Astral High - Continuum

Story by gigarandom on SoFurry

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#51 of Astral High

Next Story:

I woke up to the light pouring through the windows. As I got up, I felt the sheets slide off my body and down my coarse fur. I got up out of bed and wandered into the bathroom, leaving my companion in the bed. I closed the door carefully and then got into the shower, washing the grime and grudge out of my fur. Once I was out, my fur was silky soft, and I looked in the mirror to see my hyena's face looking back at me.

I examined my jaw line, and saw parts of it that were completely unrecognizeable after the scarring from my escape. I'd already removed the few bullets that had sunk deeper than my fur, and had partially healed the wounds, but now I had time to fix myself. I finished healing the scabs and scars until all that remained were faded marks on my skin. The nicks on my jaw were smoothed and repaired, and as I left the bathroom to find clothes, I found my companion awake and upright in bed.

Her sleek, kangaroo fur radiated in the morning sun, coming through the hotel windows. She got out of bed and came over to me, still exposed from last night, her body radiated warmth as it closed the gap between us. She raised up on her tip toes and tilted her head up to kiss me, and I still had to tip my head down to meet her's.

Her voice was smooth as she spoke, "I guess being naughty isn't all bad."

"Hm. You know, our laws won't matter in a couple days."

"Really now, will I still be able to marry you?"

"Why bother? I pronounce us married. The capital can suck it."

"Oh, good. Shall I wait for your return tonight?"

"Why wait?"

"Well, I heard children in the halls while you were taking a shower."

"The only noises I heard last night were the bed. Grab a pillow for your back, let's go..."

* * *

... I was walking down the street, heading towards the local farmer's market when someone bumped into me and knocked me to the ground. They helped me up, but I spat in their face when I saw him.

"Psijius!" His eyes were wide and angry, he looked completely pissed off.

"... Cipher?"

"So you do remember me?"

"Y-yeah... Oh, this is awkward. Well, uh, I'll go now." I started to take a step forward when he stopped me by grabbing my shoulder.

"No, you're staying here."

"Cipher, that was over fifty years ago. I told you I was sorry. I-"

"No. You don't have a heart. You can't be sorry."

"Don't have a... Is that what they told you? Is that how they explained my ressurection?"

"You have a better explanation?"

"Solarus is an ass?"

"Oh, har har, don't you feel like a smart ass?"

"... You know what Cipher? I still feel the pain. I still feel the pressure on my chest, and sometimes I even see your face, laughing as you do it. Laughing, as you try to kill me. I'll let that meld on your consience for a while." I shoved past him, leaving him in the streets, watching me as I wander off...