Our Love So Pure Part One: A Day in the Real World

Story by Nar on SoFurry

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#1 of Our Love So Pure

Our Love So Pure: Part One

"A Day in the Real World"

By Narilva Greymantle

M/M (Grey wolf, German shepard)

Email: [email protected]

Talus called from the bedroom, his voice making the pictures in the hall shudder a but. "Don't you ever quit?"

I removed my glasses and rubbed my eyes hard. I had been writing for four hours straight and even simple words were becoming hard to spell. But I knew if I stopped now, I would lose the inspiration. I put my glasses back on, blinked some tired tears from my eyes and continued writing, little annoying taps coming from my laptop. I stopped to rest my hands for a while and called back to Talus.

"I can't stop. If I do, I'll lose the mood." I shouted. Talus groaned and the sound of relaxing bedsprings told me he was getting up. I looked to the hallway to see him walking into the living room, trying to avoid the bright lights I had on. He sat on the armrest of my computer chair and held me.

"Lose the mood huh?" He asked playfully while my fingers pounded away on my laptop. I rubbed my head into his chestfur, feeling its softness against my ears. It was several moments before my brain acknoledged that my mate had spoken. I stopped writing and closed my eyes to rest them awhile.

"I'm sorry Talus," I said. "what did you say?"

"Nothing important." He said into my headfur, giving me a small kiss. "How goes the novel?"

"It's long. It's going." I said dejectedly. I was almost done, but I felt like the ending I was edgeing towards was bad. I sighed and yawned.

"Why don't you come to bed," Talus said as his hand found my crotch. "you can be on top this time."

"Talus, I'm sorry, but, I'm just too tired." I said weakly. I wanted Talus, but I knew I would probally fall asleep halfway through and disappoint both myself and my mate.

Talus' hand moved away from my crotch and he hugged me tenderly. I squeezed his arm and examined his canine body. He was quite thin for his size, but his German Shepard features showed up strikingly on his seemingly fragile frame. His fur was a dark black, with a thick dull grey stripe running down his chest and touching his inner thighs. His ears were tipped with tiny bits of white, like he had paint on them. To top his beauty, his eyes were the most brilliant shade of blue, as clear and bright as pure rainwater. In contrast, my own wolfen pelt was striped with erratic stripes of silver fur on a canvas of white. If it had not been for my silver stripes, I might have been mistaken for an albino. Well, that is if no one noticed my dull brown eyes. Talus was a webmaster for the local computer superstore and made quite a padded salary on a regular basis. I had a job in programming until I started down my heart's path and soul's meaning: writing. I had been working on a novel for several months, my mind plugging away and sleep being stolen from me.

"You need to turn that thing off and come get some sleep." Talus said firmly.

I nodded and grunted as I leaned forward. I saved my work and turned off the aging Toshiba, letting Talus guide me down the hallway to our bedroom. He helped me undress since I was too fatigued to do it myself and flopped me into bed. He followed and covered us both up with the sheets, snuggling up close to me, his canine body spooned against my wolf body. I nestled close to his thick fur and took a deep breath as I let sleep take me.


The next morning I opened my eyes and found the bed empty. My guesses that Talus was busy eating breakfast were shattered as I heard a loud thump and a muttered curse come from the living room. I slowly rose from bed and shimmied to shake the sleep from my body as I made my way to the living room.

I stopped short as I saw Talus moving my writing table off to the side, my laptop, notes, and books all gone. I was puzzled.

"Talus, where is all of my stuff?" I asked, pointing to the table. Talus kissed me as he finished clearing the floor.

"Somewhere in this house. I hid it so you could get some real life today." Talus held my hands. "Today Adras, there will be not a single letter written. We're also going out to eat and to a movie. Then we're going to a music store and finally back home, and if you're feeling good enough," Talus prepared his best crooning voice. "we'll make 'sweet, sweet love by the light of the moon'!"

I snickered. "You know I hate that."

Talus laughed. "I know. Now let's get some clothes on and go eat."


I stretched as I waited at a stoplight, feeling the relaxation of having nothing pressing to do, my hands clawing at the daskboard. Talus was busy leafing through my personal CD collection, trying to find something amoung the 125 CD binder. He finally stopped at about leaflet twenty and inserted the disc into the player. After a few moments, one of my favorite pieces of music flowed from the car speaker system. I called up the track name and waited for our little music game to start. Talus fished out the CD booklet.

"Composer?" He asked.

"Beethoven." I answered quickly.

"Piece name?"

"Piano Concerto No. 5 in E Flat Major, Op. 73." I said after a moment's hesitation. The light changed to green.

"Popular name?"

"'Emperor' II."

Talus nodded and smiled. "Performance style?"

"Adagio Un Poco Mosso." I said firmly.

"OK wiseguy, who's at the piano and what orchestra is it?" Talus asked, hoping to stunt me. I smiled.

"Anton Dikov and the Sofia Philharmonic." I said easily. "Emil Tabakov conducting."

Talus sighed heavily and dropped the booklet into his lap. "I don't know how you do it."

"Well, Talus, it helps to have listened to that piece for ten plus years." I said. Going on ten years of having the "Piano Dreams" compilation will force you to memorize everything in it.

"All right then." Talus said as he fished out his own, much smaller CD collection and inserted another CD. "Who is this?"

My mind analyzed the musical patterns. Lightning quick scales and chords reverberated through the car followed by a ritardo sequence, many grace notes, and what sounded like four note chords in varying dynamics towards the end of the piece. Talus turned off the stereo and let me think. My mind searched for that musical pattern, but came up empty. I finally gave up, Talus taking the booklet for the CD and slapping my wolfen ears with it.

"You should know Edvard Grieg when you hear him!" Talus snickered. I slapped my forehear and gritted my teeth. Of, course! Dammit Adras!

"What piece was it?" I asked, very humbled.

"Der Shemetterling Op. 43 No. 1." Talus said, trying his best to read in German. I laughed.

"It's Der Schmetterling, not Shemetterling." I corrected. Talus laughed as we finally pulled up to "Melinda's Corner Cafe" and parked. I turned off the radio and stepped out of the car, Talus following me into the resturant.

I was starved and did a mental calculation of the last time I had eaten. I had a very late lunch yesterday at four and hadn't had anything since. I looked at my watch. Ten o'clock? Jesus, Adras! Your stomach hasn't seen food for eighteen hours! Stranger than my lack of eating habits was the lack of my body to feel hungry whenever I was writing. I hadn't felt so much as a single craving for food at all. That feeling left me however now that the smells of bacon, sausage and pancakes filled my lungs and made my palate water. Talus was intercepted by a very cute doe who escorted us to our seats, her mouth painted with a wide smile. I knew something was afoot however since most furs who worked in this resturant were not that cheery. She handed both of us our menus and pulled out a order pad.

"Anything to drink? Coffee, juice. . .?" She said in a very heavy British accent. I looked to the beverages portion of the menu and noticed over ten types of coffee and quickly read them all. Caramel and Creme flavor, yum.

"You really offer flavored coffees here?" I asked, clearly impressed. The doe smiled broadly again.

"'At's right sir. Twelve coffee flavors, but may I make a suggestion?" She said. I perked up my ears as she started to whisper. "Don't get the rasberry stuff, it's 'orrible. I 'ad some of that myself a while back and couldn't get the damn taste gone from my mouth."

"Allright then, I'll remember that. . .uh. . .didn't get a name." I said as I looked for a nametag, finding none.

"Jade. Just call me Jade, all my friends do." She said with a shy smile. I nodded and smile myself.

"Allright then Jade," I said as I noticed a pendant around her neck of, what else? Jade. "Caramel and creme coffe please."

Jade jotted down my order and turned to Talus, who was still trying to decide what drink to get.

Talus began to stutter. "I, uh, well I'll have. . .dammit, just plain black."

Jade smiled and wrote down Talus' order. "So a Caramel and Creme," She said, pointing her pencil at me, then pointing at Talus. "and a RT black."

Talus looked at Jade quizzically. "RT?"

Jade covered her mouth in embaressment. "Bloody 'ell, did I say that out loud?" We both nodded. "In the kitchen, they call plain black coffee RT black for Road Tar black."

"Road tar?!" Talus said, prompting the embaressed doe for a backstory.

"Well, a few months ago, some fool wasn't watching what they was doing and he went and added extra coffee to the coffeemaker one day and out came coffee filled with floaty black speckles." Jade said, toying with her pendant. "A bloke from the south side of town said it looked like road tar and we all started callin' it that."

We all chuckled. Jade put her notepad into her apron pocket. "The coffee will be right out, but your's. . .uh. . ."

"Adras." I said.

". . .Adras, will take longer to brew. Your friend's road tar will be right out."

I waved my hand around. "Well, since we're all introducing each other, Jade, this is Talus. He's not only my friend, but mate as well."

Talus shook hands with Jade, who smiled again. "Nice to meet you two." She said as she walked to the kitchen. We both examined our menus.

A few minutes passed and Jade came out with two pots of coffee. We both quickly grabbed our coffee mugs from the center of the table and righted them. Jade thanked us and poured our morning buzzes.

"So why do your friends call you Jade?" Talus asked the waitress as she topped off our cups. Jade tapped her pendent.

"This, but its not just a necklace. My boyfriend, well, my fiancee now-"

"Congrats!" Both Talus and I said unanimously. Jade smiled shyly again.

"Well, he gave it to me over a year ago on our first date. I obsessed over it, since I loved 'im so much and the name stuck."

"So that's why you're so happy this morning?" I asked. Jade shook her head.

"Not the only reason. I'm also getting my Masters in Law and taking the BAR next month, after our wedding."

"Yiii! A Masters and a wedding in one month?! You must be estastic!" I said, deeply impressed. Jade smiled wide again.

"Yeah. All of my dreams 'ave come true." She said as she touched her engagement ring, a ruby image of two hearts intertwined on it. The world could be so beautiul and loving sometimes. I took a sip from my coffee, then a longer gulp.

"This is really good Jade." I said, my mouth loving the sweet taste of the coffee. Talus was busy dumping suger and half-and-half into his own cup. Jade took out her order pad again.

"What can I get you two lovers?" She said, giggling. We both began to get embaressed.

"A Melinda's special with hash browns." I said, laying down my menu. Talus laid his own down.

"A Big Skillet with sausage." Talus said. Jade annottated her pad, then looked up.

"Hmm-hmm. Talus, you get toast with that skillet." She said. "What type? White, wheat, rye, or barley?"

Talus quickly made up his mind. "Uh, wheat."

"OK lovers," She said as she read her notes. "that's a Melinda's special with hash browns and a Big Skillet with sausage and wheat toast?"

"Right!" I said. Jade put her pad into her apron.

"Then, I'll have it out in a bit." Jade said as she walked to the kitchen.

I looked at Talus as he finally took a drink of his now sweetened coffee. It was true; I did love him although he tested my patience as a writer at times. He was impatient, comtemporary, commercialized, and constantly horny. He was also loving, understanding, encouraging, and giving. I knew there wouldn't be anyone who would measure up to the ideal of the "perfect" mate that I held in my mind sometimes, and I hoped no one would come close, for it was the vices as well as the valors of Talus that I found interesting and exciting. He noticed my staring at him and tossed an empty half-and-half container at my nose, snapping me back to reality. He smiled at me over the top of his coffee cup.

"Why do you stare like that? It's like you drop out of reality for a few minutes." Talus said. I took a drink of my coffee.

"It's something I do when I'm thinking and drawing mental images. I blank out the images my eyes recieve and lock onto what I'm thinking about."

"So, what where you thinking about?" Talus asked as he blew the steam off his coffee. I fished out a coffee stirrer and played with it.

"You." I said quietly. Talus' hand traveled to mine and held it.

"That makes me feel so special." He said lovingly. I bent the coffee stirrer in half and looked at my mate.

"Talus, I'm glad you hid my laptop. Ever since I started my novel, I've been neglecting you. I'm so sorry." I put my other hand over his. "Can you forgive me?" I asked sheepishly. Talus laid his hand over mine.

"There's nothing to forgive. I'll love you no matter what you do. I'm with you to the end of this earth."

"Thank you." I said with a tear in my eye. Talus reached up and wiped the tears from my eyes.

Somehow, I can't remember a single thing about the rest of our breakfast. I kept staring at Talus even as our food was laid before us. I must've eaten something, since my plate was clear by the time it was time to go. Talus pulled out his wallet and paid using our credit card. My eyes never left him. Suddenly, I found myself in the passenger side of our car as we pulled out of the parking lot of Melinda's.

I looked at my mate and noticed him shift a little uncomfortably and looked to his usually loose khakis, noticing a moving bulge. He tried to act casually.

Damn, has it been that long since we. . .?

I touched Talus' arm. "Let's go back to the house." I said, a plan forming in my mind.

"Why?" He asked cherrily.

"There's something I forgot to do there." Oh, please don't ask-

"Do what?" He asked suspiciously. Damn! So much for plans and secrets.

I decided to be subtle. "Turn something on." I said as I touched Talus' inner thigh. He gasped in surprise and quickly turned the car for home.

"What about the rest of our adjenda for today?" Talus gulped.

"We can do that next weekend." I said.

After a very tense ride home, I kept watching Talus' subtle body language. He was excited, there was no getting around that, however hard he tried to conceal it.

Talus fumbled with his keys in his excitement. I mentally kicked myself for not allowing him release for so long. Talus' hands began to shake with excitement. I grabbed the keys from him and opened the front door, allowing both of us inside. As soon as I had walked inside, Talus began to grope me, feeling my own growing sheath under my clothes. We kissed passionately as we removed our clothes, exposing our musky bodies to each other. The scent of male arousal filled our nostrils as we slid to the floor, now completely naked.

Talus' dogcock was already fully erect, making him whimper whenever my fur touched his cock. Talus looked down to my own crotch, my cock still in its sheath. He bent down and placed a long lick along the length of my sheath from top to my balls, nipping at my sac very gently. I moaned as I felt my cock free itself and become as erect as my mate's and as my body became gripped with pleasure. Talus licked me, making my muscles stiffen. He slowly took my length into his muzzle, making very slow bobs up and down my cock. I growled in pleasure as my mate sucked me off, his hands rubbing his own cock in sync with mine. My mind refused to gain control of my body as I attemmpted to push Talus' head away, but he got the hint anyway and pulled off of me, giving me a long departing lick.

I bent down to his crotch and licked his balls, starting to generate extreme amounts of saliva in my mouth. I slowly licked my way to his cock, then made a wide circle around where he was dying to have me go. I saw his precum beginning to form, dripping down his long shaft and onto his belly and licked my lips. I started to lick up his chest, teasing him and began to open my mouth to kiss him. Talus closed his eyes, preparing for a tongue entwining kiss. I siezed the opportunity and dasked down to his aching shaft, taking him in to the hilt an soaking him with my saliva. He gasped in pleasure and began to thrust into my mouth, a wide smile on his face and his tongue hanging out. Just as I started my blowjob, I stopped, making Talus raise his head. His smile returned however when he noticed I had my ass to him, inviting him to take me. He jumped to all fours, now understanding why I had soaked his crotch in saliva.

I did my best to relax my anal muscles, waiting for my mate's entry. Talus kissed my neck and slowly began to shove his maleness into me. He very slowly sank himself to the hilt as my ass began to relax. I felt some pain, but pushed it from my mind, reminding myself of the extreme pleasures to come.

Talus began to thrust slowly, keeping his growing knot gently touching my anus until I got used to him. I began to hump backward at him, feeling intense pleasure and wanting to be tied to him after such a long time. Talus quickly picked up the pace and began a wild thrusting of me, his knot banging into me with such force it sent me sliding forward a bit. The pleasure coming from under my tail was driving me mad, added to the fact that I couldn't reach my own erection to pump myself to orgasm. Talus' breathing was becoming faster and faster and soon his knot was beginning to open me up wider and wider. He reached around my legs and began to pump me, my orgasm fast approaching. Soon, neither of us could take any more and we hit our climaxes. Talus thrusted his knot deep inside of me, locking me to him and his cum spraying inside of me. I came a few moments later, my semen coating Talus' hand and spraying on the tiled floor underneath us. We collapsed on our side, still tied together. I tried to catch my breath as we laid there, feeling the sweat of my mate soaking my fur. It all happened so fast and was over so quick! I took one of Talus' hands from around my waist and wrapped it around my neck, holding him close to me. His knot was still holding us together and did cause some slight pain inside of me, but I got used to it as we gently held each other after our intense, but short lived lovemaking. Talus kissed my ears as we rested, and I held him tighter against my body.

Yes, I knew I was in love with him.


I tapped away on my Toshiba and heard my watch beep loudly at me. I ignored the annoying alarm and continued writing. I saved my work and stretched, getting a kink from my back. I saw Talus come up to my writing desk and slam my notebook computer shut. He leaned over the top of the computer and kissed my forehead, then whispered in my ear.

"We're going to bed together tonight." Talus said as he grabbed my hand. "Remember yesterday? Now how's about some more of that tonight?"

I kissed his muzzle as I shut down the computer. "I'll try to make it last more than a few minutes."

We held each other's hand as we made our way to the bedroom, filled with love for each other.

~~~The End~~~

Email: [email protected]

Temp Homepage: http://www.livejournal.com/users/narilva_okada/