Kijani Memories: FCAA Tournament

Story by wolfnumber9 on SoFurry

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#3 of Erik Kijani

A look back at Erik Kijani's first year in college as he quickly became the driving force for his college basketball team.

Kijani memories: FCAA tournament

It's the fourth quarter. The score is 65 to 67. Florida Midwest University was in the lead and playing at their home court. They were hosting Furry State University. It was a defensive game all the way with very low scoring and it was annoying Erik extremely. Now, Florida called a time out to talk the game over.

"Alright guys, listen." Said coach Harrison. "We're close to ending this right now and heading straight for the FCAA. I know you want this as bad as I do. We all worked hard for this and we are not gonna let this team take it away, ARE WE?!

"NO COACH!" all the players yelled.

"ARE WE?!"


"That's right." The coach said. "Now Erik. They're gonna press hard and double team the ball. You need to look out for that and keep...the ball...moving. Got it?"

"Yes, coach." Said Erik obediently.

Erik was determined to lead his team. He was focused on the plan and nothing else. Coach Harrison dismissed his five players and the refs resumed the game with Furry State getting the ball first. There was a minute and seventeen-seconds left in the game. Erik slapped the floor with both paws as hard as he could and showed his teeth as the rabbit point guard dribbled the ball down the court. The crowd cheered. "Defense! Defense!". It felt like the floor was rumbling with the immense screams from the crowd. As soon as the Rabbit passed the half court line, Erik ran after him and smothered him. The rabbit quickly passed the ball and cut, but Erik was right on him. Florida Midwest was playing a tight man-to-man defense against Furry State and causing them to pass the ball frantically. The clock was running low and Furry State was trying to run a play fast, but the ball was stolen and just like that, Florida had the ball with 57 seconds left to go. The ball was immediately passed to Erik and Furry State set up on defense. The whole arena was blasting; the students were jumping, yelling, and cheering for their team. Erik dribbled the ball slowly past half court. The rabbit quickly ran to Erik to try to steel the ball, but Erik crossed the ball over to his other side just in time. The rabbit backed up and didn't try to challenge Erik again, but it didn't matter. Erik accepted the challenge and went straight for him. Cross left, cross right, in and out. The rabbit tried to keep his balance, but it was slowly failing him. Erik then saw one of his teammates nod towards him. Erik acknowledged the big bear and nodded back. Then, in two quick moves, Erik forced the rabbit to move left then quickly threw the ball behind his back and drove straight to the kettle. The rest of the Furry State team ran after Erik, but he quickly threw the ball to the hoop for his teammate to catch it. The big bear grabbed the ball in the air and took no time to slam it hard through the basket. The crowd went wild. 65-69. Florida was in the lead. Furry State brought the ball back to the other side of the court quickly with only 35 seconds left, but Florida was already back on defense ready to stop them, with Erik being the head of the snake, showing his teeth once more. The rabbit held a slow dribble at the top of the key and let his team set up, but Erik wasn't making it easy. The determined leopard kept the defensive pressure and continued swiping at the ball, until he finally hit it of the Rabbit's leg and stole it. Then, with only 15 seconds left, Erik held on to the ball tight. And that was it. Florida got the win as the time ran out. As the buzzer sounded off, the whole stadium was as loud as ever. The Florida Midwest team gathered around in center court and celebrated. They even picked up Erik, who despite his intensity, was still 5'10".

The whole Florida Midwest team was celebrating in the locker room and Erik was definitely the cause of it. Someone started it all when they played music in the background. Everyone was dancing and celebrating. Florida Midwest hasn't been in the FCAA tournament in a while, so the players took no time to celebrate it. Everyone was dancing and Erik was in the middle, clapping, screaming, and singing. It was a big party, until the coach came in the locker room. Everyone went quiet once coach Harrison walked in. The Black Panther had a serious look on his face at first, but then he began to laugh and smile.

"You guys are crazy." He said. "And I had a feeling that Erik would be in the middle of all this."

Everyone laughed and Erik just smiled.

"It's time for the interviews."

Everyone got dressed from their uniforms and filled out of the locker. Erik put on his same old shoes, shirt, and jacket and ended up being the last one to walk out of the locker room. Some time past by before Erik had his turn behind the mic. He walked up to the seat and sat down behind the microphone. The room was filled with reporters from the school and some from the FCAA.

"Hello." He said while smiling a little bit.

Then a feminine voice said.

"Okay, we're ready for questions. Um, how about you sir?"

A reporter from the school stood up.

"So Erik, how was your first year here at Florida Midwest University?" He said.

"Oh, it's been really good." Said Erik with his slight Ugandan accent. "The team, the school, my friends. Its, uh, its all been great, especially for my first year."

Another reporter stood up.

"Is it true that this year you will be declaring for the FBA draft?"

"Well, yes. That is true. You know, I just want to follow my dreams and keep getting better and better....But, I'm not thinking about that now. Right now I'm focused on this team and winning a Championship."

The next reporter stood up.

"So, are you saying that you believe the team has a chance to win it all?"

"Yes, that is what I said."

"Well, your team did struggle to make the FCAA. You barely made it in fact. Care to elaborate on that?"

"Well, we did make it, so I believe that we, like every other team, we have a chance."

Another reporter stood up.

"Not to be rude, Erik, but these teams that you are facing, are the best in the country. So, what do you think your school has to offer?"

Erik then seemed to get irritated.

"Did you ask my other teammates these crazy questions?" he said.

Everyone was quiet, until the reporter nodded his head yes.

"Okay then." Said Erik. "Let me answer your question. I don't care what you think. I don't care what you say. We have our fans, our families, our coaches, and each other. Together we can win it all and do I believe that?....with all my heart."

The room was silent, but Erik continued.

"We're gonna surprise you guys. I promise....any other questions?"

The room was still silent. Erik then decided to get up and leave the chair. He walked past his coach on the way out.

"Erik!" He said. "I think that was a little too far."

"I don't freakin' care." He said. "See you at practice coach."

He then walked away, leaving the coach outside the pressroom. He was mad, but he knew that he could only control Erik so far. Besides, he was just as mad at the reporters as Erik was.

The FCAA had begun with a few surprises, but it was true that FMU was surprising a lot of people. The team made it to the elite eight, dominating their first three games. Erik was leading the team through his playing and his immense energy and making the Florida Midwest team a new threat. Although, Florida Midwest finally met their end when they faced Braylor and lost the close game by six points. You could feel the disappointment in the Florida Midwest locker room. Although, even with the loss, Erik still had a smug look on his face. These were his final words after the game.

"Am I mad? Of course I am, but I know that we really proved ourselves in this tournament...and you all know it too. You just don't want to admit it. And to answer the question of 'if I regret what I said before,' the answer is no. I meant what I said, I always do, and I believe that this team can continue to get better, whether I'm on it or not."

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