Winding Down

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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It's important to cool down after a hard workout session. Every bit as important as warming up beforehand! Exactly how you wind down, of course, is up to you. ^^

This short vignette features M/M sex between consenting adults in a public place! :3

Winding Down

"So... what, you just sit here? What's the point?"

Graham rolled his eyes, shooting the Collie seated across from him in the jacuzzi a withering glance.

"And that, Cosmo, is why you've been getting muscle cramps. You do realise that as well as warming up before you start a heavy session at the gym, it's good to wind down again afterwards. Right?"

The collie shrugged non-committally.

"I dunno. I guess. But for me jogging home is relaxing."

Rubbing his brow in disbelief, the Doberman pulled himself upright in the hot, bubbling water. It rose up past his hips, to around the mid-point of his flat, well toned stomach.

"Look, turn around for a minute. I might as well try and work some of the knots out of your shoulders while I try and explain the difference between relaxing the mind and relaxing the body."

Cosmo did as he was asked, but a low growl escaped his throat as he did so. There was still a small part of him that couldn't accept Graham wasn't just a gym buddy any more. That the Doberman was his personal trainer now, and as such could get away with pushing him harder and chewing him out when he didn't live up to expectations. And apparently, bizarrely to the collie's way of thinking, those expectations included not working too hard, rather than ensuring that he worked hard enough.

"Think about it like this..."

Graham bent Cosmo over along the edge of the jacuzzi, laying the collie's head and shoulders out on one of their towels and permitting himself easy access to the entire length of the male's overworked, over-exerted back. He reached out and began to gently probe and explore the musculature around Cosmo's shoulders, frowning and sighing in frustration as the collie shuddered and grunted in discomfort against his touch, almost every muscle seeming to be crying out in overworked agony.

"'s not like you're spending any more cash. I'm not charging you to hang out in the hot tub for thirty minutes. You just get to chill out and watch the world go by while your body rests up. I swear, you probably have no idea the kind of good that some hot water and bubbles can do for you. Give it a couple of weeks and you'll wonder how you ever lived without a cool down session after every work-out. Hell, if you're anything like me you'll probably be looking up how much it costs to buy a hot tub for yourself at home. I'll save you the trouble, by the way. It's exactly as much as you think, plus a couple of thousand extra for all the plumbing."

As he spoke to the collie, Graham began to work at the more easily identifiable hot-spots upon Cosmo's upper back and shoulders with his hands. He wasn't qualified as a masseur by any means, but you didn't become a personal trainer without learning how to identify the most stressed out points of a body and how to offer them a little relaxation. The Doberman grinned as he heard Cosmo's growling mellow out a little, the sounds that continued to issue from the collie less due to pain and more due to the mixture of brief discomfort and lingering relief that came from a good, firm massage.

But of course, a little evidence that Graham may have been right after all did nothing to temper the collie's competitive, unrelenting attitude. Quite the contrary, in fact.

"It may not cost me any money, but it's a waste of time. All this is. I could be jogging home right now. Or I could have spent an extra half hour at home before my session today. Doing what I wanna do. Not what you want me to do."

Graham snorted, not impressed in the slightest by the collie's back-talk. He'd seen enough people come and go from this gym to be able to get a pretty good read on what type of person they were. The gym rats. The obsessives. The reachers. The coasters. And of course, those like Cosmo. The narcassists. People who said they were in it for the fitness, but were really in it just to enjoy making themselves look good.

"Oh? And what would you be doing if you were at home right now, huh? Relaxing with a beer? Watching some TV or playing some X Box? No. I don't think so. We both know what you'd be doing right now... and I'll bet that me keeping you here when you know that's what you want to be doing is what's making you so damn salty today. So why not just get it over with, hmm?"

Half massaging Cosmo's neck, half applying just enough weight to keep the collie bent all the way over, the Doberman reached around his friend and client's body and grasped at what he had suspected, quite correctly in fact, would be waiting there for him.

A thick, rigid, pulsing erection.

Cosmo tensed violently as he felt Graham's hand wrap around his cock, but didn't dare try to move as the Doberman's paw squeezed him tightly. Only a couple of times in his entire life had Cosmo experienced the terror of potential injury to his most intimate regions, but those few close calls had drilled into him the innate knowledge that the worst thing to do when your junk was exposed and vulnerable, was to make sudden movements involving those tender regions.

In a low hiss, he whispered furiously to Graham.

"D-dude! What the fuck. Let go of my... m-my... ahhh!"

Slapping a paw across his muzzle to muffle the moan of pleasure that was about to escape him, Cosmo shuddered in undeniable excitement as without waiting for him to finish what he was saying Graham began to swiftly, firmly jerk at his swollen shaft.

"No way, Cosmo. Not a chance. I said I'm gonna get you relaxed after your workout, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. And if you won't give me the time to let your muscles soak and relax, and you don't want me massaging your shoulders... well, maybe a quick massage here will loosen you up a little."

With the utterance of the word 'here', the buff Doberman squeezed at his client's cock once more. He glanced over his shoulder as Cosmo whimpered in pleasure, louder and more audible than before, but no-one appeared to be paying them the slightest bit of attention. Close by, through a glass partition countless swimmers were busy doing laps and circuits in the gym's main pool. The only individuals actually in the same area as them were a couple of other furs in the neighbouring jacuzzis, most of them so zoned out by the pleasant heat that they might as well have been asleep, and a few older men, walking nude, towels slung over their arms, from the adjacent sauna towards the changing facilities.

"What do you think? Is it working... are you feeling more relaxed yet? Or do I need to really get in there. Search long and deep for a way to help you unwind?"

As he murmured those loaded words, Graham arched his hips forward and allowed his own cock, rapidly swelling to its own state of full arousal, to graze its way between the tight cheeks of the collie's ass. The reaction from Cosmo was instantaneous, but entirely the opposite of what the Doberman expected. Even as he had started to do it, Graham had considered that he might be going too far. Too far in what was already a very risky, immensely unprofessional exercise. When he felt Cosmo tense up even more urgently than before in response to the pressure of his cock against the collie's rump, he was almost certain that he was about to be told where he could stick not just his cock, but his job and his friendship, too.

Instead, he watched as Cosmo's claws dug into the towel resting beneath his head, and pleadingly whimpered in the most vulnerable, desperate voice that Graham had ever heard escape the collie.

"P-please... oh please. Do it."

In absolute shock, the Doberman withdrew his hand from the collie's cock and took a step backwards. It was him, not Cosmo, who whimpered next; stunned and uncertain of how to respond as the collie wheeled around on the spot, and stared hungrily deep into his eyes.

"You w-wanna know why I didn't want to do this, Graham? Why I didn't wanna relax. Why I never stop to unwind with you after our sessions are over?"

He gestured down, to where despite being covered by bubbling water, they both knew his rigid cock was straining and twitching in anguish at having had its stimulation stripped away.

"Because of this. Because I get so damned turned on working out with you, w-watching you move and feeling you touch me, that if I don't get changed and run home to jerk off as fast as I can, I know I'm gonna end up just like I am now. Hard and horny. Naked in some damn hot tub with a man I dream about every single night, but in a position... in a place where I can't do a fucking thing about it."

Graham just stared.

He stared in amazement. In excitement. In dumbfounded horror that he had been such an idiot, mistaking Cosmo's apparently long standing and obvious attraction to him for self-obsession on the collie's part, instead.


He muttered, glancing around once again before taking a step towards the collie, and reaching down between them for the second time.

" you don't need to do anything about it. Because I'll take care of that for you. Now... and any time you want me to."

Hurriedly, with all the speed he could gather, Graham jerked and squeezed at the length of Cosmo's thick member. He paid special attention to the base, feeling the collie's knot beginning to swell and knowing that with a little persistence, he'd be able to grant his newly revealed admirer release in record time; ending Cosmo's long overdue release and the chances of their being caught as swiftly as possible.

"Oh god... oh fuck, G-Graham. But, w-what if... what if the gym's shut? Or if you have an... a-ahh... an appointment with someone else."

The Doberman grinned. Cosmo was gorgeous, but he really was something of a dumbbell.

"Then you call me, and I come to your place. Or you come to mine, and we work out together. As for other clients... I dunno. Fuck 'em."

His smile grew wider, and he leaned in close to Cosmo as he felt the collie's knot bulging in his palm.

"Though... I'd rather be fucking you."

The collie's eyes bulged. Once again he clamped his own mouth shut, this time with both paws, and almost toppled over headlong into the jacuzzi's frothing depths as he began to cum within Graham's firm, flexing grip.

All the while, as Cosmo shot streak after streak of his sticky seed into the jacuzzi's bubbling water, his eyes were locked upon the Doberman's own. Watching, whimpering, blushing as Graham just stared at him and beamed from ear to ear; seeing all the stress and tension melt away from the collie's body. He looked like a new man. Re-invigorated. Stronger. Tougher. Hotter than ever before.

The Doberman chuckled to himself as Cosmo sagged, stumbling forward and practically falling into his arms in the wake of that savage climax. What had been hidden, so impossible for him to see before, was now obvious to behold.

Cosmo didn't need a personal trainer. He probably never had needed one. All he wanted, all he really ever needed, was a boyfriend.

By Jeeves