll, her silvery mane swinging down around her face. Noticing Yuri's curiosity, Kilyan called his boys back and had them kneel in front of Yuri, who was still sitting meekly in Ohana's lap. The boys looked at Yuri again with wide eyes, and Yuri gave a little smile when her eyes met with Roan's. Roan blushed furiously and looked at the floor.

"Yuri," said Kilyan gently, "these are my sons." He rose and came to kneel behind the boys, placing a heavy paw on each little head as each son was introduced. "This is Roan and this is Zane."

The boys giggled and swished their tails when their father ruffled their ears in his paws, playfully bumping the sides of their little heads together.

"Boys, this is Yuri. She's going to be staying with us for a while. You will treat her with kindness and respect, the same way you treat your mothers. And you will not pull her tail or pull her mane! Understand, Zane?"

"Yes, Father . . ." answered Zane sulkily.

Still sitting side by side near the fire, Lea and Ohana smiled at this little introduction.

"Yuri speaks the tongue of the moon wolves and she only knows a little of our tongue, but she is learning. Be patient with her," went on Kilyan. "Yuri? Come and say hello." Kilyan held out his paw, and Yuri took it, climbing down off of Ohana's lap. She stood over the two boys, and Roan and Zane leapt to their feet, unable to take their eyes off her. The three pups stared at each other, and then Zane asked abruptly, "Do you play Tag?"

Yuri frowned, looking confused.

"You know, Tag," added Roan brightly, a finger to his lips. He made his fingers run across the air, one paw chasing the other. He smiled gently at Yuri.

Yuri smiled as it dawned on her and she nodded.

"Then you're It!" cried Zane, poking Yuri on the forehead, and he took off.

Kilyan was relieved when Yuri grinned and chased after him, her little doll under her arm. He sat back on his heels, watching as the three pups darted around the room, ducking behind chairs and tables, slipping under them. Their squealing laughter had soon filled the hut.

Grinning to himself, Kilyan came to sit between his wives again. He took up the sack again and pulled out the mane brushes. He saw his wives open their mouths so wide he almost felt his cock getting hard. They snatched the brushes, squealing happily as they brushed them through their manes, kissing their husband's cheeks until he was laughing.

Kilyan took Lea's mane brush from her, and pulling her between his legs, he started brushing her white mane in long, firm strokes. He even dragged the brush past her mane to the small of her back. He saw Lea shiver and his cock stirred a little against her buttocks.

Seconds later and Kilyan felt Ohana brushing his mane with her own brush even as he was brushing Lea. Ohana dragged the brush down his mane to his buttocks too, sometimes stopping to massage his shoulders or kiss his cheek, and Kilyan closed his eyes. God, it was good to be home!

"My wives," Kilyan sighed, dragging the brush to the small of Lea's back again, "how I've missed you! I could think of nothing but returning to you."

"Oh, really?" Ohana said, and Kilyan froze, stung by the coldness in her voice. "Then who gave you these?"

Kilyan felt her finger trace over his shoulders and remembered that nail markings would have been there. Oh, god.

Lea whipped around with a frown and hurried on her knees until she was kneeling behind Kilyan too. He felt his wives pushing his mane impatiently aside, tracing their fingers over the marks in his fur, shifting his fur to make sure what they were seeing was real. He heard Lea's shrill cry of indignation and knew he was in for it now.

"Oh, Kilyan!" Lea cried when his wives had come around to face him. Her black eyes were glaring and her breasts heaved.

Ohana was kneeling with her arms folded, her gray eyes narrowed on Kilyan's face. "Who have you been with!" she demanded.

Kilyan stifled a gasp when Lea grabbed his cock very hard and cried angrily, "This belongs to us!"

"Only us!" Ohana added, poking Kilyan in the chest.

Kilyan winced. God, why did he think he could hide those nail markings? He should've asked Zaldon to fade them a little more.

"Look," Kilyan began, "I can explain --"

"You had better," Lea cut across him.

Kilyan winced again. Both his wives were staring at him with raised eyebrows, their arms folded. He was exceedingly grateful when the pups took no notice of this confrontation but kept chasing each other around the room.

Kilyan folded his legs and stared at the fire, gathering his thoughts. "The truth is, we didn't make it to the sun village. Not directly." He glanced at his wives and was relieved when their hard expressions softened.

"What happened?" Lea whispered sadly, but Ohana said as if she'd caught herself relenting, "Don't give him an inch, Lea. Not yet."

Kilyan held back a smile. He sharp little Ohana. He wanted to kiss her in that moment, in that moment when her lips were in such a straight line and her arms were folded under her breasts almost as if she was offering them to him. But he looked away from her to the fire again and continued.

"We were abducted. Taken across the sea. To the moon village. That's how we met Yuri and her mother."

"So you slept with Yuri's mother!" Lea hissed.

Kilyan blushed. "It wasn't like that! I was tied down and she climbed on top of me! And then I was so horny to begin with -- I mean, we'd been captured as sex slaves and they kept us hard all the time. But -- but it wasn't Yuri's mother who gave me those scars."

"What!" Ohana cried in a low voice and the gray eyes flew open wide.

Kilyan took a deep breath and told his wives everything: how he and Keeno were captured, raped, and fondled; how they were taken as sex slaves to the moon village; how they escaped to the jungles on the western shore and were imprisoned by shemales. By the time he had gotten to the part about Avi, Kilyan was sitting in a chair with his wives on his knees. They gazed at him sadly, smoothing their paws over his chest, kissing his cheeks every now and then, and Kilyan, deep in thought as he spun out his tale, kept his gloomy green eyes fixed on the floor.

"I never meant to hurt her," Kilyan was saying. "And I felt so awful for what I'd done. I still wish I could go back, apologize, explain -- but Avi doesn't even speak my language! All she knows is that I made love to her and I left her," Kilyan finished dismally.

"Oh, Kilyan," said Ohana, shaking her head sadly. "She was such a young thing!"

"I know," Kilyan said miserably but was comforted when Ohana kissed him in sympathy on the cheek.

"Well, I hope you've learned your lesson," Lea softly chastised. "The poor thing. I'm sure she'll be fine. Heartaches, they come and go. And Avi is so young: she'll have other lovers."

"And forget all about me, huh?" said Kilyan, giving Lea a half-smile.

"Now, I didn't say that," Lea answered, wagging a finger at Kilyan. "Who could forget you?" So saying, she kissed him sweetly on the lips and pressed her forehead to his. They smiled at each other.

"Look at that," Ohana whispered. She was smiling.

Kilyan and Lea followed her gaze: the three pups were fast asleep beside the fire. Roan and Zane had thrown their arms around Yuri, who was snuggled between them, clutching her doll. The boys shoved at each other's arms and grappled every now and then to hold her but otherwise remained asleep.

"Let's put them to bed," said Lea, rising.

"Yes," agreed Ohana. "But let's put Yuri alone in the spare room or the boys will kill each other over who gets to hold her."

Kilyan agreed with a soft laugh, lifting big Zane with a grunt into his arms.

With the three pups put down, Kilyan found himself in his bedroom with his wives. Both had removed their shawls. Ohana knelt on the edge of the sleeping furs, stroking her mane and watching Kilyan with loving, gray eyes while Lea squatted at a low table, lighting a few candles with a long, narrow stick she'd lit in the fire. Kilyan had brought the candles as well as the brushes and they looked wonderful glowing there softly in the room. The bright glow of the little flames made shadows curve along the shape of his wives' breasts and buttocks and he could not stop staring at the effect.

Kilyan locked eyes with Ohana, and moving across the room, he took the mane brush from her, tossing it aside. He had been fighting down a hard-on since his wives had hugged him back in the street and now he was throbbing hard and erect for them both. He pinned Ohana to the bed with a sigh and kissed her deeply, whispering through this hungry kiss that he had missed her so much, thought of her, dreamed of her, and his paws could not stop groping her breasts, his lips could not stop sucking those nipples. Ohana gave little gasps and sighs, murmuring Kilyan's name as his kisses traveled down her belly to that hot nest of passion between her thighs. He pulled her thighs open wide and plunged his tongue, groaning that she was so wet for him.

Kilyan continued to lick Ohana, even pausing to lick her thighs, but he heard movement in the room, and when he looked up, Lea was sitting on Ohana's face while Ohana was gulping greedily at her sex. Lea was touching Ohana's breasts, squeezing them, her black eyes hooded in her ecstasy. Seeing this, Kilyan felt himself throbbing very hard now. He sat up and entered Ohana, slipping himself inside slowly, and he loved it when she groaned, when those tight pussy walls contracted around him, sucking him deeper with that greed so characteristic of Ohana's pussy. And, god, she was wet, just gushing, just dripping over him.

Still riding Ohana, Kilyan leaned forward and took Lea in his arms. Lea sank against his chest, thrusting her buttocks out and moaning, and Kilyan knew Ohana had given her a very deep lick. He held Lea tight, grunting as his cock fed slowly in and out of Ohana's clinging pussy lips, loving it when Lea's breasts smashed against him. Lea's brows knitted together and she murmured against Kilyan, "Oh, Ohana, not so deep --" but her sudden shrill gasp told Kilyan that Ohana had just plunged her tongue. She melted in Kilyan's arms, and Kilyan kissed her deeply on the mouth, thrusting his tongue inside. Lea moaned behind the kiss. Kilyan heard himself moaning too, their heads tilting in opposite directions as their tongues pushed against each other.

"Oh, Lea," Kilyan heard himself whisper. "God, I missed your tits!" He bent Lea back in his arms and started licking her breasts, even as he was still riding slowly inside Ohana, and Lea hung suspended in Kilyan's big arms, her head back, moaning as Ohana licked her pussy and Kilyan licked her breasts, her body blushing and hot with her passion.

Kilyan suckled Lea hungrily now, wet slow sucks that made her shiver, and he loved when her paws clutched him tight and the nails sank in his fur. He pulled her closer and kissed her neck, then her face, and he closed his mouth over hers as she began crying out in shrill little moans.

Lea suddenly screamed and he knew she had come: he could hear Ohana's eager gulping. And Ohana was so wondrously wet that he knew it wouldn't be long before he came inside of her.

Kilyan started pumping Ohana faster now, clinging to Lea, who had sagged forward in his arms, her brows still knitted as she was licked. Kilyan placed Lea's arms around his neck, took Ohana's hips in his paws, and started sinking into her faster. Lea started screaming softly now, and he knew Ohana, in her excitement, was slurping Lea wildly. Kilyan thrust his hips harder, rhythmically, his back hunched, his paws clutching Ohana's hips tight until he felt himself come. He heard Ohana's muffled scream as she lay under Lea, felt her juices gushing over him, and knew she had come too.

They sagged where they were a moment, breathless, their bodies heaving. Kilyan held Lea tightly and kissed her, grazing his nose lovingly against her neck, and Lea closed her eyes and smiled. Ohana sat up now, and Kilyan pulled her close, nuzzling her as well, drinking in her scent, kissing her cheeks. He held both wives to him, kissing one and nuzzling the other, stroking their manes and exchanging smiles. The three of them knelt there together, panting, touching, whispering of love, and Kilyan was never so happy to be home.

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