Chapter one: Kingdom of Wood; Alexandria.

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"Blah" Speaking.

'Blah' Thinking for the most part.

~*~ Scene change.


The wind blew through the trees as the morning sun began to rise, shining light on a red and black furred fox of about fifteen years, his emerald eyes opening to gaze at the forest through his brown bangs which blocked half his view. Pushing the offending strands of hair aside, he gazed at the ground from his tree top perch.

A light sigh from beside the fox signaled that his traveling companion was awake as well; turning his head to the side he smiled as he found himself looking in to sapphire blue eyes. "Good morning Rim." The fox said in a pleasant voice, earning a tired smile from the grey wolf. "It's too early to be morning, I want to sleep still." She responded, laying her forehead on the foxes should, causing her purple hair to cover her face.

"Well I think that's just too bad, because mister sun says it is morning." The male chuckled. Rim had been this way the last few days; he didn't mind really, he just enjoyed teasing her. "You know we have to travel with the light, remember the last time we tried at night?"

"Oh, you're no fun Cyrus." The she-wolf stated with a light shove, causing the fox to begin slipping off the branch. She'd forgotten where they'd gone to sleep the night prior for a moment, and panicked, grabbing for him, but it was too late. "Cyrus!" Was all she managed to yell as the brown haired boy slipped out of sit over the edge of the wide branch. Looking over the edge in fear, Rim was shocked to see nothing at all.

A laugh from behind caused the she-wolf to jump slightly before turning around on the branch with lightning speed. "It really is sweet of you to worry you know." Cyrus said with a teasing grin, sitting on the other side of the branch as before. "But I'm not the simple to get rid of."

"Yeah, I forgot for a second that you're hard to kill than a roach." Rim said with a half frown. "It's not nice to tease me you know." Cyrus gave another light chuckle before replying. "Yeah, I know, but it's too much fun for me to care." That comment earned a rather indignant snort from Rim, along with a 'Humph'.

"Come on, we have a ways yet to go before we reach the next town, and I don't know about you, but I'd like the sleep indoors tonight." Cyrus commented after chuckling again. "Yeah, yeah, fine." Rim replied as the two began to climb down the tree.


Cyrus yawned as he stretched, it'd been at least six hours since they had started walking that day, and the sun was now directly over head, he wasn't sure how much daylight remained in the day, but he hoped it'd be enough to reach the next village. Not that he was really sure where it was, it was hard to see the paths in these woods, and for all he knew they were way off track.

"Cyrus..." Rim said as she stopped, earning a curious look from the fox that had been walking just ahead of her. "Do you hear that...? It sounds like voices." Listening, Cyrus could hear them as well, though it was hard to make out, he was also able to hear some of what was being said by the two distinct voices. "In the trees, now!" He almost ordered as his eyes snapped open.

Nodding sharply, Rim did as he'd said, watching with Cyrus by her side as two rather gruff looking males walked below. One appeared to be a panther and the other a ferret, but that wasn't why Cyrus had gotten them up the tree so fast, she was sure of it.

"Markus, Markus, can you believe the score we just made?" The brown and white ferret asked excitably as he almost danced around the panther. "There's enough here for us to live it up in Remose for years, even with daily visits to the brothel."

"Heh, forget that, Hellious is where we're going." The panther grinned as he tossed a bag of coins into the air. "Why bother with a brothel when you can have a sex slave, eh Nathan?" Markus laughed out with a lustful gleam in his eyes. "A nice young one, a virgin no less, so we can teach her what we like."

Hearing all of this was almost too much for Cyrus, a low almost inaudible growl began to escape his maw as his finger tips with claws now expose began to dig into the wood of the branch he was on.

"Yeah, yeah!" Nathan began to almost dance around the panther again. "She'll need to be at most eleven or twelve, and I say we get a canine, they're some of the best lays around!" The ferret almost yelled out. "You know, usually I'd disagree with you just to irritate you Nathan, but when you're right, you're right. I prefer foxes myself; they're always tight, even after year of being pounded."

The branch Cyrus was on snapped at this point, he'd heard nothing past the age, that was all it'd taken, he was officially pissed, he had very strong opinions about things like this, a sex slave was bad enough, that only had him wanting to slaughter the two, but the age factor clenched it. "Enough!!!" The fox yelled out, doing an impressive imitation of a roar for a vulpine. "I will not allow you to take another step!"

The panther and ferret at this looked at each other before beginning to laugh. "My, what a temper he seems to have, eh Nathan?" The panther questioned. "Yeah, yeah, seems so Markus, I wonder how much of that he just heard, I'm sure it's enough that we need to kill him, yeah, yeah!" The panther simply gave a chuckle at this and reached behind him to pull out an axe. "Wait; let me take this one Markus, you always get to kill the fun ones."

Looking to the fox in front of him and then to his weapon, Markus shrugged, he had been doing most of the killing lately, and this 'kit' didn't seem like much of a threat, so what harm would it do? "Alright Nathan, he's yours, make sure not to kill him too fast though, I'd like a good show at least." The ferret gave a sadistic smile at this. "Yeah, yeah! I'll make it a real good show." He near cackled out thanks to his high squeaky voice.

"You'll regret underestimating me." Cyrus growled out as he prepared to fight. "I'll stop you both right here." At this the panther gave a dark chuckle. "You have no clue who we are, do you kit?" Markus asked, nearly hissing the last word. "We're the infamous duo, wanted in these five Kingdoms for all manner of crimes." At this Nathan cut in. "Yeah, yeah! We've laid waste to entire platoons of knights, and destroyed whole villages in a night, what makes you think you can take us on?"

Cyrus gave no reply, he merely charged the ferret, slashing at him with his right hand in a backhanded motion, making the creature dodge backward, landing just in time to duck sweep from Cyrus' right leg, and then flipping backward to avoid the foxes back-flip kick. The vulpine looked over his shoulder and growled at the ferret.

"What's the matter little kit?" Nathan questioned. "Didn't know ferret's were so springy or something? Yeah, yeah, that must be it, it is isn't it?" The ferret's way of speaking was really beginning to wear on Cyrus' last nerve now; he hadn't counted on him being so quick, or flexible. "I can see how a guy like you'd give a fully armored knight trouble. But that doesn't mean anything against me!"

Instead of responding this time, the ferret simply vanished, an echoing laugh filling the area as he did. Markus smirked, he'd been hoping for a good show, and now it seemed he'd get one, it'd be fun to watch this 'kit' start to panic as he tried to figure out what was going on.

'He vanished!? No way, that's not possible!' Cyrus yelled in his head. "Wait..." The fox said aloud, calming himself as he closed his eyes. "He's still here; I just can't see him...but I can smell him" He whispered to himself as he focused completely on his senses of sound, smell and touch. 'It's a clever trick, I'll give him that, but not enough against someone who can use smell just as well as sight.'

Markus blinked as he watched Cyrus calm down instead of panic, it seemed the show was going to be a lot better than he thought. 'It seems this one's different than the others, he's more collected, even in his rage.' As the panther finished this thought, he saw what he knew to be the only sign of his partner's movements, and it was right in front of the 'kit'. 'Well, different as you are, it's still ending just the same for you, enjoy oblivion 'kit', I'm sure it's a better life than this world.' With that final thought, Markus smirked, sure it was over.

Cyrus felt the air near him shift ever so slightly, and could smell the ferret as if he were right on top of him, he knew his enemy was right there, he just wasn't sure of the direction, he need only the slightest of sounds and he'd have him, only on little... 'There!' His mind screamed as he heard the ruffling of cloth just to his left, eyes still closed he swept his right hand over to the left, his upper body and weight following the movement, his hand connected with a solid object, though only just hard enough to knock it off balance, following to movement of his upper body his right leg swept over and connected as well. "'re mine!" The fox yelled as his foot made it back to the ground and he pushed all his weight into and double palm trust, sending the now visible Nathan flying into the trunk of a near by tree, indenting his shape into the tree.

Nathan's unconscious form fell from the indention in the tree as Markus stood up and pulled his axe back out. "Well, it would seem you're stronger than I had thought, but compared to me, Nathan is weakling." With that said the panther rushed in, axe pulled back and ready to swing. "Now you'll die 'kit'!"

Cyrus made no move to get out of the way of the attack, he'd calmed himself now, and was fighting with a level head, he could be dangerous when he was enraged, but when he was calm, he could be flat out deadly. Sliding one foot forward as the panther reached him, the fox leaned backward, letting the axe sweep right over him, and leaving Markus wide open for an attack from bellow. "This is over." Was the only comment he made, he was still mad, there was no doubt there, but he was focused now. Grabbing the side of Markus' shirt with his right hand, Cyrus pulled himself around and over the panther before grabbing his shirt collar and pulling back just as his feet met the ground.

Markus was stunned to say the least, never in all his fights had he seen anyone do that when he attacked, he'd been so sure that Cyrus too stunned to move himself that he'd not even thought of a follow up to his sweeping attack. As his mind came back to the current fight he felt his forward momentum being stopped and then felt himself being tossed slightly upward. As he stopped lifting from the ground he saw the 'kit' right there, and then felt two solid hits in his chest send him up higher. 'How could one fox be this strong?' Markus questioned himself, he'd never get an answer to that question, or the chance to think another one as his attention was drawn back to the fight by another strike driving him higher still

Cyrus had jumped up and kicked Markus again before jumping off a tree trunk to hit the panther even higher up. "Al...most...there." He said between breaths as he finally got the panther to the height of the lowest branches of the trees, a good fifteen feet up. "Now...for the finale!" The fox yelled as he jumped up so he was above the panther and grabbed his shoulders, swinging his weight over till his feet came in contact with the branch. Hooking his right foot under the branch while keeping his left above, Cyrus pulled Markus down and threw him to the ground as hard as he could; cratering the black feline in the ground and rendering him unconscious.

The battle had taken all of five minutes, and yet left Cyrus winded, the two had been though, and it was only by many a good grace that he came out of it with out too much harm done. Sighing the fox jumped to the ground where he was joined quickly by Rim. "Are you ok?" Was the first thing out of the wolf's mouth as she came up to him. "Yeah, I'm fine, just tired, they weren't exactly pushovers, ya know?"

Rim nodded and looked at the two unconscious males; she understood why they were wanted so much if even half of what they said was true. And she also understood why Cyrus and fought them, the things they'd been talking about doing were awful; even she had gotten mad while sitting there and listening. "We should tie them up, and try to find away to get them to the nearest village, I'm sure the Knights of the village will be able to take care of them from there."

Nodding, Cyrus reached into the bag he'd been carrying the whole time and pulled out two lengths of rope, tossing one to Rim he walked over to the panther and went to work tying him up.


Tying the last of the knots, in the rope that was being used to bind the panther Cyrus looked over to Rim, noting the fact she was using the same technique, he smiled at her as she finished and looked over at him. "I think that'll hold them, don't you?" He questioned with a grin as he leaned the unconscious Markus on a tree. Rim laughed at his smile, finding it funny how easily to fox switched moods. "Yeah, I think so...but how are you going to get them to the nearest village?" Just as the question left her mouth, she heard the sound of horses' hooves, and the clanking of armor approaching. "Never mind, I think I just got my answer." She commented as a group of what were obviously knights rode toward them.

Stopping as they reached the two, the rider in the lead of the group of knights looked at Cyrus as he walked out to the middle of the path. "Excuse me; might you lend me your ear for a moment?" The knight questioned as he looked at the fox. Getting a nod he continued. "Have you seen a panther and a ferret pass by here, and if so might you know where they are going?"

Looking at the knight almost as if the metal clad creature were blind Cyrus motioned to the side of the path with his head before speaking. "Do you mean those two?" He asked. "What two?" The knight asked as he pulled off his helmet and looked to where the fox had motioned; showing himself to be a leopard. "It can not be, but there is not a way around it, those are the two." He said in slight amazement. "Tell me, who is responsible for this, is it you?"

"Are you knights of the realm?" Cyrus questioned, wary of possible allies of the two. Nodding the leopard answered. "Yes, we are knights of the realm, what of it?" Looking at the knight in front of him for a moment as if deciding if this was true, the fox nodded to himself and spoke. "Yes, I was the one to do this, after hear what they planned to do I simply couldn't watch them walk away."

"I see, you have done the five Kingdoms of light a great service, I would ask you, travel with us to the city of Alexandria, and receive penance from the King." The leopard said as he motioned behind him. "We have a spare horse, and the cart in the back was brought to transport those two vile creatures in." At this point Rim walked up beside Cyrus and looked at the leopard. "We would be honored to travel the Alexandria." She said with a bow. "But we would ask your name at least before we go." Giving his own partial bow the leopard replied. "I am Riley Roxfard Captain of the Alexandrian guard, and might I ask your names in return?"

"I am Cyrus Kitsune, and she is Rim Ookami, it is a pleasure to meet you Riley, now then, let us get underway, and perhaps we can make our destination by night fall." The fox said as he walked over to the spare horse that had been brought forward at the wave of Riley's hand. Holding his hand out to Rim, Cyrus pulled her up onto the horse when she took it. "Right, let us be off then." Riley said as he tapped the sides of his horse and the group began to turn around, and were off.


It had been able three hours since the fight and the group was still riding, little had been said though. "So...tell me, from whence do you hail?" Riley asked, finally breaking the silence. "Were I to judge by the surnames you gave, I'd say the Kingdom of Arios, but it doesn't seem to fit." Cyrus sighed and looked to the sky, Rim had fallen asleep leaning against him as they traveled, so he was the only one able to answer. "I wish I could say for sure..." He could tell with out looking the answer confused the leopard he rode beside.

"Rim and I woke up three months ago in a medical building in the Kingdom of Arios, we could remember almost nothing of who we were, only our first names and a few other assorted things other than that which basic knowledge." Cyrus took a second to gaze at Rim before he continued. "We weren't charged for the medical treatment we were given, and were released, there was one thing perfectly clear to us by feeling, memories or no, we knew we belonged together, so we've been traveling together since then; trying to figure out who we really are, and where we're from."

"I see." Riley replied. "That can't be an easy way to live, but it is admirable that you continue on. Am I to take it you have no real destination in mind then?" Cyrus nodded to this question before answering. "We can't really choose a direction till we gain a clue as to who we are." Now it was Riley's turn to nod. "We, I assure you that Alexandria is open to the two of you, as I'm sure the rest of the five Kingdoms will be when they learn of what you've done."

"I just hope to find a clue soon; moving around pointlessly is getting old." The fox replied with a sigh. "I mean, it's nice seeing the world and all, but not knowing makes me feel helpless, I just don't like it." Riley nodded to this as well. "Well, I'm sure something will turn up soon enough, Alexandria is a city of knowledge and as such keeps detailed recodes, I'm sure there will be info you can use there." The leopard grinned as he saw stone towers coming into view, the light of the mid afternoon sun shining off the pale green stone. "Speaking of which, it seems we're here."

Cyrus was speechless as the grand city came into view, there was a wall of the same pale green stone the towers were made of that wrapped around the entire city, and in the center of it sat the castle, a tower at each corner and two massive arches coming from them, meeting above the center of the castle at the roof of the largest tower, the place seemed truly unreal, and yet there it sat before him. "A truly amazing site, isn't it?" Riley questioned as he saw the stunned look on the fox's face. "Come, if we linger much longer we will not make the city before night fall, even if it can be seen from here, it is still a two and a half hour ride." Cyrus only nodded in response as they got back under way.


Cyrus and Rim both yawned as stretched a little as they walked on foot behind Riley, they had reach the city gates only fifteen minutes ago and already they had a meeting with the King. They had hardly had time to get their rooms before the leopard showed up and told the inn keep to cancel the rooms, and told the two to follow him. Now they stood outside the castle doors, waiting for the massive structures of wood to swing open.

"Cyrus, Rim, I would like to be the first to welcome you both to the castle of Alexandria." Riley said with a bow as the doors behind him swung open. "The King awaits you in the throne room, this way please." With that Riley lead them through what, to them at least, seemed to be a maze of hallways before stopping in front of to wood and iron doors that were nearly as big as the ones they entered the castle though. Opening the doors Riley bowed as he walked in. "Your majesty, may I present, Cyrus and Rim, the captors of the blood duo."

With that Cyrus and Rim stepped in, bowing before the King, though a little shocked to see he was a white rabbit, they still showed their respect. "Please, you two needn't bow before me, I am the one in your debt after all." The King spoke. "You have done us a great service, there is no way I can truly repay you, but know that the resources of my kingdom are at your disposal." As the King said this, both Cyrus and Rim rose to their feet. "We thank you highness, I was told that Alexandria is a city of knowledge, and I am in need of its knowledge to find out who I am."

"Yes, I have been told of your plight already, I will see you are granted access to the archives, but I would also like to give you this." The King said waving his hand, as he did a servant stepped forward and held a bag out to Cyrus. "That is the collective reward from the five kingdoms of light, it is yours." Bowing again Cyrus took the bag and looked inside, what he saw stunned him. There were at least two dozen blood rubies in the bag; it was the equivalent to a small kingdoms wealth.

"Your Highness...sure there is a mistake, there is far too much here." Cyrus stated, in awe. "There is no mistake, the capture of those two is very important to the five kingdoms of light, they aren't just petty criminals, they are deserters from the army of Drackguard, one of the five kingdoms of darkness." The King explained. "They were generals in their military; they hold information that is very valuable to us."

"I see..." Was all Cyrus could say in reply to this. "I thank your Highness for this gift, and the help you offer." The King shook his head to this. "Please, call me Malcolm, I hate formalities." Riley at this looked rather irritated. "Your majesty, as your captain of the knights and your best friend I..." He began, but was cut off by glare from the rabbit. "I would ask the same of you Riley, but you never listen, perhaps these two will though, hmm?"

"As you wish King Malcolm." Cyrus replied, earning a sigh from the King, and pleased look from Riley. "Well, I have other duties to attend to, so if you'll excuse me, your Majesty, Cyrus, Rim." With that, the leopard bowed and walked out of the room, the doors closing behind him. "When he is not around; you may drop the 'King' part as well." Malcolm said as he looked to the two. "Well, you must be tired; I will have room prepared for you so you may stay the night." As the King finished saying this, the servant in the room cleared her throat. "Your Majesty, there is only one room available right now, the royal guests for the up coming ball fill the rest."

"Oh...?" Malcolm mad a questioned sound as he turned to the servant, a grey cat. "Then have one of the lesser guests moved to an inn." The King supplied and the servant began to bow before one word was echoed from both Cyrus and Rim. "No!" Both looked slightly stunned at their own and each others actions, and earned a surprised look from the King and servant as well. "We mean no, please don't displace someone for our sakes." Cyrus added. "Neither of us would sleep well knowing that another was put out for us." Rim nodded to this and continued for the both of them. "Please, one room will suffice."

Malcolm nodded to this before speaking. "If you are sure it is what you wish." He said before nodding to the servant. "Prepare the room, and tell my cook to expect two more for dinner tonight." The servant bowed before leaving the room through a curtain at the back of the room. "Please, come with me, I will show you around the castle myself as we await dinner." With that the rabbit lead the two from the throne room and around the castle.


It was later that night, and Cyrus and Rim had just been lead to their room, the tour of the castle had been uneventful, they now knew the basic layout of the place, and after the tour was dinner, that was a little more interesting, they'd never had such much food in one meal, it left them wondering just how royals managed to stay thin eating like that. Walking into the room they were both pleased to see it was furnished with more than just a bed, there were chairs placed about here and there, as well as a desk and a couch. Their window faced the north, with a stunning view of a lack that sat in the middle of the woods. Green curtains were draped all around the room as well as the railing of the bed's canopy; even the bed sheets and pillows were varying shades of green.

"I know we've both said it already, but they seem to like green." Rim observed, earning a nod from Cyrus. "At least they're consistent; I'd actually have been worried had we found the decor in here a different color." Rim nodded on this note. "True...true." The wolf replied with a sigh. Moving over to the bed she first sat down before plopping backward. Cyrus knew all too well what this meant, something was bothering her, and she'd get no sleep if it wasn't dealt with. "What's wrong?" He asked as he say down on the bed beside her, and leaned over to look at her face.

"Today is just catching up with me, that's all." Rim answered as a tear slipped from her eye. "You could so easily have been killed by those two...I...I could have lost you...and that scares me." The she-wolf almost whimpered as she spoke. "It scares me more than not knowing who I am, more than never finding out my past...and...more than that time we tried to travel by night..." At this point Cyrus look taken aback, he knew that had been one of things that scared her the most, the things they faced that night had been awful.

Slowly he began to think about it from her view, had she been the one down there fighting, had he faced the possibility of losing her like that, he'd likely have broken down on the spot after she had come out of it safe, and as he thought about that, he realized that he could hear he beginning to sob. "No..." He said to himself shaking his head. "Never." He added, as he heard Rim's sobs step up. "Listen to me Rim, you will never lose me, you hear me?" He questioned, pulling her to him. "I'd overcome death before I'd leave you."

"Then why..." Rim sobbed out. "Why do you keep doing things like that!?" She punctuated her question with a punch to Cyrus' chest, while still held in his embrace. "Why do you keep letting your rage take over, why do you keep getting in fights you might not be able to win?" Again the wolf's question was punctuated with a punch. "You've done it before after..." She sobbed. "And every time I have to suffer the same worried, every single time!"

"I'm sorry Rim, I really am." Cyrus almost whispered, his mouth resting right by her ear. "I just...I can't seem to let those kinds of things go, they enrage me so much...I just...I'm sorry." He stated, placing a kiss on her forehead in apology, but also taking the chance to take in her scent. It'd been a long time since they were last in doors for the night; there'd been no time to enjoy the small things like her scent when out doors. "You forgive me?"

"How can I not...?" Rim questioned with one last sob as he buried her face in his shoulder. "Just...try not to get so mad anymore, ok...?" She asked pulling back to look at him. "I promise." Cyrus said with a smile before nuzzling the she-wolf's neck. Rim giggled, it'd been a while since they'd had a chance to cuddle, they'd only had a day of rest before heading into the forest, that lead them here, and that day had been spent earning money for the inn so they could sleep in doors that night, they'd been too tired by that night to do anything other than sleep.

Rim's giggle turn to a light moan as she felt a couple of nips at her neck, oh how she'd missed this feeling. Lifting her chin, she exposed as much of her neck to Cyrus as possible, earning a few more nips. Burying her fingers in her fox's hair she pulled him back so she could look him in the eyes, and smiled before pulling him into a full on kiss. They'd been traveling together for as long as she could remember, though that was a long time, it'd been long enough, almost every time they'd had to share a room she'd wanted this, and tonight, she was sure it'd happen, at least if she had anything to say about it, it would.

Cyrus was stunned for the faintest of seconds before he began to return the kiss, he loved this, to feel of his she-wolf held close, the way her scent would spike as he did certain things to her, and especially the electric feeling that he felt when they kissed. He could already feel it, that area of himself growing, he knew what it was, and what purpose it was for, but he'd decide the first time that he'd hold back even if his instincts drove him forward, but tonight was already becoming exceedingly difficult, and was about to become even more so.

Rim let her right hand drift down Cyrus' body as the kiss continued, she'd dropped hints to the fox before to keep going when they did things like this, but he never seem to take to cue. But tonight, she was going to be sure there was no mistake, she'd make sure of it. As her hand reached his waist, she looped her fingers around the bottom of his shirt and lifted it up, breaking the kiss just long enough to pull it all the way off and toss it away. This was nothing new to these sessions, they'd both normal come out of it with they upper bodies completely bare, no big deal for Cyrus, but for her it was.

Cyrus groan out in please as he felt Rim's hand's tangle in his back fur, he loved this feeling, but even more, he loved the feel of her bare chest pressed against his, reaching down with his own hands, he pulled Rim's shirt up and off, tossing it away as he continued the broken kiss. It was only a second longer before the she-wolf's bindings were cut away and tossed aside. Pulling the female on top of him, Cyrus rolled onto his back, and placed a hand against her left breast, earning a large spike in her scent and a moan.

This was it, it was now or never Rim decided, breaking the kiss and lifting herself up and off of her fox a little, she brought he left hand up to meet his right which rested on her breast, and then guided his hand right between legs, there was no way he could miss read this, she was sure of it. She closed her eyes and moaned somewhat loudly as she felt his hand rub over that area, even if there was still cloth blocking full contact. Opening her eyes and looking down at the fox todd, she almost laughed at the stunned and embarrassed look on his face, it was simply too cute. "It's ok you know." She said in a whispered voice. "It's ok to want this; you don't have to hold back, after all, it's what I want too."

It took a moment for the meaning of what had just been said to sink in, during this time, Cyrus' hand never moved. After a minute he pulled his hand out from between Rim's legs, setting a hand on either of her shoulders and rolling over again, leading her to lay down on her back. "You're sure you want this...?" The fox questioned, earning only a nod from the she-wolf below him. Taking a slightly shaky breath, he reach down to her waist and began to undo her belt, gaining the same treatment from her rather quickly, as she began work on his. After a short time he resumed the kiss that had been broken before, and began to pull her pants down, before long both were down to only their lower wrappings.

Cutting both his and Rim's away, Cyrus tossed them aside, stare upon his Rim's body in its full glory, she was as beautiful as he'd dreamed, leaning in again he began kissing her again, his right hand drifting down and between her legs as his left went to her breast. He began to massage her right beast as he started rubbing her slit with his right hand. He could feel her lower lips getting slick as a liquid began to coat the area. The scent in the air at this point was simply too much, his body demanded he take her then, and he simply could argue with it anymore.

Rim almost whimpered when she felt Cyrus' hands pull away from her body and his kiss stop, looking up at him, she saw the lust in his eyes, though she noted something else there too, she over looked it for the time, the look both scared and excited her, trailing her eyes down his body, she could see his chest rising and falling quickly, and she noted that there was a slight shake to his body as he eyes continued downward. Finally her eyes can to rest on his red, hard fox hood. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't overly small either. After a moment she came to a realization as to what the other look Cyrus' eyes was. Looking back up at him, she spread her legs wider and nodded to him.

That was all the permission Cyrus needed as he leaned back over and placed his lips on Rim's again, he used his right hand to guide his rod into place at her opening, and slowly, he began to push into her, breaking the kiss again after only a small distance as he groaned in pleasure. Rim moaned as she felt Cyrus push into her, she could feel him stretching her, and though it hurt a little, the pleasure far out weighed the pain. After a moment she felt a slightly sharper pain and Cyrus stopped, she knew why, she was more than aware of why. Looking up she saw the same questioning look in Cyrus' eyes as before he even started to enter her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, preparing for what was to come before giving a shard nod.

Seeing the nod Cyrus took a deep breath himself and pulled back a little before thrusting into Rim all the way to the hilt, grunting as hips met hers. Rim meanwhile buried her hands in the sheets and let a muffled yelp escaped her lips as Cyrus took her virginity, it hurt, she knew all too well it would, it was one of the things the doctors at the medical center had covered with her. Wrapping her legs tightly around Cyrus' waist, she held him there; make sure he wouldn't trust till she was ready for it. After a few minutes she loosened her legs and bucked her hips back and forth, it was still painful, but the pleasure was already over taking the pain.

Taking this as a sign to continue Cyrus pulled out about half way before pushing back in, earning a half moan half groan from the she-wolf beneath him, pulling out and pushing in again he let a grunt escape his maw, he continued to pump in and out of her slowly, grunting every now and then at the tightness, after a little while he began to pick up the pace, not being able to take the slow speed any longer, her was a little surprised to find Rim matching his pace as he pushed in to her and pulled out. She pushed forward and pulled back in rhythm, increasing the pleasure for them both.

Rim moaned out as she felt the pressure building inside her, she felt like her inside were tying themselves in knots, she could hardly take it anymore, and then she felt it, the bulge sliding in and out of her, it was pushing her even further. "Cy-Cyrus...I think I'm..." That was all she managed to say before a loud moan escaped her and her inner walls clamped around his rod.

Cyrus shut his eyes tightly as he felt Rim's insides begin to pull at him, that was all it took for him to go over the edge, pulling back he pushed into her one last time, pushing in as far as he could and burying his knot in her as it swelled to full size, locking them together as he spilled his seed in her, Rim's own juices leaking out between her lower lips.

Cyrus about collapsed on top of Rim, but managed to prop himself up, rolling them both carefully onto their sides. After a few minutes he finally managed to speak. "Fe-feeling better?" He asked with a slight teasing tone. "Only you would ask something like that after what we just did." Rim half chuckled. "Yes, I'm better." She answered tiredly. "Good, then go to sleep, Mate." Cyrus said, feeling his own consciousness slipping away. "And remember, I'll never leave you, got that Love?" Rim couldn't help but smile at the two new names; he'd actually called her 'Love' but it was in his sleep, so she didn't count it. But 'Mate' was completely new, and she liked the way it sounded. "Ok...Mate." She said, her smile audible as she closed her eyes and let sleep over take her, Cyrus following quickly after her.


**Well, that's it; hope its ok...kinda my first try at something like this...let me know what you think.

Next Chapter: The great library, truth hidden in the archives.

P.S: Sorry in advance for anthing that's wrong with this, if you see a problem let me know please.**