Chapter 3: "I Need to Rethink My Life"

Story by Tessler on SoFurry

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Walking back to the restaurant

where Ethan and his girlfriends had eaten earlier, Ethan couldn't help but

notice a few of Christine's features. Most notably, the spikes on her chest and

paws were more rounded out than what was often seen from the Lucario species,

resembling more of miniature domes than spikes, not too different from when she

was just a Riolu. Part of him wanted to ask her what that was all about, but he

chose not to, sensing that she had perhaps grown self-conscious about the

subject. "And you're not too far from the truth, Ethan. And yes, I can hear

your think. Kind of like Sherlock." Christine suddenly said, choosing to speak

in her tongue so only he could hear her.

"Something up?" Nathan

had asked, hearing her say her species name instead of using her telepathy.

"No, nothing." Ethan

quickly said. He knew that Nathan could tell when he was lying, but decided to

roll with what his cousin said.

As soon as the four

were inside, Ethan had asked "So, what brings you back to Johto? The girls and

I thought you and Christine were going to be in Kalos longer than just two


"Well, I guess I can

start with the obvious." Nathan responded, as they grabbed a seat. The two

noticed their respective jackal and sea snake holding their own conversation on

the other end of the table.

"Hold on" Ethan

interrupted, as he let Phosphora out of her ball.

"Whoa, I was just

resting, why call me out so soon?" she asked, not too pleased of having been

sent out of her Pokéball while having been snoozing. Granted, she knew Ethan

was unaware of her sleeping, but still.

Not sure if she was

aware, Ethan explained "Sorry, dear. We just met up with Nathan, and I was

wondering if you were up for chatting with Christine."

"Okay." The Ampharos, still

sounding a bit sleepy, before asking, " she?"

"Just follow my voice."

The Lucario replied, as Phosphora slowly followed to where Christine and Beleza

were chatting, and sat down with the two.

"You were saying,

Nathan?" Ethan had asked.

"Oh, right. As it's

already obvious, Christine had evolved while we were training to be Aura

Guardians....I have some odd feeling that this is going to be a long story."

"We've got time." Ethan

replied. After ordering a coffee, he continued "Okay, I'm ready."

"You're not going to

fall asleep on me, are you?" Nathan questioned.

Laughing, he replied "Of

course not, Nathan."

"I'm sure of that...."

Nathan responded.


three hours later....give or take...I might just write an entirely separate story

revolving around Nathan and Christine in the future...

"...and during the last

month I was there at the Tower of Mastery in Shalour City, Andrea had said that

there was more for me to learn of Aura Manipulation, but out of some odd

generosity, she had told me that I should come back to Johto, and at least pay

you and Mom a visit. I promised her that I'd be back in two weeks from now to

resume my training.

After meeting up with Mom

and Dad, they asked me to come find you and see how you were doing, since Mom

is disappointed you haven't contacted either her or Dad for the last two years."

Nathan finished, having a sip of his tea. "What've you been doing ever since I

was gone?"

Sighing, Ethan looked

around briefly before replying "Well, I promised Tia Hilda before I had left

New Bark Town that I'd use my powers for good, so I've been doing that. Or at

least trying to make part of Johto a better place. And I've been experimenting

with parkour, given that I'm able to take an express elevator of sorts if I

need to get to places."

"You're jumping off of

buildings, Ethan?!" Nathan replied, figuring out his joke. "What are you


"Relax, I've been okay

each time. Although I surprise myself at times." Ethan interjected with a sad

smile. "But if you really want to know why I haven't bothered to go back, it's

because the people in Cherrygrove City are scared of me." Looking around, he

continued "When I first went there to hone my abilities, they were afraid, and

some even tried to attack me, forcing me to make a run for it. I wouldn't be

surprised if there were any wanted posters of me over there in Cherrygrove


"Well, that's terrible

to hear." Nathan responded. "But couldn't we just find a way around the city?

Take a bus or something?"

"Remember when I was

eleven, and I nearly blew up Tia's car by just sitting in it? We're going to

have to walk it....on the other hand, I've figured out a trick where I can ride

across any form of a train rail, or an electric line...never mind. We're just

going to have to walk back to Cherrygrove City, and then we'll be on our way to

New Bark Town. Might take us a day or two, but we'll make it." Ethan had

explained, not liking his idea.

"Are you serious?! You've

been travelling around Violet City for two years honing your electrokinetic abilities;

have only two Pokémon at your side, no place to really call a home, and haven't

made any contact with Mom ever since you left!?" Nathan suddenly argued, trying

to keep his cool, his burst coming out of nowhere.

Balling his fists,

Ethan tried to think of a good response, only to relax his hands, for he knew

that his cousin was right. He was wasting time, trying to use his powers with

good intentions, and he wasn't going anywhere. "You're right, Nathan. I'm

disgracing my parents, I haven't done anything productive, I could've been

beating Gym Leaders back then, and perhaps taken on the Pokémon League by now....

I don't care how we do it. Let's go home. I need to rethink my life." He

explained, now feeling awful for what he hasn't done.

"Ethan, I wasn't saying

that to make you feel awful. I was...just trying to make a point."

"And you did it

brilliantly, Nathan! I just feel like going home now." Ethan responded before

regaining his composure, and calming down. "And besides, I'd like to give our parents

a visit." Looking towards the girls, he asked "Ready to head out?"

"Okay!" they said in

unison, before Ethan and Nathan recalled the three, and walked out of the


Noticing the crowd of

people that had walked the many streets of Violet City, Ethan had questioned

himself "Given how massive this city is,

along with the length of the routes, we'll just have to take a bus. Maybe my

sneakers can work as some kind of insulator; maybe keep it from exploding. Only

one way to find out."

Noticing how his older

cousin appeared to be lost in his own thoughts as he thought out their options,

Nathan had asked "Something up, Ethan?"

Being pulled out of his

thoughts, he replied "No, I was just thinking of some ideas. Perhaps we could

just take a bus back to Cherrygrove City; it should take us a few hours instead

of just walking back."

"Aren't you afraid of..."

"I'll take a longer way

around if necessary, Nathan." He quickly interjected, with Nathan only

responding with a nod. After grabbing a bus stop and waiting for what felt like

an eternity, the two soon saw a public bus roll up. Paying their toll and

asking to go to Cherrygrove City, Ethan and Nathan took the back seats, with pedestrians

coon coming in to fill the other seats. Knowing that it'd take a while, Ethan just

looked outside, and watched the roadways merge with a nearby highway that was

constructed long ago to connect Violet City to Cherrygrove. Soon he fell

asleep, believing that he mastered his control over electricity enough to avoid

blowing up a vehicle.

Not too far from a

rooftop, the same young woman, clad in white, watched as Ethan and his friends

had left Violet City through a pair of binoculars. "Damn!" She muttered. "We missed

him, He won't be pleased."

"What do we do now,

Commander Violet?" she heard a voice from behind her ask. Turning around, a

grunt stood by, wearing a pure white suit, and sunglasses with metallic gold

rims around the lenses.

"We wait." She responded.

"We wait for him to be completely alone with his Pokémon, or we go for an all-out

assault on New Bark Town and just kill everyone!" Clenching a fist, she

continued "As tempting as it is to go the latter, it's too soon for us to

reveal ourselves. I know its lame how long we've been waiting, but its better

this way. " Knowing better than to make an argument, the grunt nodded in agreement,

perhaps out of fear. Fear of her. Or their leader.

As he slumbered, he

could hear many voices. Some of the people chattering on the bus, another pair

being of Nathan and Christine, whom he let out to chat with her. "So what are

we going to tell your parents? About us, that is?" the blue furred jackal asked,

using her telepathy.

Knowing that she was

able to channel it in a way so no one else could hear her, he replied quietly

"I don't know. What I do know is that Mom won't be proud of us being together, but

she can't know of our 'sessions'. That might send her over the edge." Wanting

to change the subject, he looked over at Ethan, who had fallen asleep, then

asked "This is a bit random, but given that you can see the colors of people's

auras, I was wondering what the color of Ethan's was?"

"Sure I can do that."

Closing her eyes, she could only gasp when she saw his aura. Quickly opening

her eyes, she regained her composure and checked Ethan's aura, only to see the

same exact color.

"What is it,

Christine?" Nathan asked out of concern.

Opening her eyes, the

young Lucario turned back to her mate, and lied "Sorry, I just see a bright

blue aura when I look at Ethan. I suppose it fits with his power. I thought I

saw a different color."

He could tell that she

was lying, but whatever reason she had for lying to him, he decided not to

question her further. "Okay then." He responded, before she fell asleep on his


Eh, it could be worse. After

all, Ethan's aura could be a white and gold, right?

"Welcome to Cherrygrove

City!" The bus driver announced, waking up the two trainers unsurprisingly.

After rubbing his eyes, Ethan had checked on his cousin, before the three

walked out of the bus. Much to Ethan's surprise, he didn't find himself being

attacked by the people of Cherrygrove. Have they forgotten him?

"I still believe what

you said before, but I'd say don't keep your hopes up." Nathan had said, as he

and Christine had followed him.

"Hey, Ethan. Why aren't

Beleza or Phosphora out with you?" Christine asked curiously.

Pulling out a Dive Ball,

Ethan was unsure of a response as he pushed a button, and his dear red "haired"

snake had emerged. "Milotic!" she said cheerfully.

Curious of what the

Milotic was saying, Nathan had asked "Translation?"

"Beleza's surprised to

see us back in Cherrygrove City, basically." Ethan replied, as they walked

across a sidewalk. Despite having been walking for only a few minutes, he still

felt uncomfortable being around so many people. But who couldn't blame him? He

preferred the company of his Pokémon over other humans.

Save for an occasional

stare, or a negative remark from a Cherrygrove resident or two, Ethan was

surprised at how fast he and Nathan were able to leave the city. On the other

hand, he had forgotten just how much smaller it was compared to Violet City.

And he was kind of speed walking, now that he thought about it. "Ethan, you

didn't really have to walk like that. You looked like you were about to break

into a run at times."

Frowning, Ethan replied

"I'm sorry, I...I was bracing for the worst. Have I become that paranoid?" Rather

than give his cousin a chance to respond, let alone their respective

girlfriends, he began to walk towards a very expansive dirt path that connected

Cherrygrove City to New Bark Town.

"Ethan! You're not

paranoid!" Beleza called out, as she slithered up to him, wanting to hug him. "You

have just been waiting to use your powers with good intentions, but you feel

that you've been denied numerous times, isn't it?" Smiling sadly, he just hugged


Instantaneously, Phosphora

jumped out of her ball, and hugged Ethan. Christine couldn't help but smile at

the sight, but she was worried about the color of the aura that emanated from

him. Perhaps I'm stressing over

something too miniscule. But still, the color seems....unnatural...when Nathan and

I get back to Kalos; I'll have to ask my brother...yeah, that's an idea. She

thought to herself. Looking back, she noticed Ethan kiss both Beleza and

Phosphora affectionately, a sight that caught her off guard.

Noticing the surprised

looks on their faces upon kissing the both of them, Ethan had said "Yes, I

know. I'm with the both of them. Is there a problem?"

"No, no. No problem

here, Ethan. I mean, Christine and I are together. I thought most trainers and

Pokémon practiced monogamy, like our parents encouraged us." Nathan quickly


"And aren't most

trainer and Pokémon couples like Nathan and I generally mates for life....?"

Christine began to ask, before she realized what she was asking. Ethan

facepalmed at the unintentional discovery of what his own cousin had been doing

with her.

Getting the rough idea

of the two having slept together, Beleza jumped in, saying "Well, we haven't

done any of that..."

"Nathan, Christine...if

it makes you two feel better, I won't tell Tia about you two sleeping together,

let alone being together." Ethan offered.

Smiling at the offer,

Nathan requested "Thanks cousin. And in return, I won't tell her that you

involved with two Pokémon. But I have another request..." Pulling out a Pokéball,

he asked "How does a Pokémon battle sound? Specifically, a double battle?"

Before Ethan had a

chance to respond, he suddenly felt a surge of pain, throwing him onto his

knees as he grabbed his head. "What on earth?!" he groaned.

Unsure of what to do, Beleza

asked with visible concern in her ruby eyes "Are you alright?"

"I....feel like....I took....a

sledge....hammer to....the face. Must be the lack...of on this route."

He attempted to explain. "Do you feel it too, Phosphora?" He asked his Ampharos,

who didn't seem affected by whatever Ethan was feeling.

Shrugging she responded

"Not really. Although...I can't see anything right now. Just pure black. Whatever

you're feeling right now might be no more than the absence of electricity where

we are..."

Groaning, Ethan

acknowledged "Whatever I'm feeling right now should go away once we're back in

New Bark Town." Feeling a pair of arms lift him back onto his feet, he noticed

Nathan and Christine trying to help out their somehow exhausted friend. "Thanks."

He uttered weakly, as the five walked back to where Ethan and Nathan had grown

up in their early years.