Pride & Prejuices

Story by KiarasMate on SoFurry

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Kiara paced about the main den as her eyes constantly glanced outside the distant entrance of the comfy home to which her, her father and mother, and now most recently, her newly found love interest, Kovu, resided at. Her gaze was continuously met with the ongoing downpour of rain that seemed to spill from the sky above, showing no signs of ceasing anytime soon. Kiara had planned a nice, romantic evening alone with Kovu in her mind, as this was to be the first day of her heat cycle since Kovu was finally accepted into the ranks of her father's Pride. Now, as she anxiously meandered around the den, wrestling with her own feelings mixed with the disappointment of not being able to have some quality time with her mate without the presence of others. Nearby, Nala watched as her daughter walked to and fro, realizing that something was bothering her. Being the concerned parental figure that she was, Nala casually picked herself up from where she was relaxing beside her mate, who was locked in a lively discussion with Kovu about his past and such, and made her way over to her daughter's side, speaking in a motherly fashion towards her daughter.

"Kiara Honey, what's the matter? You seem tense right now. Is there something on your mind?"

Hearing her mother's soothing voice filling her thoughts, Kiara stopped her constant pacing to meet with her mother's stare. She was a bit embarrassed to speak of such matters as her heat and wanting to be alone with Kovu for obvious reasons, so she opted to try and act as though nothing was wrong, replying to her mother's inquiry in a nonchalant manner.

"Oh, no Mom, nothing's wrong. I'm just, um; tired of this rain is all I guess. I want to go out hunting."

Nala smiled at her kin, knowing well enough that the words she had just spoken were shallow and far from the truth. Nala could openly see her daughter's swollen sex, partially covered by her constantly fidgeting tail. Being a well experienced lioness in the field of mating by this time, Nala knew the real reason for her daughter's actions. Seeing the expression displayed upon her mother's face, Kiara knew she wasn't buying it. Hunting had never been one of Kiara's strong points and saying that she wanted to do something she lacked almost everything in, only solidified the fact that she was lying. Coming to the conclusion that she'd have to tell her mother sooner or later, Kiara sighed softly and spoke once more.

"Okay, hunting isn't REALLY what I want to do right now Mom. My body, well, I'm in heat and I was hoping to have some, well, you know, alone time with Kovu."

Nala's smile grew slightly as she listened to why her daughter was behaving so oddly, secretly praising herself for already knowing this fact as she had already prepared an answer for her daughter's issue.

"Ahh, I see Honey. Well, you know, just because your father and I are present, doesn't mean you can't have your special time with Kovu." Nala stated.

Looking a bit disgusted by what her mother had just said, refusing to even imagine her parents being spectators as she and her beloved boyfriend mated, was sickening enough to her. Shaking her head wildly, Kiara retorted.

"Are you joking Mom? No way! That'd be way too weird."

Nala's expression remained in tact as she herself saw nothing wrong with what she had suggested. Doing her best to reassure her daughter that she meant no harm with her words though, Nala answered her daughter's reply in a casual voice.

"Well, I didn't mean to upset you Honey, it's just mating is a natural act that all of us deal with, so it shouldn't be anything embarrassing to you."

Kiara didn't look convinced as she dawned a sarcastic expression before speaking once more.

"Hmm, that's easy for you to say Mom. How would you like it if Kovu and I watched you and dad mating?"

Nala couldn't resists a short burst of laughter at her kin's reaction to her previous statement. This thought had never crossed her mind before but now that the question had been tossed in the open; it triggered a side of Nala that Kiara had never bore witness to until now. Instead of immediately giving her daughter a verbal answer, Nala started to make her way back to where Simba was sitting as she casually called over her shoulder towards her daughter.

"Hmm, well, let's find out Honey."

Kiara watched in disbelief as her mother picked up a bit of speed and delivered a playful but strong pounce upon her innocent mate, who was completely caught off guard and tumbled to the den floor with Nala perched neatly atop his regal frame. Looking a bit baffled by his mate's sudden actions, Simba tried to ask his mate what was going on.

"Oomph, well, hello there Love, what's going..."

The King's words were quickly silenced by Nala's soft, ebony muzzle lips locking tightly around her lover's. Simba's eyes widened as he felt his mate's blistering hot tongue invading his muzzle and beginning to swirl itself around his own. Unable to resist himself, Simba let low, enjoyable purrs leave his throat as he savored his mate's passionate embrace, happily returning the loving gesture by snaking his own slick, pink tongue around Nala's as the two became entangled in their own steamy embrace.

Spotting the sudden act of lust that seemed to have gripped the pair of felines next to him, Kovu bit a hasty retreat towards his respectful mate, still shocked by what he was seeing. As he took up a safe vantage point next to his golden furred lioness, Kovu whispered to her in a befuddled manner.

"Um, what's going on Kiara? Why are your parents making out all of a sudden? Don't they know we're right here?"

Kiara just shook her head and tried to keep her eyes averted from what was going on in front of her.

"Your guess is as good as mine Kovu. Parents are SO embarrassing I tell you."

Kovu nodded lowly in agreement, although unlike is mate, his eyes seemed to be fixated upon the enticing scene before him, as Nala had broken the heated kiss that she had so sporadically initiated, and was now enjoying herself as she teased her mate with long, sensual strides of her body as she nuzzled him uncontrollably. Seeing where the situation was heading, Kiara couldn't believe what her mother was going to seemingly do. She called out to her in the hopes of ending this obscene act before it got out of paw.

"Okay Mom, I get it. You can stop now."

Nala, on the other paw, was fancying herself immensely by this point. Even though she wasn't in heat herself, she could never resist having a special moment with her one and only love in life. The way his scent played with her nostrils every time she made a pass at his chest and the way he looked at her with those longing eyes. It was enough to bring her into heat on a whim. If only she was able to do that, but for now, she'd settle with whatever she was able to get from her King.

Noticing that Kovu was a bit too intrigued by the situation unfolding before them, Kiara gave him a stern nudge with one of her fore paws as she scolded him.

"Damn it Kovu, don't watch this! It's disgusting."

Kovu quickly looked away from the steamy scene in front of him and turned his attention towards his mate, grinning sheepishly as he replied.

"Oh, sorry Kiara. I, um, well, I don't know."

Kiara scowled as she quickly responded.

"Don't you dare tell me that you were getting turned on by that Kovu."

Kovu shook his head innocently as he stammered as he hurriedly took a seat.

"No, not at all Kiara. Why would, erm, I get turned on by watching your parents making out."

Kiara glared at her mate, suspecting that he wasn't telling her the truth. Seeing how rapidly he had sat before her, Kiara's curiosity was sparked as she responded.

"Oh really? Then stand up."

Kovu gulped as a nervous looked worked its way upon his muzzle.

"W...why do you want me to do that Kiara?" Kovu stuttered.

Kiara looked impatient as she tapped her hind paw against the surface of the den floor.

"Don't ask questions, just do it, unless you're hiding something Kovu."

Seeing that he was thoroughly trapped, Kovu reluctantly stood up and stood still, squeezing his hindquarters together slightly in a last defense. Spotting her mate doing as was bid of him, Kiara quickly moved behind him and inspected his nether regions, unable to get a decent view of his genitals due to the way he was standing. Kovu stood perfectly rigid as not to expose the proof that his mate was desperately trying to find. Suddenly feeling a light bite being applied to his butt, Kovu quickly fidgeted in place, letting his semi erect penis expose itself in plain view of Kiara. In an instant, Kiara had locked her paws around her mate's lionhood as she chastised him.

"Yeah, look what we have here. You did like watching my parents making out. Eww!"

While this slight commotion was taking place on the other side of the den, Simba and Nala had moved on to more exciting things. Nala had comfortably positioned herself with her back pressed upon the cool earth of the den floor, as her mate had taken up an equally quaint spot near her rump. Simba was muzzle deep in lioness muff as his ears picked up the slight argument that his daughter and son in-law were engaged in, causing him to halt his actions as he spoke to his mate, who seemed lost in the pleasure that he was providing her with.

"Um, do you think we're taking this a bit too far Love? Maybe we better stop. Kiara seems pretty upset."

Nala's eyes opened as she heard her mate speaking to her in regards to their daughter. Moving her head backwards so she could get a good look at what was going on from the other side of the den, all be it an upside down observation, she merely shook her head and pointed a paw towards Kiara's paw, which was firmly grasped around Kovu's elongated cock.

"Looks to me like their having enough fun of their own Simba."

Simba's eyes followed his mate's paw, taking a quick glance at what she was referring to before he averted his eyes, the sight of his son in-laws engorged member starting to detract from his own pleasure. Trusting his mate fully however, the King simply nodded and eagerly returned his muzzle back to the warmth and wetness of Nala's awaiting sex. Feeling Simba's broad, moist tongue tantalizing her quivering slit, Nala moaned softly, trying her utmost to refrain from letting her typical erogenous roars leave her muzzle.

Upon feeling his cock being tightly grasped, Kovu groaned as he looked back at his mate, an embarrassed essence noticeable in his stare as he stated.

"Okay, fine. I did find it a bit, arousing but come on Kiara. I'm a lion you know and it doesn't help that you're in heat near me either."

Upon hearing this, Kiara's grip slipped off of Kovu's pink lion meat, causing it to freely sway as it retreated back into its owner's hind area. Taking a page out of Kovu's book, Kiara dawned an embarrassed expression as she spoke to her mate.

"Oh, so I guess you noticed huh?"

Kovu couldn't help but smile as he nodded and quickly replied.

"Of course Kiara. My nose doesn't lie and the way your little cunny hole looks at me, I just want to mount you here and now."

Feeling her cheeks starting to flush at such a suggestive comment, Kiara giggled as she responded to her mate's naughty dialect.

"Oh, you're so bad Kovu. So, you like looking at my back side, do you?"

Kovu chuckled as he nodded vigorously and spoke in response.

"Hell yeah Kiara. I mean, not as much as I like looking at your front though." He stated, flashing a suave smile to his beloved lioness.

Kiara swooned over her mate's sweet compliment as her voice melted into an innocent tone.

"Aww, you're too sweet Kovu. Trying to sweet talk me though are you now?" Kiara stated as she moved her muzzle in closer to where Kovu's was.

Kovu smiled as he watched his precious lioness approach him, nodding slowly as his voice lowered to a methodical pitch.

"Why, is it working."

Kiara's purrs became more audible as her cold nose lightly came in contact with Kovu's as she whispered seductively to him.

"You tell me."

With that said, the two feline's lips tenderly collided with one another, locking them in a romantic display as their tongues jostled against one another, fueling the flame of lust that was scorching deep within the both of them. Losing track of her parent's presence, Kiara felt her body's needs starting to take hold of her. Emitting lustful moans which passed her muzzle lips as her fore paws slowly began to explore her mate's warm, furry body, coming quickly across her mate's bulging cock once more, clasping onto it with her fore paw and giving it rhythmic squeezes from time to time.

Feeling his mate's paw giving his throbbing penis some much needed attention, Kovu's mind began to wander, debating whether he should take the liberty of mounting his mate in front of his King and Queen or not. The way she was teasing his cock though, quickly swayed his decision as he broke their sensual kiss and slid his slippery meat out from Kiara's grip. Looking disappointed to feel her toy being taken away from her, Kiara's expression quickly shifted into a more delighted one as she felt Kovu's moist, rough tongue pressing against her swollen lioness hole. Letting out her claws in sheer pleasure, Kiara lowered her front half to the den floor below as her tail moved aside, giving Kovu's expletory tongue full access to whatever he so desired.

Reveling in the way his mate was so openly presenting herself for him, Kovu kept his focus upon her luscious looking pussy, bringing one of his paw toes up to it and giving it a light press against the delicate folds of his mate's sex, loving the way it so easily sunk into the pink ring as he applied more pressure. Sensing her mate's paw toe trespassing inside her cunt, Kiara growled and clenched her muscles so that the warm walls of her vaginal canal hugged her mate's paw toe in place. Smiling craftily, Kovu moved his other free fore paw towards his mate's wet slit, lightly trailing it around her sensitive skin until his paw toe felt the unmistakable feeling of her clit. This was further proven by the wave of uncontrollable shivers that jolted through Kiara's body upon her overly sensitive clit being played with.

Seeing as he had struck gold, Kovu rapidly replaced his finger with his moist tongue, lapping furiously at the young girl's clit, savoring every squeamish movement she made in reaction to his tongue's wild motions. Kovu's efforts were quickly coming to fruition, as drops of the young lioness' girl cum started to seep from her swollen slit. Kovu wasted no time in eagerly helping himself to her tantalizing fluids as his tongue became extra slippery from his mate's sex juices, just what he was hoping for. Now, having a well lubed tongue and a very willing partner, Kovu plunged his broad tongue straight into Kiara's tight little tail-ring, giving long, powerful strides of his tongue as it wriggled and vanished deep inside the golden furred lioness's ass.

Being completely unprepared for this new sensation, Kiara gasped and unintentionally pushed her body back against Kovu's muzzle, driving the slick, pink invader of her tail-hole, further into her anal cavity. Having absolutely no objections to his mate's actions, Kovu continued to bathe his mate's inner walls with his slippery muscle. Enjoying every little feeling he got from every little movement his mate made. After a few moments, Kovu's tongue finally departed from Kiara's tight tail-ring as the two once more, came muzzle to muzzle with one another for a second heated kiss. As the two feline's muzzles were glued to one another, both finally noticed the lack of movement from the opposite side of the den. It was Kovu who first realized that Nala and Simba had stopped playing with each other and had turned their full attention to what he and his mate had been doing. Feeling his cheeks heating up rapidly from how embarrassed he felt, Kovu let his lips depart from his mate's as his gaze stayed shifted to the den floor, not wanting to see the expressions that his King and Queen were showing. If he had looked however, Kovu might have noticed that both felines were utterly entranced by what was happening and showed no signs of disapproval or disgust. Kiara did notices this fact however, as a devious smile etched itself upon her wet muzzle. Giving her mother a playful wink, the young princess moved herself easily in between her mate's hind quarters. In one swift motion, the long, pink shaft of Kovu's lionhood had all but disappeared within her muzzle. Kiara slurped and bobbed her head thoughtfully upon Kovu's creamy cock as if she were a seasoned pro at muzzling. Feeling the heated temperature of his mate's mouth wrapping tightly around his pulsing meat, Kovu moaned in absolute bliss.

Not to be outshined by her own daughter, Nala hastily signaled for Simba to lay on his back. Perfectly willing to fulfill his mate's request, as he knew exactly what was going to happen next. Simba nearly threw himself upon the cool earth below in anticipation of Nala's muzzle pleasing his throbbing cock. Making sure that she was in plain sight of her daughter and Kovu, Nala quickly showed why she was the Queen of Pride Rock, taking in the full length of Simba's elongated penis in a single gulp. Writhing in ecstasy, Simba's hinds shook as Nala effortlessly deep throated every inch of the King's pink shaft, even going as far as to extend her tongue out as her mate's hilt pressed firmly against her muzzle, licking her mate's sensitive balls as best she could.

Kiara watched in awe at her mother's performance, baffled by the way she was able to so easily devour such a large piece of meat. Not easily swayed herself though, Kiara made an extra effort to engulf Kovu's thick cock into her muzzle as she tried furiously not to gag from its massive size. Managing to get her mate's engorged lionhood down her gullet, Kiara coughed wildly as the barbs from Kovu's penis scraped against the back of her steamy throat. Kovu was utterly taken over by pure ecstasy at his mate's actions. Never had he felt such a strong sensation of arousal as his mate's throat muscles tightly contracted around his pulsing cock.

A slight smile worked its way upon Nala's muzzle as she heard the fits of coughs leaving her daughter's muzzle, knowing full well that this was being caused by Kovu's barbs. It had taken Nala a few seasons just to get used to the feeling of having Simba's spines pricking her throat every time she muzzled him but after a while, she grew accustom to the sensation and even grew to enjoy it to some degree. Now, as she happily sucked upon her mate like a cub seeking milk, Nala felt the warm trickle of Simba's pre ejaculate starting to lightly coat her tongue. Not wanting for her mate to reach his orgasm this early in the game, Nala slowed her pace, on occasion, completely withdrawing her King's mighty member from her muzzle as she licked and teased his saturated shaft with long strokes of her cum coated muscle. Feeling the urge to fill his mate's pussy with his throbbing cock, Simba moved himself from under his lover, as Nala tried desperately to keep hold of his irresistible lionhood within her mouth, unable to do so however, as the slippery, pink meat flopped from her muzzle and swayed hypnotically in between the King's hinds. Realizing what her mate was after now, it was Nala's turn to eagerly place herself in a submissive position, moving so that she was still facing her daughter and her daughter's lover, her belly pressing lightly against the den floor, resting softly upon the supportive pads of her paws as her butt raised into the air, tail moving aside to grant her King full access to whichever hole he so desired. Waiting patiently for his creamed colored lover to ready herself, Simba swept in, covering his massive frame atop his beloved lioness as his erect penis quickly found its mark. With a joyous squelching sound, Simba had buried himself deep inside Nala's warm vagina, having a good idea of his mate's limits as he thrust roughly into her inviting cavern. The way her soft, pink folds encouraged his rigid cock to plummet further into his mate's drenched opening, drove the King wild with passion as his strong jaws grasped firmly upon Nala's nape.

The sudden change of action had not gone unnoticed by the second pair of hormonally driven felines, as both Kovu and Kiara watched intently as the spectacle of Nala and Simba's uncensored acts of lust were willingly advertised before them. It didn't take Kovu long to build up enough stamina to follow in Simba's previous paw prints as he rose to his paws, his own creamy cock sliding out from his mate's jaws as a disappointed whimper escaped her muzzle from being deprived of her meal. Kiara's disappointment wouldn't last long however, as she felt the warmth of Kovu's frame, blanketing atop her. Rapidly adjusting herself to meet his needs, Kiara mimicked her mother's stance, belly tucked firmly against the den floor, paws resting solely upon the gentle pads as her tail moved to allow her mate to have his way with her quivering slit. Once his mate had prepared herself, Kovu went right to work, propping his elongated cock at the entranceway to his golden furred lover's dripping pussy, feeling the blistering hot temperature that seemed to emit from the tight little hole. Relishing the moment, Kovu followed suit with Simba and piloted his engorged penis straight into the young lioness' soaked ring, being instantly rewarded with a slight squirt of the aroused lioness' juices spilling onto his shaft and dampening his balls.

Feeling her lover's throbbing member traveling rapidly into her swollen sex, Kiara let out a lustful roar as her hind legs spread apart a bit more to accommodate for Kovu's rather large size. This wasn't exactly her first time being mated by her mate, but under the current circumstances, it was most definitely a first in its own right. Kiara wriggled and clawed at the earth below her as Kovu's bulging cock trudged deeper in between her tender, pink walls, squeezing her hinds on occasion to envelop her mate's lionhood as tightly as she could to enhance his pleasure. This was working like a charm as with each contracting motion Kiara put forth, a pleasurable moan managed to find its way out from Kovu's muzzle.

For the next several moments, both pairs of felines seemed to work in tandem with one another, the males doing their part to stuff their respective mate's cunny full of their thickened cocks as in turn, both females did what they could to heighten the enjoyment that was being delivered to their respective mates as well. As time flew by, Nala could feel Simba's pace picking up speed, as the vibrations of his rapidly beating heart, which lightly pounded against her cream colored back, indicated that her King was almost ready to reward her with his royal fluids. In all the commotion of heaving bodies and forceful thrusting, Nala and Kiara had been pushed almost muzzle to muzzle while the males attended to their most savory business. Now, as she knew her King was about to spray his load for her, Nala spoke softly to her daughter in between heavy pants.

"Say Honey...why don't we give these two a show they'll never forget."

Lost in her own sea of ecstasy, Kiara merely nodded as she murmured in response.

"Mmm, sure thing Mom. What...Mmm...Did you have in mind?"

Nala sported a sly smile as she simply retorted.

"Just follow my lead Honey."

After receiving a hurried confirmation from her daughter, Nala neatly performed a skilled roll as she dislodged her mate's thick penis from within her saturated pussy, quickly whirling around to replace the missing warmth of her sex with that of her muzzle, vigorously bobbing her head as she swallowed Simba's engorged cock, tasting a mixture of her own girl cum, combined with her mate's salty seed. Kiara watched her mother's actions carefully, mirroring her actions to the utmost as she managed to pop Kovu's massive girth from within her tight slit, quickly substituting her boiling hot muzzle around the pulsing meat as she savored her own sweet fluids, mixed with Kovu's sticky substance.

Things seemed to unfold like clockwork as in less than a minute's time, both Kovu and Simba simultaneously roared as their hot, thick cum burst into their mate's muzzles. Simba remained still as the flow of his salty seed spilled forth into Nala's tepid muzzle. Kovu on the other paw, worked his hips furiously to milk as much of his creamy juices into the back of Kiara's throat as was possible. What seemed like forever passed, as the two male's unleashed torrent after torrent of bubbly goodness down their mate's gullets, the sounds of swallowing, coupled with the roars and slurps of the overly stimulated felines echoed out of the den and vanished into the still night air. Upon reaching their given limits, both Kovu and Simba flopped to the ground, utterly exhausted from the work they had performed, leaving the two lionesses a cluttered mess, strands of thick, white cum coating the outskirts of their ebony muzzle lips, which were now striped with random streaks of seed.

Smiling deviously, as this was exactly what Nala was hoping for, she stealthily moved in towards her daughter. Before Kiara knew what hit her, both lionesses had locked sticky muzzles. Kiara gasped as she felt her mother's cum stained tongue working its way deep into her muzzle, entangling itself around her own slippery muscle as the combined flavors of both Simba's and Kovu's seed mingled amongst each other as the two feline's tongues danced and played with one another. Looking on in awe, both males were utterly speechless, glued to their respectful spots as the two lionesses tongue wrestled with one another, small slivers of pearly white cum adorning the edges of their muzzles as loud slurping and sticky sounding noises could be detected from the passionate display. Feeling his cock rapidly becoming stiff once more, Simba struck an idea of his own. Turning to Kovu, he spoke in a curious fashion.

"Hmm, how about a swap Kovu, You take Nala and I'll take Kiara. What do you say?"

Taken aback by his King's sudden proposal, Kovu hesitated momentarily. Simba quickly reassured him that he meant what he had said though.

"It's okay Kovu. I don't mind you having your way with my mate, just as long as you don't mind me having mine with yours."

Seeing as his King was being sincere enough, Kovu jumped at the opportunity to fill his queen's cunny with cock, or so he was hoping. Simba however, had other ideas.

"Good, then let's do this but instead of taking their pussies, let's go for the tail-holes. I don't want to risk getting my own daughter pregnant, nor can I risk you getting Nala pregnant either Kovu. Sound fair enough?"

Kovu once more, looked apprehensive, but once again, Simba quickly quelled his apprehension.

"Don't worry Kovu, she's used to taking in the ass. In fact, she thoroughly enjoys it, but that's to be our little secret mind you."

Kovu couldn't help but smirk at what his King had revealed to him, nodding eagerly in anticipation now as the two males approached their mates, who were still enjoying the savory cocktail of lion send that had been created from their heated kiss.

Taking up comfortable positions on either side of their newly chosen lovers, both Kovu and Simba acted coherently. Simba leaned in, easily masking his huge figure atop his much smaller daughter's as his thickened penis searched desperately for her tiny, little tail-ring. Kovu had a much easier time however, as Nala seemed to understand just what was going on. She skillfully adjusted herself so that Kovu could mount her with ease. Taking the initiative, Kovu thrust his stiff cock deep into his queen's narrow tail-hole feeling just how warm, tight and inviting it truly was. Still locked in her passionate embrace with her daughter, Nala was only able to let a slight whimper and pleasurable growl escape from her tightly coiled muzzle lips. Not falling too far behind, Simba finally managed to locate his daughter's clenched tail-ring and with a bit of effort, slipped a small portion of his pulsing meat into her steamy hot anal cavity. Feeling the sudden overhaul of her father's huge penis probing deep inside her delicate ass, Kiara squealed with both pleasure and pain as her father forced every inch of his throbbing penis further into her tail-hole. Both males facial expressions openly displayed the sheer bliss they were experiencing as they pumped the poor girls tail-rings silly. Only being able to distract herself from the pain her father's cock was causing her in one way, Kiara pressed her muzzle tighter against her mother's, lapping her tongue frantically against hers as she tried furiously to sidetrack herself from the discomfort of having her ass roughly treated.

It was Simba who reached his orgasm first as the tightness of his daughter's tail-hole, multiplied with the taboo that hung in his mind about just what he was doing, magnified with the way his mate and daughter were locked in such a heated way, all became too much for the King as he let out a mighty roar, giving one last powerful thrust as the first wave of thick, creamy cum irrupted from his overly stimulated penis. As his seed rapidly filled his young daughter's rear, Simba leaned in to give his kin a loving bite upon her nape as the capacity of lion cum filling her inner region grew to be too much, forcing thick jets of salty, white liquid to leak from the sides of the young girls ass, trickling down the messy fur there and pooling at the swollen opening of the princess' pink slit. Enjoying every last second of his time inside his daughter, Simba finally felt his lionhood going flaccid now as he withdrew from Kiara's saturated, sore tail-ring, giving her anal canal a thorough rake and spray of sticky seed as he did so, invoking a painful growl to fly from his daughter's muzzle as she broke her and her mother's steamy kiss.

Kovu was already nearing his epic climax as well, as the warmth of Nala's inner sanctum, combined with watching his King taking charge over his mate and seeing the way she squirmed and reacted to his size and advances, Kovu couldn't delay his orgasm any longer as he too let out a deafening roar as thick, bubbly cum cascaded from his throbbing cock, splashing over Nala's anal walls as he bathed them in a pool of ivory colored cream. Making sure that his queen took every last drop of his salty seed, Kovu waited until he was absolutely sure that he was drained indefinitely before he hastily withdrew from Nala's ass, savagely raking her delicate folds as he did so. Being more prone to this type of behavior though, Nala simply growled lustfully and playfully swiped a paw at Kovu's butt as he dismounted her.

As pure exhaustion overtook the males, they once more, relaxed upon the soothing ground of the den as the two lionesses went about cleaning each other's reddish looking tail-holes in a rather compromising position, Nala laying nearly pressed atop her daughter and lapping hungrily at her achy little tail-ring, enjoying the constant gush of savory juices that dribbled out with every pass of her slick, broad tongue. Kiara in turn, was muzzle deep in her mother's rear, licking contently upon Nala's tender looking tail-hole, tasting the familiar flavor of her mate's seed, which occasionally ejected from her mother's tail-ring and onto her awaiting tongue. It took but a few minutes for both lionesses to clean each other's messy tail-holes, but much to the delight of both the males and females, the tongue baths didn't stop there. Seeing as both mother and daughter were highly stimulated from their mates actions, yet neither had enjoyed an orgasm of their own, it came only natural to Nala that they should be granted their given right as well. Taking lead, as she often did, Nala's rough, moist tongue found its way into her daughter's previously used slit, flicking and lapping it wildly about around the sensitive folds there, easily coming across her daughter's clit and taking full advantage of all her knowledge's as a lioness. Kiara moaned in pure ecstasy as she felt her mother's oral treatment, quickly moving her own tongue in between her mother's pussy lips and begun to lick as if her life depended on it, discovering the sweet taste of Nala's sex juices for the first time, adding an extra level of bliss to her experience. As the two males' watched contently, it was Kiara who reached her climax first, moaning loudly as a spray of lioness cum drenched her mother's active tongue and muzzle. Feeling her daughter's release, mixed with the constant fluttering of her moist tongue against her saturated sex, Nala couldn't hold her own orgasm back any longer as Kiara's face was quickly met with a downpour of sweet girl cum.

It was now the males turn to do a bit of cleaning, as each lioness now returned to their respective mate for a much needed bath. Being more than happy to oblige with this task, both Simba and Kovu attended to their lover's needs, cleaning all of the juices that had plastered themselves against their lover's fur. Once everyone was nice and tidy once more, things seemed to return to normal, as the rain outside the den continued to soak the grasslands below.