Story Commission: Mr. Brown X Mukiro (Kitt)

Story by BAYOKKO on SoFurry

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#29 of Pj and Pete

Here's a non-canon commission story I recently did for from sofurry. It involves his very cute character Kitt,, getting a chance to go out on a date and sleep with the very prim and proper Mr. Brown. I hope you like it Fox Demon Mukiro.

Early Morning 12:58 AM...

The rising of the morning sun was still several hours away in Spoonerville. The silvery quarter moon still hanging up high in the sky still doing its job and shining down upon the old brownstones and brick and mortar apartment complexes that made up the small town low rent district.

For most this quiet time of night was reserved for deep sleep, the last vestige of slumber that would soon be broken by the rising sun holding tight as they slumbered away in their beds. But for one certain person who lived in a small apartment among the hundreds all this early morning would bring him was an irritating wakeup call that would quickly usher him away from the safe confines of his home and into the cold morning air.

Snoring loudly in his comfortable bed this still sleeping man snuggled closer his pillow, mind oblivious to the world around him as he dreamed away. The slumbering creature was husky in body, his soft looking fur a sort of light tan cream color with a left arm and leg that were a stark contrast to the rest being bright white. As he laid there turning over with a mumble his dark ebony hair gently blew in the cool breeze coming in from the window he had left open the day before, fluffy tail twitching left and right as he snored.

All in all it certainly was a peaceful and pleasurable night's sleep for him. A sleep that suddenly found itself being broken when the clock located on the nightstand next to man flicked over to one o'clock and the small device went off with a grating buzz that startled its owner right out of his dreams and back to reality with a sharp unnerving snap.

"Crud..." The cat/fox hybrid groaned into his pillow. "It can't be one already!"

Reaching out blindly the tired man tried several times to silence the insensitive beeping ruining his beauty sleep. But all his fumbling did was knock over a glass of water and the book he had been reading from before bed. Finally after the sixth try he managed to silence the bane to his existence, the room growing quiet as it was mercifully shut off.

But it seemed that this attempt to avoid waking up was in vain however. There was no way anyone could recover after all that racket and getting a cold splash of water thrown on them. So giving in he sat up with a yawn scratching his pale white colored belly and quickly swung his legs over the side of the bed ready to start his day.

'There ain't any use prolonging the inevitable.' He reasoned as he stood. 'Remember you're waking up for a very important reason buddy.'

Now on his feet the blurry eyes half feline half canine tugged his drooping pajama pants up over his tail end and slowly trudged his way across his small apartment and into the even smaller bathroom. Flicking on the light as he entered the man momentarily stood there blinded waiting for his eyes to adjust to the sudden burst of light. When they did he peered ahead to see his own reflection in the mirror staring back at him, the image looking back appearing even more tired than he felt.

'Maybe I should just go back to bed.' He said to himself on second thought. 'I mean it's not like I really need to...' Shaking his head at his own musings the tired furry sighed deeply and began his morning ablutions, picking up his toothbrush and smearing toothpaste on it so he could begin the task of brushing his teeth.

"Come on Kitt you can do this." The cat/fox said to his reflection around the foam and toothbrush in his mouth. "You're a responsible adult, you're a hard worker, and you need this overtime."

Peering into the rest of his apartment through the mirror Kitt took mental not of all the small pesky repairs that he still needed to do once again. Nothing too bad he noted. He did his best to keep the small place in good shape most of the time. Something which he was truly proud of himself for doing.

But as any home owner can understand there were always little repairs that one could do to make things all the more nicer. It was these small cracks in the perfection of his home that had brought about the reason for Kitt's newly acquired habit of waking up s early in the morning.

In order to correct and fix everything that he wanted he needed more cash. And while his job as a janitor at a nearby high school paid well it just wasn't enough for what he wanted. Meaning that he had no other choice but to take some much despised overtime.

Finishing his brushing Kitt spat into his sink and lifted his arm to sniff and check if he needed a shower. Finding that he did with a scrunched up nose he sighed and quickly turned on the water. Removing his pants, the janitor stepped under the water with a shiver and a grimace and began to clean himself.

"First things first." He griped as soaped up a washcloth. "I'm getting a plumber in here to fix this damn hot water."

Twenty minutes later a freshly showered and dressed Kitt left his low rent apartment building and loaded himself into his trusty old car, shifting the vehicle into drive without delay so that he could head off down the road to his place of employment.

Driving down the mostly deserted street, the orangeish lights from street lamps illuminating the inside of the car and it's driver, the still groggy early morning rider took out his music player and fiddled through the on screen menu until his favorite song began to play. It was a bubbly pop ballad that wasn't really that good but it was something that lifted his sprits when he need a pick me up. Maybe by the time it was over he'd be in a better mood to work.

Thankfully that was exactly what happened by the time he pulled into his usual parking spot behind the high school. Getting out of his vehicle Kitt hummed loudly to himself as he pulled some of his own personal cleaning supplies out of his car and headed towards the school where he would be working the rest of the day.

Stepping inside the building he quickly met up with the other three janitors who prowled the school alongside him and got his assignment from their supervisor. 'Looks like I got the east side again.' He hummed to himself. 'The messiest and largest area in the school.' Kitt didn't mind it thought. The bigger the mess the more time he had to spend cleaning and the more time he spent at work the more overtime and money he would accumulate.

Going about his job at a hectic pace that would put most men to shame Kitt mopped every hall within his area till they were sparkling, polished every locker and water fountain till they shined, scrubbed all the bathrooms, and lastly emptied every single rubbish bin in every single classroom he could find.

It was only when four o'clock rolled around that Kitt began to feel the beginnings of tiredness, his fluffy tail beginning to droop and his mood waning as he opened the door to the last classroom in his section. Walking into the room with a hum, the cat/fox hybrid cracked his neck from left to right and then took out the rag he had been using all night along with a can of cleanser. Spraying the closest desk he idly looked around the room as he begun to start cleaning it.

This was always his favorite classroom to come in and clean. Mostly because out of all the other rooms in the school this one was always the tidiest one out of the bunch. Every desk in place and every bit of garbage placed correctly in the trashcans.

But there was a second reason why the janitor liked visiting it. Being inside the classroom gave him a chance to bask in the glow of one of the most interesting people he knew in the school. Mr. Brown the history teacher and all around grade-A beefcake. Or at least that's how Kitt saw him whenever he daydreamed about the refined man.

Mr. Brown was a very chubby grizzly bear; someone who waddled more than strolled his way down the halls. Something which Kitt truly liked a lot. Yes, Brown certainly was a bit stuffy and a bit of a snob. But when you got to know him... well as much as someone who only viewed him from a distance could, it was evident that there was more to the ursine teacher then most first thought.

Brown could be very caring to his students, always listening and encouraging them. He was also a bit of a comic book buff, if the stray scraps of comics Kitt found sometimes in the trash were any indication. Then there was that way he had of speaking! It was so cute that he rarely cursed and always used correct grammar. Gave Kitt all sorts of ideas of how he could cause the man to slip up. Ideas that involved little to no clothes and hands traveling to various places.

"It's just a shame that he isn't gay." Kitt said out loud, finishing his thoughts.

If only Mr. Brown liked men, then maybe Kitt would have the courage to do more than stare at him forlornly from afar. Not to mention that a date would give him a much needed break from his current schedule of sleep, work, sleep, work.

Finishing with the last desk, Kitt put his rag back in his pocket and took out a trash bag from his belt, heading towards the teacher's desk at the head of the class he sat down in the office chair and began emptying the garbage into the bag, trying it shut afterwards.

It was as he did this that Kitt once again began to feel the tug of the sandman pull at his mind, eyes drooping a little as he finished the last of his early morning work. "Geeze, I really need to go to bed earlier at night." He reasoned.

Swiveling the chair he was sitting in, the janitor gazed around the empty room he had just finished cleaning and shrugged. No reason why he couldn't have a quick nap in the room again. Something which he had done often in the past when Mr. Browns room was the last on his work list. It wasn't allowed really, but it wasn't like any one would catch him at this hour. The kids arrival was still hours away and the teachers never got to school before six which gave him ample time to get some shut eye.


Spoonerville Roads...

"Of all the Insufferable, annoying, confounded ways to spend a morning!" Mr. Brown grumbled to himself as he fought the early morning traffic on his way to work. "Why did I have to forget those blasted papers?!"

Stopping at a red light the irritated grizzly bear glared at himself in the mirror, hair a mess and a deep grimace on his usually jolly face. Seeing how he looked however Orson quickly willed himself to look more presentable. It wasn't like him to act so disheveled. He was a cultured man of high class. Someone who always looked his best and strived to present an air of dignity about himself.

Of course those motioned flew right out the window when someone honked their horn behind him and the growling history teacher slammed his fist into his own horn, muttering a loud curse before he took off again.

Speeding off down the highway Orson decided that he better try to lighten the mood with some music and turned on his radio, tuning the dial to his favorite station. Maybe some Bach or Mozart would calm his nerves. Unfortunately instead of the comforting and melodious music of the old masters that usually graced the airways all that Orson heard when the radio started was that dreadful song that he often heard playing on the phones belonging to most of his students.

It was the epitome of modern music's failing in the bear's cultured opinion. Nothing but some spoiled diva's latest attempt to will the money out of the pockets of the youth culture of civilization like a shiny bobble mesmerizing a magpie. But... as he continued in his trip to work the teacher's opinion began to change as the chorus started, if only by a little.

There certainly was a catchy beat under all the meaningless words. One that was so infectious that by the time he pulled into his reserved parking place and was walking into the school Orson found himself inexplicitly humming a few bars of ballad. In fact he was so consumed by his musical performance that he failed to notice that he was not alone in the hallway until it was too late and a thinly Australian accented voice called out to him.

"Oi, Orssy over here!" Stopping his humming, Orson cringed and turned towards the source of the shout. A frown crossing his features as he watched Mr. Macalla heading his way with his usual insufferable grin under his large rounded nose. "Wot the hell are you doing here so early?" The koala continued as he approached. "Thought you'd still be sleeping off that hangover from last night."

Orson huffed at the reminder of the slight headache he had only just begun to recover from. "You know what they saw. That the early bird catches the worm."

"Heh, don't know if that's true but I'll take your word for it mate." Roger chuckled. Walking closer to the other man the football coach gave a sinister grin and then proceeded to give his friend a quick slap on his butt. "Anywho the reason why I'm bending your ear is that I wanted to thank you for yesterday night. Had the time of my life going out for a drink with you."

"Well, I suppose it is good that at least one of us had fun because I certainly did not." Orson said stuffily while adjusting his tie. "Because of your insistence of pulling me from my classroom last night before my grading was done I now have to come in early today."

"Sorry about that then." Roger apologized. Thought the words didn't sound as sincere as they should have. "Still don't get why you keep going on about not enjoying yourself though. After you chundered a few drinks you really seemed to loosen up." There was a small paused as Roger reached down and groped his packaged. "At least loosened up personality wise. Your big kiester wasn't so loose when we buggered around on the way home if I remember right."

"ROGER!" Orson snapped, face tinting. This was the reason why he disliked the small man in front of him sometimes. Sure Macalla could be good company one and awhile but he was also a lout at times. Imagine speaking like that where they work. If another teacher or god forbid a student heard they both be ruined. "I will not have you revealing my bedroom habits here."

"Awe, don't get started with me you stuffed shirt." Roger said waving the other man off. "And wot's this about bedrooms? We had our drunken slap and tickle in a back alleyway. Heh, I can still feel that hairy bear as--humph!"

Not letting the koala finish his filthy sentence Orson reached down and placed his paw over there smaller man's mouth, of course Roger retaliated by licking his hand much to the other bear's revulsion. "Will you act like an adult for once?" Orson scolded as he wiped his hand clean.

"I was just having a bit of a go at you." Roger said with a huff. "Not like I gossiped about that thing you do with your tongue." Sometimes he really couldn't read the history teacher. Brown seemed to have enjoyed himself last night, both talking in the bar with him and the quickie afterwards but here he was acting like he wanted no part of it. Maybe the present he had bought him would cheer the grumpy snob up.

Reaching behind himself Roger pulled out a magazine that he had stuffed into his belt. "Here, even though you're being a right rudey right now I got you something for keeping me company." He said handing it to him. "I don't know if this is wot you fancy types like mate but I hope this tickles your fancy."

"What's this?" Taking the periodical Orson stared down at it, his eyes going wide as he took in what he had. The magazine he had just been given was a rather sorted publication called "Doable Dudes.". The picture on the cover being of a gruff looking bulldog dressed in bondage gear slapping his colossal cock against the face of a youngish looking and very naked buck.

Outraged by what Mr. Macalla had seen fit to give him Orson opened his mouth to tell him how much he did not appreciate this "gift", but when he looked down to the other man again he quickly found the spot vacant, Roger having started to walk away with a snicker drifting into the air as he walked.

"Hope it helps you crack a fat one Orssy." He said waving over his shoulder. "With the bug you got up your ass you need some stress relief."

Steaming as the shorter man ambled away, Orson gave an incensed huff and spun around on his heels, stomping his way down the opposite direction in an effort to get as far away from the P.E. teacher as he could. 'The nerve of him buying me something like this!' The grizzly growled to himself.

"As if I would even entertain the thought of flipping through something as seedy and..." Orson looked down at the magazine again breath hitching when he got a closer look at the bulge the canine depicted on it was sporting. "...R-repulsive." He finished absently. "Amazing... how would one even walk with something that large in their--"

Realizing what was happening to him Mr. Brown quickly stopped dead in his tracks and shifted his eyes away from the picture. "What in the seven hells is wrong with your Orson!" He griped as he stuffed the magazine into the inner pocket of jacket before he continued walking. "You are not some Neanderthal who is aroused by such juvenile and base forms of eroticism! You are only attracted to musicians, artists, and men of fine culture."

'Then why is the front of your pants becoming uncomfortable even as you speak Orson?' The bear's treacherous mind pointed out. 'WHY!?'

Thinking hard as he came to his classroom door the troubled man suddenly came to a conclusion as to what was to blame for his recent undignified behavior. "It must be the fault of those lowbrow ruffians I have been consorting with lately!" He reasoned. "Yes, that must be it. My fall from grace most certainly started the day that brutish barbarian Pete D'caht bent me over my desk and took advantage of me!"

A slight blush crept over the grizzly bear's face at the memory of the day the large dark furred man had forced him into pleasuring both him and his son. While being close to Pj had been enjoyable Mr. Brown still recoiled whenever he thought about his second companion during that tryst. "If that be the case, then Orson Oliver Brown shall strive to never again lower himself so far as to speak, entertain, or even be in the company of men like Pete D'caht or Roger Macalla!"

Proud of the vow he had just made Mr. Brown pushed open the door to his classroom ready to begin his day with renewed vigor, however instead of his nice quiet workspace the bear was presented with a loud snore which shattered his good mood almost instantly. Looking over to the source of the disruption Orson was shocked to discover a man in a janitor's uniform sitting at his desk with his dirty feet resting on top of the stack of papers he was supposed to be grading.

For the first several moments the history teacher was too flabbergasted to react. There had been man times in the last few weeks that he had come into his classroom in the morning and suspected that someone had been there earlier. Little things like his items out of place and his chair moved giving him clues, but actually catching this nighttime invader was another thing.

Recovering from his surprise however, Orson growled unexpectedly as he eyed the intruder. Maybe it was his previous conversation with Roger Macalla that was making his anger rise even quicker than usual or maybe it was the memories the thought of Pete D'caht brought about. Whatever it was, the second Orson cleared his thoughts the bear made a beeline straight for the intruder, coming to a standstill about a foot or so from the snoring man. "EXCUSE ME SIR!" He said loudly.

Waking up from his little nap with a yelp Kitt suddenly found himself falling backwards in his seat, arms swinging around wildly as he tumbled head over heels onto the ground with a thud. Groaning as a jolt of pain shot though his sore back the cat/fox hybrid popped his head over the side of the desk trying to see what had woken him up so abruptly.

To the janitor's horror who he saw looming over him wasn't one of his coworkers but the man who he had been dreaming about only moments earlier. And from the look on the history teacher's face he wasn't exactly happy to see him. "Mr. Brown!" Kitt stammered. "W-W-W-What are you doing here!"

Making a disgusted huff Mr. Brown glared down at the man on the floor in front of him. "I believe I work here..." He leaned down to look at the name written on Kitt's uniform. "...Mr. Mukiro? Humm... strange last name."

"It's my first name actually." Kitt explained nervously. "Thought it'd be more friendly if I just used my first instead of my last. B-But my friends just call me Kitt."

"Then I shall be calling you Mukiro I am afraid." Mr. Brown responded flatly. Stepping backward so that Kitt could get to his feet the older man leveled him with a hard look. "Now if I might be so bold. What are you doing here, in my classroom, sleeping when you should be working I assume."

Kitt winced at the grizzly's harsh gaze. This certainly wasn't how he wanted to speak to his crush for the first time. "I sort of just fell asleep after cleaning your room sir." He admitted shamefacedly. "And I'm really sorry if I ruined your morning or anything."

"It's not that you ruined my morning or not Mr. Mukiro, it's that you have invaded my inner sanctum and have taken advantage of your position as a janitor." Orson walked past the tan and white furred man to his desk and went about adjusting the papers that had been misplaced in all the commotion. "If I'm not mistaken it considered a friable offence when one falls asleep on the job."

Kitt panicked hearing that he might be reported. If he lost his job he wouldn't be able to fix up his apartment. Heck, he might even loose his apartment. "Wait Mr. Brown, I'm super sorry I feel asleep in your room." The janitor quickly said. "I promise I'll never do it again and I'll leave right now. Just don't tell my supervisor! I don't want to lose my job."

Seeing the worried and panicked look on the face of the man in front of him, Orson felt a slight tug at his heartstrings. While he might have been mad there was no reason to take it out on this poor man he supposed. "Just hurry up about it will you." The grizzly huffed.

"Oh, thank you sir!" Kitt said with a dip of his head. "Just let me get my stuff and I'll be right out of your hair.

"Fine." Orson agreed distractedly.

Glad that he was getting off Scott free Kitt quickly walking around Mr. Brown and bent down so he could right the chair he had knocked over when he had awoken, Orson watching the other man with a wary eye as he started to remove his blue blazer.

It was as the history teacher did this that something happened that made the situation ten times more awkward then it already was. Slipping the jacket free from his shoulders, the magazine Mr. Macalla had given to him minutes earlier fell out of the inner pocket and landed on the floor right in front of Kitt's feet as the hybrid turned around.

Hearing the loud slap of a book hitting the ground Kitt peered down at his feet, his eyes going wide as he caught sight of his favorite publication right there in-between him and Mr. Brown. Had he accidentally stuffed one in his back pocket and forgotten about it?

'No, I haven't gotten that issue yet.' He thought to himself as he took a closer look at the model on the cover. It was then that a very interesting thought crept into the humble man's mind. Rising his vision up to Mr. Brown he took notice to the shell shocked and worried expression on the brown furred man's face. 'It belongs to him! Hott damn he's gay!!'

"Forget you saw that!" Orson said shattering Kitt's happiness at his discovery. "Just forget you saw that magazine and leave this room immediately!"

"But sir, w-what about my supplies!?" Kitt tried, but it was too late Mr. Brown had already gotten behind him and was pushing him towards the door.

"Never you mind those!" Orson quickly said his face burning. "I will make sure they are here for you at the end of the day. Jut het out right this instant!"

Shoved out of the door Kitt cringed as the door behind him was firmly shut and the door locked. "Woah... I can't believe what I just saw." The cat/fox said grinning despite being given the bum rush. "Mr. Brown is totally gay!"

Composing himself quickly so that he didn't appear too excited Kitt began walking down the hallway. Getting caught sleeping in a classroom might have not been a good experience for his poor heart. But what he had just learned more than made up for that. So Mr. Brown was like him. That meant that he could do what he wanted and ask the grizzly bear out like he had always dreamed of doing! He could thank him for promising not to tell his superiors about his lack of professionalism and he could also help the big man out. After all if Mr. Brown was buying magazines to curb his manly desires then he obviously needed a date.



"...And that class is how Napoleon led his men to victory at the Battle of Waterloo." Orson announced as he turned away from the chalkboard and to his class. Gazing across the collection of young people that he had been teaching for the last hour the husky bear smiled. "Any questions?"

Several hands shot up immediately at the question, each of their owners appearing to be eager for Orson to add more of his knowledge to theirs. Surprised by the response the history teacher placed his text book down and walked to the front of the class, quickly picking one of his students for what he hoped to be an informative conversation. "Yes, um... Mr. Tarn what was it you would like me to explain for you?"

"Just wondering if Napoleon was named after the ice cream or was it the other way around?" The young bull said with his usual smartassed smirk.

Hearing the "question" posed to him Orson's ears instantly drooped, the laughter and guffaws coming from his student's at Tarn's ridiculous question making it plainly obvious that none of them were taking his lecture seriously. "No, Mr. Tarn the confection you are thinking of is called Neapolitan not Napoleon." The grizzly sighed tiredly. "Now... if that is all from you are there any real questions you would like to ask of me class?"

Unlike when he had first asked no one raised their hands to the bear's query this time, the lack of interest being the final nail in the coffin for Orson's patience with the young people in front of him. Luckily before he could whip out an appropriate punishment in the form of a pop quiz the lunch period bell choose that exact moment to ring, the class not even waiting to be excused before they started to stand up and leave.

Giving up for the time being Orson waddled his way over to his desk and sat down, watching as his students filed out of the room with an annoyed huff coming out of his muzzle. 'Sometimes I wonder why I even bother coming in to work.' He mused grimly.

However the teacher's mood lightened a little when Pj D'caht walked by, the chubby boy giving him a friendly nod goodbye and a thank you for teaching him that day. 'Oh, yes that's why I keep doing this.' Orson said happily. 'Among the riff raff there are a few who wish to learn.'

With the last of his student's out of the door Orson felt that it was time for lunch himself and reached for the bottom drawer of his desk. Pulling the drawer open he once again found his eyes settling on the pornographic magazine Macalla had gifted him that morning.

No matter how much he despised the simple book a small part of Mr. Brown felt excited by the image on the front cover. The canine dominating the timid looking deer igniting a primal part of his mind that Orson wanted more than anything to keep snuffed out. A man as intelligent and cultured as him did not get aroused by such filth. He reminded himself. He was beyond that. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself.

"You Mr. Magazine are beginning to become a nuisance with your constant intrusion in my life." Orson told the inanimate object.

Pushing the irritating book to the back of the drawer Orson quickly took his lunch out of the cluttered compartment and placed the simple brown bag upon his desk so he could start his lunch. Reaching inside he produced a single apple and a sandwich which he inhaled deeply after he removed the wrapping. "But as for you my dear and delicious peanut butter and banana on whole wheat you are eternally welcomed to bother me."

Taking his sandwich Mr. Brown opened his mouth wide ready to take his first bite of his meal, but just as he was about to chomp down a light knock from the direction of the classroom's doorway distracted him from his well-earned meal.

Placing his sandwich down Orson grumbled to himself and slowly turned to where the interruption had originated from. Most likely it was one of his students seeking advice. Something which usually he didn't mind but not when there was his favorite food to be eaten. But instead of a teenaged interloper the bear found his eyes landing on the same man who had given him a fright earlier that day.

"H-Hello Mr. Brown." Kitt said giving the bear a nervous smile from across the room. "Do ah... do you remember me?"

Frowning in confusion as to why one of the school's janitors was trying to speak with him again, Orson spun his office chair around so that he could face the other man properly. "Yes, I remember you. I may be middle aged but I am not that forgetful." He said. "You are Mikikiroo right?"

Kitt chuckled lightly at the mispronunciation of his name. It was something that happened quite often when he first met people. "It's Mukiro actually sir." He corrected gently. "Don't worry that you couldn't remember it right. We only met once after all."

"Alright then I am sorry I said it wrong." Orson said stiffly.

The two men fell into uncomfortable silence after that Kitt looking at the bear strangely while the older man tried his best to discern why the cat/fox hybrid was bothering him again. Finally after he could not take it any longer the teacher spoke up breaking their staring match.

"Was there something that you wanted Mr. Mukiro?" Mr. Brown stood, coming around his desk so that he was a few feet from Kitt. "I believe I told you that you would be allowed to gather your bric-à-brac once I have finished for the day."

A embarrassed blush appeared on Kitt's face when he realized that he had just been standing there staring at the brown furred man across from him. He just couldn't help being suddenly tongue tied. Mr. Brown just looked so good sitting there in his neat little suite and glasses that Kitt had momentarily forgot why he had come to see him in the first place.

"Oh, sorry about that." Kitt said scratching an itch that had begun on the back of his neck. "And, yeah I remember you saying that. But there was another reason why I stopped by this time." Taking a deep breath Kitt willed himself to continue despite the butterflies in his belly. "I wanted to talk about earlier. You know when you woke me up and everything that happened earlier.

"Ah, I understand now. You wish to reaffirm that you will not reprimanded for what happened this morning." Orson reasoned with a snooty tone. "If that's it then as I said there is no need to worry. I am a man of my word and I shall endeavor to never reveal what happened. That is as long as I do not find you sleeping in my room again."

Kitt blinked in confusion for a moment before he understood what Brown was talking about. He hadn't even though about that little incident again, his joy at learning about the bears orientation blinding him to anything else. But hearing that he intended to keep the promise Kitt only found more reason to like him.

"Actually Mr. Brown that's not why I came to talk to you again either." Kitt began with a grin. "I... ah, I wanted to talk about that... that magazine I saw."

With the mentioning of the magazine again Orson felt his gut flip. Why was this man insisting on bringing up that squalid thing again? "Oh that little thing." He huffed. "I hope you have kept your part of our impromptu deal and have not told anyone about seeing that."

"I wouldn't go telling secrets like that, I ain't a gossip." Kitt dared to walk into the room further, a careful look on his face as he approached the bear. "But... after seeing it I was sort of wondering something about you."

Orson felt his heartbeat increase. This was it; everyone was going to find out about his private life. And while things had changed with modern advances there were still ignorant people out there who would object to him being a teacher. If that were to happen the bear didn't know what he would do with his life.

"Let me answer your question before you ask, yes I am gay" Orson said flatly before Kitt could ask anything else. "Now, if you are planning to blackmail me or something over it then I must tell you that I have friend in high places that will be more than happy to give you a very rude awakening. I am not the sort of man to be trifled wi--"

"--Wait, wait, wait hold up!" Kitt interrupted frantically waving his hands. "I'm not going to blackmail you! I was just going to ask you if you wanted to go out with me this Saturday."

Orson let out the breath he hadn't noticed he had been holding since the janitor had brought up the magazine again. At least no one would find out that he was gay yet. However just as the grizzly was calming down from that panic Kitt's last words repeated in his mind. Words that caused his mind to spin and a gasp to escape from his mouth as he stared at the cat/fox hybrid standing right in front of him in complete shock.

"You have come here to ask me out on a date!!" Orson's mouth opened and closed several times as he processed the request just presented to him. "You. Want. To. Go. Out. With. Me!"

Kitt chuckled at the wide eyes directed at him, another twinge of nervousness going down his spine. "Well yeah. Why the hell not?" He said jokingly. "I find you really good looking Mr. Brown and honestly I'd really like it if you'd let me take you out to dinner."

'I can not believe it.' Mr. Brown said to himself as he stood there stock still. Someone actually wanted to date him. It had been months, no years since he had been asked something like that. To Orson it was almost a dream come true. But... there was a little snag in this moment of happiness.

Peering over to Kitt closely for the first time, Orson frowned in slight displeasure. This man certainly wasn't the sort of individual he wanted to go out with anymore. Not that the janitor wasn't handsome in his own sort of roguish way mind you. What with his long black hair, light colored fur, and slightly chubby body. It was just that the blue collar man wasn't the sort of fellow he wanted to socialize with anymore.

His mind made up Orson gave a dismissive sounding sniff and turned away so that he wouldn't have to look his surprising suitor in the eyes. "Thank you for your offer but I am afraid I am going to have to decline." He said trying his best to sound firm. "I am far too busy to waste my time fraternizing with my coworkers."

Going back to his desk to sit in his chair the teacher took a deep breath and then picked up his sandwich so that he could continue eating. "If you will excuse me now Mr. Mukiro I have my lunch to return to." The bear added while refusing to make eye contact. "Please see yourself out."

Kitt's heart dropped with a thud at the way Mr. Brown was dismissing him so coldly. The janitor had assumed that the teacher would have jumped at the chance for the two of them to spend some time together. After all wasn't Brown lonely? Apparently not if the frown on the larger man's muzzle was any clue.

Turning to leave Kitt slowly began heading towards the door. "A-Alrighty then." The hybrid said over his shoulder dejectedly. "Thanks for hearing me out, I guess. Sorry again for this morning."

"Think nothing of it my good man." Orson said pretending to be busy. "Goodbye."

Exiting the room Kitt let out a long sigh. 'So much for getting a break from working my butt off all day and night.' He thought to himself morosely. "No point on dwelling on it though. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. Even though all those other fish ain't as cute as that bear in there.'

Back inside the history classroom, Mr. Brown gave a long suffering sigh himself. Seeing that hurt look that his recent visitor had given when he had been rejected had almost broken the teacher's resolve. Why did the lowbrow verity of men always manipulate him in such ways? Why did they have the power to pull at his heartstrings or other body parts and make him forget everything he had learned in his long history of cultured living?

Whatever it was Orson didn't want to think about it right then and decided to continue with his meal. Reaching into his lunch bag again the ursine man tried to find the last component to his well-balanced meal, a special bottle of his favorite low-fat health drink, but instead of finding it, all that he found was the empty space where it should have been.

"Drat it!" The grizzly bear cursed. "I must have forgotten it in the haste of leaving home this morning." Reluctantly standing again Orson quickly padded his way out of the rooms exit and out into the hallway. He supposed that he'd just have to get something to drink out of one of the vending machines in the hallway, as loath as he was to drink cola.

Traveling down the deserted lunchtime hallway the large man began to unconsciously hum the same song he had heard on the radio that morning in an attempt to distract himself from the encounter he had just had with the janitor minutes ago again. But no matter how much he tried Orson learned much to his dismay that nothing could keep his mind off of that man.

Why did he feel so bad because he rejected the cat/fox? It wasn't like he had been that cruel or that he knew the man personally. But all the same the image of the dark haired man's disappointed face stuck in his mind vexing the history teacher at every corner his musings took.

Orson knew that he was doing this for his own good. Someone with a standing like his just couldn't be seen canoodling around with someone a lowbrow and pedestrian as a janitor of all people. Even if said janitor did have a rather cute smile, a very friendly personality, and if Orson was being honest with himself, a rather shapely bottom that jiggled in just the way he li--

'--Stop it!' Orson mentally snapped at himself. 'There you go again. Falling into depravity like some common--"

It was just then that something reached the troubled bear's ears causing him to halt in his self-scolding. It was light at first but coming closer to a nearby corner Orson could just start to make out the telltale sounds of young voices talking up ahead. "What's this?" He said quietly to himself thankful for the distraction. "Everyone should be in the cafeteria by now."

Wondering who it was who was breaking school protocol Orson slowly crept forward, sidling up against the wall stealthily so that he could peek around a corner and down an adjourning hall towards the source of the commotion. To his surprise the individuals whom his eyes landed on were none other than his favorite student Peter or Pj D'caht and a trio of boys he recognized as being from the school's over hyped (in his opinion) football team.

"Come on Fatty." The primate of the group, Moose Clancy said gruffly. "You know if we don't get our asses to the cafeteria quick that all the good deserts are gone."

"I know Moose, I know, but I think you'll like what I made for you yesterday better." Pj's said grinning over his shoulder.

'Are those three hooligans bullying Pete?' Was the first thing that came to Orson's mind as he took in the situation. He knew that Pj had had trouble with these certain jocks before in the past. Then again most of the athletically challenged could say they had problems with these certain boys. In fact they were known among the school staff for their increasingly cruel forms of schoolyard terror. Or at least they had been. There had been a noticeable decline in incidents since the away game to Saint Canard.

Inspecting the larger boys closely Mr. Brown narrowed his eyes and listened carefully waiting for the right opportunity to confront the trio. He needed to jump in at the right moment so they couldn't say they weren't going to hurt the other boy. But instead of rescuing his favorite student the history teacher ended up becoming completely confused as Pj spun around to face his "attackers" and presented them with what appeared to be a Tupperware container and a smile.

"Here you go guys." The dark furred boy said smiling at the three football jocks. "My dad sort of forced me to make cookies for this party he's having so I decided to make a few dozen for you too."

"You made us cookies like my mom does D'caht?" Tony Tarn said just as confused as Orson was. "What's the catch?"

"Um, n-no catch." Pj responded bashfully. "I just thought you'd like them." Holding the package out again he waited for one of the other boys to take it. "They're chocolate chip."

At the mention of the words "chocolate chip" Billy Hedstrung instantly snatched the container out of Pj's hands and quickly yanked the lid open so that he could sniff at the contents with a dumb sounding chuckle. "Smells good!" He announced as he removed several of the morsels of food from the container and stuffed them into his greedy mouth.

"Hey don't go eating them all dumbass!" Tony said trying to take the cookies away but failing as Billy stepped back. "The fat dork said he made them for all of us! Share them!"

"Won't eat'um all." Billy drawled slowly. "I'll save you one or a half of one." Smirking at his fuming friend the bison began casually strolling down the hallway towards the cafeteria continuing to eat more and more cookies with each step.

"Oh, like hell that's all I'm getting!" Not one to let the buffalo get away with the food they had been given Tony chased after the other man, a string of increasingly nasty sounding obscenities coming out of him as he continuously tried and failed to retrieve the container of deserts.

Rolling his eyes at his two friends for having taken the cookies and arguing like children Moose shifted his attention back onto Pj and ruffled the smaller boy's hair affectionately. "Thanks for the cookies Fatty, I guess." He said. "But you know you really shouldn't have. You work hard enough as it is."

Pj merely brushed off the gorilla's words and went to get the rest of his stuff out of his locker, including another baggy of cookies which he handed to the ape. "Don't worry about it Moose." He said. "I wanted to give you guys something. It's the lease I could do for that great time we had last weekend."

A grin appearing on Moose's face at the mention of their weekend together. "So that's why you made them huh?" He asked as he munched on a cookie. "These are payment for that dirty stuff me and the boys did to you at our "sleep over". Man... and here I thought you were an innocent guy. Imagine paying us like we're a bunch of hookers."

"M-Moose!" Pj said back in a chiding tone; face tinting as he looked away. "That's not why I made them for you. Though... I suppose it is ample payment."

"Fuck you've gotten mouthy." Quickly looking left and right, just missing Mr. Brown who ducked back behind the corner quickly, Moose leaned forward and gave Pj a quick kiss. "See you after school alright." He said quietly. "Maybe I can earn myself a whole cake or something later tonight."

Pj licked the crumbs that had transferred from Moose's lips to his and nodded. "Y-Yeah maybe." He agreed.

Having listened to the entire conversation from his hiding spot behind the corner, Mr. Brown scratched his head even more confused than he had been before. Was Peter actually in some sort of relationship with the same bully who once tortured him? If that was the case, then how could someone as smart and gentle as that boy bring himself to date someone so brutish and lowbrow?

Once again Orson was reminded of the man who he had rejected. Was dating someone despite their social standing really that enjoyable? Was there something he was missing? If so then he had to find out the answer to this most perplexing of questions.

Peeking around the corner again Mr. Brown observed silently as Moose bid Pj a quick farewell and went in search of his two cohorts. The coast now clear the portly man emerged from the corner and quickly made a beeline for Pj, trying to be as casual as he could in his approach.

Coming within hearing range Mr. Brown coughed lightly to get the younger man's attention. "Ah, Mr. D'caht what a pleasure it is to see you here!" He said louder than he meant to

Startled at the sound of Orson's voice, Pj gave a gasp and spun around towards the other man eyes wide. "Oh, M-Mr. B-Brown!" He said shakily. "I-I didn't see you there."

"Apparently so Peter if I scared you so badly." Orson said smiling gently. "For which I apologize."

Gathering his wits about him, the rotund bear stepped closer to his student and lowered his voice. "Peter I'm sorry to admit it but I was eavesdropping on your conversation with Mr. Clancy a few moments ago and I now have a question or two."

"You were!" Pj yelped. Hearing that someone had seen him and Moose kissing caused all the air to escape from his lungs. Both of them still wanted their relationship to be secret from the other kids at school. the fallout of everyone knowing being too much for Pj to bear and too much of a hindrance in Moose's reputation.

Thinking quickly Pj tried his best to convince Mr. Brown that he hadn't seen what he saw. "Ok, let me explain before you tell anyone." He began, mind going blank. "Moose and me.... Um... we're not... that is to say he's... crud... I can't believe you saw us! Please don't give us detention or something for kissing in the hall."

"Calm down Peter you are not in trouble." Orson assured the panicking boy gently. "I did not want to punish you because of your fraternization with that... person. What I truly wished to ask you was why are you and him involved with each other in the first place. It just seems to me that you are quite mismatched."

"You want to know about that?" Pj asked in confusion. Why would his teacher want to know about that sort of thing.

"Yes Peter." Orson nodded. "I know it is terribly forward of me to ask something like that, especially to a student. But since we have... known each other intimately and you consider me a friend I really would like to know." Orson said trying his best not to sound like he was prying. Which he truly was. "After all a fine young man such as you could have your pick of any other gay individual in this school. I know there is a boy on the chess team who fancies males and I am sure there are others abound who share you likes and habits. So why would you settle for someone who is so unlike you?"

Pj had to think for a moment at the question just asked of him. He hadn't really ever thought of it like that. Mulling over his response for several seconds the chubby boy finally responded with the best thing he could come up with.

"To be honest Mr. Brown I think it would be sort of boring dating someone who was just like me." Pj began speaking honestly. "Since me and Moose started to go out he's introduced me to a lot of things I've never done before. Same thing goes for all those other guys I've, you knowed with. Each of them are so different from me that just being around has helped make me a more rounded person and to learn more about myself."

"They've all made you a better person, aye..." Mr. Brown said scratching his chin in deep thought.

He supposed he hadn't considered seeing things from that angle before. That experiencing a night out with a man like "his" janitor would make him a better person in the long run. Maybe he should take Pj's words and reconsider denying that Mukiro person's request.

'Yes, that's exactly what I will do.' Orson suddenly decided. 'I go and find him right now and tell him I have reconsidered.'

Snapping out of his thoughts Mr. Brown gave Pj a thankful nod. "Thank you for answering me Peter." He said to the younger man. "I shall take your advice to heart and act upon it post haste."

"Wait, what advice?" Pj wondered. But it was too late Mr. Brown was already walking away before he could question him further about what advice he had just given.

Watching as the middle aged man amble his way off down the hall Pj shook his head slowly completely lost to what had just happened. "I really need to pay better attention I guess." He reasoned as he closed his locker and prepared to head off to lunch. "Oh well, I hope whatever I said helped him."

Meanwhile further down the hall, a now very determined Mr. Brown began his search for his janitorial suitor. He knew he had to find Mukiro... no Kitt, quickly before he changed his mind once again and dismissed the notion of giving him a try.

Also, if the cultured man was truly honest with himself he was actually starting to look forward to going out with another person again now that he was set on it. Kitt wouldn't be that bad Orson supposed as he jogged down the corridor. The cat/fox hybrid seemed to be a bit of a gentleman given the way he had politely asked him out and then respectfully left once Orson had told him no. Certainly not as bad as Pj's boorish father or the oversexed little troll that was Mr. Macalla.

Of course for Orson to find out if any of his preconceptions were true the history teacher still had to find out where the janitor had gone after they had talked. Something which was proving to be a bit of a problem the longer Orson traveled through the halls of the high school. At least that's how it was until the grizzly walked by one of the many, many bathrooms inside of the building and heard someone which caught his ears.

Coming to a standstill Mr. Brown listened carefully and picked up the undeniable sound of someone humming from within the room beyond. Looking around he also quickly located a janitor's cart laden with all sorts of cleaning instruments and several half full trash cans.

"Ah, he must be in there." Orson deduced aloud as he headed towards the bathroom door. "If not then maybe whoever is inside can tell me where Mr. Mukiro is."

Making sure to cover his nose, Orson readied himself for what he was about to do and then stepped forward into the dimly lit linoleum floored washroom. Cringing at the sight of the still dirty space the bear quickly scanned the area for whoever had left the cart outside. Thankfully for Orson's nerves and his poor nose, the object of his search made himself known, Kitt coming out of the stall at the far end of the room with a plunger in hand as he hummed to whatever tune he was listening to on his music player.

'I'm beginning to have second... no third doubts about this.' Orson noticing the dampness and grim covering the overalls the cat/fox was wearing. 'I'll just go back outside and go about my day.'

Unfortunately for Mr. Brown's plan just as he took his first step backwards he suddenly found himself getting caught as he slipped on a wet spot on the ground, his vision meeting the ceiling for just a fraction of a moment before he fell onto his back on the floor with a loud thud and an even louder yelp of pain.

Hearing someone shout from across the room Kitt instantly dropped everything he was doing and yanked his ear buds out of his pointed ears. Looking over to where it had come from he noticed the prone form of Mr. Brown laying on the floor he had just mopped, the larger man moaning softly as he recovered from the fall he must of just had.

"Goodness gracious MR. BROWN!" Kitt called out rushing over to the fallen man, and holding out his hand to help him up. "Are you alright sir? I'm soooo sorry that you slipped on my wet floor."

Face heating up at being seen in such an undignified pose, Orson gladly allowed himself to be helped to his feet by his new acquaintance. "Yes I suppose I am fine." He grumbled dusting off his suite. Twisting around to check his backside the teacher was horrified to see a smudge marring his once clean pants. "But I'm afraid that stain I acquired just now will need some serious attention by my dry cleaner."

Going around the larger man so that he too could peer down at the spot Kitt let out a low whistle. "You're right that is one nasty stain." He said. Then brightening he reached for a bottle on his belt and held it up for Orson to see. "But there's no need to bother your drycleaner about it. This stuff that I whipped up in my bathroom sink will clean everything. Yup, from bathroom floors to neat little suits, it cleans everything!"

"Neat little suits!" Orson said becoming offended. His expensive "Beaks Brothers" suits were most certainly not "neat little suits" nor would they be soaked in whatever the janitor had in his confounded bottle! Opening his mouth to tell the younger man just that Mr. Brown found himself too late to stop himself from getting spritzed by Kitt's noxious concoction. The foul smelling watery liquid moistening his clothing before he could react.

"Oh no my suit!" The bear bemoaned. "You irritating toilet jockey what have you..." Stopping once again in mid-sentence Orson was surprised to see that instead of ruining the seat of his pants Mukiro's strange elixir fizzled for a moment and then vanished, the stain gone once the bubbles dissipated, the only evidence of its presence being a small wet spot. "It worked?"

"Of course it worked Mr. Brown." Kitt said proudly while spinning the bottle in his hand like a six-shooter. "My granddaddy mixed this up decades ago when he worked for this building down town. It's been a family secret ever since."

"Then it is a very good secret." Orson agreed. Looking up from his bottom to the janitor the grizzly gave him a warm smile. But at realizing what he was doing he quickly covered it up with a professional looking frown. "Alright, now that you have cleaned my pants I think it is time I got to the reason why I have sought you out again."

Kitt's moos instantly dropped again. The other man must still be angry with him or something. "D-Did I break something else in your classroom?" He asked. "If that's it then I'll make sure to fix whatever's wrong."

"It is nothing like that Mr. Mukiro." Mr. Brown said waving the cat/fox hybrid's worries away. "I have sought you out because I wish to speak again about your asking me to dinner."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me asking again if that's it." Kitt replied back. "I'm not the type to keep barking up the same tree if there isn't a cat in the branc--"

"--I agreed to go out with you." Orson interrupted before the janitor could finish whatever homespun idiom he was trying to say.

Kitt instantly froze hearing that Mr. Brown had accepted his previous offer, mouth going dry and heart rate increasing to a point where he swore he could hear it in his ears. "Wait, you-you want to go out with me now!?" He asked slowly. "What... no, why, how? I-I-I mean you told me no just a little while ago didn't you!?"

"Yes, I suppose I did. But I believe I might have been hasty before and now that I have thought on it I accept." Orson said back as if talking to a child. "That is if the offer is still open."

"Fuck yeah it is!" Kitt said happily, a wide grin crossing over his face. He couldn't believe it Mr. Brown was actually going to go out with him. "I-I mean yes it is sir! When do you want go out!?"

Mr. Brown thought for a few moments at that. They could do it tonight he thought at first. But he quickly dismissed that. If he was going to truly go through with this then he needed time to mentally prepare himself. "I know it might be a bit cliché but how does Friday night sound to you?"

Kitt held his hand out for the older man to shake as if making a deal with him. "Hell yes that sounds alright!" He exclaimed excitedly. "I even know the perfect place to take you too! It's called Charles' Eatery. I'll even pick you up for it."

Glancing down at the hand he was suddenly expected to take Orson cringed, the grime that had accumulated on the appendage from whatever Kitt had been doing earlier. But, not wanting to appear cold in the face of the cat/fox's offer of friendship the ursine educator raised his paw and took it anyway.

"This Charles place sounds appropriate." Orson ground out. True he had never heard of the restaurant but with a name that ended with "eatery" it must be some place of fine dining. "However instead of you driving all the way to my home..."

'And finding out where I live.' The bear quickly added mentally.

"...We just meet one another at the restaurant." Orson finished. "Just to save you the trouble of coming all the way out to my apartment you understand."

"Anything you say Mr. Brown." Kitt said giving the teacher a firm and very wild handshake. "I'll be there with bells on and everything at eight sharp so don't you worry."

"I'm sure I won't." Freeing his hand from its imprisonment in the janitor's death grip, Orson reached into his pocket and took out a small piece of paper and a pen which he used to jot his number down. "Here this is my number." He informed. "You will call me tomorrow with the rest of the details and anything else you wish to discuss retaining to our meeting."

Handing the piece of paper to Kitt, Orson spun around and padded his way out of the restroom as quickly as he could, his mind a whirlwind of doubts and second guesses as he walked out into the hallway. Leaning against the wall now that he was alone, the bear gave a deep sounding sigh and hung his head low.

"Thank the goddess that I got that done with." Mr. Brown said looking on the bright side. He had gotten though the indignity of having to ask the tan and white furred man out after having rejected him and nothing undignified or embarrassing happened during the encounter.

"WHOO-HOOO! I'M GOING OUT WITH A DILF!" Kitt's voice rang out from back inside the bathroom.

Groaning into his paws Orson felt himself becoming dizzy at what he had just done. "I must be mad to have agreed to this!"


Friday night 6:00PM...

Staring at himself in the mirror a post shower Orson Brown slicked back his wet head fur and gave a small shudder as he put on his cologne. "Why am I so nervous?" He asked his reflection introspectively. "It's not like I will not enjoy this evening correct?"

Unfortunately for the history teacher his image didn't seem to have an answer for his musings, the lack of response leaving him with no other choice to turn around and leave the bathroom so he could continue getting ready for his upcoming date. Padding his way into his living room Orson recalled that he had never been any good at this sort of thing. His first date being a particularly disastrous affair which ended with the snooty flautist who had agreed to go out with him storming out of the restaurant before the main course had even been served. It had taken quite a lot of wine to get over that crushing blow to his self-esteem.

What if this evening out turned out just as bad. Either by his own devices or some problem caused by the lowbrow companion he would be dining with at night. There had to be some way of getting out of the date if things suddenly turned sour.

"That's it!" Orson shouted.

He had heard that some people arranged for a friend or family member to call them during a bad date to give them an easy excuse to leave. Maybe he could do that too. But, who could Mr. Brown trust enough to do such a thing for him.

Annoyingly as he thought this over only one person came to the grizzly's mind. A certain short smart mouth whom would most likely make joke after joke at his expense when he was asked this small little favor. In the end however Orson realized that if he wanted an out call that he truly didn't have any other option but the coach. As much as he detested Roger Macalla, the koala was the closest thing he had to a friend.

Changing direction from his bedroom to where his phone was, Orson quickly picked the antique device up from its cradle and imputed Roger's number on the old style rotary. Standing there in just a bath towel as the lines of communication connected Orson took several calming breaths trying to work out how he was going to ask his favor. He would have to be direct or Macalla would prod his ego relentlessly.

"And if you dare make fun of me Roger I swear you shall regret it." Orson harrumphed to himself.

It was just then that someone seemingly picked up the other end of the line, a static sounding voice coming over the phone. "G'day, Roger Macalla and Gracie Jenson's place here." Roger's voice said chipperly. "We're not home right now so please leave us a message after the beep."

'Of course, one of those infernal machines.' Orson thought sullenly. He had so hoped that the football coach would be home. "Alright then... hello Roger it is I Orson Brown your colleague from the school. The reason why I am calling you is because I--"

Before the bear could finish imparting his message there was a click on the other end as someone picked up the phone. The small sound quickly followed by a heavy panting and a more lively sounding Roger Macalla on the other end. "Orssy! hello, hello!? Is this really you mate?" The gym teacher said sounding both surprised and happy. "It is innit it! Well I'll be stuffed! Heh, didn't expect you to call me at home. Wot's wrong, you hankering another night of drinking like fish and fucking like bunnies."

Orson made a frustrated groan at the rambling and slightly altogether too pleased tone in the other man's voice. Leave it to Macalla to make something as simple as a phone a hassle. "No you drunken dimwit I am not calling to go out drinking again nor will I ever." He huffed. "As I was about to say the reason for my call is that I would like for you to do me a small favor. Though now after that sort of hello I am seriously reevaluating my decision to give you this task."

"Oh, un-bunch them frilly panties Shakespeare." Roger laughed. "I was only having a little go at you."

"A common habit of you." Orson interjected much to Roger's amusement.

"What can I say mate I like you and when I like someone I tend to bugger them over a little." Chuckling at the huff his comment received Roger adjusted himself in his seat and got back to the topic at hand. "So, now what's this favor you wanted from me? Is it something dirty? ... ... it's something dirty innit? Please tell me it's something--"

"---No Roger it is nothing of that sort! I would just like you to give me a phone call later tonight is all." Orson explained simply. "You see I will be going out on the town tonight with a gentleman caller and I wish for you to call me up with a pretend emergency in case things go badly."

"You seriously gonna go through with an old trick like that?" On the other end of the line Roger grinned at the notion that his fancy-smacy friend was actually worried about a bad date. "Now if that ain't the cutest thing you've ever asked of me."

"Roger..." Orson growled in warning.

But the warning seemed to go right over Mr. Macalla's head. "Don't worry mate I'll give you your call. But here's to hoping that you don't need it, aye? I think having a handsome jackaroo to give you a right good fucking will make you less antsy."

Orson pulled away from the phone in his hands to glare down at it in annoyance. "I swear you are utterly unbearable sometimes."

"Only sometimes?" Roger mocked back. "Then I ain't doing my job as your best cobber now ain't I?"

And what exactly is a cobber." Orson said absently as he walked through his apartment and to his closet. Opening it he picked out a marvelous gray three piece suit that would be perfect for the night. "And please don't tell me it's some dirty Australian slang for friends with benefits."

"Just means friends Orssy." Roger explained casually. "We are friends after all ain't we? I do like spending time with you after all."

Orson blinked in surprised at hearing that the koala liked to spend time with him. Most of the people he had met through his more respectable side of life rarely called themselves his friends. Heck, they rarely associated with him beyond a few snooty gatherings and the like. It was then that Pj's advice once more rang in the history teachers ears. Macalla was very different from him, a sports nut who bugged him more than anything. But Orson surmised that he truly was a good friend. Something which made him smile for a split second before latterly wiped the grin off of his muzzle.

"You and your obtuse cultural idioms Roger." The grizzly said back, trying his best to sound dismissive. "Back to what I wanted you to do now. Will you make the call me or do I need to find someone else?"

Despite the stuffy words just said to him Roger knew full well what was going on with the other bear. "Heh, sure thing Orssy." He said. "Have yourself a hellava time."



Meanwhile in his own apartment across town Kitt stood in front of his own bed stark naked, a full outfit laid out on the top of his covers waiting for him to put it on. Staring down at the simple blue jeans, well cleaned dress shirt and clean underwear in front of him the cat/fox scratched the top of his head.

"This isn't right either." He complained to his empty home. Eyes suddenly brightening with an idea the janitor ran over to his closet for a second and produced a bow tie which he added to the clothing completing what he was going to wear for the night.

"Yup now this is classy enough for Mr. Brown!" Kitt announced proudly as he doubled checked everything. "Not that you got that much of a choice in date-ware Kitt. These are just the nicest clothes you own."

Picking up his shirt, Kitt quickly slipped the well-made piece of clothing on and began going over the mental check list he had prepared for the prefect evening with his amazing date Orson Brown. Everything had to be right in the cat/fox's mind. Every single detail so that maybe... just maybe he'd get a second chance and another date with the huggable grizzly bear.

'Number one: Make sure to get there on time.' Kitt recited to himself. Pulling up his pants he glanced over to the clock, reading the time as seven thirty. 'Good I got another half hour to get there. I better be quick though."

Buckling his belt he next went over to his nightstand and gathered his watch, wallet, and keys. 'Number two: Make sure you got enough to pay for both of you.' Opening his wallet Kitt checked to see if he had enough to feed the two of them. Which he thankfully did. 'Oh wait... what if Mr. Brown insists that we go Dutch on the meal. Hum... just cross that bridge when you get to it.'

Looking around his apartment one last time Kitt then gathered his coat and headed out the door, making sure to lock up as he left. 'Lastly number three: Be on your best behavior.' He thought hurrying down the steps. 'Try not to curse, don't burp or anything else of gas expelling nature, and most importantly no mentioning of sex. As unbelievably hot as your bear dilf is you can't just expect him to hope into bed for you on the first date. Mr. Brown is a gentleman and not some easy thing you picked up at a bar. He's not going to just strip for you and beg for it because you bat your eyes at him.'

Coming to the front door of his building Kitt stopped for a second and smirked at that last dirty thought. "But dam it I wish he would" He laughed pushing open the door. "I really wouldn't mind a little roll in the sheets with that sexy hunk though. Maybe since he's a teacher he could teach me a thing or two."


Charles' Eatery....

Driving into the busy parking lot of Charles' Eatery Orson had to do a double take, taking in every detail of the location he would be spending his time in for the next few hours or so in with slight distain. "Well this certainly wasn't what I was expecting." He huffed while pulling into a parking space.

When he had first been told the name of the restaurant he would be patronizing with his gentleman caller that night Orson had assumed it to be a nice respectable establishment. One of those sorts of dining experiences that involved genteel harp music in the background, a large and elegant glass chandelier hanging from the ceiling above, fine art and finer wine as accompaniment, and most of all high class seating with proper silverware, starched white table cloths, and comfortable chairs

Unfortunately what the ursine dandy found himself faced with was as far from his ideal evening as one could get. Instead of all those comforts the building appeared to be some sort of family style theme restaurant. The structure decorated with a gaudy western theme complete with fake metal cacti, horse posts, and rusted over metal stage coach out front and a large neon sign with a lasso wielding cowpoke positioned on the roof.

Reluctantly vacating his car Mr. Brown stood on the sidewalk in front of the building and took a deep breath as he absorbed the atmosphere. Now more than ever was he glad he had arranged for Roger to call him in the middle of dinner. This would teach him to take the advice of a teenager. Even if said teenager was a smart young man.

It wasn't until that he heard his name being shouted across the busy parking lot that Orson snapped out of his mood of self-pity, his vision shifting from the neon monstrosity before him to a nearby car which had just pulled up. Stepping out of the vehicle, Kitt waved over to him, a grin on the cat/fox's face as he began walking over with a happy air about him.

"Glad you could make it Mr. Brown." Kitt said greeting Orson politely. "Hope you haven't been waiting or anything. I was sure I got here on time."

Checking his watch Orson gave the janitor a nod. "Unfortunately no, you are not late Mukiro." He said stuffily. If the other man had of been then maybe he could have gotten away. "You are just on time in fact. Which is quite unfortunate."

"Unfortunate Mr. Brown?" Kitt responded feeling suddenly unsure because of the response he had gotten. The dark haired man had thought with the relaxed setting they were in that the teacher would have loosened up a little. Maybe the bear didn't really want to be there with him? That thought really put a shiver of fear down his back.

Sensing how he was coming off Orson snapped at himself for being rude and quickly went to right the tension between him and his dining partner. He might not like where he was at but a gentleman always strived to be polite. "Mukiro, I apologize for speaking with you so stiffly." He began trying his best to appear approachable. "I must admit I am... a little nervous. Perhaps if we called each other by our first names, or in your case nickname, it would lighten my mood. Is that alright with you Kitt?"

Kitt visibly relaxed at the other man's suggestion, his shoulders drooping and his smile returning in full force. "Sure thing Mr. Bro, I-I mean Orson." He had to catch himself there. "So, should we go in? I can tell from the way you belly's rumbling that you're hungry."

Orson felt himself blushing under his brown fur finding out that Kitt could hear his stomach grumbling. It was rather undignified to make those sorts of noises. "Yes, I believe we should get ourselves some sustenance." He agreed. "Wouldn't want to frighten the townspeople with my rumbly tummy now would we?"

Kitt chuckled at Mr. Brown's small joke. So the hefty man had a bit of a sense of humor hidden deep inside of himself. That was something pleasant to learn. Walking forward the cat/fox hybrid cautiously placed his hand on his companion's shoulder and led him towards the front door of the restaurant. Man oh man did he look good tonight. That three piece suite he was wearing making him the most adorable sort of man in his eyes. It took all he had not to give into the desire to press him against the nearest wall and kiss the hell out of him.

Orson too took notice of his date's state of dress. While it wasn't the most fancy of wardrobes it was rather attractive. Especially from behind. When Kitt jogged ahead a few steps to open the door for him Orson got a very good look at the janitor's ass in his tight jeans. The rounded area making him hum his approval before he knew what he was doing.

"I hope you'll enjoy this place." Kitt remarked having not heard the sound coming out of his ursine date. "They have the best ribs in town let me tell you! Practically drown those babies in this smoky barbeque sauce."

"They have ribs here?" Orson asked dubiously. When Kitt nodded obvious to his distaste the older man sighed. Of course a place like this would have something so messy and fattening. Eating out tonight was going to ruin the low-fat European diet he had just started Monday.

Entering the main area of Charles' Eatery Orson's mind was quickly distracted from thoughts of his poor waistline however, his focus returning to his surroundings once again. Like the outside, the inside of the building was decorated with a western theme. A huge mural of the Wild West grazing the far wall and the servers all wearing bad facsimiles of cowboy costumes completing the whole picture.

Coming across a bored looking teenaged mouse standing behind a counter and register who was dressed as a sheriff, Kitt gave Orson a reassuring smile and quickly arranged for their admittance. "Two for the dinner round up please. I'll have a grape coo-coo cola with my meal and my friend will have a..." Kitt motioned over to Mr. Brown who jumped at the sudden attention paid to him.

"Uh, could I possibly have an iced tea?" Orson asked fearing the worse. He usually wasn't one for consuming high calorie soft drinks.

To the bear's great relief the rodent serving them made no qualms at his choice in beverage and quickly spinning around to fill two plastic cups with their orders, placing fast food drink lids on them along with straws. "That'll be twenty-five ninety nine sir." The boy said autonomously as he handed the two men their drinks. "Enjoy your dinner and please have a rooting-tooting Charles' Eatery night."

"Don't worry I'm sure we will." Kitt joked with a wink. Glancing over to Orson the younger man nodded for the teacher to follow after him and together the pair walked out onto the slightly noisy dining area and towards an empty table near the back.

"So, Orson before anything else I'd just like to thank you again for agreeing to this." Kitt said as both he and Mr. Brown sat down. "I was completely surprised when you chased me down after telling me no."

"Think nothing of it my man." Orson responded back absently while taking out the small hankie he kept in his pocket and cleaning the space on the table in front of him. "I just figured that I should try not to be so judgmental and give you your fair try."

Ears lowering a little Orson asked the other man a quick question that had been bothering him since that Wednesday afternoon. "Speaking of which, what exactly possessed you to ask me out tonight in the first place?" He wondered. "Not that I was not flattered by your offer. It is just that I am just curious as to why."

Kitt blushed at the question and began absently fiddling with the napkin wrapped silverware that had been on the table nervously. "If you want the honest response sir I've sort of had a crush on you for a long time." He explained shyly. "Ever since my first day at the school five years ago when I saw you talking to a couple of your students after school. You were just so handsome and everything that I couldn't help it."

"You have admired me from afar for that long?" Orson said once more flattered by the janitor's honest words. It was hard to believe that someone as average looking as him could have an admirer that devoted. The grizzly knew it might not be the best avenue of conversation but he just had to know more about this unexpected attraction.

"What made you act on this crush of yours earlier this week?" The teacher questioned next. "I am sure if you've been listening to the gossip around the teacher's lounge that I've been single for many a month."

"I got the courage after I saw that dirty magazine you dropped this morning." Kitt replied, making sure that no one around them could hear. "I didn't even know you were into men before then. Let alone blue collar fellas like me."

Finding the embarrassed expression that appeared on his date's face at his words, Kitt couldn't help himself but ask a question of his own, his previous vow rule not to say something sexual forgotten. "Do you collect that magazine?" He wondered. "I can tell you that I do. Man or man did you see that issue a couple months back? It had one heck of a picture of that famous moose porn actor Chad Ramhard."

Not liking the way this conversation was going, his pants suddenly becoming slightly uncomfortable under the table Orson gave a small cough interrupting Kitt before he could go continue and further. "It was actually a gift from someone." He said curtly. "And while I will admit there was something that caught my eye, if only for a moment, I am not really into that sort of thing."

"Oh..." Kitt said dejectedly. He supposed Mr. Brown liking that sort of thing was too good to be true. Still he had agreed to go out with him so there was still a chance. But for that to happen they needed to move along to eating. Maybe moving onto dinner would help the situation.

"How about we order our dinner, huh?" Picking up one of the menus on the table Kitt began looking over the choices for entrée pretending that he hadn't already chosen what he wanted. "I don't know if you've noticed but my stomach is starting to rumble too."

Orson gave a hum of agreement and picked up his own menu. "Yes, I am quite famished." He said absently as he began to read it. His eyes scanning over the multitude of choices however Orson quickly found out that there wasn't truly anything that he would consider eating despite any amount of hunger. Most of the offered dishes involving puns like rip snorting rodeo ravioli, bronco busting burgers, and yippi-ki-aye yogurt.

Giving up when he came to the last item listed, Orson discarded his menu and peered across the table for help from his dinner mate. "I am afraid I just can not choose what I should eat." He announced. "Maybe you could be polite enough to suggest something that I might enjoy Kitt. You have been here before after all."

Looking up from his pretend reading Kitt made a nervous chuckle at being put on the spot like that. "Ok then. Humm.... ... ... since I brought them up earlier how about we just have ribs for dinner?" He suggested. "We could order the bucket of thirty and split them between the two of us. I-Is that alright with you?"

"Tonight is a night of new experiences." Orson reasoned So much for any sort of fine dining experience. Looked like they wouldn't even have to use the silverware. "These ribs you speak of will be just fine."

Happy that the bear had agreed to his suggestion Kitt loudly whistled for the nearest waiter to attend to them. Walking over to the two men a young doe gave them a cheery smile and took out a pen and notebook. "What can I get you boys tonight?"

"One lone star state sized bucket of ribs miss and how about--" Kitt glanced over to Orson and gave the other man a wink. "--Two servings of Calamity Jane's famous coleslaw. Trust me Orson you'll love that too."

Orson didn't know if he'd like it or not but nodded in faux agreement and sat quietly as the waitress jotted down what they wanted and left them to their own devices. Given the chance to think over the night as they waited for their meal to arrive, Orson realized that despite his surroundings that the date hadn't been as bad as he had expected. He could stand where he was with a grin and a reminder to never come back and truthfully Kitt, despite the few hiccups, wasn't that bad company. Certainly better than Roger Macalla had been when they went out drink. The koala had already drunker then a skunk at this point in the evening.

Across from the thinking man, Kitt himself was thinking about the state of their date too. For the life of him he still couldn't get over the fact that Orson Brown had agreed to go out with him. That a simple janitor like him was sitting across from a handsome and well cultured man that he had been secretly pining over for the last half decade. It was amazing to think that he had pulled together the courage to ask Orson out. Maybe afterwards he'd even be brave enough to ask for a kiss. Only problem so far that Kitt could see what the fact that they really hadn't talked yet. Just a few scattered sentences here and there. And now waiting for their food they weren't speaking at all. Complete silence wasn't exactly the best way to convince someone that you were worthy enough for a second date.

'I should make the first attempt.' Kitt concluded after a moment. 'After all I am the one who asked him out.'

Sitting up properly in his seat to appear more dignified, Kitt looked Mr. Brown straight in the eyes and began speaking. "Hey, ah Orson... d-did you catch the sports game last weekend?" He knew that it wasn't the best attempt at conversation but at least it was something. "The Duckburg Drillers really put the Stampeders to the test."

"I actually don't enjoy sports Mr. Mukiro, I mean Kitt." Orson said shattering any chance Kitt had with relating with him on the subject. "I much more prefer listening to classical music and going to museums. Do you like to do any of those things?"

"Not really." Kitt said frowning. "I did go to the national museum when I was in school. Damn I went crazy over the dinosaurs." His memories getting the better of him the janitor positioned his arms like a T-Rex's and mimed a dramatic but stifled roar. "I ended up stomping around my neighborhood for weeks chasing down all the other kids."

Glancing over to Orson as he finished his tale, the nostalgia blinded man found himself on the receiving end of a look that he couldn't exactly decipher, the bear staring back at him with one eyebrow quirked. 'Crap, crap, crap!' He bemoaned silently. 'I can't believe I just pretended to be Barney the dinosaur in front of a guy I'm trying to impress!'

Unknown to Kitt however Orson had actually been amused by the small show that had been acted out before him. Yes, he actually found himself having to suppress a small guffaw when he saw the dark haired man pretending to be a fierce prehistoric creature. The display of playfulness reminding him of the games of pretend he had done when he was a little cub.

A small smile forming on his lips Orson leaned forward and finally put effort into engaging the other man in proper conversation. "Did you ever go on any other trips?" He questioned. "I have been to a few places myself. The most memorable of which was a weeklong trip to Europe I took. Though to be honest I only had three days out of the hotel room."

'Thank goodness he didn't decided to walk out on me.' Kitt thought to himself. Then out loud he smirked. "Must have been a fun trip then if you didn't want to leave the bedroom." He joked.

Orson's smile disappeared at that comment, his face heating up. "The reason why I did not leave the hotel room was because it rained every day save for the last three." He said fatly. "I actually went on the trip by myself."

'Ouch.' Just when the conversation seemed to be going good Kitt said something he shouldn't have. "Sorry if I brought up some bad memories." The chubby cat/fox apologized quietly. "I sometimes say things without thinking."

"Think nothing of it." Orson remarked trying to sound casual about his lonely trip. "It is not that sore a spot for me. I'm used to being alone."

"Well that ain't right." Kitt said thoughtfully. "Guy as special as you should have guys beating down the door to get at them. I'm surprised that you even had the time to go out with a shlub like me tonight."

Orson felt his face flush at what Kitt had just said. But before either man could continue their conversation their waitress from before suddenly returned with their order, the young woman's cheerful voice interrupting them. "Here you go boy's one order of ribs and two of slaw." Giving the two a grin the doe placed a large black and white checkerboard bucket onto the table along with two plastic containers containing watery coleslaw and a couple of disposable plates.

Barely recovered from the sweet words just thrown his way Orson unwrapped his silverware, getting his napkin and readied himself for his meal. "Well... this looks scrumptious doesn't it?" He said lying badly. "Where should we begin?"

"Right here." Pulling off the thin cardboard lid covering the buckets contents, Kitt reached into the container and pulled out a large meaty rib dripping with sauce. "Here you take the first bite and tell me how it is." Putting the rib on one of the paper plates he handed it to Orson. "I bet you can't eat just one."

"Ooooh, I bet I can." Mr. Brown laughed back awkwardly.

Picking up the rib the history teacher wetted his lips and held the odoriferous piece of meat under his nose, inhaling deeply. To his surprise it didn't smell as bad as he had assumed it would. In fact it was starting to make his mouth water a little.

Urged on by the delicious scent the bespectacled bear took a small bite. A bite which soon turned into another and another and another. Within seconds the tasty treat was reduced to a single greasy bone, Orson smacking his lips as he enjoyed the flavors tingling over his tongue. "By George! This had to be one of the best things I have ever eaten!" He exclaimed while wiping sauce from his mouth. "I cannot believe how good these things are!"

"Yup that's exactly what everyone says after they get one of these babies in their mouth." Kitt chuckled as he began eating a rib himself. "The old man who founded this place really hit gold when it came to cooking up sauces. It's the only reason why I come here. Not that I'm not a fan of the wild west but..." He motioned around them. "...Come on! I have my limits."

"So you don't enjoy this dude ranch decor?" Orson questioned.

Kitt huffed out a breath. "Naw, I mean it's fine if you got kids but as a grownup it isn't something I like." He admitted. "The only reason why I wanted to sit in here tonight is because I didn't want to have us eating food in my car like a couple of teenagers."

Orson was eternally glad to hear his companion say those words and was charmed once again by his attempt to make things special for him. "Well I am glad to hear that my dear boy." He said. "But I can tell you this is not the worst restaurant I have been in. Let me tell you about this one place I visited on my trip through Italy...."

Watching the other man as he began his story, loosening up with every sentence, Kitt finally relaxed himself and began eating with zeal. Now this was how a date was supposed to be the two of them enjoying each other's company and eating grub till they popped. As time wore on and more and more rib bones found themselves devastated of their meat, both men strangely found themselves falling into a some sort of mutual camaraderie, the teacher and janitor falling easily into conversation after conversation about their lives, their jobs, and various other topics.

The dinner conversation had become so casual and comfortable between the duo that by the time the bucket of ribs was half finished that when Orson's cell phone suddenly came to life in his pocket, the bear made a displeased hum at the infernal interruption.

"Drat it all! I am so sorry, I forgot to silence it Kitt." Orson asked pulling the device out of his pocket. When the younger man failed to respond the bear gave him a questioning look. "What?"

Snapping out the daze he had been in Kitt grinned. "Sorry I just didn't know you liked those new age pop songs." He said referring to the sound Orson had chosen for his ring tone.

Not at all pleased that his taste in music had been found out, Orson gave a cough and tried to muffle the sound of his pone by pressing the still ringing object against his chest. "Yes I do I am afraid." He harrumphed. "It is an annoying little ear worm but it got stuck in my head none the less. Please do not make fun of me too much for liking it."

"Make fun of you? Hell Orson I was about to start singing it!" Kitt laughed. Becoming cheeky the janitor did just that, reciting a few bars of the song with Orson following suit a few moments after, the two of them snickering as they came to a stop.

"Ah great minds think it would seem." Orson smiled. "But now I think I should answer the phone before we further annoy anyone else here correct?"

Flipping his cell open Orson gave a soft sigh as he read the name of the person who was calling him. In the sudden shift during the date from tense awkwardness to enjoyable evening he had completely forgotten the thing he had asked Mr. Macalla to do for him. "Again I'm sorry but will you excuse me for a moment Kitt."

"Sure, go ahead." Rattling his cup and finding it empty Kitt frowned and stood up from his seat. "I'll even give you some privacy. I think I need a refuel here anyway. What about you?"

Orson handed his drink over to the other man giving him a thankful look. "Yes if you would Kitt my dear boy." He said absently as he hit the connect button and held his phone up to his ear. "I should be done by the time you return."

"Sure thing Mr. Brown." Kitt responded, a large smile crossing his features as he walked away. 'I can't believe he just called me his "dear boy" again! I'm loving this damn date so much!'

Not realizing what he had said or the effect it had on companion, Orson turned his complete attention to the phone in his paws and hit the connect button, holding the device up to his ear. "Hello, Orson Brown speaking." He said on habit. "Roger I presume that this is you?"

"Who else would it be ya big figjam?" The Aussie coach's voice responded back over the receiver. "Less you talked someone else into bailing your big ass out of your jam." There was a short pause where the sound of a beer can being popped open came over the line. "Alrighty now that we got the hellos and some teasing outta the way how's about you tell me how your date's going? You able to get that stick out of your fancy but long enough to enjoy yourself for once?"

Orson huffed at the insinuation that he couldn't act civil during a simple date. But giving his behavior a second thought he realized that he had almost ruined everything. When he had arrived he had been more than a little rude about the choice in venue and his companion. It was a good thing that he had wised up and treated Kitt with the respect he deserved.

"For your information you eucalyptus chewing im-be-cile I happen to be having a very good time right now." Orson sniffed in his best high and mighty tone of voice. "So is Mukiro I might add. We have been conversing like old chums for the last hour or so and I think we might continue to do so after I hang up on you."

"Wait, wait, wait! You're out with Kitt right now?" Roger asked. "The same bloke who mops up the floors?" Orson winced, mentally feeling the grin that must have been on the other bear's face "Well I never thought you'd be the sort of fellow who would give a guy like that a chance! I'm mighty surprised by you Orssy."

Orson unexpectedly growled into the phone's speaker. "I will have you know that he's very interesting Macalla." He said, surprising both himself and Roger by coming to his new friend's defense. "And just so we are clear he does a lot more the just mop floors!"

Over the line Roger rolled his eyes at the insulted tone Orson was using to speak to him. One date and the stuffy bear was already taking offense for the janitor's sake. "You don't have to tell me mate." He explained. "Kitt and I are real friendly at the school. Spent last Wednesday talking to him about the game last weekend."

"Oh well... sorry then." Orson said red-faced. What was with him getting upset like that? It wasn't like he had known Kitt long enough to be that offended for him. Mr. Brown reasoned that he better end this call quickly before he said something else to wound his pride. "Forgetting my outburst Roger I suppose I must thank your for keeping your promise to me. When you put your mind to it you can be an adequate friend."

"Don't worry your fuzzy butt about it Orssy. I was just happy to help." Roger assured. "Just promise me that you'll enjoy the rest of your date. Oh, and be sure to give that boy of yours a royal good fucking when get him alone in a bedroom tonight. Kitt was complaining that he don't enough action last time we talked. Though I thought he was taking about some bird and not a fella."

"I shall do nothing of the sort!" Orson quickly snapped his vision over to Kitt who was still waiting in line to get their drinks refilled. Luckily he was far enough away that he hadn't heard his incensed words. "This is our first date and though you may not understand I do not intend on bedding someone I just met!"

"Yet you let me bugger you big old self just a few nights ago." Roger brought up chuckling. "Not to mention what we both did to that Pj kid and what him and his old man did to you in your classroom."

Orson's jaw could have hit the table learning that Roger had found out about the incident in his classroom. "How in the nine hells did you find out about that!?"

Roger snickered into the phone. "That fat little student of ours can get really chatty when you plow him the right way." He informed the other bear, much to Orson embarrassment. "Now back to what we was talking about. Just go and do it. Kitt ain't gonna object to hiding the didgeridoo in the outback with you. Heck knowing my boy he already planned something like that but got intimidated when he saw that colossal stick you keep up your ass already."

Orson was snorting mad at the visual the koala's teasing brought about in his mind. "I swear Roger sometimes you are just infuriating." He said trying to keep from shouting. "I will not talk about this a single second longer goodbye!"

"Heh-heh alright then Orssy I'll let you go." Roger laughed, the insult not affecting him in the slightest. "Just consider my idea before it's too late mate ya'hear. Fucking some sweet piece on the first date is a hellava lot of fun let me tell you. Plus I'm thinking that you could use a regular fuck buddy besides a bloke as handsome as myself."

Choosing not to respond back to the smart-alecky Australian teacher, Orson snapped his phone shut and sat there fuming in his seat. As if a man like himself would jump into bed with someone on their first date! That's not to say that Orson was entirely against the idea of going to bed with Kitt mind you.

The cat/fix hybrid certainly was charming and glancing over to him from across the room the frustrated bear could defiantly picture that slightly chubby body without a single scrap of clothing on, the younger man delectably beckoning him from the bed, awaiting his approach so that they could have a bit of fun.

Realizing what he was doing Orson quickly looked away and crossed his legs. 'Calm down Orson you are a gentleman and gentlemen do not fantasize about having sex on a first date.' He reminded himself.

However just as Mr. Brown willed himself to return to more appropriate subjects his treacherous mind conjured up another appetizing thought. Hadn't he said that he was going to try new things this night? That he was going to follow the advice his favorite student Peter gave him and throw all caution to the wind so that he could learn and become a more rounded person? Maybe having a one-night stand could be something he added to that ever growing list?

'But could I honestly do such a thing as that?' Orson wondered. Looking down at his plate the grizzly bear tried his hardest to dissuade himself from giving into his primal thoughts. He was so consumed by this that when Kitt suddenly reappeared from his short trip to the soda machine he failed to notice the janitor's return.

"Man, the line over there was long as hell." Kitt said as he placed both drink back on the table and slipped into his seat. Placing Orson's drink in front of him. "Guess I should have expected it coming on a Friday night, huh?" When his companion failed to respond to his jokingly asked question the janitor gave the teacher a concerned frown. "Um, Orson, Is something wrong?" He asked. "Did someone call you with bad news or something?"

His train of thought getting derailed by the growing worry in his companion's voice, Orson looked up from his thoughts and then gave Kitt an apologetic look for ignoring him. "Sorry, I was just thinking about something I did recently and how I can put a stop to it." He said referring to his growing erection and how he was going to handle it.

However when hearing those exact same words Kitt's mind went in a completely different direction. One that caused the good mood he had had most of the night to dissolve like sugar in the rain. So that was it. Mr. Brown was still uncomfortable and trying to think of a way to get out of the rest of their date. If that was the case then Kitt wasn't going to force him to put up a charade anymore.

"You know Mr. Brown..." He began slipping back into his role as subordinate. "...If you're not having a good time here with me I won't hold it against you if you wanted to leave."

Orson raised an eyebrow at the offer. "Leave?" He said becoming confused

Kitt nodded back to the question, his eyes appearing a little sad. "Yeah leave." He reaffirmed. "Look, I know I'm nowhere near good enough for a guy like you and that you usually hang out with more... classy fellows. I mean I'm just a janitor and you're a... well you're amazing. So there's no reason to keep humoring me. I'm just happy you've stuck around as long as you did."

Hearing the sadness in the voice of the man he was with caused Orson to kick himself in the rear all over again. Here he was supposed to be a respectable man and he was obviously coming off as some sort of snob. After getting Kitt's attention with a small hum, the grizzly held his hand out and took the cat/fox's paw in his own.

"You listen here Mr. Mukiro." He started firmly. "Yes it might be true that I seldom go out with those who aren't of the upper crust, but that does not mean for a single iota of a second that I am sorry that we went out tonight. I am glad beyond believe that I had the chance to get to know you better and that I got to do it by sitting here in this ghastly restaurant eating these delicious ribs."

"Really?" Kitt asked. When Orson gave him a quick nod the dark haired man relaxed considerably. Even with all their talking he had assumed that the teacher was still uncomfortable with him. "But, if going out with me wasn't what you were thinking about... then what was it?"

Orson went quiet for several moments trying to think of a way to tell the other man about his dilemma of decided whether or not to sleep with him, the long pregnant pause making Kitt become nervous once again. Thankfully for the dark haired man, Mr. Brown finally did speak again. Though what he said didn't exactly put the cat/fox hybrid at ease.

"Kitt may I ask you what you are expecting from this evening exactly?" Orson questioned. "By that I mean, did you expect more than just dinner and maybe a chaste kiss goodnight by night's end?"

Eyes widening Kitt chuckled nervously and began playing with his fingers. "If you're asking if I wanted to fool around then yeah I did think about it a little at first, b-but just fantasizing you know. I'm not expecting us to do anything like that in real life." He said quietly while staring down at the tabletop. "Besides truth of truths, I wouldn't want you to have sex with me because you thought I expected you to. Something like that should happen more naturally."

"How so?" Orson prodded, truly curious about Kitt's opinion on the matter.

Kitt face reddened something awfully at the continued questioning. "Well I guess it should... well is should happen because we look at each other and get to thinking that we're with the best looking guy in the whole place." Breath growing short Kitt took a large gulp of air and then continued. "Then after you give me the go head, I'd get in real close to you, cup the side of your face, and kiss those cute quirking lips of yours so passionately that things get hotter and hotter until we..."

The janitor chuckled weakly. "A-At least that's how I feel it should happen you know. But, like I said: Don't worry about... ... ... oh!" Rising his head as he finished his speech Kitt found himself staring into Orson's half lidded eyes. The bear leaning forward and looking at him affectionately. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No" Orson replied back simply. "I am just realizing how much of a royal ass I have been in trying to stay away from certain kinds of men. Who could have guessed that men of the blue collar variety could be the most enchanting when you get to know them? Be they brash and annoying or kind hearted and sweet like you."

There was a moment of silence as both men stared at each other's eyes then suddenly Kitt felt a socked foot caressing his leg, the appendage traveling upward until it touched the growing bulge in his pants. "Kitt would you mind seeing me to a bed somewhere." He asked taking a large gulp. "I know it is a bit presumptuous of me but seeing as your allowing me to currently press my foot against your--"

"Yes!" Kitt interrupted excitedly. "But only if you're sure, you know. I'd be happy with just a little peck on the cheek if that's all I'd get."

"Yes, but I don't think I would." Waggling his eyebrow in a teasing manner Orson stood and walked around the table so that he could lean down and whisper into Kitt's twitching ear. "Let's pay our bill and find more suitable accommodations for the rest of the evening."

Kitt didn't need to be told twice and shot up out of his seat like a rocket. "CHECK PLEASE!"


Later that night...

The sound of jingling keys from behind the front door of Kitt's humble apartment announced the return of its owner that night, the jingly noise quickly followed by a deep chuckle from Mr. Brown a hushed yelp from Kitt. The door swinging open suddenly, light filtering in from the hallway, both men stumbled inside with shared giggles and playful words as the held each other close and kissed sloppily.

Standing in place as Kitt detached from him to go over to the lights, Orson blinked as the room became illuminated, his eyes going around the area and humming in approval at what he saw. While it wasn't as luxurious as his own home it did have a quaint charm that he found fit Kitt perfectly. "I like your place." He told the janitor turning back to him. "Quite the humbly comfortable domicile if I might say so."

"No need to flatter me Orson." Kitt replied with a smile. "I'm sure it's not the nicest place you have been."

"It is not flattery my boy. Sometimes unbridled extravaganza only hides an empty home and an even emptier heart." Orson lectured in his best teacher's voice. "A true home either has beauty in its simplicity or an incredible heart within its walls."

Opening his fridge, Kitt took out two cans of soda for them to drink. One diet for Mr. Brown and one regular for him. During their short trip to his home they had talked more, both learning even more about the other as they buzzed with sexual energy. "So, are you saying it's beautiful or that it's got heart?"

"A little bit of both I think." Carefully sitting down on the old tattered couch in the center of the room Orson looked over its back to his host who was approaching. "This apartment if very similar to its owner in that respect."

"Ok, now I know you're just trying to flatter me now." Kitt chuckled. "But thanks anyway. You know you can really lay on the charm when you flatter people like that."

Orson brushed his chest with the back of his knuckles pretending to be overly pleased and proud of himself. "Yes I know." He said. "But I must admit I can not take complete credit for my words. I owe some of my affinity for poetic rambling to my habit of spending my nights brushing up on my Shakespearean love sonnets."

"Oh really?" Kitt said slipping into the space next to his guest and handing him one of the sodas he had gotten. "What else do you like to brush up on when you're in bed at night?" Given what they were about to do Kitt had long ago abandoned his third rule for proper date conversation. To his surprise Orson seemed to become excited by his crudeness.

Responding to the comment Kitt had just said Orson smiled slyly over at him. "Ah, a master of the double entendre I see Mr. Mukiro." He said placing his drink down. "But let us not speak of things I do when I am alone. I would much rather brush up against a certain someone right here in this room right now."

Turning in his seat the grizzly placed an arm around his companion and pulled him close. It wasn't like him to take the lead in this sort of activity but for once he felt it right. Lowering his head he hesitantly pressed his lips against' Kitt's in a quick kiss. One that soon turned into two then three then four then morphed into a full on make out session. The two of them exploring each other's mouth with pleased growls as their hands explored and the heat began to rise in their bellies.

This frantic kissing continued for many minutes until Orson suddenly pulled away with a strangled groan, the cause, a sneaky white furred hand slipping into his lap and playfully clutching the prominent bulge that had grown there since they had entered the janitor's home.

"You like that?" Kitt asked squeezing with each word. "You want me to keep going?"

"Yes, yes continue please you marvelous man!" Orson sighed. Moving his hips forward just a little the needy bear pressed his sex against the palm cupping trying to get more. "Oh I do love being touched there."

"So you do like some down and dirty things after all." Kitt snickered. "Let's hope you'll like this too." Climbing out of his seat the cat/fox hybrid straddled Orson's left leg and ground himself against it, his hand continuing it's groping as their lips once again met in a passionate kiss.

Responding appreciatively to the warm body pressed up against him, Orson panted into Kitt's open mouth letting the cat/fox take control as he wrapped his arms around the smaller man to keep him from falling off. It surprised the teacher how a man like himself could become so undone so easily.

But given his growing arousal and what he felt against his leg he really didn't want to mull over it now. In fact he was starting to feel so randy that before he knew it Orson let his paws slide down to Kitt's rump and began kneading the prefect meaty cheeks he found with increasing vigor. He truly liked getting himself a handful of bottom. Not to say he was, as Roger Macalla would put it, an ass man. No he just enjoyed the feeling.

"SHIT!" Kitt ground out as his bottom was bear-handled. This was almost enough to make him cum. His secret crush in his apartment touching and kissing all over it was like a wet dream. Then again dreams involving Mr. Brown usually didn't involve clothes. Who knew that under that adorable stuffy personality was someone who knew their way around the bedroom.

"We got to get those pants off now!" Not wasting a moment Kitt got off of Orson and dropped to his knees, unbuckling the grizzly's belt and hastily unzipping his pants in an attempt to remove the current bane of his existence.

Orson didn't need to be told to help the man in front of him take off his pants. Wordlessly he lifted himself off of the couch allowing Kitt to slide his drawers down over his legs, his bare fur prickling in the sudden coolness for only a moment before a warm breath ghosted over them, the puff of air followed closely by a muzzle nuzzling against his underwear clad groin.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..." Orson chanted as Kitts nose prodded his manhood. "Stop doing that and continue undressing me my dear man! There are greater things besides my I heart Picasso undershorts to press your face against."

"You're getting a little impatient huh?" Kitt asked as he sat up on his haunches. "Cause I'm sort of liking this side of you. It's really cute."

Orson gave a huff. "Cute!?" He asked feigning offense. "A man with a baby face like yours has the nerve to call a dignified man like myself cute?"

"Yeah I did, didn't I?" Giving his new friend what he wanted Kitt hooked his thumbs into the waistband of Orson's boxers and slowly devastated the bear of his last shred of covering he had below the belt. Eyes settling on what had been hidden the janitor laughed quietly. "Fuck your nuts are as big as oranges!"

Orson's face tinted at the scrutiny his testicles were getting. He had been teased by both Roger and Pj's father about them and it looked like he was about to get it again. But to his surprise Kitt didn't comment anymore on their size and kissed each furry globe tenderly before he began lapping his tongue over them repeatedly. "These are fucking hott!" The dark haired man said in between licks. "Mouthwatering, big, bull balls!"

"I-I suppose that's one way to look at them." Orson responded, his head resting on the back of the couch as he was given a tongue bath down below. Sitting there the large man allowed himself to be orally pleasured. Kitt continuing to drag his tongue across his large furry balls, each swipe sending a thrill straight up Orson's spine and right to his increasingly foggy mind. When the janitor finally moved onto the weeping shaft rising from the grizzly's thick bush, the older man completely became putty in his tormentor's hands.

'He really tastes good.' Kitt remarked silently to himself as he ran the tip of his tongue around the head of Orson's cock, making sure to carefully and meticulously trace the crown's edge before he opened wide and engulfed the thick as a beer can organ in his mouth, bobbing up and down slowly at first, then quickly, then slowly again in a repeating pattering that earned him a lot of well-deserved praise from the man seated in front of him.

With the expert blow job he was getting from his date, Orson began moaning incoherently, hand going to the back of the cat/fox's head and fingers becoming entangled in the dark ebony locks in an effort to encourage Kitt to keep going. "Yes that's it my dear. Suck upon me like it was a straw!" Orson begged slash moaned. "Your mouth is like velvet, and your suction is greater than... than... than a vacuum I suppose!'

Grinning around the dick in his mouth Kitt hummed a laugh, the vibrations going straight down Orson's cock, and doubled his efforts. This certainly was fun. 'I wonder if I can actually get him to break his grammar rule and say a contraction.' He wondered absently. 'Guess I'll just have to keep going and find out.'

However Kitt's plans found themselves being put aside as Orson gently pulled him off of his manhood, cupping his cheek tenderly as he stared down at him. "My, my you certainly re well versed in fellatio." He said out of breath. "But as much as I am enjoying what you are doing it's hardly fair that I make you do all the work. Remove your clothes let me see you completely."

"Yessir!" Kitt laughed.

Getting to his feet with a grunt the janitor began removing his clothing. First unbutton his dress shirt then setting about the task of removing his jeans. As he did this Orson did the same with what was left on his body, dining jacket coming off and neatly folded on the seat next to him, as well as inner vest and tie. By the time Kitt had pushed his briefs down past his ankles he found a very naked and hard heavyset grizzly bear sitting in front of him.

"Hott damn you really are a DILF!" He remarked much to his own embarrassment. "S-Sorry I shouldn't have said that. It was disrespectful."

"What is a dilf by the way?" Orson wondered. "I don't tend to follow modern sayings that much so I am in the proverbially dark over here."

Kitt bashfully scratched his lighter colored arm. "It's um... it means "Daddy I'd like to fuck."." He said face turning beat red. "You know since you a little older than me and everything."

"Ahh, a little crude but not an entirely unappetizing saying." Orson chuckled. Grinning the bear held his arms out and beckoned the other man closer. What he was about to do would make him cringe later he was sure. But he wanted to give Kitt something for the oral pleasure he had just bestowed on him. "So since you brought it up how about you come to daddy dear boy?" He said trying to sound sexy. "He, by which I mean me, would like is greatly if he could get his hands all over that portly body of yours."

Again the other man surprised him by his willingness to indulge him. Obeying without argument Kitt moved forward, his "portly" body easily finding a place between Orson's open legs, the bear wrapping his arms around him as they ground their chests, bellies, and erections together with dirty friction. "Damn you're so sexy." Kitt murmured into the bears neck, cock beginning to pulse painfully against his big belly. "I can't believe you and me are doing this!"

"Neither can I my dear new friend." Orson agreed. Who would have known that allowing oneself to have fun without a single thought to how it would appear to the cultured would be so enjoyable. Continuing with this line of though, the teacher shifted them so that Kitt was on his back on the couch, Orson's massive body on top the smaller man's almost smothering him but not quiet.

"And though I am flattered I must say you're the one who is sexy here." Orson remarked as he peppered kisses on the feline/canine's chest. Such an interesting case of fur coloring duality. White arm, belly, and leg and beautiful tan coloration everywhere else."

"Heh, you sound like your studying me or something." Kitt giggled lightly as Orson's hands explored his body. His own hands becoming adventurous the janitor sank his fingers into the doughy backside of the giant above him prying the cheeks apart and exposing Orson's back entrance.

'I can't wait to get at this thing.' He thought amusedly. However his plans once again were foiled when Orson began to trail kisses down his body. His destination currently getting tickled by the fur on the bear's chest.

Responding to what Kitt had said out loud Orson huffed a laugh against the other man's chest fur. "What can I say? It's a habit you tend to pick up when you're a teacher." Making his way downward the full grown man playfully pressed his face against Kitt's belly and blew a small raspberry. He didn't like to admit it out in the open but he was a bit of a chubby chaser. A little guilty desire of his that he only really indulged in when he fantasized in his daydreams.

However caressing a chubby belly was the last thing on the learned man's mind as he went ever lower, his dark brown eyes landing on Kitt's arousal, the organ heavy in its arousal with a limitless supply of precum coating the head in a sweetly glistening shine. It didn't take look after witnessing its glory for Orson to taste it, his lips clamping around the middle as he began sucking on it in earnest.

Kitt reacted to the sudden attention his pecker was receiving by arching his back, pushing more of himself between the bear's lips, and letting loose a crude expletive. "FUCKY, FUCKY, FUCK!" He moaned. "Oh god yes! Please don't stop."

'Like intend to.' Orson thought grinning around the cock in his mouth. Working his magic the brown furred history aficionado slurped obscenely on the meat he was orally pleasing. His tongue massaging the underside as the large bloated head tapped against the back of his throat.

Like most things in his life Orson strived to do this perfectly, using everything he had learned in his short but enjoyable sexual past to give Kitt an experience to remember. Deepthroating the other man he handled his balls too in their white furred sack. Rolling the orbs and squeezing them with just enough pressure to drive the janitor to distraction. Soon his efforts had Kitt squirming and huffing up a storm above him, the younger man crying out his name from time to time between timid thrusts upwards into his mouth.

His feet growing restless as he was blown so expertly Kitt dared to try something that his lover might or might not like. Moving his bare foot he gently groped Orson's hanging cock with it, toes becoming wet with the grizzly's pre as he began to give him a foot job in compensation.

"Oh my!" Orson said coming off of him. "That certainly is something new."

"I'm a bit of a foot guy." Kitt told him shyly. "Y-You don't mind do you?"

"I am not quite sure. It feel's quite strange." Orson said dubiously. But as Kitt continued, the arch of his foot starting to grind against the head of his dick he shuddered in ecstasy. "Oh my, never mind my objections! Yes, I can certainly learn to like this." He murmured as before he went back to nursing on Kitt's erection.

Encouraged as he was sucked on again, harder and more nosily, Kitt brought his other foot into the picture and squeezed Orson's dick between them tightly. Reacting to what he had done the grizzly began to fuck his feet, his organ sliding back and forth between the calloused soles. "That's it enjoy it. I really want you to like this." Kitt cheered on. "I want you to cum all over my feet and turn me on even more. Then if you're willing I want to take you over to the bed and show you a real good time."

"I would quite enjoy that I think." Orson said pulling off Kitt's dick to stroke it while lapping at the cat/fox's balls again. "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Increasing his speed Orson snapped his hips hard again and again, fucking the space between Kitt's feet, the roughness of the underside driving him mad with each forward jab. With such stimulation like this it didn't take long for the cultured man to finally loose it. His eyes rolling back into his head as he spilled his seed on Kitt's feet, the dark haired man groaning as the warm liquid soiled the fur on his feet dirtily.

"That was amazing." Orson stated as he slowed down and rode out the remainder of his unexpected orgasm. Looking up into Kitts eyes the bear smiled. "Yet again you show me something new my dear boy."

"I really like it when you call me dear boy." Kitt chuckled. "Not get off of me please. I think I said something about continuing in the bed."

Orson blushed; he had completely forgotten in the short time he had gone wild. "Oh yes." He said quietly. Moving his large body, the teacher carefully lifted himself off of his date, standing beside the still laying man on wobbly legs. "You lead the way Kitt."

"Dam right I will." Reluctantly getting off of the couch, Kitt began leading his guest over to his bed. Getting close to it he hung back just enough for his guest to walk past him. Then suddenly he pushed the older man, Orson landing on top of the bed on his stomach, backside exposed to the janitor's curious hands. "You alright?" He asked squeezing the large furry half-moons. "Didn't' mean to be rough just got really excited."

"Do not worry I like a little rough and tumble." Orson replied, thoroughly enjoying the hands on his rear. "But pray tell what are you planning to do to me now that I am in this precarious position?"

"This." Kitt simply said back. Prying the bear's asscheeks apart the hybrid squatted down behind the teacher and began eating him out without as second thought. An ass this sexy needed to be rimmed out real good he had reasoned. So good that its owner was groaning and pressing back against him by the time he was finished. Getting to work on achieving that outcome Kitt began slurping his way up and down the deep hairy furrow, his tongue drilling into the grizzly's tight pucker hard for a moment with each pass he made.

Feet bouncing up and down on either side of Kitt's body Orson pressed his face into the covers and moaned. "Yes, that's the sprit!" He half begged half cried as he ground himself back against the janitor's face. "Use that wicked organ in your mouth to give me a proper tongue-lashing. I am at your mercy my young friend."

"I can see that Mr. Brown." Kitt replied as he took a moment to wipe his chin, only to return to his task a moment later. This was the life, face in the ass of a wonderful man getting him ready for a real good fuck. Increasing his efforts at that thought Kitt hungrily continued to eat him out. Adding fingers to his probing tongue actions in an effort to prep Orson further.

As time went on, Orson became more and more convinced that he was about to lose his mind. The things Kitt was doing to his ass were just so maddening that he was moaning like a back alley harlot his face red from the shame of his own wanton behavior.

"Right there... yes there my dear boy." He encouraged as Kitt continued prepping him. "Such talented fingers. Must be from your profession. Yes that's it! Such skill, such expertise. I believe I could cum just from this."

Kitt didn't know if anything the bear was rambling was true but when he was able to get three of his fingers inside the bears big ass he finally figured that he was good and ready for something a little bigger. The painfully throbbing monster between his legs serving as the object he had in mind. Standing up he gave a light pat to the bear's bottom. "Roll over for me if you can Orson." Kitt demanded gently. "I want to look into your eyes when I do this."

"As do I." Orson agreed. Flipping onto his back the history teacher raised his legs and grabbed both his ankles, pulling them back far enough so that his ass parted and exposed the puckering hole hidden under his stumpy tail. "Is this good enough?" He asked peering down over his belly. "I can pull back more if it is not."

Looking down at the hole awaiting his entry Kitt's mouth went dry. "It's more than enough Mr. Brown." Stepping forward the janitor took over for Orson in holding up his own legs with one hand, his mouth finding one of the bear's large toes so that he could suck on it playfully. Lining up his cock with the pucker he was about to fuck the cat/fox took a large gulp of air and then moved forward, the tip kissing the entrance for just a second before it slipped inside with a steady push, the shaft sinking into the other man's ass steadily but slowly.

Getting impaled so torturously slow Orson threw his head back, rolling it side groaning with every inch. It felt like he was being split apart, but he was loving the burn. Kitt popping his toe out of his suckling mouth the younger man leaned over so that they were nose to nose, Orson's arms automatically going around him as he was penetrated, his clawed hands running through the dark hair running down the hybrid's back.

"Fuck me Kitt!" Orson found himself saying much to his own surprised. Using such language was not something a gentleman did. "Fuck me good please. I need you to fuck me so good and hard that I'm sore for a week."

Kitt stilled at being asked that, a grin appearing on his muzzle. "You used a contraction." He laughed. Suddenly the janitor began moving hard and fast. Hips snapping forward again and again and again, driving himself deeper and deeper into his date with each jab. "Is this what you wanted Orson."

"Yes, oh god yes, Kitt my dear, dear boy!" Orson shouted around a groan. Tightening his grip around the smaller chubby man above him the bear rode out the fucking like a pro. Head rolling from side to side as his ass was pounded with a wild pace that made his toes curl and his legs feel like jelly.

Connecting their lips as he continued to thrust, Kitt ravaged Orson's mouth with the voraciousness nature of a man possessed, his tongue mimicking his cock as he worked over the teacher form both ends. It was just so unbelievable for the simple man to believe as he continued to have his way with his long time crush. After admiring the grizzly from afar for so long here they were in his apartment having sex like he had always dreamed of.

Growing more excited Kitt climbed onto his bed, Orson instantly moving with him until they were both on top of the comfortable piece of furniture. Pulling out for a moment the hybrid moved his lover onto his side and quickly got behind him. Skillfully lifting the teacher's left leg so that he had enough room to enter him again from behind again, his fucking continuing as if it had never stopped.

OH MY!" Orson huffed as the new position caused Kitt's cock to press up against his prostrate. Reaching down the teacher gingerly felt the connection between him and his bedmate, the cat/fox's hardened member sliding back and forth sloppily into his raw and hot feeling hole.

"How am I doing?" Kitt asked as he thrust. Snaking his hand under the bear's neck he forced Orson to turn his head towards him so that they could kiss in their spooning position. "Does it feel good to have my cock up your ass Mr. Brown?" He asked pulling away after a moment. "Do you want it harder? Faster? Whatever it is I'll give it to you. You're a special guy and I want to please you so much."

"Just keep doing what you're doing right now dear." Orson shouted past a groan. "Pound away at my hole until I am cumming so much that I bath your sheet in my emissions!"

Being slammed into even harder at his request, Orson gave a mighty shout and began cumming, the stumpy but incredibly thick rod between his thighs swinging around wildly as he was fucked from behind, thick bear seed splattering everywhere in an obscene show of sexual depravity. Riding out his orgasm Orson was only dimly away of how he must look right then. Body jiggling as he was plowed like a field, his doughy chest and rapidly soft cum covered cock flopping up and down with every move they made. It was debacherous, it was filthy beyond belief, and most of all it was highly undignified.

'But who the shit cares anymore!' Orson screamed in his mind. 'I am loving the hell out of it!'

Feeling his own orgasm closing in on him, Kitt picked up his pace and slammed into Orson again and again harder and harder, the sounds of furry flesh hitting furry flesh and twin moans of unbridled pleasure ringing out into the air. Finally just as his ursine lover's ass muscles clenched down around his invading member the janitor went over the edge and exploded. Spurt after spurt of thick white cum painting the insides of Orson's insides, the frothy excess leaking out of the tight fit down the bear's hairy crack as they both began to slow to a halt.

Laying there after the stunning climax Kitt carefully dislodged himself from Orson's used and bruised ass. Hand going down he quickly check to see if he had hurt the other man, but all his attention did was make Orson shiver from the light touches. "You alright?" He asked the educator. "I didn't go overboard did I?"

"You did but I am not complaining in the slightest." Orson chuckled. "I asked for it, did I not?" Rolling over so that they were facing he took Kitt by the face with both his hands and pulled him in for what had to be the thousandth kiss of the evening. "That was lovely just so you know." He added with a lazy look. "And I can not wait till the next time we do this."

"Next time?" Kitt said growing hopeful.

Orson nodded. "But of course you silly man." He said, their legs entangling as they came close, Kitt's head finding a resting spot against the crook of his neck. "We'll have to go out again first of course. I will only hop into bed with you after I have been sufficiently bribed with a meal of delicious ribs and watered down ice tea."

Kitt raised an eyebrow at the demand given to him, silently acting as if he was considering the price. Then with a snicker his attempt to feign annoyance vanished into a fit of giggles, Orson living a hearty belly laugh himself as they hugged. "Ok, I agree to your terms Mr. Brown. But... next time we order it to go." There was a thoughtful hum. "I bet that sauce would taste a whole lot better if I was licking it off of your fur."

The end?