Comfort in Curiosity

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Based on a true story of a father's cruelty and a sister's loving comfort. I was inspired to tell this story based from my own experiences, my own life. Such a thing is frowned upon in today's society, but it came at a time when I needed it most. It made the torture of a base-minded father more bearable, knowing of the love that always waited for me outside his grasp. * * *


  • * * Please be Advised: This story contains scenes of sexual intercourse between blood relatives and children under 10. It also depicts the raping of a child by an adult. If you are squeamish, or do not like this type of story, please leave this page now. If you are under the age of 18, or are still considered a minor, please leave this page now. ================================================ ======================Kreo====================== ================================================ Comfort in Curiosity By Kreo It was a warm summer night, the one-and-a-half story house quiet, save for the gentle droning of the fan, which rested on the floor of the seven-year-old feline's room. He'd had a fan in his room since birth, and would find, as he grew older, that sleep wouldn't come without it. The sound was comforting, because it masked the sounds that drifted into his open door from downstairs. Any sound that drifted over the wooden banister of the balcony would fill the young boy with terror, driving him to tears. However, this night, it was hardly needed. He felt the warm body beside him stir, his half-sister, Katrina, turning over in her sleep. She was a feline of ten, and, unlike himself, had pure white fur and long blonde hair, which covered her soft face as she slept. She would visit the family during the summers and long holidays such as Christmas and Spring Break, and though the two siblings fought all the time, they often couldn't wait to see one another at the beginning of each visit, and parted at the end only after many tears were shed, their parents having to pry them apart so that she could board the plane back to Michigan. When she would visit, he knew he was safe from the dark man. During the previous year, the boy's parents had converted his sister's room into somewhat of a study. The room was the only other bedroom on the upper level, linked to his own by a bathroom and, as a result, left his sister without a true bedroom. She hated sleeping on the fold out couch the adults had provided for her, so she had convinced the boy to go with her to his parents and ask them if the sibling could share his bed, which was easily big enough for the two of them, being a full-sized mattress. Finally, they had agreed, and the seven-year-old soon found his nights less terrifying as he snuggled close to his older sister and slept deeply in her protection. He stared silently at the night light that lit his room in a soft glow, lost in thought. He couldn't sleep for some reason, a cold pit of dread eating away at his belly. He knew that the dark man hadn't come in over a week, but that didn't mean he was gone. A tear silently rolled down the boy's cheek as thoughts of the man came, unbidden to his mind. The remembered pain and anguish as the large feline held him down and pulled his pants down came back to him with a clarity and he buried his face in his hands, trying to blot out the image. It didn't work, and he could almost feel the horrible stretching of his insides as the man pushed something warm and thick into his butt. He couldn't ever figure out what the male would put into him, but he would whimper and cry softly as the dark one pulled it out and pushed it back in, making the boy's small body writhe in pain. To make it worse, the cub knew he couldn't cry out, because when he did, the dark man would reach around his body and squeeze the little bag between the kitten's legs, sending a wave of mind-numbing pain lancing through his frail, tortured form. Always, after only a few minutes, the man would stop, a hot sensation spreading slowly through the cub's insides as the big thing sticking into his butt would twitch and pulse, before being roughly yanked out of him. The dark man would leave him then, disappearing out of his bedroom door into the darkness beyond with the promise that if he told anyone, the demon would come in the night and hurt him worse than he had ever done so before. All the boy could do was lay there, his stricken form shaking with his sobs as a warm liquid leaked slowly out of his bottom and soaked into the sheets of his bed. Now, laying there in the semi-darkness, the young cub curled his knees to his chest and rocked slowly, sobbing as tears soaked the fur of his cheeks. Beside him, his sister stirred again, disturbed by the sharp sniffing and gentle rocking of her brother's body as he sobbed silently. She sat up, her eyes widening as she saw him. "Justin..." she began, her eyes filled with loving concern, "are you okay?" He didn't reply and she pulled herself close to him, her golden hair caressing his face. She kissed his cheek and held him against her body until his sobs subsided. He opened his hazel eyes and gazed into her face. He nodded and pulled away, taking a series of deep, calming breaths. His sister was there and the dark man couldn't reach him as long as she was there. His guardian angel. Justin smiled at his sister and she returned it, leaning forward and giving him a kiss on the cheek. She suddenly sat straight up, crossing her legs, a grin on her face. "Hey, Justin," Kat's voice sounded sweet as her brother struggled to pull himself from the darkness of his memories, "wanna do something fun?" The seven-year-old gazed at his older sister curiously, wondering what she meant. It was late at night and if they got out of bed, his parents would get up and they would get in trouble. He stared at her smiling face, eyes questioning. "What," he asked, "if we get out of bed, we'll get in trouble." She giggled and shook her head. "We don't need to get out of bed." "But..." he was puzzled, trying to figure out what they could do in bed that would be fun. He trailed off. She smiled at her little brother's confusion. "Do you wanna learn how to kiss?" Justin was surprised at her suggestion, and laughed. "I already know how to kiss!" His sister shook her head, shifting on the bed. "No, I mean like the grown ups do. You know, open mouth kissing. My brother taught me, so now I wanna teach you." Justin was silent for a few minutes, butterflies suddenly rising in his stomach. He really wanted to learn how, wanting to know what it felt like, but he was unsure. It felt... naughty. He'd seen the grownups kissing like that on TV and movies and he's seen his daddy kiss his mommy like that a few times. "Umm..." he began, trying to make up his mind, "I guess... okay..." Kat giggled happily and leaned in. "Okay, now. Close your eyes and open your mouth a little." He did so and she pressed her lips to his, slipping her tongue into his mouth. Justin moaned softly. Her lips felt warm against his and her tongue caused him to tingle all over, a strange feeling growing in his chest. She tasted like mint, the siblings having brushed their teeth not long before, when they had gone to bed. His tongue responded to hers and they were soon sharing a deep, passionate kiss, warm tongues swirling slowly. Finally, after a few minutes, the kiss ended, leaving both siblings panting and smiling at one another. "How was it," Kat asked her brother, licking her lips for a moment as if she wanted to continue tasting him. The cub mimicked her, licking his own lips and smiling at her, the butterflies increasing slightly. "It felt good... can we do it again?" He had rather enjoyed the feelings that had surged through his body and really liked the warm sensation around his pee-pee that he got when her tongue moved against his. She giggled and leaned in. This time, however, he met her halfway and slipped his tongue against hers, twisting it around her warm, wet muscle. As they kissed, he felt her slip one arm around him and pull him against herself. He moaned when her free hand found its way into his pajama bottoms and he felt her soft fingers gently petting his little bulge through his briefs. He pulled away from the kiss and looked at her, tilting his head, but spread his legs a little, allowing her to continue. "Why are you touching my pee-pee," he asked her, thinking that if she wanted to touch a pee-pee, she should touch her own. She smiled at him and kissed him, just a peck this time, before answering. "It's what guys like girls to do when they kiss, didn't you know that?" He shook his head and she continued. "My big brother likes it a lot when I do it to him. He says it feels really good. Does it feel really good, Justin?" The cub nodded, the warm feeling in his pee-pee growing. He heard Katrina giggle and he opened his eyes, looking at her. She was staring down at the crotch of his pajama bottoms and he followed her gaze. She pulled the pajamas out a little and pulled her hand away from his crotch, causing the little boy to gasp. His pee-pee had grown stiff all of a sudden and was pushing against his underwear. Kat began tugging at his pajamas. "Oh come on, take your pajamas off." Justin began to protest, a blush darkening his ears. "W-why?" the butterflies were beginning to make him stutter and he took a deep, shuddering breath. "Because, silly," Kat told him, "when a boy's thing gets hard you're supposed to take it out and play with it." Justin eyes her. Taking his pee-pee out in front of his sister was something he wasn't supposed to do. His mommy and daddy had told him so. It was naughty, and made him breathe harder thinking about it. However, despite his misgivings, he let her pull his pants and underwear down. His little shaft gave a jump, blood flowing into it as it hit the cool air. His sister giggled and reached down, taking it into her hand and stroking it slowly, drawing a moan from the seven-year-old. "This is supposed to feel really good..." her voice trailed off as she gently ran her soft hand up and down his little shaft, which now stood a full 4 inches, throbbing hard. She giggled. "Your thing is a lot smaller than my brothers... How does this feel, Justin?" He couldn't reply with anything more than a moan as he bucked his hips gently against her paw, not wanting her to stop. She leaned in and kissed his open lips, slipping her tongue into his muzzle again as she reached down and began rubbing herself under her night shirt. After a few moments of enjoying her little brother's pleasured moans as he bucked his hips into her hand, she broke the kiss and smiled at him, releasing his hot little pee-pee. Justin opened his eyes and saw his big sister smiling at him. She giggled again and jumped onto his side of the bed, sitting beside him. "Hey, little bro," she purred, her voice throaty from arousal, "have you ever seen a pussy before?" The cub laughed and nodded. "Of course, I've seen a pussy-cat before, Kat! Dinky is one, remember?" His sister laughed and shook her head, causing his ears to lay back. "No! I mean a pussy! It's what my brother calls the thing girls have between their legs. We're different than boys, did you know that?" He shook his head, eyes wide. "You don't have a pee-pee?" That made his sister giggle even harder, flopping onto her back and waving her legs in the air. "No, of course we don't have pee-pees," she squealed, "how would we have sex if I had a thing?" By now, his interest was piqued. "Then what do you have?" He was now staring at the spot between her legs and realized that her panties weren't bulged like his underwear always was. So she had been telling the truth. If that was the case, then what DID she have under her panties? As if reading his thoughts, she rose to her knees. "Do you wanna see my pussy, Justin?" "Umm..." It was just like the kissing. He really wanted to see her pussy, so that the mystery of what girls had between their legs would be solved. He remembered how he had been torn between kissing her or not, and had found that he really liked to kiss his sister like adults kissed each other. "Umm...," he began again, fighting the butterflies in his tummy, "O-okay..." Kat smiled, biting her lip as she eagerly hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her cotton panties. She pulled them down slowly, swinging her hips as she did so. "My big brother likes it when I do this while I'm taking my panties off. He says it makes him harder." She giggled as she put on a strip-tease for her little brother, pulling her panties from her hips and slipping one leg out of them, laying on her back and lifting one leg in the air with the panties hooked on her big toe, before expertly flicking them onto Justin's head. "Ewww," he exclaimed as he reached up, pulling her moist panties off of his head, "you peed your panties!!" Katrina flew into a fit of giggles when he said that, pulling him into a hug. "No I didn't. That's what happens when girls feel good. Their pussies begin to make water." He looked at her. "You feel good?" She nodded. "Of course I do! I love making my brothers feel good cause it makes me feel good!" She laid back and opened her legs, but held her hand over her crotch so he couldn't see her pussy. She smiled at him and spread her fingers apart, pulling her pink slip wide for him to see. Justin stared wide-eyes at his sister's sex, marveling at it. He leaned in and sniffed at it, purring suddenly as he smelled his sister's arousal, a strange scent to him, but strangely alluring. He gazed at it for a few minutes, noticing that she must have felt very good, because her pussy was making a lot of water. Her fingers glistened with it. He gulped. "C-can you close it? I want to see what it looks like." She looked at him as if she didn't know what he meant. "Close it?" He nodded and she furrowed her brow, trying to figure out what he meant. He gave up and decided to take a different direction. "Umm..." he paused, not wanting to make her upset, "Can I touch it?" He watched as she nodded slowly, biting her lip. He then reached up tentatively, hesitating for a few moments. In truth, he found his sister's pussy kinda gross-looking, but she looked like she really wanted him to touch it, so he laid a finger on the furless pink flesh. Feeling how wet it was, he jerked his hand back. He heard a disappointed whimper from his big sister and decided to try again. This time, he put his fingers on the knot of flesh above the hole and rubbed gently. He was rewarded with a sweet moan from his beautiful sister as she began to buck her hips against his fingers. "Oh...Justin... don't stop..." she begged him softly, "it feels so good..." Obeying her, he continued, using slow, circular motions as he rubbed her knob, using the water coming from her hole to make it slippery. Each time he refreshed the water on his fingers, she would squeak lightly and buck harder for a few minutes. Finally, she began to gasp and hump his hand. He pushed her free hand between her legs and his eyes widened as she shoved a finger into the hole in her pussy. Her moans grew more keening and she started wiggling the finger in and out of herself, begging Justin to keep rubbing her. He did so, feeling butterflies in his chest start to make him tremble. Finally, her body spasmed and, as Justin watched, water began to drip from her knuckles, flooding from her opening as she released her pussy with the finger holding it open and clamped it over Justin's hand, pressing his fingers hard against her knot and rubbing them against her sex as she slowly came down from whatever had just happened to her. The ten-year-old girl lay there for a few moments, panting. Justin watched her, wide-eyed. There in the end, he had become scared, not knowing what was happening to his big sister. He thought he was hurting her, but she smiled at him and sat up, kissing him again. He let the kiss linger for only a few seconds before breaking it and staring at her, still worried. She panted softly for a few moments before speaking. "What I just did is what my big brother calls ‘cumming'," she explained, "It's what happens when you feel the best you can. You made me feel better than even my big brother does... Do you want me to do it to you, Justin?" He gulped again, really wanting to feel that good. He nodded silently. "Okay!" She told him to lie back on the bed and close his eyes, so he did so. He felt something warm and moist engulf his pee-pee and he moaned, thrusting upward. He felt the thing begin to slide up and down his throbbing member and he opened his eyes to see that his big sister had put his pee-pee into her mouth and was now sucking on it and moving her head up and down. He began to pant in pleasure, mouth hanging slack as he watched his sister do the strange thing to him, making him feel really, really good. Butterflies fluttered through his chest and he felt a pressure building just behind his pee-pee, spreading through his entire private region. He gasped when he suddenly felt like he had to pee and tried to tell Kat to stop, but nothing came out of his mouth and, before he could make his voice work, it hit. Justin threw his head back, pushing his pee-pee up into his sister's throat. He arched his back and gripped at the sheets in pure, undiluted euphoria as he experienced the magic of his first sweet orgasm. The boy felt his little shaft begin to throb and jump as his instincts began to take over and he bucked his hips erratically, body knowing how to pleasure itself, even if he didn't. Nothing issued forth from the tip of his little pee-pee, the boy being too young, and his sister suckled sweetly on his little shaft as he came down from his orgasm. When she pulled off, she seemed disappointed and he asked her why. "Well..." she sighed, "when I do that to my big brother, he pees this thick white stuff into my mouth. It tastes kinda salty and smells like he does when he gets hard." Justin giggled and looked at her. "Your other brother pees white stuff into your mouth? Ewww!!" She blushed and shook her head. "It isn't always in my mouth... Sometimes he pees it onto my body and then sometimes, when he really feels good, he pees it into my pussy." The last part caused Justin to stop laughing and gaze at his older sister, curiosity in his eyes. "He pees it into your thing?" Katrina nodded, blushing. "Yeah... Sometimes he makes me sit on his thing and move around and he pees the stuff into me. He calls it sex... It... feels really good when he makes me do that..." Her voice trailed off and her blush deepened. "He makes you sit on his thing?" Justin's eyes were curious and he looked down at his own thing, wondering what it would feel like for his big sister to sit on it. He didn't voice his question, but thinking about it made his pee-pee start to grow again. His sister saw it too. She bit her lip. "Umm...Justin?" Her sweet voice was nervous, an edge of need within the words, "Can we... I mean... Do you wanna... you know, try it? Try having sex?" He gazed at his big sister and nodded, swallowing nervously and watching as she got up and crawled over him, her voice dropping to a throaty whisper. "Okay... lay back... my big brother likes it when I'm on top." Justin wasn't sure what that meant, but he obeyed anyway, lying back with his head on his pillow. His sister reached up and pulled her night shirt over her head, placing it on the bed beside them. Justin stared at her naked body, her tiny buds and pink nipples poking through her fur. "Big brother likes it when I take off all of my clothes for him..." He nodded, hearing her explanation as he lay under her, heart pounding. Kat put her feet under her so she was squatting directly over his throbbing pee-pee and she took it into her hand. "Okay... Justin... This might hurt at first, but it will start to feel really, really good after a few seconds. I promise." He nodded and held his breath, fully expecting pain to lance through his pee-pee as she slowly lowered herself onto him. He groaned in pleasure, feeling her warmth engulf his little penis. He forgot about the promised pain and rested his hands on her knees, eyes rolling. It felt so good... even better then what she had done to him by putting her mouth on his pee-pee. Her heated walls convulsed, the inner muscles adjusting to his girth and gripping around him. He opened his mouth and moaned long and low. His sister misread his moan and leaned forward, hugging and kissing him, falling to her knees as she did so. "Don't worry... The pain will pass very soon..." She was repeating the words he brother told her the first time he had done this with her. He gasped. "It... it doesn't hurt, sis... It feels so good...So warm..." She was surprised, remembering her own pain and how long it had lasted. Assuming that boys didn't hurt as long, she began to move around on her little brother's thing just like her big brother had taught her, rocking her hips forward and back for a few minutes, then lifting her body and jumping up and down on his pee-pee, making it push in and out of her. The seven-year-old cub was in heaven as he moved his hands to his big sister's hips. She was making him feel better than he ever had, her pussy wrapping around him and making his pee-pee wet with her water. After only a few minutes of her up and down moving, he felt that now-familiar pressure building in his loins again. He knew he was about to cum again and he opened his eyes, about to tell his sister he was about to pee the white stuff into her, but he never got it out. His second orgasm hit him even harder than his first, causing him to whimper and shove his pee-pee deep into his big sister over and over again as it twitched and pulsed. He couldn't feel anything coming out of it, but he didn't care as he floated on a sea of sweet nirvana. His sister kept moving as he came down from his mountain of pleasure, riding his super-sensitive pee-pee and making him arch his back, eyes squeezed shut as her walls squeezed and pulled at his little shaft. Then he felt her start to cum, her inner muscles convulsing and clamping down on his little manhood as her movements became more erratic. Kat humped and ground her body against her little brother, wanting his little thing deep in her like her big brother's thing always was when they did this. She began to pant, begging her little brother to fuck her. "Oh, god... Justin... Please, fuck me harder... Push it in deeper... Please!" Her keening moans drove Justin to move faster against her. "I'm trying, sis... I'm trying," he panted, wanting to make her feel as good as possible. Finally, she stopped, her entire body giving a deep shiver. She pulled off of him and lay beside her panting brother. She pressed her lips against his and they shared a sweet, lingering kiss. Finally, after the kiss ended, Kat looked into Justin's eyes, whispering the words he needed to hear most. "I love you, little brother... I love you so much." He whispered his love in reply, but realized that she had already fallen back to sleep. He snuggled up against her naked body and closed his eyes, drifting into sleep himself, carried away in his beloved sister's arms.