Dinner Show

Story by Xijque on SoFurry

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#1 of Dinner Show

Well here it is, folks! This is my first written story in a long while. I wrote it over a year ago, then commissioned KumaKun to draw a good portion of it. Huge thanks to h4rdc0rewolfi (and Marluxia114 last year) for helping me edit this <3

This is the "real" version, which contains plot and heavy digestion. Images embedded in the PDF will be posted here, on FA, and on IB. If you want the tame version, see my submission to FA, or the versions hosted on my own computer (so it'll be slow), here (text) or here (PDF). Those don't contain digestion, but they're still kinda rapey.

If you can't tell from the tags, this has rape, vore, and digestion. If you read it anyway, I don't really want to hear about it. Be nice, this is only a written fantasy, not something myself or anyone I know would ever do for real in any variation :P

Only one fox was hurt in the making of this story, but he got better, I promise. Images are (c) KumaKun; story, Zane, Trey, and other characters are (c) to me. Please repost and enjoy :3

Alt hosted on my own computer (so it'll be slow), here (text) and here (PDF), now with HTTPS! :3

Update 2015-06-07: I've embedded the images I posted here (see my "Dinner Show" pool) below in the text. Let's see how this works, I may or may not do it again in the future. It was a bit of work and I'm not super happy with how it displays. You can click said images to jump to the corresponding post here on SoFurry =3

Dinner Show

Written byXijque

Edited byh4rdc0rewolfi, Marr, and Dyne

Images by KumaKun

Warning: this story contains graphic depictions of non-consensual sex, consumption of living beings, extreme pain, and eventual death. You have been warned. If you continue reading, any negative effects on your psyche are your own damn fault. Any positive effects should be immediately reported to your prescribing fox for additional treatment. Only one fox was harmed in the making of this story.

Zane cupped his fox's head in a massive paw, gently rubbing it. "Trey, it's time to get going. I need you to wake up."

Murmuring softly, the fox's eyes opened. He stared up drunkenly at the wolf. "I- what..." His breath caught and he started looking around frantically. "What's going on? I don't remember-"

He started to sit up, but a huge grey paw on his chest pushed him back against the wolf's lap. "It's okay, I know you're disoriented. Take a few deep breaths, and I'll explain everything in a moment. The pre-show should be wrapping up around now and we can't keep them waiting."

"Who? No, you need to tell me what's going on! I don't remember coming here!" He tried to sit up again. This time, the wolf let him. He quickly got to his feet and scanned the room. It was mostly empty, just some miscellaneous furniture. The wolf was sitting on the edge of a bed. Behind him, he could make out the steady rise and fall of another figure under the sheets, but a quiet voice in the back of his head told him not to care.

His eye caught the door. Out, he needed to get out. He didn't even know why. He was panting heavily, staring at the door. Without thinking, he bolted for it, but instead found the floor rushing towards him.

"See? That's why I had you lying down. You need to give yourself a moment to adjust or you're going to hurt yourself."

Trey slowly sat up, resting his back against the bed. After a minute or two, he seemed to have his breathing mostly under control, but his thoughts weren't any less jumbled.

"Better now?" Zane grabbed Trey by the back of his shirt as he stood up, pulling the fox to his feet. "We really do need to get going."

The vulpine wobbled for a moment, but didn't fall over again. He grimaced, forcing words out between mildly labored breaths. "What. Is going. On."

Trey hadn't noticed the wolf moving, but Zane's voice boomed from the door. "If you can't walk, I'll carry you."

The fox stumbled toward the door. He seemed to be recovering quickly, at least physically. By the time he reached the wolf, he wasn't struggling to walk in a straight line.

"To the left, then another at the end of the hallway. I'll be right there."

Trey didn't know why he listened, but he obediently wandered his way down the hallway. The scents and sounds his sensitive nose and ears were picking up seemed strangely familiar, but he couldn't place any of them. Turning to his left, he stopped short at a closed door. He didn't know if he should keep going, but he felt the urge to open it.

With a nervous glance around, he gently turned the knob and opened the door. It made no noise as it swung open. On the other side was a red curtain; this time, his instinct told him to stop. Even though he couldn't see anything, when he pulled the door open he was hit by a wave of new scents. These ones he could place: they were all very male, and very aroused. His breath started to quicken again as he took a step backward, but stopped when he felt a rush of air against his back.

Zane had appeared behind him, causing Trey to stiffen and flatten his ears against his head. The wolf was uncomfortably close; he wanted to move away, but recognized he only had one way to go. He could feel the heat of the wolf's body on his back. He opened his mouth to say something when the curtain was pulled open from the other side, allowing two small otters in scant lingerie push by. He stared blankly at them as they shuffled past. They both smelled heavily of each other. His muzzle formed soundless words as one of them licked a thick white fluid off his paw, leaving absolutely no doubt as to what they'd just been doing.

The fox's blood ran cold as the pieces fell together, leading to a horrible conclusion. He turned slightly back toward the wolf, but he'd already moved back to block his path with his large frame. "Oh, no, no we're not going to..."

The wolf grinned widely, a hungry gleam in his eye. "Oh, yes, yes we are."

"Please, I don't..."

Zane stepped forward and pulled the edge of the curtain back open with a claw. He was looking past the curtain, but kept his voice hushed so that only Trey could hear him. "Relax, fox. You really don't have any control over what's going to happen tonight. You might as well just go with it." He motioned with his head just beyond the stage the otters had just left. "You see those people out there? They paid a lot of money to see us put on a show. You and I," he ran his other paw down the fox's front, "we're gonna give them what they want."

The fox squirmed, trying to pull away. "I... I don't really want-" He whimpered, squeezing his eyes closed.

The wolf brought a finger to Trey's lips, gently quieting him. "It doesn't matter." Pulling the curtain open, he gave the vulpine a forceful shove out onto the stage. Trey stumbled forward with a yelp as the wolf pulled the door closed behind them.

Zane walked past him, grinning down at the group of people sitting around the stage. He nodded down at them, as if they were all best friends. "Oh, hey guys, glad you could all make it."

The stage was set in a small alcove in the back of the room. Three of the sides were walled in, with the door they had just entered through set into the back. The fourth side was curved and jutted out into the room. The stage area itself was fairly small, roughly six feet across, and appeared to be only a few feet above the ground. A table followed its curve just below edge, around which a group of seven furs sat sipping colored drinks. He walked to the edge of the stage and sat down, letting his feet rest against the table surface.

The guy at the middle of the table was another fox. Zane chuckled inwardly and spread his legs, watching the vulpine's eyes glide from his, down his body, to settle on his groin. He was sitting only a foot or two from the fox, and knew he could smell it as well as he could see it.

The fox matched his grin and looked back up. "Well, hey there." After the fox spoke, the others nodded and murmured similar greetings.

This was good, he liked a responsive crowd. Scanning over the others, he started making mental notes on each of them. He'd become skilled at understanding how to tailor each of their experiences based on how far they'd let themselves go during the initial entertainment.

To his far right sat two wolves, one white and one grey. The white one was still fully clothed, but had his paw gripped around the other's leaking member. The second, grey-furred one was practically laying on top of the first; he assumed they were a couple. Zane winked at the first and motioned toward the second's crotch. "Pretty big boy you got there." Of course, the rest of the guys followed his line of sight down to the wolf's exposed cock.

The lupine squirmed a bit in the other's grasp, but made no effort to hide himself. "I'm sure you're bigger." The first wolf just chuckled, continuing to stroke the member without missing a beat.

The third was a cheetah. Although he was naked, he wasn't currently hard. His member was only just peeking out of his sheath, either on its way out for the first time or on its way back in. He knew it would be out in short order, especially with the way he was watching the wolves next to him.

The fox in front of him was familiar; he'd definitely been to a few of his shows before. The guy was bold almost to a fault, but generally didn't negatively affect the others. Zane could appreciate having someone to step forward when needed if the others were too shy.

On the other side of the fox was another canine of some sort, but he couldn't pin down the species. He did recognize him, though, from past and recent news coverage; the guy was a mutt through and through, but had made a name for himself by founding a major tech firm before he was even out of college. The guy was clearly a bit uncomfortable, but also clearly bulging out his pants. He'd have to work on him.

Next was an otter, who had evidently enjoyed the show his comrades had put on earlier. He was flaccid, currently, but the table in front of him was covered with seed from getting off at least once already. Last was a hulking bear, who flashed a toothy grin and nodded at him. The ursine was a coworker who frequented his shows. He nodded back in recognition.

"Alright, so, for those of you who don't know, I'm Zane. The fox behind me who's just now noticing that door's locked is Trey." All the eyes in the room shifted up to Trey, as if they were just now noticing him. Zane turned and beckoned with a finger. "Trey, come over here and introduce yourself to our kind guests."

Again, Trey found his body doing as it was told against the better judgment of his mind. He panted heavily as he padded over to the wolf. When he was close enough, the lupine pulled him down into his lap, sitting him directly in front of the other fox. The two vulpine's eyes connected for a moment before Trey's sight was blocked by the wolf pulling Trey's shirt off. He wanted to resist, but couldn't seem to find the will to do it.

Zane nipped at one of Trey's ears, running his paws through his chest fur. "Before we get started, I'm supposed to go over some ground rules. While I'm doing that, I'd suggest you guys take the opportunity to refresh your drinks, as we prefer to keep the door closed once we get going." As if on cue, a waiter appeared to take any orders, seemingly unaffected by the whole scene.

Trey began squirming as he took stock of the people keenly watching them. Unfortunately for him, Zane didn't have to put much effort into holding him in place. "Now, I know that you've already signed some papers saying you know all this, but I honestly interpret the rules they give you a little differently.

"First off, you all know what you came here to watch, yes?" The group nodded. "Good. Trey doesn't really know any of that, though, and I'd like it to be a surprise. So if you could keep the details to yourself for now, I'd really appreciate it." He glanced to the wolf couple. "Second, I know you were all told to keep your paws to yourselves. I hate that rule and personally encourage you all to do far more than touch. I promise no one will come bursting in to yell at you. Third, and this is important, if you decide you're not okay with what you're seeing, please excuse yourself quietly; this is supposed to be enjoyable for everyone."

The other fox snickered, grinning up at Trey.

"Okay, well, almost everyone." Trey responded with a whimper, which turned to a gasp as Zane slipped a paw into his pants to grope at his sheath. "He'll get off, at least. I can promise that much." The fox started squirming again, but Zane pretended not to notice. "Last thing, you can feel free to move around, but do stay off the stage. Safety concerns, I guess."

Zane stood, leaving Trey to sit awkwardly in front of the group. Behind him, the wolf was unceremoniously stripping off his pants and shirt. He bared himself to the room with far less shame than Trey seemed to have as he plopped down next to his fox, this time in front of the shy mutt. With a nod toward the wolves to the far side he said, "You mind getting him ready for me?"

The smaller wolf slid back into his own chair as his mate stood up. "Yeah, more than happy to." With a devious grin, the white wolf grabbed the leg of Trey's pants and pulled him across the stage.

"Hey! Stop!" Trey yelped and kicked, but only managed to help dislodge the pants from his waist, allowing them to be slipped off his body. The wolf tossed the garment over his shoulder and wrapped his paw around the fox's ankle. This time, Trey could only slide helplessly to the far side of the stage. With the help of the cheetah and the other wolf, he was soon completely naked and being roughly groped and manhandled. He started to cry out, but the outburst was stopped by one of the cat's paws closed around his pointed muzzle, holding it closed.

Zane chuckled, "Yeah, he's a bit of a fighter. Tonight's gonna be a lot of fun. There should be some lube over there somewhere; as deep as you can get it, please."

Trey tried to push the feline away at that, but could only manage to shout something unintelligible through a closed snout.

Bringing his attention back to the dog in front of him, Zane licked his lips and lewdly groped his sheath. The mutt still looked nervous; this was definitely his first time seeing anything like this. "Hey, you mind?" He winked down at the pup.

"M-me? Um, what d-do you want me to do?"

Zane smiled warmly, trying to put him at ease. "You know what I want."

In case there was any doubt, the bear slid an unlabeled bottle across the table. The dog picked it up and unscrewed the cap. The ursine gestured toward the Zane's crotch with a paw. "Go on."

The dog's eyes went wide, but he stood up and leaned forward without any further coaxing. He still seemed nervous, but his tail was moving a mile a minute, so Zane set aside any worries he had for the guy. When the dog's paws reached his sheath, he murred softly and leaned back on his paws, spreading his legs to offer better access.

He'd been pent up all day, so it only took the briefest caress for his tip to show itself. Although the mutt may be new to this particular form of entertainment, it certainly wasn't his first time tending to a male's crotch. It only took a few moments for Zane's meaty girth to start pushing its way into the cool air under the dog's gentle care. The lupine let his tongue loll out of the side of his muzzle as soft pads wrapped around his length. The dog ran his paw down the shaft, carefully pushing his sheath down below his knot.

Now fully in the open, the mutt began to stroke at the length in earnest, squeezing out a full erection. Zane was letting small moans escape his slightly parted lips more for the benefit of the dog than himself.

The moment was broken by the fox's voice. "May I?" Sitting up, Zane saw that the fox had gotten behind the dog and had been dry humping him. They were both still wearing pants, but judging by the fox's paw on the dog's belt, he was looking to change that. The dog let the lupine cock slip from his paws to flop against Zane's toned abs as he looked over his shoulder at the vulpine. Zane was ready to intervene, but the dog was grinning. Clearly into it now, he arched his back and pushed back against the vulpine's bulging loins.

He hadn't said a word, but the fox got the message and made quick work of the obstructing fabric. After losing his own, the two pressed back together. Zane guessed, though, that there wasn't any penetration, just more rubbing and foreplay. The fox was leaning over him, now, with one arm hooked around the dog's waist, probably to paw at the canine's arousal.

Letting the two have their fun for a moment, Zane turned his attention back to Trey. The small fox was still being held on his back on the stage by the cheetah. Although he didn't see him move, the otter had joined them and was holding the fox's legs against his chest. It didn't look like he had to be held down, at this point, judging by his constant moaning. The vulpine's member was pointing straight up into the smaller wolf's muzzle, who was slurping at it eagerly. The other lupine looked like he was intent on shoving his entire paw up Trey's ass. Good, Zane thought, he'll need it.

The otter was looking back at him, or at least at his dick. His eyes were wide. Zane grasped his meat below the knot and held it up for him. "Like what you see?"

The otter blushed. "Oh, oh my. That thing is huge. Poor fox." Despite his words, he was grinning like a fool.

When he turned back to the duo in front of him, he saw that the mutt had already slicked his paw with lube and was about to finish his job. Zane looked down at him and shook his head. "Nono, not yet." Zane ran a finger up the underside of his length, causing a large bead of pre to form at its tip. "Have a taste, then we'll get to the fun part."

The mutt leaned forward quickly and slurped up the sticky precum, before pulling the tip into his warm maw and suckling for more. The taste was apparently good enough to make him moan.

Zane patted the canine's head, but was sure not to make it seem like he was trying to push his guest down on him. He let the dog work lube over his exposed length, but after a few moments, he rubbed an ear and pulled himself slightly back. "Okay, time to fuck a fox."

The others definitely heard that. All the attention moved to the dog's paws working slick lube onto the hefty lupine meat. From his vantage point Trey couldn't see it, but the Zane heard him whimpering in the cheetah's paw.

Zane slid back and laid on his side. Reaching over, he grabbed Trey and, with some help, flipped the vulpine around and pulled him up in front of himself. The fox was struggling, but wasn't going to get away. The cheetah still had his wrists and after a few kicks, the bear wrapped both ankles in one large paw. "No, no, please, you can't-"

Zane made a show of pinching the fox's muzzle closed between two fingers. "Don't even think about telling me what I can and cannot do. Tonight you're my bitch, and I'll use you as I please." Zane reached his free paw down and roughly squeezed the fox's still throbbing member. "Besides, you're clearly enjoying it. Don't pretend you don't want this."

Noticing the smaller wolf licking the taste of Trey's dick off his chops, Zane raised an eyebrow. "Did he cum?"

"Nope! He was pretty close, though. Was dripping like a faucet."

Trey blushed, trying to hide his head from the humiliation of the entire situation.

Meanwhile, the ursine was wrapping a length of rope behind fox's knees, then binding it to his upper thigh. Once he was sure it was secure, he handed the remaining length to Zane, who pulled the leg up to Trey's chest and looped the rope around his head to tie it behind his knee. This lifted Trey's leg out of the way, effectively exposing his slightly-gaping and wet tailhole to the room. Although he tried to hide himself with his tail, Zane was quick to pull it out of the way and trap it between their bodies.

Trey's ears fold back as someone ran a paw down his thigh. "Gods, he has no idea how huge that thing is, does he?"

Zane snickered, "Not a clue." For several minutes, he made a show of pressing his hard length against the fox's underside, letting it poke up under his balls and at his clenching tailhole, without actually penetrating. His own pre added nicely to the ample amount of lube that had been applied to both of them, making the entire area very slick. Trey never stopped fighting. When he finally managed to get one of his wrists free, Zane stopped and pinned it against the stage. "Okay, it's time to stop that, or I'll have to tie up the rest of you. You're supposed to be behaving for these folks."

The fox just whimpered and shook his head. "Please, please don't... I'll do whatever you want, just don't do this. Please..."

His begging fell on deaf ears. "What I want is for you to stop resisting so I can fuck you in the ass. I thought that was pretty clear?"

Without waiting for a response, he looked over at the mutt. "Hey pup, since your paw is already wet, would you mind lining me up?" He was, of course, perfectly capable of doing it himself, he just liked to give others an opportunity to participate. And he really liked the dog.

A moment later, he felt the dog's paw on his dick again. He applied some pressure and felt a warmth around his tip. The fox's eyes went wide and, if it weren't for a quick clench from Zane's paw, might have screamed out loud. Zane laughed, bringing his other paw down to Trey's dick. The fox's erection hadn't flagged, even slightly. He could feel it pulsing in his paw. "Come on, fox, I hardly even have my tip in you." He scanned over the crowd, who were all watching at lewd attention. "What do you think, guys? All at once or should I let him adjust?"

He knew the answer before anyone spoke, but still waited for a "just shove it in" and a "fuck him hard" to confirm. He heard the dog mutter something like "he's a fox, he can take it!" but it was cut off by a loud bark and a "so can you." Seemed like Trey wasn't the only one getting humped tonight.

He rubbed under the fox's chin. "Sorry, bud, but it's what they want. Take a deep breath and relax for me, okay? I won't lie, this is going to hurt quite a bit."

The fox's breathing was erratic. He was trying to shout something, but nothing other than frantic noises were making past Zane's paw. He knew what was coming, he could feel it coming, but there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

When Trey heard the bear's voice, he prayed it was to tell Zane to stop. "You sure you can get it in? He's such a tiny thing. Looks tight as hell."

The larger of the wolf responded before Zane could. "He was like a vice. Guessing it's his first time."

Zane flashed the ursine a wicked grin. "Watch me."

headerIn an instant, the wolf's knot was kissing the fox's tailhole. The motion was so fast that it took Trey a full second to register the searing pain. By the time it hit him, at least nine inches of meat had withdrawn slammed back in, causing his rear to dimple inward. He was screaming and thrashing as hard as he could, but neither seemed to phase the wolf. The huge creature was showing him no mercy, just abusing his ass for the pleasure of himself and everyone else in the room.

Although this wasn't for himself, Zane did let himself enjoy it. Trey was almost painfully tight, but he went out of his way to make it look like taking the poor fox was effortless. After several minutes, the wolf stopped thrusting and let the length sit in its warm home. He'd already seen the otter cum again, and judging by the panting, the little wolf had, too. That was enough for him to want to change things up a bit.

For the fox, the agonizing pain had become a constant, dull throb with a sharp sting when the wolf hilted up to his knot. If it weren't for the horrid pain, he would have been surprised at how well he was taking it. He'd shut most of it out, but tears were still squeezing their way out of the corners of his eyes from the soreness. Although the thought was at the back of his mind, it wasn't until Zane spoke again that he resumed struggling.

"Just think, fox. You haven't even taken my knot yet. There's at least another six inches I have to shove in there."

"I'd say seven, plus the swelling after you get off. I'm a bit jealous." Zane was pretty sure that was the other fox speaking.

"Mmm, see? You're a lucky guy." Zane nipped the fox's ear, causing him to twist his head out of the way. "How about a new position. Any suggestions? I could see if his throat stretches as well as his ass. Would probably be good to give his tail a bit of a break."

Again, the question was more to make his audience feel involved. He'd already knew exactly how the night was to progress; although it wasn't formally said, the timing and sequence of events was carefully planned. When he untied the fox's bindings, the fox's leg slumped to his side, causing his rear to clench around the wolf. Gingerly, he rolled the fox onto his stomach and slipped his length out, being sure that everyone could see him withdrawing from the fox's wrecked hole.

"Unless, of course, one of you guys would like a go at it?" He was hoping someone would, as the next few minutes were to make sure he could calm down before continuing.

Unsurprisingly, the other, larger wolf stepped up to the edge of the stage. "Not gonna pass that up. Probably loose enough to knot fuck him."

Trey groaned, partially from being so sore and partially from the idea of getting passed around like a toy.

Zane nodded and effortlessly flipped the fox over, pushing him off the stage to lean over the small table wrapping the stage. Although his paws were on the floor, his legs would have been too weak to hold his own weight. While the fox was preoccupied with trying to keep the other wolf away from his battered hole, Zane positioned himself over the fox and sat down on his arms, pinning them against the stage. When he looked back at Zane, his muzzle was greeted by the wolf's massive dick. For a moment, he was in awe of the monster, trying to rationalize how it fit inside him.

As he found earlier, he was helpless to prevent the treatment he was experiencing. Last time that wolf stood behind him, he was up to his forearm under his tail. Of course, that hurt, but not nearly as much as what Zane had done, especially without the aid of a muzzle around his dick. When the wolf pushed himself in this time, Trey tensed expecting it to hurt like Zane, but that pain never came. Rather, he felt the wolf easily slip himself to the hilt, kissing his sheath against his anal ring. There was a slight sting at the end of the thrust, but he hardly even noticed it.

The otter, who was idly stroking himself next to the bear, giggled. "Did he just take the whole thing?"

"Sure did." The wolf turned to his mate. "This bitch might actually be looser than you!"

The second wolf scoffed. "He better be, no way I could take that thing." He motioned to Zane, who was letting his dick rest across the fox's head.

Zane grinned. "I think you'd be surprised. I'm pretty good at making it fit." As the wolf started mercilessly pounding Trey's tail, Zane grabbed the fox's muzzle and brought it up so that his tip was poking between the vulpine's lips. "Now, open. If I even think I feel you trying to bite me, I'll be sticking this back in your ass with him still in it.

Trey's eyes went wide as Zane started to pry a fat finger into the back of his jaw, forcing his muzzle open. Very quickly, Trey realized how pointless the struggle was, and let his jaw part. For a moment, they sat there with Trey rocking to the wolf's thrusts with his maw waiting to accept Zane's length. A paw moved to the back of his head.

"Cover your teeth with your lips."

He did, but as soon as Zane started to push him down, he turn his head to the side, causing the dripping cock to smear across his cheek. "N-no, I w-won't. It was in m-my... in my..." he couldn't bring himself to say it.

"It was in your ass, yes. Now it's going in your mouth." After forcibly turning Trey's head back, Zane started to push his head down again. Trey felt the hot meat slide across his tongue and hit the roof of his mouth. He grimaced at what he expected to be an awful taste, but found that it tasted sweet and vaguely of vanilla, probably thanks to the lube.

When the tube of flesh curved back against his pallet and started pushing its way toward the back of his mouth, he tried to pull away, but found his head firmly held in place. The cock continued back until the tip hit the back of his throat. He gagged, sending a slick mess of spit, lube, and pre down the lupine's throbbing dick to drip onto his balls.

Zane was undeterred, using the end of the contraction to force the tip to bend down into the fox's throat. Trey whined and gagged, but was still mercilessly force-fed the wolf's dick. "You're going all the way down, fox. I'm not stopping until I feel your nose against my gut."


Trey was coughing horribly, his body trying to expel the tube of flesh leaking down his throat. Just as he realized he couldn't breathe, he felt fur brush up against his nose. Zane gave a quick thrust upward, mashing his nose into his crotch fur and stretching his jaws painfully around the massive knot.

Zane held the fox there, forcing him to swallow and sputter helplessly around the throbbing cock, before the pressure on the back of his head finally let up. He immediately tried to pull back, but Zane took his time letting the fox off his dick. He wanted Trey to feel every inch of it sliding its way back out.

While Trey was gasping for breath, Zane again looked over the room. The otter was now sitting in the bear's lap, who was still clothed. This was a large crowd, so Zane appreciated the help keeping everyone entertained. The larger wolf was still going at Trey's ass with reckless abandon, popping his knot in and out every few thrusts. The other wolf was making out with him, his previously spent member poking Trey's side. The other fox was hilted in the mutt, probably tied, his paw furiously working at the dog's shaft. The mutt himself was panting and moaning loudly, humping into the paw wrapped around his member.

He was looking for the cheetah when a request from the dog distracted him. "Oh gods, that was so frickin' hot. Put back in, I'm gonna cum."

Zane looked from him to Trey. "Sorry, foxy. Down you go." A moment later, his dick was back in the fox's throat. Zane let it slide in and out with the other wolf's increasingly erratic thrusts.

The dog went off first, sending a few shots of seed onto the floor. Once he came, the fox slid his paw down and squeezed it around the base of the pulsating knot. The canine had his eyes fixed on the bulge in Trey's throat the entire time. Shortly thereafter, the other wolf was humping into his mate's paw, shooting his load across the fox's back. Zane kinda wished he'd left it inside the fox, but supposed it would just add to the fun later.

After the two canines had a minute to recover, he patted the back of Trey's head. "You can stop now."

Trey grimaced and let the immense member fall from his muzzle. He hadn't realized the wolf had let him go; had he been sucking the wolf's dick on his own?

Zane stood and stepped back onto the stage, letting Trey pull his trapped arms free. Before he could rub out the soreness, though, one of Zane's paws closed around them, pulling the fox up onto the stage with him. There was a lewd slurp and the cheetah stood from below where the fox had been standing. Zane winked to him. "Appreciate the help."

After everyone had sat back down, Zane turned to the side wall and pushed Trey onto all fours. Holding the twitching tail out of the way, he pressed his hot length between the fox's butt cheeks. Although it almost slipped in on its own, he directed it upward to be cupped by the crevice. "So what do you guys think? Want me to finish myself off in him or should we move on?"

The bear sat up in his chair, but the fox was the first to answer. "You're kidding, right? I gotta see that knot go in there." There was a soft murmur of agreement from the crowd and the bear sat back again, holding the otter's paw against his groin.

Zane shrugged, turned the fox to face the back of the stage. He noted that it wasn't taking significant effort to position the fox as he pressed the vulpine's chest down against the stage. He was even more impressed when the fox kept himself there, ass in the air, tail splayed to the side. Zane let the others take in the presenting fox before getting on all fours behind him. Bending forward, he let his weight rest on the fox's back, pinning the poor creature down. The fox started begging again, but no one was paying the slightest attention. Zane lifted his own tail out of the way, giving the room a full shot of his own tailhole and his dick rubbing downward against the fox's. This way, he could use his weight to force his way in, and the room could still see it.

The large lupine lifted himself up until he felt his dick sinking into Trey's open hole. He slowly slid right to his knot with a wet squelch. It was much easier this time, and Trey didn't even whimper, just sigh as the girth filled him. As Zane started to piston himself into Trey's used tailhole, he noticed that the fox was moaning this time, likely due to the pressure on his prostate. His suspicion was confirmed when he heard one of the others mutter something like, "I wish I were up there to drink that up." If the fox was dripping that much, he probably wasn't too far from getting off.

Zane quickened his pace, aiming to tie the fox before the small vulpine could cum; he wanted to make a real show of getting the guy off later on. Deepening his thrusts, he started to feel the hole yield completely to his size. He vaguely wondered if the fox's pelvis could take it, but he'd managed to fit himself into smaller guys than him.

Knowing he was running behind his planned schedule, he decided just to get it in and move on. He hadn't been asked to cum in the fox, just to knot him. Grinning back over his shoulder to the crowd, he let his full weight fall on the fox. Everyone but Trey knew it was coming; just as quickly as Zane's original insertion, the knot forced itself past the offending ring of flesh. Half the crowd gasped and Trey screamed - not pleasure anymore, this was definitely pain. Just to prove the point to everyone, Zane pulled his hips up, lifting Trey off the stage and causing his rear to bow obscenely outward.

Trey was still sobbing in pain when Zane wrapped an arm around him and carried him over to the edge of the stage. Every step was agony for Trey, as Zane's movements kept causing the massive poker to shift inside him. Reaching the edge, Zane plopped onto his rear, causing the cock to push itself ever so slightly deeper. Trey screamed again, choking out another sob. Zane was sitting on the edge of the stage like he had when he first addressed the sadistic group. This time, though, Trey had well over a foot of dick up his ass and his cock was being forced to drip all over the table.header

Zane let out a heavy sigh, as if it actually took some effort. "There, see?" Zane lifted the limp fox's legs to show the tie off to the room. "He took it just fine."

Once again, the fox from the audience showed his lack of modesty. Reaching a paw around the dog in his lap, he pressed against the fox's taint and anal ring, feeling the pulsating member behind it. Sliding his paw up, he pressed down against Trey's abdomen, feeling the hard length within. "Holy shit."

The dog quickly joined him, even trying to push a finger up inside Trey. The captive fox squirmed and groaned weakly.

"You still jealous?"

The fox nodded dumbly and sat back in his chair. "I actually kinda am. Damn."

The mutt lingered, still groping at the base of the wolf's dick and the fox's hole. "I can't believe that entire thing is up there. It's so huge." Giving the Trey's member a quick lick, he sat back against the fox.

"So, like I was saying before, Trey was never told what we're gonna be doing with him tonight. I don't know about any of you, but I can't help but wonder if he's figured it out yet."

The fox's ears perked slightly at the mention of his name. He was leaning against the large wolf with one hand on his lewdly bulged stomach. "It hurts..."

Zane rubbed his neck, and to everyone's surprise the fox cooed and nuzzled back against the paw. His voice was still weak, but he seemed to be recovering quickly. "Did I... what?"

"I asked if you figured out what was going to happen next."

Trey whimpered, still rubbing at his stomach. He could feel the wolf's tip bulging out his gut. He was panting, but the cold sweats were going away. "I-it couldn't. It couldn't be any w-worse..." His head lolled to the side, finally submitting.

The bear sat up again and snorted, "You have no idea."

Zane shifted to look at the bear, causing Trey to whimper. "Think about it, hotstuff. A little guy like you, a big guy like me..."

Trey shook his head. "I- I don't understand." His eyes wondered over the group of furs for a clue, but he was only meant with dark smiles and hard dicks. His eyes stopped on the bear, who was licking his lips. He knew there was something forming in the back of his mind, but his subconscious rejected it for him.

"Oh come on! I thought you foxes were supposed to be smarter than this."

The other fox shook his head. "I thought so too."

The bear chuckled. "They never are, though, are they? I mean, letting themselves get hunted down like this..."

All eyes were on Trey, watching for that moment of realization. This was part of the game, part of the cruel pleasure they sought.

Trey's eyes wandered over the room again when Zane growled. This was the first time the wolf had shown any sign of anger; was he making the wolf that upset?

The wolf growled again, but this time the fox realized it wasn't coming from his throat. His head was resting against it and he hadn't felt the vibrations. Oh, gods, it was from his stomach. The idea in the back of his head was resurfacing as he felt a something wet sink into the fur on his shoulder. He looked up, ignoring the pain of moving. The wolf was drooling on him. Another growl, but much this one was much louder. The rest of the room definitely heard it. The worst part, though, was that he could feel the rumble through the dick lodged deep inside him. Oh, no. Nono, not that.

His heart skipped a few beats as his eyes widened, looking at the crowd. One of the wolves leered at him, "Oh, I think he's figured it out!"

Trey shook his head in disbelief. "Gods, please, you can't, you can't do that. Not to me, not-"

Zane ran his tongue up the back of the fox's head, soaking the fur. "Silly fox, didn't I tell you not to try to tell me what I can and can't do?"

Trey's body started shivering uncontrollably. His breath caught in his throat and the cold sweats returned. He could feel the wolf's saliva dripping down his back. He had been wrong, so wrong. It could definitely get worse. It was going to get worse. He was going to be eaten alive. This wolf, the one who raped him for the amusement of a bunch of perverts was going to eat him. He wanted to run from the monster, but the knot in his rear easily prevented that. "Nonono please, I did what you wanted, please don't you can't-"

Zane cut him off with a large paw. "Okay, how about this? I'll give you a chance. If a single person in this room asks me not to, I won't. I'll let you walk free."

Trey whined, eyes frantically flickering around the room. He'd never been so afraid in his life. Why, why would anyone do this? "Please..."

The other fox lean forward, as if studying him. "Hmm, nah. You look like food to me."

Zane ruffled Trey's head fur. "Anyone?"

The bear stood and dropped his pants. "I don't think he'll be walking out of here. Have any of them?"

Zane shook his head, suckling one of Trey's ears. "Nope. Not one."

Trey's head dropped.

The smaller wolf leaned forward. "Kinda skipped over anger, but I think we're one step away from acceptance."

His mate pushed his shoulder, nearly knocking him out of his chair. "You dork. Besides, it doesn't matter if he accepts it."

Zane slid himself onto the stage and rolled the fox onto his back. His dick had softened enough that he could twist the member around inside the vulpine's passage. Leaning over Trey, the wolf looked into his eyes. His prey knew he wasn't going to escape, but that wasn't enough. Part of the fun was making him truly feel like food. He was intentionally holding his lips slightly open, letting his slobber drip down onto the fox's snout to flow between his eyes. This is the part he gets off to, his favorite part of the night.

Slowly, he lowered his head down, letting his teeth rest against the fox's nose. He sat there for the moment with the fox whimpering under him. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the otter's head bobbing in the bear's lap, one eye fixed on the stage. Knowing how much everyone else was enjoying this just made it that much better. He could feel the fox's hysterical breath against his lips as he let them part, sliding his muzzle over the fox's. He was careful to let his teeth comb through the fox's fur, being sure he couldn't block out the sensation of being consumed.

He stopped when his snout was entirely around the fox's. Sealing his lips, he started to run his tongue around the fox's muzzle, using his own jowls to keep the struggling vulpine's jaws tightly closed. Trey could only lie there and let it happen, taking small breaths out of the corners of his mouth. After he'd had his fill, he pulled his lips back and parted his jaws slightly to allow the group to see.

Trey's lips were quivering, letting some of the wolf's copious spit leak through into his own maw. The thought and taste disgusted him, which was compounded by the feeling of the wolf's dick hardening deep inside him again.

Zane pushed further, allowing his jaws to widen enough to take the fox's entire head in. The fox's muzzle was still held shut, this time by the entrance to Zane's throat. Trey could feel the wolf's tongue lapping at his neck, then a sudden, strong swallow pulled his entire head into the wolf's throat. Until that moment, he wasn't convinced the wolf could do it, but he couldn't help but notice the wolf didn't even have to try to fit his entire head into his constricting gullet.

Zane bent his head down and swallowed more of the fox, stopping only when his lips met the fox's shoulders. He sat there for a moment, one arm hooked under the fox's back, suckling the sweet flavor of the fox. Although he knew the attentive crowd was enjoying it, this wasn't for them. This was for him. Trey was for him.

Deciding he'd had enough for the moment, he pulled his head back, sliding the fox out as effortlessly as he went in. Trey was soaked to the skin, his fur coated and matted down in the thick saliva. Although Zane could have sucked it away when he pulled off, he honestly didn't care to clean the fox off. He'd be coated in far worse when he finally reached the stomach.

Zane smiled warmly at the group again, as if he hadn't just been swallowing a living being. Trey started to plead as soon as his muzzle was free, but Zane only need to give the vulpine a teasing glace of the back of his throat to silence him again.

"I'm sorry, guys, that was kinda rude of me. I didn't even ask which way you want to see him go down."

The fox raised an eyebrow. "Haven't seen you do it feet first."

The bear nodded, "Yeah. They struggle longer that way. Otherwise they can pass out before they're all the way in."

Zane shrugged, tugging on his hips to test the tie. It really didn't make a difference to him. "You got it." He started to pull his hips back, before stopping. A wild grin crossed his muzzle as he looked down at the fox. "Actually, I have an idea. I think you understand how serious this is. I'll give you another chance to live."

Trey nodded furiously. "Anything!"

The bear shot Zane an inquisitive look, but didn't protest.

"All you have to do is get me off before I get you off. Simple. You went soft, so it's kinda like you have a head start." Zane shifted and laid back, pulling the fox over him so that he was sitting in his lap. "Well? We have a deal?"

"Please, you can't, I won't-"

Zane's stomach growled again. "Be very careful."

Treys ears folded flat against his head. Tears started to flow again, mixing in with Zane's drool. "F-fine."

Zane flashed a toothy grin. He'd already won. "You're probably going to want to pull yourself off my knot first."

The fox yelped when one of the wolf's paws found his soft sheath. He'd been right on the edge at least three times tonight, so he doubted it'd take a lot of work if the wolf got a good grasp on him. His instinct was to shy away from the touch, but the tie held him securely in place. The wolf was right, he needed to get it out or he didn't stand a chance.

He grimaced and leaned forward, feeling the enormous bulb of flesh pulling him back down. He was long past the pain, at this point; his only thought was to survive, even if that meant jerking off his would-be predator. With a grunt, he felt the pressure suddenly give; in one quick motion, he lurched forward, the dick falling free. Somewhere to his side he heard someone mutter, "Wow, I still can't believe that whole thing was inside him." He flicked his ears, but his focus had shifted back to his sheath. When he fell forward, his sheath apparently ended up directly above the wolf's maw.

Zane chuckled. "Well, if you want me to suck you off, that's fine too. Gonna end up swallowing your dick anyway." Bringing his paws up, he grabbed the fox's sides, holding him in place. This was never really a fair contest, so he figured he didn't even need to pretend.

Trey moaned when he felt a wet warmth over his sheath. The wolf had taken the entire fuzzy package into his maw and started suckling on it, letting his tongue snake around the member inside. The thought immediately reminded him of his head being in the wolf's maw. Even with that horror in mind, he still felt his body reacting to the wolf's ministrations. He squirmed, trying to get out of the wolf's grasp. "Hey! This isn't fair! Stop! Let me go!"

The wolf did, but it was too late. Zane had already let go, but the fox was being held in place only by the wolf's lips behind his knot. He was hard again. "Oooh, oh, fuck. No... stop, please..." He reached down, trying to push the wolf's muzzle away. To his surprise, he felt his twitching member slip free. Everyone in the room knew how close he was, but of course everyone else wanted to see him shoot his load before he even got to touch the wolf's dick.

Trey quickly shuffled back, kneeling between the wolf's legs. Zane didn't seem to be in any rush to get back at the vulpine member, but instead let the fox get to work. He even let himself enjoy the fox's paws working over his cock, gently humping into them.

"Maybe if you try sucking on it again?" Zane thought that sounded like the mutt, but didn't bother to look. He was actually enjoying Trey's unique struggle for life. He'd stop him if he got too close, of course, but there was no reason not to give the fox a little hope.

"No, it's too late. His only chance was to ride it. Couldn't get eaten when they were tied." That one sounded like the fox. And of course, the vulpine was right. Trey whimpered, trying to shut them out. He was about to be killed and they were acting like it was some sort of game show!

As much fun as it was, though, he was horribly behind schedule at this point. The fox should have been in him almost ten minutes ago to give his guests some time to watch Trey squirm in a flesh prison. "Alright foxy, my turn again."

Sitting up, Zane reached around the fox and grabbed Trey's ankles. Trey tried to kick his legs free, but only managed to help the wolf flip him over onto his stomach.

"Fox, you're wasting precious time. I was actually getting close."

Trey whimpered, trying to reach behind his back for the drooling wolf meat. The cock, so hated an half an hour ago, was now his only lifeline. "Please, I can't reach it! This isn't fair!" Trey was now on his chest, with Zane lifting his ankles dangerously close to the sitting wolf's maw. "No! You said you'd give me a chance! I was trying!"

Zane grinned. "I know you were trying. But this is how I'm going to get you off, and you can't stop me." Trey just looked confused, trying to break one of his legs free. "Fox, I'm going to make you enjoy being eaten. You're going to feel these soft little feet digesting, then you're going to cum to show everyone how much you want it."

"No! I don't want to die, please don't, I don't want to die like this!" Trey was getting hysterical again. This was probably the real reason the bear wanted him going down feet first; not that he would last longer, but that he could beg longer.

"It was really nice playing with you, fox. I promise you'll get to taste my seed before you're completely gone." The fox screamed when he felt the tongue on his toes. Zane rolled his eyes, pulling his tongue out from between two of the fox's toes. The wriggling digits felt wonderful against it. "Look, Trey, if you can't quiet down a bit, I'm going to have to have someone stick something in your mouth to shut you up."

Again he saw his feet approaching the hungry, drooling maw. This time, the tongue didn't play with them, they were just shoved to the back. The wolf let them go, but the fox wasn't fast enough to pull them out before a swallow slurped them down like a noodle. Although it was somewhat uncomfortable, Zane held his head back to allow the others to see the bulge the fox's feet were forming in his neck. Right now, Zane just wanted to feel the fox struggling inside him, but he knew he had a show to put on.

Getting on all fours and straightening out his neck, Zane swallowed again. Trey felt the lurch pull half a foot further into the hungry gullet, but was again completely helpless against the wolf's strength. Whenever he tried to kick, the wolf would just gulp again, pulling him deeper.

"Please no, nonono, this can't be happening!" Trey squirmed and desperately searched for something to grab, but the wolf had him far enough away from the edge of the stage that he would never reach it. This was it, this was how he was going to die. He clawed around, trying to gain some purchase to stop the horrible lurching swallows, but his claws wouldn't even scratch the stage surface.

A part of his mind was telling him he would never fit, that the throat was so tight it'd never fit around him. Another part was saying that he must be dreaming, this was all some horrible nightmare, he'd wake up any moment...

Trey could feel the wolf's tongue against his inner thighs, now. Any moment, the wolf would be able to reach his sheath. He'd try to get him off, but it'd never work, it couldn't, he'd never be able to get off like this. Then the wolf would have to spit him out, they had a deal! Another swallow, and he knew it was over. The pressure on his feet disappeared, as he felt the dexterous appendage on the back of his balls, running down over them, then to his front. He was as horrified as the wolf was pleased when the tongue cupped his knot, pressing the member against his abdomen. He was still hard, gods, he couldn't be enjoying this. The wolf couldn't be right, he was going to die!

Another swallow and he felt his balls slip past the wolf's lower jaw. More of the pressure was released from his shins and lower calves, but he felt his heels press against a firm, slimly wall. The unwelcome realization was that his feet were in the stomach. He could bend his ankles and curl his toes again, but that offered him little relief.

Having the fox's hips in his mouth afford the wolf far more movement, allowing him to sit back and bend his head slightly. Trey felt a cold rush of air against his sopping wet legs; had the wolf been holding his breath for the last several minutes? With the fox almost halfway in, he decided to let his benefactors participate again. It was always tricky to have someone lodged halfway down your throat and allow a group of people play with your food, but he relished being able to show his prey just how helpless it is.

Carefully maneuvering himself off the edge of the stage, Zane got down and knelt on the floor, letting the fox's chest rest on the stage. He knew it must be odd to watch him delicately position himself like that, but he couldn't easily have started the process of eating someone down on the floor. There was always too much thrashing, and that put his audience at risk. In this position, the fox was pretty much being force to stand, albeit bent over, inside the wolf. Trey could see the cruel lupine beckoned for the others to feel the bulges in his throat and stomach. With the fox's legs bound so tightly by the wolf's throat, he really couldn't move.

It was certainly a strange sensation for Trey, feeling the pressure on his feet and legs through layers of muscle, skin, and fur. Periodically, Zane would swallow, sending a hot bath of saliva down to the fox's feet. This would generally elicit some gasps from the captive audience, especially if one has his hand there when it happened, but only added to the discomfort of the captive fox.

After a few minutes, Trey started to realize what was happening. The wolf's body needed some time to recognize the presence of food, his presence, and start the digestive process; the wolf had told him he'd start to digest before he'd cum. For some reason, it was as if his dick was waiting, too, still hard and throbbing against the monster's tongue. Trey wanted to cry out, but he knew it was pointless. He was also aware that he'd probably end up worse off, being this close to the others. At least, like this, he wasn't going any deeper.

headerWhen the wolf's tongue started to move around again, Trey thought he felt the faintest tickle in his pawpads. He told himself he was imagining it, but his mind knew it was the inevitable next step. It only took another minute for him to be convinced the tingling was real, and another for him to start to twitch. It felt like there were tiny pins and needles in his feet, as if they'd fallen asleep. He couldn't move, though, and it was just getting worse.

Trey tried to resist, but still ended up squirming as much as his predicament would allow. He didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing him respond to the situation. He was moaning, quietly, both from the strange stimulation to his feet and the wolf's expert work on his groin. He gasped, trying yet again to lift his feet out of the fluid in the bottom of the wolf's stomach. "Please, it's really starting to hurt. It's not too late, please!"

The other fox patted his head, "Don't be silly. It's been too late for almost an hour."

He whined, the tingling turning from discomfort to pain. He grabbed at the stage, trying to pull himself out, to get away from the burning in his feet. "Gods, they're burning. Please! You can't just eat people! Someone will find out, and you'll all-"

Zane grinned around his meal. Although he did appreciate the fox giving a narrative of his digestion, he was grateful that someone had stepped in to quiet him. The fox was playing his role well; the lupine doubted he'd need more than another minute before the morsel was spilling his load. At this rate, there wouldn't be anything left of his feet by then, at least not anything he could feel. It didn't matter, though, he still knew he was being digested and would still get off to it.

The wolf wiggled his torso, sloshing the digestive fluids around. Trey could feel the tingling eating its way up his shins. He wanted to scream so badly, but all he could manage was to clench his eyes closed and let the wolf lap at his dick. His breath was quickening, but he told himself it was the pain. A second too late he realized just how much the wolf had him.

headerThe cheetah let his muzzle go, but he didn't cry out. He was too busy trying to hump the wolf's tongue, trying to get it to milk out every drop of his seed, just like the wolf said he would. For a moment, his pain was forgotten, all he knew was the burning humiliation of succumbing to Zane so fully. He lost. He was... he was food. "No..." His ears flattened completely against his head when the first splat of fox jizz hit the edge of the stage.

Every time he thought he'd reached rock bottom, though, Zane had a way of showing him he could fall a bit further. After finally being allowed to cum, he was completely limp in his predator's jaws. Zane leaned back, pulling the weakened fox off the stage. Zane turned his head down, bending the fox at the waist. When the fox opened his eyes, he was staring squarely at the wolf's massive dick.

One of the wolves grabbed his paw, bringing it just in front of him to grab Zane's dick. "Well, look at that, fox. The entire time you were just lying there, you could've been jerking off a wolf dick. Maybe you could've gotten out of this."

Trey just shook his head, but Zane didn't give him long to process that final piece of information. He could feel his own digestive fluids eating their way up his esophagus, efficiently trying to digest the fox. Zane stood and stepped back up onto stage. It was time to end this, to send his meal the rest of the way home. Carefully, he laid on his back along the edge of the stage, letting his head hang over the side. Trey was left to flail helplessly into the empty space of the room, held up only by Zane's strong neck muscles.

He could feel paws on his neck again, kneading and probing at the limp meal within. He swallowed once, pulling the fox's spent and dripping cock into his throat. Whatever was left of the fox's legs folded easily within the sack of stomach acids. Another swallow and the fox's stomach disappeared from view.

Trey was starting to struggle again, but even he knew how pointless resisting was at this point. It just seemed wrong for him to let it happen, nature required he fight as long as he could. Bringing his paws to the wolf's throat, he started trying to push himself free, weakly trying to push against the lupine's lower jaw.

A voice appeared somewhere to his side. "That's a good idea, foxy." Hands appeared to grab his wrists, not to help him, but to push them under the jaw. Zane got the idea and swallowed them, pinning them against his front. He wiggled them around, trying to pull them back out. The whole area seemed strangely slick, moreso than the rest of the throat. When his paws contacted something hard, he understood. "I-I- how, how can I still be hard..."

Someone pressed against the bulge in the wolf's throat where his cock would be, making him moan and squirm. Did he say that out loud? "Holy crap, he is. You can feel it!" Suddenly there were more hands, and he was squirming under the strange pressure and pulses.

While the others were probing his neck, Zane got to work on his last promise to the fox. He told the fox he would cum before he packed him away. Bringing a paw down to his cock, he started stroking its length. He was already pretty close, so it only took a few moments before he was bending his neck to swing the fox up over him. Trey yelped when Zane's upper fangs dug into his back, but Zane was more concerned with the difficulty of the position. After a couple seconds, he felt the fox's weight disappear; it seemed someone was willing to help hold the fox up as he pawed himself off.


Just before he came, he heard someone laugh and say, "Looks like it's time for foxy's last meal!"

Trey was whining again. "Nono... why..."

When he felt the fox being pulled forward, he craned his neck down has far as he could. A muzzle, he assumed the fox's, closed over his tip just as the first squirt splattered into it. Trey started coughing and his muzzle slipped away, only to be replaced by a more eager one. With one of his patrons sucking his dick dry, he let his head fall back and swallowed the poor fox to his nipples. It would only take a few more gulps to finish the fox for good. Zane hoped the guys were paying attention.

Before he could give those last few swallows, though, he felt someone run a paw down his throat onto the fox. The cheetah's voice broke the silence. "Hey, wait a sec. I've always wanted to do this."

He heard Trey mutter a short, "No, don't!" before he gagged again. Zane guessed that the cheetah ended up sticking his dick into the fox after all.

"Can you, um, turn a bit? I want to hump him down your throat."

That was a first for Zane, but he was always happy to oblige a client. Working his feet, he turned so Trey was jutting out perpendicular to the stage. This caused the maw to slip off his member, but it was spent anyway. Immediately, he felt the rhythmic motion of the cat's hips. After each thrust, Trey made a horrible choking gurgle, but it didn't seem as if anyone in the room was about to jump to his aid. Zane relaxed his throat, letting the cheetah do the work; it was slow, but the cat was helping feed the fox down his gullet.

Zane could feel the fox's Adam's apple under his tongue. Under a minute later, the cat's body was pressing against his snout; once the cat realized he'd pushed the fox as far as he could, he withdrew his barbed length and pawed himself into the wolf's open maw, right onto Trey's head.

Once he was done, Zane closed his maw over Trey, plunging him into darkness. He was whimpering, possibly trying to form words, but unable to open his muzzle inside the hot maw. With the fox's head lining up internally with his own, Zane could bend his head up to look at the room. The cheetah was returning to his chair with a dopey smile. Off to the side, the otter was lying across the bear's lap, idly stroking the ursine's length. Zane knew the bear was waiting for the fox to be a squirming bulge to let himself go. The two wolves were sitting back in their chairs as well.

The fox and the dog were about two feet to his right, each pawing the other. The vulpine answered Zane's unspoken question. "Don't swallow yet. Got more for him."

Zane beckoned with a finger and pointed toward his muzzle. Leaning his head back again, he hoped at least one of them would get the message.

headerA moment later, a wet canine length was thrust into his open maw, between the squirming fox and his tongue. Trey tried to turn his head away, but Zane's teeth caged him in. The lupine didn't know if this would work, but whichever of the canines had taken his offer seemed happy to let him suck him off with his mouth full of food.

At first, Trey fought, trying to twist his head away. However, his lungs were beginning to scream for air, causing him to go mostly still. He could only sit there and let it happen. Since he woke up earlier that night, he'd been stripped, violated, raped, raped again, forced to feel his body digest... he just didn't care anymore. His body was trapped in a wolf's throat, he couldn't even feel his legs, his ass had been stretched beyond belief, his throat was sore and raw from the wolf's forced facefucking and the cat's barbs... soon he'd be a part of the wolf, and that's all that mattered.

Zane was pushing the canine member around this maw, sloshing cum-laden saliva around Trey's head. Most of it was in the fox's mouth by now, but the taste wasn't nearly as strong as Zane's spunk had been. Soon enough, the dick was spasming against his lower jaw. When it withdrew, the wolf opened his maw and Trey gasped for air on instinct. A voice in the back of his head told him it'd be his last breath of mostly-fresh air, but he didn't care. Not long now.

Zane waited for the group to get one last sight of the fox. He was sure the creature was a sticky, slimy mess. After a few moments, the lupine snapped his jaws closed with a very final click. He waited until he felt a few paws appear on his throat before giving that last swallow, sending the fox down to curl into a tiny ball in his gut.

It was with a sigh of content that Trey entered the stomach. By the time his upper half entered, digestion was well under way. He was greeted by a horrible wave of his own dissolved body. With Zane still lying down, the disgusting fluids covered Trey's back. He could feel small amounts pouring into his ears. Purely on instinct, Trey moved to shake his head as he opened his mouth to scream, but that only let the horrible sludge flow down his throat. He coughed violently, distinctly tasting his own blood and fur. His eyes were burning even with them completely shut.

While the wolf had been holding him halfway down, the burning had mostly faded away. His handpaws had just started to sting before the final, fateful swallows had sent him home. He was vaguely aware that he should have felt his knees pressing against his chest, but the limbs didn't seem to be there. He coughed again. Zane's heartbeat seemed to be getting more and more distant. The foul taste was fading, his remaining sense of taste only picking up the new flow of irony blood from his mouth. His sinuses were definitely still screaming, but he couldn't expel the molten fluid from his nose.

headerOnce the acids worked their way through the fur on his upper body, he immediately felt the burning. There was no transition from tingling this time. That strange pressure appeared again; he could feel the other guys rubbing him from the outside world. Had Zane sat up? He didn't seem to be lying in a pool of stomach juices anymore. Misfiring muscles were still twitching, causing him to contort and twist in the tight, hot space. He felt his body writhing around, but he didn't really_feel_ any of it.

What was left of his legs could only be bone at that point, and with the skin on his upper body gone, the pain again started to fade. He didn't know if the fiery shrieks of agony from his lungs were from the acid or lack of oxygen.

Even as he felt his body die, small sparks of pain still seemed to remain. Slowly, the darkness faded to the only true black.

Zane patted his gut. "And that's it. He's gone." The paws kept roaming his obscenely bulged gut. To his dismay and theirs, he slowly brushed them away. "I wish he had some more time, but we're pretty far over as it is." At some point, the bear had let out his characteristic roar, then gave the wolf a pat and headed out the back door with the otter in tow.

With the show done, Zane made sure to run his eyes over each of the guys in the room again, committing their faces and scents to memory. They were a fun bunch, and he hoped to see them again. "Oh, and if you guys wouldn't mind, before you head out there are showers just to your right outside that door. I doubt you want to go outside smelling like this."

Zane got to his feet, leaning back against the stage to support the extra weight. He exchanged final pleasantries with his clients, letting them get in one last pat or grope, whatever made them happy. The fox and the mutt were the last two to leave. They were at the back door when the dog stopped and turned back. He looked troubled again; Zane guessed he was happy to let his dick think for him for a while, but the morality of the night was starting to set in.

He whispered something to the fox before pacing back to Zane, who just raised an eyebrow. "Something else?"

"I, um, yeah." He looked to the floor and fiddled with his bundled up clothes for a moment, before looking back up. "How often do you do this?"

Zane just shrugged. The question was common enough, and he didn't think he could shield the dog from reality. "About every week."

"So you, um, ki- eat someone every week?"

The lupine smiled. The last time he'd had this conversation was several months ago, with a rather handsome fox. A part of Zane hoped it would lead to the same place. "Eat, yes. Kill... not always, exactly."

Now the dog was confused. "But he's... he's not alive in there..."

Zane shook his head. "No, indeed he's not."

The mutt stared blankly back, silent.

"Look, this isn't something I can easily explain in words. How about this, when you're done washing up, tell the guy up front I want to see you. I'll explain then."

"Oh, um, I don't know, I mean, I don't think I should..."

Zane shook his head, chuckling. "I assure you you'd be in no danger."

"Nono! I mean, Kevin and I were gonna go out. He said he'd wait for me."

Kevin, was that the fox's name? "You can bring him too. While I'm not really hungry anymore, I was gonna order food for another friend of mine anyway. I'm sure he'd enjoy the company."

The dog scratched his arm. "I, um, o-okay." The canine turned and shuffled toward the door, tail twitching slightly. Zane frowned, hoping he hadn't pushed the dog too far by letting him stay. He knew it was a risk when he first saw how nervous the pup was, but the choice was ultimately the dog's paws.

Once the back door clicked shut, Zane hopped onto the stage and paced to the curtain. Pulling it aside, he opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, being grateful they remembered to unlock the door this time. Instead of heading directly to his room, he stepped into a private shower and quickly washed himself clean of the various messes from the night's activities.

After drying himself off, he padded naked back to his room. His clothes would be picked up by the cleaning crew; they knew how bad he was at remembering them, so it was nothing new. With a heavy plop, he fell into bed, jarring the sleeping figure awake.

The guy, a fox, sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Eyeing the wolf, the fox gestured toward the grossly distended gut. "So is that..." His voice trailed off.


The fox patted the wolf's stomach. At this point, there wasn't any distinguishable form left inside it. Given a few more days, there wouldn't even be the slightest pudge. The two sat that way for several minutes with the fox rubbing his paws over Zane's gut.

"This is kinda weird, you know."

Zane shook his head, idly lying back with his eyes closed. "Nah, do it all the time."

"No, I mean, specifically this time..."

Zane chucked and opened his mouth to reply, but his response was interrupted by a knock at the door. He turned to it, instead. "Yeah?"

"Uh, sir, you have two guests. A Kevin Mitchell and a Michael Smith? I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but they said you asked for them?"

The fox's eyes widened, recognizing the second name. He whispered to the wolf, "Smith? Like, *the* Michael Smith? Geeze, that was really him?"

Zane chuckled, directing his response at the door. "You can send them in."

"Yes sir, very well."

The door opened and the fox and dog from the show quietly stepped in. Zane stood to greet them, still stark naked. "Nice to see you two again."

Kevin nodded, seemingly unphased by the night's activities. "So what exactly did he have to say to get the backstage pass?"

Michael shook his head, "I didn't really say anything. I just had some questions..."

"I offered." Zane stepped aside, letting the two see the person behind him. "I wanted to introduce him to a good friend of mine. Guys, this is Trey."

Zane smiled inwardly as Kevin's cool demeanor disappeared. He shook his head, staring in disbelief.

Trey slid off the bed, stepping up next to Zane. "Yes, I believe we've met."

"How... how is this possible? We just watched you... and he's still..." Kevin was looking slack-jawed from Trey to Zane's gut.

Zane looked to the mutt. "See, this is why I didn't try to explain things before. The guy you saw me horribly abuse a little earlier was Trey, and you guys did watch him die. But this is also Trey, who's been back here the entire time."

Trey sat back on the edge of the bed, rubbing his head. "I'm still trying to come to grips with it myself. I was just saying how weird it is. I can remember all of it, but it's kinda like a lucid dream."

Zane sat on the floor next to the bed, gesturing for the other two to sit as well. "Apologies for the lack of chairs. We don't generally host guests back here and I don't want to make the housekeepers have to clean another room."

The two canines sat in front of him and Trey slid down to lean against the wolf.

Kevin shrugged. "It's okay. I'm fine with sitting on hard things."

Trey leaned across Zane's rounded abdomen, nosing into Zane's fur. "Seemed like you're more than just fine with a whole bunch of things."

"Sure, I have my kinks, but you're hardly one to talk. Didn't we just watch you get off to being digested?"

"Well... yeah..." Trey was blushing heavily. "I think it's worse to get off to watching it."

Kevin open his muzzle to reply, but Zane cut him off. "Or to get off to doing it. If you guys are vying for the bad-guy card, I promise I already have it. I've done far worse than what happened tonight."

Kevin nodded. "I've seen you do worse, but I've seen Marsh do way worse than even that, for sure."

Michael raised an eyebrow. "Marsh?"

Zane chuckled. "Marshall was the bear. He works here." Zane was still speaking to the dog, but was looking directly at the fox. "There aren't a lot of people who like the stuff he does. Rip, tear, and chew type stuff. Makes a godawful mess."

Michael turned to look at Kevin, eyebrow still raised. "Oh really now."

Kevin folded his ears back against his head, repeating his earlier statement, albeit far more quietly this time. "I have my kinks..."

Zane shrugged. "He and I have been meaning to do a group thing for a while. I've still done worse, just maybe not in front of a crowd."

Kevin's eyes went wide. "Oh! You gotta let me know, that sounds amazing."

"It'd probably be on the big stage. Nothing quite as personal as this one was, unless you're looking to volunteer?" Zane was grinning, bearing his fangs toward the fox.

"I, err, well... I don't..." He shook his head. "I don't think I could do that."

Trey sat up. "Oh, you don't have to do much. In fact, people tend to like it more if you're unwilling. If he's offering, though, I'd go for it. I had to beg Zane for months to let me go out on stage with him tonight."

"Yeah, well, I have a bit of a crush on ya, fox. I didn't want to scare you away."

"Mmm, do I look like I'm running?"

"No, but you haven't had the nightmares yet."

Kevin stuck his tongue out. "Hah, you mean wet dreams?"

"I'm sure he'll have a bit of both. We'll see, I guess."

Trey mumbled something to Zane. The group was quiet for a few moments before a knock at the door caused Zane to stand. There was a hushed conversation followed by Zane returning with a white pizza box. He unceremoniously dropped it in the middle of the small group. "Sorry if it's not as delicious as you were, foxy."

After a few minutes of munching slices of pizza, Trey suddenly grinned at the two guests. "So, what, you guys going out or something?"

The mutt shook his head. "I, uh, don't think so." He looked over to Kevin, who was frowning slightly.

"No? I kinda thought we had a bit of a thing going!"

"Well, we kinda just met, and dating me would be kinda high profile."

Kevin playfully bumped his shoulder against the mutt. "Don't get too full of yourself. I'm sure I can handle an overbearing family or whatever it is you're worried about."

Trey shook his head. "You have no idea who he is, do you?"

"Other some cute guy I played with at a rather niche show? It's not often you click so well with someone who shares these particular interests."

Michael rolled his eyes as Zane and Trey snickered. "You have a phone on you?"

"Yeah, of course. Why?"

"May I see it?"

The fox dug a small grey square of plastic out of his pocket. "What's this have to do with anything?"

"Yeah, I thought so. We have over half the market share, so there was decent chance it'd be one of ours." As the vulpine handed it over, the small device buzzed and sent small, colorful dots of light out into the room. They spun and twirled around Michael's paw before seeming to retreat back into the device. "This is already pretty ancient, but I'd never forget it. Spent half my life designing it."

Kevin narrowed his eyes and swiped the phone from the dog's paw. "It's not supposed to do that. The thing is supposed to be locked to me."

"Relax, don't get your fur all up in a bunch. It's not granting me access or anything, just recognizing me as one of its creators. It's a little gimmicky, I admit, but it impressed the investors way back when."

Kevin just looked confused. "You claiming to be one of the Smith brothers or something?" He rolled his eyes, reaching for another slice of pizza. "I mean, I know they're dogs, I'm not that dumb, guys. Nice try."

Trey snickered again. "Oh, you really have no idea. You're so cute."

Michael's seemed to be in his own world. His jaw clenched for a moment, but he took a deep breath and focused on the vulpine next to him. "I really don't like that name. My brothers hardly did a damn thing. They helped me get early patents and funding. Now they really just keep me from getting anything done." He shook his head. "Sorry, it's a bit of a bitter subject. Things have been rough since Ty managed to disappear with all that money."

Trey sat forward. "Don't worry, everyone knows you're the brains behind the company. I haven't heard anyone speak badly of you. I think everyone is just amazed that it's still possible to just vanish like that."

Zane pulled Trey against him. "Easier than you might think, fox."

Trey chucked nervously as Kevin placed an arm around the mutt's shoulders. "I'm willing to give it a go if you are, pup. I guess I'd be happy if you just want to meet up for the occasional dinner, though."

The dog smiled, nosing against the fox. "I guess I'm not really opposed to it..."

The tenderness of the moment was broken when Zane suddenly gasped and shuddered. While the two visitors were focused on each other, Trey had apparently snaked a paw down to Zane's sheath. He had his palm against the wolf's tip with two fingers wiggling around down inside the plump package. When he pulled his paw away, half of Zane's length pushed free into the room.

"Come on, foxy, it's getting late..."

Trey was grinning like a fool, pawing at the thick meat like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Yeah, but you know how much I love to play with this thing."

Zane was panting with his head thrown back. "You mean show it off to random guests."

"Yeah, that too. Not like you're trying to stop me, though."

Zane whined, humping into Trey's paw. "Foxy..."

Trey shrugged, ignoring Zane's half-hearted protests. "He's really just a big puppy when you get to know him."

Zane growled. "A big puppy who eats bad foxes."

Michael flinched, but Trey just squeezed the wolf's dick, turning the end of the growl into a small moan.

"Mhmm. If really you want some more fox in your mouth we can do that, but you said it was getting late."

Kevin glanced up to Trey for a moment, prying his eyes from the now-dripping length. "Are you the same fox we saw earlier? I don't remember you being so dominant."

"Not quite. Zane had to mess with my head a bit to get me to resist like that."

"So that wasn't real either?"

Trey shook his head. "No, I can assure you that was all very real. Zane did some... thing... then there were two of me. It was honestly pretty unpleasant, but I think it was worth it."

Panting, Zane shook his head. "Not two. I can't make another consciousness. You were physically and mentally very similar. The only exceptions were some modifications to help you take my dick and make you highly suggestable."

The mutt looked horribly conflicted. It was clear his brain was trying to work it out, but his eyes were locked on Zane's pulsing meat. "So, like... cloning?"

Again Zane shook his head. It was clear he was struggling to form clear thoughts. "No, I don't... really have access to... that kind of tech. Either way, ah! It's not nearly accurate or, mmph, fast enough." His breath quickened. "Friggin' fox..."

"You love it. Now be a good boy and cum before we have to get out of here." The vulpine laid across Zane's stomach, cupping and rubbing the wolf's knot with his other paw.

Although Trey couldn't even wrap his paw around the shaft, the added stimulation seemed to be enough for the wolf. Zane gasped again and his whole body shuddered. Without further warning, several audible spurts of cum shot from his tip. Trey moved his second paw to squeeze at the base of the knot, milking out the gushes of sticky seed.

Kevin and Michael watched with lewd fascination as Zane came in front of them for a second time that night. The mutt murred slightly to himself, muttering, "I swear that thing looks even bigger back here."

Zane recovered quickly, but was still panting. He placed a paw on Trey's back, gently rubbing the sprawled fox.

Kevin snickered, motioning with his muzzle toward the open pizza box. Zane's entire mess had landed within it, completely covering the last two slices. "Nice aim, fox."

Trey shrugged, grinning. "I've had practice."

The wolf rolled his eyes. "I'm going to make you eat that, you know."

Again the fox shrugged. "Yeah, sure." He shifted, sliding off the wolf. Rather than going for the pizza, though, Trey brought his head down to lap up the small droplets of cum were still leaking from the canid tip. After a moment, he slurped the end of the shaft into his maw, suckling it.

Zane squirmed and whimpered slightly. "That's not what I meant!"

Trey sat back, letting go of Zane's dick. He looked toward the mutt and the other fox. "Sorry about that. He's just really easy to get off after a big meal. I like to take advantage when I can."

The dog shook his head. "It's n-no problem, really."

The wolf let out a heavy sigh and stood. "Alright guys. Hate to say it, but they're gonna be locking up any minute now."

The two nodded and got to their feet. "Yeah, it's pretty late. Thanks again for tonight."

Zane nodded. "Sure thing. I assume we'll be seeing you two back here at some point?"

The mutt nodded, walking toward the door. "Oh yeah, without a doubt."

"Awesome, I'll see you guys later, then." Zane turned to Trey as they were stepping through the door. "Now, fox, I wasn't joking about the pizza."

Just as the door closed behind them, the last thing the two heard was a short bark and Trey shouting, "No, wait!"