Chapter 28: Hard To Say Goodbye

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#28 of The Mating Season 3

Chapter 28: Hard to Say Goodbye

It had been several days now. Kel was supposed to be napping as morning sunlight reached through the window, but he was so deliriously happy that he couldn't. He sat up in bed staring with a smile out the window, and his chest swelled every time he thought of Zaldon: Zaldon caressing him as he helped him to get the strength back in his legs, holding him as he practiced walking, kissing his mane as he fell asleep. And then to have Aliona come home from the pastures, to have her come home every evening and massage his shoulders, kiss him, sit on him and make love to him. How he wished that his life could be like this permanently: seeing both Aliona and Zaldon everyday, having them both to hold him, love him. He thought he it was a dream when both Zaldon and Aliona fed him his lunch from a tray and massaged him until he slept.

Sighing with these thoughts, Kel looked up when the curtain was drawn aside to see Lynny's white bulk filling the doorway. Everything about him breathed sex. It wasn't just the way he looked but the way he acted, and he had always acted that way around Kel: stretching his arms on purpose until the muscles in his back swelled, licking his lips, gazing at Kel with hungry eyes , even sending him silent kisses when others were around.

Lynny leaned one arm in the doorframe and his hips pushed out to the side, that great dick swinging slightly with the movement. Kel squeezed his eyes shut. Must he pose so suggestively?

Lynny laughed. "Oh, Kel. Too much for you to look at, am I?"

Kel opened his eyes again and saw with a little gasp that Lynny was touching himself, running his paw over his own chest. He paused to tweak the little pink nipple jutting from one of his pecs, then his paw smoothed down his toned abs to his cock, which he stroked softly, his eyes fixed on Kel. Kel closed his eyes again and groaned. He heard Lynny laugh and knew what he had just seen: Kel's cock had just pitched a tent under the sheets.

"Oh, Kel, I'm gonna miss seeing you struggling against your own feelings. Why are you so afraid to get hard? No one is here to see it. It's just you and me."

Kel grew very still as Lynny entered the room and suddenly ripped the sheets away. Kel gasped as his rigid craving was revealed. He covered himself and didn't know why he was so embarrassed: Lynny was right -- who was here to see? But Lynny knelt down and smacked Kel's paws away, then closed his mouth over his cock. Kel groaned as his cock was devoured in quick, hungry sucks, and Lynny was sucking him so hard and so fast that he was soon twisting, breathless, in the sheets.

Lynny pulled back and whispered, "Roll over."

Kel obeyed the soft command, breathless from the sudden rush of pleasure Lynny had given him, his body trembling slightly, his dick wet and aching, tormented from those few teasing sucks. There was a pause and nothing happened. Kel wanted to look over his shoulder, to see what Lynny was doing, but he realized suddenly that Lynny was probably just kneeling there looking at his body, drinking in the toned muscles of Kel's back, his ass, his arms and legs: it was something Lynny had always liked to do.

Lynny leaned down without warning, and Kel gasped when he felt the tip of Lynny's tongue trailing down his spine to the small of his back. His tail was thrust aside, his ass cheeks spread, and then Lynny's tongue plunged. Kel stiffened, his cries muffled in the pillows. He felt Lynny's tongue slithering in and out of his anus, then licking it and sucking it, and underneath him, Kel's cock was getting painfully hard.

Hearing Kel's groans, Lynny lifted Kel's hips until his butt was in the air, and as he licked away at Kel's anus, he fondled him too. Kel had soon come with a sputtering cry, his juices spilling hot over Lynny's paw. Lynny let him collapse in the pillows, his chest heaving as his cock softened after such quick, insistent fondling.

Kel barely had time to catch his breath before he felt Lynny pulling him up. Lynny gathered Kel into his arms until Kel was kneeling, leaning back against him. Lynny stroked his paws up and down Kel's chest, then took Kel's soft cock in his paw and started slowly massaging it until it stiffened again. Kel groaned. God, Lynny's touch was always so delicious: firm and deliberate and yet so gentle. Kel melted.

"It's so hard to say goodbye to you," Lynny sighed in Kel's ear. "Do you feel how hard?"

Kel did: Lynny's stiff cock was brushing against him, nudging him in the back, and he felt pre-cum on it. The sticky wetness clung to his fur.

Lynny's paw released Kel's cock, and Kel gave a little cry when he felt two large fingers inserted in his anus.

"Let's see you walk," Lynny whispered in Kel's ear and spread his fingers, stretching that tight opening.


"Come on!" Lynny cried, pulling Kel to his feet. "I want to see how far along you've come." He gave Kel a playful clap on the ass that was rather hard, and his paw clung for a moment to the curve of Kel's buttocks before it let go.

Kel knew better: this was bound to be some kind of sex-trap. He was right. He moved around the room and his legs were a little stronger: his knees shook less. But he made the mistake of stopping to lean on the wall for support. Lynny grabbed Kel by the neck and slammed his chest against the wall. Kel was panting, out breath in his anticipation as Lynny whispered in his ear, "My brother is prolonging this on purpose, you know that? I could put some strength in those legs a lot faster."

Kel trembled as Lynny's big paws smoothed up and down his thighs, over his buttocks and chest. He whimpered a little when Lynny gave his ass another rough slap and his knees shook but did not give out. God, his dick was hard now. He was starting to like those hard claps on his ass: with each one, his dick responded, throbbing harder in its craving. And those roughs slaps only served to remind him of how strong, how powerful Lynny was -- and how commanding.

"That's it," Lynny whispered in Kel's ear. "If those knees give out, I'll spank you. I'll spank you and I'll fondle you both at the same time and you'll be coming in my paw even as you're screaming."

Kel closed his eyes and whispered in ecstasy, "Oh, Lynny . . ." as Lynny started kissing his neck, stroking his cock again.

"You pretty little thing, you," Lynny sighed, dragging his paw down Kel's chest and along the inner curve of his thigh. "I almost want to spank you anyway." He cupped Kel's balls and squeezed them.

"Oh, Lynny, please," Kel whispered, his head falling back against the bigger wolf's shoulder as Lynny's skilled fingers kept caressing his cock, massaging it until it was thick and throbbing.

Lynny hooked a finger in Kel's mouth and pulled his lips open. "Please what?" he whispered in Kel's ear.

"Please, fuck me!"

Lynny only laughed, purposely letting his great cock nudge Kel. "Fuck you hard or tender?" he said, one paw exploring Kel's body, the other fondling steadily at his cock. "I'm not my brother, Kel."

"Fuck me hard!"

Lynny laughed softly but gave Kel what he asked for. He pressed his body heavily against Kel, pinning him to the wall, and Kel's head fell back and he moaned as that great cock crammed hard and fast inside of him, holding him open wide. Kel shuddered under this pounding, but his knees did not give away, and Lynny kept massaging his cock even as he was fucking him.

"Oh, Kel," Lynny panted, his paws clutching Kel's hips as he forced his way inside, "I want to take you home with me!"

Kel couldn't answer: he was too busy moaning as he was fucked hard and fast. He loved the heat of Lynny's hard body pressed against him, Lynny's breath on his neck, and a shiver went through his fur when Lynny gave him a long lick from his neck to his cheek.

"I love licking you, Kel," Lynny whispered. "You've always tasted so good!"

Kel gasped when Lynny growled and he felt Lynny's teeth sink in his neck. He shivered under this biting as he was tackled to the sleeping furs, where he staggered on paws and knees a moment before Lynny wrapped an arm around his throat and dragged him down, fucking him deeply and slowly now. Kel groaned. Oh, god, this was too much! Lynny moved slowly against him, kissing his neck, squeezing his shoulder in his big paw, and Kel knew suddenly that Lynny had slowed down because he was close to coming.

"How does it feel, Kel?" Lynny whispered in Kel's ear. His nose grazed lovingly over Kel's fur.

"God, Lynny, it feels good," Kel moaned and he gave a little whimper: his cock was about to release. "So good . . ."

"So you like Lynny inside you?"


Kel squeezed his eyes shut. It was true. Lynny's hard, hot body weighing down on top of him was so delicious he felt himself dripping. And that burly arm wrapped tight around his neck, those licks and kisses on his cheeks! He shivered as Lynny's cock sank very deeply, stabbing inside, holding him open wide, and Kel felt his ass cheeks squirming, heard himself gasping, groaning.

Lynny pulled Kel's hips up until Kel was on his paws and knees. He reached around and fondled Kel's cock, ramming him deeper and harder until they both had come. They sagged together in the sheets, breathless, and Lynny pulled Kel into his big arm and kissed him.

"Oh, Kel. My beautiful Kel," Lynny sighed. He lifted a few locks of Kel's mane and let the thick black tresses fall again. "I'm going to miss doing these things to you. I wonder if you'll let me do them a year from now?"

Kel laughed.

Lynny pulled Kel's hip to him and reached around, sinking his finger yet again in Kel's anus. "So goddamned tight."

Kel shivered again. "Don't, Lynny. I'll get hard again!" he begged.

Lynny laughed. "What's so awful about that? Look at that . . . you're getting hard now."

Kel groaned and knew without having to look that it was true: he could feel the passion coursing through him, so hot and eager and pumping, and he felt himself blushing when Lynny grabbed his cock hard and started kissing him all over his face.

"Kel, Kel, Kel," whispered Lynny. "You just can't get enough of this, can't you?" he teased, squeezing Kel's cock in his paw. He pulled Kel close and whispered in his ear, "Would you like me to fuck you again?"

"Yes," Kel admitted and his brows pressed together in his distress, in his mounting passion when Lynny kissed him on the lips and nibbled gently at his bottom lip.

Someone cleared their throat, and Kel's heart leapt when he looked up to see Zaldon standing in the doorway, his big arms folded across his chest. Lynny grinned shamelessly and put his arms behind his head, smiling up at his big brother.

"What can I say?" Lynny said with a shrug. "I just can't keep my paws off him."

But Zaldon wasn't really looking at Lynny. He was looking at Kel. Lynny followed his gaze: Kel was sitting with his legs bent and open, something he hadn't been able to do more then twenty seconds without them trembling and collapsing.

"Well," said Lynny, lifting his eyebrows, "seems as if getting fucked standing really did put some strength back in those legs."

Kel bit his lip in his embarrassment and couldn't look at either of them. He heard Zaldon moving through the room, and then his lover was kneeling in front of him, staring at his legs with narrowed eyes. Zaldon pulled Kel's legs wide apart by the knees, and Kel felt his face growing hot to have himself so exposed. Just at Zaldon's touch, his cock throbbed stiffer, and Lynny chuckled at this.

"What else can you do? Can you lift them?" Zaldon asked, gently massaging Kel's hard thighs.

Kel closed his eyes at this touching and whispered, "Yes."

Zaldon's eyes snapped on Kel in surprise. "Kel," he said with a little smile, "have you been pretending you can't walk?"

Kel colored up, and Lynny said with a laugh, "As if you haven't been pretending you couldn't heal him!"

Zaldon reached over and playfully shoved his little brother, his ears flat on his head in his irritation.

"I don't want you to leave," Kel admitted, the green eyes peering up at Zaldon helplessly.

Zaldon's eyes grew sad, and he looked away when Lynny gazed at him with a threat in his black eyes.

"But I'm going to have to," Zaldon said to the wall. His heart leapt when he suddenly felt Kel crushed against him. Zaldon paused as Kel clung tightly to his waist, and with a sinking heart, he held him back.

"I wish I could keep you," Kel whispered. "Why can't you just move back here! Why must you live in the sun village?"

Zaldon sighed, and meeting Lynny's warning gaze beyond Kel's black mane, he bit his lip.

"I'm going to take Lynny and his wife home now," Zaldon said, "and we can talk about this when I come back."

But Kel didn't let go.

Lynny snorted indignantly, and Kel knew he was still lying on his back at his leisure, his arms behind his head. "Who says I'm going back this second? I'm not a pup anymore, Zaldon, you can't tell me when to go home. Maybe I'll stay a few hours longer. Kel's legs are strong again, but they could be stronger."

Before Zaldon could protest, he felt Kel's lips close over his nipple and suck carefully. Zaldon closed his eyes with a groan: his cock got hard, standing upright against Kel's. Kel sucked him eagerly now, kissing his chest almost as if he was asking a question. Stay? Stay and fuck me? those green eyes said when they flashed up at him.

Kel was supposed to be resting and Lynny was supposed to be going home. Zaldon wanted to say these things, but he saw Lynny move up behind Kel on his knees. He ran his paws up and down Kel's back, his dark eyes drinking Kel in, and Zaldon knew when Kel squeezed his eyes shut and gasped that Lynny had sank himself sharply into Kel's ass. Kel frowned, his mouth hanging open, and he looked so cute absorbed as he was in his pleasure that Zaldon closed his mouth over Kel's, feeling utterly defeated.

But Zaldon's lips were ripped from Kel's when Lynny shoved him hard in the shoulder. Zaldon dropped back on his butt, his knees open wide, and he saw Lynny grab Kel by the neck and bend him over toward Zaldon's cock, even as he was still fucking him. Kel, his eyes hooded, his mouth still hanging open as he gasped, was only too eager to take Zaldon's cock in his mouth and suck. Zaldon groaned as Kel's slobber gushed over him, even dribbling over his balls, and the harder Lynny fucked Kel, the deeper Zaldon's cock was forced into Kel's mouth. Kel, impaled on both ends by these brothers, could not hold back his moans of ecstasy, his eager gulps as he sucked and worked with his tongue at Zaldon's cock.

Zaldon's head fell back. "Oh, that's good, Kel . . . that's so good . . . god . . ." Zaldon whispered when Kel started giving his cock long, eager sucks.

Zaldon's cock was so thick in Kel's mouth that his lips were sore. But Zaldon tasted so delicious -- this salty, this warm thing pumping against his tongue! He didn't want to let it go. He suddenly wanted very badly for Zaldon to come in his mouth, to swallow Zaldon's hot juices even as Lynny released in his ass.

Kel was still sucking eagerly at Zaldon's cock when he almost lost his balance: Lynny had grabbed him by the arms, and pulling Kel's arms behind his back, he fucked him deeply now. Kel felt his cock threatening to burst at this rough handling: Lynny pulling on his arms as he fucked him hard. His knees were wide apart as Lynny rode him and he could feel his cock throbbing hot against the air, dripping with pre-cum, so rigid and pumping in its desire. And the more he sucked on Zaldon, the deeper he was fucked, the harder he became.

"God, Kel, always so tight! I'm going to come . . ." Lynny groaned.

"I am too," Zaldon whispered hoarsely. "Oh, Kel, the things you can do with your tongue -- god, don't stop that!"

Kel happily sucked Zaldon harder, deeper, and it happened at last: Zaldon gave a cry and his cock released in Kel's mouth. Kel eagerly gulped Zaldon's fluids down, loving that they were so hot, so rushing as they filled his mouth, dripped over his lips. He swallowed and wondered why he had never done this more with Zaldon. He saw Zaldon's big cock go soft and flop against his balls, glistening with his spit.

Lynny gave a cry and came inside Kel, hunching over his back now, panting as his passion released. He let Kel's arms go, and as Kel held himself up, the room was filled with their quiet panting.

But Kel was still so rigidly unsatisfied! He felt Lynny reach under him and squeeze his cock.

"Oh, Kel, we didn't forget you," Lynny whispered in his ear.

Kel was taken by surprise when Lynny suddenly threw him down. He and Zaldon were both hovering over him in an instant. They smiled down at him, rubbing his chest, tweaking his nipples. Kel gazed up at them breathless, wondering what they were going to do to him.

They lifted Kel's hips into the air, then one brother was licking Kel's anus even as the other sucked his cock. Kel cried out, his ass cheeks flexing at this intense, this unbelievable pleasure. The feel of Zaldon's eager gulping as he devoured Kel's cock in his mouth! Kel watched breathlessly as Zaldon's mouth closed over his cock, his head going up and down, his eyes closed as happily as if nothing had ever tasted better. And Lynny, holding Kel's other leg aloft, was bent behind Kel, eagerly working his tongue against Kel's flexing, squirming anus. It almost tickled to have Lynny's tongue there, but then Lynny would give a hard, heavy lap and Kel would shiver all over. Oh, no, this was too much! His chest was heaving as the brothers' mouths worked at him, his paws curled into fists in the sheets, and then it happened: Kel shouted and heard Zaldon gulping and swallowing.

The brothers lowered Kel's hips again, and Kel lay there with his eyes closed, his chest heaving, feeling so loved that they had done this thing to him together. Then they were tucking him in the sheets, rubbing his chest, kissing him, and Kel heard Zaldon whisper in his ear, "Now I really must take Lynny home. His wife will probably keep me to visit, so I won't be back for a few hours. Get some rest, Kel." Kel's heart fluttered when Zaldon kissed him on the cheek, and feeling happy and content, he fell asleep.