Open Space, Chapter 5

Story by Puma Concolor on SoFurry

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#5 of Open space

Here is this weeks instalment, a day early but I had the time today. not quite the action but a bit more in depth incite as to the characters. I do hope you enjoy..

_ Open Space _

_ Our destination and our home. _

By Puma Concolor.

A fan work done for my good friend.

_ Angelita Pierterson _

Her character used with express permission

and is copyrighted only to her.

Editing by Dasher Cheetah, My personal Thanks.

Chapter 5

We set up our beds, then Mary and I cleaned our charges up, dressing them both in scrubs tops so that they were not nude. I laid down only to have Angel crawl over me and curl up between me and the wall, dropping off to sleep almost instantly. As tired as I was, I was having a lot of trouble getting there myself. Perhaps too much on my mind. I lay there looking at Angel and listening. I could hear Mary and her mouse's breathing, as well as Angel's. All were slow and steady. It was a very comforting sound. I propped my head up and was admiring my little mouse. She was very pretty, light blond hair only slightly darker than her white body fur, though it was currently in a wild state of array. Mary had at least been able to brush it out a bit, given the lack of good brushes in the chamber. Her eyes, tho closed now in peaceful slumber, were pale blue. Her pink nose twitched in her sleep from time to time like she was searching out something. Her ears large and rounded, pink and very expressive, as I had noticed earlier. Her breasts, large for some one of her size but somehow looked very right on her small frame. The teats were pert and stood noticeably, under then thin cotton top. Yes, this was a very attractive lady that had chosen me to be her owner. No I could never be her owner but I could be her protector. Perhaps maybe even her mate.

There was movement just outside the chamber and I watched as Laz come over and sat on the floor just outside the tank from us. Shi motioned towards the headphones just above my head and I put a pair on so we could talk with out disturbing anyone else.

"Having trouble getting to sleep there, Big Cat?", came the concerned voice.

"Yeah, too much on my mind.", I told hir.

"I hear you there. What are you doing? Can I do anything to help?", shi asked.

"Just looking at Angel. Trying to get my mind wrapped around my having to own her.", I told hir.

"Don't think of it as ownership. Think of it as a partnership. She needs you and will do anything you say. Even die for you, if you wish it to be. I will have to say she is cute. It could have been worse. She could have been a bug or something.", Laz said, trying to put a positive spin on it.

"Oh charming thought there Laz. Tell me about Synthetics?", I asked.

"As Robotics became more complex they lacked the reflexes and reasoning powers of a Biological. So they started incorporating more and more organic material and less mechanical into their design. It came down to the point where even the logic processors were organic and there was no mechanical substances anymore. Just a living machine. Somewhere in the middle of all this, they became sentient. No one knows why. Perhaps the Goddess of creation decided it was time.", Laz explained.

"Yes but when does a machine stop being a machine?", I asked the age old question. Just what point did they need to reach, to be a being?

"I don't know. When it starts to feel I guess?", Laz offered hir opinion.

"Feel?", I asked.

"Yes. More than just pain heat and cold. But feel curiosity, fear, sadness,,,, Love.", was the reply,

"So you think she feels emotions then?", I asked as I looked down at her.

"Oh yes. We already saw fear today, and if this isn't happy and content, I'll french kiss your furry butt. Look, she is smiling right now... Probably the first pleasant dream she has ever had in her life.", shi said.

I looked over and indeed, a soft smile was spreading across her muzzle as she leaned back into me more, snuggling into my body. I said softly, "So, where do I go from here Laz?"

"You know... crew members are allowed to have families on-board. Some have never lived anywhere but on-board ships their entire life. Born here and die here. You have a rather large stateroom, so space isn't going to be an issue. You never go anywhere or buy anything, so the time is there. As much money as you filter through my office to help others, you have plenty. All you need to do is take care of her. Show her a little love and you'll do just fine.", shi reassure me.

"If you say so Laz. It's still a concept I'm not comfortable with though.", I said yawning.

"You know you always have me to fall back on. I'll be there, when ever you need me. Now, you get some sleep. I'll have you out of this tuna can by breakfast.", shi said.

"Now you're teasing, Laz.", I said grinning and closed my eyes.

"Nini Big Cat... Sleep well.", shi told me.

"You too Laz and thanks.", I murmured.

There was a nudge at my shoulder, waking me. Not enough to be a threat but more a curiosity, as I knew Angel was pressed in tight to my front, while I spooned her. Mary's breathing indicated she and her ward were still asleep. I rolled a bit and looked to see who was trying to get my attention. There was Dr Laz, squatting there and nudging my shoulder to wake me...

"What are you doing in here Laz?", I asked sleepily.

"Kicking your fuzzy butt out of my Hyperbaric Chamber and taking you guys to breakfast.", shi cheerily told me.

"Ok but I need a shower and some clean fatigues first.", I told hir.

"Way ahead of you. I had laundry bring up some uniforms for you and Mary. The replicator made up some stuff for your little guys. It's simple but is a great deal more than they had when they came in, day before yesterday."

"And the shower?", I insisted.

"My stateroom is closest. I have both your and Mary's stuff already laid out. I have bushes and bathing stuff for all of you, so you are all set.", shi settled any other questions I might have.

"Ok Laz, sounds like you have given this some thought. You wake up Mary and I'll get Angel up..", I told hir.

"Works for me." Shi leaned over and gave me a little peck on the cheek.

Waking up my little mouse, proved a bit more interesting. I gently shook her shoulder but all she did was tuck in even tighter to me.

"Time to wake up sleepy head.", I mused into her ear.

"Not now brother. I'm having such a good dream.", she moaned.

"And what are you dreaming about?", I asked with a grin.

"Somebody excepted me. Some body who wants me, loves me. Somebody nice and warm.", she murmured sleepily.

"It's not a dream Angel. Open your eyes and see your new life.", I told her.

Her eyes fluttered for only a moment, then popped open. She looked about a bit, then over her shoulder. A look of astonishment, was quickly replaced by an ever broadening grin.

"It'"s true?", she squeaked hopefully.

"Yes it is Angel. We have a lot of things to work out but as I promised, I'm here to take care of you.", I reassured her.

"I..I don't need much. I promise I'll do what ever you say. I'll make you feel good......", she promised and was interrupted by her tummy growling.

"I know but there is a lot more than my needs here. Let's start with getting up and getting cleaned up. Then we'll see about getting some food in you.", I snickered.

"Food? I... I haven't...", she stammered.

"Eaten for a while? That's ok, we're going to take care of that shortly. You will never have to go hungry again.", I promised her.

"Come on, big guy. Laz promised us a hot shower, clean clothes and grub. I'm not passing that one up.", Mary interrupted on her way past with her little mouse close in tow.

"Come on Angel. Time to get started.", I said as I stood up, pulling my ward up with me.

Doctor Lazarus' stateroom was located just off the Medical Bay, for easy access. It was also much larger than a conventional state room as it had originally designed to house the entire medical staff. With smaller staff needs and the staff's desire to have more personal accommodations, it left the Doc with lots of extra space and thus a huge head. Laz had had it remodeled from several individual chem shower booths to one large shower stall with real running water. As hir world was more tropical, shi had many of hir world's plants lining the walls, giving it more the illusion of hir home world's tropical jungle. I assumed this is where shi spent a lot of hir free time.

As we entered the bathroom, Mary started to shed the medical scrubs and tossed them into the hamper chute as she looked around.

"Boy, Laz sure has it made... This is better than most of the luxury resorts I've been to.", she admired.

"Yea, rank and tenure do have their privileges.", I replied while also disrobing.

"It sure does. As I've already grabbed my bath, I'm just going to change clothes and meet you guys in the Mess Hall. Enjoy but don't be too long, ok?", Laz said as shi stuck hir head in, eyeing all of us. Hir eyes lingered on Mary's back side for for just a bit before shi looked back at me. Shi winked and gave me the thumbs up before ducking back out the door. Oh the curiosity of being a hermaphrodite.

Mary's ward had already shed his clothes but my mouse was frantically looking about the floor.

"Whats wrong, Angel?", I asked her.

"I need to potty... and I don't see a place to go.", she whimpered as she tried to not do the universal, pee-pee dance.

"Right over there, Angel.", I said while pointing at the head. She only stood there looking confused.

"Aaa, Puma? I don't think they have ever seen a head before, let alone used one.", Mary supplied.

"Oh?... Oh! Aaa, Mary? Would you.. aaa...?", I stammered.

"Oh, you big boob. Just take her clothes off, set her on the pot and hold her hand until she goes.", Mary giggled.

I looked at Mary for a moment, then at Angel, who was looking more and more desperate by the moment. I finally gave up and with a shrug, took Angel's paw and lead her to the commode.

"We use this to pee in Sweetie. Take your top off and just go in there.", I explained.

"Are you sure?", she said looking in the toilet in confusion.

"Yep, it's where we all go..", I replied.

"Ok... Please stay close?", she begged me.

"I promise.", I said as I turned around to give her some privacy.

"P...Puma? Master? I.. I don't think...", I heard, followed by a SPLASH!

I turned quickly to find my girl, standing one foot in the commode and the other on the rim.

"What? What happened!?!", I questioned her as I looked from her to the toilet.

"I... It was... I'm sorry master! I didn't mean to... Please don't hurt me. I promise not to fall in again! ", she wailed with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"No no no, Honey! I'm not mad... Please stop crying and tell me what happened?", I said as I hugged her close to me, lifting her out of the pot.

"I...I was trying to stand over the hole, so I would pee in it.. It''s so slippery and not a very easy to stand...", she sobbed, sure she had failed me.

"Stand? Oh Sweetie, I'm sorry. I should have explained, you sit on it. Here, like this...", I placed her on the pot and opened her legs. "Now lean forward a little and let it go..", I told her.

She clung to me but started to relax. It wasn't too long before I could hear the sound of water splashing. Once she was done, I pulled some tissue wipe from the dispenser and handed it to her. She looked at me in confusion again.

"You use it to wipe yourself dry", I told her.

She sat for a moment in bewilderment before lifting her damp foot up to her lap and started to wipe it down.

"No no, Angel. You...your... between your..", I said with My ears burning in embarrassment. As I grabbed another paw full of wipes and handed it to her. She still had a very confused look and she studied the tissue for a little bit, then handed it back to me.

"Show me ... please?", she looked at me with innocent eyes.

"Ahh, oh ..I...", I stammered, hoping to avoid having to do it.

"Go ahead and show her how to wipe herself, Puma. Front to back.", Mary's voice came from behind me some where. I could tell she was trying hard to stifle her laughter.

I took the tissue from her and gingerly placed my paw on her knee opening her legs more. Reaching in I gently wiped over her damp vulva. The first pass caused her to gasped and bite her lower lip. The second wipe brought a soft moan and the third....

"Mas-s-ster..........", she moaned and shuddered from head to toe.

"Careful there big guy. You'll have her gushing if you keep that up. What is it with you and women? First Laz, then me and now her? You are such a bad kitty!", Mary giggled.

"Aaa no.. It's ... Let's say we get our showers and get out of here. Laz is waiting in chow hall for us..", I stammered and helped my ward off the toilet, my ears on fire...

The rest of the showers went without incident, although we had to show our wards how to bathe. They caught on quickly and greatly enjoyed the warm pleasant water, soft liquid soaps and shampoos. It seemed they were only accustomed to being hosed off with cold water, a stinging, scrubbing powder thrown at them to clean with and then high pressure rinsed with cold water again. Not a very pleasant experience I am sure. The more I learned about these two, the more I was thankful we discovered then when we did and the more I wanted to hunt down the people responsible. Perhaps someday, free all their kind... Somehow.