The Monsters' Den

Story by Prento on SoFurry

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Something a little more substantial compared to my first upload. Naga-on-human gay action, oh my!

A young man visits a very special urban establishment known only as the Monsters' Den. He gets fucked.

Also, the naga in this story only has one dick because I could never really get into the idea of a hemipenis.

­­­­­The nervous energy that Alex felt was unlike anything he had experienced before. He was going through with something he had been fantasizing about months prior, and only now were his nerves getting to him. This could possibly be one of the best nights of his life. His destination was still around 10 minutes away; passing the time, he stared absentmindedly out the rain-spotted window of the taxi he was a passenger in, as if his destination were to suddenly materialize in the window. Although the building was within his own city, he was unfamiliar in the sector he was being driven in. The streets were almost empty, as was the road. The continuous pummeling sound of rain against the taxi was almost hypnotic, the dimly illuminated urban landscape blurring by as the taxi drove past yet another street, moving deeper into the silent city. The whole experience felt wholly surreal; Alex had next to no idea what to expect, aside from the sparse details from the booking receipt that lay scrunched up in his jean pocket. It was close to midnight, with the very little traffic making the journey far shorter than it could have been. After a few more minutes of Alex staring at the raindrops sliding down the passenger window, the taxi eased to a halt.

"This is where you wanted?" asked the middle-aged taxi driver, tilting his head slightly to the side to address his young passenger.

"Yeah, thanks. Can you pick me up in around three hours?"


Thanking the driver again, Alex handed him some crumpled cash before opening the car door and stepping onto the rain-soaked pavement. Directly ahead of him were a few concrete steps leading to a medium-sized brick building, a flickering pink neon sign with the words "MONSTERS' DEN" hanging above the front door being the only discernible feature of the otherwise bland structure. Not wanting to get any wet, Alex hurried to the large wooden door, slightly hesitating before pushing himself in. There wasn't any backing out now.

The interior of the building was immediately warmer than outside. Alex found himself in a well-furnished lobby, a relatively comfortable looking room with a soft, plump cream carpet and lavish sofas surrounding quaint little coffee tables. An extravagant chandelier hung from the high ceiling, giving the foyer an air of royalty. A solid wooden desk with a human woman lay to the far corner of the room, disjointed typing and clicking coming from the receptionist being the only sounds aside from the muffled rain outside. Other than the receptionist, the lobby was empty. Whatever Alex was expecting, it certainly wasn't this lavish and well-decorated. Feeling slightly self-conscious gawking at his surroundings, Alex walked towards the reception desk.

"Hi, uh, I booked a room last week for tonight," Alex stammered. The woman, with blue streaks in her hair and a nose piercing, looked up from her computer for a moment before reverting her attention back to the screen.

"OK, do you have your booking details?" She said, beginning to type.

"Yeah, uh, here you go," Alex muttered before handing the slip of paper from his pocket. The receptionist swiped it out of his hand, stared at it for a few moments, and pulled out a form with a pen, sliding it on the desk for Alex to sign.

"Just something saying that we're not responsible for any injuries or deaths-- don't worry we haven't had any yet--and that you have fully consented to any and all sexual activity onsite. Just sign here, here, and right at the bottom here." The fact that the receptionist specifically mentioned a chance of death more than unnerved Alex. Nonetheless, he scribbled down his signature three times on the forms, with them being whisked away as soon as he lifted the pen off his final signature. He knew that there was a potential danger for the services the Den offered, but he wasn't expecting to have to sign any legal forms. His eagerness for what was to come was dampened slightly, but before he had time to reconsider the receptionist spoke up.

"Alright, you booked with Ren, right?" passing him a plastic keycard.

"Yeah, that's him. So, uh, what do I do now?"

"Swipe it in the elevator to your right; it'll take you where you need. Don't forget to return it afterwards," she answered. "Don't worry, he's gentle on first-timers," she reassured him with a slight smile, turning back to her work. Alex walked to the silver elevator to the right of the desk, swiping the keycard into a reader poking out of the wall next to the doors. As the doors opened, he glanced over his shoulder to see the receptionist speak into an intercom of some sort.

"Alright Ren, you got a male human coming up to you. Pretty thin, probably a virgin. First-timer, too..." The voice became difficult to hear as the doors closed behind him. The elevator shifted into action with a hefty -clunk-, heaving Alex up to what must have been close to the top floor. There really was no going back now. He steeled himself as best as he could; fiddled with his hair a little, made sure he looked at least slightly respectable. The possibility of Alex somehow embarrassing himself during the encounter caused him to thoroughly brush himself down and check his breath. The whirring of the elevator clunked to a halt as the doors opened with a soft beeping sound. Alex's face flushed red.

In front of him was a cushioned, fairly small room a padded red ceiling, floor and walls. A pale red light dimly illuminated the room, with some kind of thick, heavy incense wafting in the air. A large, plush sofa that curved around the room was nestled in the corner, and sprawled across it was a huge, eight-foot-long, totally naked naga. The head of the serpent rose in curiosity at his visitor. The movement of the naga was that of a predator; If Alex weren't so intimidated he would have introduced himself by now. Instead, he just stood there, staring at the deep green scaled form for a good few seconds. The naga seemed amused, but it was immensely difficult to read the emotions of a species he had never seen in person before. A genital slit lay just under the upper body of the serpent, surrounded by smaller, softer-looking scales. The naga pushed himself up, his height almost touching the ceiling; the piercing yellow eyes locking onto Alex as a forked tongue momentarily flickered out, tasting the human's scent. The naga coasted towards him, the heavy coils of the reptile shifting until the distance between the two became only a foot apart. Even when most of the naga's thick body was sprawled across the floor, he still stood a good two feet taller than his visitor. Alex had an instinctive feeling to run, but he held his ground. Tilting his head downward, Ren broke the silence.

"Who do we have here?" he asked, flicking his tongue out again. The naga had a slow tempo to his words, slightly elongating syllables in a somewhat regal manner. His eyes were sharp and illuminated, piercing the relatively dim surroundings with a bright, unblinking gaze. Aware of the dragging silence, Alex responded.

"Hi, uh--"he began, suddenly finding it extremely difficult to think of a good way to introduce himself. As he stuttered on the spot, Ren edged closer, dipping his head down to be face-to-face with Alex.

"No need for formalities, boy. You know who I am, I'm sure, and it doesn't matter who you are. What does matter, however, is your answer to this question: cold or warm?"

It took a good few seconds to Alex to process what the naga was asking him; it was advertised that reptilian species could drink a solution to bring an illusion of warm-bloodedness, depending on the preference of the client. After a short pause of consideration, Alex replied.

"Warm, if you...if you don't mind," he answered. Although he knew full well that the naga wouldn't harm him, the serpentine's height and build made the comparatively weedy human feel especially vulnerable. The naga smiled, turning to pick up a tiny bottle on a nearby wooden stool and downing the contents. After tossing the bottle to the floor, the naga turned back to Alex, his gaze draining what little confidence that remained. He was clearly being observed very closely.

"Now, then... where ssshould I begin with you?" the naga hissed, suddenly moving extremely close to Alex, the serpentine head almost touching his nose. He could feel the warmth of the Ren's breath tickle his face, huge coils beginning to loop around the base of Alex's feet, "Are you ready?" Ren asked, halting his advances for a moment. This was the point of no return.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Alex replied with a mixture of trepidation and flustered excitement; he could barely believe that he was actually doing this. Before he could properly process his own happiness with his decision, Ren made the first move. The naga pushed into the caught-off-guard human, positioning one scaled arm to the back of his head and angling it into a kiss, and using the other to work on removing the lower half of Alex's clothing. Feeling a rush of sudden exhilaration, Alex allowed the forked tongue of the naga to brush against his teeth and enter his mouth, adrenaline shooting through his veins as the two tongues mingled. Ren pushed deeper, wrestling Alex's tongue while managing to undress him to his pants, revealing a blatant erection struggling in the confines of thin fabric. Finally breaking away from the kiss, the naga made a sudden move, pulling down the pants with one hand and clasping the exposed balls with another, making Alex inhale sharply in surprise, reducing to groans as Ren pulled Alex in closer, licking the neck and face of his client as he played with his extremities, all the while wrapping his coils round the overwhelmed human. The foreplay continued for a good amount of time, with Ren taking the lead, allowing Alex to explore his long, smooth body, coiling his client up and lightly squeezing him, grinding his toned, scaled body back and forth against him as both became more comfortable with each other. Alex had relaxed greatly, becoming fully aroused as he became accustomed to the exotic creature.

After being put dangerously close to orgasm during a particularly intimate squeeze, Alex temporarily broke himself away from the Ren's embrace. "Just need a minute to calm down," he panted, resting himself on the long sofa in the corner of the room. Ren was clearly entertained by his human, a sly smile adorning his reptilian face as he approached his recovering client. It was clear that the foreplay had been incredibly arousing for him.

"We haven't even gotten started yet!" he hissed playfully, leading him back on his feet and beginning to snake himself around Alex. "Are you ready to take this...further?" he enquired, moving close to Alex and breathing into his ear, eliciting a shiver from the recipient. "I'll make you feel things you thought weren't possible, make you squirm and scream for more...if you're ready for such intimacy, of course."

"Absolutely," Alex quickly replied with a resounding nod. After spending a good half-hour with the naga, his initial nervousness had mostly subsided. Ren seemed pleased with Alex's response.

"Get up," Ren ordered. Alex complied. Instantly, the coils of the naga enveloped Alex in less than three seconds, totally wrapping his body in a mass of wide, heavy coils. Gasping in surprise at the speed of the development, Alex became completely binded up to the head. He could barely crane his neck now, and couldn't see where the head of the naga had disappeared to. The scales that held him were rubbing against his fully erect penis mercilessly, causing Alex to groan in response.

Out of nowhere, he heard the naga again. "Let's really get started. Prepare yourself," warned Ren's voice that was coming (much to Alex's surprise) from behind. If he had been able to, the human would have turned round to try and work out what Ren was doing back there, but the coils held him too tightly to allow proper neck movement. After a few moments, however, the purpose became immediately clear. Alex felt a wet pressure against his rear; it took him a good five seconds for him to realize that it Ren's head had pushed through a gap in the coils to push his face into Alex's anus.

Then the licking started.

Long, wide licks across the taint and cheeks, followed by harmless nibbling of the human's already-sensitive balls. The naga was soon fully rimming his captor, constantly lapping against the virgin pucker. Again and again, the tongue licked and teased the entrance; Alex could only muster a few stifled groans and gasps in response to his treatment, only intensifying as Ren dug deeper, moving on to actively penetrate the anus with his hot, moist tongue. The stimulation felt like it went on for hours, slurping sounds filling the room as Alex struggled to keep his composure. Coating the Alex's insides with saliva, the naga head retreated, followed by Alex being uncoiled, released from constriction. Alex was only given a few seconds to catch his breath and steady himself back upright before a huge weight made him fall on his back, landing on the cushioned floor with a soft thump. Ren was on top of him, ceaselessly grinding the human in a show of absolute domination, tongue flickering in excitement as he smothered him with his form, kissing and licking Alex's face and body with both affection and lust, allowing the smaller being to squirm in delight under his huge weight.

Ren's efforts directed to the nether regions once more. This time, however, it was more of an attack than a tease. In one movement, Ren caught Alex's shaft with his mouth, enveloping it in saliva, driving its sensitive tip to the roof of his mouth and pushing his reptilian head backwards and forwards relentlessly, smiling slightly at the sight of his absolutely overwrought client. Curling his forked tongue to tease the sensitive flesh, Ren caused Alex to be totally lost in a haze of pleasure, the human clenching his teeth shut and bucking his hips in as he, finally, got close to release. Sensing the increased agitation of his partner, Ren thrust his head back and forward at an even faster pace, giving Alex no time to catch his breath as he was tipped over the edge. He could feel the dextrous tongue tickling, torturing his shaft as, finally, he came. Loud, throaty gasps filled the rooms as Ren guzzled Alex's seed, licking and suckling the overstimulated penis mercilessly. Deciding that Alex had had enough, Ren drew the milked penis from his mouth.

Alex lay there, eyes half shut, knocked into a dazed state from the intensity of his orgasm and the following afterglow for what must have been at least ten minutes. Ren had left his field of vision, but he could hear his weighty coils dragging across the floor around him. He half expected the naga to open the elevator door for him to leave; he had no idea how long he had stayed In Ren's company, but he didn't want to overstay his welcome. Alex, shakily, got up to find his clothes. Before he could take two steps, however, he felt himself be grabbed by two strong, scaled arms from behind, pulling him upwards and tightly embracing him in a strong hug. Surprised by the action, Alex responded with a small gasp as he left the ground. Ren's head lowered slightly to partially rest itself on Alex's shoulder, tongue flicking out to tickle his ear and brush upon the skin.

"I wonder..." he began, whispering alluringly into his patron's ear, "...if you have the energy in you for one last bout?"

Alex's immediate thought was fuck yes. "Sure... if it's not too much trouble", he responded, moving his hands along the firm scales of Ren's arms that were holding him steadfast. It was obvious that Alex's attempts to moderate his excitement had failed when Ren let out a short laugh.

A hot, rising pressure began to push against the small of Alex's back; it didn't take him long to realize that it was the naga's shaft, finally revealing itself. It was without a doubt large -- certainly bearing a longer length and larger girth that an average human could possibly have.

"I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy you squirm," Ren hissed, quickly flipping Alex round and pushing the human into his chest. "Let's start with something smaller... since it's your first time," Alex looked up at Ren, an eyebrow slightly furrowed in curiosity before his eyes widened. The tip of the naga's exceptionally long tail was creeping up the inner thigh of the suspended human, slipping in between his legs and lightly gliding over his anus before, slowly and slickly, penetrating him, slipping in and probing the saliva-lubricated tunnel of flesh. Ren was gentle enough for the experience to be mostly enjoyable, the tail-tip pressing against the prostate more than once, and giving ample time for Alex to adjust to the invading appendage. All the while, Ren had locked Alex in his hypnotic gaze, reading his expressions as a gauge for how he was handling the exploration of his body. The tail twisted and turned in Alex's body, reaching deeper and deeper until a good eight inches were lodged in. After a few more minutes of probing, the tail, taking its time, snaked out of Alex.

Wordlessly, Ren lowered Alex down to his shaft until it was hovering above his entrance. Slightly intimidated by the size, Alex was about to voice his concerns, but stopped when he found himself lost in the naga's inexplicably calming gaze. "Try to relax," he advised, beginning to lower the human's onto his pulsing shaft. Alex wrapped his arms around the Ren's body, giving him extra support as he clenched his eyes in preparation.

After an unbearable wait, the tip of the member glided into the anal passage with little resistance, causing a moan to escape Alex's mouth. The process was slow and deeply arousing for both parties, with Ren emitting a deep hiss of satisfaction as the human's tight passage accommodated more and more of his sizeable shaft. "How does that feel?" Ren cooed, bending down to lick Alex's face possessively as he edged deeper into him. After much deliberation, Alex had fully taken the naga's length, his face twisted in pleasure and slight discomfort. Alex lay there, impaled, h

"Fuck me," Alex spurted out, wrapping himself harder around Ren's body.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Ren replied with surprising energy, grinning maliciously. Grabbing the human by the waist, he lifted Alex up and, slowly, pushed him back down into the shaft. There was an initial yelp of pain, quickly muffled by a passionate, deep kiss that partially distracted Alex for the first few thrusts. In and out, the shaft committed itself to smash into the prostate at every opportunity, causing Alex's moaning to intensify as the hot member pushed into him again and again, the resistance between them becoming less as Ren began humping harder, hissing with pleasure. The pleasure had outweighed the pain now, the reptilian shaft sending shots of pleasure through Alex's abused body in every thrust. Before long, a strong rhythm was set. Ren's thrusts became slightly more forceful and powerful, pushing himself into Alex at an increasing pace. Groans soon became cries; even Ren was beginning to become flustered as he drove into Alex, who was on the verge of climax for a second time. A thin veil of sweat had formed over the young human as he was thoroughly fucked, an overpowering smell of musk filling the already incense-filled air. Ren was becoming more arrhythmic with his humping, reaching down to gently bite down on the nape of Alex's neck, suckling tenderly as he smashed himself into him a dozen more times before finally releasing his load with one last push, slamming the prostate one last time in an electrifying burst of ecstasy, grabbing Alex's penis and tirelessly pumping it until, with a desperate cry, Alex climaxed alongside him. Hot, gushing seed erupted from the naga's shaft directly inside of the human, releasing a colossal amount of hot, white cream before finally dying down.

The pair spent the afterglow in an embrace, the naga holding Alex, intermittently whispering into his ear and sloppily kissing him. Alex did his best to return the affection, but his attempts were just as uncoordinated due to his exhaustion. One last time, Ren lifted Alex up, removing him from his sizeable length with a slick *pop*, and placed him on the sofa to recover from his relentless pummeling.

"That was amazing," Alex breathed, watching as Ren placed himself beside him. Ren responded by turning to Alex, grabbing his head and kissing him again; the warmth of his tongue was beginning to fade--the solution he drank hours beforehand must have been wearing off. The pair drifted into idle conversation as Alex snuggled up to the much larger reptile. Recovering his clothes that were splayed across the room, Alex got up to clean himself down.

"There's a shower in the room just over there," Ren gestured, pointing towards a door that blended fairly well with the walls of the room. "Let me help you get washed up." With that, he led a still-drained Alex towards the door, opening it to reveal a fairly modest shower head with a tiled floor and small drain in the center. The shower was barely big enough to fit Ren's considerable size, but he managed to squeeze himself in with his client. With a sponge retrieved from a nearby shelf, Ren scrubbed Alex down under a lukewarm stream of water, causing a small grunt in surprise as he fingered the young man's still-sore pucker, dragging strands of cum out in the process. The slickness of Ren's body in the shower almost made Alex ejaculate for a third time by itself, but a quick handjob given to him as he washed his hair quickly drove him over the edge once again.

Finished with the unusually intimate shower, Alex got back into his clothes and prepared to leave.

"Thanks for being my first," Alex said with a genuineness that surprised himself. Ren nodded in response, smirking. Alex he slid his keycard into the door, making the elevator churn into action.

"You're always welcome to visit me again, but be warned. Word will get around of the new human come to visit the Den. There are plenty of creatures working here that can provide more pleasures than I ever could, and they might be asking for a piece of you," he half-joked, his eyes boring into Alex even in casual conversation.

"I'll definitely be back."

"You better."

With that, Alex walked into the elevator, Ren's eyes observing him even as the doors firmly shut. The elevator clunked into motion, sending him downwards back to the lobby. Although the actual sex was definitely rough and slightly painful, it had been a wholly unforgettable experience. If that was what the receptionist thought that Ren was 'gentle on first-timers', Alex was both curious and afraid to know what he was like with return visitors. Looking back, he realized that the naga barely broke a sweat during the time they were together--was he holding back?


No matter how long it would be, there was no doubt in Alex's mind that he would be coming back to Monster's Den, with a little more experience of what to expect. There were dozens of creatures that he could choose from on his next visit; the more exotic or unusual they were, the more expensive a single night with them was. Even though the price can be exceptionally steep, Alex was dead set on booking another session as soon as he could.

The elevator doors opened, and Alex returned the keycard to the receptionist, still typing away tirelessly on her computer. She mumbled a "thanks" before returning to work. Giving the lobby an appreciative look one last time, Alex, with a tinge of reluctance, pushed through the lobby doors and into the rain-soaked streets.